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Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Very good item, I love the picture with the red nose part. It would make a person with an SUV feel sad when you tell them you get 36 mpg. wow I need a car like this one. I can't really complain we get 31 mpg. Anyways I love the pep talk you had with Blue Satyr that if it didn't break down, and go easy on gas, she could remain a female. I had a car named old blue, when it turned 23 years old we had to give her away. She had a good outlook she only wanted to go forward not backward. I didn't feel like going in circles. I would love to see a picture of the antlers, when you put them back on for Christmas. Sounds like you have gotten a new pet in the family hope it remains part of your family for years to come. I love the color also. The price would also make a person cry who paid $40,000 for a gas hogging tank of some kind.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I really don't see why you should have to apoligise for Hayley lying. You could approach your dad and tell him that evidently that she didn't want you to take her out for a drink or she would have returned you text message. I figure you did nothing wrong to have to say that you are sorry. I would try to make amends with your dad though, telling him that you have no idea where the lines of communication failed but somehow they did. If he still thinks that you lied at least you tried to correct the situation. Sounds like Hayley may be jealous or just wants no part of your dad's family. It may be her way of pushing you all out of her life, and out of your dad's life. I would just call and talk to him without mentioning the incident and see how it goes. Sounds like maybe the step daughter is trying to cause problems. May be her mom doesn't want to deal with the step children.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Ok that is what I thought that they had drugged the drink. I had read chapter 3 before I read the first two chapters. I still really have to wonder if Meg's cousin didn't know that something was going on. That something was going to go terribly wrong and he didn't warn her. Seems like this guy John was very powerful and well liked I still don't like his comments from chapter 3. He is an arrogant person, and just full of himself. I guess by many he was liked and respected or possibly feared, I would just about guess. I am just wondering if the whole bad ordeal didn't stem from her being a reporter? I will have to read the next chapter good job keeping your readers in suspense.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
It is amazing how time and space can change a person. You think about the good times when you were kids and life seemed so simple. Then we grow up and go different directions. It is sad that a person must have the approval of their co workers to feel like they are important, that the confidence that they had once shown has disappeared. It would be really sad to be greeted by a member of your family and it seems that they are not comfortable being around you. That would truly make me worry, I guess it would be one of those things that you shrug off, but still it linger in the back of your mind what was going on with them that day.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Good thriller story to realize that John is in your cousin's apartment when you get ready to go to the restroom. How ironic that this John thought he was the greatest thing ever. Telling you that you couldn't stay there, evidently afraid that he would be caught for his crime. I take that it was a date rape drug put into the persons drink is why they were so groggy and tired. That once the drug kicked in the worse had happened to the young woman. For the man to tell her that there had beem many more was even worse. Sounds like this was something that they done many times. It makes you wonder what John told her cousin or was her cousin in on the whole thing?
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh my so sad. To lose your wife to divorce and then the heating bill becomes too much that you must sell the home. That is a hard pill to swallow. To have to let go of the home that you started out in with the one you love, and raised your family together in it's surroundings would be a huge hit . I would say that a part of you felt like you had lost part of yourself. Having to move to an apartment and your children are grown and moving out, I guess I would have a major mid life crisis. I like the way that you describe the way that the new family has put their heart into the house, that they seem very happy and the house is surrounded by love from the joy their family brings. Many times we have to let go of things in our life that we never ever thought we would depart with. I am sure this parting truly broke your heart. May God bless you and extend His blessings upon you. Beautiful story but sad.
Review of 28 Years  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very touching. It would be hard for an eight or nine year old to understand that daddy or mommy has gone to heaven to be with Jesus. It would be hard to try and explain that they had no choice that they had to go. That we will see them again one day. The anger probably built over the years of longing to see them, and needing their love and guidence. It can take a lot of time to come to terms with the pain of losing a parent someone so dear to you. Twenty eight years is a long time but when we have children of our own we begin to understand the love that our parents have for us. It took me twenty years to come to terms with my dad leaving before I was even born. He contacted me when I was 18 then I felt that it was too late. Eventually it dawned on me that life is way to short to let anger and bitterness build in my heart. So through God's helping hand I have been able to forgive and move on with the future, I have spoken with my dad a few times and will soon get together to meet and talk. To try and get to know one another. I put him in isolation for 20 years because of my pain and anger. Regret is what I use to deal with until we started talking to one another. We hope to get to know him before it is too late, considering he has cancer.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Job well done on this poem. It is amazing how one person can see the brightnes and magic in this world, when others experience the darkness and sadness. That many feel like they can no longer go on, when many are having the experience of a lifetime. Many are doing things that bring excitement and joy to their lives while others are experincing a time in which they chose to take their own lives. Things have become so dark for many that they see no other way out, this is a sad situation. Then there others plotting to place bombs and devices that will hurt hundreds and thousands of people and have no remorse for the actions that they plan at all. It is amazing the nature of humans that so many find the good in life and enjoy every moment, while others only see the darkest side of life and can no longer deal with the events that take place in their lives.
Review of Fire in Podunk  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Good job on this. It is very dangereous to go chancing after wildfires and trying to take pictures. Leave it to the professionals, they don't want or need people at there putting their lives in danger. They are trying to contain the fires and don't need the extra worry of trying to rescue people who have not a clue what they are doing . It would be best to stay away from the raging fires and out of it's path. The danger is not worth the risk. Someone losing their life trying to obtain video or pictures of the fires is just not worth the effort. Dying trying to get such footage would be a sad situation. Hopefully many will heed the warning and not go near the areas. I know many are adventures and don't realize the danger, and won't know until it is too late.
Review of Remembering Mama  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I sure can relate to what you are saying. It is such a loss there is such an emptiness that you think you can never pick yourself up and move on. You just want to pick up the phone and talk to them, then you realize that they will never answer the phone. It is hard losing your mom, I lost mine back in 2004. There are still times that my heart aches to hear her voice, but I know that she isn't suffering anymore and God gave her the rest that she longed for. I miss her but don't wish that she was here. Because I know one day we will see her again, it takes time dealing with not have them in your life anymore. I feel mom lives on in me, the love that gave me over the years lives in me. The values that she instilled in me is part of her. There is a lot of resemblence in your mom and mine that they loved to cook and done without for their children to have things that they never did. Mom even got me to start writing poetry when I was younger, I didn't really write much until after she passed away. It helped me deal with my grief and God had a purpose for the material that He provided me. Mother's Day and and mom's birthday are the hardest holidays now. It is just a reminder that she had to go home and these holidays make me miss her really bad. Sorry for your loss. May God help you through your grief.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this story. I love the part of the little old lady faithfully feeding the possums and rabbits and animals of all kinds that she didn't even know that she was feeding. Put me in mind of the saying somewhere over the rainbow. That when it was her time to go that the rabbit appeared and she was afraid of it, so the image of the possum appears. She gave to the animals out of the goodness of her heart, and in a big way made a difference in keeping them healthy by feeding them daily. It is neat how the housekeeper found her with a smile on her face, she must have been met by Jesus at the end of the rainbow.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Isn't it amazing what we remember of those wonderful holidays that we celebrated as a child in our hometown. Your stories brings many memories to mind, the crowds you describe to families really spending time together and the whole town gathers to celebrate the holiday together. The fireworks and flags and oh the food. As far as the eye could see food everywhere. You seen cousins and friends that you hadn't seen since the year before. It was like a grand family reunion once a year our little town had a concert before the fireworks started at the football field. These are my favorite lines because it was always sad when the fireworks would end because you knew the holiday was now at a close until the next year.

When we children were almost in a frenzy of excitement, BOOM. The first pinwheel appeared in the sky. The thunder and whistling of the colorful and varied fireworks had some of the adults covering their ears, but wide grins gave away their enjoyment
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
This story is sad in a way but it show the love that you have for your Aunt Sarah and the love that she has for you. I think it is horrible that her so called friend took advantage of her and done a interview and then printed it in the paper that is just awful. They are lucky that she didn't sue. Anyways I think that your Aunt Sarah knew that worse episodes were soon to come and didn't want you to have the heart break of seeing her slowly slipping away. I will read more about your aunt when we get more time this week. This is a wonderful story yet sad, but you can sure tell that Aunt Sarah is a confident and head strong woman.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Sarah has had a life that only others could dream of. She sounds like a go getter. It is said when Alzhermer's disease does this to a person. It robs them of their very identiy. I love the story of Aunt Sarah's adventures traveling all around the world. I would get out the post cards and letters to keep her mind sharp on those events. Hopefully the medicine will help to keep her vibrant for many years. I pray that she can remember for many years. This story puts me in mind of The Notebook. It made me laugh and mostly cry. But one day there will be no such thing when we reach heaven. No more illness or pain. You are good for Aunt Sarah to preserve things that she remembers right now. To help her live on with this story. It is sad, but her energy just makes me have such inspiration for her. She sounds like a fine person. One that we would love to meet. Her life has been so full of adventure. I would love to visit the Smithsonian Institute I would love to see all that is there especially Archie Buncker's chair that was put in there from the All In The Family Show. Great job.
Review of The Last Laugh  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Very good story I really enjoyed it. I just can't believe that someone would take it out on a child for what their spouse done. It is awful that a child would be treated so abusive because their birth was a result of their father cheating with another woman. If the step mom thought for a minute that she couldn't accept the child she should have never agreed to raise her. Justin was the apple of her eye but she completely ignored. The little girl just wanted the love of her mom and wanted hugs and kisses just like Justin. It is just so sad that the mom treated her like an outcast. That she treated the smart and intellegent girl like garbage. So unfair and did so all of her life. The father finally cut Justin and Gwen loose. He finally met his daughters entire family. He had missed so much by not admitting she was his own daughter. The truth was finally revealed after his death. how sad. I am glad the daughter pursued her own path in life and succeeded in doing it.
Review of The Photograph  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I love the irony to the story. What ones eyes sees as a piece of wood and has all kinds of mistakes, another deems it as the best picture frame ever. Because it was made for him with loving hands. It is the memories that come with the photograph inside the frame and that the frame was given as a gift with love. Made by his son's own hands. When the son decides to make a new one the dad tells him that he is not replacing the old one. That it just means way too much to him. The memories of his family at the cabin and spending long carefree days on the lake dock holds fast to his heart. Now that he cannot go to the cabin because he is in a wheelchair the pictures take him back there in his mind and heart. Now the family brings pictures and place them next to the first, so that he can enjoy his favorite family spot all the time. Good item I really enjoyed it.
Review of Father's Day  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh this is so sad, it paints the image for the reader of children who don't truly understand that dad is gone. They know that he has been taken away and the pain is real, it takes time for the pain and grief to sink in. Like you said you never forget, and when Father's Day and Mother's Day approaches it reminds you of how much you truly miss them. The emptiness comes along and the sadness that they are gone. No matter how many years go by, it is still hard at times not to miss them so badly good job on this item. The words of description were really good. My favorite lines because it relays the message so strongly that their dad is truly gone.
Fatherless, we watched
him leave us.

Review of Death of a hero  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Wow very powerful message. That we can go through life only caring about our selves or start caring about what others truly feel. I like how you talk about Leon that he sees the world the eyes of an innocent child. That we all could truly learn a great lesson from someone like him. To relax and not take the beauty for granted that we have been given. To make a difference in this world even if it be a small one. Just by thinking of others and being kind and loving. In just a moment's thinking Bobby had decided to change his way of thinking, and how he treated others. It is amazing that within just a few minutes that his life ends in death. I guess that is wake up call for us all, that life is short and we take way to much for granted. We need to stop and smell the flowers and pick one every now and then. It is amazing how Leon was pretending to be picking flowers and that Bobby seen all kinds of flowers in his last few minutes.
Review of Jesus Loves Me  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love this, it is just an awesome testimony. Isn't it wonderful to know that Jesus loves us no matter what we do in this life. That no matter what we go through He loves us regardless. He is there when the storms of life try to drown us out. Regardless if we begin to doubt, or our faith at times seems so small His love for us never changes, He is the same today, tomorrow, and forever. Praise God's Holy Name. A love that is always true. Great job keep up the good work. skymac.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, and welcome to the writing.com family. Seems like you are finding your way around. Giving a big hello to all the members and writing a great poem in the process. If you have any questions just ask and love the poem. Great way of making new friends on the site and getting your work out there. This is my favorite line I found this cool site, called Writing,com because I truly love this site and it helped me work through my grief when I lost my mom. I would write poems and members would help me improve on the items. They would also offer comforting words of support through this trying time. I feel like all the members are part of my family that helped me grow as a writer, and continue to help me grow till this day. They helped me when at times I just needed someone to listen. I want to send a big thank you to all that have helped me over the past 3 years, our members are amazing. Again welcome and you are now a part of the writing.com family hugs. skymac.
Review of Longing to Cry  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
I am sure all can relate to your feelings. Sometimes we need to cry just to release all the emotions that are bottle up inside. It may have taken years for all the emotions to reach the point to where we can't take it no more. It may have been events that have swamp us all at once. We just want to cry and the tears will not come, they just refuse. But in time the release comes when we least expect it, when we are some place and hear a certain song, and then the ocean starts to flow. Good job on this really enjoyed it.
Review of The Interview  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Many times this happens, a couple are happy and don't care if the interviews take place. They think that it will all reveal a happy love story and tell of their adventures. Sometimes evil lurks outside to uncover secrets that people don't revealed. They have moments that they want to keep secret. Sometimes when a person lives their life in the spotlight they are placed under the microscope I think that it is awful that they had to move, but I guess to escape the lifestyle and the gossip you have to do what you need to. May be it help put a new perspective on their decision on how to live their life. That others could see them in a different light. After all we are all only human and make mistakes.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Sounds like you have a three ring circus all in one. These talented felines have found their moment in the sun. They have an audience and know how to put on a show. Sounds like you need to have your video recorder out, you could get a shot that is worth ten thousand dollars. Can't wait to hear the next report from the Buxton Olympics.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is really good, you can just imagine the train rolling down the tracks and see the smoke rolling from it. You can see the smoke roll through the comparament as the window is let down, the smell of burning wood. This story puts me in mind of a true story that happened in Tennessee, it was a train wreck and many people died. The train was going to fast, and years later a man from the scene wrote a book titled She Jumped The Tracks. Good story here. I could just see the train and all the passengers, going on their trip. Seeing the scenery and how it tells of their lives. Then the tragedy of the trains ending sad, I love the part about whistle,how they would blow, takes you way back in time.
Review of The Eternal Flame  
Review by skymac
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This is wonderful. I really enjoyed the sonnet. It seems to be telling of ones past that it was very hurtful and full of pain. That they never knew that love could truly burn so bright in their broken heart. That it had been through the darkest days, with no light shining at all and then the unexpected happen. Someone loved them for who they were and unconditionally. My favorite lines because when one is really in love the glow on their face truly shows.
I watched your face and saw you smile at me
Brighter than the light of a thousand suns
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