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Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is totally awesome. I love the story and how you present it to the reader. In simple terms and so easy to understand. That no matter where they have tread, no matter if they have turned their back on Jesus, no matter what thoughts have went through our minds it doesn't matter, the blood of Jesus covers ever sin. All we have to do is accept Him and our sins are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ. It is truly that simple and easy to have your soul covered by the blood of Jesus. I love the reference to the blood on His face, that He faced things for us that we may not want to face up to because of what we have heard or seen. Great job on this item. Keep using your talents to glorify His holy name.
Review of Young at Heart  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
I was thinking that the couple was going to some type of costume party like for a grand child or something boy was I wrong. I guess they don't get enough Social Security so they have to find a way to suppliment their income. Who would think an older couple married 50 years robbing a store. Now that is a hoot. Good job on this one.
Review of Dear God  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very heartfelt. Many times in our lives we just have to stop, and confess everything to our Father in heaven. To just to sit and have a serious talk with Him about all the things that are bothering us. To apologize for pushing Him away and trying to handle things on our own. To let Him know that things have gotten out of control and we can no longer handle our current problems. That is when we draw closer to Him and He takes us in His arms and wipes away the tears. He will calm our fears and protect us in ways that we never knew. That is what our Father in Heaven wants us to do, Run To His Arms For Protection. He will never fail to do so.
Review of The Last Letter  
Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Very sad. But this is how some people truly feel. Their life is so in desperation that they feel they have no where to turn. They feel like everything is completely hopeless. The pain and suffering from being lonely and dealing wiht heart break, they feel like nothing matters anymore. It is so sad where it says that others know but don't care that just rips at the heart. I would pray that if I knew someone who was suffering from major problems in their life that I would be there for them regardless. Friends are to be there in good times and bad no matter what. God can give a person the strength to go on, if you feel that you can't reach Him, be persitant keep going ot Him in prayer, God will answer. He will carry a person when they can no longer stand.
Review of The World Shaken  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh this would be so hard to deal with. It would be so hard on the family especially for a child. Knowing that an act of a parent is about to rip their family apart. It would be hard to put it aside and try to find the forgiveness in your heart to extend to one that has done the family wrong. You would be full of anger and battle with how to forgive when bitterness is in your heart. Over time forgiveness finally could give way, but like stated it is harder to forget the acts that just about wrecked the whole families life. But one good thing is that forgiveness brings healing to all.
Review of Respect  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love it. Respect is a big thing. I think we should respect everyone and everything. To treat others the way that we would want to be treated. Not to judge them on how they act, or by what they do. To just respect a person for their kindness and the love that they give. If we respect others we will be given respect in return. If we are critical of others I feel we are being mean to them. If we read others work and don't agree with something we need to be kind in the way that we explain that we didn't agree with something. Because we are all different and have different ways of saying things. Just because one says it different doesn't mean it is wrong. We are all individuals and see things in our own way, so we have respect one anothers view on different levels.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
You have put this together very well. It is different but the message comes across loud and clear. Many times we hold our selves back because we are afraid that our pride will be bruised. arrogance becomes our weapon of choice. We put others down to make ourselves look and feel good. loneliness. then peeks it ugly head in and we realize that we have become a person that no one truly wants to be around. That we have created a typical prison for ourselves that our pride has gotten in the way and we have become a lonely bitter person. We can change all that by treating others with love and by being kind and compassionate to others. My favorite lines because it takes being alone, to find out the truth about ourselves.

sit alone at the table of truth
There’s no food and no words in this fable

Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Oh it must have been so hard to have her pass on. It is so hard when we don't get to tell them goodbye. We always carry that void spot regardless of what we got to say or didn't get to say. I know when my mom passed away for a long time the emptiness was almost unbearable. My favorite lines because this is how our family has truly felt the last two months. We lost two family members with one month and one day of one another.

no final goodbye;
only perpetual heartache.

Review of In Turmoil.  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is so sad shows the of someone who doesn't truly know their self worth. They have been beated down by words that cut to the heart, made to feel that they are not worthy of anything. They truly just want to be loved and want to love in return. It is amazing what abuse can do to a person , make them have such low self esteem. They are robbed of all the good feelings about themselves, made to feel like they are of no use to no one. My favorite lines because I feel that no one should be made to feel insecure. To love someone is to build them up, make them happy like they are floating on air

Silently begging for attention, the attention that gives you the feeling of love and security
Review of Heart  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
Powerful words, shows one has suffered some tough times at heartbreak. That their heart has truly been broken and they are not willing to let no one else in right now. That the heart tries to convince them that love still exists but the person is not willing to try at love again. My favorite lines
And heart now made of steel
Review of Heed the Slighted  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
great story. It sure would make people who bully others and torment them think twice. I know some take it in stride when they are the center of ridicule and jokes. But some take it to heart, it eats away at them and they seek revenage even if others are just joking and truly mean no harm. That is why we have to watch what we say to others, joking can be taken to far. It can truly cut others to the core. You end up with a tragedy like in this story.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Oh I love this one. Showing how one can truly be a prisoner to time. Always worrying about being on time. Life is too short to worry about being late. Every now and then it can not be helped. Part of living is being flexible at times. It is hard to be on time every where you go. To feel free and in control at times we need to just forget the clock and take a day where time is not important to spend the day with our family, and friends. I khow one year when we went on vacation we didn't have a clock with us, it was great. We were just so relaxed went to sleep when we got tired, got up when we got our nap out. It was the greatest week I can ever remember.
Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
The story gets more thrilling as you go along. It seems that James is just a plain physco. Is he going to kill everyone that is close to Shannon. The way it said two down and I guess his plan is suppose to fall into place. You have managed to also put the ounce of doubt in my mind that Shannon may know something. Because where James went into the house and saw that he had been cut out of the pictures, makes you wonder if maybe in his warped mind he has dreamed that Shannon is part of the plan. Now is he setting up Shannon for the murders? makes the reader truly wonder.
Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
I love the supspense trying to figure out what is going on really. Did Shannon and James plan the whole thing that is happening to Billy? I have to ponder that idea, but then it appears that she really loves Billy and wouldn't want no harm to come to him. And the dream that she had was really eerie so I truly would have to say that wouldn't be the case. It still makes me wonder why after 24 hours that she just wouldn't call the police and report him missing. I know that her and James had a bad relatioinship so I really don't think that she would be working with him to do away with Billy. Good way of keeping the reader on the end of their seat.
Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Sounds like the making of a good story just kindly confusing at the beginning.Going from the guy being beat up and then to all the others that are brought into the story. I am sure that the next chapter will clarify some of my confusion though. I like the adventure though, keeps the reader trying to keep up with what is going on. I take it that Billy may have flipped someone off and they took it personally. Good story I am on my way to read the second chapter now.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this analogy that the past is the present already unwrapped. Makes one think about the future like stated it is the unwrapped gift, it can be what you make it. If we chose to make a postive difference then it can be good, but it can also hold negative effects, that can follow us a lifetime. If we make bad choices then we will suffer the consquences. The future can be full of promise, it is just how we approach the whole idea. The future can be a wonderful present, just like a high school graduate, you have the world before, it is yours to conqueror, make sure you go about it the right way.
Review of Random Thoughts  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
I truly agree. I don't think no one should tell a person on how they should be feeling. That no one has the right to define what you are to do, or who you are to be. As an individual you are different, you will act and do the things that make you happy. Yes we will all make mistakes, but eventually we will learn from them. I truly believe that to many drugs are being prescribed for people that don't need them. If a person is severly depressed and feels that they need them, then let them try them. If a person is suffering mild depression don't shove a pill down them and tell them it will be ok. Try to get to the root of the problem, I would say is the best bet. The person may have to work it out on their own. Everyone has their own way of dealing with stress, and depression. In my case at the age of thirty five I finally realized I could do nothing on my own, so I gave it all to God. I have never been the same since. I was dealing with the loss of my mom, my uncle, and my aunt. We lost all three within 13 months of one another so it was a devestating time. But God gave me great theraphy by giving me poetry to write. We all have our little quirks and that is what makes us special. there are things about us that others may not like, but have to learn to live with. I had rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.
Review of Home and Garden  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love the story, of how Michael reliazes how much we truly take for granted in life. That we take the morning sun for granted and just breeze through our day hurrying to get to and fro about our daily routine.He reminds us that we need to stop and smell the roses and look around at all the masterpieces that God has placed in our site for us to enjoy. Life is short and we should treat every minute as if it were our last. Because it truly could be. We have no promise of tomorrow. So let us always tell our family how much we love them and take the time to enjoy the beauty of God's creations.
Review of Grief  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is so sad and so true. No matter how much that we are warned or given notice that a loved one is about to pass on, it doesn't ever soften the blow. It is a harsh reality one that comes with everlasting pain. The grief that we experience when a loved one passes is away is one of the most heartbreaking pains that I have ever felt. I know when I lost my mom, I felt so empty, I was happy that she wasn't hurting anymore, but sad because I missed her so badly. My heart still aches at times but I know that we will see her again soon. Grief is hard to deal with, we just have to remember that God is the greatest Comforter of all. He knows when our hearts are breaking. He will hold us in His arms and rock us.
Review of Not Forgotten  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Very beautiful and heartfelt. It is so hard to lose a loved one, and knowing the aching feeling left inside your heart. You feel the the emptiness and you feel lonely from missing them so badly. You think of all the sunshine that they brought into your life, and the aching of the heart makes the tears fall like rain. In the end it is the beautiful memories that we remember that carries us through when our hearts are truly breaking. My favorite lines

Beneath the many colored flowers,
That rest below the tearful eyes.

Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this one, it just shows the love of the Christmas Tree and the beautiful cat playing just sets off the scene. I love how you are looking at the tree and Santa is in the background at the window. This is just a wonderful picture that would put someone right in the Christmas mood. I love how the candles sparkle on the tree, lovely effect.
Review of Good bye  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
To begin with I love the title. It could be goodbye on so many different topics. It could be wishing a friend goodbye because they are moving. It could be saying goodbye to a relationship that has ended, it could be saying goodbye to someone going off to war. Regardless of the situtation it always hard to say goodbye, even when a person has died. There are no words to express, you just get choked up on the pain of missing the person and wishing they were around. good bye is never easy and gets harder every time it must be done. Good job. My favorite lines

Tried to write
Blank is the page
Choked on words
Review of On the Chance  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
It would be a tough decision to go against your parents wishes, but when it comes to true love there is nothing that can stand in the way. I love how she ran to the bridge when she saw Mark. She had felt so alone and wanted the love of her life, but they didn't want to go against their parents well intended wishes. Soon they realize that they are just lost with out one another. Who can resist a true love story. I like how the Father Patrick watched the couple as the snow fell and thought of the love that he hadn't fought for. wondering what could have been.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very true on this insite. It doesn't matter what we wore, or the name brand that it displays. It is the soul prints that we leave behind, that make a difference when we are gone. To leave love, and kindness that has been showed to us by God in heaven. To be known as a person who loved with all their heart without reservations and told others about Jesus to me is the most important soul footprints we could leave behind when we leave this world.
Review of November 5, 2008  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I also celebrate this moment. Our country has overcome a stumbling block that has been in our path way too long. I think everyone should be treated with respect and dignity. No matter what a person's looks like. We are all equal and it is time we start treating one another as we want to be treated. In our small town racial prejudice is bad still today. Where I lived before we moved here, everyone was friends we say a person by what was on the inside not the color of their skin. We have raised our daughter to ignore the remarks made by others, to treat everyone with respect, and be kind to all that you encounter. I pray that our towns racial prejudice never has a negative impact upon her. That what we have taught in our home will help her treat others with kindness and not be mean to others. I think we have reached a mile stone now we have more to reach. Like you said one day will we live to see a woman president black or white it won't matter. It will mean that our country is finally pulling together, trying to mend past hurts.
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