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Review of Once Upon a Time  
Review by skymac
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Wow, it is a wicked condition from the description. I love your courage, how you tell of all the obstacles that you fight because of this disease. It would be so hard to try and get through when you know others are staring it sure wouldn't help matters any. Many are faced with disabilities but over come the powerful stress and depression of their condition. They have so much hope,courage, and faith that it amazes me. My husband suffers from degenerative disc disease and it has changed his body greatly. He limps and can not stand straight up, but he is the most handsome man that I know. His over all attitude about the disease is always postive. He always says like you, that others are in much worse shape. That he will be thankful for another day. May God bless you.
Review of Faithless  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is very good, I love how it repeats the line Is This Your Faith In Me? It would be so hard to be down and need someone to give you encouragement and all that they do is shout and tell you what you have done wrong. After a while you would begin to think that they have no faith in you at all. I couldn't stand feeling like I walked on eggshells everyday I would go insane. My favorite lines

Egg shells as land mines to judge your reaction.
I have no way of knowing when you'll explode,
No way of cracking your changing code.

Review of Life's Gamble  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This one holds strong convictions. It shows just what can happen when we gamble in life. Sometimes we win and sometimes we lose but always take a chance. Sometimes when we gamble we hurt the ones that we love, we throw away precious gems, that can never be recovered. If we really don't want to gamble, we will put God in charge of our life, He will lead and guide us along lifes way. My favorite lines
Each decision causes gain or loss,
which is better
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
The blue it stands for the sky and the heavens. Or for love. Red it has to stand for the blood that will be oozing and the part of facing death. Orange for the burning feelings inside, that sometimes others chose to ignore. That it is like a flame of a fire and the feelings of loneliness is overwhelming. It sounds like the person was dealing with a whole lot of problems. Many times people treat teens like they shouldn't have a problem in the world but that kind of thinking is so wrong. Teen years are so confusing, and very emotional. Everything that can go wrong will go wrong. But i pray that the person finds some one to talk with, because there are ways of dealing with our problems other than ending our life with suicide. A person family would be so broken hearted knowing their baby had felt such devastation and didn't know or try to help them.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is very sweet, yet so sad. That ones love has gone off somewhere I don't know if it is to fight for their country or to work. The poem tells of the love that the person has for them, and if they are separated to wait for them in heaven, that half of their heart goes with them. My favorite lines because true love can survive any distance.

tossed on rough and dangerous seas.
I pray letters of love lift you up
and carry your heart home to me.

Review of Don't Let Go  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love it. It give the message that when all seems lost don't let go. That love can be difficult at times, it will face it's hardships. Anything worth having is sure worth fighting for. Just when you think that the end of the relationship is near, the love shines through, and a rainbow appears after the storm.
Review of Empty Hangers  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very sad, that two people so in love, marry and then it all comes to a tragic end. That promises were made for one to get a degree then the other would have time for their dream of writing. One kept their promises, then the other one kept making excuses when it was time for the other one to make their mark in life. I guess that over time one begin to think that they were the one that only matter. They forgot about the happiness of their spouse and broke their word to them and in the process their heart. My favorite lines

It's done. Your clothes are packed.
Your heart and love long gone.
No need for words; empty spaces
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Oh this is so sad, that no respect is given to girls in this country. It is like they are property, they can be beaten, abused, raped, and then they bear the shame of what society has placed upon them. It is horrible to have to live a life that way. That when they give birth to a baby girl they know within their heart it will be abused, so they smother it to keep it from suffering their own torment.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love it, I don't think there is not a child who hasn't dreamed of flying and many of those who tried it. Some were lucky enough not to break bones, others have learned the hard way, by breaking arms,legs, and hands. I love how on tv they say don't try this at home. Now days kids have to be even more convinced that they can fly, with all the technology we have today for filming. Good job this one took me back to childhood days.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really enjoyed reading this item. It shows that we can learn so much for our elders. Just because they are getting on up in age doesn't mean that they are to be tossed away. They are part of our heritage, if we don't learn from them, out past can't be told to future generations. We have to know where we came from, our family roots and only the grandparents and great grandparents can help us work the puzzle to unlock our family history. Just because we get older doesn't mean we are useless, we have many talents and adventures to share with the world. Some of the best stories I have ever heard have come from many folks in the nursing home. They know so much, and oh the stories they can tell you. my favorite lines the petals may fall but they are still budding with wisdom.

Once the sparkle of youth,
long past, the bud of a rose
blossomed and petals fall,
Review of A Hopeless Heart  
Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
wow this tells a story that is sad and tragic. I know many have been left and abandoned but this story says so much about the ones that have had that happen to them. They are born to a parent who doesn't care, all they want is the next fix, and the baby is put in foster care, beaten and mistreated. Tossed around for years, suffering cruelity and abuse from quote their caretakers. Then they have to fend for themselves and start doing drugs and selling them, stealing, what ever it takes to support them. They end up in jail and once they get out they want to go back because they feel they have family there. It is sad that they have never had someone to really reach out and care for them. These lines say it all

I have a rep and can score drugs.
I am not forgotten.
I belong.

Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a really good story. It shows how abuse carries on through peoples lives. If a child is abused by their parents, it more likely that they will be abused as an adult. That many times their self esteem becomes so low, that abuse is what they expect from others. It is so sad that many fall between the cracks, that help arrives way too late. This type of abuse would be more than a little mind could possibly bear. Being beaten and molested by your own dad, how can a child ever get over something so tramautic?
Review of As My Love Dies  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Oh my this is a beautiful tribute to your late husband. It would be so hard to sit by and have to wait till the end. Knowing that it is coming and that there is nothing you can do. That all the dreams and plans that the two of you made together are all about to end. That the memories of your love together will have to carry you through, oh that would be so heartbreaking and unbearable. My favorite lines there is never any easy way to say goodbye, and it is so hard on the heart.

I wait, helpless, angry, undone.
Listen to your slowing heartbeat
fail to understand, to reason why.

Review of The Interview  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey I think that Josh has the right idea. If we chose a job that we love it wouldn't seem like work at all. It may not be making the big bucks others have dreams of you making but hey if you are happy with what you are doing, go for it. As long as your bills are paid, and you are happy that is all that truly matters. Money can't buy happiness.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
So sad that after years of sharing a life that a couple takes it all for granted. Because when we stop paying attention to the love of our life, that is where the problem begins. A marriage still needs tender loving care and attention. We must keep the fire burning or the flame will die out. Then when the flame of love burns out you end up with just a friendship. That is not what anyone would want. You want your partner for life, best friend, your lover, and husband all in one. This is a good message for married couples that no matter how long you have been married the relationship requires communication and romance. I love these lines because if you neglect something and think it will always be around this shows that sometimes things disappear that you love.
Here you stand, without guilt
throwing a precious lifetime away.
Exchanging Lenox family china,
for cheap supermarket plates.

Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I totally agree, history was made today, and I feel so honored to have been able to witness it. Barack Obama has a lot of burdens to cope with, the mess of the economy and all the jobless people. So many peopling losing their homes, and business's having to close their doors. I believe he can truly make a difference in our country. It will take time and everyone working together and not against him. Together eveyone can make a difference by uniting together and celebrate this great moment in history . Did you hear the part where they told on the news channel how the slaves had done the foundation of the White House, and now one of their ancestors will be living in the house that they helped put the foundation in. Now that is a case for celebration in itsself. We need to keep our new 44th president in our prayers and his family. They will face many obstacles, but with God's help they can be overcomed.
Review of The Encounter  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like the way that it says that the neighbors listen for an abusing sound, then gather round. The part that you are fighting wth a girl and it is not your daughter makes the reader think that you are fighting with a person. Then when it gets toward the end the doggie door opens and gone is the rope. Good job, funny and comical.
Review of God Answers  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Beautiful and so true. God answers our prayers, it is up to us to listen. Sometimes we don't like the matter in which He answers but we know that no matter what God's will is going to be done. He answers our cries in the way that He sees fit, God will answer everytime we just have to open our ears and listen to His words. We have to open our heart to feel the love that He extends to us. God knows our what our needs are if we cry out to Him, He will answer everytime. Sometimes it may not be when we expect, but He will answer no matter what . Sometiems we don't like the decisions that He makes in the manner that He answers, but in the end we must realize that He truly knows what is best for us.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Oh my the drugs that was given to her at the party must have been some wicked things. I just wonder what the dream meant that she had about the woman dressed in all black. I wonder if the dream was warning meg that John could be even more dangereous than he appeared already. It makes me wonder if maybe someone hadn't been in Meg's apartment when she had slept for three days straight. I am on the look for the next chapter. You have caught my attention with the thrilling chapters. I hope Meg makes John's life miserable.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Poor Meg she just keeps meeting jerks. All of them think her cousin is so kind, and they think that John is a wonderful man it is just making her sick. I like how at first that she opened up to mike and then said to be home sick you had to want to go home. That she just missed how simple life was back in Iowa. I also like how when he asked if she was single that she said she was dating his grandson, that was a good shot.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
It is still looking like Steve had something to do with John getting to meg. The way that he said that he was sorry before he closed the taxi door. The way that he said that he would call and check on meg in a few days. he knew that something was wrong with her. I am almost sure that he knew the whole story. I just wonder why she said she would have stared longer if she knew it would be the last time she would see him.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I still believe that steve her cousin knew all about the attack and that somehow that he helped arrange for John to meet up with Meg. Because of the lion 's pen cufflink. I think that he was a part of the guys club that abuse young girls. That they get friendly with them and deliver them to their prey. it is all that comes to my mind. I love how meg said that John doesn't know that he had created a monster. That she would soon be his worst nightmare. Can't wait to read the next chapter. Good job.
Review of I'm Sorry  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
SaintLee, I would have to say from my point of view, that it needs to be said, you have kicked yourself long enough. i would have to say that I would truly think that your mom would not want you to be so hard on yourself. That she would want you to be happy and move on in life. To remember the love that she showed you, to bestow it to others and that her only wish would be for you to be happy. Sometimes it is easier for us to forgive others than it is for us to forgive ourselves. I know your heart is truly broken, but to let the healing truly begin you are going to have to forgive yourself and reflect on the love that your mom so free gave you. Apply that love inside your heart and let go of the bad memories and remember the good times that she gave you. Don't live with regret, some things you could do nothing about. There are so many involved in the decision making so it was a difficult task. May God bless you and help you put your guilt to rest, because your mom loved you and wouldn't want you living with this kind of feelings. She would want you to be as happy and free as she is at this time with Jesus.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is very beautiful. I know your mom knew that you done the best for her that could truly be done.That you always had her best interest at heart regardless. It is hard to make some of those decisions and no one can know what they would do until they are in your shoes. Many times we have to make decisions that we don't want to. I am sure that having to put her in a nursing home was a last altnerative. Sometimes things go in a way in which we have no control in what happens. That it is what is best for the patient, and their best well being.Your mom was courageous woman she raised a child all by herself and chose not to bring anyone else in that may cause harm to you, I am sure that is what she thought. I know my mom done the same I liked 3 months being 18 before she remarried. She sacrifice those years to raise her girls, I don't think she ever regretted it. I know many times she felt alone. Cried herself to sleep many nights. I know that your mom would say that she is very proud of you and knows you did what was best for her regardless.
Review of Hole in Her Head  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I like the message that the story contains. That sometimes we feel we have to be different to stand out. That to get others attention we have to really have a hole in our head. Kathy was going out every night and having fun doing the talk shows but the people were more interested in the hole in her head, not what kind of person she was. She enjoyed the fame and attention but when the whole begin to heal there was no one that was interested any more except Tom. It goes to show that a true friend is there no matter what. No matter how dumb or stupid we may act they love us for who we are. Kathy finally realized that it was not the end of the world if the hole did heal up. She finally realized she liked the feeling of it healing and hair coming back in. That a healthy scalp was a good thing. I find it ironic that a person would be depressed because it was healing up and the brain was no longer showing. When most people would be jumping for joy, because the healing had began.
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