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Review of I Speak the Truth  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this it sounds sad. Trying to help someone and say the right things can be so hard to do. Sometimes we have to listen, and even when we do speak, I think the words that come out, are ones that the person does not want to hear. In life we do the best we can to help our friends, but sometimes they will not accept our extended hand. Normally if that happens we just have to wait and let them tell us when they need to talk. Falling on Deaf Ears, but I like the current title. Sometimes trying to help others hurts us in the process, when we realize they won't let us be of assistance. But then the day comes when they see that you were just trying to help them, had their best interest at heart.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I love it Judith, good way of being tactful without being rude. I would say the poor guy thought about never having children, by the time your all visit was over. I would say that he was glad to hit the road, after the dinner was over. I think this is so funny, side splitting at that. I could imagine his thoughts, is this how every holiday will be? Do all these folks come with the whole package. The interrogation alone, I would say done him in. That by the time he left your family, they probably knew his last bathroom run without seeing him head to the bathroom door. No escape until the Thanksgiving was over, and all the dishes done. I believe had I been him I would have said I felt ill and needed to go. I bet if he had bought a ring, he took it back the next day, much to your relief. The trick worked, how many more did this unsuspecting event happen to I wonder?
Review of What Went Wrong  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh my a soul searching heart wrenching item. One wonders what is wrong with them, and it may be possible that they just have not found the right person. The one that God has intended for them. Through hurt, grief , and pain, when we suffer thru it all, when we find the one that is meant for us we know, and it makes us appreciate them more. Don't give up keep searching the perfect one is out there.
Review of Lilies  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
It would be lonely having a spouse having to be in a place where others had to care for them. Only being able to take them out for a little while to eat, very difficult. Remembering the good old days when everything was just right with the world. You got to admire how he took her out, even though he was afraid that she would get hurt. He made the effort to try and make her life as normal as possible. When inside you know he had to be falling apart.
Review of Anonymous  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
oh very sad sounds like someone had a best friend and was betrayed by them badly. I don't know if it was because a secret may have escaped their lips that were told in the utter most confidence, or just that they turned on the person that was suppose to be their friend. betrayal hurts worst when it comes from family or friends that is how I came to that assumption. My favorite lines because when someone says they are sorry and don't mean it, that is so hurtful just like a slap in the face.

Insincere apology
Begrudgingly abundant good-bye
Review of Land Lover  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love the way you have phrased the title. Don't tread in waters that unknown. Do what you know and be exactly who you are. Don't try and act like someone you are not. Love yourself for who you are, know that you are of great worth and never let others change you. Great message.
Review of Below the hill  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
oh this is so sad. That someone could be so sad and filled with grief. I am taking that the hill represents her dreams. That something has stood in the way of her not climbing the hill and reaching what she dreams of. I could be wrong, the hill could also represent losing a loved one and getting over the obstacle of such tragedy could make it impossible to climb the hill, because of being consumed by grief. Good job you got this reader questioning if we grasp the concept.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh I truly love this. It shows how we are to have love for others, and to celebrate Christmas as for what it is meant. Jesus is the reason for the season. To give as he gave. I love the part how Ray was making sure that Christine got the doll Ashley for Christmas. Then after Christine found out that Ray had died she passed the doll onto granny and told her that it would bring at least six months worth of meals. She was helping the family with so many children that their parents had died, and helping Theresa in the process. Beautiful and sad at the same time. great job. Keep up the good work of bringing tears to the readers eyes.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+
I guess sometimes it takes tragedy and awful events, for us to realize that we love someone. That we can't imagine not being with each and every day. That best friends do sometimes turn into the love of our lives, it did in my case. I married my best friend. Anyways, Jude at the end could not see her life without Garrett. It had to be devastating to him to be turned down by Jude when he ask her to go with him. That he knew that he loved her, and wanted her by his side for life. She was afraid to take the chance, afraid of rejection, like she had received from her dad. In the end Garrett told her that he was not like her dad, and he couldn't shake her out of his arms, long enough to even get in the car. loved it great job.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I guess if your a newly wed you better skip going to the parents house on either side. Or hopefully meet them before you decide to marry. Good story, it is a dark comedy, a family with a warped sense of humor. The dad betting the younger son that the Carol would kill Margot on the second day, but it took her till the third day. I guess who we think is the perfect spouse for us, better be careful if we have a tight knit family. Especially if their mom is a crazy wacko. Good job on this story, I had to laugh. Hope no young newly wed ends up in this situation, they will never win. They would be another stastic. I guess all need to follow the mom's advice never treat their son like crap, and never utter words of demand in front of their mom treating them like a servant. You will be at the top of her list, she may not win with the pillow, or the tea, but she will shoot you if she has to.
Review of Oh the Cost  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is beautiful and so very true. Many of our soldiers have paid the ultimate price for the very freedoms we have today. Families also serve by supporting our military men and woman that service each and everyday. So many have given their life, some very young. We must never forget the sacrifices that every soldier has made for our freedom. We need to support our Veteran's, our current soldiers, and all the ones that have gone on before them. To honor them, and to keep our soldiers and military in our prayers daily. To rally support for them and their families to encourage them through difficult times. They have paid a very high price for our freedom, we need to thank them every chance we can. My favorite lines because it shows that many fight for our freedom, and never make it home alive, we need not let their death be in vain. We need to honor them, and be thankful for their service.

Oh the cost I've paid
As my eyes closed
Review of Our Lord beckons  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this item. It shows and tells us to depend on God for EVERYTHING. That no matter what our need may be, God can meet it regardless. If we are suffering from pain,sorrow, grief, the stab from an enemies knife, God is there at all times. If Satan is sifting us like sand, God can make him stop at His command. God can move the mountains in our life, that are impossible for anyone else. With God all things are possible, His power is above all things. Keep using your talent to glorify God. My favorite lines Because God's promises are true and will stand forever. His bond of love no one can break let alone touch.

Come to me my children
Place in me your faith
I’ll place in you a bond with me, that no one will break
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This one caught my attention big time. I am trying to figure out if the The Nightmare King is from the Little Nemo, or possibley from pokemon. Or could it be the name for someone that has caused someone to have nightmares for years, because of something they have done to them. That someone hurt a child and throughout the child's younger years, they had nighmares because of someone inflicting pain upon them. They may have seen a movie with the The Nightmare King in it and refered to it as that. I don't know. I am wondering if the The Nightmare King died because someone overcome their fear of them, or is it someone that played them in a movie may have passed on. Good item you raised questions big time in my mind.
Review of A Clown's Tears  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is very good. It brings tears to the reader, for loss, and tragedy of a family. It shows how a daughter and father are separated for time. The dad saves his daughter from a fire, but is badly burned trying to save her mother. He goes through many difficult months and years of healing, at times he almost dies. Angela is told that her father died, because he can't bear for her to see the scars on his body. In her heart she knows that he is alive. She calls hospitals and burn units until she reaches the right person. Then she goes to the burn unit and urges them to let her see her dad. She screams and cries not believing this is her dad. Helene her aunt has to explain things. Her dad decides to follow her life at a distance and let her aunt raise her. Her dad goes through many surgeries and rehabilation. He takes partial disability and pursues a career as a clown. His mask and makeup cover his scars. His daughter started voluntering at a burn unit. One day she showed up at her dad's apartment, and they hugged, they realized how much time they had missed. Angela told her dad that his scars were badges of love and courage from trying to save her and her mom. So now Auguste teaches other's about disabilities and how bad things can be, and then he put on the clown's mask and shows them how to laugh through tragedy. To help them see how to make the most of each day we are given, disabilities or not. My favorite lines because thru the eyes of children, adults can learn so much about God, and His purpose for us in life.

Young children are our teachers. I believe they are closer to God. They are not scarred by our false worship of superficial beauty. Their love is unconditional like the love of our Heavenly Father."

Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
No one may have believed the story but it sure could happen that way. Now those are the days, when grandparents and grandchildren build memories that last a lifetime. To share with their children, that means so much . Grandchildren want to be with grandparents, and listen to their stories and hear their wisdom of the good ole days. Many a days has been spent with grandma and grandpa making wonderful memories. I have sit on the bank many times my mom telling me to be quiet, I was scaring the fish. Sunburn and five fish later we would go home. Then I was taught how to clean fish, didn't bother me to scrap and cut, but now I would hate the smell and the sight of cleaning them would make me sick.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love the story out of tragedy comes love and a happy family. Carl was the man that Danny wanted to be with another woman. He gave up on his mariage with Angela, just when the best time in life would have been starting. He bailed out for another woman, and in the process Angela got a diamond when she found Carl. I love the description of the cottage, the ocean, and scenic view of her new home. The pink sea shell that she found that looked fragile, but was truly very strong, just like her. The events of the wreck shows how short life can truly be. She could have died herself and lost her baby Isabella, it was a miracle they both survived. It was a tragedy that the young man died that was 16 that hit them. I love the ending that Carl and Angela were married. It amazes me that Danny basically handed his child to him, wishing them well.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh this is a wonderful item. Takes and puts a twist on disabilities. How the man knows things distantly by sound, smell, and touch. He makes the best of the hand that he has been dealt. He keeps a postive attitude and absorbs so much of the world around him that many of us take completely for granted. I love the part about his companion Jake, how he refers to him as his lifeline. Jake helps him get around, and helps him experience more things in life that bring complete joy to him. I admire people who take the worst of situations and make the most of them. He lets not one day go to waste feeling sorry for himself. He just enjoys the moment of each day, and is thankful to be alive to live it. He sees more with his disability than more of us that can see notice in our lifetime.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
oh my this is so sad and will bring tears to your eyes. I guess you can say that it truly reaches down to your heart strings, and plays the saddest song. It would be so hard to be a parent and know that there is nothing within your power to make your baby feel better. That something is destroying their body and no one can fix the problem. You would truly wish for that magical place and long for it's shores day and night. At times in this life that is so hard, many things we can not understand. I guess that is when we have to hand it to God. But it would still be so hard and heart breaking to know that your baby is so sick. You would feel as if your hands are tied. Daily you would be drifting to the magical land waiting and seeking your miracle that you so long desire.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Judith that is such a sweet story. I know how you feel about fond memories, they sure do become more fondier when many loved ones have passed on. I remember one year, my mom decided us kids were to old for her to have to put up a tree. Two days later I declared I wanted a tree, she told me to go chop one down. So her stubborn 12 year old went out and got one. It had to be trimmed, and it took me forever dragging it home from the woods behind our house. The scent of the cedar tree fragrence still lingers in my memories even now. I will see a live tree and smell that wonderful scent, and it takes me back to the days of old. Mom declared that it was my job after that year to find the perfect tree, and every year we would be in search for the perfect one cedar of course. Thanks for stroll down memory lane. I too enjoy sitting and watching the lights and pretend to smell the cedar christmas tree of days gone by, considering we have artificial because of gas heat.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Judith, I love your stories they always give me a good laugh. I really needed one today. I love the part about the rum balls that the co worker ate to many and got drunk. I guess I would limit what you could bring also. Everyone would be in the floor not able to get up if you took to many of your goodies. I love the title it is just as funny as the story. I guess you didn't really know until years later that you had cooked it way too long. How did it taste? Did the cats refuse to eat it, or did they feast on it. I guess the boss figured you all could pick up a ham if you had no luck on making the turkey. I bet many co-workers thanked you. Good job I loved it.
Review of The Home Sampler  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
It would be so difficult to deal with this medical condition and have no medicine for the symptoms. It would be hard to be the innocent person who most of the mood swings are taken out on. Then you would be confused, because you can't respond back in anger, because they would not understand why you did it. Because with this horrible medical condition, without medication they can't sort out their thoughts and feelings. They are spinning out of control, and the person dealing with them try their best to make sense of them, and end up feeling hopeless. It would be hard dealing with this situation, a person would have to have a lot of understanding and patience and love.
Review of " I Wonder "  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Evidently I gather talking about a past love, wondering what they are doing at times. If thoughts of the love that the couple shared cross the mind of the other. If they remember times in the park, that were shared when their love was so alive and fresh. I like the part that says I know I am there somewhere. Because they know if they are reflecting back on the memories that even at times, the one that they loved has to stroll down memory lane and think of them at times. My favorite lines because when you share a love has been true love, you still think of that person often and have a special place in your heart for them.

And I still love you,
in that particular way
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I sure do believe in them, I know I have kept mine busy many a days. Not thinking about the dangers that I was placing myself in. I know my guardian angel has been on their toes many times. You saved the dog and your guardian angel saved you not once but twice. To me it shows God's love for us, so strong and never ending. If we keep our faith placed in Jesus I think our guardian angel hovers over us even more. I know just about a month ago, my daughter and I were traveling down a country road and a car kept getting over on our side of the road. Soon we approached and it was about to be a head on collision. When in just a moments notice an opening for me to ride the side more came into site, and all of the sudden the drive got over right before meeting us entirely. So I know our guardian angel was there nudging the other driver, and making room for us to ride the side and ditch line safely.
Review of Not so Sweet  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Interesting story, I am sure that this has happened to many of people, who thought their best friend was just that their best friend. That one tells the other that they have feelings for them other than friendship. It would be so awkward, feelings would be mixed if you just wanted to be friends. It would hard to find a way around the situation and convince them you just want to be friends. It would make you wonder if the friendship could ever be the same? Delcine handled the problem very well, with complete honesty. That would be what a person would have to do. To make sure there was no confusion on either part. That they just want to be friends.
Review of This I Believe  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Good job Judith, it is hard sharing your beliefs with others at times. Many times we get a lot of negative input. But anyways I truly think that is what makes us all different. We all have our own opinions and beliefs. I truly wish there was no such thing as war, and that the world could live in peace. I do miss the days that a youngster could walk down the road without the worry of being snatched by a total stranger. Things keep getting worse in this world, it seems like there is no safe place. I feel like my safest place is in God's arms, sheltered by His love. I love Disney World, we took our daughter there when she was seven years old. I would love to Disneyland, maybe one of these days we will get to visit there. Thank you for sharing with us. skymac.
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