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Review of Just In Time  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
That would be ironic that you travel through time and your ship has trouble and tears up. How would you get back? You would feel doomed. Then someone walks up and asks can I help you with your machine, then Anders asks we are in 70 million BC? Then he asks the man who he is. It turns out that he is from England and has traveled in his time machine and offers them a lift pure luck, one would be so relieved.
Review of Lost in the Hills  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
John had to climb the mountain of grief before he could deal with anything else. When he lost her he lost everything. He just shut himself up and forgot about the promise that he made to live each day “Every day is a gift,” is what she had told him. He could only grieve, he felt her close by. He went back to the spot where they went not long after they met. In the corner of his eye he seen her untied her ponytail and let the breeze unfurl her hair. He felt her hand squeezed his arm, then he said through tears I'll be ok in a minute. He was finally dealing with his grief head on, coming to terms with his loss.
Review of Lucky Johnny  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Isn't it funny sometime in life we wish that we could have something and then we get it. We get exactly the opposite results of what we think will happen. Johnny thought he would be happy with all the money from the lotto but then in just a few weeks becomes bored with all the gadgets and things that he has bought. He misses his friends and co workers. Missing playing football on Saturdays. I guess that we need to be happy with what we have and make the best. It seems that this is what makes us happy friends, family, and love. Money can not buy happiness and that is one lesson that Johnny learn.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow William is a very bright and special child. From helping those that are being bullied to helping ones that suffer from disease he is just so compassionate to all those around him. His mom and dad encouraged and love him greatly. They brought books and music into the house which he conquered them in no time. William never cried, slept through the night as a baby you could tell great things would happen. Then when he was 7 both of his parents died from an illness, and he went to live with Uncle Vern and his Aunt Uncle Vern and his Aunt Matilda.. His uncle was really mean, and made him work in the horse stable and didn't believe in higher education. He beat William daily. He left marks all over him. Matilda would put salve on his back and trace each mark. She was always gentle William noticed. William looked into Matilda's eyes and seen that she was the one who normally took the beatings in the wood shed. That now she was worried for his safety. She felt awful because she didn't protect William. William told her Aunt Matilda; everything is going to be okay. You've done the best that you could. Don't worry about me. I can take the pain.' Such a young boy with such a bright out look, and knew that tomorrow would be better such great faith.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
It is sad that as a parent that a prejudiced starts in words that fly from your own mouth. I guess that is why they say that the walls have ears. That young children are listening and taking in everything that we say. They may not know what it means, but the cruel world around them will soon let them know exactly what it stands for. I love how the mom was dancing with the son, and that the dad says he looks prissy. How the boy is like are you going to beat the prissy out. The boy was teased at school and beat up, and pinned to the floor and then came home to see that look in his own father's eyes. It would be so hard to be labeled at school but so much more painful to have that same prejudiced come from your own dad. I love how the boy remembers when they went to feed the ducks and his dad would try and walk like the ducks to make him laugh. Then the son says I guess you hate ducks, because you sure looked prissy. Then the dad's face changed and a smile erupted on his lips and he embrace his son. Accepting a person for who they are and loving unconditionally is important. Not passing on prejudiced is the number on key factor in having a healthy happy child. Loving and encouraging them to love themselves is important. Not worrying about what others say or think. Our children are bullied by ones that prejudiced rule around their world, being different should not be something a person is punished for. It should be embraced and the person loved for who they are not for the stupid thoughts of a fickle society.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
I know that at some time in every ones life that we ask why we are here. What is God's purpose for us on this earth. I truly have come to realize that He has a plan for my life, that I am on a short journey on this earth. That God has placed us here for a few short years, I know that He will lead the way we are to go. But many times I question my journey and the more I question what mission I am here for, I find more questions than answers. You could be right that we are here to wonder, maybe it makes us search our heart more for the talents that we have been given and will make us use them wisely.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh my this is so sad. Ed lost Rose and life no longer had any meaning for him. The holidays just made the hole in his heart larger. Memories can only get you through so much. Being parted from the one that you have shared a life time together and one passes on it place a lonely heart breaking fall. Ed didn't care about any thing anymore. His health gave out and his eyesight went and his legs couldn't move, and then he looked and Rose appeared and told him it was warm on the other side. He finally got to join the love of his life. My favorite line because it would be hurt that no one or nothing can repair but God in Heaven.
He covered the wound with memories,
no repair shop could possibly mend.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
You have done a wonderful job of fitting sixty years into this poem. You have stated it beautifully also. You have lived a life filled with many obstacles trials and troubles. It sounds like there were moments of complete happiness and then the problems of life seem to overwhelm along the way. I guess that is one thing we all do, we spend a lifetime searching for the things that will make us happy. Many times we are already surrounded by them and let them take a backseat to what we think happiness truly is. I love the questions that you ask at the end Did I show those I love how much I do?
What did I accomplish to help others? You make us aware of the important things in life and not to take them for granted, to be sure and tell others that we love them and show them. To lend a helping hand when we can. Great job
Review of Recess Kids  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a really good item. It covers all the bases of life that we experience. Fear and hope chasing each other. The pain and pleasure seem to go hand in hand many times in unexpected events in our life. When praise is given, blame is surely to follow when things go wrong. Where fame is achieved, sometime in our life we will mess up and cause ourselves disgrace. I love the part of gain and loss. Many times in our lives we gain a lot, but in the process our loss is great. This just shows the ups and downs that we experience as we travel on our journey through life. Like a roller coaster different hills to climb, walking low in the valley feeling defeated at times. Other times high on the mountains cheering ourselves on from the obstacles we have overcome.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very good job on this item. Very realistic and goals that you can accomplish. Never under estimate the job of being a mommy, it is very demanding. When you are a stay at home mom it is a full time job with that comes with many rewards. Sounds like you have great plans, and putting some of your own dreams in the mix is good. I hope that you get your rough draft done for your first novel on September 15 that would be awesome. Pursuing your dreams will keep you happy also. The joining a mommy group is an excellent idea. It helps you to meet parents who are facing the same issues that you are. It will also build future play dates for you and the baby. You get good tips from the other parents, and have good emotional support also. I like the baking resolution, to try a new recipe each month. Love the writing class thing it will keep you motivated and help you meet the goals of your novel. Keep up the good work and hope that you accomplish all five goals. Most of all enjoy every moment with the baby and take lots of pictures and film a lot. The time will pass by quickly, you will never regret staying home with the little one ever. I didn't go back to work until our daughter was nine years old.
Review of My Life  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Oh this is so sad. It sounds like some one has been hurt so badly. That they do not want the world around them to know or see the pain that they are going through. May be the pain is to great to share it with anyone else at the time. When cruel words have been spoken they cut the heart like a knife. Sometimes it is good therapy to let the tears flow, and to let the anger of being hurt out. It is truly how the healing begins, and one can begin to mend. It will take a lot of time for the healing to truly begin. It will be hard to trust someone again, to extend your heart to someone to love again. In time someone will come along that will treasure all that a person has to offer and know that the person from the past lost a great catch. Many times we have to sift through the a lot of hurt to find true love. The moments of heart break and pain teach us to appreciate a real pearl when we are lucky enough to finally find that one in a million.
Review of The Bench  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Bear, there are many great people who are homeless these days. They have met with circumstances that are beyond their control. Many have lost their jobs, that leads to them losing their homes, and then they end up with no where to go. Many live in their cars until they are repossessed and then like you stated they end up on a bench wondering where in the world they are going to go. I know in our area the homeless shelter is full because of cold weather and may be closing due to fund shortage. The food pantries are about to run out of food, because they are so many families in need this year. Not all cases of homeless are because people are on drugs, or have drinking problems. Even if that be the case no one has the right to look down on them. We need to have a loving heart and help those around us, because like you stated that could be us. We never know when we could end up in this situation. Times are tough right now and the economy is fragile. We need to think about that. how anyone could be sitting on the bench including us. Each person is worthy in God's eyes we need to extend the love of Jesus Christ to EVERYONE, and not treat others like they are garbage polluting our population. We need to lend a ear, and a helping hand if we can, and find out what their story of hardship is. Try to help find them a place to stay warm, and see that they have food to eat. We can also pray for their well being. My favorite lines because it is so sad that it happens and it could be any of us sitting in utter despair wondering what to do.

I'm on this stupid bench.
Broke, hungry, wore out from trying
Review of the truth  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Oh my this is where the saying they are laughing on the outside but crying on the inside comes to mind. I know many people seem just fine, happy go lucky but have the weight of the world on their shoulders. They don't want the world to know what problems and burdens they have going on. I know many times we bury things inside, trying to hide our problems from everyone. Sometimes others think we can do anything and pile a load upon us. Most of the time we kneel in pray and beg God to help us through another day. Truthfully that is the only way that I make it through each day now, is with God leading the way. Our days have become so unpredictable that without God's guiding hand I could not truthfully make it anymore. My favorite line because sometimes all we feel like doing is to get through the day and forget it.

made it through another day
of pretending to be alright
Review of Rainbow  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very full of truth. Many times in our lives we find ourselves at a cross road. Our next move we don't know exactly where it will take us, or what storm we may face. One thing for sure is to see the rainbow we do have to face the storm. There will be dark clouds that cover our surroundings, but they are only temporary they will eventually pass. The sun will shine again, but there will be pain that comes with the storms of life. In the part of love, if it is worth having it is worth fighting for. For the price of love comes a great cost, you give your heart to another trusting that it will not be broken. Many obstacles will be faced throughout the years, many tears shed, many fights fought. In the end you will find it takes two to make it work, if one is not willing to quit whatever is doing damage to the relationship the love may turn to fear and hate, that is when sometimes one has to walk away because they are tired of paying the high cost of love that is breaking their heart. We all want a rain bow and learn to appreciate the sunshine and beautiful flowers after a storm passes. Sometimes we must pick our battles carefully for some of them can not be won and we still lose.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This gave me a good laugh, imagining a little lady chasing a dragon I assume through the house swinging a broom. That the flame throwing beast set her curtains on fire, and the smoke made the guest choke couldn't help but laugh. Puts me in mind of someone chasing a dog around the dinner table because it just stole the turkey right before dinner was going to be served. Good job this is good
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this poem. It flows real good and takes the reader to envision how the animals are playing. I know that many times I have stood on the porch and watch the squirrels go from the bottom of a tree trunk to the top playing with one another. It is such a peaceful feeling to watch them playing. No cares in the world, just having fun. I love the title how the wind makes a breeze and at times it feels like God is whispering in our ear. Just watching the critters dance around and play, can make for a relaxing moment in our day. I like how it gave you the inspiration to write the item. Many times the smallest things that we observe become the center piece of our writing. My favorite lines because sometime in our life we need to just slow down and enjoy the simple things in life.
up in the treetops they play with their mate.
They dance with the zephyrs, though darting--
no rush.
Review of The conversation  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a story that makes you think of the conscious decisions that we make everyday. Sometimes we have moments that denial stands firm on our shoulder and convinces us that the decision we made is correct and benefits us and nothing else matters. Then you have the truth that stands firm and strong, and in the end helps you make the right decision if you will lend an ear and listen closely. Boy Ben was in between a rock and a hard place. The decision he made either way could make someone lose their life. Ben knew if he called police and told them about the blood and the note, that McAllister would kill him. But if he didn't call the little girl Glenda would be killed by McAllister . In the end of the conversation Truth won out and Ben called 911. Wish the word count would have allowed more entry would have liked to know the outcome. This could be a novel.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wonderful job on this item, telling the story of slavery from their point of view. Treaty so violent, never had a say in anything and beaten with a whip, and worked to death in the cotton fields. Then their children were sold oh what heartbreak they did face. Then her man died, ripped and torn from the master's snake. This brings tears to your eyes when you think of all the hardships and cruel events the slaves suffered and endured for years. It would make ones heart break, and cause you to feel such hatred. This is a part of our country's past that we can never forget, because it was so wrong.
Review of The Perfect Wife  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow goes to show when you take someone for granted that eventually they will get tired. Seek new adventures after they have accomplished their job of raising children and trying to be the perfect mate. When we fail to thank those that we love, and treat them like a slave they will eventually seek freedom from the ones they love. When a person feels like they are a slave, taken for granted, and feel like a piece of property you may as well say goodbye. The wife realized there is life out there, she had never had a vacation or new clothes. There was money in the closet and she packed her bags after reading an eye opening novel. I love the part how she calls her husband an old fart this too shall pass. She had prayed many times for her husband and children, I guess now it was her turn to experience life.
Review of October  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a very beautiful poem. It takes a completely different turn on fall than I have. I know that fall is beautiful and that we should appreciate all the greatness of God's beauty. I love fall and the array of color, I love how the frost glimmers and shines in the autumn brisk air. But in the back of my mind it is a bitter sweet time. October was the month that God called mom home, I truly know that it was for the best. October puts me just in mind of how the leaves fall, and winter arrives. The way it gets cold and every thing dies out, just made the event so sad. Now as the sixth year approaches I now can see all the beauty and know that mom was happy on that day. I was glad she wasn't suffering, I just missed her so bad. Now I have a new appreciation for fall, the beauty of all my surroundings brings me peace. Knowing that mom is fine and love the fall. It always meant the holidays were nearing and she loved getting together with family on Thanksgiving and Christmas. Now I enjoy the beauty of fall and look forward to the holidays I rejoice in the morning, and thank God for all the majestic beauty He creates in the beautiful colors.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Ann Ticipation, this is a very inspiring poem. In this life we get to a point and wonder how in the world that it was possible that we arrived there. It sounds like you have had many adventures, and that you look forward to many more. I love how you said that you got to go to Graceland and about all your adventures to different countries. It sounds like life has been very eventful and meaningful. My favorite lines because God has been your guide and brought you to each point in life, and will help you reach the rest of destinations that He has planned.

Did the Lord give to me a helping hand?
Did I set out to journey to exactly here?
Review of Christian  
Review by skymac
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Very heart felt poem. You can feel the love in the poem that you miss them very much. The pain of losing a loved one is hard to deal with, and as time goes on to me it gets harder on certain days to deal with. I love how you put that you treasure the memories and know one day the two of you will be reunited. My favorite lines because when my mom passed away I was given a set of chimes and when they ring I feel it is her way of saying hello it bring me such comfort.
Feeling so real I get butterflies
I hear you whisper my name from above
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Very true that you had a usual life, you just encoutered someone who was a pervert. Sometimes in life we come across the oddest of people. They try and take things that do not belong to them. They violate young children, and think it is ok they just touched you to them that is nothing. Well to any young 16 year old it is a big deal. It is sexual assault no matter how Mr. Robinson wanted to down play his actions. To find that out of 12 girls he had basically attacked 5, wonder what his quota was the semster before that. It is great that the girls got together and talked, like stated how many young women were raped and it was never reported. So sad that these people make it to where children can't trust adults. We have to let our children know that they are to respect adults that respect them, but if an adult teacher or who ever tries to violate them, they are allowed to do what ever it takes to let them know no means no. Girls and young ladies if anyone touches you or gives you a come on line tell your parents right away. It is not your fault that there are pervert in this world, but they need to know that they can't get away with this type of sick behavior.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
sounds like a relationship where one has taken and stepped outside the lines way too far. That they have ended up in another womans bed, and broken the heart and life of the one that truly loves them. It would be so hard to try and deal with such hurt and pain. To have someone cheat on you that is suppose to love you forever. The very one that you shared your hopes and dreams with. You built a life around them, sharing hopes and dreams of the future to have them shattered. My favorite lines because you would feel like life has stopped, the clock is truly broken, because you feel that your heart will never mend from such hurt and deciept.
passionless dreams for a future,
clock broken; heart dying too fast
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this especially these lines Never to worry what path grace
All paths go….. To same place.” Sometimes in life we stumble and fall along the way, isn't it great to know that God always puts us back on the path that we need to end up on. That in the end each path will lead exactly to where God needs us to be. Doesn't matter what way we took to get there, all that matters is that we arrived where we needed to be. I know many times in my life I have been going down a path, and God has given me a detour. He has changed the way of my steps and taken right to where He needs me to be at a certain time. I am so glad that He is our Guide through this life of trials and troubles.
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