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Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hey Judith I think that is the best way to live your life. You don't need others telling you how you should live your life. You can't live it the way others think you should. That is why everyone is an individual, they picture their life in a certain way and should strive to make it the way they want it. Not the way others think they should live it. Take one day at a time, and enjoy the roses, and thank God we have been given a new day. Like the saying do what you like, and like what you do. I hate that you experienced such cruelness, that is so sad during a time that you needed nothing but compassion, kindness, and encouragement, and most of all understanding. Nursing homes seem so uncaring, many do their job and go home. But there is the exception to the ones who really care about the patients. My mother-in-law is in one now, but praise God we get to take her home in three weeks.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this item. It speaks volumes on good advice. Not to think your in love just because you are lonely. Not to jump thinking you are in love and it could just be infatuation. That to love someone takes a lot of work, and that love worth having is worth fighting for. We can spend our lives searching, and one day find the one that God intended. Like you stated sometimes we get a few bad experiences but it helps us appreciate the gem that becomes our spouse, partner, and best friend in life. I love the advice to look beyond looks, and wealth because yes that will eventually fade away. Make sure it is for love and love only. That is when a person is the most happy, it doesn't matter if they don't have much money, the love provides more riches than material things ever could.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is just such a beautiful story. Shows how much a child appreciates how much their mom does for them. That they know that their mom has sacraficed so much to meet their basic needs. It would be so hard to try and raise three boys and one girl on your own. You would have to work three jobs for sure. I love how Winnie realized that her mom need a vacation, a rest to let her focus on herself for awhile. You would definitely have to take Winnie when the people came and granted the prize for her mom. With the help of school staff, and Winnie, that Esher finally got to do something for herself.
Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Oh I love a true romance story, but the tragedy makes me so sad. It draws in the reader, where the story tells of how she and Nuel fell in love. That they were running off to elope, because Lara parents didn't approve because of his age. It was sad how Lara felt when she was leaving home, but she was full of adventure on the upcoming trip. The couple were young and in love. They saw no danger ahead. They had traveled across quite a few states already. I am assuming they were soon going to get married, since they were approaching Niagara Falls. Then the crash happened with the semi and Nuel was pronounced dead at the scene. They worked on Lara for 20 minutes to no avail. I like the outlook at the end, that they go into the light. To know sadness,sorrow, or pain anymore. Good job. You really draw the reader in.
Review of Goodie Gifts  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh my this is absolutely beautiful. We have so much to be thankful for. God does bless us and deserves a song of praise everyday. Everything that we have has been given by our Father in Heaven. He loves us no matter how much we fail Him, He blessess us daily with His love,mercy, and grace. Good job on this poem, very sincere. My favorite lines because if we lay everything at His feet, He will take care of all of our burdens.

Cast upon His feet all your troubles and care,
He'll prove His promises when you ask in prayer.

Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This takes me back talking about childhood adventures. My favorite tree was our beautiful apple tree. I had a clubhouse in it. In the summer I would sit and eat apples, and just enjoy the breeze flowing throw all of it's branches. Sounds like the palm tree was beautiful but you couldn't endure having your home invaded one more time. Then you move and the tree that brings you so much joy, is knocked down. I like the part how it waited until you were safely at the back of your house. I hate to lose good old friends it makes one sad. The wind chimes I love, I got a set when my mom passed away and they hang on my porch now. When they start singing their tune, I think it is mom's way of saying hello
Review of Intentions  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
Sounds like a person truly had their heart broken. It could have been from a broken relationship, or it could have been from a broken family not really for sure. I am assuming that it was lost love, that they truly loved someone with all their heart and then was jolted big time by the love of their life. Sounds like they would let them be for a while and then reappear back in their life, and break their heart all over again.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I like this, it gives us a good lesson on taking care of all of our natural resources. To maintain the beauty of our landmarks. To insure that generations to come can enjoy the very beauty of what we see today. So many wonders of the world are becoming polluted, and many precious resources are being destroyed by us humans. It would be awesom if someone like Merlin could wave a magic wand and make it all appear as it did before. But that is not going to happen, so we must preserve our beautiful scenic places. One person at a time making a difference, by helping clean up, and bringing awareness to the pollution and destruction of our beautiful wonders of the world.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love it, makes me laugh about the burned part. It is true when ones day gets crazy, we become so detatched to what is going on around us. That at some point we just don't care. It takes sitting down to what ever treat we may find, my favorite being a big bowl of chocolate ice cream covered in syrup. It seems like the world gets much better when we have a routine that calms us down. I love how you put buttered popcorn, never settle for the plain unbuttered kind. When you need to treat your self go for the good stuff, but try not to let it burn. I needed a good laugh thanks.
Review of Bernie  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I love the story, it is so amazing that such racism still exists today. I think that it is just sad, that we can't all unite together and make our world a beautiful place. It would end so many problems, and teach our children a whole new out look on life, instead of robbing,and killing one another. We are all alike, different in many ways, but that is a good thing, if we were all the same life would be boring. Everyone has different talents, backgrounds and skin color should never come into play. It is wrong to judge others period, we need to love one for who they are. It is sad that racism is still a stumbling block in our society today and so wrong at that.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love this good visionary on the reader picturing the winter beauty in their mind. Love how it tells of the sunlight is sinking low, and then how it shines the next day bringing new life. How it shines on the frost covered grass, I can imagine it glistening with the sun beaming down showing like a ice covered scupture.
Review of PURE  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is really good. It makes you think of all the destruction that is done to our beautiful nature place in the name of progress. We see the beautiful mountains, the untouched streams, and then one day they are bombarded with construction and much of it's beauty is gone. I love how you have done this one can imagine driving and seeing beautiful scenery.
Review of My Journey  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very good description on your journey through life. I love the part where you state that it is your steps and no one can alter your path. I love the expression crossroad of life, sometimes we take one road and are detoured another way. I would have to agree, no one can take our journey for us, it is our destiny to fulfill our own journey in life.

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Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this praise report. God helped you know that your son needed your help. He made it possible through His loving hand for you to be able to help your little boy. I truly believe that you were given a miracle from God in heaven. He made it known His love for you and your son that very night.

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Review of Mother's Day  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I love this and must totally agree. To always tell your mom how much you love and appreciate her. Because take it from someone who knows there may come a day that you can't express those very words to her. Let your parents know each and everyday how much they mean to you, and let them know how much they are loved. Because at anytime God could call them home to their reward. Every Mother's Day I just wish I could pick up the phone and talk with my mom, to tell her how much I love her. So I look up to the sky and tell her my words, hoping the angels deliver the message of love we send her way.
Review of Seven  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a very good item. It shows feelings that we all have had. That we have been bullied by others, mistreated, abused. Completely made feel so insecure, and that many times felt like a no body. In return we have often treated others in the very same manner. Being mean to them verbally, saying things that cut them to the very core. Calling names, taunting, embarassing others by calling them names. How we forget being the victim of such tactics so fast, you would think that it would be impossible to forget. Then we go and portray the very same actions against some innocent person. I totally agree with your statement, that at times we feel insecure and unloved. That we take it out on others around us, that are hurting and weak. Why, I truly do not know, but like in your case I truly regret all the harsh words I ever spoke that hurt someone so badly. I know many times that it placed deep scars in the person that can never be hidden. Hopefully throughout the years they have forgiven me for being so cruel, as I have forgiven the ones who inflicted pain upon me.
Review of Speeding  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow, I guess we can all learn something from the people that we stand in line with. That sometimes we have to stop and observe and then our eyes are truly opened to the problems of our fellow man. That some run into problems and never have the same problem again. That many have a problem that they battle all of their lives. That they can not shake off the problems that life has dealt them, and they accept their circumstances. They admit their problem, that helps them make it through each and everyday. I like the description of the girl, that she didn't belong in the place, that in life we just end up in a place that we didn't plan. Jack had accepted his place in life, and made no excuses at all. I guess as we speed by in life we really need to slow down, and see what is going on around us.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
To be able to take this picture and write this story you are very talented. Because the reader feels every emotion and wants to cry with the mom. To scream I should have never left him alone for one moment. We all have been guilty of this same thing and thank God that this was not the end result. The grief that the mom is feeling is revealed in every word. The anger at herself for turning her back and walking a way just long enough for the tragedy to happen. She is beating herself up and blaming herself. The reader feels all of the pain. Great job.
Review of Redeemed  
Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Very good story, Jenna was between a rock and a hard place. She had lost her mom nine months before, then her father starts abusing her, what else could she do. She had to defend herself, she had no other choice. With her mom's voice guiding her, she ran to the lake trying to escape her drunken abusing father. Then her mom's voice told her to pick up the stick to her right. As her dad approach and throw beer bottles at her, he lost his balance and she hit him with the stick. He fell in the water, then wanted Jenna to save him. He kept saying he was sorry and then when she wouldn't help him, he started cussing her. Jenna had no other way out. The song is very ironic. She had been Redeemed, but now had lost both of her parents. What happen to her now?
Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
I remember reading one of your poems that was about after your mom passed away. From my reading this poem I am gathering that it is from the grief and the loss of your mom, and wondering if a letter that was sent was the reason possibley the reason for a broken heart. That either she felt lonely and unappreciated by others and so unloved and took an overdose of pills. The part where you said that they wrote that they were sick and tired that you felt that way also. It shows strong emotion, and grief. I am thinking that the part of where it says not taking care of me is because she died? not for sure could be wrong. Good job on this item.
Review of Crystal  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very encouraging poem for your niece with all that she is going through. Giving encouragement and trying to keep her spirits up that is great. To let her know that family and friends are there for her regardless of what she goes through. This is my favorite lines letting her know that you are there for her during her batle with cancer.
Lean on those all around you, Crystal
When you need a lift just whistle

Welcome to the writing.com family glad to have a new member.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
It would be so hard to say good bye to your sister, to lose a sibling would be so hard. I would say it broke your heart to know that she was truly gone. Your friend, and campion, during all of life's trials. Losing a loved one takes along time to get through the grief and loss. May God bless you my favorite lines
With a heart that weeps
I say Goodbye to a
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very beautiful tribute to your mom. I love the phrase I am with you every step of the way. When you lose your mom it is like a part of you is lost. It is like you have lost one of your best friends. But one thing that I have come to know is that my mom lives on in me, because of the love and things that she taught me. To give others the benefit of the doubt, and to listen and love with all your heart. Never to turn anyone away that is need. A mom is someone very special just like you describe your mom in this poem. It is very beautiful and proves my point that no matter how many years they have been gone, we miss them everyday.
Review of Darkness  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
Very dark and deep emotions. It tells of a person who feels like they live in complete utter darkness. The poem gives the impression that it has been a long time since they have truly experienced happiness. Despair can rob us of our faith, our belief that tomorrow will be better, when everything goes so wrong. Many times the darkness seems like it will last forever. But one day the sunshine eventually peeks through, and we find our ray of hope. Welcome to the wriing.com family. Glad you could join us.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is beautiful, yet sad at the same time. A person is struggling to make it through deep depression. They want someone to love and care for them. To wrap them in their arms in their deepest moments of despair. To just tell them that everything will be ok, and that there will brighter days. I seen the part that was put that there is a way out, but I want to make it to heaven. Depression can cause such torment and pain. It entraps it victims to where their life seems so dark. God can help with that darkness, He will show you the way to go. When all seems lost, He will send Jesus to hold you in His arms. Sometimes the storms of life overwhelm us, but God will never leave our side. He will calm the storm that rages and give you peace within.
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