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Review of Fluffy the Dragon  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very good story and full of humor. I guess the neighbors really didn't like the dragon to well but it made for a good story and a good laugh. I love how the cats hiss at every new creature that comes in. I guess it would require cage after cage, just think how big of one it would have soon needed. My favorite lines sounds like a part two of this story. Poor Lucy glad you could keep calm.

My boyfriend just emailed me that he was returning from his trip to the Galapagos Islands and was bringing back a unique pet for me
Review by skymac
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Great item and a good helping item to remind all of us to not over look that there are people out there just ready to take our info if we make the mistake of clicking on the wrong link in a bogus email. I have also had so many over the years, and I look for phone numbers, and I have learn from my friends who have had their bank accounts cleaned out. I don't ever open one, I call the bank or card companies to see if there is any activity on my accounts. Thank you for the reminder and yes be cautious, and safe, when in doubt throw it out.
Review of Nurtured Seed  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very beautiful tribute to your mom. Sounds like she is very nurturing and full of love. Treat everyday like it is Mother's Day because you may turn around one day and they have gone to heaven. I love the part about the granddaughter, that it is a grandson, cute way of telling her. I am sure to her it doesn't matter as long as the baby is healthy. She will continue to help feed and water as she has done throughout your life, now she gets to love and not have to discipline that is what makes being a grandmother so special. My favorite lines

That simply plant their seeds
But never water them,
Nor care to their needs.
Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Enjoyed the story, so sad how so many sit and wait helpless and have no vistors. It is a sad enviroment, and it really tugs at the heart. You see them day after day watching for their loved ones to come visit. Now there are some whose family visits daily, but there are those that never come back after admitting is complete. I couldn't help but laugh about the wheel chair incidient. It took a lot for you to write about your experience and how lonely it feels, I pray that it helps others to realize that we all will grow old. That we need to visit when we can, and try and bring sunshine into the patients lives. My favorite part because I have heard the same agonzing cry when I worked in a nursing home it is heart breaking.

“Please, I want to go home,” said the old woman, tears streaming down her winkled cheeks
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Marc's adventure shows us a true lesson in life. Sometimes what we are searching for, could be right in our own back yard. It is amazing how he traveled to Great Britain after Alex's murder to find the other piece to the map. He searched in vain for over two years in the clock tower about to go insane. Then got his belt caught on one of the clocks and it quit working and he was discovered in the tower. He was sentenced to 3 years in prison with hard labor. It would be hard to imagine all that Marc went through, he had to feel that all his hard work was in vain. When Alex gave the clues to where the his pieces were who would have thought that it would be at the cottage. That Marc had been right in the mist of the pieces he searched for and over looked them entirely. He lost seven years on his search, I wonder if he will resume his search now?
Review of Sea Change  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
It is amazing that a person decides to do away with a part of their life, and then it haunts them for the rest of their lives. This amazes me, do people honestly not stop and think that the grass is not greener on the other side. It seems that their own yard may have been greener and more lovely than what they traded it for. sadness from losing something you cherished after letting it go, sure would be a lonely life.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Sounds like Dave had the right idea. To take his time and find the exact one that was perfect. Sound like a symbolic idea of finding a mate for marriage. To take one times and make sure they are perfect and fit the idea of what you would like that they are your very favorite and that nothing else can compare to them.
Review of If Only  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very sad. There are so many people who feel this way. They have something missing in their lives and want it to be complete. They long and dream of a family to fill the empty void that is full of long lonely days. They see so many that are happy and have a wife and kids and just want that same happiness. Many go years without experincing the happiness that they dream about. But one day they will find the one that they have dreamed of and more. My favorite lines because it is so awful to be longing for something this bad. Just wanting to be loved, is that not everyone's dream in life?

Behind closed doors I cry and weep
Fall deep into depression, it's hard to sleep
My life is not like I imagined; I am just a lonely sheep

Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I have always heard that some people can not handle illness. I truly could not imagine walking away from your spouse after they have found out they have MS. It would be so hard for the spouse that had the disease to accept.
Dorothy was strong for their 10 year old son Patrick. Russ had walked away when his dad was dying of cancer, so it shows that he could not handle health issues like this. Then when Patrick was struck by a car on his bike, Russ had to step up and be the strong one. Patrick was in really bad shape, doctors thought he may not make it. Russ and Dorothy became close again, as Patrick began to recover they fell in love all over again and one day remarried with Patrick's blessings. Good ending.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Oh my it would be so hard dealing with this disorder. Feeling like you are on a roller coaster of emotions. Flying high one moment and not knowing how you really feel the next. It would be so confusing trying to sort out your feelings from minute to minute. My favorite lines Crazy thoughts racing
On a suicidal rage
Laughing and screaming
At the same time
Because it is not the person fault it is a disease that many do not understand. Hard to diagnose, and hard to keep under control. Many medicines make the symptoms worse, or adds more medical problems. It would be hard trying to deal with such confusing thoughts and feelings day in and day out.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Enjoyed the story. Just show how we don't understand animals and their nature. That they see us as a danger at times and react how they would in the wild defensively. They have their own little personality and will be and act just like they want. It is amazing that the owner never really quit fooling with Princess Mayblossom. I know that she was really aggravated with her when she ate her own babies. Then Princess Mayblossom bit and scratched her as she was trying to rescue the babies. I guess this was the final straw for Ellen she had had it with Princess Mayblossom. Then she put her in the same area with Little Thumb and Marya Morevna . Little Thumb convinced Mayblossom that Ellen would send her to paradise if she was nice to her. She let Ellen pick her up and everything. Soon Ellen decided to set her loose on the farm of Tom. Then she decided to let Tom cook Little Thumb on Saturday. She was also going to let Princess Mayblossom's grandmother Marya Morevna joined Mayblossom to eat veggies for the rest of her days.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is such a sweet story. That a moose gets it's name by children hollaring Lookout. That the moose seen no fear in going to town, even though his mom had warned him that it could be dangereous. It is so funny how Lookout tried to get on the bus with the children.He wanted to play more, and then he tried to get into the school, but couldn't fit through the doors. Then as he went on he came to the bakery and thought the baker was playing a new game with him with the broom. Then how he went to the firehouse and the trucks made such a loud noise and hurt his ears. Lookout could not figure out why everyone was screaming at him. He was holding up the traffic, and the fire trucks couldn't get to the fire. Love how he say the little girl and she wanted her dog saved. Then lookout say the puppy jump by the window. He remembered playing with a puppy once and it was happy to play with him. He saved the dog from the fire and placed it down beside the little girl. Then looking toward home he knew that his mom would be worried and decided to go home. All the crowd petted Lookout as he left. Loved the story. Would make a good children's book.
Review of Torn  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Oh that would be so sad, to have others making a decision for you like that. To take your son away and tear them from your arms and you never see them again. That would truly be a pain that would cause you to never heal from . Then to find out that some years later that you would not be able to have another child truly devastating. It would make me wonder if the ones who made the decision for her even realize what consquences their decision had for her the mother of the baby boy they cast away.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very beautifully put. I like how you explain how the butterfly has so many obstacles to face, but shines in it's beauty. That it will face many storms, and it has a very short life span. As human beings we face so many storms in our short life, but God helps us through each and every stumbling block that is place in our path. I like this verse eternally spinning, gigantic wheel many times it feels like we are on a roller coaster in life. We want the ride to stop, but it keeps taking us in a direction that we don't want to go. Many times our life spins out of control, but when we look at the beauty that is around us, it helps us make it through this short life. To make the most of every moment.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love this, Tim must have really found his passion living and working among the Grizzly Bears . He lived and died among them. Sad but admirable also. He did what he loved and I would love to see the the film. What was he trying to do show how they live, and how they protect and that they could be beautiful creatures just have to be respected I would bet this is the point that he was trying to drive home (guessing). Like you stated you love writing and can understand his purpose, I to can relate to that. I love to write and express to the world my thoughts, to capture your thoughts and feelings on tape in a documentary must be amazing. It is ironic that he and his fianceé both were killed by a bear.
Review of Screaming Kettles  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Wow what a crazy adventure. I can not believe someone would put themselves in such danger. I know that it happens all the time, teens don't have a true clue to all the danger that they put themselves in. Joe should have used his first instinct get off the track and not worry about what the boys thought. There is no friendship or group or gang worth losing your life over for some type of ritual like this. I guess when we are young stupidity is our worst enemy.
Review of Sparks  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This tells a good story and gives excellent warning about fireworks. Not to take for granted the wicks on the dangereous exploding TNT products. So many people are injured every year from fireworks. I guess we get adventureous and want to do things that are not safe. Reese kept lighting the lighter, it would have been better if the girls lighter would have been low on fuel also. It is amazing that they both were burned, and that when he thought she would no longer want him, that he seen her on the street. She looked at him and seen all that was wrong but still embraced him and gave him a big kiss. They walked together, knowing that things would be ok.
Review of Earth Eagle  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this I encountered about four wild turkeys a few weeks ago. I love the description of their beauty, how they fluff their wings. That the beauty is just breath taking. How they wonder around sometime looking for food, sometimes looking for a mate. They just show us what true freedom is. God takes care of their every need. He provides food for them, and then shares their beauty with us. Many times we see beauty all around us and take it for granted. But to encounter 7 beautiful turkeys just taking it easy is very unusual. Good job of observing this magnifinance creature, and being so inspired.
Review by skymac
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Oh how I love the subject of the Redwood tree. Their beauty just surpasses so many things.Hundreds of years old, untouched by human hands. Seems like their history is timeless. Their beauty amazing. How they tower so high in the sky, love the part how they rise Pristinely toward wispy clouds. Like they are blend right in with the clouds that God has placed in the sky. This sort of puts me in mind of a metaphor. That all things will age and eventually all things give way to death. But in the end, the roots of the tree sprout again and bring new life, through their seeds. Just like in our life, we will age and get older, and eventually our body will die. But if we have accepted Jesus our soul will live forever. My favorite lines because it reminds us that death is a part of life.

Serves as a humble, yet deathly abode
For the age-old, indigenous tree…
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this, it puts your mind in motion, being able to visualize the whales in all of their beauty. With the ocean waves swaying and the whales surfing each wave gracefully with their body. It would be so amazing to see such beauty in person on a cruise, to be able to capture their true beauty on film. Good story makes the reader be able to imagine the boat, and place themselves there whale watching right along with Pat.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Now this one is sad, and straight to the point. It shows that in our life we get so busy, and lose touch with the ones that we love. Many moms and dads sit and wait on calls from their children for days and years. I just do not understand how one can lose touch with their parents and not talk to them almost ten years. Also I don't know why parents don't just pick up the phone and call their children. I know many times the parents get put on hold, and just eventually give up. My thoughts on this is to focus on how sad the situtation truly is. The dad lost his wife, and feels so lonely. He waits day after day, month after month for contact from his son. Then finally he realizes he will have to do the calling. Love the part where the chair sits by the phone, and the wife always done her conversations in the chair. How the husband vows that he will carry on the tradition but hasn't had the heart. My favorite part is how he is trying to figure out how to cross breeding Lilies. He is trying to plant something beautiful, may bring some enjoyment into his own life. Then the call comes that his son is running for senate in the U.S. and if his father comes to visit it may hurt his chances of winning, man what a brush off. You have to love the part where Mrs. Stevenson states that Mr. Mukerjee is an understanding man, and has made many sacrifices for his son. That he would be willing to wait patiently while his son was busy. Amazes me she couldn't help him with figuring out how to do the Lillies at least. All I can say to sum this up is, If someone's parents are living don't take time for granted, you put off visiting them, you may never get to go visit them again except at the funeral home. They spend long lonely days wanting company take the time while they are living to visit and include them in your life. One day you may turn around and they may be gone. I also love how he moved the chair from by the phone, to in front of the window where he could see out, sometimes a change of pace is good.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Judith, this is great. Sometimes change is good. Many times we resist change, mainly because it scares us. The things you have done, it helps saves money. When things are costing money and are just going to waste basically it doesn't hurt to change them. I may have to try that magic jack, I am one that loves to conserve. My internet I will keep. I put plastic on my windows to conserve on the heat bill. Anyways, i love how you put your records so that you can listen to them anytime on itunes. Sounds like you are coming right along on modern day things hooray for you. Keep up the good work. I remember it was all that we could do, to convince my mom back in the 1990's to use and electric can opener or a microwave.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is so sad, yet you have to admire the old mans detemination. He had a strong will and desire on what he wanted to do, and accomplished it. He went through many obstacles that were hidden from his sight. His plan had a few glitches in it, but he surpassed everyone of them. I would say that he had accomplished many things in his life, and over come many hardships that gave him the encouragement to do what seemed impossible. Nursing homes can be so cold, their residents occupy space, and when one dies another one takes their place. The patients receive care, many workers give their heart away, but in the end, it is they can not take the place of the patients family. Patients feel like it is a prison, and they long to escape. They don't want their last days being spent in captivity. They want to be free once more, and in familer surroundings. I am thinking the house that he went to either belonged to him at one time, or maybe one of his children lived there. Who knows he may have chose a house at random, doubtful though. I like the title A Man Who Has It All, all he wanted was a beer, steak, and to watch a game. He had things the way he wanted them when he died.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow, this story shows just how in tune you must be with nature to survive one of these climbs. I would truly say that your survival instinct really must kick in. I guess it is the thrill of the climb, knowing the dangers, and loving the scenary. I could just imagine how beautiful it must be to reach the highest point and be able to say that you were there. Very dangereous adventure, takes lots of training and know how, to complete such a mission or adventure. I know many set their goal of how far they will go, many reach that point but many don't. I guess like with Tami and David was prepared, they set up their equipment, follow the rules of the books, and watched mother nature take over. They kept everything together, and were prepared if worse came to worse. Amazing how the rain changed to snow and they woke up to a much greater obstacle. Their tent door covered from the snow, they were thinking they would abandon the gear and head for safety. Love how Tami packed each thing, and they were able to get everything together and get headed back. It is untelling the dangers they may have faced had they decided to climb higher. If an inexperienced group tried this trip, they may have not decided to turn back. It is sad that three died on Reid Glacier. I wonder if they had the tracking equipment that hikers can rent? Would it have helped them at all with the weather conditions that took place that day? I love how it tells that Tami and David felt such peace on the mountain, I guess it is like being in a whole different world. Just you and nature residing together.
Review of ~~~Dear Daddy~~~  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very heartfelt and sad. It brings tears to my eyes, because I can relate to the subject of the poem very well. When you lose a parent, in my case my mom, there is so much left unsaid that you want to tell them so badly. I like the way it says that they write a letter every Father's Day and burn it hoping that the words are carried up to heaven to their dad. The part that is sad to me, that they ask the question if their dad was proud of them, or did they disappoint them. I pray that none of us ever leave our children wondering if we are proud of them, let us remind them daily. Good job, and where you stated it really doesn't get easier, I agree our acceptance just eventually kicks in. We miss them more, and have memories to carry us through until we see them again.
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