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Review of The Greatest Gift  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Great eye opener. We can take the time to listen to the elderly and learn so much from them. They are full of wisdom. They have seen many changes in their lives and they are also full of knowledge. It is amazing the stories my mom use to tell me. I like the part you put that Jesus is the reason for the season. It doesn't matter the material gifts we gave, it is the time and memories given during everyday life that others hold dear. Good job.
Review of Voices change  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Oh my that would be so sad. To share a life with someone and then they die so suddenly. To be left completely alone with no one to talk too and feeling like you have lost everything. Even family is to busy to give a call or go to lunch that is so sad. They lost their best friend and partner for life, we need to remember this and reach out to others family or friends that need someone to be there for them. There are a lot of people that are lonesome in this world and feel like they have no one left. They need to always remember God in heaven is there for them and will place someone in their path when they feel that all hope is gone that they are never truly alone. Good job on this item. The feelings of pain and sadness are shown really well. It shows others that the road to healing doesn't end after the funeral is over.
Review of Ode to My Dad  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is the way that a dad and daughter relationship should be. Sharing the good with the bad, difference of opinion will always come into play, but they love one another at the end of the day. It would be so great to be able to look back and see these kinds of memories play out in my mind, but some dads choose to walk away and strip their children of memories like yours. We now have a chance after all these years to make memories with our dad, since forgiveness has taken place, we will make memories on all of our empty pages. Thank you for sharing this lovely poem, it gives a happy feeling that not all dad's walk away. For the long haul they are planted, the way it should be. By the way this is a wonderful tribute to your dad, and your love for him shines through in this item.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is beautiful and very deep. Sounds like one's sub conscious is taking them back to a time in their life to reflect. To reflect on past mistakes but not to remind the person of what they done wrong, hoping to remind them not to make the same mistakes again. I like how it goes from the rough waves of the sea to the home that they once had known. Sometimes I believe the inner child inside us all longs for home, the security that we knew as a child, the longing to feel safe from the world once more. So our mind takes us back to a time and place for comfort could be found. Sometimes we wonder back in time to remember loved ones that have passed on. To go to that special place where the memories are vibrant and it is like they are still with us. Great job on this.
Review of Pain to Paper  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this and can sure relate to it a lot. By writing I get my pain and frustration out. It helps me to deal with the emotions and helps to express what I am feeling at the time. It is like a form of theraphy for me. Keep writing and I would include the subject that caused the pain at some time to give the reader an idea of what caused the pain. May be just give a hint. But this is good, and it is the perfect way to release emotions and start the road to healing. May God bless you and welcome to the writing.com family. skymac.
Review of The Rule of Three  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow amazing story. This would definetly give someone the desire and push to not let anyone tell them what to do. Not to take one moment of your life for granted. It was a good thing that the online friends knew that you had not been on line and something was wrong. The rehab part must have really been bad and made you that way. You were at their mercy and it was their way or no way. Worked in one and it was their way or no way. I didn't like the rules but the patients were wonderful. Like you said we coast thru life and then we get a wake up call on how precious life truly is. great story.
Review of This is My Story  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Wow what an adventure that was. I couldn't imagine losing your family all at one time. That would be so horrible. Then to have to stay in a place where you knew that it was only a matter of time before they would find and kill you. That is so sad, no wonder they had to flee, there was no choice, it was either live or die. I really don't think I could have return back to the country where my family lost their lives at the hands of such cruel people. I would think that it would haunt me forever. I don't really know though, I guess you take the good with the bad and then use that to bring awareness to a problem. Good job on this.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Two miracles God has many more in store. He can do things that when doctors have given up all hope He is the great physician. Keep the faith and as the years go on you will see what plans God has for this miracle child. She will shine like a bright star. He has plans and for your faith you have been greatly blessed.
Review of Autumn Twilight  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is beautiful you can just imagine sitting outside on a warm fall day and watching the sun go down. You see all the brightly colored leaves falling from the trees and blowing all around the yard. It is a beautiful time of year but also a little later becomes gloomy because winter is on it's way and everything sleeps for the winter. I also love the part of the fall flowers because it gives a promise that as winter approaches that spring will soon arrive. These are my favorite lines reason being my mom died on a fall day and I imagine it as her way of saying hello from heaven when a breeze blows.
A crisp, cool breeze drifts through the calm
Heaven sprouts its blazing garden.

Review of Beginning II  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
I like the way the story takes all the twists and turns. For forty eight hours he thought he was a father. Then the doctor tells him it is not so. He carries out his wife's wishes of scattering her ashes in the rose garden. He fills like he has found some relief and will be able to carry on somehow. Then he looks at the answering machine and it is flashing. His friend has mixed up the samples for testing. The little girl is his daughter. He will have more adventures I am sure. Good job.
Review of Beginning  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Wow powerful story. Grief can make a person hurt so badly that they themselves no longer want to carry on. When losing a spouse they feel so alone that their world has nothing left to carry on for. It must be so devastating to feel that suicide is the only way out. not having any immediate family doesn't help much at all. You need that support from family and friends. Most of all a close relationship with God. I like how he got hungry and had to go back to the cabin. After eating fell asleep. It is amazing that he slept through six phone calls. Just when he thinks there is no reason for living one is provided is has a sick child that he knew nothing about.
Review of The Hunger  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this very honest and I would say very hard to write. You have done a wonderful job of expressing yourself. You come to the conclusion that something is missing and leaving you longing for something to feel that empty feeling. To me writing is a great form of theraphy. It helped me get through my grief when my mom passed away. I prayed for God to give me something to do to help me get through this time. To help me focus on something completely different. He gave me a job to do, and out of it came a book. Just pray and God will lead you to where He needs you to go. Also He will take you in His arms and give you a big hug, and love you regardless of what you go through.
Review of Reflections  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Oh this is so sad. Many times we raise our children and they take a completely different path than we have taught them. There are so many influences in this world, evil ones at that. Sometimes well most of the time they think that nothing bad can happen to them. Then all of the sudden they find out that their are harsh consquences for our actions. They are almost grown and not invisible. That bad things do happen, and they are not the only ones punished. Parents face many hard decisions, and we are not perfect. We just want what is best for our children. We make mistakes but try to do our best where our children are concerned. Sometimes things are beyond our control, things happen for a reason. I know your heart must truly be broken, no wonder you can't hardly sleep. Your babies are not home, you have to be at wits end. Hopefully this will help your children and they will come back to you soon. remember with God all things are possible, let Him know the desires of your heart. Truly believe with all your heart, and soon your family can be reunited.
Review of TRUST IS A MUST  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this really good. Many times in our lives things happen that are really bad, and it takes many years to put it behind us. We have to come to terms with whatever has placed such terror in our heart and scarred us so deeply. Many times this is easier said than done. It can take years to let go of the past. When pain has been inflicted upon you, it is hard to trust anyone. To have a life that is complete it is a necessary thing to learn to trust. It comes with time and comes from God above. He can mend our broken spirit and give us the inner strength to heal. I love this line because you realize you are a survivor, that at one time was a victim. You have the power to change things, to make a postive impact on your life. To take that energy and completely make a difference in your own life, possiblely others lives also. Sometimes the way that we heal is by helping and talking with others. Sharing our doubts and fears with others who have been through the same things. May God bless you.
But, now that I know that I am a survivor, I will become healthy,
Review of Reunion  
Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
It would be very difficult to have your dad walk away from your life completely. It leaves a place in a child's memory and heart that the scars can run deep. The children they that something is wrong with them, that they must be bad. Because why else would their dad not be around. abandonment to a child is just complete rejection. They can spend the majority of their life trying to fill the empty void that is in their heart. Emotionally it is horrible dealing with this situtation because it effects future relationships. It is difficult to trust someone that loves you, at the back of your mind you are always afraid that they will leave. Hard lessons are learn when we imagine and want revenge, in the end we find that it is better to forgive and put it behind us. Because if we hold the grudge the bitterness and anger eat away at us. Our life cannot be as fulfilling as it could be if we hold onto all the hurt. Letting go and moving on is the way for healing. Forgiveness and knowing that it was nothing we done as a child to make them leave. That decision they made on their own. Good job enjoyed the story.
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Very creative how you brought the story about with your past characters in your book. I love how the description sounds like an evil person. How the characters of your story take over the computer and want you to continue with their journey. Love it as I was reading the description of the voice of Vulcan, put me in mind of how it would sound. In my mind I get the picture of the statue on the movie Night at the Museum when the statue says I want gum dum dum.I know sounds crazy just what come to mind. Walker is a kind and caring character and tries to put the evil one back in his place. I love the story keep up the great work. Hope you are writing more on the story, don't want the blue screen appearing now!
Review of A Mothers Love  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very well stated. A mother's love is so precious. They sacrafice so many things to raise their children. They do without not worrying about their own needs. They wear their shoes with holes in them so that their child can get a new pair for school. They don't worry that their clothes are not in style, their child looks good on the first day of school. Mom's are God's precious gift to us all, if you are grown and your mom is still living, call her. Never take for granted that she will be there tomorrow. You may turn around and God has called her home. Never let one day go without calling and thanking her for all that she has done for you. Always tell her how much you love her everyday, so that you don't have to live with regrets. Be sure and visit her more than once a year. She looks forward to your visits. Go and bring her home with for a few days if you get a chance she loves that even more.
Review of A new song  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is really good. It contains a great message. Forgiveness can bring healing, and a new start. It helps us heal from past hurts, it helps us start life anew. When we forgive or receive forgiveness it makes us feel like we can start anew. Life can be hard and we can make it harder on ourselves by not forgiving ourselves. Like you stated when we forgive others, and we ourselves are forgiven that it brings a brand new start. One that also brings a change of heart. My favorite lines
Forgivness and change may both be grand,
they seem to walk hand in hand.

Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Such a wonderful tribute to George. This is just absolutely beautiful. It touches the very heart. Sounds like George touched many peoples lives. He sounds like one of those people no matter how bad of mood you were in, could bring a smile to your face with their humor. I love how some people have a nack to make other's forget their problems and make them life no matter how hard they are hit by life' waves. It is so hard to say goodbye to them, when you had not a clue that God would soon call them home. It leaves an empty spot in our hearts, but leaves us hope that we know we will see them one day again when Jesus call us for our homecoming. Sorry for your loss.
Review of Snow Fairy  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is really a creative children's story. I love the idea of a snow fairy, children would really love this. Also the story contains a message in the end. That sometimes we want to keep something good all to ourselves and by doing that we take away the fun that others would have from the enjoyment that we are experiencing. I love how the fairy is thought to be a hummingbird. It makes kids imagination soar. I like how the little girl sets the snow fairy loose and they get a blanket of snow on the ground. Then she gets to see all the enjoyment that everyone around her was missing. I love the part about the perfect snowflake that it never melted and she wore it on a chain. Also I love how she and Nissa left gifts for one another at Christmas time. You could do a book on this story. There could be many adventures for the snow fairy.
Review of Soul For Sale  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow this really took work and guidance from the highest of all God. I love it I had never really given much thought on this issue this way. They called out the bidding and Satan as hard as he tried to bully to get the soul was eventually beaten. That shows that many times you want to talk to the one that is charge the main man God Himself. When no one else can't help God is the Master and will win in the end. Good job real good read. Contains an awesome message.
Review of God, Who Are You?  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is so good provides a great explantation of who God is. The loving and understanding Father that I have come to know. He is the beginning and the end. He loves us no matter what we do wrong. He forgives our sins over and over. Such a loving God and provides for us everyday. All of our needs He knows and provides for. His love shines down on us and it is unconditional. No matter how bad we mess things up He is there to listen to us, wipe away our tears, and help us get back up again when we have hit bottom. These are my favorite lines because no matter how much we fail God He still loves us anyways.
Hope without failures,
Life never ending and
Love without conditions.

Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is really cute. Man at first it would completely make you think that the man was having a heart attack. Or that he has appendacitis or something the way his symptoms were going. That he was in such pain and then got completely sick to his stomach and had to crawl just about to the car. Then it all ends up to be a splinter how hilarious. It is so funny and they call girls whimps.
Review of Final Goodbye  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very heartfelt and sad. It is so hard to lose a loved one. We don't want to see them suffer but we don't want to see them go. It is the part of knowing that we will miss them so greatly that we don't want to say goodbye. We feel and emptiness, a longing to see an talk to them again. As time goes on we remember the good times and memories that we shared and know within our heart that they are not suffering anymore. That brings us relief, but on somedays the grief and pain of missing them just can overwhelm a person. But God knew they were suffering and gave them relief from their pain. It is just a temporary parting we will see them again one day.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very good. I can imagine the birds flying from tree to tree. Searching for food and feeding their young. It is amazing how beautiful the outdoors sound with the songs of the cardinals and bluejays. The mocking bird has a beautiful sound also. Your poem has made me ready for spring to arrive I can't wait. Good job.
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