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Review of No Ho Ho Here  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I love this story it has a great spin on it. I am very suprised that the candidates have not come up with this idea yet. May be you should email their press personel and make a suggestion, it is a good one. I would vote for someone offering to give rather than receive. I like the wife's little comments, shows her sense of humor. I love the one money see monkey do. I would love to see Obama and McCain dress up and go around the United States trying to convince us voters of what they could give to us instead of what they plan on taking. It would be an amusing and interesting approach. Anyways I got a good laugh, I still haven't made up my mind who I am voting for, I guess I am undecided. Better make a decision soon.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I totally respect your way of putting this. To be respectful and give signals and not cut others off. I feel that being a safe and concerned driver is what is required. Not to be dangereous and carefree and endanger the lives of all those around you. To many lives have been lost because of folks that are out joy riding. Not caring who is in their path, they are speeding and being inconsiderate of those around them obeying the traffic laws. Many of us have family and friends on the highways so it would be great if everyone was a careful and considerate person. We want to keep our friends and family with us a long time.
Review of Dream Wings  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very good insite. Many times we have to experinece downfalls and dissappointments before we reach our full potential of reaching our dreams entirely. Like my mom used to tell me, child you must crawl before you can walk Wise woman how I miss her. Anyways when the discouraging feelings of failure come our way, we can turn them into lessons of stepping stones. We learn from them and not repeat them. We learn to fly a little at a time. Soon we will take off and remain in mid air and reach our dreams that seemed so impossible.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is very heartfelt and sad. It sounds like a person is trying to find acceptance and many people place stumbling blocks in their way. Never be discouraged about what type of work that you do. Always give a hundred percent and hold your head high. If you have done the job to the best of your ability then you should be proud of yourself. No matter what type of enviroment you work in there is always going to be someone that thinks you are beneath them. That is no way to be but it does happen. Remember to pray for them, God has placed you there for a reason. Just follow the example of how you want to be treated and may be it will be a postive step that they will eventually follow. My favorite lines because you need to always be true to yourself, never play down your abilities and never be ashamed of the type of work you do. Do it well and be proud that you work for a living. Don't let others determine your self worth.

I come across as really smart,
But my job is kind of dumb -
So I continue to play my part;
Without pride, I feel so glum!

Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.0)
Most certainly good advice. Never try to impress others after just learning to bowl. For one your back and legs will thank you, if you play the game just for fun. Trying to act like you are really good is the biggest mistake that I made when learning to bowl, needless to say you can end up on your bottom sliding down the lane trying to curve the ball, and trying to make a strike all in one. Humiliation is what I experienced.
Review of The Quiet One  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Oh this is so sad, it sounds like a teenager at school and many people pick on them because they are quiet. They bully them and make them feel insignificient like they do not really exist. Many people have not a clue what a person is going thru and they can really make their circumstances so much worse by tormenting them. It is sad that some set their sites on the innocent and just make their life so difficult. From the conclusion that I draw the Quiet One ended up committing suicide. That is so sad, one person could have talked to them and made a difference. To give a kind word and by showing concern for the person. Let us all be more understanding of others and extend our ear to listen. You never know when we may make a difference in someone's life. It could be the difference between life and death.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
A very sincere prayer. I love how you say for the Lord to guide you to others that may have a need to hear about Him. To tell others that are hurting, or lost, feeling complete heartbreak. I pray that we all will make it our goal daily to tell the world what Jesus Christ has done for all sinners. That He can make a difference in someones life who is lost. He can turn their whole world around. He can take what is wrong and make it right. He can feel our hearts with love, and compassion for our brothers and sisters. I hope that we all will think of those that have not received the love of Jesus, and pray for them daily. That they will accept Jesus and find the greatest love that has ever been given freely. My favoritee lines because of Jesus is beside us, we will know which direction to always take, we will never be in darkness. His light shines bright.

Just stand beside me as always

Is the only thing I ask

Review by skymac
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is just beautiful. When I read it I had to cry. There are times that we just have to cry to release the emotions that we feel inside. After losing a loved one, times does move on but we miss them all the same. Losing a spouse would be like losing your best friend and the love of your life all in one. It would be so difficult to pick up and make yourself go on day after day. Like the title of the poem It is okay to cry. To release the grief, to mourn your tremendeous loss. Even if it has been years you will never forget the love that you shared for it is a part of you. It lives on through you, and one grand day you will be reunited again. I lost my mom four years ago and many times my sadness catches up with me through a song or just by a scent of someone cooking or preparing a dish that she use to. We still miss our loved ones no matter how long it has been and just this week I had to stop and shed a few tears. We miss them and our heart aches at times, but we know that they are ok. It is just not being able to see their smiling faces, and being able to discuss our days with them that we miss. May God bless you and carry you through the moments, when you miss your loved one the most.
Review by skymac
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
I enjoyed the stories, how you get side tracked and start thinking of others things that are brought back to your memory. It is amazing how our attention focus goes from one thing to another, and then an item takes us back to a time that as you have said compressed. It must have been awful to be in solitary confinement for almost eight month, you had to write or you probably would have felt like you were going insane. How ironic the very type or people that you help put in jail were the ones who gave you advice on how to drown out the noise and how to survive such harsh conditions. I am glad that you found the pick thumbdrive. I can't wait to see the story on how it all begin, you getting put in solitary confinement. That is a story within its self. Good job;
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
I truly love this, I love the flow of the poem and it is all truth. So much is corrup these days but one thing is for sure God is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow. No matter how we look at things in this life if we follow His word, and let Him take the lead we will never have to worry about following the ways of the world. If we will just let God have first place in our lives everything else will fall into place.
My favorite lines because Jesus taught for us to love one another and love God with all our heart and with all our mind and strength. If we follow these commandments we can soar through life happily.

That the world will see
God's ultimate rule
of love shall be
eternal true
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Man this takes me down memory lane. Like you said there was someone who truly listened to a small child and didn't talk down to them or treat them like a little baby. I have known a few adults that would fall under the catagory of being wonderful heroes in my mind. That would sit and talk for hours and not even hint in theslightest that you were boring the fire out of them. I guess that is what happens when a person is truly interested in what a child is saying and gathers our undivided attention. They give us their time and enjoy sharing their time with us as well. To me time means so much when you are a child. It is not what people can buy you it is the time spent nuturing and just listening to what a little one has to say that makes a great impact on that child's life. Like yourself I have had many adults impact my life this very way. Thanks for the great reminder and a walk down memory lane. Good job. You google a lot may be you can locate Richard. Good luck.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This one is really funny and cute. It sounds like a couple has had a romantic dinner or something and then the romance is about to start. Then all the sudden you read that all that is left is to throw his arms around the woman he loves and the bedroom calls. I love the part where it says that Suddenly, over her shoulder I go, a quick burping then off to nap. That it is talking about a baby. Now that is funny.

Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is good sounds like a commercial at the end. It would make the reader think that a bear is coming to tear a person's tent apart looking for food. Then it describes the tent being ripped away and a voices growls do you have any Grey Poupon? It ends up being funny. Had a bear learned to talk? Or was a person just really need Grey Poupon?
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (5.0)
It is so hard to be a long distance away from a loved one. You miss them and your mind and heart is at home. You may be a way on business or have a job that requires you to be away, the love at home is what keeps you going. You thrive to see your loved ones and can't wait to get back home, when you talk to them on the phone the miles just dissappear. It is the support and love that you receive from your family that truly keeps you going. To get the distance that separates you out of the way. To arrive home and embrace them in your arms, knowing they are excited and so glad that you have returned home. My favorite lines because home is truly where the heart is and where home is there is a place full of love.

And blessing me with eyes to see,
a place for my heart to call home.

Review of "The Mariners "  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is really good, it give a glimpse into the life of people working for a living on the open seas. It is a sad and lonely life they live on the boats for months on end and don't get to see their families, they sacrafice so much. They face so many dangers never knowing if they will make it home alive. I am sure that thinking of home is what gets them through the lonely long days that they face. Home must truly be a welcome site when the ship pulls in to port. My favorite lines because the sea shows no mercy and it is by the grace of God that they make it home safely from each and every trip.
The sea can be unforgiving,
the work long and tough
Review of 69, where to now?  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
great way of sharing your faith and wisdom with everyone. You are so right God is full of mercy and grace. It is our decision to make because God made us creatures of free will. It is our choice whether we accept Jesus or reject Him. When I think of the love that God has for us to send His only Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins, I have to wonder how anyone could reject the love of Jesus. He died on the cross for our sins, so that all sinners could go free if they would just chose to accept and believe in Him. To me the decision to accept Jesus is the most important one that a person will ever make in their lifetime. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful and inspiring item with us.
Review of Avalanche!  
Review by skymac
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
i like this tell us a few facts about how things can be different in one area than another. That skiiing in Vermont is a lot different out West. Kasey had never heard the sirens go off but she knew that it couldn't be good. I guess it would help to study up on sites that you are about to visit for the first time, and find out all the dangers that are involved. I love how she was smart and climbed the tree. How when she came across the signs that one area was closed she thought the ski-patrol was stupid and just wanted to wreck her fun. Then when the avalanche happened and she was stuck in the tree, she got a cell phone call from Jessica and then heard this is the ski-patrol and she was thankful that they were on their way. Shows how we think something looks safe and can end up being our worst nightmare if we are careful.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
this is so sad, that a person loves someone so much and tries their best to let them know and it all blows up in their face. There comes a time that they truly realize that it is useless no matter what they say or do. That the relationship is over, the love they shared is shattered and nothing else can mend the broken pieces that are left. That the heart must learn to deal with the loss and mend over time the best that it knows how. It is still sad and takes a great time of mourning for the heart to recover from loss love. My favorite lines because it is so hard to let go and move on. You can't just turn off your feelings like a water faucet running.

But finally, when it is over, because of something stupid, or unsaid, or even said. To walk away is so devastating.
Review of As the Sun Sets  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is really good. It makes on think of the sun shining bright and then the darkness appears to remove the beauty of the red horizon over the sky. Darkness evades and turns off the shining of the our little night light. The light that brings us comfort and eases our fears. It is amazing how we can have abundant light within our own life one day and then suddenly darkness hovers to where the light is almost drown out. But then the little sparkles from the little star shines a glimmer of light in our path and we realize that the sun will rise again. But it still saddens us when complete darkness dwells for a brief time.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very good straight forth message. You can have all the money that you ever need and much more. But true happiness is found inside when you are happy with who and what you are inside. Money cannot buy happiness, neither can it buy love. Oh yeah it can buy you friends for a while, but then they will soon grown tired of your useless ways and lies. Happiness comes from the heart, you must be happy with yourself and love you for you. Money may help make you comfortable but it can also make you miserable. You are always suring for ways to make more even though a person doesn't need anymore. They become greedy and lose their focus on the good things in life. If material things is what makes someone the person that they are that is a sad life. Love of a family and friends that love you whether you are rich or poor means more than all the money in the world. Rich in love to me is the most important thing in my life. Just like God showed us His love by sending Jesus to die for our sins, now that is true love.
Review of How Does It Feel?  
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is really great. It is an eye opener to those of us who take so much for granted. When we wake up in the morning we should be thanking God for a new day. If we have been blessed with a wonderful spouse and loving children let us be thankful for God's blessings upon us. There are many in this world who are starving, no home, no family, they feel so alone. They don't have the blanket of love a family to warm their heart. All they know is devestation and being lonely. Many are ill and have no family to care for them, by far if we have a family that warms our hearts with love, and a place to call home we are truly blessed. We are blessed to have a roof over our head, and food on our table. Let us never forget the ones who do not have these things. Let us pray that their soul will be fed, and they will never know hunger again. That God will provide a place for them to live and fill their life with friends so that they are never lonely.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is really good and so honest. So many people feel this way, sad and lonely and their life is so empty. Even though they are surrounded by friends and loved ones they still feel alone. Many of their family and close friends have passed on and it has left and emptiness inside. Depression can over take a person's life and make them feel so lonely and helpless. They end up feeling like they have no one and that they are just waiting to die. It is sad that life can put us in this state but it happens to the best of us. We experience loss throughout our lives and events that turn our world upside down. But there is always help, there is always a silver liining at the end of every dark cloud. God will make the sun shine again, and use our darkest moments to show us good and postive things.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
This shows the sadness of divorce. Hearts are broken and lives torn apart. No sense placing the blame on one another after it is all said and done. Each person holds in their heart the thoughts of what they could have done or should have done different. Sometimes they just blame the other and feel no remorse at all. It is sad when a marriage falls apart and bitterness and anger take the place of the love that was once shared. My favorite lines because in a lot of divorces it all becomes about the fight of material things, not the focus on the love that was lost.

what can I get
rather than
what have
we lost

Review of A Perfect Match  
Review by skymac
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Wow, this is a wild story. I would say when a child is abused that they can come up with many thoughts. You can only be mean to a person for so long and abuse them physically and mentally until their mind cannot take anymore. I guess Betty had put up with Maxine for the number of years that she did because her dad was there. After losing her dad she must have snapped. It would affect a 14 year old terribly to lose both parents before they even turn 18 years old. Maxine must have been jealous of her, and wanted to make her life miserable, in this task she accomplished that job. Betty couldn't stand scrubbing the steps no more, she decided to paint them red, I guess she was declaring her independance. You back someone into a corner day after day with abuse it will take it's toll on them and they will rebel, just like in this case.
Review by skymac
Rated: E | (4.5)
I like this, sounds like someone is pouring out their heart, to make amends and try to make a new start. In some instances it may be a while before the person responds may be they are gun shy of getting hurt again, or may be they are afraid it won't work out and don't want to go through the hurt of losing at love again. May be one day the words will touch their heart and they will return, if not God has a person in mind you may have to wait on Him to put them in your path. They may just need time, and it may all work out. That one day the letter arrives and they are ready to commit. My favorite lines because this is how I felt after meeting my now husband for the first time. It took two years before we actually started dating. We were friends first.
I never have felt so sure of this,
I knew it all after our first kiss.

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