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Murder mysteries.
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Long sad stories.
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Murder She Wrote, Columbo and NCIS.
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Sad, tragic endings.
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Public Reviews
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Review of Scruffy  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

I went zig-zagging.
You threw the baseball.
I caught it.
You dragged me.
My feirce teeth held the ball.
I am your dog.

Ode to a Schipperke
Review of Just Desserts  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

What if everybody did? Eat too much. The game in the rivers and on
the land would be gone. They'd have too travel farther to get food.
There would be wars over land and sea. God would see that people
were hurting themselves and the animals and His garden. God
would clean His garden with a flood. Perhaps, melting plolar caps.
And everything would be green and beautifull again.

I had great fun reading your thread. Peace out.
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Beautiful. I seem to recall a movie with a similar theme about a star
falling to earth an becoming a princess. What was the title? The
something or something something. Anyway the princess meets
Robert Deniro, who the captain of a balloon ship. Their are Witches,
who to capture the Princess.... Have you read my editorial of the Soul?
Little bit in the area of cosimic evolution.

Fun writing very sweet.
Review of Relief  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Well, these kids nowadays; acting out. When I got a bad grade on my final
the thought of shooting up the school never entered my mind. I just shrugged.
I'd like to see a paragraph or two. The story seemed to condenced.
It's sad that bad things happen at home. I don't think most people understand
how complicated parenting is. I think parenting should be taught in public
highschools. They have day care there. Did you know police officer are
taught domestic intervention? They look for signs of abuse when called to
a in home disturbance.

Good telling of domestic violence.
Review of Hiccups  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

A hiccup is a imbalance in the unity of spirit and body. Generally,
there are foods that are hot and foods that are cold. The flow of
yin: hot and cold:yang are the positive and negative energies in
your body and spirit. IF there is too much surgar and saturated fats,
yin will make you ill. The body seeks satisfaction. The spirit harmony.
Chew your food and eat green vegetables, which strengthen the yang.
A glass of warm tea will loosen impurities. Too much cold water tightens
the belly.+

I hope this helps.
Review of That's Life  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

The cat that lives in the storm is quite calm. Good God! What is it all
about? My dear it is simply this a storm must pass and a cat must
be a cat. For the cat waits for opportunity to pass its way;
crouched with claws sheathed. There are forces at work in the world
which are beyond the control of anyone person.

Have some chocolate chip icecream.
Review of Blip Blip Bleep  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

NORAD has a fail safe. However, if the go code is given and no one
is alive to shut it down. The missles will be launched automatically.
Our ozone is very fragile massive thermal nuclear detonations would
expose the world to cosmic radiation. The sky would catch fire.
The oceans would boil. Every living thing would be incinerated.

I like your poem. It sings a herald. Don't forget to vote!
Review of Deadly Love  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I like the conflict between Sally's love for her criminal boy friend
and her moral objection to armed robbery and murder. I remember
watching to drug dealers in a knife fight over a girl. One of the drug
dealers got knifed to death. Everyone at the highschool thought "it
was one less pusher". I bought some pizza for the girl and got lucky
with her in my Mustang.

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

I think you my dad would have a lot in common. He was a Traditional
Roman Catholic. That meant attending latin masses every Sunday.
They were very long and the Priest spent most of the time praying to
the alter in a whisper. Jadish or jitesh I haven't seen that word in ages.
This is very enlightening and well structured essay. Puja: your a very
proper Hindu. Thank you.
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Vampirism in ancient times was about soul sucking. Much like
the canibal eating the warrior's heart to gain his bravery. Vampires
come from Lilth the first wife of Adam. She was banished to the land
of darkness: Nod. Her children feed of Adam's children. She's not
did not suffer death, because she never ate of the forbidden fruit.
However, she is not a sun person.

I liked this story it was fun and a quick read.
Review of CRITIQUE  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

All living things have emotions: animas(latin for the spirit to live).
I remember being locked in the trunk of a junk car. I started saying
the "Our Father" then I panicked and kicked the trunk open. I haven't
done the barroom sceen since. It's easier to just call a @Baby Doll.

Loved the slice of your life. Take a peek at my threads
Betty Page and Saint Jeanette. You should get it.
Review of I Am Not Here  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

The cruelty of demons is there delight in decieving willing
supplicants. Whispers of humble appeal in sacred prayer
can be answered by wicked spirits. The feeble mind is easily
entranced as the body is contorted in the demonic posession.
But, so can the purity of faith enlighten the humble servant of
God. The just can suffer the path of their Saviour:+ happily
bleeding the stigmata of Christ's crucifixion.

A short but insightfull poem.
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Here's something you don't always hear about reancarnation. Sometimes female spirts enter boy
babies and vice-versa. I love the structure of your dominextra. Exterestial spiritualism in a dungeon?
It is very rare to find a person you can share all of your life with including your fantasies.

Loved it!
Review of A Man-made Tomb  
Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Extinction by polution is already happening. What is more likely
is a preemptive nuclear strike launched in the midst of an
international crisis. Such an attack would be retaliated against
by a combination on countries bordering with nuclear weapons
and conventional weapons. The superpowers: United States,
Russia, European Community and China would have minutes
to formulate a plan of action. Consider the belligerence and reckless
actions in the Middle-East. Pakistan has been firiing on American
troops. Iran has nuclear powered submarines. They could refine and
refit their missles. Doomsday is only one flash point away.

You should look into a publisher. Your good.
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

Too much structure for my tastes. Close your eyes. Let your self drift. Remember and
accept whatever dream comes your way.+ Consider Genesis: "In the beginning there
was nothing..." Out this oblivion came God: something from nothing.
Genesis was fallen from Grace. Why? God blessed Adam and Eve, "Be fruitfull and
multiply." Sex was not Original Sin. It was Pride of the self. God is Perfect, "The works
of God are Perfect." Why would His/Her children sin? There is only One God, therefore,
creation is sinfull: less than God. Jesus tried to save his people, but the world was wicked.+
Therefore, Jesus' Kingdom cannot be of this world. To return to Jesus, everything must die.
There is only one person in Heaven: Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit.
You and I are between Heaven and earth: "Flesh from earth." We can choose to live.
Saints are martyrs.+

That's the thread I got form you hun. :)
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Godzilla! Da-da-da-dum-dumdum. Invasive species come in
all sizes. There's a chinese beetle that's devouring our trees.
I remember when the local municipality would spray the
nieghborhood with DTD. There be a notice in the mail from
city hall to inside between certain hours. Did you Koy are illegal
in Maine? They desomate the pounds and lakes.

This was fun to read. Thanks!

Review of WHY ASK A GIRL  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Woah! That is so true. I grew up with a buddy named Michael.
We'd play in his parent's basement reck-room. We both liked
to dress up in his mother's and sister's clothes. We were kids.
Latter, in our twenties Micheal would dress up and go out. I
felt embarrassed. But, he was hot. Guys would hit on him. He
just wanted to dress like a girl. Dressing up for me was just
being horny. That was Michael's secret he wanted to be a girl.
Well, that's what popped into my head reading this lovely poem.
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Some have laughed and some have cried,
And some have scoured the countryside
But off they ride through wood and glade
To tavern and to harth and a maid.

Review of Cloud Imaging  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

A codex with a poem. Interesting. I like the story of Saint Peter in the Acts
of the Apostles. Peter stops a serpent man from entering a town. It's
a show down. Peter wacks the serpent in the head with rod. The serpent
How to call a dragon? First you must be earnest. Dragons can smell a
lie. Second find a place to recite "Analth beathrac ut nort na deante."
Now, remember a dragon is very jealous. You most not take your
dragon's head without consideration for its firey temper.

I like this poem it got a good rhythm.
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Good Lord this is ginger peachy sweet. I kept hearing that song
about the island of missfit toys. The wisemen were astrologers
and that is magic. Ever read your horoscope in the paper? Now,
the Star that led them to Bethlahem did a very odd thing. Balhasar
asked "How will we find which dwelling holds the new born king?'
The star dropped from the Heavens and led the wisemen to the
Savior's grotto. Sounds like a UFO?
The poem is elequent and traditional Christ-Mass lore. Loved it!
Review of TRUST IS A MUST  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is a difficult question. The true self is only a reflection.
The stick can burn out. The fire burns some where else.
From one stick to another the ember passes; reflecting
the True Self. The Origin of all light in one Phoenix.
"to trust one self." this is the prayer of the faithfull.+

I do believe you are approaching a great awareness.
Review of ~Undead Rebirth  
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

A muse after my heart. Do you how long it takes a body to break
down unburied? Without the help of scavengers; about a month.
Pestulance and desease follows mass carnage. Ceasar upon
seeing his legion broken in the German forest proclaimed;
"I am Rome! I will burn my dead and this forest." Watch closely
how the nations manuver into the final war. Your style is impecable.
I am a peasant in your pressence. :)
Review of What am I? Guess  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Reminds me of my old @Maxwell. It had an acordian lense and you
looked down a viewing lense to focus. My told me photos were
moments captured in time. There are infrarred cammeras which
can pick up auras around living things. Is this the soul?

Question all things!
Review of Fat Witches  
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

I'm not into menues:like phone options. And I wonder wear this story is
leading. Or maybe that's the point to have no point. Still, it was intriguing.
I remember a bar that had the floor slanted away from the bar. If you got
to drunk down the floor you you went and out the door.
Review of Winter  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Winter is always ethereal. I use to shovel up sparows at a
restraunt in the winter. During the summer people would
feed the birds, while they ate. The sparows never learned
to find food elsewhere. Into the dumpster they went.+

I like the refrence to scent. Keep up the good work.
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