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1,672 Public Reviews Given
1,692 Total Reviews Given
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I look at the fun factor.
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Knowing what sells and Knowing what is good are my skills.
Favorite Genres
Murder mysteries.
Least Favorite Genres
Long sad stories.
Favorite Item Types
Murder She Wrote, Columbo and NCIS.
Least Favorite Item Types
Sad, tragic endings.
I will not review...
My obituary.
Public Reviews
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Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

This is very primal. I like it. And you know how to construct a paragraph.
You know it's awfull, but most people don't care what other people do
just as long as they do it somewhere else. "It's not my problem." is the
motto today. I probably offend someone, but when Jesus was born an
entire town of babies was slaughtered to get him. God knew that would
happen.. Riiight? So, many terrible injustices are justified by the end
result: the Inquistion, Martin Luther's antisematism. I like how you made
the boy friend a doctor. The hypacratic oath can be interpreted many ways.
What is good for the majority, can be devasting for the minority.
The science of genetics for example. What if people can be
marked as good citizens from birth? Fiction? Someday, a very desperate
nation will start killing off their surplus population. Or is that today?
Stay tuned!

Review of Parenting  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Ryhm and meter are excellent. It reminds me of Fr. Keen's sermons.
He would start with some kind of topic and then end up somewhere
His sermon on parenting:

"What kind of parents did Hitler have?
Were they too strick or too lenient?
Did it matter?
Consider, the Looney Bird.
It lays it's eggs in other birds nests.
But, when it is grown it is still a Looney Bird.
Hilter made his choices in life as a man.
Whether or not his parents loved him
made little difference.
He was still a Looney Bird."

Review of The Guide  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Lots of good stuff here. When to use a stick or read a book.
I fear people today are too quick to use a stick. I blame traffic.
You want to go somewhere and the yo-yo infront of you is too
slow or there's a traffic jam. The lack of common sence is
glaring in traffic. Did anyone read the driver's exam? This is
awfull, but true most people are just in the way.

Very fun read!

Review of The Ruby Ring  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

The ring is an oldy. A symbol of union and eternity.
Did you know the wedding ring comes from Germany?
Their was no such thing in the Old Testament.
Families wore tribal colors. Hmf?
Sounds like East L.A.
Anywho, I like the simple playfullness or your story.
There's an old movie; What If.
A tailor is given the power to have anything he wishes
by the God's. Well, everything goes topsy.
1935 flick... remake Bruce All Mighty.
Funny ...

Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)

Well told by a girl. I think what signifies a woman is the ability to
accept the pimples on her man's shoulders. This yarn moves
slowly through the longing and pursute of.... a hunk. "Nathan had
a pretty face... his eyes wandered over her naked body." very smooth
writing. The first time I saw a naked woman; I thought her crack came
to her front. I was very young. Any-who, it didn't take me long to figure
things out. "It made her feel dirty. It was not him to be the one." that's
a chick thing. I like feling dirty. Heh.

Ahem. Fun read!

Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)

42-Aren't there five plot lines?
60-"heat developed in her groin"
You could say she felt whet.
62-Overly descriptive. Just say Kate was fustrated.
67-Yes! I remember mud fans.
70-Quinn's punchline, "If you were a man, I'd be puking!"
81-This just doesn't work. Quinn could say, "I have a hardy for you."
But Kate would still be ticked off.
Is this a highschool date?

Overall. It was fun.
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)

Ho-hum word games. Reading this possession story reminds me of Catholic Catechism.
The Devil doesn't want to show himself. He wants to possess your desires. He will mimic
you and enter your fantasies. This is very close to the Native American Coyote, who is a
trickster. Coyote apeared to a hunter as a beautifull woman. The woman asked to enter the
hunter's tepee. The hunter slept with Coyote and awoke to find all his belongings were gone.
All about his home were Coyote' paw prints. It's easy to blame Coyote, but the hunter should
have been more carefull.

Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

I just saw the Transformer movie. Awesome! I like the the fight seen
in the white birches. There's something liberating about beating a person
to a pulp in the woods. You just be yourself. The birds keep on singing
and air is heavenly. Traffic is fun. I like it when a sports car races up my
old pick-up bumper. I just wave them on. Chance are good they'll run out
of gas. Then, I can pick them up and beat them to pulp in the woods.

Just Joking!
I love the line "I felt like I had to reach to touch the bottom."
I get lite headed after I've beaten someone to a pulp. That's why I always
bring a candy bar. .. Heh-heh.. Joking!

Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

You like to describe things like, "black hair half covered his face."
For me a story is a look inside a person. You see how they tick.
I get the impression you love heros and sexy lady wariors. I'm
more sinister. I see wars as cylical and damsels are
never happy, because they place too much expectation in their
shining knight.+
Review of Revelation  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

"Sets Eden's blazing army free." you wrote. Sometimes prophesy can be
self-fulfilling. "On the seventh day the old king gave me a golden medal
bearing on one side the words, 'Art is the creator's nature' and of the other,
'Nature is the daughter of time.'" (The Chemical Wedding, 1616)
All things great and small must live in the time allowed.+

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is cute.
Zazen Wasan,
"The Pure Land is far beyond,
Ten worlds away.
How can I hope to reach there
With only a pair of straw sandals?
If I scoop the water,
the moon is in my hand.
If I pick the flower,
the fragrance is on my robe.
Die while alive and be completely dead,
then you will walk on the Pure Land.+"

Write without thought of verse.

Cute photo.

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

Where's this museum? I took a russian exchange student Yanni to the Boston
museum of arts. She told me the story of all the russian kitch: little thimble size
sculptures of fishermen and woodsmen ect. There were hundreds of them.
I was amazed at her knowledge of the Egyptian exibit. She worked at the Kittery
Mcdonalds in the grill. Ya-know she left for New York to pursue a career as a
curator's assistant. Kind of makes you think twice about the folks making your

Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Fun read. Jehudah of Worms(1217) German Hisidism mystic believed in the
inner inspirational glory from God and the divine right of prophets, who are
born to serve God. This is made evident in their lives and visions. The Jew
means of the tribe of Judah. If the mother is Jewess, then her children are
joined with the Kindom of Judah. Zion is Jerusalem, the throne of King David.

Well, the world is spinning faster
and who knows where it is going?

Mercy for the meek.+
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

This is ready to be published. It reads like a chapter from The Wind and the Willows.
I like owls. Squirils are pests. Fortunately, owls eat squirls. I can't think of anything
to correct in this story. I wonder if Celia is a witch? Maybe, this look alike is a
reflection of Celia's aura. Some witches have such great power, their egoes
unconsciously create alternate egoes. The flagae appears to them in a mirror
and can have a seperate ideantity as a familiar, predicting future events.
(See: Snow White)

A pool of water can be used for this meditation also.
Magic is all around us.

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

The moon and the sun race toward each other only to embrace in an eclypse.
"Radiate Nature's instinctive qualities" you wrote. How many times have we
felt the radiance of life? The seasons pass too quickly and we become forgetfull
of heaven's gifts.

I enjoyed your thread.
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Free verse is fun: "Beauty transcends decrement, tender wrinkles of time,
* lost in patterns of light and shadows of yesterdays."
That's my favorite verse in your poem. We must live in the time nature allows.
"O'lady! we recieve but what we give
And in our life alone does Nature live."
Samuel Taylor Coleridge; Job 16:32.

Review of Passages  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Death. The death of those we love is not only bitter to endure,
but also hard to realize. Yesterday they were here by our side,
looking into our eyes, and now they are so far away. We cry to
them and they do not answer. Love is left to prayer, nature needs
a human touch.

You struck a cord in me.+
Review of Sweetwater Flames  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Very well writen. Olivia is frontier stock. There are so many sad stories of
injustice during that time, but the Union was preserved. I'm reminded of
Harriet Tubman an abolitionist and escaped slave. She helped other slaves
escape to the north by way of the underground railroad. She was also a
scout and a spy for the Union army.

Long live the Republic for which we stand.

Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)

Hey ya-know, just because someone is psychotic doesn't mean they'll go on
a killing spree. I just watched ZODIAC directed by David Fincher. It was a study
of society's dissosiation as well as the pathology of a serial killer. You brought
that mind set out. And I say great! But, remember anyone who is feeling
discriminated against or has a distrust of people generally could be labled
psychotic. There are too many diagnosis for simple human weaknesses.
If a someone is antisocial and disruptive, just slap them and tell them to get over it.
Nine times out of ten you wont have to cut them up into chum.

Keep writing!

Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I given this outline a low rating, because of my low IQ.
I think I heard somewhere, maybe on the Sci-fi channel, that
demential jumping can cause every molicule in your body to explode.
Our atomic structure is bonded to the eltromagnatic field of our Earth,
which is essentially a big ball of water spinning in space around a firey
hydrogen bomb.. the Sun. Another dimention may have a different polarity.
Tertullian's pledge may apply here, "I believe it because it is impossible
and nothing is impossible for God." Ah-so. Maybe your right.

I can't wait for the new Star Trek!
Peace out, Spok!

Review of Floppy Disk  
Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Ha! Do you remember Aladin and his lamp? Every wish Aladin made was
made a curse by the evil jin of the lamp. Finally, Aladin wished the jin back into
the lamp and tossed it into the sea. Cassie sounds like Casandra, who prayed
to see the future only to be cursed with by the fates. She could change nothing.
Well, I enjoyed your thread. Spin some more!

Review of One way to fly  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Napoleon sounds like snuggly. I was confused, who was pregnant the object
of the adverb was not clear. But, I guess it was not Napoleon. Do you ever test
your dogs intelligence? Throw a blanket over him and see how fast he can get
out. Put out two bowls one with food cover both with a paper bag; see how quickly
he finds the food. My favorite: throw the ball, but hold on to it.

Loved the poem.

Review of Changes in Zelda  
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

Michael rowed his boat a shore. It was his private island.
He was free to explore it and his fantasies. Isaias24:5-6
spun in his mind. His father objected to Michael's fantasies
and quoted scripture against his son. But, God is God of
the rightous and the sinner. Who can defy Him?

I wanted to do more writing in your space, but it was very limited.
There is the playfullness to erotica, but the motive can be spiritual.
Why do I want to do this? Why is it so exciting? And of course, is it wrong?
The river is wide and the river is deep... Hallelujah!

Fun topic. I wish you'd allow more writing.


Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

Well I read John Macdllen diary. It was great.
I'm writing so someone else will read it. John Macdllen was great.
I think the touching story of Amy, a pregnant jew, going to NAZI Germany
to meet up with John Macdllen was.. great. It was very touching when she got shot.
I hope other readers will appreciate this.
I need a drink.

Thank You John Macdllen.
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is a very compelling story. God is amazing. So many people talk with him/her.
Sometimes they hear God. Once you realize that God is the source of all things,
then anything is possible, "I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create evil:
I the Lord do all these things(Isa.45:7). It strange though how much suffering is wrought
in the name of God. Any-who, It was nice to see the girl got help.

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