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1,672 Public Reviews Given
1,692 Total Reviews Given
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I look at the fun factor.
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Knowing what sells and Knowing what is good are my skills.
Favorite Genres
Murder mysteries.
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Long sad stories.
Favorite Item Types
Murder She Wrote, Columbo and NCIS.
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Sad, tragic endings.
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My obituary.
Public Reviews
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Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

"All Quite on the Western Front" is a classic!
I guess what turns me off about awards show is.. it's another
commercial. The Academy of motion picture arts and sciences
was concieved by Metro Goldwyn Mayor and studio boss Louis B Mayer.
They wanted to promote their films and encourage redistribution.
MGM films were Oscar winners.
Today the Academy has more lawyers and accountants, than actual
film makers. It's all about money and who you know.
Do you really think Sandra Bullock gave an Academy Award perfomance
in "Side Kick"? Another forgetable flick.

Oh, well.

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Cause and efect are dicey methods.
People, who drink milk, will get cancer and heart disease.
This does not imply that milk causes cancer and heart disease.
But, it is true, that milk has been drunk by people with cancer and
heart disease.

Fun topic!
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Very insightfull. But, what is a snowflake:
a potential drop of water?
Why are there no snow flakes in the tropics?
If snowflake melts; is it dead?
How big can a snowflake be?
Crystilized ice is the definition of snow.
Are the polar ice caps snowflakes?
If so, then half the world is a snowflake.

Review of God, Who Are You?  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Intuey, your vision is very optimistic.
Speaking to God can be tricky. You never know which way it may turn out.
Many great people have followed their faith to glory.
Much evil has been done in the name of God.
To imagine the massive will of God in all things can be daunting.
I am reminded of a limerick:

"How doth the little crocodile
Improve his shining tail,
And pour the waters of the Nile
On every golden scale.

How cheerfully he seems to grin,
How neatly spreads his claws,
And welcomes little fishes in,
With gently smiling jaws."

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Do remember Kimba?

Peace with you Kimba
You are the white lion of the jungle.
A peacefull prince of the jungle.
Roaring in the jungle.

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

I've never understood theist. They're just too idealistic.
Athiest are too mechanical for my liking. Let's be frank.
Nobody knows what happened before written history.
It's all speculation. I have a theory, but no one takes me

The Dinosaurs were around for hundreds of millions of years.
How long did it take for humans to evolve? Perhaps a race of
Lizard Men evolved. This Lizard civilations could be the fabled
Atlantis. Have you noticed how reptilian the "extrateresterials" look?
Maybe, there Lizard Men from Atlantis?

Genesis says "The sons of God took wives from the sons of men."
Could this be a UFO abduction? Perhaps, the serpent in the garden
of Eden was a Lizard Man. What better way to guid a young race, than
to influence their religion. The Apocalypse says, "The beats will rise out
of the sea." Atlantis sank under the sea, according to legend.

I believe this generation will witness the rise of Atlantis.
But, I can't prove it.

Review of Tired of walking  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.0)

Sometimes I think ideas are like a spider, who lays her eggs in
our ear and when the eggs hatch a thousand tiny creatures pick
through our brains. Imagine the chaos as the mind would suffer.
An idescribable colapse of every human dignity. But, somewhere
in that mass of spiders and blood, could be evidence of a higher
architect. It is obivious that in every ruin, there is the memmory of
its once great beauty. So too, in our failures, we find lessons to

Keep writing!

Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Have you heard about the bird
That lives in the south
The Phoenix that never grows old?

The Phoenix rises out of Sun
And flies to the sea never alighting
Except on certain sacred trees.

He will touch no food
But the most exquisite
Rare fruit
Drinks only
From the clearest springs.

And is completely invisible.

Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

A fun ride.
May I sudgest a massage?
Renaissance: 207-439-8282.
There is nothing more fullfilling than a
compassionate masuse.

I think one of the dangers facing all writers
is a fat tush. Lets face it if you spend more
than an hour sitting; your going to be fat.

I hope you like my addition.
Stay active.
Review of Light A Fire  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Girls are very internal.
"Armor every day
a helmet to protect."
You wrote. I think if a girl
could be a boy, she'd go hog wild.
There is of course the serial suductress,
but generally girls are repressed.
Be bold, wear a mini with no panties!
Go topless in your backyard.. give the nieghbors
an eye full.. It's fun.. just have a really good day!

Review of Carnal Desire  
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

We all sell ourselves.
I like the sell analysis. Why people do the things they do is
more interesting, than what they do.
The spacing of the the declaritive paragraphs is sharp.
I'm convinced that language syntex is evolving to shortened
texing: a volume of information reduced to a few words.

Fun read.
Don't beat yourself up; a girls gotta eat.

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

Good topic.. I wish I had enough hair to rate.
Have you considered the other hairy parts?
Mustaches.. ehm naught bits?
Somewhere, someone got the idea to shave
women.. It must of been the French.

Makes you wonder if the ladies will let their legs
go hairy again? Everything old is vouge.

Review of CHOCOLATE  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

The spirit is in movement;
impatient with the present.
The spirit is in movement;
sorrow for the past
and rejoices for the present.
The spirit is in movement;
death and rebirth are always present.

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

Girls get all the fun clothes.
I knew a Harvard professor, who liked to go to the Pink Flamingo
Club and dress up. He had a wife and two daughters.
People are always quick to judge others.
I felt a little cheated by the abrupt passage of his girl friend.
Speaking as a closet trany, it's very difficult for me to initiate anything.
I just don't know how to have a relationship.. .. Sex is fun, then you
have to think of things to talk about..

On a side note: I've been reading about Pope Joan.
A 13th century female pope, due to her abilities rises through the
church hierarchy.. She was found out when she got pregnant.
Now, that's cross dressing!

Never liked those elastic band nylons.. They curl up under my pot belly.

Review of Mauve Mavis  
Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

I can almost smell the sea air.
Strange, how the call of the wild
can be so taming.
I have a hankering for some muscles and chow-dah.

Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

This was just fun to read. And I love the chubby girls.
They have more to hug. When I was an alter boy; some
of the boys would go commando under their vestments.
Imagine horney teenage boys, watching hot girls and ladies
stick their tongues out. God should have struck us dead.

Let me see. Ah-Yes! My crystal ball does tell me that your
chubby girl finds a man with a rain coat. But, he's not wearing
anything under it. What a bad man!

Review of My True Soul  
for entry "Timewarp
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

Hmf? It's strange to review a cliff note.
What did you write as a teenager?
I wasn't that concerned about sex when I was a teenager.
I got plenty in my neighborhood.
My biggest worry was not getting shot by a bully.

This Time Warp needs more focus.
Just my opinion.
Review of RACISM  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

As a side note Brahmans felt the same way about the Irish in the
first half of the century: "No Irish need apply" was a common notice
in Boston. Sadly, having done some substitute teaching, most public
schools have no displinary process. I think Miss Halls' letter should have
been about that. Here's an example: a 15 year old boy grabs a teacher's
breasts in the middle of class. This is a sexual assault outside the school.
What was done? The boy was suspended for a week. He bragged that he
got a vacation. Can you see how helpless teachers feel?

Miss Halls' letter is racist and inappropiate.
I'm guessing she can't control her class.
That is dangerous.
Review of It's A Mad World  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

I recall a line from Brave Heart, "The problem with Scotland is it is full of Scotts."
Iran is a soveriegn nation. It can govern itself. It has threaten the world with
weapons of mass destruction. Sooooo, what-yah going do about it?
I don't think there are enough american troops to occupy Iran and Irac.
Genocide is not allowed under United Nation law. Ignoring international law
would increase anti-american sentiment. I don't have an answer.

I like that, "Theocratic hereditary" "All have sinned in Adam." said the apostle
Paul. Are we destined to destroy ourselves? Hereditary sin...
Pakistan has the bomb.. there elections are rigged too.. and Islamic extremists
are gaining more popularity... So many problems could be solved with a
nutron bomb.. But, that would be inviolation of international law and basic human
rights... Beside the Chinese might call in their U.S. debt.. and what would we do?

Its time for a mirracle!
Bring down the Messiah!

Review of Peeping Tom  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

What fancinates me about women? I guess its the ancient need to know
the other. The one who is the opposite of me, but intened for me.
The need can become an obsession to be like them, but there is always
the hunger to touch them. I presume, this is what separates a homosexual
from a cross dressing woman hungry guy. It is what it is.

Review of The Return  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Yikes! Some things are so terrible, they just absurd.
In Daniel's account of the end of the world there is no revolt in Heaven.
Daniel could not imagine anything happening that was not God's will.
Satan or Har-satar served God just like all His creation.
Many Bible Scholars surmise that the Apocalypse was written by Gnostics.
It does resemble the disciple John's writing. The disciple John wrote as
Daniel did about the will of God in all things. A revolt in Heaven would be
impossible for the disciple to believe. Gnostics believed that God was
opposed to Adam's first sin, therefore nature no longer represented God's
Paridise. Thus, "It was through woman that evil entered the world." A Gnostic
belief. Strangely, this conflict between God and man gave rise to the mythical
battle in Heaven, between Satan and God.

Do you honestly believe anyone can resist the will of God?

Nope. Iether God is all powerfull or God is not God.

I like your story. I like the Olympian gate to Heaven.
I've always resisted blind faith. But, it is fun to play with ideals.
So many sacred cows.. So little time to make a burger!

Review of The Candiru  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

You reminding me of story my dad told me.
He said that if a woman was very arroused
she could lock onto a man.
To the man it feels like he's caught in a vise.
Your fish.. sounds like a simular problem.
The fish is excited by urin and locks onto
to the uritha.


Are you selling a book about dragons?

Review of The Reader  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Serenity. There was a woman named Serenity. She had a bounty on her
head .. I think she shot her husband and a deputy; back in the old west.
They never caught her.. I wonder if she married again? She was a fast
gun. I have a book of wanted posters from the old west. She looked like
Tina Fey.

Review of Big Eddie  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Ah-chew! Ya-know I met wise guys and they didn't talk about smoking.
I guess folks shouldn't smoke, but the way the world's turning to hell;
so what?
I remember sociality class: social studies. Sister Carrol pointed out
the importance of good manners, "We can't put a ploiceman on every
corner. People need to be decent to each other." she said. This was
during the Vietnam war. The advice seemed naive.
I like the the discription of Big Eddie. It's been my experience the bigger
they are more gentle they are. Most tough guys don't have to prove anything.
I was never a tuff guy, but I never wanted to pick fights..

Very interesting topic. It brings back memmories of grade school.

Have fun!
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

"I had four green fields." said the old woman.

I like the flow to this story. You give a very vivid image of motherhood.
Contrary to fable step mother's love their step children.
God is the biggest matchmaker.

Do you keep a dream journal?
I dream whatever you can guess.

Keep writing.
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