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1,671 Public Reviews Given
1,691 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I look at the fun factor.
I'm good at...
Knowing what sells and Knowing what is good are my skills.
Favorite Genres
Murder mysteries.
Least Favorite Genres
Long sad stories.
Favorite Item Types
Murder She Wrote, Columbo and NCIS.
Least Favorite Item Types
Sad, tragic endings.
I will not review...
My obituary.
Public Reviews
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Review of Funny  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hmmm, I think this story needs more development.
What if you bought an ipod that turn out to have hypnotic
properties? The kids spent all their time playing with video games.
Maybe, you could have an out of body experience as you become
hand servant to the family. Get me a pickle tuna sandwich mom!
Here's a twist dad starts spending more time late at work.
you get jealous and beat him with the iron he bought you for X-mass.
Then, you run from the law with the kids in the back seat of your
SUV, but they don't care. They're playing with their ipods.


+ v
Review of My .45 sig  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

God use of space. The subject is off center and draws the viewer in.
There is no negative space. The picture is full of pattern. I like the spurs
in the corner. I'm guessing this is yours? I've often thought about visiting
Australia ... but, it looks ruff.

Westerns are fun to watch,
but I would want to live it.

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

"Now politicians are the English tyrants and sixteen to eighteen years
old are the colonies." you wrote. I'm not sure what you want your government
to do? "We must be free to form our own bank." Benjamin Franklin.
The continental revolution was about freedom from the unfair trade and
interest rates of the Bank of England. In those days only the land owners
could vote. It sounds like you want a trust fund. That would be awesome.
I started at my first job at thirteen at a hardware store for $5.00 an hour.
Let's remember that nothing happens instantly. There are steps and
coping skills too.

Write to your representative.
You will receive a polite response.
That's their job; people pleasing.


Review of Blossoms Maligned  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Well, I feel like a clod critiquing this sad and beautifully told story.
Yes, each person has a story, a right to be respected. Sadly, it is cool
to be cruel. What, then, is the design for living? I'm a hermit.
I have heard the calling of love and the rasp of the death rattle.+
We are not the master race. We are the most destructive.
It is terrible that the birds can sign on honey sweet spring days as
mayhem slaughters innocence.
Your story is complete .. We know and care about the central characters.
"If I find a watch, there must be a watch maker." Rene Descartes.
But, what if it is soaked in blood?

Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (3.5)

Oy! Another poll. Ya-know in England political polls are not allowed?
Whichever, party controls the Parliament elects the Prime Minister.
That way there isn't as much lame ducking.
I wish you had just given your opinion and what evidence you have
to support your assertion. Do remember Desert Storm? Saddam's
Iraqi army invaded Kuwait . That country had a treaty with the United
States and this was an act of war. If President Bush senior wanted to
invade Iraq that was the time to do it. So why would his son blow up
the Twin Trade Towers to start a war with Iraq?

It just isn't logical.

Please, do not hesitate to present your own evidence.

Review of Jealousy  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Jealously is a natural response to the denial of a desired lover.
What you describe here is the unnatural desire of a lesbian.
What, then, is the message of your story?
Perhaps, there is only the recognition of despair.
Nature has no love for the weak. .
And much of human behavior is not useful to the ecosystem.
This is a curious dilemma. But, homosexuality and celibacy are
more eco-friendly, than, the natural act of reproduction which leads
to over population and rising pollution. ..
Danielle is a fitting name for your lead character.
The Prophet Daniel predicted the fall of civilization to the lust for war.

"Danielle felt her heat pause" you write. May I recommend stop instead of pause?
It has more dramatic punch. I like to also recommend you buy a copy of
HABITS OF THE HEART; individualism and commitment in American life by
Robert N. Bellah, ect. It deals with the isolation encouraged in a success driven
media. What is this culture we live in?

Good luck in all of your endeavors.

Review of Draconian  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Gadzooks! Hero and Leander again?
An ancient tome of love and loss.
Hero in Greek Mythology is a fearless warrior,
but he drowns swimming at night to his beloved Leander.
Of course, she throws herself into the sea and joins him in the abyss.
No greater love was this.

My only critique of this battle of Cathyn and Ariana is; what the hell is going on?
I think a short description of why this battle is happening would make more
dramatic impact.

Any Who,

It's bloody good fun.

+ v
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

Who is this survey for? ... Satan?
Listen, in the beginning there was nothing.. then God spoke.
That's the Big Bang. I always marvel at religious folks. Here
is the question raised by Saint Augustine "Why do I love?"
Saint Augustine wrote about the "essence of things."
"Why do I see one thing as beautiful an another as ugly?"
he writes: The City God.
Born at Tagaste, northern Africa(354-430).
He believed in the Divine Grace of God that makes us all
artists and lovers.

Is God playing with us?

Doesn't every woman?

+ v
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

As I read this I thought of my own grandparents and their immigration to
the land of opportunity. I like the details of the house. So many lives have
passed through old homes. It's sad, but the days of living in one place for
generations is long gone. Most people can't afford it.

A perfect beginning to the New Year.

Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

How did it come to this? The Santa we know is a Coco-Cola logo.
December 6 is Saint Nicholas of Bari's holiday. He is the patron
Saint of Russia and was born toward the end of the third century.
Saint Nicholas was an Archbishop of Myria in Lycia. He heard that
a man had fallen into poverty was intending to sell his daughters
into prostitution. The Saint went out by night and flung three gold
balls into the daughters window. Saint Nicholas is often depicted
in his red winter coat with his Bishops' Crotia(shepards staff).
He died 342. His relics are on display in Bari, Italy.

I remember the Christmas dad told me Santa was dead.
I got socks and a plaid shirt.

Review of Never Again  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

The North American Bubble Bee is becoming extinct.
Insecticides are killing the hives. The domino effect is
devastating to agriculture and wild life. It's sad but true.
We don't want to believe this; we find it uncomfortable,
but people are toxic. We force ourselves to believe that
our own extinction is impossible. Somehow, science or
government will find an answer.
As I was reading your story of Noah. I thought about the
first Noah and his mission to save all life. We live in a
world on the edge of annihilation. I wonder if suicide is our
nature? In effect our industry is driven by war and
death. We feed on the dead. This precious blue planet will
become a cinder. Only Noah knows the truth.+


Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

"The machine must die or it ill kill us all."
(Harry S. Truman; The Industrial War Machine.)

"The beast is alive in my soul."
( Angel Passage; RE: Alan Moore, Tim Perkins.)

I like the primal scream in your tome.
I think you can still get a CD of Angel Passage.

"Praise the Lord from the earth,
You sea monsters and all deeps,
fire and hail, snow and frost,
Stormy wind fulling his commands!"
(Psalms 148:1-14)

Leviathan, Tiamat, the serpent that God created
to live with Adam in Genesis 3:1 all commanded
to sing "Hallelujah." For God wills good to come from
evil; so says the prophet Amos.

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.0)

Most American Presidents are at the mercy of the Federal Reserve.
This is not a dictatorship, but the value of the currency is managed by the
Federal Reserve. It is the one bank that cannot be audited. This is where
your poll is flawed. Personally, I think the biggest threat to the American
Presidency is the loss of manufacturing jobs in foreign trade.
How can an American President lead a country if he owes trillions of
dollars to China? If you want to know whose in charge follow the money.
I voted for Michael Dukakis. Oh, well.

Review of A KISS FROM ALEX  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

There's nothing to criticize.
You have staged this ghost story perfectly.
Ghost are never easy to pin down.
I think it has to do with magnetic fields.
Think of the electromagnetic pulses of the brain
and how that can be effect by the magnetic field
around the Earth. That's a natural explanation for
paranormal events. Ghost are all around us and
within us in the electric air.
I really like the way this story builds up to an anticlimax.
That's a fun twist.

Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

The undiscovered unconscious. I see writing as therapeutic.
There is a danger of loosing your grip on reality. And many people
confuse art with confession. Glenda is good and Snow White is not?
I recommend Lars Von Trier ANTICHRIST. It's on DVD now.
It's a bloody exploration of feminism.

I sense a struggle in this revised fairy tale, between motherhood
and independence. In a dream we know nothing at all, just what
occurs to us: not moral or immoral. I keep a dream journal.
You should too. My dream journal is effected by my waking problems.
When I was visiting Ireland; I stood before a mountain and thought
is this God? I felt small and insignificant. I thought is this my world?
Can I own a mountain? Climbing the mountain was humbling.
I couldn't keep up with the rams and their path was less than a foot
wide. I gave up and my legs trembled as I descended. I dreamt
about falling down the mountain and sea gulls pecking out my eyes.


Do you want to be Snow White? I think we all do. But, nature is Satan's
church. She will humble us with blood and tears and death.
Of course this is not the direction your story is taking. But, it is what
I read.+

A story doesn't have to have a resolution. It can just stop.

I like that about this slice of Snow White.

^ +

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is a gem. The whole in mordern man is his disconection from nature.
We are monsters. The story of the sparow is very true.
But, you can't put the geni back in the bottle.
I have seen a tornado in Lorance, MA tear up a block of row houses.
That is a humbling event.

I've never been to South Africa.
Basil Rathbone, the actor rembered for his performance of
Sherlock Holmes, was raised in South Africa.
He said his first love was the land and then his black nanny, Ethal.
He was a South African and a British citizen.

You have sweet story here.

Review of Wheat penny  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is a very appropriate tome.
Take all your coins and lay them face up.
You will see that Lincoln is looking to the right
and all the other Presidents are looking to the left.
That's because he was assassinated.
H.D.R. did away with the silver back dollar and
Nixon took away gold standard. What a dollar is now
is just a promissory note. If the Federal Reserve calls in
its notes, the economy will collapse.
I like how your stanzas line up like an actuary chart.
Was that intentional?
Collect your wheat pennies. They are prized amongst coin
collectors and will increase in value.
"When Lincoln speaks from copper lips" you wrote.
You can read his memoirs. He was a very prolific writer
and a great man.+

Thought provoking thread!

Review of What is Erotica?  
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)

I think you know what is erotica, unless your asexual.
I have yet to meet anyone, who did not have sexual fantasies.
What confuses people is how to express their true desires..
There are rules, even in fantasy. Pornography, is written or
pictorial erotica.. I do like the LEGS issue. I think legs are
very erotic.
Your survey is too short. I'd like to read your opions.
Concider the erotic entertainment avaible, what are they
selling? Dreams are liberating and if you don't dream you
will go mad. But, if you can't seperate dreams from exceptable
behavior; you are clinically insane.
Isn't it ironic that the Goddess Wisdom is the mother of Eros?
Those Greeks are mad!

Keep a dream journal.

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

It sounds like English is a second language for you; Ivycheang.
"Lindsay Lohan had an excellent career, but fall quickly after that."
you wrote; "but fell quickly after that." is the correct declension.
"She got used to paparazzi now, according to a recent interview."
you wrote. Is a little choppy. "She's not bothered by the paparazzi
anymore." could help the syntax.
Do you listen the English speaking talk shows on the radio?
Sometimes, just listening to how people speak can help your writing.
I was impressed with your research on Lindsay Lohan. I didn't know
she had produced albums. I like the tittle, "Spirit In The Dark."
I think I'll buy that CD.

What can be said about Lindsay Lohan; that hasn't been said about
other child stars? Garry Coleman is a sad story. I guess all that glitters
is not gold.+

I enjoyed your article very much.

0 +

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

You can see God;
the twisted trunk of weathered trees.
The tree that snaps:
when it can bend no lower.

(Familiar Form)

A fallen tree
has water inside and outside.
It blossoms weeds
and moans in a hollow trunk.

(Familiar Form)
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Yonder is the valley where yonder rose grows.

There is an innocent narcissism to your poem.
You see the beginning and the end of all paths.
A friend of my mine was studying to be a mechanic.
He hit a rock on the highway, while racing his motorcycle.
He was killed.

According to the law, his death was ruled accidental.
According to the laws of the spirit world he met his destiny.
I try not to judge a book by its cover.
But, Andy was a good man.+
He is survived by a wife and a twenty year old son.

Review of Paper World.  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Were you aware the north american bumble bee is becoming extinct?
Pestacides mixed into the pollen on are carried back to the hive.
Bee farmers are suffering ..
Soon the only thing we can farm will be wheat.

Why does God allow it?
To teach us humility?

Zen knows no God.
It is the everlasting Sun
and the seasons in harmony.


Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Prophet Mohamed married a Roman Catholic after his first wife died.
He was trying to cement a union with the Vatican. It failed.
Prophet Mohamed sent envoys to the Sanhedrin to inquire for a mosque in
Jerusalem. The Jews rejected it.
History is a cruel teacher. There can be no negotiation on faith.
Israel today cannot be a democracy. The majority, who are Muslim
living in Israel, would vote the Jewish state out of existence.
Your argument is flawed. Prophet Mohamed did not bring peace.
Prophet Jesus said, "I come with a sword to turn brother against brother."
Maybe, if the standard of living was improved for .... probably wouldn't change
the religious hatred... were doomed.

Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Now, this is a well written Vamp story.
Why I even feel happy for the little suckah.
I like stories that incorporate the daily humdrum.
And there's room for new chapters.
Oh, I can see a Fangora flick from this bloody tail.

Well, good luck
and keep writing.
Review of Who???  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

This sounds a little winy.
But, then, I've never been married.
In nature there is the drive to be prolific.
And, then, the need to build a nest.
All, of which, leads to fledgling outburst.
A never ending circle.
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