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1,672 Public Reviews Given
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I look at the fun factor.
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Knowing what sells and Knowing what is good are my skills.
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Murder mysteries.
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Long sad stories.
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Murder She Wrote, Columbo and NCIS.
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Sad, tragic endings.
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Public Reviews
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Review of Movie Talk  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

This a fun site. I like movies. They help me forget the demon lords, who torment me.
I'll sit quitely munching my popcorn, watching a flick and lissening closely to the secret
messages that only I can hear. Sometimes, the thearter is packed and I feel like biting
someone. But, most of the time I'm just humming in the dark.

Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Well, I wouldn't put too much creedence in the United Nations.
They are mostly intrested in international banking and the majority
of the members are dictatorships.
This is the weakness in your aguement: What if nothing was done to stop
Saddam Husein's invassion of Saudi Arabia? There is a US base in Saudi Arabia,
because of these threats. Saudi Arabia has a treaty with the US for the defence of their
The US was obligated to protect Saudi Arabia. All of this is remoniscent of WWI treaties.
What if? It's too late for second guessing, the US has esstablished a preminant base in
Iraq with the premmission of the new goverment. Just like Saudi Arabia.
If Iraq is attacked by Iran or any other country, it will be an act of war against the US.
Do you see the dominos falling?

That's just the way it is.

Bob Country
Review of What is Islam?  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

People can believe anything. The question shouldn't be can you believe it,
but what evidence do you have to support your assertion.
Does Islam allow for free will? Free wil is the selfidetermination;
"That property in the human rational agent, when all conditions required
elicit a volition are present, can either put forth or abstain from that volition."
(Maher, Psychology)
What worries me about religion is the demand for dogma. Dogmatic thinking
requires aceptance of religious doctrines without question. This is how Islamic
facist recrute their followers with blind hatred for Western civilation.
There is no rational debate. Either you are Islamic or not. There is no tolorence
of the outsider.
I assure you that religious zealots are also Christian and Zionist. This is the defect
in dogmatic creeds. The moral consciousness is skeptical and has free will.

I enjoy reading spirited editorials!
Peace be with you.+
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Whenever someone tells you the truth, question it.
The problem with anthropology is layers vs banks.
There are petrofied trees crossing layers of sediment
which would make the tree millions of years old.
Unless the sediment settled sideways in banks.
Radioactive dating is effected by salt water.
The salt increases the ionization and makes the specimen
seem older. How old is the Earth?
Old enough to have a lot of stuff happen.

Review of anamnesis  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Your in the stream. I like your anemnesis.
I recomend DERRIDA from Zietgeist Video.
He's a French philosopher and father of "deconstruction."
Derrida believes that no one can escape the ego,
therefore, our perception is limited by our narcissism.

Review of Money Fever  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

Geee-wiz. Mikes a lucky guy.
Just a second ago I was watching the Comcast science news.
They had video of star fish eating a dead sea lion: stop action
time lapse.
You-know I've often wondered what money is.
Is it real or just a promisary note;
kind of like having a tab at the neighborhood store.
What's scary about US$ is its printed by a private bank.
The US goverment does not own the Federal Reserve.
And no one knows, who does own the Federal Reserve.
The primary share holders are not published.
And the IRS is forbiden by law to audit the Federal Reserve.
"He finished employment and started a business with no tolerence."
you said about Mike. Sounds like a banker.
"Let me print the money and I will control the goverment" Rothchild
said in the 17 hundreds. He was an international banker.
"We are a new nation. We need to be free of the bank of England."
Benjamin Franklin said. He established the US Colonial Bank.
It became the Federal Reserve under Woodrow Wilson.
I like Mike. He as the entropreneurial spirit.
What if money was magic?
Abracadabra! Your rich!

>Beweis, das jede Menge wohlgeordnet werden kann<
(incantantion for prosperity)
Don't say it aloud. It's a secret.


PS: Silver is more powerfull than gold.
That's wiccan.
Um... it's a secret too.
Don't tell anyone.

* I

Review of 555555555  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Could anything be more simple?
In any magic trick their is always a suspension of disbelief.
The hypnotist subjects are preselcted.
Ramdom subjects would be skeptical and might not want to play along.
For example, the brother of Jesus Thomas was skeptical of the
resurection. He needed proof.
Typically, a magician will have a double or an accomplice, who
makes the trick look real.+

* I
Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Have you read The Fate of the Earth by Jonathan Schell?
Humanity is a noble race, but it is the greatest destructive
predator on the planet. How many times must we be told?
There will be a crisis of international proportions and a
global war. I don't know how it can be avoided.

But, I do enjoy IHOP!

Review of Scienlobotomy  
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Tom Cruise was formed by meta-genes spewed from a vulcano?
Scientology is about perfecting oneself through a conscious effort
to project positive attitude and productivity.
Mr. Hubbard the founder said he wanted to start a religion about
earning money. Religion has always been about earning money.
That's why they ask for donations.

Good story.
Don't worry about a law suit.
Tom is in the public domain.
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I am presently viewing, GODZILLA, mothra and king ghidorah.
I think your parody is fun, but I prepher to explore GODZILLA lore.
My first question is why is Godzilla obsessed with Tokio?
Secondly, Godzilla is involnerable from exterior attacks,
however in the flick I'm viewing Godzilla is destroyed from an
sub he swallowed. But, the lizard can reanimate.

In Godzilla vs Destroyah, Godzilla is having a melt down.
The Destroyah is an oxygin destroying bug. The original Godzilla
was destroyed by an oxygin destroying bomb. Godzilla kills the
Destroyah and melts down. Now, this being said, we must wonder
how Godzilla reproduced baby Godzilla. The answer is found in
the American version: GODZILLA. Godzilla is self-reproductive
and lays eggs.

I've wondered what would happen if Godzilla was projected
into a black hole: Godzilla vs Megaguiads. Megaguiads came
out of an atrifficial worm hole. Scientist were attempting to create
a black hole to take Godzilla off the planet. Unfortunately, they
brought in Megaguiads. Godzilla escaped the black hole.

I think Godzilla is indestructable.

Thought you'd like to know.

Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

But, if for one shining moment there was a place called Camelot.

Have you read Black Elk Speaks?

He speaks of the Great Hoop and the end of his people.
The Great Hoop holds all the races of men.
Black Elk could see the end of one way of life
and the beginning of the other.

Nice Thread.
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Chaos is mind bending.
I never thought I'd hear of Francis Thomas Bacon agian.
Well, fuel cells are nifty. Let's face it after the Big Bang there is nothing.
So, does there need to be a first cause?
Maybe, not.
This universe is redundant. There are repatitions of geometric shapes
and paterns of building dynamics.
The universe could be eternally exploding and imploding.
If so, then, the universe is God and we are godlings.
What about that?

:0 0:
Review of Psychic Reading  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Was Jesus a psychic healer?
I think what turns people off to psychic is the fear of demonic posession.
Let me this clear.
Satan can do nothing without God's permission.
You know your in danger when you are threatened.
Psychic readings are therapeutic.
I don't trust anybody, but I will lissen to a reading and decide if it is helpfull.
It's better to buy a Tarot Deck and learn to read.
Or, find someone you trust and let them layout the cards for you.

Money and psychics is tricky.
There are a lot of con-artists out there.
Buy some white chalk, make a circle around you,
write out the zodiac and layout your horoscope.
This ritual was designed to circumvent the clergy.
Can you spot the zodiac in the gospels?
Jesus said, find a man carring water. He will take you to the place of
Passover. Aquarius pours out water. +

Review of Kappa Alpha Moss  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

I like moss. It has a green musk.
Have you ever rolled on lime stone covered in moss?
The ladies really like it.
It's one of the oldest lifeforms and looks brahman between bricks.
Moss likes shade, so if you have any shady areas put some moss there.

I also enjoy the mini-series MOSS on PBS.
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Have you ever wondered why you don't see plump airline stewardess?
There are very few woman captainng commercial airlines today.
That's because the airlines executives of most major airlines have
military backgrounds. Traditionally, commercial airline pilots are
pulled from the airforce, navy and marines. This is the criterior behind
airline policy toward plump people. A person 300 or more pounds
must pay for a second seat. That's fat predjudice.

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Sweet peas! I'm not Einstein either.
But, there is such a thing as light years.
So, the stars we see at night might have burned out light years ago.
Maybe, your dabling with worm holes?
A worm hole is a short cut across the universe.
Have you seen "STARGATE"?
It is spooky how little we can percieve; phenomenonalism?
When they asked the Big Blue computer how it felt,
it responded "I am."

I'm printing this thread.
I need to absorb it.

Review of The Puppeteer  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

This could use more work.
What becomes of Josh?
I think if people feared him, they would take action against him.
I've been on so many conspiracy websites.
There is a growing fear that the computer screen is diabolical.
Images can mesmorize and enter our minds through our eyes.
And of course there is the fear of being monitored by a growing
bureaucracy of fear mongers.
Review of Omnipotence  
Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

I think the sculpture would have more meaning if you used glass eye balls.
I've had this notion that the soul is the body. Shatrah.
If you remove a part the body looses a piece of its spirit.
What if the flesh could be synthesized into a plastic android?
Would the machine have a souls? Immortality in a computer.

Review of Twinkie Boy  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Your composition is excellent.
A sentence is more than the words it contains.
A sentence is a structual meaning that can be understood
in the context of the text. A thought is a word attack on concepts.
You've created a simple story with many fond images.
In other words the whole is greater than its parts.

Nice thread.
Review of The Song of Hope  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Right On!

"The kingdom is like a person who had a treasure hidden in a field
but did not know it. At death the owner left the field to his child. The
child did not know about the treasure either, but took over the field
and sold it. The buyer went plowing and discovered the treasure,
and began to lend money at intrest to whomever he pleased!"

Review of The Oubliette  
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

The problem with Hell is you can only torture the dambed for so
long, before it becomes absurd. I like the observation about raised
sores on hypnotized subjects. That can really happen. Some patients
under hypnosis spell words on their body in raised sores. There is so
much to learn about the capabilty of the human mind.

I like the rebar pit.

Review of I Ran  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

You know the first person tense well.
I did and he followed.. so on.
"If every single man is not an individual, simply by being human,
then everything is lost and it is not worth hearing about great
world-skaking historical events. But, the world wants to be deceived."
"He was under attack, though he didn't know it until it was too late."
you said.
I like that. The story of my life.

:0 0:
Review of Against the Wind  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Everthing is spinning!
Slammed like a hurricane.
I like the metaphors.
I had a cassette of the CHAOS theory.
My cat pulled the tape out of the cartridge.

I think your creating a passionate storm.
"Let the wind capture my other leg as well!"
Nice image.

Review of Tick Tock  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

This story seems so distrubing, yet familiar.
What is the purpose our lives?
To run from desprate moment to the next?
I have to wonder sometimes if I really know
who I am. It can be confusing in a culture driven
by media hype.
I sit in a dumpster and eat .. and wonder at the galaxy
of stars in the heavens.

Review of Icarus'd  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

"She dwelt among the untrodden ways.
Beside the springs of dove,
A maid whom there were none to praise.
And very few to Love.

A violet by a mossy stone
Half hidden from the eye!
Fair as a star, when only one
Is shining in the sky."

(Lucy: William Wordsworth)
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