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Review of Who???  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

This sounds a little winy.
But, then, I've never been married.
In nature there is the drive to be prolific.
And, then, the need to build a nest.
All, of which, leads to fledgling outburst.
A never ending circle.
Review by bob county
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)

There are a lot of declarative sentences.
You might want to have some transition.
But, that's just a personal preference.

"No way she was going to marry the man they had chosen."
sounds like slang; which breaks with the rhythm of the classic proses.

A poem has merit in it's intent:

Glory be to God for dappled things
For skies of couple color as branded cows;
For roses on mole hills along stipple stream trout swim;
Fresh firecoal cooks chestnuts under flying finches wings;
Lanscape plotted and pierced fold, fallow and plow;
And all trades, their gear and tackle and trim.

All things counter, original spare, strange;
Whatever is fickle, freckled(who knows how?)
With swift, slow, sweet , sour, adazzle, dim;
He farthers forth whose beauty is past change:
Praise him.

Or help one fainting robin
Unto his nest again,
Shall not live in vain.


Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

I've got a flyer from the FIJA(Fully Informed Jury Association).
The FIJA wants a law requiring judges resume the practice of telling
jurors about their right to judge both the law and fact regarding each
and every charge against a defendant.
1972 DC Circuit Court of Appeals: "unreviewable and irreversible
power... to acquit in disregard of the instruction on the law given by
trial judge. The pages of history shine upon instances of the jury's
exercise of its prerogrative to disregard instructions of the judge;
for example, acquittals under the fugitive slave law." (473 F. 2d 1113)

It's a pity you didn't check out Maine.
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

No one is certain where water came from.
There's a theory that it fell to Earth on meteorites.
The water we have now has been recycling for eons.
In water is cells. The cells we are borne with are replaced
so that by the time we die we are an entirely different person.
You may believe you are in control of your body, but who are you?
Each drop of your blood can hold every detail of your body.
And 90% of our bodies is water.
Is water God? Does water connect us to all living creatures?
I have no empirical evidence.

Very thought provoking thread.
Review of What happened???  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Seven is the mystical number for women.
It the division of the moon cycle into for parts
and the half, full and waning menstruation.
In such a state of solitude it is a miracle that
women have anything to do with men other than

You have relayed the conflict well.
I would put aside the spacing.
But, that's just my preference.

Totally, unrelated I have had an image of
an eye composed of words.
A window to the soul?

Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Sounds like a treasure hunt.
You've really done your research.
I like the history lesson.
Adolf Hitler had no sibblingz.
But, it is possible he might have a few bastards.

The N.A.Z.I's liked to F a lot.
Review of IN THE MIST  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

"each year on the anniversary of her husband's suicide, there was dead silence from the family.
.. Eventually she began to avoid other days of commemoration: anniversaries and birthdays,
including her own. " Battle Scars p413; WOMEN WHO RUN WITH WOLVES: Clarissa Pinkola.

The ghosts haunt us,
but we are the living.

Very nice poem.
Review of Time Twist  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Very imaginative. But, the story runs too fast after Hector is scooped by the time creature.
Funny thing about time travel you can never go back on your time line.
You might erase yourself. Who can be and not be?
Tighten up the action scenes. Maybe more narrative would help?

Review of Raven: Chapter 1  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Werewolf story? You should read Black Elk Speaks.
It's about a Shaman. He has a vision of running with a wolf pack
and flying like a hawk. He sees the Great Hoop of the world and
the end of his people.
I liked the beginning of this narrative, but then it slips off into
fantasy. My dad read Celtic lore to me in my childhood.
The opportunity here is to explore Raven's adolescence.
Can she love men?

Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Right on! There ought to be rules. Why should we pay for other peoples bastards?
Let's have Planned Parenthood in the grammar schools. Abortion should be a constitutional
right. Think of all the money waisted on welfare moms. Let's sterilize orphans! And legalize
prostitution, for Christ's sake! Jesus loved Mary Magdalen, very, very, much.
You want to teach these brats some discipline? Mandatory enlistment!
Put the little buggers in the front line! And for God's sake let's remember what Jesus taught;
"If you believe in me you can go to Heaven. If you don't then go to Hell!"

Damn straight!
Thank you so very much LOUDERMILK!
I going to salute my flag and shoot an illegal immigrant!
This is country is for Americans!

Bob Country
Review of The Old Days  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I'm not a big fan of interactive stories. I don't like video games either.
The journey underground is an ancient ritual. Jesus descended into Hell,
to save the good souls that had not known him. That is the initiation to
pass through to a new world of knowing and being. Portals, entrances,
leading to Hell or Heaven. Life, death, rebirth is an instinctual nature to women.
In Norse mythology, the sin eaters devour the dead, bringing them back to life again
in their bellies. They bring them to Hel, the Goddess of death and rebirth.
She shows the unborn how to live life backwards, to become younger until they
are ready to be born again. Nifty, reincarnation.

Get a copy of the Night Stalker/The Night Strangler(DVD).
It's a story of an immortal man, who lives under the city of Seattle.
He feeds on the adrenaline of women, like a Vampire.
He lives in old Seattle, which is buried under the city.
I really enjoy this 70's series, staring Darrin McGavin as the reporter Kolchak.

PS: You have style.
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

This reaffirms my theory that there old spirits.
A girl with ultimate power and she chooses to help people.
There's a movie "What If?". I thinks that's the tittle.
It's an 1935 english production. The premiss is simular.
A simple tailor is given the power of a God, by the Olympian God
Hermies. Well, he almost sets the world into chaos.
You have a good story developement. Maybe, a series of adventures?

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

You know if you'd like to know what thermal nuclear war would do to the planet
get a copy of Jonathan Schell's THE FATE OF THE EARTH. It's very well written.
As for understanding the dynamics of human rituals I recommend WOMEN WHO RUN
WITH WOLVES by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D. and Elaine Pagels' The Gnostic Gospels.
For if the works of God are perfect, then Adam could not have sinned.
This is the first Hypostasis of the Archons(The Gnostic Gospels).
"It is I who am God; there is none before me." This is God's sin against Eternity.
Wisdom spoke to an enlightened man, who exists before God.
For what was Adams sin; to love knowledge more than God.
Gnosis is Greek for knowledge.
And what is God without Wisdom, but a blind God.
"Rise up upon the Earth!" cried Zoe(Life), "And know your mother Wisdom(Sophia).
In Gnosticism the Snake is the symbol of rebirth. It sheds its skin.
Deuteronomy 24:16, "The children shall not be punished for their father's sin."
Only a jealous God would punish an entire race for the sin of one man.

Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I read in the Old Testament the punishment for breaking the covenant is death.
I read that Abraham slaughted tribes, "Who were an abomination before the Lord."
"Spare not the very yougn or the very old" God said to Abraham.
And I wonder if God is good. Perhaps, God wills good to come from evil,
but we mortals must live through it. It all seems madness.
"Out of your graves I will raise a nation" God said. Most of my family on my mother's
side are dead. The N.A.Z.I.s killed them. God was silient.
"If someone kicks me down a flight of stairs, should I love them?" Friedrick Hyak.
I don't have the answer. I'm sorry for your loss.


Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Right on Nicki!
I was just reading about Harvey Carigan.
Harvey was a sociopath. He was sentenced to hang
for a rape-murder date, during his stint in the army.
But, he got off on a techincality at his appeal.
Harvey bought a gas station and settle into civilian life.
Four years later he earned the nickname the "Want-Ad Killer."
For two years he brutally attacked and murdered applicants to his want ads.
Several women survived to identify Harvey and human blood was found in his car
and a road map was discover with red pencil marks that coresponded to the sites of
various buried murder victims. Harvey bludgenoned the skulls of his victims before sexually assaulting them.
The jury at his 1975 trial was convinced, and Harvey recieved a sentence of 40 years in a mental hospital.
Mr. Carigan was discharged from the rehabilation institution in 1995.
No further murders have been conected to Harvey Carigan.
He owns a chain of gas stations.+

You never know who your dealing with.

Take care.

Bob Country
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.0)

I think we need some more discription.
Why are there ghosts in the Bullock hotel?
Do you like to dress like a cowboy often?
What happened behind that door your standing infront of?

Just curious

Bob Country
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

"You can not reason with a fanatic." I forget who said that.
Maybe it was Churchill. This is sad, but true; Iran is destined
to be overthrown. It will not assimulate into the world community.
If Iran were a nation of isolationists, there would be no conflict.
But, as you point out in detail Iran openly threatens world peace.
How can a modern democratic culture accept Iran?
I don't see any hope of change from within this dictatorship.

Peace be with you.

Review of Give Me To Drink  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

The Bible is a well of wisdom.
"The children shall not be punished for their father's sin."
Duet 24:16.
"I form the light, and create darkness, I make peace,
and create evil: I the Lord that do all things." Isa 45:7.
"God is not a man, that he should lie, nor as the son of man,
that he should be changed." Num 23:19.

Review of Monster  
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Wow. That's a horrible story.
Was it Ray Radbury or Isaac Asimov, who wrote the "Stranger"?
A stranger steps off a cross country train to check out small town.
Well, it isn't Mayburry. One of the town folk lures him into a basement
to committ a thrill killing. But, the stranger convinces the would be
murder that he has a gun. He bluffs his way out and catches the
It's sad, but true people can be cruel.
And it's so easy to loose touch with human kindness.
I hope this was fiction.

Very well written.
Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (4.0)

A poll on global conspiracies?
I want to read your opinion.
Let's just say this, history has demostrated that every country
wants to be apart of the global market.
It all about controling trade.
Occationally, you get a Hitler. But, most countries just want
to make money.
Money makes the world go round.


I really want to know your opinion.
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is a modern view of an ancient document.
Every culture has a God story. Why?
Because, people need hope.
The Muslem believe that after Mohamed died in the city of Medina.
He rode a white horse into Heaven. Why?
Because, they could not let their prophet die.
Or, it actually happened.
Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead
and floated away on a cloud. Plausable?
Yes. If you believe in mirracles.
The weakness in your arguement is duplicity.
You contradict yourself when you say the Bible is God's word
and their are errors in the Bible.
God is perfect, therefore, his Bible is perfect.
If God wants to be heard,
how could his word be ignored?
Amos 3:6 "Shall there be evil in the city which the Lord hath not done?"
That's the theology of the Bible.
Iether you accept everything in the Bible as God's word or
you are a skeptic.

Keep up the good work!


Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Another Twightlight episode. Astronauts land on an alien planet
and only one survives as a zoo exibit. The aliens think he is too
primative to be outside a cage. Rodney Mcdowel plays the captured
astronaut. God I love a good plot twist.

Fun thread.
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

Sharing a story is how tribal history was passed on in the Bible.
Concider Abraham agruing with the Angels over the fate of
Sodom and Gamorah. What was he thinking? When God commanded
Moses to pass on the Ten Commandments. What was Moses thinking
when he broke them? God created Eden for Adam and his wife Eve.
Why did perfect people break God's commandment not to eat of the
fruit of good and evil?

Let's look at this scientifically:

God is perfect, therefore nothing God creates can be imperfect.
How then can Abraham, Moses and Adam and Eve sin?
To sin is to break God's commandment.
The answer is FREE WILL.
For God to be God, there must be a choice between God and Anarchy.
If there is no free will, then God is the creator of sinfull people.
The Apocalypse is God's final judgement of his people.
Well, If God made sin, then there is no need for a final judgement.
It is all predestined.

Have you seen the "RAPTURE"?
It's a film about an agnostic single mother.
She's doing fine until the Apocalypse hits.
Then, she has to choose, between faith in God
or anarchy. +

"Why should I be punished? I've done nothing wrong." she asks.

I think this is the theology your tinkering with in this story of violence
and lawlessness. Where is God? Why does God allow it?

I like that. I felt the storyline was rambling. I guess I've seen to many
Rob Zombie movies.


Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Telephone poles cross the land.
And they carry messages in many languages.
There is a metaphor for life in these telephone poles.
So many many voices, so many souls.

I like the image you use of the snow falling down under the
light pole. "The snow falls on the sinner and rightous." wrote Yeats.


Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

If you've seen a dead body, then you what death is.
At my highschool there were drug dealers and other violent students.
They terrorised me and all the other nonviolent students.
My dad told me to stand up to the bully. I told my dad the bully has a gun.
Then, he transfered me to North Cambridge Catholic High.
The curiculum included Catholic indoctrination. I was asked in class
write a paper about God in my life. I wrote about my cat Puffins.
I cared more about my cat. And Catholics believe that God is expressed
in creation. So, I got C+.
If you've seen Brave Heart there's a line from the King of England,
"The problem with Scotland is its full of Scotts!" I think that Muslems
are in danger of being treated that way. Only today the weapons of
mass destruction can work faster.
Please don't blame God for man's cruelity. Free will places the blame
on us. Let it be our choice.+


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