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1,672 Public Reviews Given
1,692 Total Reviews Given
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I look at the fun factor.
I'm good at...
Knowing what sells and Knowing what is good are my skills.
Favorite Genres
Murder mysteries.
Least Favorite Genres
Long sad stories.
Favorite Item Types
Murder She Wrote, Columbo and NCIS.
Least Favorite Item Types
Sad, tragic endings.
I will not review...
My obituary.
Public Reviews
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Review of Reborn  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

It's spooky how I make associations. I reading about a serial killer in NAZI germany.
Kind of ironic. Anyway the Nazi's hunted this guy down, because he was murdering
prominent germans. He used a barrel of acid from his tin shop to melt the bodies.
He plead insanity in a NAZI court. He said that Jesus wanted them dead. Anywho,
he was hanged. The mind is a wonderous thing.

Fun thread!
Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

If you visit Isreal, you can meet the Levi tribe.
These are descendents of Jesus. They are slender
and have a dark complexion.
If I met Jesus, I would take him to a movie.
He could see the temple the people worship.
Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

While the spirit is in the flesh, man cannot help but have at leasts some sin.
But, do not dispise these sins which are of no great weight. tremble when
you count the grains on sand on a beach or the number of drops to fill a river.
What is our salvation? What, then, is our hope? Can there be an end to sin?
To organize our faith is to destroy it.

I've always enjoyed Tobit.

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (3.5)

I really think polls are evil. Every election the networks try to influence
the voters with their polls. Did you know that Waterworld recovered its
giant buget costs in DVD sales? Yes! People bought Waterworld on DVD
in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart. Strange, but true even bad movies are
fun to watch for $5.00.

Instead of a poll write a script.
You could drop in David Letterman's pick up
at 3am.

Review of The Ode in White  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I'm ashamed to say that I had trouble following this gem.
A perl of immeasurable value. It's odd, but when I watch
"Who done its" I simpathize with the bad guy. Here's poor
Jaun, who wants to get rich quick and get rid of his cheating
wife. Well, things never are perfect. I don't understand murder.
It's legal to kill if someone threatens your life, but if they threaten
your livelyhood: it's murder. Okay.

Maybe, if Jaun had divorced his Margarita
and then stolen her peals.. It wouldn't be so sinister?
She'd probably get everything else.


Review of Why do you write?  
Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (3.5)

Okay, pols are anoying. I hope you understand I'm trying to be constructive.
You ask the question "Why do you write?" Why don't you give an answer?
I write because I like to play with ideas. I was thinking about writing to
Angelia Jolie.. I think she's too thin. Maybe, she could have some power
drinks? I know it's futile. But, I like to write about it. I guess what I want from
you is more insight. Why ask why?

Does that help Bubalah?

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Ha! It's Time Square! I place to have fun and spend some money.
If you want green rolling hills go to the suburbs. I love advertisement
slogans, "Crout Sausages, Mystery Bags, Snack and Dip.." Are some
colorful ones up here-yah in Maine. "Gooey Egg" is a scrambeled egg
on toast.

You can't escape slogans!
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Gnostic Gospells? The Book of Adam and Eve, Noah and Enoch; I thought I
was the only heritic? The Martian conection is good. I like the smooth transition.
What is odd about all this occult abduction theory; is the crude way these aliens
abduct people. They just drag them kicking and screaming out of their beds.
Cruel? At the very least they could tranquilize them.. .
But, the story unfolds like a slick detective mystery.. a very profesional job.
I believe in a higher power; like a cosmic blender on a timer. These reptilian aliens
are just rude. I think they just don't care anymore about manners.
There's a passage in the Gospell of Peter where the Apostle drove a Devil out of
a little town with his shepard's staff. He wacked the bugger over the head.

Fun read!

Sneek a peek at The Devil's Dance.
Plan old Witchcraft.+
Review of Psyche and Eros  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

A man reach should exceed his grasp? I love your spirit quest.
It reminds me of a Japanese oprah.. The maiden calls out the name
of a God and is astounished when the God apears. You might enjoy
The Devil's Dance. It's about female spirituality. I like the Cassandra' box
scene. Her final task.. to bare a child of a God?

Sweet nothings!

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Anyone, who has been called to jury duty. Will tell you they did not want to be there.
That is not to say that jurers are lazy and impatatient, but rather they want the trial
to be about the evidence. For instence, a friend of mine was call to jury duty on
an assault charge. A man brandished a gun at another man. The denfence was
"road rage." The defendant was warning off a threatening driver inorder to avoid
a colission. The jury took less than a hour to find the defendant guilty. Most juries
don't want to hear excuses for violent crimes. They just want to the evidence.

It sounds odd that you believe women detectives are not thorough. They are.
Because they are women, they what it means to feel threatened everyday they
walk out in public. Under the civil rights laws women are a protected minorty.
Although, there are more women, then men; the majority of sexual assaults are
perpetrated by men against women. The law takes this into account and juries
are sympathetic to a women.+

Niece piece!
I like its lines!

Review of Caterpillars  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Oh, yes Grasshopper.. or should I say caterpiller?
This smoothly writen tomb to Charlie raises the ultimate questions:
What is the meaning of life?
Who am I?
What is the difference between right and wrong?
Is there a life after death?
Where is God?
How many caterpillers are there?
Since the emergence of mankind the population has been increasing and
accelerating in third world countries. This deminishes the value of human
life in overburden impoverished nations. It also creates a toxic population
in the ecosystem.

One could argue that Charlie is better off dead.+
The caterpiller population is ballanced within its enviroment.
God remains silient..

Nice thread,

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Very well done! Evolution to me means change. Why were there dinosaurs?
Where did the Neanderthal man come from? How does caterpillar change
into a butterfly? All of the chemical compounds in our bodies can be found
in the Earth. Is the Earth our Creator?

The problem with any theory is it can be disproved by another theory ..
Genesis was a creation theory, but it has many holes. Who was Kane's
wife? God let Kane live after Kane murdered Able.. and Kane found a wife
and made a kingdom.. Where did the wife come from? And where did all
the people of Kane's kingdom come from?

The God factor is impossible to explain in scientific terms. God's existence
is assumed by the existence of mirracles, like the missing link. But, isn't it
more reasonable to say there is a natrual explanation? Scientific inquiry would
stop, if God's works could not be questioned.

As I recall, the evolutionist's reason for walking upright; is that it freed the hands
to work with tools..

Were there dinasaurs in Eden?

Seth was Able's replacement... "because Kane's blood was cursed"
is sin inherited? How do you prove this Genesis' hugenics?

And Seth had a wife... and a tribe.. Did God create all these people?
Sounds like a crazy theory, deffinately not scientific.+

Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

Another woman was stoned to death in Iran. She was cheating on her husband.
I guess a woman can't have more than one husband in Islamic theocracy?
A married woman can be castrated, according to the Koran. Would that make them
more faithfull? It's difficult to reason with religious beliefs. That's why the founding
fathers of the United States seperated religion from goverment. Riiiight?

Check out my piece: Islam or not?
You probably would find it amusing.

Review of Baby Boy  
Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Ha! Reminds me of a fable.

A cat fell in love with a handsome yougn man and begged the goddess Venus
to change her into a woman. Venus changed the cat into a beautifull woman,
who the yougn man fell in love with. A mouse chanced about their wedding bed.
The yougn bride lepted on the mouse and devoured it. Venus was so disgusted
she changed the woman back to a cat.

Now, that's a recessive gene!
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

I am not sure which way this article is going.
I'm not opposed to idealism in ploitics. The problem isn't Christianity.
The problem is there is too much money to made from politics.
There is the weapons manufacturing lobby and those weapons are
not just for foriegn enemies, but domestic as well. And then there are
the domestic strife issues. That fill campagn fund drives. Abortion is
a two sided issue. If your opposed to abortion, then you shouldn't oppose
a larger welfare tax. What will become of these bastards?
I think if fascism comes to America it will be called Americanism.
And if anyone takes the time to research Jesus' lineage. They will find a black Jesus.
Jesus was not blond with blue eyes. So what?
Politics is a constant battle for harmony, between faith and the common good.
I prefer Zen.

Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Female sexuality is very mysterious. There seems to be a lot of night encounters.
I of course, being male I focused on one thing. Heh-heh.
I grew up with tow older sister and the first thing they were told about boys was?
Stay away from them! "I am not raising your babies!" mommsie said to my sisters.

So as I read this ryhm. I can't help but wonder if you want more than moonbeans.

Go and write
a page tonight
And let that page come out of you.
Then, it will be true.+

I not sure if that helps.
But, I did enjoy your poem.

Review of Mock Epic  
Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

Very True... sorry(ehm)possible. Reminds of a story about well at the worlds end.
If you drink from it you will never die. But, which well is it? And the horizon never ends.
Round and round you go sipping from wells.. You get the problem?

As far as your style goes; it sounds like an outline: third person narrative.
I like H.G.Wells first person; "I that the time machine would work, but would
I erase my history?" More engaging?

Here's useless piece of adhominon. I started telling stories as an Alter Boy.
The Alter Boys were being groomed for the Priesthood. The Nuns had us read
the lives of the Saints to inspire us. Welllll, I started telling erotic tales of the Saints
to my fellow horny Alcolites. They loved it. Sister Immeritus did not.
But, you can never please everyone.+

Loved your Sci-Fi!

Review of To Laugh Like He  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

If we could laugh like Scrooge, we'd be commited to a mental hospital.
Has anyone considered what happened to Scrooges' Loan company?
He forgave all his loans. The bussiness went bancrupt. Did Scrooge
have a golden parashute? If he gave his money away, he would be homeless.
Would his nefew let him live with his lovely wife? Probally, not for long.
Dickens writes that Scrooge was a happy man and kept Christ-mass as well
as any other man. I guessing he kept his savings.

Love the ryme!
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

Do you understand that history is written by the victors?
At the Nuremberg Trials, the accused Nazi pleaded they were only
following orders. What they did to the Jews was genocide, but the Old Testament
is full of examples of God's genocide: the Great Flood of Genisis.
The Halocaust of Nazi Germany was legal, until they were defeated.
What is justice? WWII was fought to stop Nazi expansion. Roosevelt and
Churchill did not enter the war to free the Jews. Strange that you should call
Dictators and Emperors pathetic. They were ruthless killers, who ruled nations.
By what standard do you judge them? Are they not the law givers?
"What is Truth? Is it the changing law?"

I saw my cat Rusty eat a beautifull butterfly. It was disturbing, but natural.
Was the brutality of Saddam Hussien natrual selection? He fought for everything
he posessed. A self made ruler of Iraq. Well, he did get weapons of mass
destruction from George Senior. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend."

"Out of the pit. I saw fallen Angels, beings of beauty and strength. Now,
forever tormented by the fire of God's rath. I dared not pity them, less I be
loss as well." Dante's Inferno.

Is this the work of a loving God? Did you know Mohammed forbid his generals to
attack at night? "The Children of the Light do not hide in the darkness."
Strange how Mohammed's commandments have been ignored by Islamic Facists.
You would think they would respect their own Prophet's wishes.

So many leaves have fallen, how many will fall before there are no more?

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.5)

Sweet middle Americana... Is there a middle Americana?
I have my DVD of the Andy Taylor Show.
But, all I see are "house for sale" signs.
11 trillion dollar deficit and jobs nowhere to be found.
Barney are you delivering papers?
Well, I guess I could sip some lemonade on the swing,
but I'd freeze my knockers.
Poverty is a bummer.

Review of The Promise  
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Life can be cruel. I don't why. Under a perfectly blue sky.
Is it our choice to sin? If sin exist, then do we act according
to our nature or habits? This is where sin lies. It is the lack of
love. Why does God allow it?
Review of Night's Sleep  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.0)

A strangely, polite and complacent poem.
I reminded of "Miss Bridges"an assigned book in highschool.
This house frow was so nice, she got trapped in her car in the
gararge. Happy ending; her husband came home from work
and helped her out of the car.

Review of Tommy Lightfoot  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

The instinct of retribution is part of the nature of man.
We search for meaning, paterns and a purpose to our lives.
When people believe that justice is for all, then the stability of
society can be maintained. But, this faith cannot free us from
the cruelty of a personal loss. People are imperfect and fail.

Your story is simply true.


Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Too cute. And this is a smooth read to a funny twist. I'm snapping five
stars. Hmmmmm.

I'm reminded of a simular inner city traffic tale. I'm stuck in traffic on
Somervile Ave. I guy jumps out of his car and beats the rear lights out
of an UPS truck, then he gets back into his car. The UPS driver must
have called the police. Shortly, a police car is blocking the intersections
as the light turns green. Well, all the other drivers start blasting their horns.
Meanwhile, I have a front row scene as the guy with bat is facing to policemen
with guns drawn. He throws the bat out his driverside window and exits his
car as per the police commands. He's handcuffed and his car is driven over
to a gas station just before the bridge to cambridge street. The light is
red. Many drivers are cursing the police. I am right in front and as quite as
a mouse. Hmmmmm, driving is an adventure.

Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Your has an ice cream simile. I like it's subtlety an irony. She is an
aloholic fan. Hmmm. I like vanilla and chocolate sundays.

I licked a chocolate cone
between the clothes lines.
The silken slip fluttered
in the summer breeze.
The lines went slightly taught
in the capricious summer air.
I felt the slightest bondage in her wears.

Ice cream dreams.

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