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1,672 Public Reviews Given
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I look at the fun factor.
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Knowing what sells and Knowing what is good are my skills.
Favorite Genres
Murder mysteries.
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Long sad stories.
Favorite Item Types
Murder She Wrote, Columbo and NCIS.
Least Favorite Item Types
Sad, tragic endings.
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My obituary.
Public Reviews
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Review of Tracy  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

The love a woman feels for a woman is divine.
What is mine is yours and what is yours is mine.
The pleasing punishment a woman can bear.
Is an ape of a man in her hair.

Oook! :)
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)

metalica4evr where is your story? Giantism or love of oversized people is a infantile fetish.
Yup. Some folks want to be treated like babies. They have large cribs and diapers.
Strangely, Jack and the Bean Stock has some submisive images. Jack is tiny
in the Giant's kingdom and that bean stock is enormous. I think you should write a
story about a giant woman, who is found of a tiny man. How would the ordinary folk react?
Just a curious.

Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

I like fish sticks. This is a fun idea: everyone chips in on the story.
Fish and chips are yummy too. Did you ever grill lobstah? The buggahs
beat on the lid. Good eatan though. Ay-yah! I feel like some tuna cheese

Loved the menue!
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Sororities were never part of my college life. I like the melancholy of the photo.
It's sad but true; we can't go back. Time moves faster as we grow older.
Should we have turn left or right? Intolerable a thought must be faced.
Are we immortal? Is this life perfecting us or leading to complete annihilation?
Nope, never been to a sorority.+

Whimsy thread. I like it.

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Welll, the cats in the cradle.... Do you read Aesop's Fables?
"The Bird, the Beast and the Bat" a bat sides first with the birds,
then with the beasts, and in the end is rejected by both groups
as a two faced traitor.
You can buy bat houses with scent lures. It's an eco-friendly way
to keep the mosquitoes down. But, the bats would eat the butterflies too.
Little boy blue and the man and the moon...

You've got a sweet thought, "She has the most gentle wings
and lands on beautiful things."

Keep at!

Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

The course for beauty is severe. Doctors, fitness experts and messages
are all very necessary. X-rays are also be used to sculpt facial features.
Plastic implants and vacuumed fatty deposits are relocated. Soon total
reconstruction will be done before birth. A race of genetically perfect people
will walk the land in speedos.
My only criticism would be to make the dialogue more interesting.
I like Zizi's humor. Tiny's leg is to be amputated and Ziti exclaims, "Oh my God!
That's gotta be like 25 pounds! Your gonna be a rockstar!"

Review of Eyes...  
Review by bob county
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

This is perfect. The eyes are the window to the soul and mine are blood shot.
"I'm drowning in your two eyes" you wrote. This is the first step to love.
Total surrender. There is a fine line between love and obsession.
If your offer is refused and you continue to pursue, then your a stocker.
"The blessed damozel leaned out from the gold bar of Heaven;
Her eyes were deeper than the depth of waters stilled at evening;
She had three lillies in her hand,
And the stars in her hair were seven."
Faust: The Blessed Damozel, Stanza 1.
Love is a fire that consumes us all.

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

So very true. The sky is burning and my mind is on fire.
Hey baby what's in your eyes? I see them flash like airplane lights.
Tell me hunny what will I do when I get hungy and thirsty too?
That's in the kitchen too?

Love that song!

Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Imagine how God feels? "Isn't this the carpenter, Mary's son, and the brother
of James and Joses and Judas and Simon, and aren't his sisters here with us?"
(Mark 6:3)
"Isn't this the carpenter's son? Isn't his mother called Mary? Aren't his brother
James and Joseph and Simon and Judas?"(Matt.13:55-56)
"Isn't this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know.
How can he now claim "I have come down from heaven?"(John6:42)
How Jesus come to believe he was God? Was he insane? Perhaps, it was
a tradition of the times to make a God out of a Messiah. Now, we elect them.

Could you give me your opinion of my thread: Humands?
Clearly, you are well read in human developement.+

Review of Remorseless Time  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

I am sorry for your loss.
Death is entertaiment in our pop culture.
And sociopaths spring like weeds in our communities.
How can we escape war?
History is a bloody tale of conquest and genocide.
Death is not proud.
It is the end.+

Peace be with you.
Review of From a Dream  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Loved this. I picture a Carol Burnet scetch. Wayne is Harvey Kytel and Victor
Tim Conway. You remind me of Misses Hawigans: the secretary, who hardly
spoke. I can see them all flash killer looks. The office would be next to a soccer
field, occationally a ball would bounce of the window. Fun stuff.

Could you sneek a peek at Restless?
I dream about flowing water.
Maybe, its a premonition?
Keep writing in your dream journal!

Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

I like the five dancing maids. There are five plot lines and five elements:
Earth, wind, water, fire and magic. The first is the Word and on the seventh
day there was silence. God rested. The emergence of the wild woman into
the world of man is Wicca. Alana reminds of a story out of the old west.
A wild Cherokee woman, who no man could tame. She was said to be deadly
and beautiful.
I do believe we are do for another saviour, but she will not be accepted by
the religious establishment:
a zion, decendent from Arthur of Briton.

Fun read!
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Well, if you want to chat just e-mail me.
Some say I'm John the Baptist born again.
Seriously, this is very well written. Each prose fits
smoothly into the other.
Did you know the Moslems believe Mohamed
road a white horse into Heaven after he died
in the city of Medina?
People can believe anything.
The question shouldn't be can you believe it,
but evidence do you have to support your assertion.

Good Luck!

Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Very fluid discription of wilderness and society. I like the anthem:
"Certain dreams we wish we could remember;
certain nightmares we wish we had forgot."
Bare feet on pine needles sprung to mind. And the scent of sap and
something musky in the moist branches. An "indigo-bled sky" is
woodland at twighlight. There is nothing to compare it to.

You've got it!
Glad to have met you.

Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Lovely. "God is not a man, that he should lie,
nor as the son of man, that he should be changed."
(Num 23:19)

I believe we are more successful when we hear people
out then when we shut them out. And success is measured
by the obstacles we overcome.

Peace Out!
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Is that a faerie? I love the ocean.
Roll on deep sea.
Roar your music.
The rapture is on the shore.
Froth in salt and breaking wave.
A lovelier thing
No tear can claim.

So say Blinkin.
An Angel.+
Review by bob county
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Hmmm, how old are you? This reads like a comic book.
Six arrows in his back and four in his chest, sprinted at the
archers and chopped them up with his elf sword. Not.
"He would not be getting up this time." you wrote; ah O.K.
"His foes stood no chance (once?) so ever." did you what's so
My brother was an Air Borne Ranger in Veitnam. He told me how
recovered the head of a soldier, under heavy fire. The head was
sent home in a box: air mail. Strange, but true.
Well, your story reminded me of Lord of the Rings and it was
a good movie. So keep writing!

Peace Out!
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

This is a smooth piece. Triumphant and humble very poetic.
"the world stops-to wonder at the Strongest Heart." that's heartening.
What is it that we mean when we speak of death? Is being free from
the body of sin and corruption of our passions? What is to be done in
Heaven that cannot be felt on Earth? The pride of life savours the pleasures
of earthly delights. Yes. Your poem has many levels.+

I want and will have.
Review of My Journey  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (4.0)

A poem for atheist? If God is all powerfull, there can be no free will.
To contradict God is too break his Divine plan. Why Pray? It's all God's will:
"No one can walk in my steps nor alter the course I'm destined to follow."
I wonder about folks, who refuse to question their faith. Are looking for an
easy way out? Life is cruel and there is injustice. Is this God's will?

:) Smiley faces all the way!
Review of Club Le Femme  
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

"The deeper layers of the psyche lose their individual uniqueness as they retreat
father and father into darkness. Hence, at bottom, the psyche is simply the world.
Niether masuline or femine the body is extinguished and unerversalized."
(The Archwtypes and the Collective Unconscious, C.G.Jung 9, i, p. 173).

I had a neighbor in Cambrige, Ma., who was a respectable lawyer at Harvard
University. He had a loving wife and two daughters. He also liked to dress in
like a lady, when he was off the campus. He would garden in make-up and
shop in a shirt and heels. Why? Why not? No one harassed him and he was
the treasure of Christ Church. So, he loved his wife and family and attended
church on Sunday. Is that O.K?

I would discourage George from judgment. He can't know the mind of God.
Fun read. :)
Review of Different Genres  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

Sometimes life is fiction. We live in a democracy that is a reactionary social order.
People are lead to vote by their emotions. Nietzsche scoffed at the changing law
and social morality as justice for sale. Gorgias of Leontini wrote a book "On Not
Being Natural" (375BC): firstly nothing exists; secondly even if something existed
it would not be understandable by man; thirdly that even if something would be
understandable, it would certainly be debated by another person.

I like this topic. :)
Review of The Gods  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (5.0)

When the Gods died, they first made man. I love this poem! Your a cybil.
This reminds me of Balaam's ass(Num 22:28-31). Balaam was a prophet
for hire. One day his ass he was riding spoke to him. The ass said there was
an Angel blocking the road. Balaam wipped his ass. The ass refused to move.
Finally, the Angel showed himself to the prophet. Balaam apologized to his ass.
I think if folks took the time to read about their religion they'd have an entirely new
outlook on their faith.
Any-who. Fun reading!

Maybe, you'd enjoy my rant "Zues Lied"?
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

How murcurial the human heart can be. We can love to love, but never know
who we love. When I was an alter boy antended to the service of the Mass.
But the Angels of love drove my eyes to wonder at the open pink mouths of
girls. I had visions of sacrilege on the blessed alter. Why? I knew better.
I think Xander does too. Did you know if you dont sleep; you dream with your
eyes open?

Love this story!
Review of Embrace  
Review by bob county
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

(whisper) I'm told I have cold feet. What strikes me about this poem is the
simplicity. The touch is most important. If there is no meaning, then it is
loss in inadequacy. I remember passion, but I must confess I haven't felt
it for a long time. Thanks for the memories.
Review of Memories  
Review by bob county
Rated: E | (3.5)

"A long and winding road" is that Carpenter song?
"Unless I'm wrong
I but obey
The urge of a song:
I'm bound away!

And I may return
If dissatisfied
With what I learn
From having died.

A long and winding road away."

I would flesh out this story. What's wrong with dad? What is it that troubles this

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