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In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Well said, God is omniscient; He picks his flower from the perfect bouquet on the right day from the right place; you say goodbye to your special cousin on the special day 4th July; this is a nice work done, there is free flow of thoughts all the way; spiritual thoughts are linked and related.
3/9/18 Guru Valmiki Aristotle Scriber

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Happy?  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
Sometimes you must speak out to let others know, we understand when we are told about something; well said, you do not wish to see him or her happy but you at the same time wish to be happy and evidently seeing other happy only you can realize how much sad you are, rightly worded.
3/9/18 Guru Valmiki Aristotle Scriber

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of It is Dark  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Feeling of depression at the dark state of environment and in dark state of mind, there is helplessness and one cannot get to achieve the target or sense of happiness remains at far, this is well said, hope brings in a ray of happiness at the finding of light; nice is the sharing of experience.
Guru Valmiki Aristotle Scriber

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of the barn  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
It is a routine activity in a barn (a large building where livestock is sheltered for operating a farm), animals are locked away there, evidently, may be it is their breakfast or lunch time, to serve them food, meat is coming; the view is well described and in a nice link and order; visual portrayal is good enough to follow.
Guru Valmiki Aristotle Scriber

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
Sad, really I find you suffered a lot; credit goes to you indeed, you managed to escape the facility where you were being experimented on, how inhumane it was, at least I could guess how awkward it had been with you; methinks you are not yet free to write the story. God bless.
Guru Valmiki Aristotle Scriber

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Day to Day  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Nice it is to know when one keeps a positive attitude toward living; truly, life means and begins with struggle for survival; one who is powerful is not always the winner; one who keeps fighting after failure is the real person to deserve for wining; strength to keep going on is most sought for quality we expect; it is a nice work done, inspiring for life.
Guru Valmiki Aristotle Scriber

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Welsh  
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a good poem about the Welsh Language; it is nice to learn the language is now an official language of a country. It is interesting to note the words and their meaning in the language. It is fine to know the language has some similarities with the English Language. It was a pleasant read.

Guru Valmiki Aristotle Scriber
Review of A hundred years  
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a nice work. Your words of promise are straightforward. You wish to love for a hundred years. I liked the flow of thought and rhymes. Guarantee of love is confident. You want an acceptance of love. Originality of thought is appreciable.

Guru Valmiki Aristotle Scriber

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I think, it is the best saying - God doesn't give us more than we can handle! Truly, in other words, to say, we cannot get or achieve that we are not able to handle, or simply, we should go for the same that we can earn feasibly and feel happy for at or find ourselves satisfied to handle with.
Review of A Fake Smile  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Right, you are free to reject, ignore, avoid or escape my re-view that has my personal feeling, opinion, view, viewpoint, point of view, positive philosophic apperception expressed on and about your work, for sure I know I have limitations to express anything sort of absolute or last word


The personality science and behavioural science are interesting subject to influence.

Types of smiling tell different stories as varieties in smiling make or air to confirm different stories, it is so expressed is truly influencing.

The smiling, a human psychological factor, a part of symbolic effect of personality is an influential subject. Smiling is a natural expression. Real smiling is the effect of happiness in emotion. A fake smiling is the expression that cannot influence others. A fake smiling is deceiving and brings in negative results.

The effect of real smile is effective and positive. .
The term, use and effect of smiling in a word is informative.
The suggestion for controlling negative thoughts, attitudes and emotion is inspirational.


Effect of real smiling or smiling that comes out naturally signifies the positive or happy emotion is impressive.
How smiling relates to personality and causes effect upon living is well expressed.
Effect and types of smiling are matters can impress almost everyone.
The implied mode of expression about a fake smiling is an art of expression that is impressive.


I like a real smiling and its effect and relation in positive living, much has been indicated or expressed without defining what is a fake smiling. I like implied or metaphorical use of a fake smiling.
I like the lesson on use and effect of smiling in living and in course of leading a positive living.
I like easy guidance for controlling emotions.
I like the causes and effects of the smiling and different orders or types of smiling. I like the inspirational message on behaviour control and attitudinal exposition upon the natural expression through smiling and limitations of a fake smiling, metaphorically hinted.


The mode of expression might have been more expressively expressed.


This short work tells enormously about smiling, diversities and distinct effect of different types of smiling. There is a subtle warning about use and effect of a fake smiling as we sometime forget proper or right use of smiling. This has a good message on controlling negative emotions. Negations thoughts generate negative emotions and negative emotions may generate a fake smiling that can derogate a positive personality and dismantle positive stand of living.

This is an easy, brief and effective lesson on smiling. Emotions and smiling are related. Whatever the purpose, a fake smiling is caught like negative attitude, behaviour and sentiment.

Controlling emotions would be the real step to lead a positive and smiling personality for a happy and progressive state of living. The behavioural sign (attitudes) and psychological sign (smiling) have been well expressed


Style of expression might be more expressive and appealing.

Title is appropriate. Metaphoric use of title is significant.

Thank you for sharing your great work (writing)

Writing is the toughest job to make a writer immortal; be in the race of immortality, keep writing

Guru Valmiki Aristotle Scriber
WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

Review of Chief Jimbob  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)


Right, you are free to reject, ignore, avoid and or accept my re-view that has my personal feeling, opinion, view, viewpoint, point of view, positive philosophic apperception expressed on and about your work, for sure I know I have limitations to express anything sort of absolute or last word


Unemployment is a natural or common phenomenon in life. Irony of unemployment would be treated a curse.

An unemployed person is often treated an outlaw at home or family, society.

State of unemployment may sometime cease away one’s right to free living, right to free expression and right to live.

The status of unemployment might be used as a means of exploitation to labour by some opportunist people.

An unemployed symptom is sometime confused with the person’s quality or ability to work and considered one’s ineligibility to adopt a specific career.


Unemployment is often on the breaking news across the world today.

An unemployed person is almost treated like a foreigner in a country. An unemployed accepts state of living as an irony of fate.

People’s wrong or unjustifiable treatment with an unemployed person is evident in a society.


I like the work for it has most of the elements of making it a fiction.

I like it for it has a good intro or introduction, a definite theme with a setting, a good progression of the plot, some appropriate and contributory dialogues, a fairly voiced climax and an inclusive resolution or conclusion.

I like it for its superb order, colour, flavour and mix of down to earth or fictional expression. I enjoyed the word visuals and imagery crafted so wisely.


I dislike the intro that has lesser spontaneous catch or interest in the read for it has a routine projection of facts with a beginning of the story telling.

I dislike its resolution and conclusive ending for it does not appear me to have direct relation to the brought in climax.

It seems to me the story ends with a formal or routine job.

I expected some remarkable, significant or exemplary, if not heroic, action following the climax.

Conformation to message does not appear easy to me, rather it has been metaphoric or implied. The characterisation of the hero has been too traditional and he has not undertaken any exemplary action to follow and his character appears not so remarkable.

Conclusion, ending or resolution seems to me formal but not natural as I thought it was like the curtain that was released or fallen off inadvertently.

I dislike the organisational part of the work, particularly its introduction, climax and resolution.


This is a good work of fiction. The story has all the elements. How an unemployed salesman is forced into doing voluntary work is well dramatised.

This work has fantastic, dramatic art and style of expression. The conflict is good, action is fair but the intro, the induction of climax, resolution, and message are not sound in calibration, manifestation and exposition.


I would wish to suggest for a better organisational attention to the work, and if, it would make it a classic for it has a classic order of expression.

Title is catchy and interesting.

Thank you for sharing

Keep writing
Guru Valmiki Aristotle Scriber
WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)


Right, you are free to reject, ignore, avoid or accept my personal feeling, opinion, positive philosophic apperception in my review that has no absolute or last words for I have limitations


At the outset, I shook off the thought of the word ‘limerick’ a place in Ireland.

Instead, instantly, my subconscious mind reminded me of the world of expression. I was thrilled to go for a visit on read to the wonderland of limerick.

In a moment, my knowledge provided me some good information, hitting my sense and sensibility about a literary work for a read, being keen to uncover the essence of the thought exposed.

Informatively, I started searching a light, humorous, nonsensical or bawdy, a form of comic verse of five anapaestic lines with the rhyme scheme aabba, and I recalled the characteristics, I thought of discovering the first, second and fifth lines in trimester and the third and fourth lines in dimeter. I cherished my mind to get into the finding and getting the taste of reading in the spirit of a limerick.

I discovered an evolutionary essence in the production of a limerick which was added to the term of literature sometime in 1895.

My mind was disturbed with some poor sentiment people have dared to foster of about limerick as a stand of typical form in literature. They say a limerick is something inferior or trivial form of literature. I could not accept the peoples’ attitude connotatively after the read.

I prepared my mind to read a five-line comic verse; I got a fair impression about the work presented.

I was impressed with the humour, comic spirit, lighter side and fun exaltation that fit the form. Other than the theme, it has an evolutionary spirit of production of a limerick with a height of poetry, and somewhere it is more than a great traditional verse.

The whispering or peeping of the subtle, implied or metaphorical exposition and some meaningful or colourful word visuals and imagery in the work impressed me with the height or gravity of the work and changed my mind to read it just like that of a good piece of poem and I was swayed to forget people’s view of rating a poem is superior to a limerick.


I like an eternal story thought and produced in a simple voice.

I like the atmosphere created and expressed in a natural, free flow of thoughts.

I like the feeling and sentiment exposed for how freely the term of enjoyment and action expressed and the resolution revealed with appropriate word of humour and wit, so briefly.

I like the work for it has a balance of humour, nonsensical reference in a lighter and comical mood, intensified with wit and a subtle ironic flash of exposition.

I like the rhyme and other features well settled in the organisation of the work.

I like 8th, 9th and 10th line of the poem the most for their crème exposition with high order of nonsensical comedy, put in an infinite sense of humour retained with nice symmetry of thoughts as the climax and resolution of the little story of the work are balanced and perfect in retaining the crux and fibre of the limerick.

I like the title for it appears significant and metaphorically correct.


I dislike, it seems to me in the read, the attitude the author perchance has tried to keep or maintain ideologically in the course of producing this work at author’s workshop; for I felt that author might have produced the work keeping the prevalent ideology – limerick is inferior to poem or limerick is something trivial or not ranked equally as a traditional poem, or writing limerick is more challenging than a traditional verse while it is lesser rewarding, just I thought it so; maybe for fostering such an attitude, the author has produced, for example, the third and fourth line, giving lesser attention to keep the poetic colour, blend or mix of word importance in expression; that is why I now think the author has expressed these two lines a bit less attentively or inexpressively.

I dislike the use of word ‘restroom’ in the 7th line. I dislike the use of word ‘But’ in the 8th line for both the words appear to me weird and telling more than expressing and appealing or visualising the essence of the theme.

I dislike both 7th and 8th lines where the author has used poetic licence decisively or evidently and accordingly has given a lesser care to grammatical validation in expression.


This is a nice work indeed. It has a right use of the form. In term of rhyme, though it has somewhere an evident stand of deviation, but it terms of form and structure, it is a work commendable, especially its flow of thoughts, word visuals and word imagery, though there are some loose use of words and liberal poetic licence in producing the work as a limerick.


Apparently, I would wish to write, there is no absolute suggestion to offer. I found only use of two words, ‘restroom’ and ‘but’ was a bit loose, and evidently, I noticed the author’s deliberate use of poetic licence, in other words, the author is seen not tight in use of grammatical pauses in the 8th and 9th line, though it is negligible.

This work deserves to be highly commendable (or recommendable as a great limerick for its action and resolution in natural and free flow of thoughts and voice of exposition) if the little or ignorable oddities might be considered in terms of expressiveness and a reader’s pleasantness in the read.

Title: It is significant, catchy, interesting and appealing indeed.

But the title inside the limerick seems to me a bit exaggerated, forced, challenging and inadvertent, in term of introduction or elucidation of the essence of the work. Readers might have been given a chance to ponder and get more fun in the read. I found the words in the bracket a bit forced and my intelligence as a reader was challenged. I think inside title might be deleted.

Thank you for sharing

Keep writing

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day – to your every morning and evening
Your humane heart manifest in writing

Guru Valmiki Aristotle Scriber


WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Touch of Magic  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

Right, you are free to reject, ignore, avoid or accept my personal feeling, opinion, positive philosophic apperception in my review or critique with due respect and suggestions, including GPs as courtesy, pleading no words to construe absolute or last, for I know my limitations


I find a good mystic theme in the shadow. Fantasy fiction is somewhat interesting to read. The title is catchy and interesting.

It was a nice fiction read. Development of plot has blend and mix of mystic shade and atmosphere.

Again, I find a sense of magical spirit in the thematic plot progression, though it is subtle or a bit metaphorical in essence. In addition, a stamp of adventure spirit in the taletelling is nice.

Author’s wisdom is evidently read and appreciably witnessed in the work. The title speaks the gravity of thought the author has cherished to develop for producing a work of this merit.

Making a work of this stand for a contest, as a matter of fact, is challenging. Writing a fiction within a given word limit and in expressed limitations is praiseworthy. Credit goes to the author for the great endeavour and grand production made.

The title of the work has a spontaneous catch for the read. A contest entry has to follow certain or specific stringent rules and norms, we know. I was interested to read this work, so creditably produced, on challenge, in order to meet a specified challenge for writing a fiction.


I like the fantastic thoughts.

I like the theme, of course, the adventure and the mystic background and the fantastic and the magical flavour and the movement of the plot, I noticed in course of the read.

I like author’s own stand of expression, and natural order of expressiveness.

I like fairly free flow of thoughts in exploration of the work.

I like humane messages, implied and evident, on different points of facts.

I like the brevity and concise narrative taletelling, as an art of presentation.

I like the conflicts which have been endeavoured exposing dimensionally.

I like the climax, as it appears, has a spirit of exposition in a fantastic mode and a mystic revelation.

I like the resolution that has a curious stand of conclusion, even if it is paused abruptly.

I like the psychological or behavioural sentiment exposed in the colours of actions thru the characters.

I like the ecological, environmental and historic messages prompted through the diversified movements and ups and downs in actions in course of narrative manoeuvre of taletelling.

I like the psychological expressive correlation, in a style of quotation or implied message, and reference to link the readers to feel the grace and gravity of the atmosphere thru this sentence: Lord Bennett would never have allowed such lax behavior.

I like the better expressed sentences having a stamp and smell of fantastic essence of the taletelling: It was now eerily quiet. No birds were singing; there was no breeze winding through the trees. The bodies of the younglings were gone and the Undead no longer roamed the vale across from her. This was unnatural. The little hairs on the back of her neck began to stand on end.


I dislike the mode, style and art of expression and presentation of the tale.

I dislike the inexpressiveness of narrative taletelling and textual order of projection in a wider descriptive state of manifestation than fictional level of expression.

I dislike the intro of the fiction, it is not instantly catchy or interesting at par with the flavour expected reading the title of the fiction. The introductory part has so many sentences about Rena and about her feeling and experience.

I dislike the conclusive paragraph. It has multiplicity of actions and elements of the work. It has been too factual, descriptive and textually expressed like an experimental basis. It has lost catch. It was not an interesting read.

I dislike the fiction for I got limited pleasant read of a fiction has mystic, adventurous and fantasy of tales.

I dislike an incomplete story not put in a conclusive natural pause of finishing flavour to a finish.

I dislike the touch of magic is unlikely sensuous or interesting to read for lesser literary flavour of expressiveness and brief style of literary exposition.

Still, it is a great job done.


It is a good endeavour. I appreciate brevity in presentation of a fiction.

This has a fairly ample flavour and mix of magical essence, fantasy and mystery in the atmosphere of adventure and thrill for discoveries of finer feelings in Nature and human actions and conflicts.

The style of expression is a mix of simple and complex nature of projection.

In this incomplete fiction, it seems, the author has opted for targeted both fiction and short story readers.

Many sentences did not give me the feeling of mysteries, fantasies and adventurous flavour and colour, rhythm and flesh.

There is good flow of thoughts, still evidently, within the realm of restricted and in the phase of zigzag order of expression that might be termed inexpressive in order of a fiction in expression.

On the whole, interestingly enough, it has some of the elements of a fiction.

Somewhere I lost the interest in the read. There are ample complexities in expression. Frequent use of participles is monotonous. Indirect mode of sentences is an exaggeration of style in use.

In addition, there are examples of gullible stand of descriptive nature of expression of statement or projection of facts and textual sentiment of expression for stating what is a fiction than a fiction.

In the craft of expression, word visuals are yet to be witnessed in the work.

Indirect approach of taletelling or narration has lesser uniformity and balance in artistic manifestation of thoughts in words.

Moreover, the freshness, vigour, sense of satisfaction, knowing or learning some mystic, adventurous and fantasy in a fiction are average.


Rena surveyed the scene around her. Sighing wistfully as a cool breeze ruffled her short dark hair, she wondered curiously at the nostalgic feelings within her. She had never considered the small vale at the entrance to the ancient Keep of Stormguard a particularly attractive place; but as she stood on a hill across from it, she marveled at its beauty.

The second sentence has artistic or ornamental expression but I would wish to suggest that it appears to me neither catchy nor interestingly impressive:

Direct speaking is more effective, I suggest.

Use of participle in the beginning of a sentence is now treated exaggeration, or archaic in a short fiction, fairly in a fantasy fiction, I like to suggest.

Third sentence is too long and is not so attractive in term of expression, I suggest.
Excessive use of complex sentence is monotonous and inappreciable in a fiction of this length, I confidently would like to suggest.

Covered by a wide sward of short, green saw grass at its entrance, the vale climbed quickly to a narrow rocky shelf above, squeezed between two massive shoulders of rock, children of the mountain that was home to Stormguard.

I suggest, the aforesaid is a fairly large sentence. End part of the sentence is inexpressive. It gives me a feeling that the end of the sentence is not properly linked, in other words, it appears to me a bit confusing. I did not understand this part of the sentence: ‘children of the mountain that was to Stormguard’.

Many trees, both ancient and young, dotted the hills around her. In fact, legend placed the massive tree beside her here before the Shattering. That would make it well over 500 years old. Taking a step closer, she gently caressed the rugged browns and grays of its bark. “What secrets would you tell if you could speak, Old Man Oak?” she asked the tree quietly.

That would make it well over 500 years old. – I suggest this sentence is inexpressive.

I write to suggest, these sentences appear expressed in a fallacious mood. Fantasy spirit might have been more passionate and naturalized in term of literary expression.

Taking a step closer, she gently caressed the rugged browns and grays of its bark. “What secrets would you tell if you could speak, Old Man Oak?” she asked the tree quietly.

After a few moments, her head cleared and Rena was able to stand on her own. She looked around, cautiously eyeing the hillside. She was being watched. Rena had been a Ranger too long to mistake the feeling. Moving to a position of greater cover, she quietly drew her bow and notched an arrow. They had almost had her, whoever they were. No novice here, this touch of magic would not catch her easily. “Let them come,” she thought. “I will teach them the error of their ways.”

It has an old or archaic model (this is considered redundant or exaggeration or monotonous or inexpressive today) of expression in a fiction:--
After a few moments, her head cleared and Rena was able to stand on her own
This sentence is grammatically incorrect and inexpressive and a bit confusing:
No novice here, this touch of magic would not catch her easily.

Briefly, purpose and link of this sentence is not expressive to me, I wish to suggest:--
If it came to a fight, she had help close at hand.

In the following sentence the use of word ‘considered’ is inexpressive or monotonous. Besides, the same word has been used elsewhere severally in the work.

As she worked her way stealthily along the slope, moving from cover to cover, Rena considered the events that had drawn her here.

The following expressions appear to me more textual or descriptive and I would suggest, these have lesser literary sentiment and calibration of word picturisation:-

It had been an arduous trip; but she had been restless upon her return. Feeling the walls of her dwelling closing in on her, she determined to walk a bit to relieve the stress. Before long she found herself at the outer gates of Andhun.

The King must know of this threat as soon as possible.

But she had not stayed long. She didn’t even go inside. A quick drink from the water barrel outside and she was off again. Now that she looked back on it, it seemed she was under an enchantment. Everything after Thayne’s was fuzzy, her memory was incomplete. Rena was not sure when she had arrived at the hill top across from Stormguard or how long she had been there. Anger started to replace her fear. She did not like being manipulated.

The conviction of the statement appears unacceptable, I wish to put my suggestion. In the following sentences, I fail to find the author is a narrator, I find the role or stand of a narrator is doubtful here:
Everything after Thayne’s was fuzzy, her memory was incomplete.
She did not like being manipulated.
Moving with care, her senses peaked, she resumed her approach.

I may like to suggest the following sentence seems inexpressive:-
Rena heard the sounds of a struggle coming from the north, just out of sight around the curve of the Keep.

I again find a textual or non-fictional mode or pattern of expression in the following sentence:-

Drawing the bow string tighter in preparation to shoot quickly if necessary, she moved toward the source of the noise.

Title of the work: I suggest that the gravity of thoughts is yet to make it a significant title. Truly, it has been metaphoric if not expressive in manifestation of thoughts. I mean, the touch has been stated and it is yet to be filled in words to incite the feeling in the readers.

Thank you for sharing,

To your success in writing,

Keep writing, writing, writing and writing.

Serve mankind thru your classic writing!

Guru Valmiki Aristotle Scriber
WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  (E)
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
#1300305 by Maryann

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of My Chains  
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

This is a nice poem. I like it.

This poem has a good cause, concern, conflict, climax and resolution.

Brass is characterized by being strong and ductile, and by being resistant to many forms of corrosion. Image chosen is fantastic. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. Informally, brass refers to the state or quality of being impudent or arrogantly self-confident. It may refer to audacity, boldness, audaciousness, etc.

Right metaphoric use is evident. The chain refers to the stringent rule of the society, social conventions, social customs, social convictions, social norms and social standard; social limitations or boundaries. You believe in the philosophy that man is a social animal. A common man’s perspective is good.

A prisoner viewpoint is justifiable. A chain bound prisoner has no free movement. Prisoner’s living in isolation is appropriate.

You express the state of your living. It is bound by social rules, broadly, within the specific philosophy of governance, economy or economic pressure and civic border symptoms, in terms of standard of living. Evidently, your state of living feeling is realistic.

You feel you live in chains and in isolation, away from a free society. You feel you are a victim of social bondages or social practices within social customs, conventions, norms, standards and government. You have hinted of the state of living in a specific socio-cultural, socio-ethical, socio-economic, socio-philosophical and socio-political state.

Of course, you have a right to live freely.

I feel, the following line is not clear. You could change it. Doubts come up in my mind. Object is not expressive. What is it? How strong it is? Why? I find it is a run on sentence. It is not grammatically complete.
Fighting against a strong object.

The following line is lightly expressed. This gives an idea that you being the author have restricted faith in your self-confidence. Being a motivator, a reader expects some bolder statement here. It seems to me that you are not heroically confident as you have passed another statement like a hero or idol.
People say I can’t break these chains,

Per gravity of thought in the poem, I wish the line might be changed. I know you say vices are demons, the strongest. You are wise to express it better.

I could not accept by heart the following line. A chain is made of society’s strongest material. It is not convincible.

One of society’s strongest materials.

In the following line, to me, it appears, you are doubtful of the breaking of the chain that is made of society’s strongest materials. The line states you have doubts. In other words, you are not confident of your own virtues. A weak heart might doubt of the strength of the chain. While, it reads, you express it boldly like a hero. A weak may be reluctant to break the chain. In other words, a man with vices does not know or may find how hard it is to break social customs, social conventions, and social practice of living in a specific society he lives in. Everyone knows, but we forget sometime that social boundaries, rules, laws and limitations are man-made In the same society, there is room for virtuous living in every society, only heroes know and do live moral, ethical, rational, civic and humane living by the grace of virtues.

We know, there is no pure, perfect, whole, full, complete, absolutely free society. There are different types of people. All are not heroes or positive or virtuous.

You seem a role model in this poem. You are the inspirer, motivator, social reformer or hero. You are expected to have no doubts of anything. Heroes do everything positively by the power of conviction to break barriers and boundaries or limitations for living and come out with a flying colour.
Is this metal breakable?

Anyway, the climax is put in intelligently, in right perspective and in place.

And the resolution has a right platform. You have offered a heroic way out. You have narrated simply how heroically one can break the chain and live successfully in a society in the existing state of living and phenomena.

Man wants freedom. It is naturally worded. None wants a prisoner’s living. You wish to live freely.

In order to win my freedom,
I must battle my own demons.

And ultimately you have concluded with a resolution. You refer to human values. You wish to live heroically, morally, ethically and humanely in the existing society like a real human being.

You never complain. You know we are unsuccessful because we are not prepare to practice values and learn by our mistakes, flaws or demons in us and learn and practice living morally and ethically sound. We are reluctant to identify, know our vices. We feel bad if someone points at our faults and vices.

Besides, we know so many things but we do not practice. Even we forget to do the right thing at the right time. We know none can be absolutely, purely, fully or wholly virtuous and error free. But we may try to live virtuously.

Consciously or unconsciously, many people go for living passionately, devoid of practice of virtues. Many would find it is easier to live irrationally, immorally, unsociably, inhumanly, devilishly, demonically, criminally, corruptively, partially, immodestly, uncivil, foolishly and ignorantly. So you versified this.

Living like a hero is tough or hard but it is never impossible. Heroes leave examples of virtuous living before us. So you inspire people to live virtuously.

Right you are. Flaws are like demons. If we identify and remove our flaws we can struggle for survival through positive approaches to take up the gauntlet in living and face all challenges in life.

Your version retells the truth. You know, life means struggle. A positive person knows how to win devils or demons and come out successfully toppling all challenges in life.

The theme of the poem is marvellous and praiseworthy. The background and perspectives in which you have set your poem is commendable.

You expressed the theme so. You know the truth. Man wants absolute happiness and heavenly society to live in freely. But it is next to impossible. All people in a society are not virtuous or heroes or flawless.

Your ideology sparks. To err is human. So no man is pure, perfect, full, and complete or vice free. So a society is never scientific or perfect. Each society is distinct, has its own peculiarities, limitations in which man should know how to live virtuous or ethically, morally and freely or humanely.

As a writer, you have expressed your words naturally. The message is conveyed freely.

Your proposition, plan, suggestion, advice, cause of motivation, stand of inspiration and words of expression are right and appreciable.

Once I win the war against my flaws,
I can defeat all the challenges of life.

I find your work appears inspirational and motivational.

Your poem is recommendable.

I like the poem. It is more than informative and educative. In a word, it is inspirational. You have tried to imbue, inspire or motivate people (readers) to be valued based human beings.

Your endeavour is appreciated. Man wants absolute happiness. If man knows his faults and lives virtuously, this earth would be heaven for living.

Your wisdom in living reflects in your work.

Thank you for your posting.

Disclaimer: You are free to accept or reject my personal opinion, advice or suggestion.

Guru Valmiki Aristotle Scriber

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Great! Challengingly endeavoured! Success matters! Successful you are!

Fantastic! Subject is catchy. Interesting theme, success it is. You have composed this free verse freely. Mighty theme worked. You are wise.

It’s a daringly expressed verse. Complex, it’s somewhat controversial and relative. You have managed it OK, and finished a nice job.

Message conveyed simply. Reflexive is your word wisdom. Thematic information is clear. Your thought is exposed logically. Organised is your mode of expression. Chosen structure is good. Expression is in dimensions.

Introduction, action and resolution, the trio of expression is evident. Style is fair. Diction is good. State of expression is scientific. Verses are logical. Resolution is educative. Introduction begins with conflict. Above all, it is informative.

I liked the poem.

Sorry, I could not like use of four words --- ‘purchase’, ‘equals’, ‘high’ and ‘reputation’. To me, these words are too heavy or apparently not contributory to the rhythm, harmony, flavour, grace, essence and beauty at par with the theme of the poem.

Overall, it’s a commendable work. Your poetic craft is appreciable.

The Title of the Poem:
What is considered success?

Yes, it is somehow significant. I find it is correlated to the theme.
But, I could not breathe its descriptive, textual, academic smell.
It reads like a school lesson.

I’m afraid; it is not catchy or appealing instantly.

You are keen and thoughtful about the title. Anyway, this title has academic flavour. There is a compulsive or imperative force. Natural appeal is missing.
Wise you are. You know your job. Besides, the poem does not have directive answer to the question. Of course, it is an intelligent question, though.
I think, a poem does not appear a teaching material to its readers. I believe, a poet is not absolutely or necessarily a lecturer.

Title is the index or face of the poem. It is likely to be attractive and appealing to a reader. I find it is merely informative and specifically educative with an apparent direction or directive force.

Theme ‘success’ itself is catchy to every reader. In view of this, title appears textual.
Be sure, I am not an expert. I am only a learner. And you are not bound by my words. I express my feeling. You are free to care or ignore my view, opinion, advice, suggestion, comment, criticism, viewpoint or commentary that I offer as per the rules of the WDC.

The Poem: What is considered success?

You have expressed the most in a few words.
I like you begin the poem with a contrast or conflict. It is so praised. Only a few poets do so.

You have chosen the most lucrative, appealing and interesting subject, thought, concept or idea for the poem. Man is ever interested in the subject. Everyone longs for success. Success is important for survival. It’s never easy to deal with. Even today, there is no universally acceptable definition of success, like ‘love’ or ‘life’. It is truly relative.

Your endeavour is appreciable. Your view is good.
It’s expressive, lucid, and simple and an easy read. You have maintained a generalised approach. The term is psychological and sociological, as you have hinted. Style is your own. Free verse structure is right. Gravity of the subject suits the structure. Your words satisfy both the way, and more.

You have blended the term success psychologically and sociologically and viewed its chemistry in perspectives. It is the merit of your work. The aspects and dimensions of the subject you have narrated traditionally. You have successfully professed your own conceptual derivative on success naturally. And it has been both informative and educative. It seems you have tried to give a connotative spirit of the subjective presentation at the same time. Your versatility and wisdom in the subject is evident. Telling tone is authentic. You are master of conveyance of message.

Resolution of the poem tells a profile of the subject.

The first verse: Peoples disgraceful idea about success is evident.

Stigma says money equals success,
Claiming cash will purchase recognition.

It is nicely expressed. I dislike use of the words ‘equals’, ‘purchase.’ To me, these words appear to have costly but textual dresses.

The second verse:

Society states wealth dominates righteousness,
As unethical results overpower principles.

It’s superb, logical and poetically scientific.

Sociological point of view is evident. There is a scientific fallacy --- wealth dominates righteousness and likewise immorality and unethical activities overpower moral and ethical principles and success is distorted. Hypothecation is logical indeed.

Success is exemplified concisely but truthfully.

The third verse:

Achievements are not by treasuring coins,
Or by honoring a high reputation.

This is the climax or fore-resolution of the poem. This part helps readers to appreciate success in your order of the message. Here, you have elucidation for better understanding of the term success in its true spirit and essence.

I find the use of words – ‘high reputation’ gives me little concrete summative clarity of the view that you have tried for viewing the meaning in the resolution.

The fourth verse:
Succeeding is a matter based on responsibilities,
Wrestling to earn dignity through self-respect.

This is the goal of the poem. It is creative. It has innovative spirit. Your wisdom is keenly projected. All subjective viewpoints including social and psychological have been incorporated.

It may not be scientific or universal, complete, whole or full, but perspectives of success are conveyed.

Poetic Essence:
Briefly, it is poetic. Orientation to the subject is praiseworthy.
It gives me a pleasant read. I think a prose could inspire, influence and motivate your readers more.

You have poetically satisfied the matter success which means the achievement of something desired, planned, or attempted; or, the gaining of fame or prosperity, or the extent of such gain, or one that is successful.

You have not amply or exhaustively clarified the point that a result or an outcome is not essentially a success, or specifically you have not clarified the phenomena of success as the favourable outcome of something attempted, or, the attainment of wealth, position, honours, fame, etc.

According to William Faulkner, ‘Success is feminine and like a woman, if you cringe before her, she will override you.’ ‘So the way to treat her is to show her the back of your hand. Then maybe she will do the crawling.’

According to Albert Einstein, "If A is success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut."

The resolution has lesser feeling and emotion or psychological part of appreciation of success in essence.

Commonly, success may be defined:
Success is event that accomplishes its intended purpose, or success refers to happening, natural event, occurrence that is an event that happens, or success refers to triumph or victory, or say, a successful ending of a struggle or contest, or an attainment, that is the act of achieving an aim, or winning that is succeeding with great difficulty; or a state of prosperity or fame; or a person with a record of success; or, an achiever, winner.

You have imported some synonyms of success such as victory, triumph, prosperity, riches, fortune, luck, wealth, fame, eminence, ascendancy, affluence, opulence, satisfaction, welfare, fruition, advantage, etc.

You have implied that success is a level of social status or achievement of a goal. So, poetically there is a nice coverage of the subject.

Thank you.

Keep writing, writing, writing and writing.
Aristotle Valmiki


*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Yes, you speak the truth. Words flow nicely. I can relate to the chore of the message. You have portrayed a suggestion naturally. Feeling is truly reflected. But the poem appears too descriptive and directive with a moral like a story. I like the inspirational and motivational essence and value of the theme for an ethical norm of living. Anyway, the free verse is an impressive living lesson read. Imperative mode of expression is appreciable. The title has a sense of humour a catch. The narrative order of presentation suits the essence of the title. It deserves for a 4.5 star rating.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
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