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Review of Little Firefly  
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Rated: E | (5.0)

*Balloon1**Balloon2*Happy WDC Birthday!*Balloon3**Balloon4*

I loved this short poem about the firefly who brought magic into your life. I loved the rhyming scheme and also the rhythm seemed spot on. It was a magical, light-hearted poem and made me want to go out and watch the sky tonight. I, personally, love love love rainbows. The are so magically beautiful. If I see one, I make everyone come outside and stare at it. I know they not find it as wondrous as I do but usually they cant say no to my pleas to just look!

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Reviewers welcome

Stop by and review a member celebrating their WDC Anniversary!

Just click the link! *Smile*
In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

*Balloon1**Balloon2*Happy WDC Birthday!*Balloon3**Balloon4*

I really liked reading your more about you. It really mooo-ved me*Wink* I love the pic of your pup as well. i am assuming he gets a long with cows? Does that 'thing' pet him and give him love?

I have read your ' A bullish remoo' (love it) and have had the honor of both the hand and hooves of fire peek into my port and tell me what they thought. It was great fun!

I think you are incredibility unique*Smile* I like that.

Thank you for sharing a little more of the person behind the facade.

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Reviewers welcome

Stop by and review a member celebrating their WDC Anniversary!

Just click the link! *Smile*
In affiliation with  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

*Balloon3**Balloon2*Happy WDC Birthday!*Balloon3**Balloon4*

You make some very interesting points, as does you friend, concerning marriage. I agree totally with both you and your friend. In the ideal marriage you would be as one in most cases. You absolutely affect each and every part of each other's life. You work together building your house of love. I think green would reign supreme on the canvas....or should.

This was a very interesting read*Smile* Good Topic!

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Reviewers welcome

Stop by and review a member celebrating their WDC Anniversary!

Just click the link! *Smile*
Review of Poetry  
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Rated: 18+ | (3.0)

*Balloon1*Happy WDC Birthday!*Balloon3**Balloon4*

Wow, this is the second port I have come to where there are empty folders. I really wanted to read your essays. The topics seemed to be interesting ones. If you do add to any of your folders, please email me and i would be only too happy to come back and review them *Smile*

Well, happy WDC birthday. I am really hoping that empty folders does not mean that you are inactive here at the site. I would love to get to know your work.

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Reviewers welcome

Stop by and review a member celebrating their WDC Anniversary!

Just click the link! *Smile*
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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello SHERRI GIBSON and congratulations on your recent nomination to "Ink Blot Hall of Fame by Wyn - missing III on behalf of for the "Buy A Kiss From Stephanie.".

Along with your nomination, you are also receiving the "Invalid Item Fan Package!

The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters *Smile*! I'm thrilled you were chosen for this honor *Bigsmile*

Review of
Written by me and my niece, Nicky.
#1597419 by SHERRI GIBSON


Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

This poem about a special kind of love was written by Sherri and her niece.

*Note3* Creativity/Impact:

I absolutely love that you did this with your niece. What a bonding moment that must have been. I hope you both have a printed and framed copy of your poem.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I noticed a definite rhyming pattern and the piece flowed well. I just can't get over the fact that you wrote this with your niece. I think this is so awesome. How old is she? does she share your passion for writing and is she a member here? I would love to stop by her port*Smile*

As far as the actual poem...lol. It spoke volumes about the love you share. It was quite beautiful and made me feel fuzzy inside.

*Note5* Summary:

Thank you for sharing this experience with us. I think I shall get together with my daughters and write a poem this Christmas*Smile* I was inspired by you, thank you!

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*

Warmest Best,
*Heart* Just call me Omni

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favorite authors!

"Ink Blot Hall of Fame

In affiliation with PSYW  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

The author writes about her troubled mind during a troubled time.

*Note3* Suggestions:

The punctuation seems spot on, as does the spelling. I wish this piece was longer. i guess I just read your stories and feel I want to experience more of what you were feeling. I think I can relate to much of what you felt, even though I was never caged in this manner.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I did not like this, I was moved by it. I can not say this was a positive write, but a heart wrenching one. I hate the end of it, you know why. I am glad that your head is not designed for things such as a bullet. I know it to be designed to produce many positive and wonderful ideals once it gets over the pains of the past. that you write these posts about the pain, IMO, shows your growth and understand of yourself.

I love this:

I discover myself to be encapsulated by what the caged bird sings, rather than questioning if it sings at all. Surely a song remains in the heart until the soul dies. The tempo would vary between trials encountered and glorious moments captured. The song remains, it just may not remain the same.

*Note5* Summary:

I have read most of your pieces. I found it hard to find something to read. lol. I am sure there is more in this vast bounty of 'works'...I just need to muddle through all of them and find one I have not yet had the pleasure to read. You know I admire your courage to write what is truth. You reveal yourself in every story you tell...

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

This is a sad tale of a bitter old woman. The author tells us of her encounter with someone who could not see past her own pain.

*Note3* Creativity/Impact:

I think you wrote this story in a way that it wold touch the most cynical person. You describe the unjust anger of the woman, but I think most can relate to her, even if they do not admit it. How often do we selfishly think our own problems are just horrible. I know I have to check myself and remember I have many blessings. I can let bitterness seethe inside me if I forget to look outside of me.

*Note4* Suggestions:

The only thing that made me pause was the use of brackets in your story. could you have used italics instead? I use brackets myself, especially in informal conversations or posts, so I am not immune. I am just wondering if the words would have spoke stronger if written without use of brackets.

*Note5* Summary:

I loved the message in this short story. I appreciate that you took the time to look deeper and then write it down for us all to read.

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

This short poem is written in The "Dodoitsu" is an old Japanese song, written in 26 syllables with a love/romance, or a healthy sense of humor in them.

*Note3* Creativity/Impact:

While I find the poem actually quite pleasing, I do not see the humor in it. using the word Ridiculously does not make it ridiculous. I thought it sounded more like a description of the prune, a favorable description. Perhaps if it was sung in the Japanese "Dodoitsu" style it would sound funny.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I loved the descriptive words you chose to use. I also like the subject: the prune. I would have never thought to write about fruit. very inspiring. My husband is always telling me to write about everyday 'things'. I need to just look around and find a style and give it a whirl.

*Note4* Suggestions:

I would have liked to see another verse, using this style (is that still true to the form?). I think with an added verse or two, you could have made this quite humorous.

*Note5* Summary:

I am inspired by your work. I have favorited your port. I want to come back and try my hand at some of the great examples of formal styles you have demonstrated *Smile*

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*
Review of SWEET DECEIT  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

A short poem written in Whitney Style.

*Note3* Creativity/Impact:

I really felt this poem. Silence says so much and so does this short poem.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

Even though this is a mere 16 words, it speaks volumes to me. I love the message. Silence is usually comfortable, those times it is not comfortable are the times that the silence speaks.

I appreciated that you described the form used, rather then just saying you used it. It allows me to try it myself without having to search for the 'how to' elsewhere.

*Note4* Suggestions:

I rated this perfect. I do not see where it could be changed in any way to be a better piece. The style you used is spot on with what you wrote. I wish it was longer, lol. I wonder what the silence would say if you would have written more.

*Note5* Summary:

I thank you for sharing this with us. I think I shall go find more of your work to read and enjoy*Smile*

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (3.5)
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Hi bowlegs! After reading "Christmas in Crawdad Holler, I offer you these comments:

*Check1* First Impression:

The author writes about waiting, as a child, for Christmas Eve to turn into Christmas morning.

The author sets the scene with describing the emotions of the children waiting impatiently in bed for that clock to strike midnight so they can go and investigate what is under the tree.

The imagery was good- good enough that I wonder if this is based on truth or just a product of a great imagination and writer.

I always loved Christmas as a child and this brought me back to those feelings of anticipation and joy. Thank you!

*Check1* Suggestions:

Please do not be daunted by my suggestions. I am not a professional editor and if you disagree with me, that is okay *Smile* My intent is only to offer my opinion on what I think could be edited to produce a even better story. Your words will be in bold, my revisions in red. I am terrible with comma placement, so keep this in mind and perhaps get another opinion, if you feel I might be wrong with my suggestions.

My nephew and myself lay there in the bed as quiet as mice wishing that twelve o'clock midnight would hurry up and get here so we could fly down the stairs and open our presents.

I would suggest the following revisions:

My nephew and I lie in the bed, as quiet as mice, wishing that midnight would hurry up and get here so we could fly down the stairs and open our presents.

I changed very little, trying to leave it your own

We strained our ears, sifting through all the hustle and bustle of the adults down stairs getting everything set up for the big event.
While I like this sentence, I am wondering what you are listening for if you are sifting through the noises of the adults- perhaps for the clock to strike the midnight hour?

In the second paragraph: crawdad holler should be capitalized if it is indeed a town or a formal name for a house.

There were five very nervous children in that tiny house in crawdad holler, my nephew and myself were in bed in one of the two rooms upstairs, my younger sister and niece were in bed downstairs directly below us, which was easy enough to tell since they were continually giggling and only stopping to jabber a few words, there was only 3 years separating our ages, so we were all on the same excitement level when it came to christmas.
This is a long run-on sentence. I would consider breaking it up a bit. Also Christmas and again Crawdad Holler should be capitalized. I will not rewrite the sentences for you as I think if you revisit the story, you will see parts that could be tightened up.It is up to you if you wish to edit or not.

I think this was the favorite part of my fathers Christmas, the honor of being the ONLY one to wake up the children.
The prior sentences show that he knew you were awake by his statement of 'since you are up already...Was he perhaps happy being the one to call out, inviting the children to join him?

I think the story is good. I think it could be edited to be great one. You should revisit it and really edit any run-on sentences, contradicting statements, capitalization issues and then basically tighten up the entire piece.

*Star*I really enjoyed visiting your port and reading this tale of Christmas morning*Smile* I love the message it contains: You do not need to be wealthy to have a wonderful Christmas! Please keep writing. I think you have a gift of story telling. Please mail me when and if you edit. I would be more then happy to read this story again and rate it according to the improvement you make.

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Review of It's my life!  
In affiliation with The Coffee House Employees  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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*Gift1* Shannon thought you might like a hot cup of coffee and purchased a coffee drink for you to enjoy!*Gift2*

Hello, my name is omniblueeyes *Smile*. I am a Barista for "The Coffee House . I have been told that you like a couple of hot reviews with your hot coffee.

Your Order: Tall Latte consists of the following:

2 reviews and an added 5 more reviews. That means you will receive a total of 7 reviews just for you!

Now on to your review*Exclaim*

Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

The author uses vivid imagery to weave this poem about her life. I was drawn to it by the pretty pink ribbon adorning it. I think this poem definitely warrents this awardification. The words were beautifully written. It told a story of life...

I was saddened at the end and hope that the slip of the needle did not mean her life ws over... just that she must start anew.

*Note3* Suggestions:

My only suggestion is that where you have the series of dots:
(example) You said:
It might have been that.........

I am not sure if I am correct in my suggestion to you,but it has been suggested to me that when using this kind of punctuation you should only use three dots-unless it is the end of the poem or thought process. You use four dots to end. I think it could work for your poem and all the dots were not needed IMO.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

My, what did I not like? Some of my favorite lines were the following:

Those memories in her trust......
segments of other people
were reflected in strands of bitter green
and candy pink, and streaks of smoky blue.

I loved this. I see people as colors, rather I see their emotions as colors. i think positive vibes and thoughts are pink bubbles and nasty people or thoughts as green- no bubbles*Pthb*. I loved how as this woman knits her life, she includes color representing her world and the people in it.

The sun seemed dimmer then
the birds had stilled their song,
the trees did not toss their heads


*Note5* Summary:

I really enjoyed this poem. I think it was very, very well written. I, personally, love free verse. I feel that it really allows the soul to sing without rules or constraints. You soul sung opera in this piece*Smile*

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

*Heart*Just call me Omni

In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

A quiz! I did not even know we could post quizzes ! neat!

The author asks us 'How well do you know the book TheIdocracyOfTeenageLife ?' consider putting spaces between the title: The Idocracy Of Teenage Life

*Note3* Creativity/Impact:

I think it is a neat quiz. I did not know the book existed so I can not take the quiz. I think for those that have read the book, you have asked some good questions.

Spelling- seems like all is correct here. Good job!

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

A poll this teen author made, asking us if we like reading 'teen romance'.

*Note3* Creativity/Impact:

I loved that you offered so many choices, regarding our answers to your poll. I also think it is a good question to ask. It is very informative, especially if that is one the genres you write about.

*Note4* Suggestions:

I would suggest that you go in and edit the spelling or typo errors.

writting should be writing
Favourite should be favorite
Golod should be good?
I dont find too much intrest in it consider It does not interest me much.
intrest should be interest

*Note5* Summary:

I think this is a very good poll choice. i do not think I have reviewed a poll before*Smile*

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

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Bidding open on 32 packages of all sizes!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1596974 by Not Available.

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

A young girls story about 'Katy's darkness'. I am assuming this is about you? If so, you could also list it under non-fiction. If this is a work of your imagination in which you are the star of the story, then you picked the correct category*Wink*

*Note3* Creativity/Impact:

I think this is a story with 'good bones'. I think it is basically a good story that with a little work on the author's part could turn into a great story.

It is modern tale, yet I believe all teens- even us adults who were teens long ago- could relate to this story of a girl battling to differentiate between her true feelings and her shallow dreams of popularity and as a turbulent teen.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

The story is very personal. It has a timeless plot. What I mean by that is, for example: Judy Bloom writes children and teen books. Even though her books were written about 30 years ago or more, her characters still ring true to a teen now. The characters seem like they could be anyone, and anyone can relate. No matter how 'old' her books get, everyone still 'gets it' no matter what year in time they read her books.

I really liked the first lines:
I woke up. I saw the darkness around me but I got up. Like I do. I face my problems. I get up like yesterday and like I will tomorrow. I wake. I Get up. I live. I Carry on
Great message, facing the darkness!

A slight revision of the words would make it more powerful, I think. For example...and not necessarily the correct way to write it for you:
I woke up. I saw the darkness surrounding me, but I got up like I always do. I get up and face my problems, much like I did yesterday, like I will tomorrow. I always get up. I live my life. I carry on. (now I am not sure of the switch in tenses here. There is present and past tense being used in this small area.)

*Note4* Suggestions:

There are a lot of errors in punctuation and other small things that distract from the story. I shall try and help you through some of them so you can look through the rest of your story and make any edits you feel you would like to address.

Who would help me through this, no one even cared about me, the real me, and No one wanted the real Katy.
Consider: Who would help me through this? No one even cared about me, not the real me. No one wanted the real katy.

You have a lot of areas that have some run-on sentences that could be broken down just a bit.

before i could explore my thoughts deeply Tallulah and Nicole jumped behind me
You may want to go and make sure all your words are capitalized correctly. BTW...I have a bad habit of forgetting this 'rule' as well.

{b Like he was going to help me through it , honestly , he

you have some extra spaces between the word honestly. You might want to check and make sure all spacing is correct.

I just stayed in his arms until it poured down with rain because he was the only person I had left in this world to trust
what poured down with the rain? the hug? this was a little confusing to me.

I would work on this piece a little further before continuing on with the next chapter of your book.

*Note5* Summary:

This could be an awesome story. I am wondering why Katy and Jay are in danger. I look forward to finding out what happens!!!

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*
Review of untitled  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

This is this writer's first poem. I hope to encourage, even though the author asks that we 'comment and criticize heavily'.

*Note3* Creativity/Impact:

I am not entirely sure what this poem is about. I am touched by some of the lines, but the message the poem should be cementing for me is a little unclear.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I loved the first four lines. They had a definite rhyming pattern and spoke strongly. They also painted a clear picture of what the writer was thinking about or perhaps actually seeing.

*Note4* Suggestions:

I would break up the lines into stanzas or verses. I am still a little confused at the difference between the two myself...but I know that they are four lines usually and grouped together. you should write four lines and then make a break (leave a space). Write four more and then line break. This will make your poem more attractive and read better IMO.

I would like to see the rhyme pattern continued. In the first four lines, the first, second and last lines rhymed at the end. It was really good!

I would also name your poem. It might encourage reviewers to read it. there are so many untitled pieces on here, it is very much a title that grabs some readers.

*Note5* Summary:

I think this poem is very good for being a first attempt. I hope you continue to write and improve. I think you have some natural talent that just has to be worked with to be brilliant*Smile*

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

Please help support my very first WDC Auction!
Bidding open on 32 packages of all sizes!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1596974 by Not Available.

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*
In affiliation with Native First Peoples Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

This author attempts to explain what makes a good review and she succeeds in her endeavor.

*Note3* Creativity/Impact:

I have seen so many 'how to' posts. I have taken what I could from those and applied them. I am getting better with each review I make, however I am not at the level I wish to be regarding my feedback. You made so many good tips, providing information on template use, explaining how to encourage rather then discourage an author (even if their story warrants a less then perfect score), you even provided addition links for us to learn from.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I found this post the most complete 'how to' guide I have read, concerning reviews, so far. I actually had to bookmark it as it was very complex and is not something to be read once and discarded. It is a useful reference to go back to, even for the most seasoned reviewer.

*Note4* Suggestions:

I would have liked to see a more complex example of the template. I learn the most about how to review through others reviews. I am always looking at the public review page for examples of wonderful templates. I would have love to see a link to different templates to use for different types of writing. I use the same template for short stories and poetry at this time. I know I need to make a different template for short stories then for poems. I would have liked to see you go into this with more detail.

*Note5* Summary:

As I already said, this is bookmarked. I think anyone who wants to become a great reviewer should read this. I understand that the minimum word count for a review to be credited is 250, but wouldn't we all want to make those 250 words say something that is useful? I know I would. I am still growing as both a writer and reviewer. I believe the two are very much linked. I thank you for this guide.

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

Please check out my very first WDC Auction!
Bidding open on 32 packages of all sizes!

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1596974 by Not Available.

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*
Review of The Top Ten List  
In affiliation with Native First Peoples Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
*Balloon4*A Review to celebrate your WDC Birthday!*Balloon4*

Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

An in and out activity. I have never participated in one of these. I do not think I have ever seen one until now. It was highlighted in your port and I decided to click it. The activity is on hold due to illness. I am so sorry you are ill. I hope you get better soon!

*Note3* Creativity/Impact:

Although I am not sure (entirely) what to do here, it seems everyone else 'gets it' and it seems like a lot of different people like to participate with your in and out. The reader is supposed to make an entry to add to the top ten list...something like what David Letterman does. I do not watch him, so this might be why I am confused*Pthb*

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I loved seeing all the different case colors joined together, participating in your in and out!

*Note5* Summary:

I hope you get well soon and come back full force! Again, Happy WDC Anniversary!

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*

Review of Going Home  
In affiliation with Native First Peoples Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Balloon4*A Review to celebrate your WDC Birthday!*Balloon4*

Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

I sad poem about a homeless person as they lie dying.

*Note3* Creativity/Impact:

I think this is a very unique topic (well, I have written about a homeless man once..need to edit and post it)..at any rate it is a topic that should be discussed and read about. It is a growing problem and we forget to easily those humans that suffer in this way.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

The poem tugged on my heart strings. I felt very saddened by the story you told.

The poem had good rhythm. It sounded spot on as I read it.

*Note4* Suggestions:

I would love to see this poem backed up with a fitting image.

*Note5* Summary:

Great job on this. It was a touching poem and well written. Again, Happy WDC Anniversary!

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*

In affiliation with Native First Peoples Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

When I read this poem, I was thinking it might have been for the short shots contest- where you have to write about the image. There was an image with glorious sunflowers in their prime. imagine my surprise to not the find that picture, but this one. It is a sad looking picture, not sad in a bad way- the end of the sunflowers cycle. You also wrote a 'formal' poem rather then a short story.

*Note3* Creativity/Impact:

I am not sure if this is one of your own pictures or something you found on the internet, but it inspired you to write. I find it hard to accurately 'judge' or critique this as I am not familiar with the Whitney form. It looks a little like a longer haiku. I thought you described the picture well, evoking emotions, in a very few words.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I do not wish to share any of my favorite lines because of it's length. I would encourage other's to view the poem themselves and read it in it's entirety.

*Note4* Suggestions:

I think a note at the top or bottom explaining the form you used would be helpful to us who are not so familiar with the different types of 'formal' poetry.

*Note5* Summary:

Not what I expected, but a pleasant surprise!

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*
In affiliation with Native First Peoples Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

The author calls this a nonsense poem. I was about to read another entry but then saw the word 'nonsense' and of course ran right to it *Pthb* I found it very cute!!!

*Note3* Creativity/Impact:

I loved how you started quite serious, painting a picture in this reader's mind about how the day appeared. You then got very humorous at the end. cute! I hate my sinus' too!

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I enjoyed the entire poem, but loved how you even included another author's poem at the end.the other poem was inspired by this poem and they both suited each other beautifully*Smile*

*Note4* Suggestions:

I do not have any. seriously...

okay...if I was to have written the first line, 'I' would have said 'The day dawned with cloudy skies'. lol this is just what I would have said. It is not right or wrong, just different. I like how we all write in different styles. So, my suggestion? stay the unique and wonderful person you are*Smile*


*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*
Review of Dinnertime  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
*Balloon4*A Review to celebrate your WDC Birthday!*Balloon4*

Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

First Place winner 55 Word Contest! Written about dinner or rather lack of*Wink*

*Note3* Creativity/Impact:

I have always wanted to try this contest. you provided an excellent example of how 55 words can say so much.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I loved the humorous nature of this...what is this called. it is most certainly not a short story, nor poem...lol I loved the entire 55 words!

*Note4* Suggestions:

None, you managed to tell the beginning, middle and end of this very, very, very short story.

*Note5* Summary:

I hope you have a wonderful WDC birthday! Thanks for the inspiration!

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*

In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
*Balloon*HAPPY WDC ACCOUNT ANNIVERSARY FROM "Anniversary Reviews*Balloon*

Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

You state 'A failed attempt of a child's poem'. Yes it was! Was it good otherwise? Yes it was!

*Note3* Creativity/Impact:

So not a child's poem and I am glad of the rating. This would cause nightmares in small tikes. The poem, however, was good. It was dark, sad, and moving.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I like how it seems the sun has killed itself only to find out the moon murdered it. It kind of (to me) has a deep meaning. The moon does kill the sun each day it would seem. the sun sets and the moon shines brighter. The moon can always be seen, even by the light of day. oohh! I want to write about the sun and moon now. you inspired me!!! and happy WDC birthday!!!

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.5)
*Balloon4*A Review to celebrate your WDC Birthday!*Balloon4*

Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

This is such a sad song-saying goodbyes to your Grandmother.

*Note3* Creativity/Impact:

I could feel your hurt through your words written. I hope you have time to heal and only good memories remain in regards to your Grandma.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I also write as an outlet for my pain. It is not good to keep all those negative or sad feelings bottled up. I am glad you released that in this poem, or hope you did.

*Note4* Suggestions:

I do not feel comfortable critiquing this as it is such a personal thing.

*Note5* Summary:

I hope you found some peace and I hope you enjoy this WDC birthday wish to you*Smile*

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*

In affiliation with  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I won!!!!!

Congrats to the other winners as well!!!!!! I have seen all them on the public review board! LOl @ the thing. he or she is most noticable with that hand...hehee

OMGosh! so excited! I appreciate this more then you can know. I was running an auction to get a basic upgrade for a year but now I might be able to go premium!!!! *dances in chair* I now can probably do that and donate even more to great groups here at WDC! I am so glad i joined. for more then just winning this of course, but this was an awesome surprise!!!!
In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
*Balloon4*A Review to celebrate your WDC Birthday!*Balloon4*

Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

While I do not agree with your argument against gay marriage (IMO an argument against love) I respect your right to voice your disapproval.

*Note3* Creativity/Impact:

The impact on me was not positive. You said, rather quoted the bible. It leaves a lot of interpretation in the verses you decided to use FOR your argument. The best part in the bible, in my opinion, is the part(s) where it says do not judge, lest you be judged. No one should judge another. *shrugs* but again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I live and let live. I live by my own set of guidelines to what is right and wrong. I expect others to do the same as long as they are not harming another.

*Note4* Suggestions:

I am not sure how many gay people you have actually gotten to know on a personal level. They have the same feelings and yearnings for love as a straight person. Actually the gay couples that I know, who have chosen to 'marry' have been together longer then any of my straight friends. They are without the legal right to bury their mate because of the laws. They can not put their mate on their insurance. They long for legal marriage, not only to proclaim their love for another (much like us straight people do) but also for legal reasons.

*Note5* Summary:

Again, I support your right to express your feelings, I hope you understand my need to express my own in reaction to yours. There is a reason Religion and government is (supposibly) separate. To me, denying or not affording ANYONE the same rights under the Constitution, in any circumstances, is wrong. To judge is wrong- the bible tell us so...does it not? I hope there are no hard feelings. There are none from this side of the computer.

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed.

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*

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