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Review of Faded Memory  
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Rated: E | (4.0)
*Balloon4*A Review to celebrate your WDC Birthday!*Balloon4*
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to give you my opinion, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

A poem about what the author fears: A love forgetting who they are.

*Note3* Suggestions:

I think that the poem is a little rough in places. The flow (perhaps it is the sentence structuring) is a bit off to me. I would also go in and correct capitalization.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I really think this is a good start, and with some light work, could turn out to be fantastic. You did not mention in your bio your age range. I find it helpful as a reviewer to know if I am reading something from a younger author vrs. something from someone who has a lot of life experience.

*Note5* Summary: Again, if you work on this a little, I think it could be wonderful. You expressed yourself well, I just wanted a bit more.

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*

Review of Loves Like This  
In affiliation with  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello final_cut and congratulations on your recent winning entry in "Invalid Item.

As part of your winnings, you are receiving the EBB Love Fan Package! The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters! *Smile* I'm thrilled you were chosen for this honor *Bigsmile*

Review of
 Loves Like This  (18+)
the things that one remembers
#938531 by romance_junkie

Love Like This


There were again, many favorite parts. You write so beautifully. The words make my heart ache, that is a good thing. You reach out and touch my heart and tickle my soul with your writing.

Some of my favorite lines were:

hmmm...maybe just a taste for those that read this public review*Wink*

The first verse:

'Trying to forget the feel of him
Underneath my skin
The look of salvation
Smothered in sin'

Loved it and so much more!


*Star* Rhythm

*Note3* The flow seemed a little off in spots when I read it out loud. I would never expect it to be perfect with such a long poem like this. You did a great job!

*Star* Verses

*Note4* A couple of the verses seemed forced to me, like you were caught up in trying to keep the rhyme while giving up just a bit of the natural beauty. The lines were still beautiful, but I think YOu could tell better then me if you did or did not force some verse in there that could use some revising.

*Star* Overall

*Note5* Like I said, you are a wonderful writer. I suggest keep on writing:)


BRAVO AGAIN! I would suggest your writing to anyone who is looking at this right now:)

Warmest Best,
*Heart* Just call me Omni

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favorite authors!

"Ink Blot Hall of Fame

Review of Waning  
In affiliation with  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello final_cut and congratulations on your recent winning entry in "Invalid Item.

As part of your winnings, you are receiving the EBB Love Fan Package! The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters! *Smile* I'm thrilled you were chosen for this honor *Bigsmile*

Review of
Waning  (13+)
Regrets, I have a few.
#1579553 by romance_junkie



I loved the words and the picture you painted with those words. My heart ached at the questioning of'what is love'.

Some of my Favorite lines were:

'Was it merely an evening of stardust,
Or some other wayward word that hovers out of sight
A transient faery magic disappearing all too soon
Or a mystical moment courtesy of a waning moon?'

'We are strangers once more, every ray
Of sunshine is agony, an implacable reminder of stupendous madness;'


*Star* Caps on every line confused me.
*Note3* I would suggest (I may be wrong) that each line does not need to be in caps, especially when it is a continuing thought from the last line.

*Star* Punctuation
*Note4* I Must say i am terrible at it myself, but I saw some things that made me pause and think "is that wrong?" I think some is. You may want to check with someone who loves and knows proper punctuation to make sure you beautiful poem is correct in that aspect.


Magically bittersweet! Bravo!!!

Warmest Best,
*Heart* Just call me Omni

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favorite authors!

"Ink Blot Hall of Fame

In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
In response to your wonderful review. You say it is the best review you have received and I say top these:)

I have a couple I think are better. I received them just recently as a matter-of-fact:P Maybe I should rate your post lower then the five stars because mine are better- there for you don't deserve the 5 stars, I do:P Here they are:

Hi there, perhaps it is such a casual writing that I feel like the persona is talking right into my heart. The whole poem is rhythmically correct and it does brings out its message to its reader straight to the point. The words and terms used in the poem is quite touching to a certain extent. The poem is well-flown in rhythm with some hidden feelings. Good try!

(at the end it has a winky face). now.,...4 star rating, not bad, but not staying with the tune of 'nice try' and 'certain extent'. I would have loved for him to told me what extent I should have went to and nice try at what? heehee.

my all time fave though is a 3.5 star (a little above average..correct?) okay, i can take being considered average with the best of them, but then why the kind words?

love it, evocative of dark dreams and sweet nightmares. I was reminded of a song about a secret lover who lived in a record player and a mad girl. I like the idea of a poem being intertwined with prose and it works so well.
It is one of the professionally sounding pieces i have read here and i particularly like the appearance of the male at the end. i don't like the way he manipulates her but that is because i don't like manipulation of females in reality by men.

now what praise! I personally do not think it is the best, but she did. one of the most professional sounding pieces, blah blah. when I asked her why the rating did not reflect the review, she told me she was saving her stars. She had just gotten back to reviewing and she wasn't sure why she gave me that many. ((((???)))) LMBO!

This is why I dislike stars a bit. everyone, of course, wants a perfect 'score,' but the reviews are what i want the most. I want to know how my piece made you feel, how well it was written, and what you think I could do to improve upon it.

I wasn't going to make this a public review, but heck, why not. And no, it is not the best review I have ever written, but I think I told you how I felt, rated it accordingly...oops..I gave you five stars when i said it was me that should get them, lol. Well, you get five stars because you made it possible to post these silly reviews publically again in case we can all learn from them and made me giggle as well.
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

A poll that asks us if we review Moderators. I have never reviewed a poll before- I do not think so anyways?

*Note3* Suggestions:

I do not know what to suggest as far as your poll goes. I wish they gave an option to write comments on the poll, adding a public view of any comments added. Like, I do review moderators, but there is an element of fear sometimes. I fear being totally honest with my feelings for hurting theirs (this is with anyone). I fear more with the moderators i 'know' and whom I respect. I am honest however.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I liked this poll. I still would like to see comments. You have no power over that though;)

*Note5* Summary:

I was shocked at the poll results. I almost replied that I had toast for breakfast but didn't. it was a cute reply but It would have been a lie. I havent even eaten yet today:P

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

It was a very sad to lose two very popular celebrities in one day. This author writes about the untimely deaths of Farrah and Micheal.

*Note3* Suggestions:

There were some things I noticed that I thought either could be worked on or made me pause:

In talking about Farrah, the sentence that included and something about a swimsuit poster. I found this sentence might be better read if you separated the entire thing into two sentences or changed that line. It was just a tad confusing.

The entertainment world had lost an icon and there was never going to be another Farrah again. I may be wrong but should it say 'there will never be another farrah'?

okay..so after this point, I just felt your sorrow and love of Micheal and did not feel like doing 'reviewing' and choose to just read instead:P

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

You can feel your heartbreak over this entertainer's death. he seemed to play an important role in your childhood and life... yes I believe that musicians can do that. My father cried when Elvis died even though he didnt know him, he represented something for him-to him.

*Note5* Summary:

We will continue to hear more about Micheal's death and Life. I hope soon it will be focused more on what an icon he was and not so much on his death and who caused it....I am sure you are hearing it too. *shakes head*

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am also a member of A.C.E.
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

A magical poem about living among rainbows:)

*Note3* Suggestions:

The only suggestion I have is that I wanted more! I loved the vibe I was starting to feel with the magical words and then they stopped. I realize it might be hard to add to a poem...as I have been asked the same thing of me and could not always provide. I just liked it that much and felt it was a little short (for me).

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I liked the entire poem. My favorite part were the lines:
When twilight filled skies
Air became demystified
Into crystallic paths

*Note5* Summary:

Again, a lovely poem that I wish were a bit longer. You drew me in and I used child's eyes and wanted more, more, more:)

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"Invalid Item*Note5*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
number six (text saying "Fury of the Heart" no quote markies:P
Review of What Rights?  
In affiliation with  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Wyn - missing III and congratulations on your recent winning entry in "Invalid Item.

As part of your winnings, you are receiving the EBB Love Fan Package! The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters! *Smile* I'm thrilled you were chosen for this honor *Bigsmile*

Review of
What Rights?  (ASR)
A poem about being different.
#1528309 by Wyn - missing III

Congrats on the win. I stumbled upon this piece and the title intrigued me.

MY Suggestions:

have none! beautifully stated!

My fave parts!

*Star* in regards to the first verse:
*Note3* I am in total agreement. It is a battle for freedom. the freedom for accceptance is the hardest won. There are battles raging now in this country that boast of freedom to all. I do not feel we have won all the fights.

*Star* in regards to the third verse
*Note4* I am not gay but have a lot of gay friends. My children have been brought up around all types of people. My oldest attends Gay pride every year she can with her friends. They sometimes have to remind her that she is almost too over zealous for the cause and she is not even gay. She attends their meetings and support groups. I think it is her love for her friends that makes her so passionate. I know that it is also the prejudice that hurts ALL of us the most. Not only again the gay community but against anyone who is different from the 'norm'.

*Star* in regards to the forth verse
*Note5* I am sick of hearing people say this is a phase or sickness. that it is a sin against God. well, IMO, God does not make mistakes and I believe people are born gay. It is not a sickness, nor a choice. It is....


I applaud you for standing up! It is hard to do. *applauds*

Warmest Best,
*Heart* Just call me Omni

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favorite authors!

"Ink Blot Hall of Fame

Review of Dear God  
In affiliation with  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Wyn - missing III and congratulations on your recent winning entry in "Invalid Item.

As part of your winnings, you are receiving the EBB Love Fan Package! The package includes a total of 9 reviews from our FAN - ATIC gifters! *Smile* I'm thrilled you were chosen for this honor *Bigsmile*

Review of {bitem:1528459 }


I love the poem to God. We have all been there. I hope you know he/she (whatever your belief system is) is there for you.


*Star* This is so very personal, I do not feel I can suggest anything much.
*Note3* I could feel you call but it didn't render my motionless, but then again, I am saying my own prayers right now. I might be getting mine confused with yours.

*Star* Just me, but I would use some capitalization?

*Star* Keep praying!
*Note5* I truly believe those words we put out their in our universe are heard.


Again, personal and heartfelt. I wish you much joy!

Warmest Best,
*Heart* Just call me Omni

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Hey, check out the Author Fan Club! It's an awesome way to pay tribute to your favorite authors!

"Ink Blot Hall of Fame

Review of i loved you!  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

A short story about love and betrayal and death.

*Note3* Suggestions:

I have a few:

In the first paragraph, the man had a gun. he looked into the barrel. you might want to add the gun part. It may only be me but some people may not know what a barrel is. Perhaps describe the cold feel of the metal (or whatever the gun is made of:P) in his hand....

Also taking out two bullets...you might want to expand that sentence to include him putting them in one by one. draw the reader in by making this part of the story longer and more detailed.

do not use x in place of ex.

Check caps! Some sentences are not.

The end was a little ....um...to little. it didnt explain enough. it almost seemed like he just caught his brother and his girlfriend.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I like the idea of the story and think if you really get into the shooter's mind in the beginning. what did he feel? why was he feeling it? how did the gun feel in his hand?

*Note5* Summary:

good start:) keep working on it:):):)

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I am a member of The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*
Review of The Chanters  
In affiliation with PSYW  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

A short poem about insanity. "I am afraid of those Chanters!"

*Note3* Suggestions:

Your image is not showing anymore. Just thought you should know.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

This is a short poem that says so much. It brings out something in me, a kinship? a fear? not sure, but it gave me shivers.

My favorite part is the ending. it is almost comical, but..not.

*Note5* Summary:

*shivers* You are a talented artist. I am again humbled by your words and ability to convey such profound and deep to the reader. I enjoyed my short ride through your port. i think i shall return *bookmarks*

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I have been adopted by a mentor in The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

It is a very sad story of family and how they can sometimes let us down. I can relate! the poem is using a '8 line' prompt.

*Note3* Suggestions:

I think punctuation might be off a little. I would check with someone who knows punctuation rules better then I do to check your poem out.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I could feel your anticipation and then your pain. I can truly relate.

*Note5* Summary: I think you did a great job staying within the confines of eight lines while telling a complete and moving story.

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I have been adopted by a mentor in The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*
Review of A Dreamy Place  
In affiliation with PSYW  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

A magical poem about the ocean and its inhabitants:)

*Note3* Suggestions:

When reading I felt the you had some errors with punctuation. I am not the best at it myself- please check with someone,who is very good at it, to read and check the story.

Some lines had some errors:

of living creatures with full of glee You can take out the 'with'

their eyebrows used to get knit I would leave out the 'get' or consider rewording the sentence.

one day a group of people,travelling great depths entered their kingdom I thought traveling might be misspelled. I looked it up and actually it can be spelled both ways. It came up as spelling error on the review form and I would consider changing the spelling to 'traveling'.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

Your wonderful imagination shines through in this piece. I enjoyed reading about the magical kingdom.

I loved the following lines:

'There was a kingdom under the sea,
of living creatures (with) full of glee;'

'they were queer with pixie ears,
they talk amongst themselves but no one hears;'

'the world came to know that under the sea a kingdom dwelt!'

*Note5* Summary:

Again, I enjoyed the poem and Again, congrats on your Masters!

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I have been adopted by a mentor in The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*
Review of Summer Rain  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

A haiku speaking using the prompt, 'summer'.

*Note3* Suggestions:

The one thing I noticed was on the second line. The word 'their' confused me. To me, it means that there would be two earths. I am not sure you want to use this word? I would use 'its' which is singular.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

It fit the theme perfectly:)

*Note5* Summary:

I enjoyed the haiku. Congrats on getting your Masters!

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I have been adopted by a mentor in The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*
In affiliation with PSYW  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

A long Haiku based on living high on the mountain. This is extremely well done. While one might find it easy to write on verse of a haiku (it really is not), this is 6 verses using the haiku rules.

*Note3* Suggestions:

Well, being that I rated it perfect, I have no suggestions. The piece was spelled correctly and I enjoyed it.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I loved the imagery in this poem. I could picture the place. you spoke of, in my mind.

The following were my favorite lines:

I will just say that the third, fifth and sixth verses were wonderfully written!

*Note5* Summary:

I really like haiku. I really, really like when it is done so well. I loved the fact that you made it more then a couple verses. It showed real talent:)

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I have been adopted by a mentor in The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*
Review of She Doesn't Cry  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

HI! I am a fellow soon-to-be newbie in paper doll gang and came by to offer a review:)

This is poem about a girl that doesn't seem to care that your heart is breaking.

*Note3* Suggestions:

There is a spelling error: brake should be break?

The poem flows but seems a little stilted. is that the word I mean to use? It just seems a little forced with the rhyming and the lines (perhaps it is the periods, make me halt in reading it smoothly.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I loved the two line verse and how they were included. they were the same, but changed just a bit. Love it!

*Note5* Summary:

I think the poem is a wonderful beginning. I would like to see the verses added to (if possible). I know it is hard to edit something you have already committed yourself to. I was asked earlier to revise a poem because of the way I started the verses with different words in two places. they were good suggestions, but I found it impossible to change the words without changing the poem and meaning. I understand if you stand by what you have written. It is good after all:)

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I have been adopted by a mentor in The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*
Review of Clouded  
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

I am intrigued by what this poem is really about. I think it is about illness and a hospital, perhaps a terminal illness? I am a little confused by the ending and wonder who this man is?

*Note3* Suggestions:

I loved so much of this poem. There were just some areas of concern or things that made me pause. please take my opinions as just that- MY opinion.

I am not sure if punctuation is correct. I am so bad at it myself! I think some of it can either be omitted or changed.

In the fifth verse, the line: by "one by one too many" confuses me.

Again, the reference to the man in the end confuses me. Is she dreaming about him? who is he?

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I loved this piece a lot. I loved the following lines the most:

okay..I am not going to paste them because there are too many and I want others to read the entire poem themselves, not your words through my review. I loved the first three verses so much!

*Note5* Summary:

I am not entirely positive I know what inspired this piece. I imagine it to be what I stated earlier- A person who is very ill. I really thought the words chosen and the way they were expressed was wonderfully done. I thank you for sharing!

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I have been adopted by a mentor in The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*
Review of Haiku 651  
In affiliation with  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
*Balloon4*A Review to celebrate your WDC Birthday!*Balloon4*
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to give you my opinion, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

It is a very sad, hopeless sounding haiku.

*Note3* Suggestions:

I think you should correct the following:

its = it's

also check capitalization, I am not sure if all lines should start with capitalization or not to be honest. It flows well without it as it seems almost a complete sentence (of course without punctuation that you cant use in this haiku) but I was thrown off by the start with the first line not being staring off with caps.

Also noticed you bio block. I was personally was put off just a bit by the fact you mentioned who deleted your bio block. I am sure if it was a moderator, admin or friend who deleted it, but personally naming the person was not needed. I think you should redo your bio so we can know more about you:)

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I like dark poetry. I liked the haiku a lot. I think it speaks volumes for such few lines. I hope that you are not feeling this depressed now

*Note5* Summary:

Keep working at your writing. You shows a lot of talent. Enjoy your WDC birthday as well:)

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

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I have been adopted by a mentor in The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*
Review of Crash Landing  
In affiliation with PSYW  
Rated: E | (3.5)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

A poem written about the sting of a love lost. The writer makes us feel the pain of having lost at love again.

*Note3* Suggestions:

The first verse, mopping? I think you meant moping? slight spelling errors happen to us all (actually to me a lot:P)

the third verse is a little confusing to me as well. I understand you are using a metaphor of some type, but it sounds a little 'off to me' as a bird usually doesn't have trouble landing. Also, the way you start the verse with 'Say happier alone,' confuses me as the following words are about the bird. Now is the bird flying alone, or having a hard time landing?

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I loved the following lines:

'Tried, embarrassed and hurt.
'nother crash landing in the dirt.'

*Note5* Summary:

I feel the piece needs hurt. i understand a little of the pain you were feeling, but wanted a clearer understanding of the pain. I think you have some real talent and would love to see an edit on this.

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I have been adopted by a mentor in The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*
Review of COMMON BOND  
In affiliation with PSYW  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

A poem that shows that, as humans, we share at least one common link. Pain is experienced by all humans, regardless of class or race.

*Note3* Suggestions:

I am not sure if it was intentional but the first verse uses the word 'common' a lot. I would have liked to have seen a different word used in place of that one. If it was intentional, it didn't follow that same theme of reusing a word, throughout the entire poem.

I also had a slight issue with the last line in the first verse. It was not easily flowing to me, and not as understood as i would have liked.

these are just my humble opinions, but all I have to offer.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I loved the way you linked us all together in some way. You showed that humanity shares something in that we all have feelings of pain.

The lines I loved the most were:

'It's not our strength nor weakness.
Not our boldness nor meekness.
It's not what's achieved or attained.
Nor what is lost or gained.'

'All different people and faces.
In distant lands and places.'

*Note5* Summary:

I enjoyed reading this poem. I think with a little 'touching up', it could really send a strong message.

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I have been adopted by a mentor in The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*
Review of Empty  
In affiliation with  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
*Balloon4*A Review to celebrate your WDC Birthday!*Balloon4*
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to give you my opinion, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

A poem about teen love and heartbreak. I can relate to these feelings, no only because I remember being a teen, but my own daughter is going through her first horrendous heartbreak herself.

*Note3* Suggestions:

there are some incomplete thoughts here in most of the poem and it jumps around a lot. I am guessing this is because you were writing about love and love can be quite confusing. I think if you work on this piece some, it could be great.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I like that you are able to express your pain through writing. I find it a form of release.

*Note5* Summary:

I hope you have overcome this heartache. Keep writing those feelings down!

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

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I have been adopted by a mentor in The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I had a simular surgery. the doctor thought I had non-hodgkins lymphoma. The cut was longer across my neck because besides the lymp node that he wanted part of was surrounded by tumors in the rest of my neck.

after much worry, no cancer but no answers.I was told he put 'cat scratch fever' as what i had because he had no other idea of what it was. he didnt have any answers for if I would later get cancer for the numerous tumors I have in both my neck and breasts.

the scar healed well in the fold of my neck and at least he was honest in his ignorance. most doctors are not.

I have had some other cancer scares and the beginings of cervical cancer (hysterectomy hopefully finished it off before it could finish me off) but the frustration in searching for a reason i had to almost die of blood loss due to the ignorance of doctors that i sought help from....

anyways, I hope all is well with your kiddo. I definitely feel your pain and frustration!
In affiliation with PSYW  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

Not what I expected at all! LOL A funny little story about your anniversary:)

*Note3* Suggestions:

I rated it perfect, so i have no real suggestions. I do wonder, however, how men can be so dense:P This sounds like something my husband would do or think. why is so so hard for men to understand women? we understand each other so well.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I am sure this is not a true story..I really hope not:P That would not speak highly for your 'kind' lol. I loved the way i could picture the scene with your words. i loved the surprise ending and the 'punchline'

*Note5* Summary:

I love the way you write. such a talent:)

*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I have been adopted by a mentor in The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*
In affiliation with PSYW  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
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Please take this review for what it is; my personal opinion. I am not a professional editor, nor do I portray myself to be an expert in reviewing. My intent is to share my feelings concerning your work with you, nothing more. It is my sincere hope that you will find something useful in it and disregard the rest.

*Note2* Overall Impression:

I teared up reading this story. What a terrible, but well written story. A must read! I realize how cruel kids can be and how frightening it can be to stand up, especially alone in a situation like this. I wonder what happened to that boy as well. i would like to think he was one of those 'geeks'(a commonly used word) and went on to become rich and happy..but it could be an entirely different story in the end.

*Note3* Suggestions:

Do not blame yourself for being unable to stand up and 'tattle' or say something to the offending parties. It is hard for gorwn-ups to take a stand. I can't imagine the torment this has caused you. I am sorry for you and the boy.

*Note4* What I personally liked the Most:

I was told that you were an incredible writer from a friend and wanted to review you when i saw your name in the forum needing reviews. you wrote this beautifully. This piece made me shudder and feel an array of emotions.

*Note5* Summary:

I wish teachers would stop thinking it is okay or normal for kids to act this way towards each other. Like I used to tell my kids in class "you do not have to like each other, do not have to be friends with everyone..but everyone deserves to feel comfortable in this place. none should feel afraid to go to school.
*Thumbsup* Thank you for the read and Write on!

I have been adopted by a mentor in The Angel Army
*Note5*"The WDC Angel Army*Note5*
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