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601 Public Reviews Given
603 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I am a published author. That doesn't make me an expert reviewer but it does means I've learned a few things about good writing. You can expect me to critique storytelling, character development, plot, transitions and other building blocks of writing. I will point out grammar and punctuation issues when I notice them but if you are looking for someone to give that kind review, there are others who will do far better than I. I try to be honest and encouraging but if you're requesting a review, I'm sure you expect it to be thorough. Good reviews sometimes hurt. I can't spare you that and give you an honest review.
I'm good at...
Critiquing your storytelling skills, especially first chapter reviews. I'm also good at building believable characters and recognizing good dialogue. I can review whole novels but my time is limited and it has to be worth my while.
Favorite Genres
Action adventure, comedy, historical, sci-fi and well-conceived fantasy.
Least Favorite Genres
Horror, Erotica, LGBTQ, Poetry. Some of this I don't like at all while the rest I am wholly inadequate to give a review on.
Favorite Item Types
Short stories, first chapters, and complete novels if they are not astronomically long.
Least Favorite Item Types
Extremely long novels, poetry, random chapters from the middle of a longer story.
I will not review...
Horror or Erotica. I will also not give reviews on random middle chapters. I don't believe they can be adequately reviewed out of context. Please don't ask me to review Vampire or Zombie stories. The sub-genre has been beaten to death and I don't want to read another one.
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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

Took me a few moments to orient myself to the names of the characters and their races. Creating a science fiction/fantasy world is no easy feat. I thought you did well and I liked the story.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

The basic premise of these aliens needing to rescue their civilization from a chocolate shortage.

*Sun* Suggestions:

At the beginning something is made of the Admiral's odour being the first on the ship in a long time yet his race is needed for navigation. Isn't there always one on the ship? Just a nitpick.

*Sun* Overall:

Excellent job. I thought it was well written. Good luck with the contest.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Hare Trigger  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

I liked this a lot. I thought the comedy was handled deftly and the writing was good throughout. There was enough curiosity in the first sentence to keep me reading. From there you went right into the action. I think that was a good thing. I don't think the story was rushed or abrupt at all. Maybe the word count forced you to tighten the writing. I didn't notice. Granted I've not read your other writing... yet.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

The humour. This type of comedy can get dragged out and wear thin. It can also be too over the top. You avoided both issue. I thought you had it just about perfect.

*Sun* Suggestions:

If there were grammar issues, it was outside my realm of minimal expertise. Well done. I don't think you need to fix anything.

*Sun* Overall:

Great job. I enjoyed the story and when I have time I may peruse a few more that you've written. Keep it up.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Untitled 4  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

Gerta has some options here. I think she should hire a chef to help her poison the king or she should skip town or do both. I enjoyed the story. It was listed as horror but it didn't scare me at all. Chef loses his head over a trifle. That's pretty horrible. The ridiculousness of it is kind of funny, so I think I get it. I'm not sure that's what the "Screams" contest is looking for but I still liked it.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

I'm quite hungry right now so the food description at the beginning really got my attention. I also liked the premise of the story.

*Sun* Suggestions:

Untitled 4? You need a real title.

Acid test for every piece of fiction. Read the first sentence and ask yourself if you really want to read the second sentence. There is a limited opportunity to grab your reader. Straight description through the first two paragraphs usually won't cut it. I look for conflict and action or some hint thereof. I'm looking for something that makes me want to read on.

Horror usually features a story that get progressively more horrific. I'm not sure if that really applies here though because this is also focused on humour.

*Sun* Overall:

I think you were having some fun with this and I don't want to take that away from you. Keep writing and having fun. Your writing is good. I had no problem following the story or understand what is going on. I found it entertaining and in a lot of ways that's what really counts. Especially with a piece like this one.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

Personally I liked this from beginning to end. I have a sun who suffers from schizophrenia. He is highly intelligent. I'm glad we are becoming more aware of how to work with people who are different. I'm also glad your son has found his place in spite of the rest of us.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

I like the way you handled the subject matter.

*Sun* Suggestions:

I'm no authority on poetry. With my limited knowledge, I don't see anything that you need to fix.

*Sun* Overall:

Great job. I wish you well in the contest. Win or lose this is a very good entry.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)

*Sun* Title: A Twist in Time

*Sun* Chapter Reviewed: Chapter 1

*Sun* User Name: nathanh

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* Plot:

Just to preface my comments, the last time travel story I read was really really bad. Just the fact that I agreed to review this one after reading the first four chapters means you are doing a lot of things right. In general I find these stories rife with plot holes and bewildering scene changes. It takes a lot of skill to make a time travel story work. I do see the potential.

You establish your protagonist, set up your opening scene in the Hotel well and then zip off to the first stop of the journey. I think the basic plot here is just fine.

First paragraph is the only glaring problem. This is possibly your only chance to draw in publishers or readers. It has to count. First paragraph is stage set up for your first scene. That's needed but you have to grab your reader's interest first. There is no action, no problem needing attention, no conflict, no foreshadowing, no sense of impending trouble. Don't give your reader the option to stop reading after the first few sentences.

Don't feel bad my rough drafts never get this right the first time.

You finish strong though with the time hop. Anybody who read that far will want to know why and what happens next.

*Sun* Characters:

Justin Hisakawa is clearly the protagonist and I think you've developed him well. His interactions show him to be a good guy with hopes, dreams and he has a heart.

I like the way you handled his sexual orientation. I think you've left the door open to readers outside the LGBT community at least at this point.

Shopping Cart Annie is interesting to me. If she is a walk off character, she's been developed too much in relation to the other two characters introduced. She serves to establish Justin as someone who cares. She also introduces the subject of time travel in a way that works with the story line.

Only issue I see with her is that she is introduced as wizened and feeble voiced but she sounds far stronger in the dialogue.

Mr. Mazaeus I think more needed to be made of Justin feeling uneasy about this guy. Maybe just the "mental shrug" in the passport bit takes away from that sense. In Justin's shoes I would be more wary of the potential trouble this guy obviously represents.

Special Agent Charlotte Corbett Her introduction is where the real conflict begins. I'm not sure if I have a very good feel of who she is. Does she need more description or does Shopping Cart Annie need less? I just know that she's very important to the story.

Kyle and a soldier are mentioned in passing. The second may be quite relevant to the story but I don't think that needs further development here.

*Sun* Grammar:

My help is not usually very helpful. I didn't see any glaring issues.

*Sun* style/voice:

Good use of dialogue. Your characters do have their own unique voices. Not everyone does that well.

*Sun* Setting:

Well described throughout. I always find it useful to appeal to all the senses at least once in a scene this long. I don't recall the sense of smell being brought into this and I think it could add a lot to the realism.

I absolutely detest the word cloying. I don't know why I'm seeing it in so many pieces of writing lately.

*Sun* Overall:

Except for the first paragraph, I think this chapter is everything it needs to be. I think the story is off to a good start and I look forward to reading more.

*Sun* Line by line

I don't think I have anything useful in the way of a line by line for this chapter. I think I've already covered what I think is important and useful.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

Barnyards are great places for comedy and this was a great story. I enjoyed it from beginning to end.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

The action/description. It flowed well and was easy to visualize.

*Sun* Suggestions:

None and that why I've giving back the 75 auto gift points for reviews. I can't offer anything here that I think will make you a better writer.

*Sun* Overall:

Good luck with the contest. I entered myself and read some of the entries. I'm glad I don't have to pick a winner because there is a lot of good stuff here including this one.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.
Review of Lucky in Vagas  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

I thought this was a very good writer's cramp entry. You followed the prompt and created a nice feel good story. I'm sure someone has already pointed out that you spelled Las Vegas incorrectly as well as a couple other words. No big deal, I liked your story.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

I liked the ending where they both had a pleasant surprise for the other.

*Sun* Suggestions:

Formatting nitpick. I've notice that sometimes I write something in my word processor and when I copy and paste it into WDC some of the formatting goes wonky. It really does improve readability when you skip a line between paragraphs or indent them. I don't know why I find that so distracting when I read but it does.

*Sun* Overall:

I like feel good stories unless they are too unrealistic. I thought this one was really good. Keep up the good work.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.
Review of Allison's Story  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

Good description, good dialogue and good character work. I thought the chapter held the readers attention and offered enough interest to keep reading into the next chapter. Important to grab the reader's attention right in the first few sentences. Last sentence of that first paragraph saved you.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

I'm not a big fan of fantasy. It has to be really well written to keep me in it. I think your first chapter manages that based on the action which is believeable enough.

*Sun* Suggestions:

You used too many adverbs and ended too many sentences with prepositions. Potential publishers will balk at those. I would recommend a free program called Editminion to help you find most of them. They are easy enough to correct when you are aware of them.

*Sun* Overall:

This is a good first chapter. Far better than most of the fantasy I've seen on the site. Your writing needs to be tightened up a bit. This is probably better than my first drafts. Good job!

Keep on writing!


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In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

Okay I admit it. I'm a man and I read this because of sheer curiosity. My wife has a purse and I only venture in there for the van keys unless otherwise instructed. I know roughly where they are and anywhere else is out of bounds. Your article was very well written and it was amusing as intended.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

Dryer sheets? My wife's allergic to them so that's definitely not there. Mini-saw, that's something I can understand. Lol.

*Sun* Suggestions:


*Sun* Overall:

With my limited skills, I honestly couldn't find anything to nitpick. Hope to see more of your work here on WDC.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

Great story. Not only that but you told it well. I have nothing but a nitpick left to put in my suggestion section.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

The surprise ending which maybe shouldn't have surprised me much. There were clues leading up to it.

*Sun* Suggestions:

My nitpick is adverbs. Descriptive words ending in "ly". Your story could get rid of them and not miss them. I'm sure a punctuation or grammar guru could find something else but that is not my strong suit.

*Sun* Overall:

Thought you did an excellent job. Keep up the great work!

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.
Review of The Car  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

Cool car. Not a badly written scene. If this is intended as a first chapter for a book it falls short. As written it might work for a scene somewhere in a book. Description and flow is good.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

Liked the interaction between the two cousins.

*Sun* Suggestions:

If these guys are going to be your main characters, as a reader I have to have a reason to care about what they are up to. Stealing cars for the thrill... easy money... gotta be something stronger than that. What do they need the money for? That could be the needed motivation right there.

I also think that you end the chapter too soon. I could be wrong about this. I'm not sure that just curiosity about whether they get away or not is good enough. You might have a better lead into the rest of the story if you bring the chapter up to the point where they have made their escape.

*Sun* Overall:

Not a bad scene. There is potential here. Don't let my suggestions discourage you. Just trying to prompt you to taking this to another level. Good job!

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

Great description from beginning to end. I read this several days ago and there was something about it that I didn't like but couldn't identify why I felt that way. Took me that long to figure it out. Your writing skills are clearly superior. Maybe even intimidating to someone with my skills.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

I liked the redneck imagery, "like possum crap on a barbecue." I do fear that might say something about me as a person.

*Sun* Suggestions:

Took me two days to figure this out but I never really found myself invested in the characters. I might have a felt a little at the very end.

*Sun* Overall:

Outside of my one observation I can't see anything else to fault this on. Your writing is really good. I wish I could paint a word picture that vividly.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.
Review of Wake Up  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

Nice piece of writing. Brought back fond memories of college. There were four of us in the dorm room. My alarm would be the last to sound every morning. I would get up, shower and shave and then return to the room to get my things for the day and all three of them were still in bed. It doesn't end in your teens.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

The chronological presentation of the illogical morning thoughts worked very well.

*Sun* Suggestions:

For those critics that hate adverbs you have a bundle of them. Just count how many words end in "ly". Most editors are not fond of them. Writing is usually stronger if you write most of them out.

*Sun* Overall:

I'm impressed. The adverb thing is really all I can fault you on here.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

I was drawn in by your title. Real life history interests me and I just had to come and have a look. It held my interest throughout and finished with an appropriate ending. The writing itself was excellent.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

Favorite part of the story was the personal experience element. Definitely a story worth recounting.

*Sun* Suggestions:

Just a couple of quibbles. "In 1955/56, at age 11/12". That's an awkward construction. I would consider rephrasing it.

"I recall he said he was over 101 going on 102." I would drop the word over. It's redundant.

*Sun* Overall:

This is an excellent story well told. Hats off to you. I look forward to see more of your work in the future as I lurk around the site. Keep up the great work.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.
Review of Morning Brew  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

This is a good example of this type of poem. I liked it.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

I'm not a coffee drinker but the mention of chocolate got my attention.

*Sun* Suggestions:

I wouldn't mess with it.

*Sun* Overall:

From the land of Tim Horton's I give you a perfect score. Caffeine addicts from north of the border salute you. Well done!

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.
Review of Poor Poet  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

I read this not entirely sure if I liked it or loved it. Had odd questions come to mind while I read it. Why were there teens dancing at an Elk ranch in front of the house?

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

There was a whimsical feel to this in places that I felt really made this work.

*Sun* Suggestions:

Ending seemed a little abrupt. I'm not sure that's a problem at all.

"Included are top performers such as cows producing 14+ lb. two year olds." This is a little confusing though. Two year old Elk are only 14+ pounds?

*Sun* Overall:

Well written with believable dialogue. I've decided I like it. Keep up the great work.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

As an animal lover I found this to be an interesting read. I write the occasional animal tale myself just because life is so incomplete without being around them.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

I liked the first line and the last especially.

*Sun* Suggestions:

I would put ADMA in brackets after you wrote "American Donkey and Mule Society" just because some of us still count on our fingers and when you referenced it three sentences later I had to go back and check first letters.

*Sun* Overall:

Excellent story and information. The world can't get enough animal stories. We actually considered getting mules or donkeys at one point. We lived in a very wet acreage at the time though and I've seen too many people raise cattle in mud holes. When I say "wet acreage", we could literal dig a well in the spring with a spoon. I don't think the water table was more than six inches down. My understanding is that equines need to be dry and I spared them the experiment. Enjoyed your work.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.
Review of Charlotte Corday  
In affiliation with Novel Review Group  
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
This is a review from the "Novel Review Group and "Simply Positive Review Forum

*Sun* Title: Charlotte Corday

*Sun* Chapter Reviewed: prologue/first chapter

*Sun* User Name: ialbania

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* Plot:

A woman is about to be executed in the name of the French Revolution. We are told very late in the game what her name is and we don't know any real reason why she faces the guillotine. Quite a show is made of the scene for the benefit of the crowd and as pressure to get the woman to confess to something.

*Sun* Characters:

Not a great deal of character development in this scene. We are introduced to the woman. She is proud and tough. We meet Robespierre a historical figure who is running the show in this scene. The reader gets lots of reasons to dislike him.

*Sun* Grammar:

I didn't note any issues off hand. Your grammar is better than mine. I will go through and mark anything in the line by line.

*Sun* style/voice:

Third person POV. I don't have any problem with that. The weak verb was rears it's head a little too often. I think it takes away from an otherwise excellent chapter. Quite a few adverbs in it as well. I don't know that I'd remove them all I just think they need to be a little more limited.

*Sun* Setting:

Place de la Concorde, Paris France after the French Revolution. I think you could have done more with the setting. I know where it is but like most readers I haven't been there. I can't conjure up a mental picture of any kind from what you wrote.

*Sun* Overall:

I thought this chapter does accomplish what you are trying to do. I don't know that it really points in a specific direction but personally I'm intrigued enough to turn the page to find out what this is all about.

*Sun* Line by line

Chapter 1

A steady rainfall settled on the Place de la Concorde, soaking the mob around the Parisian square. But each new prisoner that walked down the cobblestone street breathed new life into the mob that had gathered since the morning when there was barely a drizzle. They had grown in number throughout the day. To them, each execution had led to this next, and final, one. This does give us enough to keep me reading. I'm curious as to where this is going.

The prison gates squeaked open and two neat rows of uniformed soldiers marched through the prison courtyard. They were well trained and stepped in rhythm - quite a feat as they were merely the product of the Revolution with no true military experience.

The crowd, alive only seconds ago, grew silent as the soldiers stepped out of the gates and a wagon rolled onto cobblestones of the Place de la Concorde. A woman was shackled to a wooden stake in the center of the wagon. An adjacent block of wood had been nailed right beneath her hands, forcing her to stand.

Though she had only been out for a few minutes at most, the rain had quickly soaked her chestnut brown hair. Rain drops clung to her well defined jawline, before falling onto her simple prison gown. She was oblivious to both the mob and the rain and could only stare ahead at the guillotine that waited for her. There was a mixture of clear defiance and desperate sadness as the wagon neared its destination. She had cried endlessly the night before and had nothing left. Even if she did, the rain would mask any tears. Petty consolation at most.

As the stage of her death neared, she was battling to hold the cold convulsions in her body at bay. If she was to die today, it would be in simple and quiet defiance.

She knew he was within the crowd. She knew he was watching her. Would he save her? Could he? No. She would die here. But it was the thought she needed. The possibility of it was all that would get her through these last moments. Ironic to die by the same Revolution she had helped create. Interesting thought that there might be a way out for her.

The wagon came to a stop at the stage steps. A soldier pulled down the wagon steps and climbed up. He walked behind the woman and unshackled her, only to re-shackle her once she was released from the wooden stake. He walked her down and around the wagon. She was led up the stage and became visible to everyone. The crowd began chanting "viva la revolution".

On the stage stood a man of average height, stoic now as he looked her way.

The soldier walked her over to the wooden stocks. He placed her hands in the holes and locked them with a key. He did not bother to unshackle her hands.

"Do you confess?"

"No." her answer was considerably lower than his question. The crowd had grown considerably repeated word as well quiet by now. The man took a deep breath as he stared directly at her. The veins on the side of his neck swelled.

"Do you confess?"


She raised her eye brows and her voluptuous lips flashed a left-sided smirk. Their eyes remained in a tug of war. The crowd now accustomed to her image, started chanting for the guillotine to drop. Their roar grew with each repetition.

He leaned closer to her ear.

"That's the beauty of the mob. They are effortlessly swayed and manipulated. And all the while they think they are in control."

"Robespierre, can you hurry? My hair is getting wet." I thought it already was wet. Not necessarily a problem for her to make the statement.

He backed away and stared at her for a moment, tilting his head slightly to the right. Just as he returned her smirk, he turned to the mob around stage. He spread his arms and walked to the edge. The crowd cheered his name - Robespierre.

"Do you deserve to witness justice fall upon the corrupted?"

The mob roared in unison and his hands clenched into fists. His spread arms shook violently - an insane conductor in absolute control of his orchestra. He looked up at the gray sky as the rain fall showered on him. He turned his attention back to the mob.

"I cannot hear you!"

Robespierre's voice thundered over the chants. His arms remained spread, marking his dominion over them. His clenched fists had turned bright red, marking the degree of his rule. He looked over his left shoulder at Charlotte. I would have like to have seen reference to her name earlier in the scene than this. Her chest was heaving at the sound of the mob. The chants were loud and had fully consumed her. He pointed his left index and middle fingers toward her and shared another stare with her. This time there was no smirk on his face, only a lowered and focused brow as she desperately tried to control her breathing.

"Justice in the people's name will be done today on your cobbled court!"

He walked over to her- maintaining his eye level with the prisoner. He moved behind her and whispered into her right ear.

"It has been my experience that there is no orgasm that can rival that which one gets from the mob. But, I imagine you may be able to change my experience."

He looked down at her heaving chest and went to her left ear, "Say the words I want to hear and you will see morning. You will be free...to an extent."

He looked directly at her now, smiled, raised his brow and nodded slightly reminding her of the mob. She ran the tip of her tongue over her upper lip. It felt dry although she was soaked in the rain. She bit her lower lip.

"Pray that there is no afterlife, Robespierre. If one does exist, I will be your hell."

Her convulsions had stopped. Or maybe she was far too numb now to determine if she was even breathing.

Robespierre only smiled and nodded for the soldier standing at the far end of the stage, who readily obliged. He unlocked the stocks and walked her to the guillotine, passing a hooded man on the way. She was forcefully spun to face the open space between the guillotine’s scaffolding. She had an unfettered view of the jubilant mob. She was breathing heavily now. Her chest was heaving as if it might explode with any breath she took in. The soldier grabbed her by her hair, forcing her to bow as he placed her neck in a pair of stocks in the guillotine and locked it.

Robespierre nodded to hooded axman.

Keep on writing!


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Review of Feast  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

I liked this. For the most part it was very well written and I liked the twist you gave a traditional story.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

Easily the two disguised wolves finding each other out.

*Sun* Suggestions:

There are verb tense agreement problems throughout a lot of your work. It is less noticeable in this particular piece but it still comes up. I would take and read you work aloud. Sometimes things like that are easier to find when you do that.

*Sun* Overall:

Overall an excellent bit of work. I like reading (and writing) work with an element of humour present. Keep working at your writing and keep having fun.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

A poem of parental patience in trying circumstances. I'm glad that none of our children are bipolar. We have five and they are a handful each in their own way.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

I liked the fourth verse the most. I think a lot of parents could identify with that feeling.

*Sun* Suggestions:

None. I like this the way it is.

*Sun* Overall:

I thought this had a lot of terrific poetic images. I'm not much of a poet so maybe I don't see as much as some others. I thought it was excellent work though.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy to sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.
Review of June 3--Waiting  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

You wrote this whole scene in fifteen minutes based on some photo prompt? I'm impressed. Will make up run off your face in rivulets in really hot weather? As a Canadian I don't deal with that kind of heat and besides that I don't wear any make up. Makes me wonder about what the photo prompt was. It does appear to have the potential to become a larger work.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

You painted the scene and did some character building. That's probably while you leave this open to build on later.

*Sun* Suggestions:

You really over used the weak verb was. If you ever revisit this you should make the effort to write most of them out.

*Sun* Overall:

Very nice quickly written scene. Keep up the good work.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio and don't be too shy too sign my guest book. Reviews are always welcome.
Review of Kite Tails  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Newbie Reviewers

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

As shaggy dog stories goes this one was pretty well done. You clearly understood the genre.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

The whole scenario was appropriately ridiculous.

*Sun* Suggestions:

Could have made it harder to put down before the end. If I was't planning to put in a review on it I would have not finished reading it. Not that it was badly written. Kites and kite tails just don't do much for me.

*Sun* Overall:

I actually enjoy this genre from the storyteller's point of view. My all time favorite comes from Dave Allen an old Irish comedian who did a clip that I consider classic. A woman and her son are scrambling down what looks like halls from some huge old manor desperately searching for a place to hide. Steady heavy footfalls follow them, slowly closing in for the apparent kill. Finally the pair hide in a closet. The footsteps draw closer and stop dramatically in front of the closet. The man's hand reaches for the doorknob. He swing the door open. The audience holds their breath expecting to witness a double murder. Then the woman says, "Daddy plays good hide and seek."

Polish your work it has potential.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio. Reviews are always welcome.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Newbie Reviewers

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

I'm not much of a poet myself but I really like this. I hope your school teacher gave you a good mark on it because I think you deserved it. You broke with your rhyme scheme in the second verse but I'm not criticizing that because I don't think it takes away from the poem at all.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

I think the focus on that single tear at the beginning was very effective.

*Sun* Suggestions:


*Sun* Overall:

Great job! Keep up the excellent work.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio. Reviews are always welcome.
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.5)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

Interesting enough story with potential. Seemed like a bit of a writing exercise. It had a definite beginning middle and end. There were a lot of picky little errors in the English. Grammar and punctuation are not my strong suits so I'll let others help you with that.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

I thought this sounded a bit like a kind of allegory. Had that been developed that way this would have been really quite good.

*Sun* Suggestions:

Your reader is going to ask the question, why. You need to answer that to take this writing to a higher level. An allegorical story will have a deeper meaning behind it. Your could develop this that way or you could just tackle the question of why the man was turned into a bird in the first place and why he needed to be changed back.

*Sun* Overall:

Don't be content with just having written a story. Try to take it further. Keep up the good work. The more you write the better you will get especially if you can use the feedback other writers give you here.

Keep on writing!


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Please take the time to visit my portfolio. Reviews are always welcome.
Review of Onward  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This is a review from "Simply Positive Review Forum

Remember I am not a professional reviewer. These are just my personal impressions and thoughts. My goal is to be encouraging and give you something that will actually help your writing.

*Sun* First Impressions:

Outside of one notable point I thought this was very well written. Good dialog and good description.

*Sun* My Favorite Elements:

Element of horror was well developed and presented.

*Sun* Suggestions:

Repetitive sentence element was very distracting at the start of the piece. "The robot" was repeated over and over again. Many of those instances could have been exchanged for the word it. I would have tried to find other terms to describe it just to get some variety into it. Four of your first six paragraphs start with either "the robot's" or "the robot". Don't feel bad about it. Most of us do this and need someone else to point it out.

*Sun* Overall:

I thought it was a good story. Maybe the start of something a lot bigger. Keep up the good work.

Keep on writing!


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