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Review of Beginnings  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was a very intricate piece, it exasperated all emotions, sadness, hope, fear, longing, goals, inspiration, etc...The words encased within were very amazing! You write like an honest angel. I respect that. Be true, and stay strong through whatever cards life throws your way! Many Blessings!

BTW-you also created a vivid portrait of the emotions that seem quite tangible in the imagination. Not many can do that. You have a gift!

Rated: E | (5.0)
How unbelievable. You are quite evolved to have realized this! Your words sting the readers' eye, because many don't realize this. I feel the same way. Pleasing others is wonderful, yes, when it comes from your heart. Pleasing ohters out of obligation or for fear that you won't be liked, is destructive to your inner being! You have a magical piece here. You have a wonderful point of view as well. Realism filled with compassion, that's a combination that cannot falter, as this poem portrays! Job well done!! Blessings in being you! You will sure find them!

Review of Realign  
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a positive piece of self enlightenment and nurturance. I loved the somplicity, I always do like poems that contain little stanzas, yet fit to be so impactful. This was an absolutely creative poem and I just adore that short impactful stuff. I don't sum things up well in poetry, so it's always nice to see a piece I admire in the world of Literature. A golden WDC poem! Many blessings in Your endeavors!!

Review of Goodbye  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was saddening and It reminds me of my family today. You did a good job enhancing this short piece with alot of emotion. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday!

Review of UNKNOWN  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Amazing! Short yet so sweet with a strength! I rea;;y am moved by pieces that in some way or another, impact my soul. This is a perfect example! I believe this is by far, a hopeful and inspiring message behind an undertone of grief. Unbelievable! Thank you so much for sharing! I needed that. You have a wonderful holiday!! Many blessings to you and yours'!!

Rated: E | (5.0)
I really enjoyed this creativity. I too, am a Mutt, and I am proud. I don't need to be this or that or have spots or be fully brown, with perfect traits of a breed. I would sat that any dog, is worth being loved, if you take them into your heart. No, the outside does not matter, not the appearance, but rather the inner spirit of fluffy friends that is true, valued, full of joy and wonder, and respects others with compassion and loyalty. Especially the ones they care about! Never judge a book by it's cover. So, you really made me feel great by stating the very opinion I hold. The real me. The mutt me. We are a grand part of many heritages', and that we should be proud of because it makes us humble and friendlier. More open minded if you will. I like mutts myself. =)

Many Blessings,
Felicia Navidad!!
Review of Your Catharsis  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This poem held alot of meaning to me. I loved the cut-throat rigidity of the poem. I feel the same way toward a person in my life. We can only look forward, never back. Superbly written!!

Rated: E | (5.0)
Perfection! You taught many incredible lessons within this write, one: Never judge a book by their cover, Two: what you think you don't want may change as does everything. Three: The best things in life are free, love, miracles like this, serendipity if I may say and also the willingness to open up and not be so stubborn in thinking, knowing that tommorrow may never come. This was filled with compassion, and it was an absolute pleasure to read! I wish I can have this kind of happy ending. You touched my heart here. The best things in life arent attached to a dollar amount. Great job with getting that across!!

Many Blessings to you,
Felicia Navidad! (Anna)
Review of Too Much Hate  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This, I liked. I understood it, and even though I don't know you, you seem to have a message meant. I liked it! Keep it up. Happy Holidays!!

Felicia Navidad!
Review of Comfort Birds  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love preverbs that apply to life so I simply loved the poem! It's so magical how things can jump out at you all of the time, if you are in no hurry to receive clarity in the moment. It was short but so very very powerful. I myself, love birds, and birdwatching, so the reference to the bird made me feel like your words "soared" off the page!

Felicia Navidad!
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is tear-jerking! You have quite the talent, and it touched me in a highly personal way, the words' validity. Wow, are you my twin? lol. Your poem seems to reflest my saddest life experience at the moment. Very well done!!! I loved the positive message within.
I was delightful to say the least, and the ending sentence so short yet sweet and impactful. The best type of write, one that ends with a roar in the ending that inspires. :)

Rated: E | (4.5)
That was real sad....why did Gurfu leave with a tear in his eye? The story was great and it just happened to be the first sponsored item, so I clicked on it. This is a genius write, " Are you speaking of the "Ice Princess" only metaphorically? Anyway, very good, however, very confusingly sad for an ending that is so mysterious. I really liked the whole poem.


Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Unbelievably wonderful!! I loved this lit, as if it were a sacred file hidden deeply within a guarded vault. You amazed me here, babe, and that is someting that I can never say happens often., I'll give it a ine in five ratio. This poem obviously, beats the odds, at least for me. Very entansic. Blessings!

Felicia Navidad!!
Review of Growing Up AME  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Captivating story although there were some grammatical errors, however, I do the same, so am not one to judge. I thought overall, the story was powerful. Incredibly, I was particuarly stricken by the ' Road Less Traveled' reference. I, as a child, always knew Robert Frost and admired his works in middle-school. I always said the inevitable to this day: "Two Roads, Diverged in a wood, I took the one most traveled, and that has made all my indifference." lol. Anyway, you summed the point concisely, however, you were rushing through it, which I can understand. Overall, the pen had a strong message and, my grandmother, being from Missouri, I'm talking ozarks, I can identify with the "cowboyish tradition" if you will. :) Happy Holidays, and I wish you the best this season.

Felicia Navidad!!
Review of Days Like This  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good write. I havent had a good day all week, :). I am heartbroken. I am confused. I feel the hurt in this poem. Its very reflective of what I am going through. Do people still have hearts? I know they do, but just not with me. Keep your chin up, and hope that tommorrow won't be another "day like this". lol

Take Care,
Felicia Navidad
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Really well done, it almost made me cry. The only weird thing is the "r" is missing from "promise" after the first stanza. I don't know if that was intentional. This is great though. I write pieces like this. Very talented. Many blessings.

Felicia Navidad!
Rated: E | (3.5)
Overall, the poem was good. However, I believe if you are really in love and trying to reconcile, maybe you should tone down the harshness in the overall tone of the literature. It seems you are blaming this person for you being a wreck, yet in another stanza, say he's never hurt you? I really believe that the poem does send a bit of a mixed message, not to be harsh on you at all. I just cannot fathom trying to prove your love to someone, when you are showing distrust and disprespect to the person by making them out to be almost evil. Maybe you are only speaking of a fling you have fallen for, but it seems there are underlying motives to why you want this person so badly, and maybe you really shoulds rethink your positivity in truly loving this person. That's just my opinion. Please don't take offense. Best of Luck, even though this poem struck me as very contradictory.

Felicia Naidad
Rated: E | (5.0)
Magnificent! Took the words out of my mouth and my breath away! Family is everything. I know how it feels to have lost a loved one, not my direct Mother or Father, but a few very important people to me have passed away. I feel your pain, and I am so sorry you are going through this! It's great that you made it into a positive by sharing good advice about loving your family while you can and showing it! No true love should ever be seperated because of quarrel or difference. Tis the season to forgive! Many blessings to your family this holiday season, and now you will be closer than ever this year! Glad to hear it!

Felicia Navidad
Review of Broken friendship  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ouch! Standing ovation, though. This is a great hate poem about a friend who stabbed you in the back so hard, you fell to the ground from the inpact. You expressed your feeling with greayt tact and I feel the same way about friends. You trust in them like you would family and they intentionally twist your world just for their laugh of being jealous or having fun. Maybe if people took more responsibility for their actions and made amends with the situation, there would be less poems like this. However, until then, this one is at the top of my list. I felt the anger behind it and knew how it felt from the greenlight. Great Job!

Felicia Navidad!
Review of Change of Heart  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was very good and from the heart. These are my favorite types of poems. I hope that your new love has erased the old one! Many Blessings!

Felicia Navidad!
Review of only if  
Rated: E | (4.0)
short...to sat the least. However, very good. I feel just like you. Isn't that a coincidence. Great sentence, or stanza rather. It could be a line though, I'm not sure. I am just trying to make ya smile! U seem depressed, so I thought I'd drop by and say it can't get any worse than being me! That's something to feel good about. Maybe. Who knows? I do know that I hope you are able to meet your true love once again, because it may lead to forever. Stay strong!

Felicia Navidad!
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was a very thought provoking short story. I liked how you held my interest on a subject that is so very important. I am the generation in between, seeing what was when I was small, and what is present, with my daughter so young. I am afraid for her, yet she is very strong in her opinions and convictions so I am hoping thats a plus! I know what you mean by religious, cultural, and racial oppression. We should all accept eachother without annoyance but with an open minded attitude that everyone can teach us something, no matter who, where, or what they are outside and inside. Very great write. I also hold hope and faith in God. I am not really into any particular religion but I believe in peace, balance, reflecting, praying, believing, and being the best person I can be on any given day. I am far from perfection, but that's what makes my journey so exciting! Thank you for sharing!

Many Blessings,
Felicia Navidad!
Review of Longing for you  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Ouch! That hurt through and through. It was gorgeous and brilliant though, so I must give you that. Unbelievable. Hopefully, one day, you can be at peace. I wish that for you. Don't shut out your heart though, because things are not always what they seem. You never know. That's all. I hope your holidays are wonderful!

F. Navidad!
Review of Empty Words  
Rated: E | (4.5)
I feel badly for you! I believe though, that every " I love you" means something. You will never hear it often and that's for a reason. Maybe that "I love you" is genuine. This was a great poem and I cried, being the sap that I am, lol. However, I know that life can disappoint, but please don't let it blind you. I give you my best of wishes in this situation. Keep on writing, it's intriguing and full of talent!

Felicia Navidad!!
Review of Hard as I try ...  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
wonderful! I have a hint for you. Never be too proud to say that you were wrong. Apologies and forgiveness go hand in hand. It shows that you are willing to fight your pride too! Maybe that apology could save what you long for!

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