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Review of Forget  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I would have sponserd this if it weren't already! This is a really intelligible moral literary work! I only pray that more people think just the way you do! No-ones perfect, including me, it's just about recognizing the imperfection either on the outside or within or even both, that makes us evolved enough to be able to understand these words and actually implement them in their lives! I needed the inspiration, so thank you for that! You are a highly insightful writer! *Smile*

Many Blessings to You And Yours,

Review of Glitter Nothing  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Very thought provoking Phoenix! You are quite the writer! I must say I was very confused by this piece which is good, not all literature can be deciphered when it is so creative and gothicly fantastic! The style and grammar was exceptional, and I enjoyed reading it, although it did have a very sad undertone to it. That was eery, and I don't know why I felt that. However, only you are the brilliant creator of this pice, I can not possibly even begin to understand fictional reading yet, as I am a a better non-fictional writer and reviewer. I did enjoy the pice though, in spite. Maybe you could teach me how to write in this genre better. I am open-minded and always open to new suggestion! Thank you for sharing!
Many Blessings To You, *Smile*

Review of The Absent Dad  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Powerful piece of literature! You must be really missing your father! That never changes throughout life, especially if they were absent in your early and childhood years! *Smile* I respected this poem, it struck a chord in me, and I hope your Daddy comes home to you! Keep writing, please! I will be praying for you to make amends with your Dad!! *Smile*

Blessings Truly,
Review of My search...  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I have to say that ending is strong like steel! I loved the whole poem, and your appreciation for what people present to you in your life! This is a gratiutous masterpiece, the flow was not choppy (mine often is, lol) And there was metaphoric value, and the creativity combined with that ending make me say this poem is a ten in my eyes. Where's that 10 rate??? *Frown* Oh well, I'll give you a five! *Smile*

Blessings and Keep Writing!
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wow, this was superb! The way the words were painted was vivid and put a picture of incredible inspiration and beauty in my mind for this person you speak of! I am sure you hold them very high in your eyes! You did a wonderful job! I do have to say that. Nothing scattered, just words flowing together like a creek that flows to the dam! I loved this! Many Blessings to you! Keep up the inspirational pieces!

Blessings all around you,
Review of I Want.........  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wow! I was really grateful for being able to read this loving literary work! It's funny, I have the same title for one of my poems. *Wink* So, naturally, I was drawn here! I am glad I came to see what you wrote. It is inspiring, powerful, and candy to my eyes! Very well written, and may Blessings always be right around every corner you turn! *Smile*

Very Truly,
Review of Child is Gone  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was so sad, Lee! I empathized with the contents in the poem and it was written beautifully. Why do you feel like this right now? I am getting older myself, and there are days I feel the same, however, i was just wondering, are you having a baby? That was my interpretation, and I could be wrong of course! Back hurting, is a huge part of being very pregnant, so is worry and doubt about oneself! If I am wrong, let me know! I am here to tell you, no matter what the meaning, I appreciated it.

Blessings Truly,
Rated: E | (5.0)
Short and impactful. What is this accident you speak of? You mention over and over, bringing a great deal of attention to it! This was angry, powerful, emotional, yet sad, all the emotions wrapped in one! My favorite! This was mysterious and that I give you credit for as well. The short lines of verse are brilliant! I have gotten this type of feeling in the past. Especially being turned away from someone you love so much. It hurts! *Frown* Keep your faith!

Blessings To You And Yours,
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I loved this poem! Diana, this is really good and highly powerful. My addiction has been co-dependency, in an environment I was scared to change. I related to the poem on so many different levels, that it was like an explosion of fireworks coming off the page! Your words are wise to say blame no-one but yourself, that is the way I feel to an exact. I feel if I would have walked out on this situation and my daughters' father a long time ago, I wouldnt be feeling so awful right now! And neither would she. I finally am standing up for myself no matter what he tries to pull, he is not good for me and I am not good for him! We are like oil and vinegar, we may compliment the other when others see us together in the salad bowl of life, however, in the fridge, we seperate and become a nasty, yucky mix. We agree on nothing! I am the one who loves all, he is the one who doesnt, which is fine, he is allowed to be whomever he wants, but I will not enable him anymore! lol.....as if I could anyway! Ive lost it all. I want to get it all back, and I will. The most positive things in life are love and support and laughter, and bringing smiles by being a constructive person in all areas of life! Especially when you have a child! I want that life back again! I will stop at nothing to get it, and this inspired me even more so to do just that. Your writing is remarkable! *Wink*

Blessings Truly,
Review of Six-Year-Old Fun  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Wonderfully sweet and short! Thank you for sharing!
*Smile* I really liked the ease in reading the lines yet making so much sense at the same time!

Rated: E | (5.0)
I loved the metaphoric value in the poem comparing emotion to nature and its elements. I really enjoyed the pwer in such a short word form. This was nice to read! I want to say that without a doubt, you have the heart of a true writer. I especially loved the reference to snow, as that is something I grew up with, yet now, is so sparse!! I would love nothing more than to be able to again build a snowman, with my child! *Smile* Too bad she is sick, I'd fly to the western plains! Just to build that snowman with her!!

Rated: E | (5.0)
This was head spinning, it was so good! How do you wrap feelings up so quickly?! This was absolutely a cut to the chase poem with such a powerful message, it gave me the chills. My Style for reviewing, because I am certainly not a great writer like this poems Author! WoW! Happy New Year!

Blessings To You And Yours,
Review of Her Hand  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Eery. Very enticing to read. I enjoyed it in spite of the madness inside of it! I wish that you work out these demons before they destroy you, if this is a non-fictional write. If it is fictional, I give you unbelievable kudos for the twisting and turning of emotion with a genius methodicism to it. *Smile* Happy New Year!

Blessings To You And Yours,
Review of If a Rainbow  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I thought this was a perfect write! Very humble and joyous in the simplicity of nature and the lucky miracles that surround us all! Great Job!

Blessings To You And Yours,
Review of The Mask  
Rated: E | (4.0)
This was a mystical and well summed up write, grammatically. The spelling needs work, but I am not alot better at times in my work! This was a treat, yet had a powerfully negative undertone. I only wonder why that was. I suppose, though, that is what the poem is intended for, to give mixed feelings. Only you, the writer, really understand the intention, which makes the reviewing process interesting! You did a good Job here! *Smile*

Blessings Truly,
Review of One Day  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was a slap in the face write for me. You had the emotion churning inside me from beginning to end. Do you know me? lol. Seriously, this was an absolute wonderful write and a masterpiece to me. This has got to be one of the most precious keepsakes to my eyes since being on WDC! It's weird too, because I read this at just the right time and it was the first piece I have reviewed today! Unbelievably fantastic, and a treasure to say the least! Keep this up, you have a way to fascinate and inspire like no other!
I wished I could have rated the poem a ten!

So Many Blessings To You And Yours,
Review of Over and Done  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Can I get a He-- Yeah? *Smile* Wonderful poem, very empowering, it seems you finally realize friends are more importsant than passing men! I commend you for that! I do believe the rhyme was forced, and mine has been too, especially when I am intensely writing and not thinknig of any rhyme or reason, but you nailed a well deserved message here! Men can bring many women apart as a part of their own power trips. I happen to have already seen this type of behavioer and how it causes girls' best friendships to end, because they are so blinded to a mans' witty salesman-like charm! I have seen this behavior for the past ten years! It is so laughable how men think they can have the upper hand over women yet they don't because everyone in the end realizes their friends were more supportive than the man, and much less hurtful. Without intention to hurt either. I have seen all aspects of the dating scene and the drama that people allow into it! Yoy, my friend, just figured out the game! Congratulations! *Wink*
Happy New Year, and many blessings upon your mature viewpoint even though hurt like no other! You are growing! And thriving through seeing reality! That in itself is a well deserved applaud from me.

Review of On my own  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
beautifully sad! I hope this wa not a literal experience, gosh, however figurative experience can be just as painful to us as the real thing. Death! You made me cry, Elizabeth, and my thoughts and prayers go out to you as I am reading this! Forget the past, you are not alone. Look to the future, you will see! I have felt the same way recently. I just let things roll off my back and know and hold faith God will get to where I am meant to be. I wish all the best for you, and a way better New Year! We all deserve to have family like a rock. That has not been my experience, however, I am not the average person with the average family. Are any of us? I really don't think there is such a thing as a "Brady Bunch". lol. I received emotion from this poem that was very real to me as well. I have not lost a parent, however, it's more painful to be denied by a parent, than to witness their death. Don't be the one who dies! I will be there if you need to talk! Thats waht love and unconditional family support is about. Heck, Nobody is perfect, and I commend you for your honesty!
Beautiful poem and keep up your talent. It should never be ignored nor wasted! I know this first hand!
Stay Strong, Great things are to come! Blessings from me and Prayers!

Review of Raining Love  
Rated: E | (5.0)
At the end, I wasn't quite sure what you were talking 'bout. lol. *Smile* It's okay though, becasue this poem was a chiseled piece of knowledge for me, I have no rhyme or reason why, it just caught my attention and still has me thinking of the underlying message. Smooth wit and charisma, I like it, so keep it up, please! I gave away all my GP'S today, but I will get you back tommorrow, if you want...let me know! Blesssings to you and yours!

Review of One Word  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Speechless! Witty, charming, short, and very good teachings within the content or context. This ws beautiful. I wish to write like this more in my future. I know I will get there. It's people like you who inspire me to! Thank you for sharing your feelings about love, for that is all there is when we are lying on our deathbeds. That is the only thing that sustains us when we are born unto this earth. Your message was vividly clear, and I really liked the metaphor of when the moon kissed the sky. How colorful! You have a masterpiece within this poem! Happy New Year, and blessings to you and yours always!

Anna ♥
Review of Dangerous love  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Whoa! Did you ever think about writing songs? I just read this and I had a melodious harmony in my head to follow your poetic verses! You are a powerful writer! I hope you can teach me to convey powerful feelings in a short constructive manner. I have always had a difficult time summing up thoughts or being able to convey my feelings with such precision, that it cannot be muddled. I enjoyed this so much. We all have love like this, and I appreciated the honesty within those primal feelings and emotions! If you ever want to talk, I am here. You piqued my interest, to say the least! *Smile* Happt New Year, and may it be the most glorious one you have experienced yet!

Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Absolutely perfect write. I loved the contents and every word, I loved how you still hold this person so high in your head, even if you feel they wronged you so badly! You have a power in forgiveness! You are a rare breed! This poem reflects that! I felt very badly for the emotions you described, I have felt them too. Just know that everytime you write on a positive note like this, you are freeing yourself from past demons that haunt you and are able to be happy and free within your mind! This poem encaptured my heart! Keep it up! Happy New Year! Blessings to you and yours! *Smile*

All Is Great In 2008!!
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very beautiful! I often try to write a poem about my daughter but I get writer's block because she has brought so much good within me, I don't know where to start! You seem to have a great outlook on childrens innocence and how their parents' love shapes and mold them! I really liked the poem, I was confused by a few lines, however, it is you writing this and not I, so I cannot factually know the situation! It was very positive though and that gave me the warmest feelings!

God Bless You & Yours

Review of Forgive  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
The poem was absolutely awe inspiring and incredibly true on all realms in life. I was amazed at the change you had described within yourself. I commend you and I am proud that there are people like you on this earth! Change is so sudden, it happens in the blink of an eye! It shapes us if we are open to it, and it makes us better people in our hearts which is the key to compassion and survival. Very well written. I won't criticize the spelling errs because my poetry definitely is spell check free and I do not proof read it. What you see is what you get. I am a writer, not a copy editor! lol. I know I need improvement but that is what makes all of us strive for better and overall yearning for better things, starting with people. This was nice to read! Thank you for sharing it! Blessings to you and yours!

Review of Others  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I really love the positive underlying message here! If I may share with you a book that my Mom gave me for Christmas, it is called "The Secret". Our thoughts create our experience, and I believe that humbleness and togetherness are the keys to success, you described that well here. I love the way you leave the poem in a triumphant manner. That is powerful and will attract to you exactly what your message is trying to convey to the Universe. It is the law of Cause and Effect. Think only aout what you want and the world will be yours. Think lovingly, and guard your thoughts carefully, and your writing will materialize the effect you expect t get from it! Very outstanding! I commend you for being so clear in what you want in life and in others!! Happy New Year!blessings will be yours! If there is anyway I can help you, let me know! It's amazing how people can teach eachother so much!
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