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Review of The Tame Ones  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hi, I am Anna. I have come to review your work! *Bigsmile* All of my reviews are honest, and fair, while inspiring and encouraging! Okay, Lets Get Started! *Smile*
My thoughts on this piece:
Very interesting write. Tne ducks in the pond were extremely creative to make this story. I can't seem to think why one would want to scare another or others mfor that matter for no particular reason. This gave me the chills, it was very creepy, I am sure that was intended, however, why does he do nothing but laugh that they are scared?? I wish you said that. Overall, higly creative, like someones playing games just for fun or something. Had a halloween feel to it. I enjoyed this, yet was baffled by it. Good writing skill though! *Smile*

Keep it Up!!
Review of Where We Stand  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, I am Anna. I have come to review your work! *Bigsmile* All of my reviews are honest, and fair, while inspiring and encouraging! Okay, Lets Get Started! *Smile*
My thoughts on this piece:
I am in 200 percent agreement with this poem. It is a highly good teachung, it shows compassion, forgivesness, togetherness, and al of that leads to one emotion only: happiness. How can this philosiphy ever go wrong if used correctly? Great work.
Fav Part?
"People ignore power
but take it all
Why does the world hate
When we can choose to love?"

Keep it up!!
Review of You and I  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Is this for me??? lol. Do I need to ask?? lol even more. This is great. Its touching, its sweet, its caring, its you!! May I put this in my highlighted items??? Please? I loved how you write it in purple..that was really nice. The words tho?? I would never condemn you for feeling the way you feel. You arent condemning me, and I even if you were, I would accept it. I love truth, My truth is, I am in no way condemning your truth. I love your truth. It makes me feel very good, yet it makes me think..Thats what I love the most. Just you being you. *Smile*
Tell me tommorrow if I can highlight this, I am writing the id number down...this way, I dont have to go through the maze in your port!! lol. This was extremely beautiful though. Thank you.
Anna P. Anda
Review of Heart  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, I am Anna. I have come to review your work! *Bigsmile* All of my reviews are honest, and fair, while inspiring and encouraging! Okay, Lets Get Started! *Smile*
My thoughts on this piece:
Wonderful poem of all truth in emotion while in love, yet done so very gently..You are a very soft and subtle writer...I like that.

My Fav Part:
"I long to hear the words I know you cannot say.

Each morning I awake with hope that this will be the day.

I can't stop the feelings...you are my everything.

You make my heart melt...you make my soul sing.

I cannot predict what the future holds.

"Just live each day" is what I'm told."

There are no guarantees, but people like you and I let that in regardless. At least I try a much as I can!!

Keep it up!! *Smile*
Review of City on Fire  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi, I am Anna. I have come to review your work! *Bigsmile* All of my reviews are honest, and fair, while inspiring and encouraging! Okay, Lets Get Started! *Smile*
My thoughts on this piece:
Exceptional love write!! Wow!!
Thsi was hidden compassion at its best!! Great wirk! I love forgiving and undying love, Unconditonal if you will, This is a perfect example of this. Your girlfreind is very lucky to have your compassion and creativity.
Fav Part;
"The deeper I sight inside of her soul
Intertwined, for a moment I'm whole
Inside of her eyes, there's a city on fire
A tapestry of love, extremely thin wire"

What a colorful way to show care and tenderness!'
Keep it up!! *Smile*
Review of Forever  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, I am Anna. I have come to review your work! *Bigsmile* All of my reviews are honest, and fair, while inspiring and encouraging! Okay, Lets Get Started! *Smile*
My thoughts on this piece:
Vey good! Very well summed up, short, impactful, and delivers a beautiful messages for all lost souls! I loved the ethereal feel. Very nice!
Fav Part?
"built upon this beautiful cornerstone
where the sky opens to free lost souls
hunger for a feeling lost so innocently
broken spirits cascading in the current"

Very mystical, loving, and all around a great write!
Keep this up!! *Smile*
Review of Spice of life  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, I am Anna. I have come to review your work! *Bigsmile* All of my reviews are honest, and fair, while inspiring and encouraging! Okay, Lets Get Started! *Smile*
My thoughts on this piece:
Awesome teaching value in this poem! I really respect the opinion in a softened fashion. It is thought provoking and really understandable and the reviewer gets food for thought out of it! Very Creative! The format was great too.

My Fav Part?
"And if you lose it all,
If it all goes wrong,
All will be forgiven,
Because when its over,
Everyone knows,
That life is just for living."

Keep it up!! Very inspiring and still in my thoughts. That is profound! Thank you for sharing! *Smile*
Review of Focus  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Hi, I am Anna. I have come to review your work! *Bigsmile* All of my reviews are honest, and fair, while inspiring and encouraging! Okay, Lets Get Started! *Smile*
My thoughts on this piece:

"Chilling, very good in the horror genre and the macabre i general, thus was actually very interesting to read. I hope that you find the love once again in your heart, as nobody should feel so angered by love or sad for that matter. It shouldn't be that way. *Frown*
Fav Part:
"blank stares into nothing
matters enough to give me pause to
focus on my flaws and my own perpetrated
disregard to the laws of love
cant exist anymore"

Keep It up!! *Smile*
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi, I am Anna, I am here to review your work! I am highly inspiring and encouraging and my reviews are fair & honest!
Okay, so Let's Begin! *Bigsmile*
My Thoughts on this piece:
This was a really entertaining and well thought out piece, all of the characters, Daniella, Krei,Christine, Nicole, Eric, they were all very wonderfully depicted and the cynicism wasnt over the top, however just critically tactful. Nicole does sound like a mean girl! lol. I must say that. This really was a treat to read, and the format was impeccable.
My Fave Part:
"But the real great mystery was: Why are they in bankrupt? Eric refused to talk about it. He hadn’t told anyone, not even Nicole. He feared of being rejected by her, not that he loved her though. It was all for the sake of his family. Nicole Tudela was his ticket back to Lima’s High Class. Just having a Tudela as a wife would automatically make his family The Nollaghers again.

“Ugh Keri, shut up. Carla is way too fat.”. Eric was suddenly awakened by Nicole’s loud voice.

“Oh my god. Are you kidding me? Carla is not fat!” Madison exclaimed. Nicole gave her a killer look.

“She’s not that skinny anyway.” Nicole answered sharply. “I’m way skinnier than her.” She smiled.

Eric sometimes couldn’t understand why Madison and Keri were best friends with Nicole. They were both rich and had good last names. Why did they have to stand such an egocentric person?

And he always came to the same conclusion: Popularity."

Really drove in the horrible character in the story. Alot of people always make fun of me, saying Im too thin, and I cant help it, I would love to look like an hourglass but I cant. Sadly. So, it pains me when someone else that is "skinny" to even amke such an awful remark about someone with more shape. I'll take some poinds from Carla! lol.

Great job, Keep it Up!! *Smile*
Review of Opening Doors  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, I am Anna, I am here to review your work! I am highly inspiring and encouraging and my reviews are fair & honest!
Okay, so Let's Begin! *Bigsmile*
My Thoughts on this piece:

Great teaching you have through your writing!! I am amazed that others see the same thing I do! Actullay, its not amazing, it's real and very nice to see. I liked how you formed the opinions of others, whether or not they are true! Most people arent true. You will find this sad, as I have, but, Oh well, life goes on and on and on.....The best thing is that you realize the heart is bigger than the success, the heart is huger than the face masking it, the heart is more immense than the mockery thats fantasy. I have a great quote for this, ohhh and I usually dont share these..however this poem inspired me to!! And I quote:
"I can be changed by what happens to me. But, I refuse to be reduced by it."-Maya Angelou.

My fav part?
"I wonder why he tries so hard to be a good child,
When everyone assumes he is childish and wild.
Sure he needs to grow up a little bit more,
But Society is the one who needs to open the door..."

Wonderful ending to an inspirational piece that should teach all the value of a soul.

Keep it up!! *Smile*
Review of Peeping Tom?  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi, I am Anna, I am here to review your work! I am highly inspiring and encouraging and my reviews are fair & honest!
Okay, so Let's Begin! *Bigsmile*
My Thoughts on this piece:
Very creative in such small words! I loved that! I have a personal problem summing things up to be the most pewerful, so I give you lotsa credit! *Smile*
This gave me a creepy feeling, but not really! lol.
I am sure I could make YOU pull that comforter up over your face even more, with my experience. Yet, its for me, and I will not tell. lol. I enjoyed this, and I dont think you need to be afraid. I think you should have ran after the SOB!! *Smile* Thats me, personally. I have done it before, it works well! Who cares if you get shot, at least you werent avoiding the obvious. *Smile* Great fictional write!

Fav Part:
" He stood at the edge of the yard, longingly gazing up at the house. Was he looking at me? I shuddered as I pulled the downy comforter up to my chin. Stupid snowman. "

Imagination is the best! I loved that Snowman part!

Keep it up!! *Delight*
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, I am Anna, I am here to review your work! I am highly inspiring and encouraging and my reviews are fair & honest!
Okay, so Let's Begin! *Bigsmile*
My Thoughts on this piece:

Very virtual! I understood the underlying message though. I think or ope this a great fictional piece. It actually has some reality to it, if the mind can tink past the "sheltered sugar coated" reality and see that things are not rosey all of the time, especially when somebody is the target of unknown hate. You really made the story easy to read. And I dont understand why you only got a two star rating. I will have to raise that up, being In The Angel Army.
*Smile* I thought this was innocent and then truthfully macabre at the end. Isnt the truth always macabre when its inside ourselves? Maybe I am just too hard on myself, however, I believe everyone knows the truth of wrong-doing and game playing. Allow them peace when and if they ever realize their actions are scorned from up above.

Anyhow! On a lighter note!
Favorite part:
"And just then, an even more devastating thought strikes me: “What if I am the evil genius who created and is operating this game? What if it is I who inflicted all this misery, pain, suffering onto myself and the whole world? But why would I do that? Why would I torment myself so?”"

Great truth...especially when talking gaming or any production of Media entertainment.

Keep it up!!
Rated: E | (5.0)
Still have to enter, I will though!! *Bigsmile*

Here are some gp's for your contest From The Angel Army!! Enjoy! I know Im not winning, lol, so heres some for others more pc literate than me! Hooked on I.T. werkd fur mee! lol. *Smile* I hope this helps a little!!

Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, I am Anna, I am here to review your work! I am highly inspiring and encouraging and my reviews are fair & honest!
Okay, so Let's Begin! *Bigsmile*
My Thoughts on this piece:

Very cute write bout the mis-haps of Cookie mixing. I loved the simplicity, the enjoyment, the funny ways to tell the wonders of The Holidays!!

Keep it up!
Review of By My Side  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, I am Anna, I am here to review your work! I am highly inspiring and encouraging and my reviews are fair & honest!
Okay, so Let's Begin! *Bigsmile*
My Thoughts on this piece:

Great tribute to our Lord!! I loved ow you weren't sure of his presence, yet you still knew he was there with you! Magnificent! Unconditional love and gratitude goes into this poem. I see a grammar mistake, yet am not one to talk about Grammar and spelling. I get my share of "this is grammatically wrong" lol. I wont hold that against you at all!

Fav part:
"So here you are,
Carrying me in the sand,
Only one set of footprints,
Means your here, holding my hand!"

Keep that faith! It will always carry you through anything! I'm a living example. *Smile*

Keep it up!
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi, I am Anna, I am here to review your work! I am highly inspiring and encouraging and my reviews are fair & honest!
Okay, so Let's Begin! *Bigsmile*
My Thoughts on this piece:
I enjoyed how you tied the undercovers beneath the snow as a way to feel good about new change, happiness and new memories to be stored and nurtured. This was a great write! It was food for thought! I like the nature in it, using the snow and murky compost underneath to convey the feelings! Nice.
Fav Part?:
"I cry while the snow melts
To nurture the grass, trees, and offspring
To help them grow and mature
So that better memories will occur"
Very Heartfelt and positive!

Keep it up! *Smile*
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi, I am Anna! I am here to review your poem!!*Bigsmile* All of my reviewing is meant to encourage, insipire, also being fair & honest!

So, let's begin! My thoughts:

This was an unbelievable surreal write. It had nothing but love, inspiration, good intention and your inner truth behind the words! I enjoyed the way it was easy to read, yet, I saw a little repetiiveness in the work "Turn to me, I turn to you"
I have been told(I have this repetitiveness inmy works too, that it takes away from the strength in the message. I really took that advice and I changed how I wrote, and got better reviews! *Smile* Helpful advice, I must pass on. Otherwise, I loved this!
Fav Part:
"Gone away, like a breeze
Far away, and through the trees
Stirring slightly, with passing time
Winters silence, stay a while"

Glad you like Winter. More of a spring-early summer person, myself! *Smile*

Keep it up!!
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi, I am Anna! I am here to review your poem!!*Bigsmile* Al of my reviewing is meant to encourage, insipire, also being fair & honest!

So, let's begin! My thoughts:

This was an absolute brilliant creation, It used animals and people alike to describe the feelings within! I appreciated that thinking outside the box! I love the underlying tone of having all innocent hearts reunited. This was really a great simple piece!
My Fav Part?
"The bears, they love us,
and the crows do, too,
and I'd never say they've made
a mistake.
None that compare to ours."
A great message for humanity!

Keep it up!
Rated: E | (5.0)

Awesome way to teach! I like the education and the benefits from it! Keep it up! *Smile*

Rated: E | (5.0)

I really loved your images! You must be very proud, I am proud of this! *Smile* I thank you for emailing me and thanking me for the gp's hun, Anything that I am abe to do to make this site a better place, I will try my hardest to make that happen. You have some really great sigs. "Precious Moments" 'We Are Family At WDC!'
was super cute. Thank you for sharing! *Smile* I'm glad to be apart of The Angel Army.

Blessings To You And Yours,
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

My name is Anna. I love the idea of this group, and always have! I think what you do is so inspiring, helpful, and all around great-natured to all! I belive I could be a good candidate for this group! I would likke to inspire more, and encourage more, and become apart of an Angelic community. The hugest reason I came here was becasue of phairo(Wes Hall). He reffered me and invited me to be apart of this group, and he is truly a wonderful Angel. I trust him and his judgement, I respect his generosity, and I like how he always encourages others and me, and always goes a step above and beyond to show his dedication. He is like a mentor to me, so I would love to join this group and he said Id love everyone here, which I am sure I will! Youre all Angels, and I'd be flattered to be apart of the giving and allowing others to feel the love and support they need and deserve as WDC members! Thank you so much for taking my application into consideration. I hold great respect for you all, and I would love to get to know you all better, and help this group to help others in anyway I can. Keep up the great work, and I look forward to speaking to you soon! Thanks so much again! *Smile*
Blessings Eternally To ALL,
(Violet the Nun)
Review of TRUST IS A MUST  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Beautiful teachig through words! I loved the down to earth message, we should all listen to the words within this, and really reflect. That is what I do, try to reflect and learn from educational poems. Yes, without trust in others, especially in yourself, it is very difficult to be all trusting. I know this all too well. I wish that people would read this and really see your message and try to grow from it! I will! Wonderful job!
Fav Part:
"The trauma of my younger years have shadowed me all my life,
and have come to haunt me now.
But, now that I know that I am a survivor, I will become healthy,
this I vow!"
Very brave of you to write that. I also had a highly dysfunctional childhood, howevewr, I woulodnt change that because it made me stronger! Keep this up! Its very inspiring.
Review of True Love  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Loved the poem! Loved the way you described these feelings. I am the postergirl for feeling this, yet I will never dwell on it. I guess I have been jaded or maybe think differently, it seems the people in the past that said they loved me, dropped me and broke me. Not all of them of course, thats how I know what is and isnt true love. True love is unconditional, and that is not being "In Love". That is loving no matter what, not lusting no matter what and then you take the lust away, because you thought you were truly loved or did love, yet you only fooled yourself. Lust is nice, but Unconditional love is te TRUE love that never ceases nor does it die, it is this love, purely, that keeps us alive.
Well written however, the end contradicts itself.

you wrote:"It is endless, forgiving--a new challange each day
But LOVE is not TRUE LOVE til its GIVEN AWAY!!"

How do you give True love away, like trash, if it;s true?? Thats some food for thought. I dont give true love away ever, I give to its bond, however, If its true, I would never give it away, like a hand me down. lol. Maybe I misunderstood this...I hope. *Smile*

My Fav Part:
"And what if the other has no love to give you?
This happens to some when their love is not true.
It is easy to love when the other is kind
So consider all this if TRUE love you will find."

The first line in this verse, I have a question to? How does one give love away? What is your opinion of "Giving" love away. I cannot give materialistically in love at the moment, that doesnt mean I cannot love though TRULY! I would be interested in what you think is REALLY giving TRUE love away?? How exactly does one do that? Especially if its intangible and an emotion? How do you GIVE something intangible to someone so they know its true? If they cant give materialistically or physically? Does this make it not "True" love then?


Rated: E | (5.0)
Magnificent!! I really loved the way you put "love" into perspective, for me, it's unconditional, and I always give and care to show that. Mostly, to my best ability. I dont understand the people that say I love you, in vain, either. They must not mean it, yet, maybe its an illusion that they feel, rather than the tru feeling of "Unconditional" love, the love from angels, the love from God! I love everyone in this way, and I will say it! I wish the people who dont love unconditionally would keep their lips sealed because it is confusing and only hurts two parties, us and our beloved. Just as you wonderfully explained with precision!
Fav Part:
"You can’t physically touch love, but you can touch a loved one. You can touch it mentally, you can it spiritually. Love is something that you have unconditional and very special feeling for. When you love you care, when you love you share"

Well done!!
Blessing to you and yours!
Review of Love fuelled hate  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
There was so much hate and dillusionment in these words that I am actually praying for you. I dont usually do that when I review, of course, but I think you need the extra help and maybe it will help. I thought this was absolutely insane, the way you describe killing this person with a pen, and the blood rushing everywhere! My! You are angrrrryy! lol.
I hope that this is fictional or, if not, you are able to resolve this inside, because I am not sure if the other makes you feel this way, or YOU are making yourself feel this way. I am not disrepecting you, only telling you my honest review if this write. It was extremely Morbid, and I can feel the pain in it, I am so sorry you feel this way! I was astouded by your creativity however, so that balances the negativity out. I thought the explanation was extremely intelligible within the contents, yet the contents were so abrasive, this makes me worry. Only if this is true! I really hope you can allow forgiveness and positivity in your heart, you deserve that as we all do!! Blessings to you!
My Fav Part:
"You think you know me, but you never read my words, so how can you know what little restraints are stopping me from tearing your life away. I’m blinded by the notion that I can be saved by not giving in to this demon gripping my heart; the only emotion I know is really real. "

Gripping, yet it could be softened to receive better response and rating. I hope that your heart softens as well, as I am only here to help you both in writing and in conveying feelings.

Praying For You,
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