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Review of Let Us Celebrate  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Unbelievabe write, SW!

Whata wonderful, loving and inspiring piece that holds so much truth, emotion, and guidance to fix a marraige before it is too late. Very nicely written, almost made me gry, you obviously have alot of heart in this topic, and you are right to. I loved how you put your family first, so that you don't continue the domino effect of broken homes within your generation and the one underneath of you! Very good flow, and just great! *Smile*

Fav Part:
"I would like to make a wish for both of us
To have an acceptance of our differences
An end to our guilty consciences
No more falling in the trenches left by footfalls
Of those who tripped before us

Let us celebrate an end
To being angry, blind, and resentful
Careless, oblivious, and aloof
Without the knowledge of pain it brings
Without the willingness to end it "

Very impactful! Very strong, and important!
Great job! I give it a 5 again.

Review of Chiseling Teacups  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Brilliant poem on someone being sensitive, and the metaphoric value of the chisel to the teacup was genius in this piece. Very mixed feelings in this one, almost as though you were trying to make this person feel better, but, to no avail, so you just ended up being harsh with them instead to sink their ego. That is what I got out of this poem. It was very short again, but packed a punch. Very well done!

Fav Part:
"My intentions, to you
Hammers waiting
To chisel at your teacup

When all I ever wanted
Was to offer you a cube of sugar
To sweeten my words"

Awesome job! Keep it up! *Smile*
Rated: E | (5.0)

Saddening but an impactful reality of family issues and children suffering because of it. I was amazed eith the two different versions, and that was quite creative. Thois is educational, makes the reader think twiceabout family, and overall has a very good lesson that is highly impactful! Great job!

Fav Part:

You are my world, you said
As you built a glass case around me
To display your possessions, but my world
Cannot survive without oxygen."

Very short and strong about a woman with no freedom.
Awessome job! I give this a 5! Keep it up! *Smile*
Review of Metronome  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Beautiful poem on your heart and all the emotions and actions it makes. Love, caring for your family, your offspring, excitement, elation, sadness, confusion,
it is all here, packed into one poem. Very nice ryhme style, and the flow was continiuos and consistent. Wonderfully written!

Fav Part:
"But Metronomes don't measure
Moments with family
The sound of my sons
Giggling out loud
A wink at the dinner table
Over a funny joke
The love we have for each other

And Metronomes can't measure
The impact of a difficult year
Of loss and gratitude
Of dreams of parenthood
Of learning how to march
To the sound of our own beats
Together as one"

so loving and warming. I loved this poem!
Keep it up!! This gets a 5!! *Smile*
Review of Help Us Help YOU!  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
What a great way for us to grow as a site. I never knew that these things could help our beloved WDC. I will start implementing them immediately. Thank you so much for the advice. I love WDC and will refer all of my writing literate friends to join and share in the enjoyment. You have my highest appreciation, for making this site possible.

Blessings to you and yours.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a beautiful love poem, and it's words are very valuable. Their is so much emotion put into this, it's beautiful! Your word, very warm, and wrapped up like a beating heart in a comfy blanket. Unbelievable vocabulary there, and now I should break out my Dictionary..lol. This was unbelievable! Every word shone it's own light of tender heartache. Very well written with a wonderful flow!

Fav Part:
"I came every month of every year
on your joyous calendar
'til I was December
to your every April,
washing rain against my soul
and not believing in May;
not seeing
the temperature of us
for the beauty of the moment
but rather
the account saved for later
or the benefits forever. "

Just dropping in to say "Hi!" *Smile* and that this is a wonderful write! Keep it up, you are so good at love poems!
Rated: E | (5.0)

I do think I am a kindergaartener now, lol, I just reviewee yourwonderful Garden irony poem, and I put in a comment about the lessons intead! You are so rith, the people who have intellectual smarts, do not neccesarily have much common sense..lol. Good Example? Me, just making that ironic goof...lmao.
I love this idea, and I loved your example poem for lesson one! I will create in in my port and then, I guess just add it to the thread?? lol. I am sure my hee-haw sel will do okay. Thank you for making this fun! Blessings to you! Miss ya!
Review of Irony of Gardens  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Perfect Brandy!!

I am going to try this.. Do want ths in lol.
I just tried, and yep, I may look like a reject, but who cares, I tried, right? I love this idea, it's great SW!! I had fun with this, and hope that ironic poem isn't too "Iron"ic! *Bigsmile* Grat wrok explaining this and I am only on lesson one!! lol.
Keep up the fun lessons..I do feel like a kindergaartener now. *Wink* I might have lost the point, but the point is to have fun, which is what I love about your classes! God Bless!
Rated: E | (5.0)
Thank you so much Gypsy!! Thiis poem was really good!! I loved it! I have it in my port, just because it means that much to me!! Thank you form me and my little Bear!! *Smile* Keep writing those Childrens stories! You are so good at it! Much *Heart* to you!!

Fav Part:
"Mama couldn't bear to see her little bear crying, looking scared and so forlorn.
So instead, she brought her to the river on that lovely sunny morn.
"Now you wait here in the water, I'll be back in just a little while."
Mama's always know what's best, and it almost made her baby smile.

Then Mama bear went to get some honey from the bees who were her friends.
They knew Mama bear was careful and the hive they would not have to mend.
She had brought a little pail that someone had left lying in the sand.
Now she filled it up with honey, and went down to the river again.

Now, cold river water made the gum less sticky, and honey surely did the trick.
For rubbing honey on furry hair, now made all the bubble gum unstick." *Smile*

Love your,Violetti!
Review of BUTTERFLY.  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Unbelievable write!! I was astonished at the fact that you wrote about this butterfly, as a symbol of your Nana's presence as she must have passed. My condolences, I know this feeling all to well, and try to keep my daughters grandomother in her heart always! Funny enough, she passed when I was pregnat with my daughter, made it all the more hard, however, I know see Butterflies everywhere, and I never did before. Someho, this poem illustrates that butterfly is her soul...watching over you. You did this beautifully, it was deep, and the ending, so sad, yet so impactfiul. Another tribute poem, my favorite as I have been reviewing the "Treasure Trunk" that these poems show a huge deal about someone's heart and how wonderful they are. Your Nana would be proud of this vivid, colorful, and inspirational write!

Fav Part:
"Six hand spans wide and she's made of wood,
She will pass to my daughter as I know she should.

My only daughter will be honoured to show
This treasure passed down from a time long ago.
May the spirit of our butterfly last forever, I pray,
For some time in the future, my grand daughter will say,

Six hand spans wide and she's made of wood,
She'd tell wondrous stories, if only she could."

Beautiful, my friend!!
Seems we have this in common..
Review of freight train  
Rated: E | (4.5)

Very Mysterious, witty, I like the Train Idea!! *Wink* ...I was reding the piece and felt mixxed messages, and these sometimes can really make the reader think and just try and ponder what it could poosibly mean to the Author, and that I like! Vey creative, certainly no cookie cutter write! I liked this very much. Eccentric yet strong!! *Smile* Greatjob here!!

Fav Part:
"and skittishseconds passed
(over tunnels and through bridges)
crawling flying maybe breathing
(under the ground and above the sky)
comfortably straddling rickety rails
nails embracing boards
as you sleep, serenaded
lulled by mechanical motion"

Keep it up!
Review of The Whittler  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Unvelievable!! Deep! Very deep, my favorite potic style, the deeper, ans the more educational, the better! You encouraged people to accept themselves in this poem, to forgive ourselves, as we also forgive others, and to be ourselves, but love each other in spite of petty stuff difference! I loved this message....Genius imagery, and I was in shock here at how the wit kept me hooked to the screen, eyes fixated. The message is clear, strong and metaphoric as well. You are a poet master my friend!!

Fav Part:
"We live life thinking God, the supreme whittler, and others are forming us,
to their image of what we ought to be.

What if we take that clay or wood that is us, and take a seat
at the whittler's chair, or the potter's wheel,
and claim the life God gave us here?
If we learn to take ownership of the "me",

perhaps, we could finally become the whittlers
of our own destiny."

Amen to that! *Smile* I loved this. You never cease to amaze me with your works!
Review of Marriage Is...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Julie!

I thought this poem was delightful, as it expresses every worthy part of a marraige and a union under Oath. *Smile* This makes me really excited about the day I finally marry. Youre words are very expressive, keep the reader glued, and the sentiment is "golden!"
*Smile* You are an unbelievable poet. The flow was great as well! I give this a five! What a treasure. I am sure that your friend is really lucky to have this!

Fav Part:
"A promise to God
Before family and friends
Of a love everlasting
And true til the end.
A vow that is made
To have and to hold
It is sealed with a kiss
And a circle of gold."

Wonderful! Keep it up!

Love and Blessings to you and yours,
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Fellow Pioneer!

I would first of all, like to say this poem is beautiful and anyone would love to have this written for them. You are quite a love poet! Your wok was gentle, inspiring, and hopeful. I do hope your love returns to you. *Smile*

Fav Part:
"But a friend I have been, and shall remain,
‘Tis better than nothing at all,
Providing her shelter during the rain,
Arms open to catch her when she falls.

Perhaps one day we will be together,
I hope the time comes, and lasts forever."

I could not have said this better, as if we truly love someone, we will offer friendship and the best woshes to them..And also hop, that oneday, they do return to us...This, I can very much relate to. I, too, have the same feelings about lost love. This is absolutely breathtaking!! Welcome to our Wagons heading West! We are glad to have you with us! *Smile*

Blessings to you!!
Your Wagon-Master on "Ye Trustworthy Pioneers"
Rated: E | (5.0)
lmao!! You are too much!! You are funny, and it is summed up in a simple way, then the ending always packs that punch to it...I think it was brilliant that you made it green, like the treasures he was digging for....Yucky. His smell?? That was the kicker of it!

Great job!!
Violet *Smile*

Rated: E | (5.0)
lol...this is a funny one!! Very witty, as I have two cats and the girl cat is a biter!! lol. What did I do to her?? She's vicious and she looks like a bat, if you ,look at her face. I can relate to this poem, because of that cat I have. lol.

Fav Part:
"Then, again, she stared at my chin
And this time I actually cried.
I ran to the bathroom and shut the door.
It was the only place I could hide.

I looked in the mirror at the marks on my chin
And gave my forehead a smack.
Part of my supper was hanging there,
And she must have wanted a snack"

The ending, of course!! That was the best! *Smile*

You have some talent there, especially the flow in rhyme!

Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
If that was not a bait and switch, I do not know what is. Brilliant you had me to the point of tears, reveling in my own childhood. However since I know science as an adult, when I read the end, I was laughing so hard at the wit because I was already thinking it before I read it. Very, very funny. I rate this a 5.

Fav Part: "I arrived home thirsty from the salt air. I opened the cupboard and took out a water glass. Without reason or intent, I lifted the glass to my ear . There in the $1.69 Costco water glass I again heard the ocean. The magic was gone. I filled my glass with water and sat down for a cigarette. I had, at least, found a new ashtray."

Keep it up!
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I enjoyed this story, it caught my eye as my daughter loves "Thomas The Train". I always enjoy reading your work as it captivates me. The story line was clear and easy to follow. Also the flow was smooth right up to the climax. I wish you the best of luck in the contest.

Fav Part: "Miss Lily became agitated when she spotted the flames eating, inch by inch, through the bottom of Ilene’s gown. Mr. Pettigrew looked over and was the second to spot the fire. He pulled an ornate brandy flask from his pocket and leaned to pour some of the contents on the flames. Thankfully, the flask contained water instead of brandy, and the flames died out within seconds."

Keep it up!
Rated: E | (5.0)

I just wanted to drop into your port and I saw this, I absolutely love it! No grammar errors..Great creative abiltity in your Name in bold...and it shows all you stand for! I was amazed at the heart put behind this piece. A great one, of course!!

Fav Part?
" She mends a broken wing with her gentleness,
Healing and restoring what was there all along.
Ever the encourager, she lifts the weary heart.
Reaching out to others, she is eternally kind."

Absolutely humbling, trusting, and breathtaking!

Keep Writing!! It's a treat to see someone so true!!

Love & hugs!!

Rated: E | (4.5)

I hope that you still remember me, as I have not forgotten you. How can I even put this? You are the reason that I am still on this site and I still thank you so much. I wanted to tell you what progress I have made in being a kind trusting and loving individual on this site. I have started my own group with GypsyRose, and we have come a long way in a short period of time to get this new group back on track. I guess what I am saying is that I would love for you to be a member of this group. We would love for you to come and travel with us in the olden days. We are "Ye Trustworthy Pioneers." I know that you have many other obligations on this site, however, you are not required to do anything for our group, it just would be wonderful to have your presence around occasioanlly, as we are God loving, and happy, inspiring people. We are devoted to doing the best deeds. As I can see your other favorite groups do. I would love for you to send me a "Yes" reply back to being in my group. It would mean the world to me, as you are a mediator, and not a drama maker. I love that, and I love the smiles that you bring forth. What can I say, I need you, angel! here is the link to the group page: this has been done in less than two days.

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1409419 by Not Available.

I would love for you to jump aboard the Wagons West!
I know, I am from Jersey, but the whole country is very exciting! I know you are form Penny. Very close to where I was from.. *Smile*

God Bless and love to You!

Very Truly From My Heart,
Violet (Anna)
Review of Late  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Chuck a luck,

Very strange poem, yet highly attention grabbing!! It's so short, very hard to decipher. Hpoowever, the content said alot. It's alot like life and what life means to be negligent with things we are responsible for.

Fav Part:
"When people don't do there job
it creates a angry mob"

Spomehow, that takes me back to my family and my loved ones.. Don't ask!! *Smile* lol. Great write my friend. Hope your head stays intact...we do have a guillotine on board, however, we don't use it until we need food...thats gonna be a problem now. Ayeeee!!!

Me and Gyp will cook for dees dhip...no rat poison I assure, I want everyone yo be happy and pure!

New menu items to come soon!!

Review of The Rule of Three  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
This was a verey interesting write. I do not know the ailment that you are speaking of here. It almost reminded me of the girl who was sttuck to the toilet for two years and couldnt get up and her boyfriend fed her and she refused to to get up and leave and then after awhile, she was unable to move at all. Fireman had to cut her away from the toilet seat. (This is an honest to God story) I was amused by the Cat in the dream, and this definitely was a mysterious write that leaves the reader wondering.

Fav Part:
"By the morning of the second day, my thirst was growing. “Come on, girl,” I whispered, “you can pull yourself up somehow.” Jenna had gotten over her feline snit by now and was sitting silently in the doorway between my bedroom and the kitchen. At least she had plenty of food and water, and I was even willing to drink from her water bowl, if only I could figure out how to reach it. The image of an ice cold bottle of Canada Dry Ginger Ale in my refrigerator also tormented me throughout the day. "

Funny, unique, and quirky!

Keep it up! *Smile*
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
These srories are addictive! I must say that again, I came upon a write about Erin and this time with Ean. Her converstation in the beginning was delightful, and sarcastic, very vivid. Again, the story was that of a great mytery science fiction, or horror novelist. I am not great at reading long stories but these keep me encaptured. I enjoyed the humor combined with the graphic parts where I closed my eyes..lol. I think that you are great at writing in this macabre yet exciting genre. My eyes were glued to this!

Fav Part:
"Settling back in his chair, Ean contented himself with watching mother and son. It had been an enlightening day in many ways, a day of firsts. Never had he had to force a woman to spend money. Never had he met a woman who would rather shop for another than for herself, or was so appreciative of even the smallest token. A smile curved his lips. And NEVER had he spent the day in public with a rambunctious five year old. He would need get used to non stop questions, piggy back rides, and sticky fingers—same as Erin would become accustomed to two-hundred dollar jeans rather than wardrobes. He shook his head. Her thrifty ways, undoubtedly brought on by a life of poverty, had necessitated he forbid her from looking at price tags during their day long shopping whirlwind when she had felt compelled to tell him she could easily get a dozen thongs for the price he was paying for one. A touch to his knee jerked him from his thoughts, and he looked down at Erin questioningly. "

That paragraph reminded me of myself! lol. Thrifty..very.

Keep it up!
Review of I thought...  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Incredible, not nasty, not resentful, just a pouring of sadness and future hope! This was delightful to read...I loved the softened words and the teachings within them. You write somewhat like me..lol. I did think this was a sentimental memoir to display..You did it well, through all your pain, please know happy days will be back again!

Fav Part:
"I've always loved you forever much.
I've always dreamt true love as such.
With me and you, it's really true.
True love we'll find, all's done and through

But then I know it cannot be.
It'll never be for you and me.
I must accept it, I really must.
All my feelings, I hide not thrust."

We all feel like this at times, then the love comes back, when least expected, and is stronger than ever!

Keep it up! *Smile* Do not be sad!!
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Great poem, me friend!!

I am violet, I introduced meeself to ya before! One of di judges for di contest! I loved di farming poem, the simplicity of life outseide a city, can I come live with you?? lol. I am serious, your poem was immaculate and very humble to the eye. It was differetn form the others. Very sentimental to say the l;east about your life. Entwined with your quote picked, it fell in line like a settling lirerary work of wonder! You have so much talent! I really wish you the best ogf luck in the contest. I have four favorites now. Yours being one of two at my top list.

Fav Part:
"I live in country widespread, every hundred miles a homestead,
Seems a long way from one's neighbour, but it's just a cooee call.
Friends will run, and on the double, if there's any sign of trouble
And a helping hand is offered to a mate by one and all.

The Cow Cockie, he will battle, as he tries to raise his cattle
Through the hardships of the drought with wife and fam'ly by his side.
Our harsh country will not beat him and the weather won't defeat him
For he has one shining attribute - that Great Australian Pride.

Some big city folk would crumble if they lived in homes so humble
No modern trims and fancy things where the land can be so rough.
Though he battles drought and flood, the land is ever in his blood,
And he loves this wide vast country that has made him strong and tough."

Very difficult to pick a favorite part.however the soft tenderness of reality in this part had my eyes glued thereafter! Wonderful Job Meg!!

Violet, Di Entertainer and Di Jugglin Nun!!
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