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Rated: E | (5.0)
Simple, gratititoius, meaningful, and a tribute to the Best Man, Our Lord, Our King. I loved the way you gave thanks and appreciated what God has placed in your life! This was really soothing, peaceful, and really what i needed to see today! Thank you so much for sharing! You are a great person to have written this! Keep that up! *Smile*

Fav Part?
When I look at the stars
I am always left speechless
I see your wonders from afar
When I'm with you all is bliss"

This is very true!! He is afar, yet always there ready to talk or recieve communcation! Especially gratefulness!
Blessings Eternally,
Review of Hearts  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was a wonderful write! You are wise to have taught your views on the different types of people and creatively tied in the traits of those! The imporatant message that you relayed is it does not matter whom we are, we all are very diiferent, yet can be so wonderful and emrace those differences!
Great job at conveying this!
My Fav Part:
"the pristine, those who
live as the wind,
the most palpable,
the most intangible,
these are those who have yet
to reach potential,
and those who so few reach this
are the greatest of all."

Very educational and very light hearted!

Blessings to you & yours,
Review of FRIEND  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Almost perfection! Yes, I know all too well about the words you wrote, and they are highly wise! I loved the way you reffered to friends as snakes, or maybe not. We have all had friends that are less than true, and I have learned that real friends you dont chase, they are there always, through it all, with no deceipt in mind, nor trying to bwl over another loving soul, out of selfishness or jealousy. I think everyone has been a snake to their friends at some pint, remember, we cant be perfect! The important thing is to realize we hurt someone and to heal the hurt, rather than run from it! Truth and loyalty are the key factors in any relationship! However, we can learn from the fakest and most destructive people, how not to act, and how to trust even in the midst of all these snakes. I am trusting again, not holding grudges, I hope this poem teaches others to do the same! Fine Job!
Fav Part:
"While one had it nice
the other died twice,
a life of regret
and death to behold."

Blessings Eternally,
Review of To Please Me  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was absolutely breathtaking! You have a worthy write here just talking about our King, our Master, God! You beautifully painted words in nature, and give a gracious thank you to God for placing them before us all! You are a really good soul to have written this piece! I was extremely delighted! I respect your Religion to the upmost, however, I really believe that Jesus was a prohet, not Gods' Son.
That is my belief, and we are all entitled to the differences in them! I thank you for sharing this, the importance is that you wrote a poem about God, and now, you have inspired me to do the same. I feel I definitley should take the time out and thank the one who makes the world go round and created every living thing within it!

My fav Part:
"To please me God gave treasure,
wealth untold,
(Far, far more than just mere gold!)
He gave the Earth
The Skies,
The Seas.
And all because He wants to please!"

Great Job!! Keep up these inspirational ieces that teach, they are my favorite!

Blessings Eternally,
Rated: E | (5.0)
Romantically delightful!! What a love writer you are!
I was enthralled by the words, leaving almost breathless! Serious, I dont lie, thats one thing about my reviews and how I really am. I say what I mean. So, I will say, honestly, this was a gem. A masterpiece for love and for your beloved. I am so happy you found this love, as we all deserve to feel this way, and you made it so inviting!

Fav part:
"Nor for your beauty.
To say your eyes are more blue that the sky,
deeper than the oceans,
brighter that the stars at midnght, could not do you justice."

Keep it up! Your heart speaks in such loving and consistent beats here.
Blessing to you and yours!
Review of To hide a tear  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good Flow in this poem, yet its confusing and I wasnt sure what the underlyung message was getting at. Some lines seemed to just be a jumble of words, and I thought this took away form the strength of your message, however, I give you alot of credit for the flow, it was easy to read, and it did have that wonderous freeverse feel. I apologize for not knowing what this means, though thats intended for you to know, I suppose, makes it harder for the reviewer tho! lol
Fav part:
"It starts from the eye
a drop
filled with pain
but to show it not
it is just a mist
just a rush of breathlessness
to show not the emotion
to show not the feel
it is just to give another face of excuse"

I belive the poem really meant to cry instead of suck it up, to show your weakness, and not put on a facade! Thats a great message, I love it when people are honest, real and truthful in their feelings!
Great Job!
Review of Where 'R' You  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Beautiful!! How creative to take one letter out of friend and then its fiend! Very witty! *Smile* I think you have friendship pretty well summed up and I agree with everything you said. People need more friends like you in this world, and writers too!

My Fav part:
"Friends steer you right,
are true and real
and never make you sorry."
Isnt this the truth to a "tee?"
I am proud of this work, it teached the value of honesty and truth in friendship!

Blessings To You And Yours,
Review of Solo Love  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was brilliant!! Good fantasy write, at least I hope its fantasy! *Frown* If not, then I wish toy the best healing in this situation! You pegged this in so little words! Wonderful!

My fav part:
"All alone,
no one to keep me company.
My love vanished, like a ghost.
Just disappeared."

Keep writing!! This deserves an award!
Review of To Dear Friends  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Ohhh...how respectful toward Women!! I liked the dreativity, the fishing(yet, I have already unlocked that bit) and the men spending money to get a girl! Is this the way they teach you? Is this fair to you? Dont you feel these Women are people, and not just animals? I think not. I really enjoyed the free verse and the great flow, and the contents were educating, yet not to me. Amusing, is more how I would categorize this! You did a wonderful job proclaiming Women as Fish! Hahah! Reel em in, and see what cuts you get! If you know about the fisherman in New England, (based on fact, not cunning entertainment)
Then you will understand the fisherman with the most greed, end up in a boat thats capsized, and no lil fishies in sight to save you! Better save those dollars, boy! Entertaining, nonetheless, to each his own, and to each learn from it!

Favorite part?
"I think that it’s clear, no need to pretend,
We never wish for this party or great night to end.
Amid all the sorrow and heartache in our lives,
Our friendship gives us strength, our hope survives;
And if the girl we really like should like one of us tonight,
Congrats’ are in order, there’s no need to fight."

Shouldnt be any reason to fight over the fish that only want your bait and money!! Thats a prostitute, not a woman nor a fish. So, there you are wise in this to say, only two wrongs dont ever make a right!

Please take this as solid advice, and if youd like, then obliterate my poetry, if it makes you feel better. I am only trying to help you see what message of hatred you are spreading and that will only become harder in time when the fish outsmart you and your buddies! Womans point of view, for ya. I know you will appreciate it. Or shall I say a "Ladies" point for you! Good luck with your literature and keep writing! *Smile*Just know if you are inrentionally palying games, the games will get you!! That is my reality and opinion and take it as you may.
Shouldnt you look in a more constructive place for the prime pickings? Hmmmmmm....maybe the library or School and I dont mean a school of fishies..hehe. *Smile*
Only trying to help, you can love it or leave it, doesnt matter to me! If I can change a desolute outlook, I will! If not, then good luck!

Review of Strength  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was a write that I understood in full form! I especially loved the references to being fallen and to stand up is the epitome of "strength". I have battled this my entire life, and always got up again. I appreciate the compliments to those who are really true to themselves in spite, of the wordly unkindness and my (our) neverending fight!

Fav Part:
"Too Calloused or Too Frail
Too Meek or Too Stubborn
Balance is the Key."

Balance is the key! word I have learned to respect and cherish with true meaning, not just words on paper or screen. The ending was really impactful,"In the end, weakness is strength."

Very true, real, and very honest. Did you raid my port? lol, just kidding, I am fglad to dee that others see the exact same thing I do!

Blessings To You And Yours,
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
A good story, definitely. Lena and Lola, and Rhysen were all perfectly characterized in your vivid description, it was playful, the way they acted, just like in High School. It was innocent yet had a really strange ending, which is always interesting. Blaze wasn't too happy about Rhysen. And then his innocence and his firt impression seemed to wash away within a sentence. That was really impactful, and that really was my favorite! Alot of suspense and a really easy to read story. All around, this deserves a 5. I really enjoyed this, thank you so much for sharing.

Keep it up!
Review of Joys #1  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very good religious and political write! This was short but held a good deal of meaning with the lack of wrods youve displayed. Thats really difficult to do, at least for me! I give you alot of credit with this one! Very good and deep!

Blessings To You & Yours,
Rated: E | (5.0)

Another wonderful write about your loving your Son! I loved this, again, more than the first one! You really have a knack for poetry, especially emotional writes to your most chersished!! I really enjoyed the simplicity, and the innicence portrayed in the poem!
You are a very heart felt Daddy!! *Smile*

My fav part?
"Sleep my precious little one
Let God’s love do its work
Wake up to bright sunny skies
Let the covers
Wrap around you
As your puppy snuggles at your feet"

You are such an inspiration to this site!

Blessings to You and Yours!

Rated: E | (4.5)
This was a very mystical, ethereal, literary work, if I might say. I liked the way you envisioned the magic and concisely portrayed the emotional value in your words. You seemed to be very into the fantasy of it, and thats wonderful that you had fun while being creative. The ending was a bit off, I believe, and had the ending not been so long, as opposed to the rest of the rythym throughout, the poem would have been even better and much more impactful with that punch. The poem is freeverse, and pretty much the syllabic value keeps a flow until the last line in the write is all. I found one grammatical error, and thats really outstanding! Overall, this was a good write and really confusing and surreal.(In a good way) Good job getting the magical point across. It worked for my eyes! Keep writing, you have alot of talent. *Smile*
Review of Laying Here  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was really sweet, delicate, sensual, and endearing for your perfect girl! I really enjoyed reading the warmth enclosed in the wrods and your girl is very lucky to have you write such a keepsake forever just for her! This makes me happy. I like positive poetry, and of course, love.
Fav Part?
"The light of the clock reflects on your face
Giving you an unearthy glow
My hand closes around yours.
Its warmth fills me with a sensation of happiness"

Blessings Eteranlly,
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very Good and such a swwet sentiment for you and your man! Wow, hes lucky to have you! It seems you are very lucky to have him! This was tender, heartfelt, simple, cute, and had a touch of "butterflies" feeling to it, or the flutters, you know! *Smile* Anyhow, it gave a really warm feeling and I am glad you found your Prince! We all deserve to!

My Fav Part?
"I knew that we were meant to be
From the first time you looked at me
You brush your fingers on my cheeks
And look into my eyes so sweetly"

Beautiful words, meaning, and flow!
Get it Girl! *Smile*
Blessing Eternally,
Review of My favorite place  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very pure, innocent, simple and appreciative of the small things. I love thes types of literary writes! I love nature, and I love short imapctful poetry. I need to work at it, and thats why I really admire it, because it is a wonder I have yet to master! You did though! Thank you for sharing! *Smile*

My Fav part?
"This favorite place is not the mall, in a house, or in a car
My favorite place is in my very own, ordinary backyard!"

Keep writing and Inspiring!
Blessings Eternally,
Review of Mixed Emotions  
Rated: E | (5.0)
What an encouraging story about change and inner growth! I really loved reading this, it was beautiful, I was ticked off at your actions at first, then I realized you changed because of those actions, and that we as people cannot serve justice to others wrong doings because then we are just as unevolved as they. You had a brilliant way of putting this and the story was extremely easy to read, enjoyable, and funny! I am glad that you arent Robinhood, but who God intended you to be, a caring, unconditionally loving soul, and very sensitive to others feelings. Very sensitive ourselves! You have a masterpiece here, this is a teching and lesson in this that all should read over and over and over....lol. Remember, sometimes 50 year olds can act worse than fifth graders. I commend you for choosing the other way, and if you'd like to talk more, I am here! This was amazing! It should be a sponsered item everyday! *Smile* We definitely need more people like you in the world!

Blessings Eternally,
Review of Gravity  
Rated: E | (3.5)
This was quite different! You saw your sis fly off the back of your Dad's truck? What happened to her, is she okay?? You didnt mention that! I thought the poem was simple, easy to read, yet I felt there was something lacking. I always am straight forward and honest in my reviews, I try to find the positve first and foremost when reviewing, however, this poem could have had a little more effort put into it. I believe the ending is somewhat odd, but thats only my opinion. lol. I hope your Sister is Okay! I thnk the lack of ending is really what was rather disappointing. You did keep a good rythym in the poem, and thats good, it just seemed to need more detail, is all! I hope that you might be able to spice this up a bit, by adding a little more to the poem itself and the ending. Anyhow, I will move to the positive, of course, as always,

My favorite part of the poem:
"We raced to the truck
enjoying a mixture of
green and yellow as
the tall grass tickled
Our chins." *Smile* That was a good stanza and a solid one! It depicted the innocence of childhood!

Keep it up!

Review of FREE FLIGHT  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very simple, insightful, natural, I love nature, and very inspiring! I really liked the flow of the poem!
To me, a wheelchair should not stop the beauty of life and what it has to offer! So, you nalied that one well in your underlying message!

My favorite part was this:
"With one good arm
He flung stale bread towards
The blue sky"

Wonderful! This reminds me of bird watching as a child and also my birds in my backyard! I always feed them the bread thats left over! They love it, yet I cant do it all of the time, because I was told that if I do, they will lose their ability to find food on their own. Okay, can you tell I like Birds? My Uncle is in a wheelshair too, and this reminded me of him. Simplicity, bbeauty, nature, and being unbound and free! Nothing beats that!

Blessings To You And yours,
Rated: E | (4.5)
Powerful rant there! I really liked the short lines and the flow of the poem was wonderful! I hope your heart mends, as we have all felt these feelings in the past, yet one man's opinion, is another man's misery, only if the other man allows it! I see that you really cared for this man, and maybe he did really care for you, you just had irreconciable difference? I'm trying to make you feel better here! lol. I did appreciate that you are still this persons friend! That speaks volumes in your forgivness and maturity! Not all relationships are rosey, and believe me, I know, yet, we all have faults and that inludes me and you too! This was an extremely powerful write, and you have alot of talent! *Smile*

My Fav. part:
"every minute i wasted
hoping you'll come back
i cant replace it"

I know that feeling!! So, you arent alone, my friend!

Keep it up, and try to see this as positive and a better way to grow and learn from within! Thats how I deal, anyway. If you need to talk, I am here, all open ears! *Smile* Thank you for sharing this!!

Blessings Eternally to You & Yours!
Review of The Wonder  
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a writer you are! So short, so profound, so magical, yet so down to earth! You made a beautiful imagery in hardly any word usage, thats talent!!

My Favorite part:
"But the cacophonous sounds
With which the eve is rife;
the whoop of the owl, the beat of the cricket,
the shriek of the shrike-
Give homage to God's creation,
The power in His music of the night."

That was outstanding! I gave this a 5, it deserves no less in my eyes!! Blessing Eternally! *Smile*

Review of I love him  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was a beautiful write! You captured the beauty of you and your Husbands love and relationship highly well with the sentimentalwords!! You are lucky and so is he!! You have a really sweet, inspirational poem here!!
My favorite part:

"I look to the heavens
The luminous lights do not compete with that of his eyes
When he gazes at me, I am captivated by the warmth
I love him"

Its nice to see the appreciation in truth and love as you have displayed here! Please continue to write Tammy, and thank you so much for reviewing me!

Blessings To you and yours Eternally,
Review of A Father's Prayer  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I thought this was absolutely angelic and the love for your Son, pored out in your words! My daughter was born in 2004. I feel the same way about her. I wrote a song for her too! Not nearly as vividly painted as this is! You are so lucky to realize this childs worth and have the evolved thoughts of love for him you do! I aprreciate that alot! Unbelievable words, you are lucky to have him as he is lucky to have you!! So, my favorite part was simply,
"Strengthen his legs to always stand tall,
Even when his back is against the wall.
May love be all his ears will ever hear,
While never having to live a life in fear."

Absolutely breathtaking! People like you restore my faith in humanity everyday! Thank you!

Eternal Blessings To You And Yours,
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very good and mysterious, I loved the way you edited the points you were trying to make. I also had a man who saw things in me and inspired me to do my best, a couple actually. I thank them eternally, as you obviously thank your inspiration too! I liked how you say you meditate, so do I!! *Smile* Its very relaxing! Anyway, I wish your love or friend sees you again and realizes you are beautiful and wonderful. I will pray for you!

My favorite part:
",~8~ the words of a man,~9~ whispered in my ears,~10~ let it go, you need to be free, artistic individual you are, continue so you can regain your true being....understand that what I've been through probably can not compare to others, but this is my story and I must let it out so that I can close this chapter in my life and continue to live."

This sounds just like what hapeened with me. You will go on, be strong, and you will have the truth and the honesty that you deserve in life to move forward. This, we all need! To deprive another of this right, is to be an execxutioner. I have learned that well.
Think good thoughts and this will turn to magical beauty! I am here to talk if you need it! We all need support and not to think that we are completely screwed, lol, just that we are realizing our past and we will build upon those lessons for the future, a better and brighter one! God Bless You!!! Hugs! Very encouraging and inspiring write! Much talent you have!

Blessings Eteranlly,
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