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Review of Sublimation  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I believe this piece was extraordinary! It explains death in all forms, not just physical, which is amazing that you thought to do that! I am really proud of the way the poem was so short yet so impactfukl and held alot of incredible meaning! Please keep this up! It was really unique and different! *Smile*

Blessings Truly,
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Very beautiful and more important, with meaning! I loved this one and the word are so valuable for me to read! You are an evolved soul! That's my opinion, anyway. This poem is sad as well, however, it does hold that learning through another and seeing the goodness in them despiete the past thoughts and attitudes you held!! Very forgiving, magical, and just an overall great write. Not looking at structure here, lol. I know you know my prob. with that. *Smile* I wish you can teach me though more about structure in writing!! It's so easy to read and take in your writings! hugs!

Blessings Truly,
Review of The Stoic  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Beautiful piece!! You captured it well, with much detail and a fantastical write that shone to my eyes! What difference did it make if she were kissing a girl or a guy? She was guilty for feeling like she sinned. As the ending so greatly and strongly explained....by the way, that phrase "Forgive me Father, for I have sinned" is my favorite phrase, being just me "Violet, The 'Jersey' Nun"...Watch Cpoyote Ugly and you will see me only I never danced on bars, lol, just IN them. Does it really matter though? As you explained.....A sin is a sin, or is it?? Very thought provoking and though Ive never dated a girl or had a relation with one like kissing or more, would it matter if I did? No!! lol. You expalined that great here! I really appreciate you for sharing this! It was very down to earth and a reality alot of people face in today's society, yet shouldnt! We are all beautiful, no matter what! Gay or straight, it's all in our fate! That fate is from God! So, I believe people can judge, but only one person really can, and I believe he wouldnt deem this wrong, He'd deem it as being a unique and courageous extension of himself!! Thats unconditonal love!! Now, I need a girl!! lol. kidding, I am happy being me, though maybe I should try this!! I might be surprised, though, and it might teach me that Men are really all of whom I desire. Except, women are the best in all other ways!! I just havent had one in bed or in a lip-lock yet!! Very well written, and a good message behind it!! Wonderful! *Smile*

Blessings To You And Yours!!
Review of The Legend Ch. 1  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was magnificenty written, yet so awful and cruel! You really had my eyes glued to this and I tried to look away, yet couldn't, so large credit for that, because this story was so mysterious and so cruel and yet is was absolutely brilliant in the way it was vividly pianted, the words smeared togeter, creating a pallette of colors and thus creating a magical torturous underworld. Yet too crul for my imagination to fathom! The ending was brilliant, why does the evil brother who brought him to this harsh place, then say "come with me" at the end? That was a great ending and I wondered what the intention behind that was. I have always held a huge spot in my heart for orphans or adoptees, as I feel they don't have the same chance of love form the get go they so do deserve. The reprimanding a childs actions is a bit unforgiving, and I myself and loving and forgiving in everyway, shape and form! *Smile* So, I really enjoyeed the story, yet my mood is now sullen, and that is good! You really made a macabre story that can enrage the most forgiving of people! Thats power in words! Keep it up, this was a good delightful, read!! Thank you so much for sharing it!! My jaw is still dropped open, as Alex in your story! Great job.

Many Blessngs To You And Yours,
Review of Timeless  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very Good!! The description of this girl and how every man wants her beauty, yet she only gives it to the one who is most important, you!! I loved this and although outter beauty isnt as much as inner, at least not to me, I'd say this is a great mixture of both, as this girl asks "Aren't I what youve dreamt of for so long?" I t was vewry gently and beautifully worded, she could have said "You are sooo lucky I answered the freakin door!" lol, but she didnt, that just shows that there are beautiful people both on the inside and out! Something I am a firm believer in! Keep this up, I really enjoyed reading! *Smile*

Blessings To You And Yours,
Review of Alone  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Beautifully saddening! I felt this way, as I am sure we all have, I can relate to this one in a way you'd never know. I really do wish for you to keep your chin up!! Don't let that pretty face go to waste! Dont let your smarts break your heart! You have a grewat innocent yearning and I really felt the pain and emotion!! If you want to talk, I will be here! Hope you find this unrequited love again! I really mean that. *Smile* Please don't be sad! You never know what tommorrow will bring! *Hug*

Blessings to You And Yours,
Review of Love and Hate  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Really good! All of us have these emotions, and I know you really dont mean you hate it, but you really emphasized the negative feeling by using that word! Simple, straight foerward, honest, and a mysterious ending! Great piece you have! *Smile* I really enjoyeds reading it!!

Many Blessings To You And Yours,
Review of Broken Promises  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Genius, the way you wrote that! I really like the part when you question how beauty could cause so much pain? It's so true, both with inner beauty and outter beauty! Beautiful creative penning! Or typing! Keep it up, and keep thinking and writing deeply, you do so well at it!! *Smile*

Many Blessings To You & Yours!
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This was a really sentimental piece. It reminds me of my Granfather, and how he used to smoke Lucky Strikes and blow smoke circles, and he was always singing about everything, he made these goofy songs up even about what he was cooking for Dinner! Unbelievably magical, this takes me back, and I am proud that you hold your family so high in your thoughts and memories! There is nothing like that! This was beautful, as I sure your heart is as well to have written it!

Many Blessings To You And Yours,
Review of I'm Studying You  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
I liked your pieces, very clever, funny, and I liked the blog thing especially, however I am over a 1-4 century old, so I am the ancient blog! Leave me if you will! *Wink* lol. I loved your outlook, very light hearted and also very hilariously opinionated. (myfav)

I hope you continue these ramblings as they are a great enterteinment to those who care to see it! Like me, for example! *Smile*

Keep it all up 56'r.....
I thamk you for being you!
Truly with Blessings,
Review of Splash of Color  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Very educational and very nice piece! I do believe that politicians are corrupt for the most part, with the expeption of a few. You cant ever judge eveyrone upon many's actions. That is always my policy. I loved the caring the insight and the contents overall, very good style and write!!

Blessings To You And Yours,
Review of Missing you  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This was very heartfelt and I commend you for thinking of family lost as I have thought of that too. Powerfully emotional, and I wish that you do find your twin. I pray for the two of you to be together again! *Smile*

Blessings To You And Yours,
Review of Mistakes  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Incredible Girl! I think this was your best write yet, because you were focusing on you and life and learning from it! I always have your back and I back this poem 110 percent because we all have a life to look back upon that was leass than rosey, doesnt matter how it happened at all, all that matters is what you learned from it!! Youre awesome and courageuos in my eyes, and I have no doubt that the one Above will lead you to that love and trust and to that next chapter. You are a magnificent girl!

Always Truly,

btw- I write a peom 'Truthfully Yours', you should take a look at it.. *Wink*
Review of Angel mom  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
You are a wonderful Daughter Diana, and your Mother is wondeful to have raised you to be that way! The two of you are Angels to me! I love this devotion and loyalty to family! Your words were beautiful!! Please keep this up, I bet this would make your Mommy cry! If my daughter ever wrote something so touching for me, I would!! *Smile* Blessings all around you and your family, your Mother is lucky to have you and you are lucky to have her!! These are the best relationships, ones that can never be broken, Of course!

Love Always,
Review of Rejoice  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This poem made me cry! I was so enamoured in the fact that you can sum up such appreciation into such a small yet hugely significant human value. The value of shaking when being in love! What is better than that? I loved how you were wearing a jacket when 70', yet smile in spite! You are a great writer, and I am sure a great lover! Thank you for sharing this! I am glad to read! I am swept off my feet! *Smile* Nice!

Blessings Truly To You & Yours,

Review of My Silk Heart  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This was a really simple beautiful poem! Please allow yourself to feel unburdened! Everything will work out for you! I feel the words and the reference to the quilt was brilliant! I have felt this way as well. I just know now, I am not old, not even close, and age doesnt know a number! Great job, and if you need to talk, I am here! *Smile*

Blessings to you & yours!
Review of Sweet Dreams  
Rated: E | (5.0)

This one made me cry! It was wonderful, and it made me think of my own daughter and my Mother, and how one day, my little girl is going to ve all grown with children, and I will just sit back and wonder where has the time gone? This was so loving in the way you wrote it, it was a treasure to say the least! You have alot of talent, and one lucky girl to have you as her father! Keep it up! I really felt this was one of your best poems yet! *Smile*

Review of One Look  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Wonderful poem, I loved the descriptive detail about you and this loves' heads touching and both of you breathing so deeply, fixated on on anothers eyes! This poem was sincerely a confident treasured yearning from the bottom of your healing heart! I really appreciated this as I have felt this way very often, especially after dec. 5th!

Blessings Truly,
Rated: E | (5.0)

Loved this literary work! It is really a base upon something special. You expressed your toughts concisely, which is highly accepted, and you also were mysterious in your words, the word of a writer! I really loved your poem, Timmy. It was nice to see a side of you I hadnt previously seen before! *Wink*

Blessings All Around,
Anna- for short
Review of BEAUTY'S ABODE  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good poem, although I was confused y the contradiction within, however, it os my contradiction as a reader, and only you, the Author, know the full meaning or the one intended. I liked the "starry night" inclusion as Van Goth' is one of my favorite painters, however, many more I hold sacred to me! I realy loved the enrichment here and the metaphors, it was really nice. Thank you for sharing! *Smile*

Blessings To you And Yours!

Review of Life Support  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Perfectly saddening, I hope tis really did not happen to you, and if so, I send my prayers and blessing for you to heal. I couldn't imagine a parent being without their child, never being able to see their innocent smile, their button nose that is remembered for a lifetime, and the joy and personality and teaching they bring to this world! You wrote wonderfully, My condolences in every way, if this was non-fiction!!! May God Allow You Peace.

Rated: E | (5.0)
Simple, short, and so sweet! I believe this held a high signifigance to me, as I feel i am going through these transformations at this very moment!! It was really a nice treat for me to read this, and you put alot of your inherent talent into this! Great job!

Blessings To You and Yours,
Review of Turbulence  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very Beautiful write! I am so sorry that your treasure is gone! Love is the best thing and it really does last a lifetime! You captured that essence well, I wish I could say something to make you feel better, all I can say is that your work would make your true love proud! It sure did make me feel that way! If you ever need anything, just stop in! *Smile* Blessings to you and yours!!

Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Beautiful poem, diana!! This was really emotional, funny, I have the same feelings about my Dad, I just dont tell him. Did your Dad pass away? I am so sorry if thats the case! That must be horrible. I feel for you! I know that you just did make him smile whereever he is, just by writing these compassionate words! Keep this up!! It was really heart felt!!!

Review of ELECTIONS  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Highly insightful....again! I love the reality that was thrown into this the Government does not want the dummis to know! However, dummies usually are the ones that believe in our new age politicains more than the the intellects that believe in what our country was based upon. That would be The Constitution without amendments, our Declaration Of Independance, not the ones who fought so after to make it the "heckler"-ation of Independence, and the ones who really know what our countries intended meaning is, Unity, peace, Liberty, and Justice For ALL!!!! All does not mean this person gets perks over that person, this person has more money, so she gets the advantage.....let the politicians fake their true selves on stage and watch the others that desperately try to fake their true selves be found out through wavering conviction, through nastiness toward other candidates rather than focusing upon the most important thing this country should stand upon. Bringing one another together through equal rights and liberty! I am going to vote for the Democrat this year, that will be in the final democratic election. Obama. I thought he was too pacified at forst, but now, his true self shines through!! If, not, I'd say Huckabee or Romney for Republican!!! Wonderful piece! *Wink*


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