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Review of For I love  
Rated: E | (5.0)
What a sentimental write about a horrible day. I was there, I know about this, and I stood in the candle vigils for a week everynight for two hours. Your write was full of teaching, tolerance, and most of all, support and love to innocent victims of a harrowing act that was placed upon us cause of hateful people. This made me cry, thinknig about all whom were affected by the tragedy.

Fav Part:
"For I love to build bridges and to feed children.
For I love every man, nation, race, or creed.
For I love how the wind is soaring inside
the song of the tide, at the beginning of this new day."

Keep it up!! *Smile*

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Review of Please Choose Me  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
What an awful tqale about adoption, but very true, I suppose. I thought it was awful that Keremy wanted to be adopted but the home was like a meat market or a reality show of who got picked who was the BEST. I can say, this made me feel awfully sad, however, the ending was suspenseful, so I am hoping Mariana took Jeremy, as he really wanted to get out of this jailhouse.You had an emotional write, and I was saddened, yet happym that some children still hold their hope and their good behavior, even when in the darkest times. Very good write!

Fav Part:
"Jeremy shook her hand. It was cool and dry in contrast to his warm, sweaty palms. "Hello ma'am. I just wanted to make sure you knew that I could clean and I like animals. I didn't know if Mrs. Swift would tell you," he mumbled, looking once again at his worn tennis shoes.

Mariana smiled. "That was very thoughtful of you. Those are both very important things to know."

How sweet of this little boy..Just a bundle of heart and character. Keep it up! *Smile*

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Review of More About Me  
Rated: E | (5.0)

Again, you amaze me, sweetheart. You are an inspiration to my heart. It travels to me as I read what you feel and how you are. It's what I envision, its what I want, it's like you are me, only you arent. Which is awesome, cause I lovbe all our differences. I was having a real tough part finding a favorite here. All of your words make sense, very close to my personality, and I believe the best part was difficult yet, I chose it..

Fav Part:
"Gift points are nice, but I find the best gifts ever received the ones of REAL and TRUE friendship, for that lasts forever. "

Amen! Keep it up, sweetie! Dont stop writing! Youre c-notes are amazing! Your words are more so. *Smile*

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Review of WHY I LOVE WDC  
Rated: E | (5.0)

This was a wonderful tribute to this wonderful community! Yuor heart shines through in every word! You are a light, you are an angel, and I love the way you spread smiles to all! *Smile* This shows your heart. I will review your scary stuff soon...I promise. *Wink* I do love3 a good scary story. These people you mentioned must be wonderful, as you are great at picking the best hearts on here. Thats cause yours is the best one around!
Thank you for being a sisterly friend to me!
Thank you WDC, for all the wonderful family on here. They are the best! So is Sherri! *Heart*

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Review of How Can You..  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Unbelievble write about somewone you loved and you think you cannot let go of. I loved the ending. It held a punch. The flow was good, even as freeform. I enjoyed the contents, they held a significance to me. You did this beautifully. I have no real suggestion to improve this. I love it the way it is. *Smile*
Fav Part:
"Some choose to escape,
The afraid and the weak,
I wish to escape,
But I don't want to leave you behind,

Selfish, aren't I?"

I felt this from a second party perspective, and I put myself in others shoes easily. This is what made me understadn this much better, than if I reviewed from only my own viewpoint, which I never do all of the time, as I feel others pain, and can "trade places" in the mind with them.
Keep this up! *Smile*

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Review of "You Hurt Me"  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very powerful poem you have here about someone who hurt or mislead you. It is gentle yet affirmative, Its is also very emotionally touching to the reader. I was astounded at how you handeled the feelings you had, and how simply you stated them, with a warm heart and much love as well. Very hard to do!
Fav Part:
"You tempted me from first sight
Oh so forbidden
My nerves were in and out of consciousness
I wished for sanity
I wanted to hold my soul captive for loving you
Salvation held time as I stood still"

That was astounding, and it imprints my mind in a smile. Thank you for sharing! Keep it up! *Smile*

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Beautiful poem depicting the meaning of love. Love for me, comes in many forms, friendship, relationships, intimacy, family, therefore I say I love you alot! I aklways mean what I say thouhg, and am not afraid to misuse the three words cause I mean them. Very educational, makes the reader ponder about love. Very nicley done!
Fav Part:
"They shouldn't cause panic and fear,
or used as it's what one wants to hear. "

Amen to that! Keep it up! *Smile*
Rated: E | (4.0)
Great story, great characters, a good plot, and a great happy ending. This was sweet yat bitter, it was loving yet saddneing, it was also very emotional as this person was forced to choose between two, and that is very rough. I noticed a few spelling mistakes, but other than that, the story was enjoyable.

Fav Part:
"During summer, it was the time of recovery from his relationship with Michelle. there were days werein he woke up with tears in his eyes.

After his recovery(it took him 8months).. he said to her "I am now ready to give myself to you". August 29 marked the date wherein they were called as one."
Very nice ending!
Keep it up! *Smile*
Review of Questions  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Very fun!! I love "Who's line is it, anyway?" I thought this was perfect, cause I always answer a question with a question..lol. It is very useful to do that. *Smile* Then you can't be nailed by something you never did. I am a psych master! Too fun!! I loved this!
*Smile* I hope this takes off! It seems its doing well, why can't you make it better? *Wink*
Review of My Love For You  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Gorgeous to the eyes! I loved this poem, explaining your 'e sorry for the mistakes you made and all the things you never did, but that you still love the person dearly. This is a warming and inspiring poem, and I was shocked at the loud message of true love, ti delivered. You are an angel to have written this! Thank you so much for sharing! This was a very enjoyable read!
Fav Part:
"I'm sorry for hurting you the way that I did;
I don't want to be that person anymore.
Allowing myself to get close to you I did forbid;
and I didn't want to experience pain like before."

Mature and evolved! Keep it up! *Smile*
Review of Dream Catcher.  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Great dark poem that invoked depression at it's best. You had a descrptive and vivid imagery and it made me want to cry. The feeling of this can be felt as the reader follows the beautiful, yet withering words of the poem, as the Author explains them. You have a wonderful masterpiece, yet very sad but impactful.

Fav Part:
"My life is in pieces. All of my dreams have been lost, unfulfilled.
I have become an empty shell, robbed of everything except regret and remorse.
Someone that I love is now lost to me and I do not know how to get him back."

Unbleievable! Keep your chin up! If you want to talk, I am here. *Smile*
Keep it up, sweetie!
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This was captivating! Eeery! Nightmares are something that can be so vivid, they can shake you for hours. You made me shake as I read this, and it's a genius short horror story! I have a pom similar, but this blows that away. I am not good with short stories. You, mt friend, are a master. I loved the vivid imagery and the narrator's feelings explained in such heart-pounding description! Unbelievably horrifying write, but with alot of talent!

Fav Part:
"I can see the outline now, silhouetted squarely in moonlight behind the twin orbs of light. It is standing on the gravel emergency lane. I'm panting a prayer that it won't step into the road. Please, please, please let me pass it. I'm getting closer. My hands are numb on the wheel, unable to turn either way. I find my leg wooden and unyielding. I can't lift my foot from the gas. I struggle, fighting with my uncooperative body. "

Keep it up! *Smile* Thrilling!
Rated: E | (5.0)

You are so right about this site! Welcome! *Smile* I am impressed that you went to Barnes and Noble to read poetry. Thats very determined of you. *Smile* I hope that you get published, and I know that your stay at WDC will be a great one. I, also, stumbled upon this diamind, when I thought that other sites were unfair to a degree. However, this family has instilled hope and faith in me that not all sites are the same....at all! This site cares about it;s members to the upmost. They go out of their way to encourage and inspire. Mosgt of all, they accept everyone for who they are! I see you are a beautiful soul, and are looking for a creative outlet. You have found that my friend. Thank you for calling me a new friend. *Smile*

Looking foward to more correspondence. Have a great day, hun.
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very Good write, with alot of truth and strength in emotion built into it. This poem flowed wonderfully and you have a great love work on your hands here. I enjoyed it, the words very compassionate. I can empathize with this, and I empathize with the teaching here. We all struggle through this. Very nicely and gently written to inspire.
Fav Part:
"A never ending circle until one walks away. Another broken heart, more pieces to carry, more baggage on board and still hearts move forward. Love once again not realized till it was too late to save."

Warming. Keep it up!
Review of Postal Princess  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very creative write here. I loved how you use this in past tense, your words. I always knew that people thought themselves as princesses, But nobody is royalty, and that you explained well here. This is an impactful read, and it makes the reader think of humbleness, not destruction through altered opinion. Great job!

Fav Part:
"Sitting on my perch,
I watched the world go by.

Others tried to challenge my position,
but I emerged victorious."

Keep it up! *Smile*
Rated: E | (5.0)

I really enjoyed this poem. Very nice and down to earth. Who are your enemies? Why are you struggling? This peiece shows your wonderful heart, and that you pray for those to be loving and forgiving. Such a true and great message! You have a way of writing that makes for a very special read. Your works never cease to amaze me! You have much talent, and we have forgiven eachother, let's show the world that can happen. This touched me dearly.

Fav Part:
"Can you end this battle shortly; Can you fill their hearts with Love;
If I ask for them Your Blessing, will you show them from above?
Show them why it is your will now, that they stop their worthless fight.
Just as enemies in battle know that killing is not right!"

You go, my friend! These are the sweetest words ever. Keep it up. *Heart*
Review of Apple.  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Very dark write, with a message of doom. Macabre, highly desriptive, makin the reader feel chiiled while sgannig their eyes across your work. The words painted a horrible picture, however, it was a greatly done write. Very thorough in getting a cryptic message across. Great Job!

Fav Part:
"So I challenge you, faceless hordes, judge what's in my heart instead of what color ink is in my pen, and see how the answers line up now."

I picked my positive out of this negative. Great work. Keep it up!
Review of Evolution  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Powerful and politically correct here, even if not literally. I loved the way you described these robots and thhe way the Government is in today's society. This was very interesting. Definitely not a "cookie cutter" poem, and it promotes individuality, and to be respcted for who we all are. Great job!

Fav Part:
"Normality conquers life
Don't rock the boat, you'll hold up the line
Politically correct is more important than right
But everyone's watching a different channel."

Very true. Keep it up! *Smile*
Review of Ancient Road  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very nice write about time and the past. I enjoyed how simple and short this was. However, it had alot of nice descriptiveness, and created great imagery. This is really a creative wonder that I enjoyed reading very much! Thank you so much for sharing.
Fav Part:
"An ancient road traveled,
Through endless forests of green,
Past wizened mountains of time,
From which all things team."
Keep it up! *Smile*
Rated: E | (5.0)
Very imaginitive story about how you are a kid at heart, and compare yourself to Peter Pan. Thsi was enjoyable, and I laughed at the humour in it. It was easy to read, and a pleasurably nice write about your personality being fun loving.

Fav Part:
"I still love all the things that fascinate children but bore the hell out of most adults. Why is it that I can have a conversation with a ten year old that will last for hours and at the same time not be able to converse with someone my own age for more than ten minutes? The answer to those questions is simple: I am Peter Pan."

Keep it up! *Smile*
Review of A Foolish Chief  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is too funny!! I too am American Indian. I really enjoyed this and the way the Chief was misunderstood in his words, so thats how the lost tribe got their name. Very creative piece here, and it has a funny flair, that makes this extremely enjoyable read!! Great work! *Smile*

Fav Part:
"The heralding heard as, 'We're the Helowee.'
What Chief Proud Paw said was, 'Where the hell are we?'

And now, my dear son, you've heard the sad story
Of how our tribe's title became the Helowee.
An embarrassing tale, and to tell it took guts.
A shame our name came 'cause our chief was a putz."

Putz...I love that word.
Keep it up!
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Powerful and putrid write about love. Very creative, very macabre, and fascinating take on love in general. This gave me chiils. The words used to create the imagery, were highly vivid and worked well here.

Fav Part:
"Love sets us adrift
In a sea of pain
Where there is only acid
When you crave water
When there is only flame
When you beg for relief"

Keep it up!
Review of Never Ending Love  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Very sweet poem to your beloved that you will always so deeply care for. The poem was meaningful, and heartfelt. It has a few grammar errors, and the flow is a bt choppy, however, that could be easily brushed up. (I am not one to talk about Grammar, just letting you know, so you can make it shinier). Overall, a lovely write!
Great Job! *Smile*
Fav Part:
"i always think about you even when i don't want to
your constantly on my mind
it feels good when i see you smile
i never will forget you, your my never ending love "

Keep it up!
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

I do not usually write reviews that are really long, so I will email you after this review.

I cried, your daughter was born on the same day my daughter was born! This tribute to her is so funny, cause everone thinks Friday The 13th is superstitous and bad luck, apparently not in our cases! I loved the sentimentality of this piece!
What a wonderful tribute to your daughter, and a keepsake. You even added her baby pic! Awww..My daughter also is brunette and has dark eyes. Nothing like me, soooo beautiful, and everyone wants her in commercials. lol. You are so sweet to have writtien this. Perfect! This is quite a coincidence. I will email you more about the similarities in our births.
Fav Part:
"The nurse held her up and she was
exactly as I had dreamed she would be. Black hair, and round, rosy cheeks.
Tiny, delicate, pink lips and healthy!!"

I too, had the same dream about how my daughter would look, and I was right!
Awesome keepsake for your lovely daughter! *Smile* Keep it up!
Rated: E | (5.0)

I really enjoyed reviewing the items you had placed in here. As I stated before, what better way to show honesty and encouraging through reviewing. The group rules are very simple, and the reviewees per week are placed there very easily. I really enjoyed this, and I am looking forward to reviewing more! Great job, all three of you! A huge thanks to the wonderful reviewwees too, for sharing their diferent pieces!
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