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Review of Christian  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Being a Hindu, I can very well relate, to these sayings from the Holy Bible with the sayings of Lord Krishna in the Holy Bhagvat Geeta. He says the same. He (I am saying this as God as One Entity)says that he is the power behind the eye to see, the soul behind the ear to hear, the sense behind the tongue to taste, the feeling beneath the skin to fee the touch, the power behind the nose to comprehend the fragrance. If there are no lives to these sensory organs, the objects of cognition would be foreign to us. Though science has advanced a lot these days, He still remains the omnipresent. The plant grows from the seed, the water evaportes to become clouds- but who does this? Is it He.
For the co-relation you can the bhagvat geeta chapter 12 and 15. Though the geeta is divided into 18 chapters, the entire crux of it lies in chapter number 2.
I really enjoyed reading this, and I think We all know that God is One. Its just a matter of belief. *Smile*
Thanks so much for sharing this.
Review of It Was Written  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Prompts have been marvellously used here creating a very intersting story.
Initial read makes me wonder that Emily in a living girl. But only when she says that the death of her granpa should not coincide with her death anniversary, does a reader know that an angel is praying to god not to do it.
Even Emilly is missing her grandpa and vice-versa, but she does not want her grand ma to have another shock on the same date.
Fantasy shown is very well. I really liked reading this.
Review of Demons  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
A very dramatic and emotionally written piece of work.
A woman succumbs to drinking in adverse situations that happen in her life. Slowly she abandons her drinking habit consciously as she know that it is harming her children's life more than hers.
A courageous lady at heart finally kills the bad habit.
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey I liked reading this one of yours. I have read some of your items, and just as the Vindhya Mountains stands tall and distinct from all others, your work stands out. The way you have justified the choice of your username is so true to yourself.
Your work is pretty and colourful as you have described *Smile*
I love to read your work.
Thanks for sharing this article.
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
The beginning was straight and easy. The characters of Cassie and Matthew could still be detailed as to why they lives in an asyllum- however thats the author's wish *Smile* Natalie's physical apperance is well explained, giving minute detailling. her character sketch is bold, cosy and a mix of outgoing and homely girl in her teens.
I would love to read further *Smile*
Review of The Photograph  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Life fir this old man revolves around his family. Just as everyone of us do, he's got a picture clicked by someone whom he met many years back at the lake. The old man had been there with family, and got his picture posted by the photographer.
Every photograph sure does hold a memory - stagnant in time, frame and motion. But that memory brings along a age old story, and It makes life even more merrier to live - even when the old man is spending his last years, in a wheel chair.
very emotional read for this morning. *Smile*
Rated: E | (4.5)
I liked the plot. The way the Alice Curiosity shop unveils the theives through Holmes aka Lilly.
Fantasy magic tricks were displayed very nicely - a reader could actually picturise the whole episode.
The beginning of the story gives a mysterious Tuesday as a mention, and its just awesome. The prompts were used very aptly,
Overall I really enjoyed reading this one !
Review of WAITING  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Anger, hope, dejection, passion, frustration and a left out feeling grows by time for this lady who is considering herself not better than the prisoner, to know a day when the love of her life will voice his feelings to her. Every beautiful aspect of life right from the sunrise to the stars twinkle seem to make her feel more strange, each passing day, but wait is her destiny and she gets herself dugged up in the uncertain wait.
*Smile* Nice read for this day
Review of Pink Balloon  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Every little thing and sad feeling about a miscarraige is brought out well with sharp words.
This is exactly how women may be feeling after losing their baby, for reasons best known to them. But as a reader, it really touched me.
How a mother feels to have lost the child even before she could see it, hold it, feel it, caress it.
A little scar on the body leaves a memory for life - a sour one.
Review of Selfish Lies  
Rated: E | (5.0)
The blend of inspiration and reality bites does the magic here in this poem.

The biggest lesson taught here is to live and let live, let the bygones be bygones.

The past was a teaching and to live in present is the essence of living life truly and faithfully.

There is no need to take life for granted, a lesson everyone must know.

The construction of the poem is unique and I liked reading this one.

Rated: E | (4.5)
Very impressive way of expressing a feeling called love. The writer does not fear melting completely and forgetting his/her own identity in love, but fears rejection, lonliness, ditch and seperation. The unexpected way in which someone has become the whole world to the writer is remarkable.
I enjoyed reading this.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Kmurphy helped me too on WDC when I was very new to it. She gave me brilliant advises, suggestions, motivation and had always a chirp so positive. Someone gifted me an upgraded membership on WDC anonymously, and from day one I believe its KMURPHY. *Smile*
Thanks for writing this for her. Words are too few to let her know our sincere gratitude. Kathy you are an angel to us. we love you
Review of Family Matters  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This was one of the best items I have read so far on WDC. Apart from a story, It has a message to tell each one of us. And the message strong enough for all of us to understand and relate to. Communication gap as they say, or miscommunication as we perceive does do a lot of damage to our relationships. They say Blood relations and all that, but a true relation of the heart is the relation of love, selflessness and kind heartedness. Emma was deceived in her love life, she was neglected, she felt alone. But that faded away once the gap was bridged between her and her family members by give and take of words, expressions and a body language called HUG. A gentle caring hug does not boasts to perfect everything, but it can heal lot of wounds and correct lot of dentures.
I liked this one. *Smile*

Apart from one typo error(which I think can be neglected) "They had never spoke spoken about her mother" , it was flawless.
Review of Tonight  
Rated: E | (5.0)
The poem is filled with such intense romance that people have just dreamt of having one. The writer is happy for that fact that the love of her life is present in front of her eyes. So she does not want to sleep and does not want to dream. The moments are cherished in her thoughts, her words and her feelings. Ignorance of the world is best described as the writer is lost in the arms of her love.
How can someone be in this intense love. Its quite surprising. At the same time, every one will wish to get such nights everyday of their life.
I really enjoyed reading this.
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Thoughts of a domesticated pet cat exposed !
Gives one more dimension for us humans to think, what might be going on in the pet's mind.
The most funny part in this was that the Hell Kitten thinks of humans as her slave. And still she cannot do anything when they discuss of tying a bell to her tail. The prompts and muse are very nicely used. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this.
Review of Preface-Promise  
Rated: E | (4.5)
A very touching preface about a mother who knows that these are her last moments, about a husband who is disturbed with the same news. About a girl, who does not know whats wrong, but she wants to see her mother to confirm she is fine.
Promise - the title is suited perfectly with the flow and the gist of the story.
You can definitely make something out of this and I am sure it will turn out great. Would love to read the extension of this.
Keep the words flowing !!!
Review of Punishment?  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Strength mocking weakness, and in return strength gets weaker.
This nicely written short story has a moral to it.
A naughty guy makes fun of a disabled girl. However, time teaches him a lesson, and in the end he is more disabled than the girl.
After reading this I laughed from the girl's perspective and said "tit for tat". *Smile*
The lesson taught is : Never laugh at weakness, one day you'll learn a lesson in the hard way".
I really enjoyed reading this.
Review of Lost Today  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Being accused of something not done brings a lot of disturbances - emotionally and ethically.
The world has turned its back onto the writer and punished him/her with lonliness and decaying self-respect.
The mirror laughs on the writer, and he suspects his shadow too. I have been through such a situation previously, and I know how it feels to be punished for no reason at all. The silence kills. And we are left to the mercy of others to get back to us. Takes time, but till then we are completely destroyed internally. The courage, self- respect and dignity are blown to pieces.
I would like to say " Time heals and teaches". The patience to wait for such a right time kills.
I am touched reading this.
Thanks for sharing this on WDC.
Write On!
Rated: E | (4.5)
You have described the time of the year that is the most colorful one in terms of new beginnings and new hopes. The chirping of the birds, the trees shedding their dry leaves and making a room for the new ones to come. The "hmmmm hmmmm" of the dove has always something to tell us. The whole of the scene was coloured in sepia as I was reading this poem.
Why did the thunder come as an answer, because its just the autumn time.. I would love to know.
Or May be because it is autumn,the thunder wants to be followed by showers for a new life to begin.

A very nice read for this morning.
Its not the wrong time, as the writer said. Its just that sometimes we need to re-look at certain things. And I am glad I saw autumn in the month of March.
*Smile* *ThumbsUp*
Write On!
Review of Left  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Its a very emotional poem. How will a woman feel when left alone and that too when she is expecting a child.

The emptiness of a missing partner turns into an emptiness of a missing father, towards the end of the poem.

The Desire and want of the loved one to come back is expressed well.

But with all the pain and heart-aches, the lady loves him all the more. What degree of selflessness is this, is hard to find these days.

A very nice read for this day! *ThumbsUp*
Review of All I Want  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This poem has a very sad note to it. I felt really sad to read that the writer is in want of a Love in form of a special someone.
The writer wants to spend the starry night hand in hand, write for that someone who is wanted to be a motivation factor for the writer.
Thats charm , that brightness, that vivid experiences in the life of this writer is missing in the form of a Loved One, and thats all he/she wants.
I loved reading this. Made me think from the writer's point of view, and let me tell you it was very much heart-aching.

Nice read for this day!
Review of The Rose  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Overall Impression:
You seem to have been in a deepest love relationship. And it brings a smile on my face everytime I read your work. It is so full of emotions and feelings.

What I liked about this item:
The best opening line I have ever read " The Sun was yawning in the east".. never imagined to write it like this. Bravo to you to have actually put it in words.

Suggestion/s (if any): None to mention. It was flawless.

Write On!

Review of YOU TO ME  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Overall Impression:
The poet is so much filled with love for her beloved, that she can feel his presence everywhere. In ever aspect of life, in every stride, in every miniature resemblence of mother nature she found, felt and missed the love of her life.

What I liked about this item: The intensity with which this poem is written turly requires a huge round of applause. I cannot imagine a feeling more intense than this one.

Suggestion/s (if any): None. It was flawless.

What I would like to know: " O my dear", was used intentionally for the poetic effect or does it have any other reason behind it. I would like to know this just for my knowledge. No criticism intended.

Write On!

Review of The Night  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Overall Impression:
This poem is written with a very happy note, full of romance. The feelings expressed are very well. Proper use of words, pauses, very impressive.

What I liked about this item:
The expression of joy and anxiety in relation to the veling and unveiling of moon is very imaginative, and one of its kind. Never read a simili like this before. very nicely done.

Suggestion/s (if any): Towards the end, the repetitions of roses, fragrance, moon, stars can be avoided. This is just my suggestion. Please feel free to neglect it. No intentions to hurt the true sentiments of the poet were kept in mind.
Otherwise the work was flawless.

Very nice read for this day!

Write On!

Review of Ward 5  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Overall Impression:
It was very touching to read this poem. It really gave me goose-bumps. The title is well suited.
The very state of being in the mental asyllum runs jitters, and the explanation is very impressive.

What I liked about this item:
The detailed routine of people admitted in the asyllum is really breath-taking. And you have effortlessly expressed it in this poem. The thoughts have come out eventually and a result is a wonderful peom like this.

Very nice read for this day!

Write On!

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