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Review of solitary rose  
Rated: E | (5.0)
We shall overcome
We shall Overcome
We shall overcome, someday...
Oh Deep In my heart, I do believe,
We shall overcome someday...

This belief in oneself and conviction to go on is the crux of this very cute poem.

A rose fights a bad weather, dark nights but does not lose hopes to see a golden sunshine of life.

This poem does teach us one and all to stick to our conviction to fight the odds to emerge as winners. The feeling of having won a battle does not stand tall in front of a feeling to have braved ourselves through autumn and in the end see spring.

This is a very inspirational poem. It has an optimistic note to it. Very positive vibes come out as the reader reads this.

Spread the smiles for miles....

Cheers !
Rated: E | (4.5)
Overall Impression:
Though science has progressed so much in this century, even a crop to grow or a seed to become a plant needs God.
this beautiful poem has answers to the question "where is God in this scientific world?"

What I liked about this item:
Unless its His order , no leaf can sway, no flower can bloom, bo spring can beautify this mother earth.

Suggestion/s (if any):
None *Smile* It was flawless..

A very good inspirational read for this day !! *Smile*

Keep the thoughts radiating *Smile*

Review of Word Vomit  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Overall Impression:
There is so much hurt and a mix of feelings inside the writer's mind that everything seems to close down on him/her. The writer is away from a loved one, and those memories haunt him/her all throughout the night, day in and day out. With All courage lost, no smiles, no cheers and no strength at all, the writer feels trapped in Time to face tomorrow , to accept a past and to live content in the present.

What I liked about this item:
The poem is surely a "WORD VOMIT". The title suits well. There are impromptu lines in the poem which add to its flow.
A nice read for a reader to understand the complex nature of the mind that controls the heart to create chaos of words.

Suggestion/s (if any):
None *Smile* It was flawless.

Write On!

Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Overall Impression:
Each one of us have a Halo around us. That Halo can be received by the other person in terms of frequency, wavelength, colour, frangrance, feeling.. We are all receptive for all these. The reason we click with someone and we dont with some other people is the basic principle of attraction. Contracting the Magnetism "likes repel", here it is " likes attract". Thats because, someone somewhere is made for us, in such a way that they read our mind and speak our hearts even without us telling them.

What I liked about this item:
The way the author has conveyed his story through the feelings from the senses of cognition viz., words, touch, eyes, taste and fragrance is awesome. The Prelude to the story gives the gist of all.

Suggestion/s (if any):
None*Smile* It was absolutely enjoyable and informative.
Write On!

Review of Carolina's Curls  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Overall Impression:
Be positive is the crux of the story. Carolina loses her hair in treating Cancer. She accepts this temporary baldness maturely and makes use of an eye-catching hat to cover her head. This creates curiosity amongst her school mates rather than them teasing her of her bald head. A smart move I mst say !
The author tries to pass on the message that even in the worst situations , make the best use of your imaginations and creativity. Then the results would be mind blowing and far better soothing...

What I liked about this item:
The character of Carolina is strong, optimistic and brave. The way she graced herself to going to school with a bald head covered with hat, was a bold step in not hiding the truth and reality.

Suggestion/s (if any):
None *Smile* It was a nice read. I enjoyed it. *Smile*


Rated: E | (4.5)
Overall Impression:
A feeling of thoughtful sadness is expressed well in this poem. As it is rightly said by the poet that the more you think of a break-up, the more pain each thought would bring up. There is no need to feel sorry about it, but to move on is the key.

What I liked about this item:
The rhyme and rhythm is just too good. And the 4 syllable per line format adds to the beauty of reciting it. There is a music in this poem.

Suggestion/s (if any):
None *Smile* It was absolutely flawless. I really enjoyed reading it.

Let the thoughts flow !!!

Review of Endless Rest  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Overall Impression:
"The night is at its darkest just before sunrise" - can you relate this to your beautiful poem? Well, I can. Very well. Yes. Its only when its dark , you can see the stars twinkle.. that gives beauty.
But in contrast, there are elements that dont sound so good. Those are evil minds, evil hearts etc.

What I liked about this item:
The matured expression stating that all evils are not bad is awesome. Spirits are good ones if they follow their loved ones, but there exists bad spirits who initiate pain, slaughter, terror. These bad spirits are related to the darkness of the night. Those stars are the good spirits that light up the dark sky, over-shadow the bad ones and make the sky giving worth a look.

A very good poem. I really liked reading it, and reading between the lines as well.

Suggestion/s (if any):
You may need some editing in the following

1) In the fourth line, repetition of "the"
2) In the fourteenth line, "relize".. may need spell change.

*Smile* Otherwise overall it was flawless. The title suits very well, the rhythm is good and the flow goes well.

Write On!

Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Overall Impression:
Its really an eye-opener for everyone who conjoins spirits, ghosts, apparitions etc, together. This article renders individual indentity to each one. A detailed explanation with the help of examples adds to the simplicity of it.

What I liked about this item:
The writer has taken a lot of effort in explaining each of them, and none of the words are written in such a manner that they send across chills. It gives a soothing to the mind to think rationally before jumping to conclusions.
Very informative *Smile*

Suggestion/s (if any):
None. It was great to read it. personally i have gathered a chunk of good information from this article.

Write On!

Review of What If  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
No review can heal the pain of the author. No woman on this earth can say " I understand your problem". Its the one who faces such situation, who knows whats she's undergone.
Hence I have no rights whatsoever to review and state some ratings on this heart-touching poem.
This poem has a sentiment that cannot be matched with or cannot be opinionated.
I am moved reading this and wish happiness to the author always, I can only lend a hand of comfort.
Also, with this little note I wish to pray to Almighty to never ever show such a day to any living woman on this earth.

Review of Kindness  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Overall Impression:
The poem gives me an impression about the problems faced in communicating with the generations that are decades apart. The confusion of misinterpreting each other takes a toll on the relationships.
In this poem, it is nicely described.

What I liked about this item:
The best line in the poem I liked is :Don't squash my desires, They give me the fire I need each day to keep going.

Suggestion/s (if any):
None. It was flawless *Smile*

The construction of the poem is very strong and it conveys the sentiment correctly.

Write On!

Review of The actress  
Rated: E | (4.5)
You are just too good at writing. I feel from your writing that your heart is prompting your hand to stroke the words across the paper to write all what it has felt in his journey so far. There are strokes of love and happiness and sometimes I can feel that the heart is crying as well.
I really enjoy reading your work.!!!

Write ON !!
Review of A Candle  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Love is a selfless feeling. Though hurt and broken into pieces, the heart still thinks and wishes the best for the other potential partner.

Just as the candle burns itself and melts down to a mere lump of wax providing a guiding light, this heart wants to burn in the memory and love of the partner in the same way, with a wish that one day dawn of saffron light will fall upon the loved one.

Good read for this day !!
Review of Wasted Dream  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Love has been lost. More than the loss of a loved one is a loss of one's own identity in the process.
Words are painful, no doubt, but there is a hidden wish to get back the loved one, and get back the beauty of life again.
The dreams shattered and now the man thinks from his brain and has stopped thinking by heart.
Such is the damage done.
very emotional read for this day !
Review of Pain  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
I have read a few works of your's. And it really feels good to read words that have come straight from your heart.
Its good to read a few lines and understand the depth of the thoughts that have gone through each word.
You are really good at writing and conveyeing your thoughts with variety of words, feelings and use of title is great.
Review of Ashes  
Rated: E | (4.0)
The lonliness of the central character of this write-up is prominent.
In just a sentence , the author has conveyed a lifetime.
Thoughts of the past and youth , mistakes made and blunders deliberated cause pain to the body (in fact the soul), more than the damage done by the tobacco fumes.
The title suits well and the wasted youth that ends this write-up symbolises the ash.
Good piece of read.
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is exceptional, superb and a mind blowing poem. It has been filled with optimism to the brim.
There is a positive note to this poem. The will power is so strong that the writer knows that one day his dream will be realised.
The rhyming scheme is good and the words used are adding flavor to the thoughts.
The best Line : I will call my dream an eagle This bird can never die. Two lines pep up most of the motivation for the readers as well.

Thanks for sharing this here on WDC! It was great to read this.
Review of My Door  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Love lost and found in another sense.. Lost again and now waiting for a spring to come again and beautify the autumn like life.
No age is a limit to find love, to love someone with the turest of heart.
Love lost to minute mistakes hurts more and this is what this poem tries to say.
Nice read for this day.
This is only my suggestion, had it been structured as a poem, it would have been better. Since the words used here are rhyming in a manner. But, this way is also Ok. Its the writer's choice.
Rated: E | (4.5)
A goose-bum dream , a nightmare one never wishes to come true in the darkest of hours.
The pain and the fear blends well in this poem.

Its hard to say good-bye to the lady, the intense love prompts the mind of the man to think that she's only sleeping in contrast to accepting that she's no more.
Very painful to see a dream like this.

The last line did the trick.. The best eye-catcher.

Write On !!!
Review of The four elements  
Rated: E | (4.5)
The four elements are the fundamentals of the existence of the living beings in this world. Who created it? HE. And HE's got the power to control them, to have HIS command over them.
Each element's traits are well expressed here and that we can understand each of them thoroughly.
Ultimately HE is the power behind the elements of nature and the senses of cognition - the reason we are alive here. *Smile*

Very Inspirational
Review of The two kingdoms  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Yet another superb example of the eradication of the evil. The victory of good over bad, love over Evil.
The thought process is revealed very nicely through this poem. The rhyming scheme and the words used are apt.

Just one typo error : One side was losing the the tide turned.. The repetition of "the" can be edited. This is only a suggestion, you can take it or discard it.

Thanks for sharing this on WDC.
keep writing *Smile*

Rated: E | (4.5)
A sweet poem remebering friends who the writer will not spend time with.
The rhyming is simple yet very attractive words used here catch up the attention.
The sentiments are very clearly shown and the pain of losing friends stans out in this poem.
Good read.
Keep writing !!
Review of If Only  
Rated: E | (4.5)
A possible fight between lovers ends up in seperation that is not imagined by any one of them.
"if Only" is a phrase used by the lady like a bandaid after the damage is done by a scar called "seperation".
The structure of the poem, the rhyming scheme and the words used are apt to the situation and sentiments throughout the poem.
Review of Blank Page  
Rated: E | (4.5)
The concept of the blank page related itself to a lonely mind. Not lonely with respect to thoughts, as the thoughts are causing chaos in the writer's head. A writer is mentioned, sitting in front of a blank page, with so much to write, but he is blank in thougts. The void of the blank page is similar to the void in the life of the writer's lonely life.
The last line says it all. And its true that once the tear burst is over, there is a prestine silence in us.
Review of Rainbow  
Rated: E | (4.5)
The Title suits well with the content. Colours of a rainbow are used appropriately on the central character of the poem. The girl after dressing up with these vivid colours will definitely resemble a rainbow.
This poem does have a message hidden within. It says that life is always a rainbow with different shades of experiences. Each one is unique in their own way, but if put together they will create a rainbow on a misty life. And who does not love rainbows?
A very well written poem.
Review of Unwritten  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This happens to all of us at one point of time in life. We want to colour the world with the strokes of the pen and the feelings inscribed in words, but the right thought does not pop up and we are like statues staring the pen and the paper, thinking what to write, where to start with and how to go about it all the way.
The poet's wish to be a part of nature through his poems is very well expressed.
The words, the structure and the emotions are thought properly and the flow is easy and flawless.
Nice read for this day !!!
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