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Philosophy, Steampunk, Horror, Dark, Emotional, Science Fiction, Technology, and Political Science. I'm sure there are more that I'm missing.
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Review of Forever friend.  
Review by Riot
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "Forever friend.

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

Title: The title's alright, but I think it could use some proper capitalization. It also doesn't need a period at the end being it's a title and not a sentence. Forever Friend

Word Choice: Simple words, in a simply short bite sized poem. I think you picked your words just fine.

Structure and Form:
*Bullet* Keep watch on your punctuation.

*Star**Star**Star**Halfstar* Overall Opinion: Overall, I feel this could've been nicely expanded upon. With some careful watch of punctuation, this could be better. I honestly didn't feel very moved by this, despite the end. I was surprised to read the end, though, I didn't see it coming. If you decide to edit this any further, please drop me an email and let me know. I'd like to come back and re-read it. That being said, keep plugging. *Flower2*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item and pick up your unique signature today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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Review of Ignorance  
Review by Riot
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "Ignorance

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

Title/Plot: I'm not sure I understand the title, with the plot.

Characters: I'm a little confused, are you telling this from a first person point of view, or from Zoe's point of view? Are you just referencing her? Either way, I feel sorry for Zoe, her emotions seem to be very mixed.

Technical: Some things I noticed:
*Bullet* I think your introductory paragraph needs a bit of work. I like how it starts off with a question, but I feel like your second sentence is a bit of a run on. Instead of Your hearts pounding really fast and feels like it could jump out of your chest... I think you should put something like, How it makes you feel like your heart is going to jump out of your chest, while your body shakes like a rattle snake... or something along those lines. I know what you're trying to do in this paragraph, but I think if you slow down and describe each thought in their own right separately it may have more of an overall affect.
*Bullet* In paragraph two, you quote "fear that is", but I think only quoting "fear" would read better. You're referring to the mood, y'know?
*Exclaim* Keep watch on your punctuation. A lot of this is run on, and you "quote" an awful lot. I don't think most of the quotes are needed, in all honesty.

*Star**Star**Star* Overall Opinion: With some work, I feel this piece would speak to me more. Don't give up though, I feel it has a lot of potential. If you ever change this, please send me an email and let me know, as I'd be interested in re-reading/rating it.

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item and pick up your unique signature today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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Review of Frozen  
Review by Riot
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "Frozen

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

Title: I feel your title, while simplistic, fits the nature of your poem.

Word Choice: I like how you worded this. The first line of each stanza is great, I love how you exclaimed each to add more emphases. Other words that struck me: worldly chores, prosaic facts galore, precious possession of mine, encompassed glitter, and genetic flair. *Thumbsup*

Structure and Form: I like how this is free-verse, though I can't help but wonder how it would be if you followed a set of rules. With the first lines being exclaimed, and the last lines being questions... However, that being said, I feel you did an excellent job with describing each stanza.

Imagery: The imagery in this is great. You use good, strong, key words to support your thinking and paint us a picture of what exactly it is you're saying and contemplating.

*Star**Star**Star**Star**Halfstar* Overall Opinion: Overall, I think you did an excellent job. You kept same-like thoughts together, which really helped with the flow of this. I especially like how you ended this with the ultimate question. I have no doubt that this is a great piece of work. I look forward to reading more from you, I expect we'll be seeing more great things from you.

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item and pick up your unique signature today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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Review of The Note  
Review by Riot
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "The Note

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title: To the point and appropriate. It got me wondering what kind of note. A break up note? A grocery list? Some important instructions?

*Idea* Style and Voice: Straight and to the point. Almost matter-of-fact. I really thought it was appropriate.

*Check5* Word Choice: I very much liked the words here. I can't pick just one line or set of phrases, but if I was absolutely forced to I enjoyed how you reused the first stanza to mean something else entirely.

*Paragraph* Structure and Form: The flow was pretty good, but here are my personal thoughts on meter:
*Bullet* Stanza 1, Line 1
*Right* This feels too long to me. Maybe you could cut out a syllable or two.

... Yup. That's it. *Heart*

*Heart* Imagery: This was good. I imagined this little note sitting on the counter with him eye-balling it.

*Star**Star**Star**Star**Halfstar* Overall: Fantastic piece. Thank you for sharing it with us. I look forward to reading more of your work.

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review by Riot
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "Tales of the Raven: The Pilgrimage

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

Title: After reading this poem, I can definitely understand and agree with the title a lot more than at a first glance.

Style/Imagery: Wow, is all I can say. The imagery in this piece is just outstanding. I can't pick just one thing in specific. What a read! And still, your voice showed through in every letter. *Heart*

Word Choice: I could never pretend to even pick out a favorite part with this, but some word combinations that struck me in particular are: a wolf and his wife, fur so immaculate, His bright black eyes were always merry, waddled and hopped, malevolent face. I could go on but I have to limit myself. *Heart*

Structure and Form: Nothing I can say would do this piece any justice. I thought it flowed very well.

Overall: I rarely say it, but don't change a thing. It's very deserving of the beautiful purple ribbon it has. While this was a long read, I found myself pretty glued to it. *Flower6*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of Life after death  
Review by Riot
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (3.0)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "Life after death.

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title/Plot: I understand where this title came from, but I think with a different name it could be more personal to this story.

*Flower4* Scene/Setting: I felt the description of the car-wreck was okay, but with some fleshing out it could be much better.

*Kiss* Characters: I actually felt sorry for the characters, which is a good sign that this story has potential.

*Cut* Technical: I think with some better formatting and attention to punctuation, that this would read easier. Until then, I honestly feel like it detracts from the story.

*Star**Star**Star* Overall Opinion: With some work, I think this has a lot of potential. Regardless, it was a good read and I'm glad to have read it. Thank you for sharing it with us. *Flower4*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of The Empty Crib  
Review by Riot
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "The Empty Crib

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title: This title definitely has a lot of meaning for this poem.

*Idea* Style/Imagery: Sad imagery, very, very sad. The still of the night, the midnight sun shining, clouds... all represent what she feels inside as well.

*Check5* Word Choice: I couldn't just pick one thing about this that moves me, as it does in its entirety.

*Star**Star**Star**Star**Halfstar* Overall: This is a very moving poem, and thank you for sharing it with us. I hope you keep up the great writing. Welcome to WDC. *Flower1*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of I lie in bed  
Review by Riot
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "I lie in bed

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title: The title's good, it only needs proper capitalization.

*Idea* Style/Imagery: I really like how you presented this poem. I felt like I was experiencing everything that you were. The end was especially depressing.

*Check5* Word Choice: Some words that struck me: laden breeze, gentle wind, golden ray, and {b]sprinkling.

*Paragraph* Structure and Form: I really like this unique scheme you've used. Wonderful!

*Star**Star**Star**Star**Halfstar* Overall: Thank you for sharing this. I highly enjoyed reading it. *Leaf2*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of Full of Grace  
Review by Riot
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "Full of Grace

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title: I like this title and think it fits this terribly sad poem.

*Idea* Style/Imagery: I think you did a really good job wording this. I can feel your emotions in your word. I sympathize with you very much.

*Check5* Word Choice: I don't think you could've worded things better, especially on this delicate subject.

*Paragraph* Structure and Form: Pretty great structure here. There were only a couple of places where I thought the flow was slightly off, but it didn't detract from the poem at all.

*Star**Star**Star**Star**Halfstar* Overall: Thank you for sharing this touching poem and exposing those rattling nerves that must haunt you. Great job. *Flower4*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of Talismans  
Review by Riot
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "Talismans

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title: I like the title. *Thumbsup*

*Idea* Style/Imagery: The style of this is definitely not what I expected. It's not every day people write poems backward. But, because it was, I was forced to read it much slower.

*Check5* Word Choice: The word choice was good, even though backward.

*Star**Star**Star**Star* Overall: This was an interesting read, but honestly I'm not sure why it was done backward. I don't think it was bad backward, or anything, but it did kind of hurt my eyes straining to read it this way.

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of Men in Black  
Review by Riot
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "Men in Black.

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title/Plot: It reminds me too much of the movie, unfortunately.

*Exclaim* Style & Voice: I like how you designed this flash story.

*Flower4* Scene/Setting: Not very in depth here, but we're talking in a scene that's 500 words and I don't think you could've pulled it off any better.

*Cut* Technical: I could find nothing wrong with this piece.

*Star**Star**Star**Star* Overall Opinion: Overall, I felt this was pretty good. Thanks for sharing this with us! *Flower1*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of Stargazing  
Review by Riot
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "Stargazing.

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title/Plot: I like the title. It gets me wondering what you're going to talk about. *Thumbsup*

*Exclaim* Style & Voice: For a 55 worder story, you've done a great job with style. I often find these are very difficult to do. *Heart*

*Cut* Technical: I could find nothing wrong with this, grammar or spelling. Excellent job. I wouldn't change anything.

*Star**Star**Star**Star**Star* Overall Opinion: I often times feel like 55 worders are a real hit or miss. I think you did a really good job with this one! It made me smile. *Heart*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review by Riot
In affiliation with The WDC Angel Army  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "The Last Fairytale

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title: This title got me curious as to what the poem was about. I wasn't disappointed. *Thumbsup*

*Idea* Style/Imagery: I like the descriptions of everything around you, from the clouds, the rain, and all the colors.

*Check5* Word Choice: Some words that struck me: earth-rough, corporeal, questing heart, and fairytale restart.

*Paragraph* Structure and Form: My only criticism for this is to perhaps add some punctuation to it and possibly capitalize some of the lines. Otherwise, I can find nothing wrong with this.

*Star**Star**Star**Star* Overall: Thank you for sharing this with us, I enjoyed the read. Keep up the great work, and welcome to WDC! *Flower1*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of CHRIST!  
Review by Riot
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "CHRIST!

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title: I like the title, but I think you could kill the caps.

*Idea* Style/Imagery: These powerful words truly fill me with hope. Very good job.

*Check5* Word Choice: I think you did a great job with word choice here. I like how you put them together and made it sound... whimsical even. Kiss of spring, winter's cruelest frost, and cold and bitterness. *Heart*

*Star**Star**Star**Star**Halfstar* Overall: Great bite-sized poem! I can't see any room for improvement other than to expand it, which would of course disqualify you from the contest. *Flower2*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of A typical family?  
Review by Riot
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "A typical family?

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title: I don't think I really care for the title. I would shorten it and make it more title-like. Maybe Family Reunion (although overplayed) or Typical Family? even.

*Idea* Style/Imagery: In just a few short words you've told me all about your whole family. Way to go. *Thumbsup*

*Check5* Word Choice: I loved the wording and think you did a great job with it.

*Paragraph* Structure and Form: Every thing is great. My only one suggestion is that the very last line seemed like it was one syllable too short. Maybe it could be: This is out annual family reunion. Even still, it was a great poem, and that didn't detract from it.

*Star**Star**Star**Star**Halfstar* Overall: Overall, I thought this was great. Thanks for sharing it with us! *Flower2*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of My Family Reunion  
Review by Riot
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "My Family Reunion

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title: As I've said to the others who entered this contest; I think the title could be more creative.

*Idea* Style/Imagery: Haha, interesting imagery here. Sort of humorous, too!

*Check5* Word Choice: I like how you described your family reunion. It wasn't all fluff and lovies like the others I've read so far.

*Paragraph* Structure and Form: I like the rhyme, not sure if it was intentional. If it was, you may want to look at the second (and last) stanza again. yelling / given / leaving

*Star**Star**Star**Star* Overall: An amusing read. Thanks for sharing! *Flower6*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review by Riot
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "TSUNAMI: a cinquain

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title: Great title, my only suggestion is to kill the caps. You don't have to tell us it's a cinquain either, if you're going to also tell us in the text.

*Idea* Style/Imagery: Well, the imagery is great. I definitely agree with it!

*Check5* Word Choice: The whole thing was all kinds of awesome. The build-up, and the end.

*Paragraph* Structure and Form: Great form. I'm not sure if you really needed to tell us every little detail though. It doesn't detract from the poem, I guess I just chuckled a little when you spent more words describing the poem than the actual poem itself. Much like this review. ;)

*Star**Star**Star**Star**Star* Overall: Don't change a thing. It's perfect. *Flower2*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of Waves  
Review by Riot
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "Waves

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title: The title's okay. I'm unsure with all these ocean poems. It's hard to be more creative with them.

*Idea* Style/Imagery: I like the imagery in this, and how you brought in other elements besides just the ocean.

*Check5* Word Choice: They're all great. I especially love line 3.

*Paragraph* Structure and Form: Cinquain, you can never go wrong with this. I couldn't find any room for improvement.

*Star**Star**Star**Star**Halfstar* Overall: Thank you for sharing this with us, it was really great. *Flower2*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review by Riot
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "Turkish Coffee - Excerpt

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title: Hehe, I like the title. *Heart*

*Idea* Style/Imagery: I felt like I was drinking this coffee with you, tea style maybe. *Thumbsup*

*Check5* Word Choice: Great imagery. I could see the ivory cup, and I felt like I was getting ready to take a big old sip. Good thing I had my Starbucks here!

*Paragraph* Structure and Form: I liked the light rhyming, you were spot on with it!

*Star**Star**Star**Star**Halfstar* Overall: Overall, I highly enjoyed this read. Thanks for sharing it with us! I look forward to reading more of your work and raiding your port soon. *Flower4*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review by Riot
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry " Just one more time...

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title: Great title, but needs proper capitalization.

*Idea* Style/Imagery: I love the style of this. I especially like how you've split the descriptive parts into red, and how those are always the second line. Great job.

*Check5* Word Choice: All your red words struck me, as I'm sure they were intended. *Heart*

*Star**Star**Star**Star**Star* Overall: I can find no room for improvement, I think it's perfect. Great job, and thank you for sharing this with us. Keep up the good work. *Flower1*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of Living With Mom  
Review by Riot
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "Living With Mom.

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title/Plot: The title's appropriate to the poem/dialogue. *Thumbsup*

*Exclaim* Style & Voice: I like how you presented this. I don't think anybody else has tried to mix poetry and dialogue. Even without the quotes, as you say, it's clear it is.

*Kiss* Characters: I wonder how many mothers (or wives for that matter) feel this way.

*Cut* Technical: I couldn't find anything wrong with this, technically.

*Star**Star**Star**Star**Halfstar* Overall Opinion: Overall, I felt this was a pretty amusing read. One thing though -- your bitem didn't actually go through properly on the page, but I hunted it down anyways. I look forward to more of your entries to this contest! *Flower6*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of Under Celine  
Review by Riot
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "Under Celine

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title: This title's perfect. *Heart*

*Idea* Style/Imagery: You have some great style going on here. I liked how you narrated this. It almost felt like an 'old-school' type poem.

*Check5* Word Choice: The word choice here was superb.

*Paragraph* Structure and Form: I couldn't find anything wrong with this. Though I wonder, would punctuation at the end of the lines help at all? They're not needed, it doesn't detract from the poem. I am just curious.

*Star**Star**Star**Star**Star* Overall: Great job on this. You took 8 lines and really made me smile. :)

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of Lost At Sea  
Review by Riot
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "Lost At Sea.

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title/Plot: I like the title. *Thumbsup*

*Exclaim* Style & Voice: I really like your style here. I think the italics were a good choice! It depicts the eerie voice of death well.

*Flower4* Scene/Setting: While you didn't describe the ocean in depth, I felt like I was floating around with you hanging on to the last thread of life.

*Cut* Technical: The only thing I have to say is that maybe you could split this up in to multiple lines. I'm unsure though, because it seems like it works just fine as one paragraph.

*Star**Star**Star**Star**Halfstar* Overall Opinion: Overall, I felt you did a really good job. Thanks for sharing it with us. *Flower1*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review of On Patrol  
Review by Riot
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "On Patrol.

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title/Plot: This title makes me wonder what you could say about being on patrol. In 55 words!

*Exclaim* Style & Voice: I love the dialogue. I really think dialogue is the key to these short 55 worders. You did a great job with it.

*Kiss* Characters: The ending made me laugh out loud. I could almost see the rookie being so disappointed over something so small, as opposed to all the violence they see daily.

*Cut* Technical: I think it was all pretty good. At the end, maybe with the start of sentence three in the last paragraph, put it on a new line. Otherwise, I couldn't find anything else wrong with it.

*Star**Star**Star**Star**Halfstar* Overall Opinion: This made me laugh out loud. Thanks for sharing it, and brightening up my rotten day. :)

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
Review by Riot
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, I'm Justine, known here as Riot . This review is in response to your entry "55 Word Story {Winter Forest}.

Please note that this is just a review and my personal opinion of what I read. It is not intended to be rude, hurtful, or in any way discouraging. Like all free advice you can take it or leave it as you please.

*Note* Title/Plot: I love the title. *Heart*

*Exclaim* Style & Voice: I like how you told this short story. These 55 word contests are pretty tough to do, believe me I've tried. I especially like that you only focused on the bunny.

*Cut* Technical: I couldn't find any errors grammatically or spelling-wise. However, at the end, I think you could have just italicized 'thud' instead of encasing it in quotes.

*Star**Star**Star**Star**Halfstar* Overall Opinion: Great story, I really enjoyed the read. *Flower5*

*Heart**Heart**Heart* I hope this review has been helpful in some way. Feel free to drop by my port sometime and sign "Invalid Item! *Heart**Heart**Heart*

*Snow3**Snow2**Snow1* Also, check out my new and hot store, "Invalid Item, and pick up your new signature/cnote/gift today! *Snow1**Snow2**Snow3*

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I am part of the "Invalid Item, June 15th through the 21st!

*Reading*Review submitted by a Proud Sunshine Reviewer for "Invalid Item!!*Reading*
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