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Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: You used interesting metaphors to describe love in this poem, it was like something that devours a person, then it is like a tsunami that brings relief. I found this poem interesting and beautifully written.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't find any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: You have an outstanding mind for metaphors, some people are good at it and some are not, but you really have a knack for describing things in unique ways.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a really weird story, but strange in a good way; I like stories with magical transformations like this. It's interesting how his day started out ordinarily in his garden, then something miraculous happened.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I like how the bird behaved and got the man's attention. The transformation sequence was surprising and fascinating.

Review of Onward  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an interesting snapshot of events in the far-flung future, I enjoy stories about colonizing other worlds, and this story was interesting to me. It would be interesting to read what else happened to these people.

Errors/Suggestions: I saw a place toward the middle of the story where the beginning of a sentence was in bold lettering for no apparent reason.

What I liked: I liked the action when the object flew out of the woman's mouth and damaged the robot's camera. I also liked the setting, an indeterminate time in the distant future.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an interesting piece of prose, I was left wondering if the person who came to you in your dreams was a deceased lover, or someone you knew who was still alive, but far away. The imagery you conveyed was beautiful, it sounded like the dreams you had were pleasant.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind. One thing I wondered about, this wasn't a mistake you made, just a thought I had, was why you went to bed so late and got up so early. It would be interesting to me if you could provide more information about that.

What I liked: I liked how romantic your dreams were without being erotic, everything you wrote was in good taste. I also like how detailed you were in accounting your time in bed, you even had the exact hour and minute that the events in your story occurred.

Review of Will You  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a well-written love poem that was short and to the point, you did a good job of getting your message across. I like love poems like this, I found it very entertaining.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any spelling, punctuation or grammar errors.

What I liked: I liked the theme of this poem, the message of two people coming together and finding true love.

Review of What's My Name?  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This poem went over my head, like a lot of poetry does. My guess is that this story takes place in the afterlife, since there is mention of angels. I apologize for not being better at interpreting poetry.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any spelling, punctuation or grammar errors, but a suggestion I would make is for you to have a link at the bottom of the page taking readers to another page where you explain the meaning of this poem, for those of us who aren't good at interpreting poetry.

What I liked: I liked the sense that there was a situation, conflict, and resolution of conflict. I think you did a good job in that area.
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a popular subject for a poem, expressing your feeling of love for the partner you found. You did a good job of expressing your emotions.

Errors/Suggestions: I saw no technical errors as far as grammar or punctuation or spelling, but the cadence of this poem seemed a little off in places, as if there were too many syllables in some of the lines.

What I liked: I like vicariously experiencing someone's joy at finding true love through reading a love poem written by them.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an interesting concept you chose to write about, I haven't watched an animal show like the one you decribed in a long time. It's interesting that you made this poem rhyme, I think you did a good job with the cadence of the poem. The words seemed to flow well.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I liked the subject of this poem, you should definitely write about what interests you, because chances are, you'll hit on something that will interest others as well. I also liked the cadence of the poem, you did a good job of incorporating the right amount of syllables into each line.

Review of Lost From God  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: As far as the theme is concerned, this was a good poem about someone's relationship with God.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any grammar, spelling or punctuation errors, but the cadence of the poem seemed forced in some areas. It seemed like there were too many syllables in some of the lines.

What I liked: I enjoy religious poems, it's always nice to read of how someone interprets their relationship with God.

Review of Mistaken Identity  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a well-written horror story, I enjoyed the surprise ending. This was a rather realistic approach to a vampire story, I felt that this vampire character was living in the real world.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I liked the shocker ending, and I also liked not knowing what kind of a story I was reading until the end. I also enjoyed the sense of realism.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This is an imaginative concept, I like the fantasy element. This reminds me of some of the ancient legends from different parts of the world, written before a time when people completely understood the ways of the universe or of science; because of this, this story has a certain charm.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I liked the simple charm of this story, and how it didn't try to rationalize itself to fit with our modern understanding of the universe.

Review of Regret  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: After reading this, I was left wondering if the two of you had met in real life or not. Some lines give the impression that you met, and other lines give the impression that you didn't. It's an interesting poem, if this is a true story, then you have led an interesting life.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I liked the idea of two people from across the Ocean communicating with each other, there is something magical about that.

Review of Doomed  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: Wow, this was a truly epic poem, but I'm one of those people who have difficulty interpreting poetry. The imagery you described was beautiful, though I'm unsure of what story you were trying to tell. That is due to my ignorance of poetry, and not because your writing ability was lacking; on the contrary, I think you are a very talented poet.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I liked the imagery and the choice of words you used, it was very skillful!

Review of Addiction  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an interesting poem about addiction. I can relate to this on a personal level, because I have battled substance abuse for many years.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I liked how I was able to relate to this poem on a personal level. It was all too familiar to a former addict like me.

Review of Our Moment  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This is the most beautiful love sonnet I've ever read on Writing.com, you really managed to convey the love of two people. I've read a lot of love poems here, but none as good as this! I'm interested in knowing who you were writing about, and if you're going to marry that person.

Errors/Suggestions: My only suggestion is to let us know if you are a man writing about being in love with a woman, or a woman writing about being in love with a man. I was just curious about that.

What I liked: This was an epic love sonnet, rivalling the Song of Solomon! You did an outstanding job! This is my favorite love sonnet I've ever read at Writing.com!

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an interesting story/poem, the theory about death your characters describe is something I've heard before, but you managed to put it beautifully into your own words and explain it in a unique way.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I like the fact that the girl's father was a scientist, and he tried to explain death in scientific terminology.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a cute poem told from the perspective of a teenage girl. It was enlightening as well as humorous. It brings back memories of my own teenage years, and shows that as time goes by, teenage girls remain the same. (That's not an insult, just an observation.)

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind. A suggestion I have is to have a footnote at the bottom of the page explaining who the author is you mentioned, because I was unfamiliar with her, and I'm sure some of your older readers might be unaware of her, also.

What I liked: I liked some of the things that seemed important to you, like chocolate and cute boys. It showed how innocent teenage girls are, and how the things they desire can be the simple things in life, nothing complicated.

Review of heeeelp!  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a unique way to ask for gift points and reviews. I thought it was an imaginative approach to describe a fictional scenario to humorously get your point across. You did a good job of describing the place where your protagonist was trapped, I could almost visualize it in my mind and I could see the slimy water running down the rocky walls.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't really see any errors of any kind, other than using too many exclamation marks, but that was a style choice and I'm sure you knew you were breaking a punctuation rule when you were doing it.

What I liked: I liked how I was able to visualize the setting you described. I also like how imaginative this whole set-up was, in an effort to secure gift points from other Writing.com members.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: These contest entries were interesting and well written. It must've been quite a challenge to write something where the first letter of each word starts with each letter of the alphabet.

Errors/Suggestions: For both entries, when you got to the letter X the words didn't start with X, maybe you could've used X-ray, Xerox, or Xanadu. Just suggesting several words that start with X.

What I liked: I really like the fact that you explained to us what this contest was about. A lot of people don't take the time to explain contest entries as well as you did.

Review of Dark Spaces  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: The theme of this poem is familiar to me, I grew up in an abusive home and I can recall the hurtful words my mother spoke to me, and how she wanted my forgiveness afterwards.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I liked how I was able to relate to this poem on a personal level.

Review of ONE DAY AN ANGEL  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an interesting poem, I like your interpretation of heaven. The description was very beautiful. The afterlife sounded like an exotic place the way you described it.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I liked the theme of this poem, writing about being an angel. I found this to be very uplifting.

Review of Fairy’s Favor  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an interesting and cute little poem about the tooth fairy. I thought it was imaginative and creative.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors, but it seemed to me that the cadence was a little off in places. It seemed that some lines had more syllables than lines they were rhyming with, but that can be easily corrected with a little editing.

What I liked: I like how this brought back memories of when the tooth fairy visited me when I was a kid. This was a fun topic to read about.

Review of Lilac Time  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a very positive image of an older couple together, it makes me hope for my own future that I'll find someone who will love me well into my old age.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I like how you focused on the plants in the garden to symbolize the beauty and strength of the old couple's relationship. I also think you showed wisdom by saying there was no need to speak, because the couple have known each other for so long that it is no longer necessary.

Review of Sin City  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a disturbing short story, but done in an excellent way, considering that it was written for the horror genre. You did a good job of getting us inside the head of the madman protagonist.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any techncial errors of any kind.

What I liked: I like how this reminded me of Hannibal Lecter from "Silence of the Lambs." Although I don't normally read items from the horror genre, I enjoyed this story a lot. Once again you have written something that I found truly awesome.

Review of Lingering Dreams  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a beautiful love poem written from the perspective of a person who is longing to be with someone they have not yet met, the love of their life. The cadence of the poem was melodic and carried well, rhyming poems are my favorite type of poetry.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I like the way this poem applies to me, I'm still single and I believe the person who I am meant to be with is out there somewhere waiting for me.

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