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Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an interesting discussion, I think you're right, that there will always be people who will complain regardless of how good or bad a situation is. This essay described a type of person that we're all familiar with, the chronic complainer.

Errors/Suggestions: You misspelled Walmart, I'm pretty sure it only has one letter "L" in it.

What I liked: I like your observation that some people are very optimistic most of the time, that's generally how I am, but I do have my bad days just like you do.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an ingenious sword and sorcery tale, and well told, too. You made the villagers seem like real people, and this world they lived in seemed real, as well.

Errors/Suggestions: This story is listed as fanfiction, but I would be interested in knowing what series this is based on, whether it is Dungeons & Dragons, or some other fantasy world such as Tolkien's Lord of the Rings saga.

What I liked: I like how you solved the problem as a writer of where Jonathan should strike with the sword, given that the hide of the dragon is inpenetrable. Striking the eye was a good choice to solve this dilemma.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: I enjoyed reading your four entries in the WDC Survivor contest, I feel that they were all well-written. Each one was different from the others, and each one stood out. Good luck with this contest, I hope you win!

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any techncial errors of any kind.

What I liked: I liked reading about Piper, it seemed like she was a real person. It seems that you must've done a lot of research for the story about the bandits in Africa, that was well-done.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an epic poem about the Native American people and how they and their land were exploited. I am also Native American, Apache, Pueblo and Cherokee. I learned at a young age what the Indians went through, and poems like yours do a good job of informing people of other races of what really happened.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I liked the image your poem evoked in my mind, of an old Indian warrior out on the plains on his horse.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an interesting short story full of drama, it's amazing that you could establish so much action in such a short story. You did a great job.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors, but I have a suggestion. I wasn't sure if the woman died while saving the child's life, hence the words "Angels toom me home." I know you probably don't want to change any words in your story because of the word count, but maybe you could provide a link at the bottom of the page and explain to your readers whether the woman survived or not.

What I liked: I liked the act of heroism of the woman saving the child, I like reading of things like that.

Review of "A Man Among Men"  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an excellent poem about a son's love for his father. You did a good job mentioning how brave and honest he was.

Errors/Suggestions: I think for the cadence to be better, the first line should be changed to: "He cast a long shadow wherever he walked" instead of "He cast a long shadow where he walked" Also, I think the cadence of this poem is off just a little bit. If you could adjust a word here or there, you might make it flow off the tongue a little better.

What I liked: I liked how you worked it into the poem that he served during World war Two. The men of that generation were truly brave and patriotic. My grandfather was a WW2 veteran, he served in the Marine Corps. Just out of curiosity, what branch did your father serve in?

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: I was born in 1971, so I didn't live through the Kennedy assassination, so it's interesting to vicariously experience it through the eyes of someone who was alive at that time. My dad was born in 1943, so he is close to your age. I think Kennedy was a great president, he got us to the moon, and I have often pondered traveling back in time to try to stop Oswald on that fateful day.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I like how you took something tragic that happened in your lifetime and you did something positive and creative by writing a poem about it.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a cute story of how you got your nickname. It's sometimes interesting how someone came up with a certain nickname.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors. It would be interesting to know how you did in the contest this story was entered into.

What I liked: I like your nickname, it sounds cool. True stories like this are more interesting than fiction.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: I didn't understand what mental issues the female protagonist in your short story had, but it was entertaining and humorous to read the results of her bizarre behavior.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I thought it was funny that the woman in your story was smearing spaghetti sauce all over the walls, I really liked it and thought you had an interesting tale here. It's also amazing that you were able to write this with so few words, I know that is a difficult feat.

Review of FRED AND COCO  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a cute story, I can relate to this because my grandparents had small dogs that I loved as a kid.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I like the way you described the dogs' behavior. Some dogs are really possessive, just like Coco is with her toys. I thought her attitude was kind of funny, because I've known dogs who reacted like that over the years.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (4.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This is a cute story of two wild animals who were adopted by a nice woman and raised together.

Errors/Suggestions: I spotted this error in the first paragraph: the sun to be up i the air again. I spotted this mistake in the second paragraph: Th yarn I spotted this mistake in the final parageraph: uneven ground made t difficult to move quickly. Also, as a suggestion, you should introduce the two animal characters in a way so that the reader knows which one is the raccoon, and which one is the fox. I was kind of confused at first.

What I liked: I liked the life the animals lived while in the care of the woman who adopted them, because it was in sharp contrast to the struggle they went through during the storm that orphaned them.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a cute story about someone with a young child. I have so many friends and family members with young kids that I can relate to this somewhat. This story was so realistic I wasn't sure if it was fiction or non-fiction, you did a good job, Leger!

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors.

What I liked: I liked the innocence of the young two-year-old, I could picture something like this happening in real life.
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an informative essay with good advice, promoting ourselves is an important tool for getting recognized. I've followed some of the advice written here.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors, and although I tried I couldn't think of too many additional things you could mention, other than to link here from Deviantart for writers like myself who are also artists.

What I liked: I like the advice about getting business cards made up with our URL on it, I never thought of that! Very excellent advice.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an interesting true story of your struggle in life, and how you grew from it.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind, but you might want to list the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis for those of us who are ignorant, so we can know more about it and learn what it's really like.

What I liked: I like the fact that you changed your outlook on life because of your experience. That correlates with the inner struggle that characters in screenplays are supposed to go through. Screenwriting books advise aspiring screenwriters to give characters an inner struggle, and to have those characters grow and learn throughout the story, so they have a different perspective at the end of the film than they had at the beginning. I think it's interesting that your struggle in life helped you to grow, learn, and change in a similar way.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an interesting story, describing a newbie who is just learning about Writing.com as if it were a real place where the WDC members were physically gathered together. This was very creative and very well done!

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I like how you made Writing.com seem like something out of a Harry Potter novel. Great job!

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an honest account of an American's reaction to trying an Australian delicacy. It's kind of amazing to me that you can eat liver but you can't eat vegemite; I can't stand liver, so I probably wouldn't be able to stomach vegemite, either!

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I like how brave you were for trying vegemite, and I like how honest you were in admitting that you don't like it.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: I found this to be a delightful and informative poem about vegemite! I came across your poem from Nancy's article she wrote that you have linked to. Before I reviewed her item, I decided to read and review yours first.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I liked how your poem informed as well as entertained, I didn't know vegemite was made from yeast.

Review of Bike Riding  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a humorous account of your experience with bike riding after many years without riding, but I think you were a little bit hard on yourself. There are a lot of us who can relate to you. I'm 40 and overweight, so I can see things from your point of view.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I really liked the fact that you got out and exercised, you should do it more often!

Review of Before 8 November  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a well-written love poem, it really captured the feeling of two people in love. The cadence of the rhyming words was really nice.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I like how you mentioned the different months starting with November, and ending with March. Mentioning March toward the end of the poem seems to give hope, since that is the month Spring starts.

Review of More About Me  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: Sherri, it's an honor to read something from your port! I agree with your view of life, I'm glad you're such a positive person. Your Simply Positive group has made a difference in the lives of everyone in this group.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: Follow your heart and reach for the stars is a good motto, do you mind if I adopt it from this day forward as my own personal motto? I'll never forget those words after doing this review, and I consider it an honor to be online friends with such a positive person as you!

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a cute and funny little item, I'm glad it was featured in the comedy newsletter. With all the seriousness in the world, it's nice to see a story like this to make me chuckle.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors.

What I liked: I like how I can relate to this, typos have aggravated me, also. I think most writers can relate to your dilemma.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: You presented an interesting concept, freedom in exchange for an exceptional gift. The idea seems original to me, and interesting. I hope you are able to turn it into a novel.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors.

What I liked: I like the originality of your concept and I like how interesting it is!

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a sad tale of true love, I'm glad you found true love, but it's sad that he died. You expressed yourself well, the way you told of how he sent electricity through your body.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I liked how strongly you felt true love for your one and only. I hope a woman loves me that intensely some day!

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an interesting poem about working in an office environment. I had a job in an office once, and some of what you wrote reminded me of that brief experience. It sounds like you really know what you're doing, and were able to write about it.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I like the positive message you wove into your poem, it was very encouraging.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a decent little poem about the Joker. I liked the way you made it rhyme, and I'm glad it was about the Joker from DC comics, because I'm familiar with him. Usually I have a hard time with poetry, but yours was easy to understand.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't notice any technical errors.

What I liked: I liked the way you made this poem ryhme, those are my favorite poems.

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