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Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: I have trouble interpreting poetry soemtimes, and your poem gave me some difficulty. I assumed it was about how the love of a woman can bring you out of the suffering you were going through in life. If I'm wrong, I apologize.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors.

What I liked: I like the idea of a woman's love bringing someone out of a state of misery.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: I'm happy for you that you found the woman of your dreams. From the sound of your poem, you must really be in love with her. She must be really happy that you took the time to write a poem about how the two of you met.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors.

What I liked: I liked the sincerity of your love for your wife, and the fact that you have been with her for so long. Congratulations!

Review of Follicular Folly  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a hilarious personal account that kept my eyes glued to the screen to see what happened next. We've all had crazy things happen to us in life, but it takes a certain skill to document these events as skillfully as you have done here.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I liked how you kept humor interwoven throughout the story, and the writing style showed a lot of your personality. I think you are a skillful writer.

Review of I AM  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: I like poems that affirm a person's belief in God, so I found your poem uplifting and entertaining. In the Old Testament, "I Am" is the name God gave himself when he spoke to Moses. It seems like you put a lot of love into this poem, and I feel that you did a good job.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors.

What I liked: I like the way you described what and who God is on your own terms. It isw like he is everywhere but still a part of you. It also looks like you did your research by giving God's name correctly.
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | N/A (Review only item.)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an interesting essay, you really put a lot of emotion into how you feel about that old tree. We all get sentimental about things, and it is up to writers to express those feelings and share them with readers. You have done a good job of that here.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't notice any technical errors that jumped out at me, but I was wondering if the word "aunt" should have been capitalized; I know if I wrote Aunt Josey I should captilize the "A" in aunt, but I'm not sure about the rule regarding aunt by itself. If I'm wrong then disregard what I said about it.

What I liked: I liked the fact that you still have enough of a heart to get sentimental about a tree, and that you were able to write about it and express those feelings so effectively.

Review of Through the Storm  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an interesting twist on the old Wizard of Oz story, I really liked it! Reversing some of the concepts from the original was very creative.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't notice any technical errors.

What I liked: I like how she went from being in full color to black and white, the opposite of what happened to Dorothy in the movie the Wizard of oz.

Review of Decaying Beauty  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: Wow, you really knocked me out with this poem, I think you did a fantastic job. Your words were really beautiful! This was really a top-rate poem, much nicer than poetry I am accustomed to reading.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't notice any technical errors.

What I liked: I liked how you took the time and effort to capitalize the beginning of each sentence and you colored the font, that was nice. I also liked that you wrote down at the end what type of poem this is, for those of us interested in knowing.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a good poem, a mother's love is stronger than any other kind of love, and you really displayed that with your poem.

Errors/Suggestions: I noticed in the fourth paragraph there is a comma that doesn't have a space after it before the next word that comes after it.

What I liked: I liked how strongly you feel about your sons, I'm sure they are loved and in a safe home.

Review of I Miss Buttons  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a cute little story that adult parents can actually learn a lesson from if they find themselves in this same situation; they could give their child a new pet to replace the one that died.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors.

What I liked: I liked the happy ending, and I liked the innocence of this story, it was very well-written.
Review of Disease Spreads.  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a very macabre poem, it seems like you put a lot of effort into it and your hard work paid off. I think you were very creative to dream up something like this.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors.

What I liked: I like how the disease seems to have a personality and a sense of purpose, you conveyed that very well!

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: I can see two possible interpretations of this: either she is asleep and wants to experience as much of this faux relationship as she can before she wakes up, or she is really awake and the guy of her dreams makes her feel as if her life is so fantastic that it could only be a dream. Leaving it up to the reader to interpret is a good call, I like that we have the choice of making our minds up for ourselves.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I liked the fact that whether we are guys or girls, we can all remember a special someone in our lives who made us feel like the protagonist in your poem feels. Love is awesome!

Review of Roses in Heaven  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This is such a touching poem, it almost brought tears to my eyes. Ironically, not too long before I read this poem, maybe about five or ten minutes before, I thought about my mother who is still alive and I wondered what it will be like when she passes away, and I felt sad. I'm sorry for your loss, but you did an excellent job of expressing yourself with this poem.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind, and I have no suggestions to make this better, because it is perfect.

What I liked: I liked how beautiful this poem is, it seems like it was written by a professional at Hallmark.

Review of Room at the End  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: I think you did a good job of following what the quotation said, you developed a pretty decent poem out of that. I had trouble comprehending some of it, as I do with most poetry, but I think I got the general idea. The quotation at the beginning helped me to better understand what you were shooting for with this.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors.

What I liked: I liked the fact that you had the quotation that inspired this poem at the beginning, most people would overlook a little detail like that.

Review of Gazing  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: You made this seem so effortless, but I'm sure you put a lot of work into it. The image that accompanies the poem is fitting.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I liked the way you took the time to explain to your audience exactly what type of poem this is, and you wrote the explanation with such painstaking detail. For this reason (and because the poem was awesome) I am giving you five stars; I always tell people who write poetry that they should have an explanation about the type of poem they wrote at the bottom of the page, but you beat me to it!

Review of A Day on the Farm  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a funny story with a sad yet still funny ending. Was this meant to be a statement on the human condition? I've read "Animal Farm" by George Orwell, and I kind of sense the same kind of message (maybe not identical to the message of Animal farm, but similar) am I right? Please e-mail me and let me know.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't see any errors of any kind.

What I liked: I thought it was funny that the roosters were clueless about their fate right up until the end. It was kind of sad, but kind of funny at the same time.

Review of Lost  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an excellent example of a Villanelle poem, it must've been difficult to write considering that you had a prompt, but you couldn't use the word of the prompt or a direct synonym of that word. It looks to me like you put a lot of effort into this poem, and your hard work paid off.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't notice any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I absolutely love the fact that you took the time to explain to those of us who don't know, exactly what Villanelle form is. When I encounter certain poems, I usually say as a suggestion that they should have a postscript or a link to a notepage that explains the form of poetry they are using, but you are way ahead of me on that one. Thank you for taking the extra time to go into detail and explain the poetry form you used!

Review of Tradition!  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an interesting concept, I think you are right that tradition for the sake of tradition isn't necessarily a good idea.

Errors/Suggestions: I noticed this mistake in your introduction: The story may or not me true. I think what you meant to say is: The story may or may not be true.

What I liked: I found it interesting that you researched the actual reason the congregation faced the back of the church. (Regardless of whether or not this story is true, I found it interesting.)

Review by Riverd0g
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
This is one heckuva good place for Nano participants to shoot the breeze and confide in each other. I'm in a couple of different Nano groups, so this place gives me a spot where I can post a message so people in both groups can read it. Keep up the good work, and see you in November!
Review by Riverd0g
Rated: E | (5.0)
You did a great job devoting so much time and energy into developing this group, I really look forward to doing Nano this year; with this group, I think it will be a lot more fun! This will be my fifth Nano attempt, I've never completed 50,000 words, but last year I came close with about 35,000 words, and in 2007 I got to around 17,000 words. Hopefully, this year I can follow through with it.

Thank you for all your help with this group and all you're doing for us!
Review of The Triangle  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an entertaining little story, despite the errors I found. I liked the surprise ending, you did a good job with that. It goes to show there is no honor among thieves!

Errors/Suggestions: Here is a sentence where you made a mistake: He’d be questioned and released and would then find an envelope full of taped inside the wheel well of his car. I think it should say "envelope full of money taped inside" instead of "envelope full of taped" In this sentence, another mistake: “Get in vault,” his brother added, I think it should read: "Get in the vault" Another mistake: “Don’t hold breath for money. Not likely to be there.” I think it should say: "Don't hold your breath for the money."

What I liked: I like stories about criminals, and this story was interesting and well-written. The characters were believable, and Jack's actions clearly make him the protagonist of the story, and I'm glad he came out on top.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a really good rhyming fairy tale that is appropriate for all ages. I think you should write children's stories or poetry for children, you really seem to have a knack for that sort of thing.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't notice any technical errors.

What I liked: I liked the way the poem rhymed. Not all poems rhyme, but I like the ones that do. Good job!

Review of Foggy Morning  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: I don't always understand poetry, but I'll do my best to review yours. You described a foggy March morning with clarity, I could picture the scene you were describing. I had to look up the word "seamrog" at Wikipedia, I found out it means shamrock in Irish. I think you did a good job using an authentic Irish word in a poem about St. Patrick's day.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't spot any errors.

What I liked: I liked the overall feel of a day in March; that is a good time of year, when Summer is approaching and Winter is ending. Reading it now in September makes me long for that time of year again.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a really awesome Halloween tale, I think you did a good job of expressing halloween night in a lighthearted way. This is a good Halloween story for both adults and kids alike.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't notice any technical errors.

What I liked: I liked the humor of this story, it was light-hearted but didn't go overboard.

Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was an interesting poem/story about the life of a male lion in Africa. I found it both entertaining and educational. It definitely looks like you did your research before writing this.

Errors/Suggestions: I didn't notice any technical errors of any kind.

What I liked: I liked how the circle of life is represented here, the story of the older lion's life, and the younger lions who replaced him.

Review of The Climb  
Review by Riverd0g
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.0)
** Image ID #1536286 Unavailable **

Plot and Content: This was a very beautiful poem about your brother, it's too bad he came down with cancer. This was a great way to honor him.

Errors/Suggestions: In the fourth paragraph, it says: "if you get to weak" I think the "to" should be changed to "too"

What I liked: I liked the description of your childhood together, it sounds like you had a lot of fun!

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