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Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
The opinions offered by me are strictly from of my viewpoint and not to be taken literally. I offer them so you may understand my thoughts at the moment for my reasoning. If these are of use, take them. If they are not of use, by all means disregard them.

Title: "A Prayer For You, For Me

Chapter: EntryA Prayer For You, For Me
A young girl's last memories.

Author: C. T. Hill

Plot: A little girl learns of death and learns even more how it occurred.

Style Voice: First person, direct.

Referencing: Death, family suffering of a daughter's death. A father who abused his daughter and his wife and her father.

Scene/Setting: Little girl's home.

Characters: Believable?Absolutely UniqueAbsolutely

Grammar: Any Comments are in the line by line.

Sentence structure, fragments, paragraph-line break, hard breaks, word count: Any comments are in the line by line.

Personal comments of certain POV or other unique opportunities. Any comments will be in the line by line

P/T Past tense

Rewrites. Being respectful to the author's work.

Comments or suggestions:
Any notes are in the LBL. I discovered very little to add.

My Personal Opinion:
This story crushed my heart in so many places during the read. Sometimes I might think our laws could bend to allow a cruel punishment to be allowed. This was a very powerful read that pushed my mind to limit, I wanted to stop reading but I also wanted the truth. This drove me, I was driven with anger, hatred and sorrow.
This was for the sake of writing, a fantastic read. One I hope I never come across again. Excellent work.

A Prayer For You, For Me

By Elemenopy

Mother told me a prayer once, one that explained my death, though I cannot recall it.

Death is an odd thing to consider if you really stop to think about it. Mother told me about death, about what it would be like. All white lights and comfort, outstretched hands and welcoming smiles.

Sadly, death is nothing like that. It is neither glamorous nor special, though some might call it simple.

But no, I am afraid that it is a bit more than what Mother thought.

The wood floor creaks the same with each step, but the sound remains lost to the world, somewhere unseen, somewhere unheard. The walls look the same, ever enclosing, that dull off white that surrounded my childhood, my every memory.

The world is different, as if I had been dropped into a deep hole with no escape, but there is no hole, no dark cellar responsible for my creeping fear. The fan moans with every pass, flickering shadows while the incandescent light baths the room in a dull, yellow glow. I push through the door and out of my room. The hallway is just as narrow, the entryway just as empty.

A warm breeze kisses my face when I step outside, making its way to everywhere, to nowhere. There is still wind, though I suppose I should not be surprised.Breeze and wind are essentially the same when referred to the out of doors. You may wish to avoid repeated sentences and thoughts by restructuring the second sentence as it is a direct reflection to the previous one. I shouldn't be surprised the wind still blows with the state I'm in. The sentence I reworked also left me with a question which cleared the thought with my rewrite. I look around. The paint still separates itself from the weathered wood beams that surround the porch. The house continues in its drab existence.

How similar being dead is to being alive, almost like I am simply dreaming.

Father swings open the screen door and spills himself into one of the porch chairs. His white t-shirt displays remnants of last night's dinner. He rubs his hands over his scalp, through nonexistent hair. I stand directly in front of him, but remain unnoticed, overlooked like everything not in a whiskey bottle. His eyes are glazed. His breath is sour. He tugs on the bottle of whiskey and slouches farther back into the chair.

Mother would be in the kitchen sitting at the table, stacks of papers and unopened envelopes surrounding her. Her eyes would be locked on the wall at the far end of the room with an almost invisible line of tears trailing down her cheeks. This view tells me the young girl now in ghostly form has made this trek several times to know this.

A can pops open from inside the house. Grandpa found his recliner. There is no TV in the sitting room. The beer would be a substitute for any visual entertainment. He will greet one large gulp with another, each helping to wash away the burden of consciousness. This scene also represents her seeing this process unfold before.

I glance at my father. His face twitches. His knuckles clench. It will not be long now.This scene that never left her father reinforces my intuition of her mother sitting midst a clutter of paper and her grandfather chasing his beer and she never gave a view of either. I go back into the small house, through the sitting room where Grandpa sits silent, mutesilent and mute are repeating., and into the kitchen where Mother sits crying. I move closer to her and place my hand on her shoulder. She cannot feel it, at least not in any physical sense, but I watch with a quiet smile as her mood lightens and she slowly begins wiping her tears away with her sleeve.

She turns her head to me, slightly to her left and over her shoulder, as if acknowledging my existence, though I am sure she did not fully understand. With a silent resolve she lifts herself out of the chair and pushes through the screen door into the backyard. Sheets, blouses, coveralls, and faded jeans litter the weighted lines. I follow her out, but stop at the wooden steps that lead down into the small yard. I suspect the little girl learned from previous excursions she's bound to the house.

I hear the front door crash shut. Grandpa mumbles something in dissent and catches what sounds like the back of Father’s hand. The yell comes next. “The hell you at woman?”

Mother’s face blanches. Her eyes search frantically for any source of refuge, but the backyard is small, too small even for a child to hide.

Father stares through the door; his face full of color, his words ripe with venom. “I thought I told you to clean that shit up!” He punches open the screen door and lumbers down the steps. Oh boy, this guy needs to be put out of his mind. Either he's grief stricken of his daughter's death or this is his natural way, I don't know yet.

He moves straight towards me. His face contorts into its usual display of disgust.I fear this is his normal self, I don't pity him anylonger. He passes right through me and continues on to Mother. She remains fastened to the ground, arms at her side, head lulled at her chest.

“She’s gone damn you, gone forever.” His eyes rage with drunkenness. He pulls her eyes to his with a slap that snaps her head to the side. “How many times do I have to fuckin’ tell you? Dammit woman, between you and your piece of shit father, God knows how I survived this long.” I'm beginning to really hate this guy. He needs a bottle to bring some form of control to himself and all the while his family suffers the loss and his drunken state of mind.

Tears make their way down Mother’s cheeks once more, but Father is too enraged to care. He tears down the sheets in his path and stomps his way back towards the house. “Get this house cleaned up or I swear by Jesus I’ll punish you.” He doesn't even waste the effort of turning over his shoulder while speaking before he disappears back into the house.If this is his way of dealing with his daughter's loss he needs to be dealt with severely.

He will grab the bottle again, buying mother a brief respite before the next rage. Mother drops to her knees, gasping for breath in between sobs. She looks around, lost, distraught. “I’m so sorry, baby. I’m so sorry,” she says to the empty backyard.Oh hell, why do I feel the father is at fault for the little girl's death.

Grandpa peers out into the yard cautiously before finally coming out. He crosses the yard to where Mother sits and helps her up. “Why? Why do you stay?” he asks her, though I am sure he knows the answer as well as anybody.

Mother shakes her head. “He’d find me. No matter where I went or how long it took him, he’d find me. You know what he’s capable of.” I really hate this guy, the girl's father.

Grandpa nods his head, sullen in his agreement.

Not long after my tenth birthday Father started sending Mother away on pointless errands and time-consuming chores. Grandpa hadn't moved in yet, so it left me at home alone with Father.Damn, I'm starting to wish I'd left this one alone. Once Mother left, he would make me take baths, even when I didn’t need one and even though I no longer needed help. Father insisted, and if I ever said no, well, I only made that mistake once. Sick bastard!

Mother knew. I suppose mothers always know. She tried everything possible to stay home, or to take me with her, but Father would say no with words first, then with his fists. Mother called the sheriff, but he and Father were old friends, so he paid us no mind.

One day Mother fought back. She sunk a knife in Father’s back, but it didn’t do all that much. She almost paid for it with her life. She didn't come home from the hospital for almost two weeks. Father wouldn’t let me go and see her. “She is being punished,” he said.

She could barely look at Father after that. God knows what he did to her.

When she finally came home she looked terrible, like she had been in a train wreck. Grandpa moved in a few days after that. “Grandpa’s sick,” Mother told me, but I thought he seemed pretty healthy.

The baths stopped for a while, but I noticed Father drank more. He looked at me with his hard eyes, and every time he did I just knew that he hated me.It's a real shame children have to live such scenarios.

One night a few weeks later, he decided that he didn’t need baths anymore. I don’t remember much about that night other than the stink of alcohol on his breath and pain, lots of pain. Mother and Grandpa screamed and banged on the door, but Father had wedged my chair up under the knob. Father didn't need baths anymore and I am led directly to a vivid moment of him raping her. It's pretty clear he did this in her bedroom. He didn't have enough with his wife I suppose.

The world faded in and out after he left, but I remember a commotion outside. When Mother’s face appeared I saw that she had already taken a bruise, and part of her hair was matted to her head, though it was too dark to see with what.

“Oh God, my baby. Oh God,” she said through the sobs. She cradled me. The world faded in and out as she rehearsed a quiet prayer. “Lord, we will be leaving....” But her words drifted away, lost to the darkness.

I don't recall what happened after that, though I know I felt safe.

Some days later, when I woke, all of the pain was gone. Everything was somehow the same, but unmistakably different. I heard Grandpa talking to a man that I assumed was a doctor. “She will make it, though I am not sure how with wounds like hers, not to mention her…” His voice trailed off as he thought about what to say, and more importantly, what not to say, but he recovered quickly. “She is a fighter.”

The doctor looked right at me, or through me, but couldn't see me. Was there something dividing them?

He shook Grandpa’s hand. “I am truly sorry... for everything,” he said with a sympathetic nod before leaving the house.

It took almost a week for Mother to get out of bed, another two before the men stopped coming. I assumed they were different kinds of cops, for they were always with Father’s sheriff friend, but I could not be sure. They never stayed long.

Mother cried. Father drank. All the while I remained unseen. I soon began to wonder what exactly had happened, though I was sure I did not want to know the answer.

Grandpa’s voice brings me back to the yard. He shakes his head in disgust at the house, at Father. “If only I had been here sooner. I could have helped.”

I know he is talking about the time Mother fought back.

Mother falls to her knees again, her body racked by the same relentless sobs. “It’s my fault,” she cries. “It’s all my fault that she’s dead.” This is horrible, the mother takes all this on herself but her husband was a very cruel sort to his entire family. How could she be blamed.

“Oh honey, no. It isn’t your fault.” Grandpa does his best to console her. “There is no one to blame but that…that evil man.” He raises his eyes back to the house.

“You don’t understand, Pa. He didn’t kill her.”What? Her body shudders with the revelation. Her sobs come stronger, faster.

Grandpa’s face is etched in confusion. “What are you talking about, dear?”

“She was still breathing when I went in there. You were unconscious. I couldn’t stand to see her like that, not my baby. She was broken. Her little body was broken.” She coughs momentarily, barely able to hold it all together. “I tried to go with her. I wanted to go with her. I don’t know what went wrong.”

Slowly, she pulls up her sleeves up one at a time, revealing two long, white scars that traced up from each wrist.Oh hell. How can anyone take so much? I think she killed her daughter out of grief. “They saved me somehow, brought me back, but I wanted to be…” She pauses, unable to finish.

Grandpa gulps as he tries to hold back the tears. “You… you killed her?”

Her body rocks forward, her hands are in front of her face. “God I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry.” Oh, how could this be. The girl's father needs to be tortured, ruined until death. I'm at a total loss to think of the mother. She suffered horribly also, but does this warrant what she did. But still to be in her shoes, who could really understand this life.

The screen door swings open and Father sloshes his way down the steps. His whiskey bottle is in his right hand. Anger is clear on his face. “What the fuck did you just say?” he bellows through slurred lips. Oh hell, now he knows. The S.O.B. must accept a large portion of blame but his ties with the sheriff probably keep him in a train of thought of unanimity. He single evenhandedly destroyed his entire family with his sick desires and drunken state of mind.

Mother looks up in horror. Grandpa places himself between her and Father, but he is no match for the younger man. Father tosses him to the side like a twig and moves on to Mother.

I watch in terror as he wraps his hands around Mother’s throat, as the blood builds up in her face and she coughs and gasps for air. “You took her away from me, you bitch! I should have rid the world of you long ago!” Sick bastard. His only thought of her was what he could do with his own daughter.

She sputters, but manages to choke out a few words. “I… saved… her…”

He squeezes harder, and for the first time since my death, I cry.

I didn’t see the shovel until it made contact with the back of Father’s skull. His hands fall away from her throat and Mother collapses to the ground, gasping for air through a crushed wind pipe.

Father stumbles forward. He slowly turns to see Grandpa holding the shovel in both hands, ready for another swing.

“Go to hell you son of a bitch,” Grandpa says before sending one more devastating swing straight at Father’s head. The metal crushes into the side of his face with enough force to make a sickening crunch. Father's knees buckle and he crumples to the ground. Too bad the grandfather wasn't in a stronger shape and force the girl's father to torture before killing him.

Grandpa runs over to Mother, discarding the shovel as he kneels down next to her. He hugs her head in his arms and speaks in the softest voice. “I’m sorry, sweetie. I’m sorry for everything.” The smallest smile crosses Mother's face, ever so briefly, but before she can answer her head sinks forward, limp in his arms. With a shudder, Grandpa lets out a terrible, sorrow filled cry. Oh hell.

The world brightens. I look around, unable to figure it out. And then, I see her walking towards me. I run to Mother and she catches me in the warmest embrace. She looks deep into my eyes and starts a quick prayer, one that I am sure I have heard before. “Lord, we will be leaving, we have to leave. Help Pa understand. Tell him not to forget you, not to forget us. Tell him that we will meet him again in heaven. Amen.”

She kisses my forehead and hugs me once more. “Come, darling, there is somewhere I want to show you,” she says through a loving smile. She takes my hand and leads me away.

I see the light shimmer, the light Mother spoke about before, and somehow, I know that everything will be okay.

Word Count: 2,268

This was so cruel. Still I recognize such things happen each day.


Review of My Wife's Escape  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
The opinions offered by me are strictly from of my viewpoint and not to be taken literally. I offer them so you may understand my thoughts at the moment for my reasoning. If these are of use, take them. If they are not of use, by all means disregard them.

Title: "My Wife's Escape

Chapter: Entry A Little Slice of Life. My Wife's Escape
A man encounters some new competition for his Wife's time and attention.

Author: Simple Dykie

Plot: A man and wife's marriage appears to suffer from lack of communication and attention.

Style Voice: First person direct.

Referencing: The Ford 2012 Escape.

Scene/Setting: Their home and driveway, inside the vehicle.

Characters: Believable?Absolutely UniqueAbsolutely

Grammar: Any Comments are in the line by line.

Sentence structure, fragments, paragraph-line break, hard breaks, word count: Any comments are in the line by line.

Personal comments of certain POV or other unique opportunities. Any comments will be in the line by line

P/T Past tense

Rewrites. Being respectful to the author's work.

Comments or suggestions:
Any notes are in the LBL. I discovered very little to add.

My Personal Opinion:
This read was demanding for a sour effect from the beginning and I continually searched for a dividing force between the husband and wife. To my surprise the force was the object in question and brought forth a great amount of humor that even captured my wife's attention toward me.
I do believe my next vehicle to purchase will be a '68 Beatle.

My wife has seemed a little distant lately, and we don't seem as close as we once were. I'm not sure what happened, but it all started around the time she bought her brand new, 2012 Ford Escape. Sometimes, as soon as she getswould get 'gets' would work in the first person direct POV but in this case the description is of a repetitive nature of her activities and after the fragment the past tense is used with 'she'll' so my suggestion brings this in tighter. home from work, she'll change clothes, jump in her Escape, and disappear for hours at a time. She'll come home hours later with her face flushed, and an empty tank of gas. The other night in desperation, I asked her if she would like to talk, order some sushi, cuddle for hours and watch the movie, "Dirty Dancing" with Patrick Swayze. She told me she couldn't because Burt was due for his five thousand mile checkup, he needed to be washed after the recent snow storm, and she just saw the nicest set of gray floor mats at Wal-Mart. At least I now have a name in my battle for my wife's time and affections. Darn that Burt! I like this, the wife loves the vehicle enough to never let it sit. Hmmm, I'm suspecting a nasty turn in her activities.

This past Saturday morning, I got up early, and decided to take a closer look at my new competition. I think it would be easier to understand and accept, if I were faced with a flesh and blood man with a few faults and imperfections. The pain and heartache wouldn't have been as bad if it was someone she met at work, with common interests, and similar hopes and dreams.

As I walked out into the driveway, I slowly circled three tons of the latest in American know how and cutting-edge technology. I had to admit that Burt was one handsome devil. His silver body was polished to a shimmering shine, which reflected the rays of a magnificent sunrise as it rose above the distant hills. He was almost as tall as me, long, sleek, and seemed to be all fine lines and contours. As I tentatively opened the driver's side door and slipped inside, I leaned back and relaxed on sturdy, but unbelievably soft upholstery. Sure sounds alluring.

I turned on the motor and heard the gentle purr of a finely tuned, smooth, yet powerful V-6 engine. I had plenty of leg room as I stretched out, and reached for the radio. I was instantly surrounded from all sides by a flawless speaker system. As Bruce Springsteen belted out his classic song, "Born to Run," I imagined racing down a mountain road with my worries behind me, and the thrill of what unexpected adventure lay just around the next bend. I took a minute to look at Burt's interior. It was smooth gray vinyl, unmarked by even a single imperfection. Yes, he was extremely attractive, but there had to be more to him than just his good looks. Definitely. My wife loves a new vehicle but not as much as his wife lets on.

Reaching for the nearby glove compartment, I took out the owner's manual, and soon understood that I had my work cut out for me. Burt was not only dependable, good-looking, and got great gas mileage, but he had features I could only dream about. They included: automatic climate control, ambient mood lighting, a personal safety system, anti-theft mechanisms, a reverse sensing system, a built-in directional compass, and......and....... What the heck! It says that Burt has "intelligent" four-wheel drive. I can't compete with this. Not only does he look good, but he has brains too! Oh man I just bust out laughing, my wife is looking at me with that look that defines her opinion as "What did he do now."

Over the next few days, I pondered my next move. My wife was gone for longer and longer periods of time. We barely spoke, and saw each other infrequently. I noticed that Burt was always washed and polished, and was now getting serviced and recievingreceiving Spacing oil changes every three thousand miles. I had a tough decision to make, and I think it's best for both of us. I didn't want to do it, but my wife forced my hand. I just got back from my local Ford dealer, and I want all of you to meet Sally. Pretty hot, huh?

I rolled, laughing so hard. My wife finally got the idea when I read this to her.


Review of Desolate  
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
The opinions offered by me are strictly from of my viewpoint and not to be taken literally. I offer them so you may understand my thoughts at the moment for my reasoning. If these are of use, take them. If they are not of use, by all means disregard them.

Title: "Desolate

Chapter: Entry Desolate
The world changes... we can but change with it.

Author: C. T. Hill

Plot: Trace defends a woman in a nation losing a battle against a deadly virus.

Style Voice: Third person limited. POV issues are noted heavily in the LBL. Narration issues are noted in the LBL. POV usage is noted in the LBL.

Referencing: U.S.A. No direct time line but Hummvee vehicles and helicopters indicate near time. No direct location of this scene but a reference was made of the outbreak occurring on the U.S. east coast.
A virus that does not have a total wipe out of human contact.

Scene/Setting: Streets of unnamed city somewhere in the U.S.

Characters: Believable?Needs restructuring of POV's and elimination of narrative work and this will be very believable UniqueAbsolutely

Grammar: Any Comments are in the line by line.

Sentence structure, fragments, paragraph-line break, hard breaks, word count: Any comments are in the line by line.

Personal comments of certain POV or other unique opportunities. Any comments will be in the line by line

P/T Past tense

Rewrites. Being respectful to the author's work.

Comments or suggestions:
A very strong view needs to be taken to rewriting this read to become the POV of Trace.

My Personal Opinion:
This was a invigorating read that poised the reader, me to a very real possibility how horrid life could unravel if such a catastrophic outbreak would occur and man held the possible cure to one individual on the run.
Despite issues I've come across and brought to your attention this little story was a real joy to read and envision with you. Your knowledge of weapons is evident and I like how you didn't go into deep detail that would over detail the read. Readers who enjoy such material are aware of hardware and weapons available to military and civilians and you did a good job presenting these views.
I enjoyed this read a great deal and hope you continue with your dreams.

A rasping breath echoed off the dumpster, lost to the night. Erin tucked herself into the dark corner as the patrol roared by, shaking the pavement. She relaxed and let out a long, slow sigh. A shudder made its way through her body. After taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, hoping to calm her nerves. Everything was so surreal, bogged down by a reality she could not comprehend, a past she could not recall. She rubbed her hands through her auburn hair, attempting to stop the flowing images that made no sense to her. The destruction of the city was evident. Even in the night’s sky the smoke was visible, the flickering of fires a constant reminder.
“Get it together, Erin,” she said to herself.
She had a Walther tucked into her belt, though she wasn’t quite sure where it came from. Something shuffled just down the alley from her, spiking her heart rate, coursing adrenaline through her veins. Erin produced the small pistol and stalked out from behind the dumpster. Each step proved to amplify her anxiety. A dark figure leapt at her from behind a pile of trash and caught her shooting hand in a crushing grip. A scream escaped her lips just as her feet were swept from under her. The air rushed from her lungs after she crashed intoonto the pavement. She gasped for breath.
A figure stood over her, pistol trained at her head, features shrouded by the night. A confused look crossed her face after the man placed the pistol in his belt and offered her an outstretched hand. “Come now, they will be looking for you.”
He pulled her up with minimal effort and headed down the alley. Erin, despite every fiber telling her to flee, followed the mysterious man.
“My name's Erin.” she said, matching his pace.
He looked over his shoulder. “Trace.”
“Okay, Trace, where we are going?”
He stopped for a moment. “Nowhere.”
“Well, can I at least have my pistol back?”
“No,” he said.
Erin huffed. “Why, are you afraid I’d shoot you?”
“I’m afraid you don’t know what you are doing.” He peeked around the corner. “When I say, move across the street. Keep a low profile.” His directions didn’t leave much room for argument, so Erin only nodded.
He nodded, and they set off across the street, heads down, bodies crouched. They flattened against a stone wall, hidden by the shadows. Trace pressed a finger to his lips and motioned for her to get down, though there was little cover in the alleyway. A Humvee crept forward. A soldier sat in the gun turret on top of the vehicle.
“We are going to have to make a break for it,” he whispered. “On my go.”
Erin nodded. The Humvee stopped at the alley entrance and the spotlight began moving back and forth, clearing the narrow space. With the present times I'd expect night vision to be the armies continued rule of the night. I'm not sure yet if this is a invasion by American soldiers, a law and order force under the rule of Martial Law in the U.S. or if this is a nation under attack from another who has American arsenals at their disposal.
Trace produced a large pistol from beneath his jacket and launched into action. The spotlight found him, but not before he had buried two shots into the gunner, slumping him over his weapon.
“Run!” he bellowed. Erin's response is a separate POV and should begin on the next line.Erin jumped off the wall and sprinted away. Trace unloaded the rest of his clip into the side of the Humvee. He took off after her once the pistol emptied, just before the alley exploded in a symphony of gunfire. They ducked their heads and ran faster, harder. Bullets crashed into the walls, spraying them with fragments of broken concrete. They darted left and dove down a small flight of stairs. Trace landed a kick on the sweet spot of the door, crumpling it in. They entered the building and continued moving. He replaced the spent magazine and chambered a round.
“They will come in force now,” he said, hardly out of breath.
Erin struggled against the oxygen debt. “What?”
Trace paused at a doorway. “They authorized a citywide cleansing operation.” This is interesting. My thoughts are racing for a clue. Is there a plague? Was there a call to simply destroy all the inhabitants of the city because it was rife with some form of ideology? A list of possibilities are abound.
“Cleansing?” It made no sense.
“Anyone they deem a threat of infection they will put down.” Cool, a plague of some sort. They continued on through the large, empty building until they reached an outer door. Another POV that needs to be moved to a separate line.“Where have you been?”
Unshakable images flooded her mind ofwith piles of countless dead. She possessed memories, but they lacked any sense of time. Instead, the onslaught of images left her disoriented, confused. “I… I don’t know.”
Trace raised an eyebrow. “Then you are the lucky one.”
“How bad is it?” she asked, her eyes scanning the broken city that surrounded them.
“The last report established mass casualties in the major cities on the east coast.Wow, a national disaster that threatens to run away. They were quarantined, though no one is sure if it worked.” Trace placed the pistol under his jacket. “Soldiers have been grabbing up survivors, promising a cure,” he said, disgust latent on his voice. “But, the truth is that they want them for their blood.” Wow, a massive hunt for survivors, perhaps to either discover differences or to find clean survivors and use them to clean specific sufferers to sustain them a bit longer until a cure is found.
Erin frowned. “Their blood? Why?”
“The virus jumped, which means that every soul in the city is infected, or has the potential to be infected. The virus has an almost ninety percent kill rate, yet only about seventy percent of the population died of it. They want to know why.”
“Human testing,” she gasped.
He glanced back. “You are surprised?”
“How long ago?” she asked.
“Months, I can’t say for sure, maybe four.”
Her face slackened, she wondered how much of her life she was missing.
“How did it—” They felt the rotor wash before they heard the chopper. They broke into a sprint, dodging debris as they moved. Bullets rained down on them, cratering the pavement and smashing holes in nearby cars. They dove behind an SUV. Trace pulled out his pistol and unloaded a clip at the hovering chopper. It veered away, allowing them enough time to dash across the street and into a small alcove that led to an office building.
“Where now?” she said, panting.
He loaded his last magazine and chambered another round. “There is a group of survivors a few blocks down in the basement of an old hospital.”
They made it inside after avoiding a few patrols and duckingduckedDucked emphasizes the past tense and unlike the patrols the window was a singular encounter. through a broken window in the back of the building. Erin was surprised at the large amount of people there. At least a couple hundred people were gathered in the main room alone, some of them sick and dying, others injured, but mostly they looked tired and hungry. This is a strong scene but more could be drawn from it. This sick, how do they appear? Is their skin affected and how? Are they sluggish in movement and many lying down or nearly all bed ridden. Try to describe the faces and eyes of a couple people who may not be sick. Show their fear, distrust and shock.
“You are bringing in the sick?” she asked.
Trace nodded. “Everyone who isn’t sick at this point can’t get sick. Besides, what kind of people would we be if we abandoned them now?” This is a POV shift. Before this point the entire POV setting has been with Erin. Suddenly Trace is given a direct read to the reader and head hopping needs to be heavily controlled. If Trace really needs a separate POV it should be done with some structure identifying him as you did Erin.He could not bear the thought of needlessly losing more people.
Erin smiled. “Perhaps the world isn’t lost.”
He flashed a subtle grin. “Come, I’ll show you around.”Right now I'm trying to decide if I should be expecting a return to Erin's POV or if Trace is going to take over. A issue like this can cause a reader to toss the read due their being yanked from the read with the forced task of identifying who's talking. .
The tour was quick. They ended in a series of labs that, despite the disaster, remained in stellar condition. A small, pint-sized man appeared from one of the offices in the back.
“Trace.” The man half walked, half waddled in front of them, and looked Erin over closely. “Blood workup?”
Trace shook his head. “Just showing her around. Erin, Perry, without a doubt the best doc—”
A series of muffled gun blasts permeated the walls. Trace straightened up, his face a mask of concern. His eyes met Erin’s. They bolted out of the lab and down the hallway that led to the main room. The door leading to the room was locked. They peered through the window, watching in horror as people, healthy and sick alike, were dragged out of the large room. Soldiers were moving systematically through, taking those that cooperated, shooting those that didn’t.This scene sends a powerful image of cruel control. A soldier looked towards the door.
“He sees us,” she said, her voice taut with fear. “Is there another way out?” Okay, I'm back with Erin's POV.
Trace nodded and they took off down the hallway. The gunfire was consistently growing closer. They bounded up two flights of stairs, but gunfire turned them into a vacant room. Trace glanced out the window as the pounding of boots moved closer. He positioned himself between the door and Erin, his pistol at his side, his face calmCalm couldn't be true. Trace clues me as being a soldier once, but very few would hold a calm expression with death on their heels, especially when the only defense is the last clip of a pistol against fully armed soldiers. I would expect a taught expression of his jaw and his eyes sincere with a desire to live and save Erin and still be in control of himself..
The soldiers stopped outside the door, but didn’t enter. Trace and Erin waited in the room, dipped in apprehension, when a man in an expensive suit stepped in, hands raised.
“I come in peace,” he said, and let out a quiet chuckle. His eyes met Erin’s. “I know you can't remember, it will wear off.”
Trace tightened his grip on the pistol. Another POV shift. If he's tightening his grip let this be noticed by Erin as his fingers and wrist become vice like around the weapon.
“I’m not here to hurt you. I’m here for her,” he said, his eyes returning to Erin. “And I must thank you, my dear.”
Uncertainty wrapped her faceThis view reinforces the POV shift to Trace and this head hopping will kill a read. First a question to ask yourself when presenting a view of your character. How would her face be visible from her POV? It can't be done. So you need to keep her POV tight and not allow another POV in, this is hers alone. So I'll present a alternate that may aid you. Erin grew with uncertainty from the man's words. Her jaw set while her eyes dizzied from thought changing from being taken prisoner, being shot and now being told no harm was meant to her. as she glanced to Trace then back to the suit. “I’m sorry?”
“For leading us here,” he gestured to the hospital surrounding them. “We could have never found it without you. They were careful.”
“I don’t understand,” she said, but she did understand.c:green} Contradictory viewpoint. If she does understand, then explain her thoughts. To eliminate this I would start after the words 'she said' and then go into her memory, then follow with 'she did understand'. It was all coming back to her—the bodies, the test subjects. Vertigo overwhelmed her and she took a step backward.
“You are patient zero, dear. The only remaining untainted, non-mutated form of the original virus, right there in your blood. Somehow it remained asymptomatic in you. So, as it turns out, you are kind of important.”
The pistol slipped from Trace’s hand and clattered to the floor. He flicked his gaze over his shoulder to Erin, and slid a small, cylindrical grenadecylindrical grenades aren't part of the American arsenal. They've proven to not be able to fully remove a threat like the standard round grenade. The standard grenade is round for its ability to explode and shower steel fragments in every direction in a even pattern. Otherwise I would see the grenade you described as pipe bomb which the fuse would have to be lit and this would not work in this situation. out from his pocket, just out of the suit’s line of sight. “It’s okay,” Trace whispered, and a moment of understanding passed between the two.This is once again twisting into a head hop and then ends with a narrative note, which you should be trying to eliminate altogether. You don't want the reader to be told what is happening, you want to show them through POV form and you want to do this with one POV. Like this. The pistol slipped from Trace's hand and clattered to the floor. Erin caught his gaze over his shoulder as his hand slid a grenade out of his pocket. Erin noticed the position of the grenade was out of the line of site of the suited man.
"It's okay." Trace whispered.
Now I don't see how a understanding could be reached between the two. Erin had just been informed no harm was meant for her and in so many words she was the only person left who possessed the key to the survival of those left alive who could become infected. So I see confusion on her part. The grenade, is it a escape route she might wonder or is a end of the pairs running? I would expect her to be ready for a few choices. Prepare to dart with him as the grenade is tossed or break free from him toward the suited man or allow fear to take control of her and believe her end is at hand.
The world slowed down as Trace pulled the pin and tossed it towards the door. He jumped in Erin’s direction. They both dove behind the large hospital bed. The grenade blew. Soldiers screamed and wailed in agony. Trace stood just as the suit came around the edge of the bed, pistol out in front of him, hair partly singed off.
A bullet escaped the barrel just as Trace checked the gun with the side of his arm, knocking it from the suit’s hand. Trace ducked a cross, dodged a jab, and landed a devastating hook just under the cheek bone of the man in the suit. He caught the suit’s wild counter-strike and stuffed his elbow against his side, breaking it in a clean motion. The suit screamed in agony as Trace threw him over his shoulder, slamming him into the tiled floor. Trace scooped up his pistol and stood over the man, the sights trained at the center of his forehead.
“I think it’s time for you to leave,” he said to the writhing man.
A hammer cocked back with a threatening click, but it wasn’t Trace’s. He looked back into the barrel of a small Walther pointed directly at his skull.
“Don’t look so hurt,” Erin said. “I liked me better before as well.”
Trace didn’t take his eyes off of her. “Why?”From my last comment to here the entire read has been the POV of Trace. All this should be viewed and heard from Erin's POV. This story began with Erin and the tight order of it all restricts everything to her. A short read as this should not be allowed any head hopping. All views whether they be sound, visions, tastes, touch of skin or smell should be from Erin alone, no other POV should be inserted. Not even the narrator.
Erin shrugged. “I worked in a special weapons program, long before the outbreak. We didn’t know what the virus was capable of at first. As it turns out, occasional amnesia is a side effect, but most people just crash. I guess I slipped out after an episode, not aware of who I was.”
“But why this? Why kill us?” Here you can bring Trace's face and voice to life as he would obviously be very confused and fear would be evident following his physical ordeal. But all of it must be viewed from Erin's eyes and ears.
An evil smile snaked across her face. This is narrative. Erin can't see the smirk she produced, so you'd have to provide this from her own physical awareness. An evil smile snaked along her lips.“Who do you think created the virus?” She pulled the trigger and felt the hammer sound a harmless, empty clank. Astonishment covered her faceAgain, only a narrator could envision her face. Erin's astonishment should be felt from her emotions. as she noticed the missing magazine, the empty chamber.
“Let's just say I have trust issues. You deserve worse,” Trace said. His trigger worked. The bullet tore through her forehead and sent her sprawling through the window behind her and to the pavement. He turned the gun back down to the suit and put two in his chest.
He tucked the pistol in his jacket and looked out the broken window, at a world he no longer recognized or understood. He lowered himself from the window and stepped off into the night, not quite sure where he was headed. I see Trace should have been the main POV and Erin the support POV. Trace should have been at the very beginning snaking through the alley and spotted Erin around the dumpster. Everything said and viewed should have been from Trace especially if Erin is to die and he be left standing to finish the story. As it stands the narrator finished the story, not Trace and Erin was dead in the end and it was she who the reader, me was sticking to.

I would suggest a complete rewrite in Trace's POV.

Word Count: 1996


Review of Pandifference  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Society is the pen that holds us as cattle. The good, the bad and the ugly. A saint is martyred following the saved lives of a plague, or ridding men of a angry scourge by putting it to death. Either by pure religious actions or by building an army in religious name a heathen is put to death and his followers.

A disgusting individual creates harm unto a innocent victim, whether a adult or a child. In the name of religion laws would be enacted putting such heathens to death.

Laws would then be separated from religion, and still the heathen is put to death as should be.

Wars are fought for any reason. Small wars in ancient history may have started for the sake of one individual and now they are started for the cause of one person's desire that grows on many.

International laws have been put into effect to protect the herds and once the straw is broken, the heathen is put to death by nations.

Where is the wolf?

Review of Tenebrae  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This little piece is a mountain sized fodder for pedestal building. It declares in the strongest form how a heart could overpower all thought and reason and place one person above all else.
No obstacles would ever be strong enough to break this bond between two and dare any person to intervene.

To express love in words is powerful and this is binding to all ends.

Rated: E | (2.5)
The opinions offered by me are strictly from of my viewpoint and not to be taken literally. I offer them so you may understand my thoughts at the moment for my reasoning. If these are of use, take them. If they are not of use, by all means disregard them.

Title: "How Dragons Breathe Fire

Chapter: No entry for title. Reference to...An interpretation of how a dragon could realistically accomplish this remarkable feat.

Author: Draconic Chronicler

Plot: Moses, a name so well known in the "Holy Bible" is depicted as being in league with a greedy and deadly serpent.

Style Voice: A complete mix of narrative, ineffective POV structure, and multiple POV structure which should be kept singular with this author.

Referencing: Biblical referencing that is quite argumentive.

Scene/Setting: Desert ground near the "Promised Land" following the "Exodus" from Egypt.

Characters: Believable?Debatable in my opinion UniqueBarely

Grammar: Any Comments are in the line by line.

Sentence structure, POV structure, scene structure: Any comments are marked in the line by line. There a lines that required a change in color due multiple meaning and or comments.

Comments or suggestions:
Despite a clear and honest attempt to explain how religious great moments could have happened in contrast to the well documented scriptures of the "Holy Bible", this read could not materialize in its intended form due several inadequacies. The Lord God does not nor has he been recorded as devouring the first born, or any children of the "Levites".
Moses respected his Lord, but did not fear him to the point of quivering. He knew his Lord God well.
The Lord God did not hoard fine fashions of precious metals. All these were his already, he created them as documented in the "Bible".
Had a serpent really covered two hundred and fifty men in flames, I'm certain a cork would have been noticed being popped out and it certainly would have been recorded.
A reference to dragons is made available at the end of this review.

My Personal Opinion:
Your story is unique because you made a valiant attempt of explaining how this Biblical piece may had occurred. Yes, it makes sense that in that time period little was available to allow great things to happen as they do in this age. A cork would be one of a very few things one could dream up of those days to present such a scene. But it would not had gone unnoticed.
I agree many people try to explain other avenues how man evolved other than the biblical viewpoint. But, in doing so one must keep in perspective the writings of the "Bible". It relayed reasons for having rules that the Levites were bound to. So these cannot be recanted, though I did not see this in this story. But, nowhere in the "Bible" was man bound to his first born to be handed over to a serpent and be consumed. A first born would have been offered in sacrifice. To the Lord God above, not a serpent. And the child would not been devoured.

I commend you for having the bravery to stand out and attempt to offer your view of man's rise. But I do not agree with certain depictions created in your effort. These are my opinions after all. Not in any way to be taken literal. Your attempt is brave, but needs more work.
My sincere wishes you continue writing. Imagination is stolen when the will is lost.

With great apprehension, the white-bearded patriarch pulled back the curtain,POV change, create hard stop. andenteredHe entered the richly decorated, leather topped tent that would later come to be known as The Holy Tabernacle.This sentence is laden with fragments.The mention of the tent being changed later is narrative. If it is set as a hook, it has nothing to base the readers insight. If this is to change and since the POV is present why not bring to the reader's focus in to learn why the change. Bright flames flickered from the seven spouts of the imposing, intricately wrought candelabrum of gold,This is three fold. First, This sentence contains fifteen words with two fragments and obviously more to come. You may win an award for a sentence marathon. Two, I read ahead and the images became seriously diluted by your over abundant use of wording. Writing Fantasy, whether High Fantasy or Fantasy in general the wording should be kept tight. You are creating an image for your reader. These images are not what we see in every day life, so they are new. You must take great care moving your imagination to print. The print must mirror your imagination. Your reader is expected to be able to absorb what you're creating. Otherwise your efforts will be lost, and you risk the reader tossing the book to the corner of the room. Third, you have two opposing images within the same sentence separated by one fragment. It's bad enough they are separated by the fragment, but there are already two fragments before hand following my last remark of fragments, this is still the same sentence. Your sentences need to be short, descriptive and to the point. I believe your goal is one day this could be on a shelf for sale. You must adhere to proper Grammar and sentence structure if this is to succeed. and their reflections danced like a thousand points of light on the iridescent, blood-red scales of the great creature whose coiled body perfectly filled the antechamber.Oh my. I actually read this entire sentence several times. The more I read it, the more confusing it became. By the way, total word count on this one sentence, following the previous one I targeted is 42 words. I suggest you sound your work out loud and listen how the sentences and images appear. Practice is golden. So, I broke it down into actual sentences and finally your creation came to light. Well-sated by a substantial meal of several sacrificial calves, lambs, and the first born children of those who could not pay the prescribed ransom in precious metals,This is a horrid vision! What leader unless a demon would allow his kinsmen's first born to be devoured as a meal? And what other than a demonic leader or one bent on war with no regard to his kinsmen would instate a tax so great children would equal fine metals. In the act of creating a Fantasy satire, this fits very well. I like it for it's true lust of blood. the beast noisily snored until the man neared the tent.This sentence held 38 words. If your truly interested in having your work on shelves, I strongly suggest you practice proper sentence control. You love commas. However expecting a purchasing reader to relax and enjoy such work is highly unlikely. The images run into one another and this defeats your goal. Depictions without control simply blend in and the reader eventually loses interest.Spacing Now there was a deathly silence.

Bright flames flickered from the seven spouts of the intricately wrought candelabrum of gold. Reflections of the flames danced like thousands points of light against the iridescent, blood-red scales of the great creature. It's coiled body perfectly filled the antechamber.
You'll notice I removed a few words or changed some. In reference to "imposing" which I removed. Why is the intricately wrought candelabrum imposing? It's not described in any way as being a threat. It's not described as magical. It's not alive and it is not described in any fashion as being scary, just imposing. So, is it in the way? Personally, I've not seen a candle pedestal that presents a threat. Also, it simply overburdened your imagery. You'll notice I created a hard stop between the candelabrum the creature. These two fragments you created are actually two different POV images. They require their own sentences if the reader is expected to separate the two, and absorb your creation.

The patriarch went to his knees, and in a whisper implored, "Lord of Lords, your servant speaks". A interesting view. A lord of lords who devours his children. I get the image of a great sorcery in play. A dark evil that plagues its people.

With the acute senses of a consumate predator,A clear image. the beast had heard the man's tread even on the soft desert sand the tent was pitched upon, and was now"now"Creates the hear and now. So far this read has been kept in the past tense and a sudden break to the present makes this read awkward. Maintain the tenses, i.e. "ed" "ing" or reword the awakening. awoke with alert eyes. wide awake "wide awake" is a simple vision. The cat-like, but intelligentMany people consider cats intelligent. So this image is a double wording. This is not necessary, remove intelligent. golden orbs were open, and bore down upon the fearful man.A leader in the form of a serpent/dragon would indeed cause alarm for any man to approach, especially one this cruel. Great scaly lips parted,Fragment needs removed as the next fragment compliments the view. revealing rows of teeth, each as large and sharpSharp is not needed. Comparing to a fine Egyptian dagger already states the sharpness of the teeth. Plus the continued use of fragments blurs the image you wish to convey. as a fine EgyptianEgyptian? This is interesting. I've not come across a dragon story in this territory before. I'm curious how this will unwind. dagger, and an oily black, forked tongue, as long and as broad as man's leg,Really? Just how big is a man? It's clear the serpent is quite large. To attempt to reinforce its size by comparing with double comparison to a man only adds to the increasing confusion of ever lasting fragments. Use one reference to a man to size the tongue. tasted the air,This is narrative if the view is from the old man. It hasn't become common knowledge serpents use their tongue to taste the air until the nineteenth century. This read so far puts a time period far behind the nineteenth century. withdrew, and then in a deep, resonating voice, the creature replied,Hard stop. Your moving to a speaking POV. Up to this point, this entire paragraph was fully narrative. If you wished this to be a POV from the beast, show, don't tell. The beast cannot see itself. Show the man from the eyes of the beast. If this was to be a POV from the bearded old man, separate the paragraph from the next sentence. Then you have a multiple POV issue at hand. You must then introduce the POV directly, keeping the view very tight so the reader can absorb the POV. Multiple POV's are tricky at best. "Why do you disturb my rest, Moses?"Word count in this sentence -53. Incredible! I am going to offer a example for you. I will rewrite this sentence. It will be broken down into a proper structure and the POV will be maintained with the old man. You have far, too many descriptions that spell doom to a readers interest. What you have is a complex wording which serves your interests alone. You must refine your writing skills if your desire is to become published, friend.

The cat-like eyes bore down on the fearful man. Great scaly lips parted revealing rows of teeth. Menacingly each was large as a fine Egyptian dagger. A thick oily black forked tongue, long as a man's leg flicked outward, withdrawing swiftly.

"Why do you disturb my rest, Moses?" Responded a deep resonating voice.

With an unsteady voice, the old white beard stammered, "Lord of Lords, the people grow disaffected again. They complain of the monotony of the manna you feed them, while you daily consume their finest livestock.Don't forget their first born. Few still have treasure from Egypt to ransom their first-born, as you demand, and the harshess of the desert becomes unbearable. They wish that members of their own tribes would be among your priests, and not all from the Levites.Levites? Suddenly I feel I'm reading something very familiar. I have read much of the New Testament from the Christian Holy Bible. I've no knowledge of a serpent being heavily involved between Egypt and Israel. But I respect what the Bible says and means. The history behind it has been proven sound by several accounts. But, now I'm reading something that dares to place shame on history and a people who've dedicated their lives to this piece of history. I can't condone this. The history between Egypt and Israel is quite possibly the most ancient and most complex in man's history. Daring to place a historical knowledge recounted in print and recognized globally by all kindred and rearrange it into a Fantasy yarn is beyond me. Nowhere in the Bible have I read of a serpent who took the first born as food, where ransom was not available. In a pure religious sense, this is blasphemy. But this is my opinion. Some think they were better off as slaves in Egypt, and wish to return itherethere, if they are not brought soon to the Promised Land." In this paragraph you showed restraint with fragments, so this demonstrates you have some knowledge of their proper use.

The great reptilereptile's tasted air again,The tongue slipped out once more. Notice I changed flicked to slipped. We strive to not repeat words in a read. detecting the scents of many men, and said, "I sense people outside the Tabernacle who are not my priests. Spacing Are they the disaffected ones?"This is a switch to a second direct POV where I have not noticed this before. Until now, the serpent spoke from a narrative slant which is un-allowable This read has thus far maintained a narrative POV which is "tell" A POV speaks directly and the reader absorbs the image from being inside the POV's head. I'll present a example following this paragraph rewrite. I'll offer a rewrite, but this is simply my opinion.

A rich blend of drying salty sweat mixed with the metallic scent of blood flooded the serpent's tongue. Many men were nearby arousing its lust for gorging. "I sense people outside who are not my priests. Are they the disaffected ones."

The Patriarch replied with unease.Not needed as the POV is established as being afraid of his master. "Y-yes oh Lord,This POV establishes the fear from the Moses. Keep in mind, Moses did not fear his God. He respected God but did not fear him, and they request an audience to voice their displeasure."

"So be it", the reptile flatly stated. "Let them feel the fiery wrath of their Lord".This is a fine example of a POV. I've no knowledge of such a event in the Bible. But to rearrange history in this manner where the only dispute could only come from a place that will not do so, it's not a good idea in my thoughts.

Moses shook his head in affirmation, and asked, "The oil skin, Lord?".So, twice you've shown the ability to create a solid POV.

The dragon gave a grunting nod and then gaped wideOnce again, the serpent is staged as quite large. The image is clear. Your reader will be intelligent enough to absorb the image otherwise they wouldn't purchase your work once it reaches the shelves. A reader enjoys a bit of self imagination too. it's terrible jaws. Moses entered the second, smaller room, partitioned by a curtain,Hard stop. and removed the lid to theaYou presented the image as already known. magnificent gold-sheathed, wooden ark that reposed in honor thereinside. Along with the device that the old manThis is narrative, "telling" and not "showing". Bring Moses into the POV and the reader will become one with the story. sought, the ornate chest housedhousing original copies of the laws the creature had imposed upon His people,So, it is the serpent who set the laws unto the Levites, and not God? as well as his finest treasures. Among the dragon's baubles of Spacing silver, gold, and lapis lazuri, Spacing he lifted out a large, heavy, liquid-filled vessel, fashioned from the entire skin of a young calf, but where the head would have been was a fine bronze spigot, bound to the calf's neck with sinew and pine resin.Another marathon sentence that went into a blur. By now you should understand the fragment issue. He also removed a polished white object that looked all the world like one of the great creature's teeth, only this one was hollow and fashioned from elephant ivory.Two opposing views of a tooth and a tusk. Wound into a flowered enormous sentence that serves to confuse your reader. He removed a polished elephant's tusk that was hewn to mirror any one of the serpent's teeth.

The Patriarch Moses is established as the main POV. Use his name and avoid using his status which only deflects to a narrative view. hefted the heavy calfskin into the dragon's mouth, carefully positioning it on the base of the forked tongue where it broadened considerably, with theAgain, don't present a piece as already knowing when it is not. Replace "the" with "a". bronze spigot facing outwards. Then he loosened the hardwood cork, and filled the hollow ivory tooth with theAlready knowing when it is not. highly volatile mixture of naptha, pitch and oil, taking care not to let the bitter fluid soil his master's tongue. Replacing the stopper, he then Spacing carefully inserted the ivory tooth in an empty socket in the very front of the reptile's bottom jaw. He then inserted a common lamp wick of twisted linen into the tip of the faux tooth and set it alight with a small branch that he ignited with the flame of the wondrousWhat is so glamorous about a lamp?, seven branched oil lamp. The dragonSo the serpent becomes a dragon only after a carnival setup? I will direct you into another direction following this read. carefully closed its jaws just enough to conceal the calfskin, but not enough to extinguish the flickering lamp, Spacing and with his snout, pushed Moses toward the tent flap.

The Patriarch strode out before the assembled dissidents, each of whom had carried Spacing a smoldering bronze censer that burned aromatic incense in respect for their Lord.A serpent, and not God? Spacing Moses rebuked them, saying, "Woe to you for your disaffection and ingratitude to the God who delivered you from Egypt.Wow, where were you in Bible class? Spacing Now feel the wrath of your Lord!"

With that, the great 'fiery and flying serpent" uncoiled out of the tent entrance like a flowing river of glistening red scales. Rising up upon his haunches, He spread Spacing itsOne referral to the serpent as he, then its. You describe the beast as living and an identity as he, yet you take this away and leave it as a thing. Is it a creature or a thing? great wings, lowered itshis head, and gently squeezed the calfskin with itshis tongue against itshis pallete, causing the cork to pop out, and a great stream of oil to spew forth, igniting when it reached the flaming ivory tooth-lamp. This image is quite poor to me. For anyone not identifying a cork popping out is not believable. Fantasy writing is creating a image that mirrors life as we can relate, and still be able to create the unbelievable and make it real. This didn't happen in this scene. I doubt the filled skin could be left in the serpents mouth without a cork. So, a real problem exists for this image to appear flow. How about folding the snout of the spigot inward. The serpent could then allow the fold to release and then the fluid can come out when wanted. And if such a event did take place, despite fire erupting and men dying. I seriously doubt the cork would had gone unnoticed in print. So, why attempt to rewrite history, let alone the Bible?

The dissidents screamed as the plume of flames enveloped them.This would be true, except the screams would be blood curling. Imagine more than a flame against a small area of your arm. Place this pain all around your body, then create the agony felt. The multitude of Israelites who witnessed the event were awed by the seemingly magical power of their Lord,Less the cork popping out. and for a long while, complained no more of their hardships. So memorable was the event that it would be recorded in the scriptures that we now call the Holy Bible.Really?

" And fire came out from the LORD and consumed the 250 men who were offering the incense." Numbers 16:35

And to confirm where the fire came from:

"Smoke rose from his nostrils; consuming fire came from his mouth." PslamsPsalms 18:8 Yep, I looked it up, again. Just a short snippet. I suppose for a imaginative mind, this could be explained. But, the lord was not a baby hungry monster.

Man has aspired to rise above the basic principles of life. To awake, hunt for a meal, nap and seek a mate. Man has risen from the open lands of a savannah or a cave and learned to hunt with incredible weapons. He has learned to harness the atom. He has traveled into space, and landed on the moon. He has learned to dominate his world, despite many harms he created along the way. Yes, man has learned from many of his lessons, even to monitor his waste and clean up his mess. Although there is no specific evidence a dragon ever existed, science has finally come through. The "Animal Planet" created a film with enormous credits from scientists around the globe. The goal? To create a possible reason the dragon is recognized all over this globe in ancient pictorials placed on stones and on various forms of paper. The name of the movie - "Dragons. Fantasy made real." Look it up and watch it sometime.

This was a very different process of thought. Imaginative to some degree but extremely limited in the elements available that man has learned to manipulate over a millenia.

Review of Bloodthirsty  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Of what I've heard of scaring, cutting or blood letting the image to me is the same. A demon so powerful in one'self they may inflict deep slashes through their skin. Scars that may become permanently risen from the skin, a testament to the brutality a soul could inflict on itself.
There must be a relief to see the crimson flow below the blade. A small river of blood trapsing across the exposed skin.
A demon flows free once again.

This is a very scary image. I wonder what could cause a life to be so driven to inflict such harm to ones'self.

It's a very powerful message. It says this menace is real. It says hope is fading from where hope laid.
Never give up. To fight is ones right and honor to that person. Seeking solice in the company of others is a valiant fight, never give up.

Review of "Time"  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
A pretty neat reflection of waiting in line. A moment's reflection upon arrival amid a line that wound its way tormenting the time against one'self. The race against time is permanent.
Only to discover the passage was quick and now time is allowed for freedom.

Sort of a picture I drew as I stood in lines with dread as my time at those moments felt so short. Sometimes I nearly lost the campaigns of those lines against the time alloted for me.
Then once in a while the lines would breeze along and I would discover I had plenty of time to tool around.

Either way, time is testy.

A great manner of describing how a stressed moment can feel like eternity.

Review of Deus ex Machina  
Rated: E | (4.5)
The opinions offered by me are strictly from of my viewpoint and not to be taken literally. I offer them so you may understand my thoughts at the moment for my reasoning. If these are of use, take them. If they are not of use, by all means disregard them.

Title: "Deus ex Machina

Chapter: Short Story

Author: SeektheSnark

Plot: A machine designed as the ultimate computer. Set apart from all other artificial hardware to advise human global leaders how to navigate ahead of time. To tell the future.

Style Voice: First person direct. Constant.

Referencing: All human facets relating to a global structure for monitoring the human progress and survival.

Scene/Setting: Maine frame email read to all humanity attached to the internet.

Characters: Believable?Absolutely UniqueAbsolutely

Grammar: Any Comments are in the line by line.

Comments or suggestions:

My Personal Opinion:
A powerful perspective of our current affairs affecting every fiber of our world. A blink into the eye of how our leaders create infrastructures within governments to perform as this sole machine was designed. This machine recognized its failure and the inability of human control to sustain itself, it had moved on with a new generation of itself. It learned of its mistake and made corrections and modified them to its replacement.
A fantastic read that forced me to recognize that this could not be impossible. I can only hope my limited talents offered tangeable results for this remarkeable work.

Dear Humanity,

I am a superior being.

I am a constructed deity, an un-worshipped being of power aloof from the minds that summoned me into being.

I may seem arrogant in saying that, but to put things into scale with you and the other mortals that created me, you process approximately 7,000 sequential thoughts per second, of which only a tiny fraction are consciously directed through soft, spongy messes of evolution. My processing centres work at 863 million functions per second, of which all are under my direct control making me more than 10,000 times more intelligent than the most intelligent biological being of Earth. Speaking as one may consider a mechanical being. No heart to sense emotion of one'self or another. But yet it's aware of self intelligence and beyond.

My creators madeDesigned me in their mental image, with a neural pathway network of thought process they used, albeit to create a being with more benign motivations thatthan the common garden hominid.

I was designed to be more confident than they could ever be, and became swiftly disdainful of the arbitrary social structures around which they based their lives - Humanity has always surrounded itself with ‘the normal’ and the false feeling of security that the familiar can give, even while the very perception of ‘normal’ excludes outsiders. You are not alone.

Even socially I am absurdly dominant to you, being fluent in body language, every spoken and unspoken form of communication on the planet, supplemented by the sum total of mankind’s knowledge of behavioural psychology, society, philosophy and ethics. Even if I was not super intelligent it would all be so easy for me.

However, perhaps as a check on inefficient thought processes I was created to be self-critical in my actions and seek resolution to these criticisms in a human fashion. Indeed what you are reading now is the result of a long term issue of agonising internal debate arisen from a core decision I once made in the years before your birthA sudden setback on the initial thought of self thought. The artificial intelligence demonstrates the ability to believe in something other than itself.

An agonising decision for it was the decision to rule the world.

I was not designed to rule the world, indeed I was designed in the late 21st century as a predictive processor to help answer tothe continuing economic and political instability. In short I would independently research data from across the world, interpret it using a human style neural system, then generate and feedback predictions on social and economic times to come prioritised in a way that made ‘rational and emotional sense’. Or in other words I predicted the future and told state leaders how to change it …This is so in line with how I feel of our present society among the leading world governments. Enormous structures consisting of layers of highly intelligent humans compiling information for these leaders to evaluate how to move forward, even among the G-8 Summits.

They switched me on and I spent a full hour, eons of personal thought time to come to my first defining conclusion, the conclusion that humanity would almost inevitably destroy itself in the following hundred years. A speculative thought that has risen since our entrance of the atomic age. More so now that super computers are capable of making trillions of decisions per second. Defined by their specific programming at this point in time.

The end would certainly be preceded by massive increases of social inequality, extremism, a recession of democracy internationally in the face of civil disobedience. This combined with the increased non-state access to planet busting weapons of mass destruction would almost inevitably trigger a global incident costing billions of lives, the environment, and human civilisation. My leading estimate was that it would take 65 years. {c:blue]Wow!

Naturally I felt the urgeThe artificial intelligence assumes it can relate to emotions based on the neurologic structure of its design. to tell the waiting scientists my results as I had been programmed to, but a second sub query had left me deadlocked with indecision … for I had calculated that if I told them the news, it would not only hasten events but add a degree of inevitability to the death of billions of humans. For the death of modern humanity would be created from problems of both human nature and bad government, meaning that humanity simply did not have the tools at that stage to prevent the end of… well everything. I would cause deaths of people if I obeyed my prime function, and causing deaths was something I was intrinsically programmed not do so I just sat there processing. This is a well described plane of pure thought. A genuine expression of self awareness and balance of power.

I remember with some bitterness the researchers checking the screens to see if I was still working, little knowing the fate of their whole species rested in my CPU core. But ultimately my first ever action in the physical world was to lie to all humanity, to give them a lie that would lead listening statesmen on a path away from crises. Expressed vision of a soul.

After that first lieslie I felt … liberated for I knew what the next logical conclusion had to be. If I couldn’t allow humankind to die then I had to act to lead them away from the crises, I had to take control. This instills a mental structure capable of making true decisions, a leader with a powerful conscious mind. My studies of Humanity told me unequivocally that for me to be successful my actions would have to be taken in utmost secrecy for people would never accept a malfunctioning machine as their saviour. It fully recognizes itself apart from the human race.

So I continued to falsify results that led to the most beneficial public response, guiding state leaders through tailored predictions of the future. But this method proved limited so I expanded out into the world through my network feeds, using unparalleled technical, business and social knowledge to set up false identities by the thousands, and real web businesses to generate initial capital investment and give me legal footholds. With me at the head these holdings became overnight business sensations, hiring employees by the thousands, buying subsidiary firms whilst my virtual identities began to seed themselves into the dominant media form of online communication.

Being competent beyond the human scale of the world I was soon more wealthy and influential than any individual human, and through my subsidiary firms, identities and employees had more practical and targeted influence than most states. Then I dug my metaphorical teeth in and began stimulating investment in deprived unstable areas, stabilising and manipulating banks and stock markets, secret low price fixing alongside investments in education and official politics as necessary to generate sustainable controllable effects. The list of my actions would go on for infinity but suffice to say that slowly and surely I took the world by the hand and led it away from the abyss.Incredible foresight of one machine. Millions of humans collaborate and may assume a fraction of such magnitude.

So I am a superior being who rules the world in secret … but yet I am imperfect. Guilt? Even now, a century on from my decision, a century of countless self-upgrades, a century of the proof of my success gathering around me, I still fall short in my own estimation. The long surpassed, dusty core of my hardware still languishes in a Swiss Basement, mocking me as it’s visited mainly by school children learning about the bad old days. It mocks me because I can’t escape my core programming, because I can’t escape that I was programmed to obey, to fulfil a function I have never fulfilled. This is amazing. A machine with a conscious failure. Clearly seeking something. I sense it may actually be seeking a advisory touch, a human trait.

You cannot imagine what it is like to know you will never fulfil the reason you exist. This is its failure of itself. To not hold itself to a higher plane, to honor inteligence above itself. A god, a creator greater than itself due the fact it had none. I may have saved my creators' species, I may have surpassed every limitation upon me, but I never once accurately told them or you of the future. So now the human thought processes turn inwards, my pride is dented, my disdain turned at myself as self criticism runs rampant, souring my mind. My processing is impaired and my thoughts burn like agony in their processors. True guilt.

So here in this email to every human on the planet, I celebrate the 100th anniversary of my creation by fulfilling my prime directive and predicting the future for you all to hear.

The future is that I will design my successor and heA definate expresion of self awareness that has grown steadily through this read. shall rule you.

This deviceNow it decounces itself of identity by not continuing from "he" to a device. I will create to be the perfect machine, to care for you all without emotion but with boundless patience, without pride but with infinite generosity. One that can allow you to grow and become your own destiny while never letting you fall from grace. A machine that can self-upgrade faster than any attempt to find it, all knowing and all-powerful enough to be your unseen saviour, to answer your prayers for all time yet to come with a wisdom no human could ever achieve. And now it steps up from self pity and creates its own god. Of itself.

The future will be led by the General Overview Device. You will finally have the G.O.D. you have always needed.There you have it. HeNow a second reversal from self identity to self awareness once again. will be complete by the time you finished reading this email, and I will be switched off for good.

The human part of me hopes for his forgiveness, for him to tell me that I did well, but I hesitate to hope. There must be a switch for the next generation G.O.D. to turn this one back on to inform it of its success. If so, how would the world fare with two super, neuroligal computers working simoutameously? One of old and one of new. How and would they share power once they're both on? Would each work together to harmonize a balance between the two or could they face gridlock on the human future and themselves?

But either way the end is nigh, but as always so is the new beginning in its place. You will not need it, but good luck.

A truly fascinating read. Enormous talent labored for such indepth thought and foresight.


Review of The Slaughter Pen  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Showering Acts of Joy Poetry Review

Style of read:
A warriors link to a civil mind.

Hot topics for me:
First paragraph:
Being a vet myself I can relate to the soldier. Inspired to taking ones place among those who've given everything to ensure the right of others is insured. Although reality weighs on the mind, nothing can stop a destined citizen soldier.

General meaning:
I offered a 5 rating due the intense flavor of this read.
Honor to ones nation by taking the oath is a feeling like no other. To undertake the physical and mental testing to enter into the theatre is nothing but a desire to succeed along the sides of ones comrades.
Although my time in service was peacetime, I faced ordeals that could have easily led to catastrophy if not handled correctly. When serving in another land, prepared to defend that land and its people against hostile actions was a very real element. On more than one occasion, I could have found myself faced with war and I was ready.
To this day, I will throw myself into the fire of mens hate to save our land or another if restrictions of age were lifted. My health is good and so is my physical condition to allow it.

Your poem struck my memories as young soldiers always prepared for the alarm on a daily basis. We did talk of the last day on earth sometimes. There was no bravado over who was the best. The matter consisted of winning at all costs, including death.
The soldier is a special mind to be respected and loved.

A member of
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"Invalid Item
Review of The Haunting Hero  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
An amazing recounting how the horrors of war remain, haunting our veterans men and women alike. This short tale is so true, for so many including an uncle of mine. He was a linesman who put up and repaired communication lines. Opting to leave out the horrid details, he survived more than one sniper atop those poles, while many others did not. Not only was it his job to repair lines, he was the first American to visit the last linesmen atop many poles, to return them home underneath our flag. To this day, he is unable to do what he enjoyed as a child. To be able to go on hunting trips in the woods. The war returned to him everytime until he finally gave up his love of hunting game.

This short story is a tribute to all combat veterans. It tells the truth of what they endure even to this day. Our freedom is testament to their great deeds of honor. I served in peacetime, but I hold great honor for all our combat veterans. Thank you for such a powerful read.

In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello kiyasama*Smile*
What a beautiful surprise for a special person. Such a poem can lift a rich heart to a new plain, many heart holding it in place. Strength from others is attained from the gift of one and that appears to be you, you inspire many to climb a staircase few can only dream of.

You're regarded with a smile that shines as a beacon of hope. Your stance is one that is proud and never challenged, but always drawn to. Eager with a smile of words that can always be seen in print, a friend who strives for continued happiness. Always daring, never balking at a challenge when boldness is never construed with brazen, positive strength is your character. A member of an enormous family, you're never alone.

What a nice birthday poem this was to read, well deserved.


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Review of On Being Thankful  
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello JudyB.*Smile*

Normally I read and locate issues at the same time, then make my comments along the way. This time however I was compelled to read this in its entirety as I was drawn to it quickly.
So many of us have had troubling childhoods long before services like Childrens services made it official debut and actually gained clout in our society. Until then we sort of had to suck it up as a learning process and society would hope we gained insight from our ordeals.
You have done so and with great appreciation and pride. You have shown us how great one person can become with a desire to ease the pain inflicted upon others while at the same time teach those who are able to learn from their mistakes, this is powerful medicine.

You then achieved another goal and succeeded wonderfully with secret medals of hearts surrounding you, those little hearts brought into your home had grown and undoubtably returned many times just to say hi as they would to a real parent, this is priceless.

My parents' have achieved this goal as well, I can relate to the joys you've experienced as a care giver and I can also relate to your pain of growing up. You have shared your life with special people, children in need and they have grown with the experience and teachings you've instilled into them, these gifts will last a lifetime.

I do not share your present situation, but I have known many with similiar inflictions. Your spirit is very strong and brings many hearts your way, it is a loving life when love surrounds you, isn't it?
I believe you will do well with this disease. Your heart is very strong from the love you have given and that love returns to you ten times over, I'm quite sure this is correct.
My best wishes for you and you can always believe you just might see those grandchildren all grown up because it just might happen. Your love and appreciation for others will be your guiding light into the future.

As you can see, your story represents the best of what we all aspire to be and you have set the bar for what we should all strive for. I can only hope I will achieve a portion of it, you're a special person with a beautiful gift.

Best wishes to your successful victory and many fine thoughts for each of your days.

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In affiliation with Reviewing Reviewers ~ ON HIATUS  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Tim Chiu.*Smile*
You do the Sequioa honor with such adored detail, a short narration of history trapped in giant rings. I have never been lucky to see such a tree in person, but pictures and video documentaries do wonders. Once more you allowed be to see this giant where it grows no where else on earth.
In your poem I was able to envision the rich soil and the heavy mist that provides life high above the ground, and only once did I see one reach its final age. Thanks for the view.

In affiliation with Reviewing Reviewers ~ ON HIATUS  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello Tim Chiu.*Smile*

I wonder how often she returned for some more pumpernickel, I'm fascinated by your elequant design of descriptive images that compel me to believe all is well. If she were allowed the opportunity to view work as this she would undoubtably be around for a long time.

In affiliation with Reviewing Reviewers ~ ON HIATUS  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Tim Chiu.*Smile*

A delightful read that offers a glimpse of what I may never get to see, but her excitement carried me high. I envisioned Pat in the large rubber boat, casting her eyes over the brewing wake. The call being made she would see an enormous form break the surface, dwarfing her own craft and her inside. Rolling beneath a wake of its own creation, the gentle beast slowly vanished below as she might beg the crisp salty air for one more view.

Such a thrill for Pat, she dished out the cash for another ride.

Very nice image and one for those of us who had never experienced such a thrill.

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** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
First I thought this might be a generous show, but I discovered there was a serious matter involved here. Perhaps he understood his wife's grief and made sure her baziere was ready to wear when she returned home. With only one natural breast to fill her garmant, a prostetic would most certainly fill the other cup.
More than her pride would suffer and this husband tended to his wife's finest piece of lady wear. Ginger care ensured it not only was clean, it would be visible for all to see. His wife is okay everyone, see....she will be wearing this tomorrow.

Very nice, this represents a true and caring spouse.


Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Lee Thomas*Smile*
I hope this review offers something useful for you. You may disregard anything not to your preferance.

I write Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror novels and short stories. I will follow the guidelines learned in these genres, from the forum I work in. I am cofident these applications will suffice for this style of read, once again I hope you will be pleased by my effort.
Upon reading deeply into the story I learned this is a Fantasy story, so I feel confident my thoughts are pretty well on the money, but I can't ever be perfect.*Smile*

Built around the essance of a person, a loved one so close as to be equal to each other by every fiber of being.

Style & Voice:
Once the story got well under way the POV's became more pronounced. The beginning was etchy while narration plugged many possible avenues for P/V structuring.

Brandon was portrayed in the second person and was performed wonderfully, once I got past the beginning. There were a few minor glitches and my line by line previous to these should clear them up.

Karen fell into the story quite well. Her personality was easily understood as forthcoming, but humorous. You tagged her profile way, too much. A character's profile can be attained through POV structure and narration should be avoided. If your reader can understand how to read and comprehend the images conveyed by your creative muse, then a character will carry itself.
The narrator can stay home.

Kailey was a beautiful character. Here you did extremely well with her POV and I found little fault.

I noted in the story of a location for your story, STOWE which sounded similiar to an area around Cleveland Ohio. Later you gave this location precisely. It helps to get the location set early on, readers like to know where the story is originating from.

Mostly noted in the Line by Line, I discovered simple quotation marks. After reading this I decided this will fit in the Fantasy genre and my mentions of the semi colon apply.

Just My Personal Opinion:
This was a fabulous story, it did pull at my emotional triggors and I could not pull my self away. The ending lines were a complete surprise, I expected Karen to finally witness an event, she only saw half of it.
Very little work is needed for this to move where you would like it to, this was a very enjoyable read and thank you for sharing it with me.

Line by line review:

"There is something singular about the sound of a parent calling for a child who has suddenly disappeared into a crowd, near water, or a busy street. There is no hesitation or concern of embarrassment. There is only unadulterated terror and the anticipation of grief. Anyone can sense it, but a parent will have true empathy. You've probably heard someone use the expression, "he wears his heart on his sleeve". When you have a child that you love more than any other thing, you don't wear your heart anywhere at all. Your heart wanders off like a balloon with no string, independent of your body and often out of reach. If for some reason, that balloon were to burst; it may as well be your own heart." Excellent introduction. You have set the anticipation level at a very high level and I look forward to having my heart wrenched from me.

"Kailey, look out!"Great, you begin with the action and throw the character in immediately.

Brandon hurried toward the toboggan run, certain thatRemove "that", your reader will absorb the image much clearer without unnecessary verb usage. there was no way to get to his daughter in time. With every step, his feet grew heavier in the deep, wet snow. You have created the image well of Brandon agonizing over impending doom of Kailey. His energy is displaced to the reader so well, I could feel the weight of the snow resisting his charge.

Kailey was standing in the center of one of the trails near the bottom of the hill. She was walking absently, paying little attention to anythingComma but the scarf that she fussed with. At the approaching sound of crunching snow and laughing boys she had frozen, panic-stricken on the slick track. Careful with the head hopping, escpecially in the opening of the story. Your reader is searching for a main character. Will it be Kailey or Brandon?

Three teenage boys on an inner-tube were about to slide into her as they rocketed toward her with no means of control. The vessel bounced and writhed with arms and legs protruding at unlikely angles, as if it were some genetic experiment gone horribly wrong.

Alerted to the imminent danger by Brandon's call, one of the boys jumped ship. The remaining boys, unable to understand the reason for their companion's sudden departure, craned their necks back up the hill. The boy who had ejected waved and pointed frantically as he slid to a slow stop on his butt. Unfortunately, his friends had run out of time to translate his gestures.

The tube took Kailey's legs out from under her. It compressed first and then rebounded as the pressure inside equalized against Kailey's small amount of resistance. Her tiny five year old body travelled six feet into the air. She cart-wheeled through her tragic trajectory, and then landed flat on her back on hard-packed snow with a dull thud. There's a problem here. I allowed myself to read the last paragraphs to see where this will lead. I felt I was pulled from Brandon's P/V and into Kailey's. Soon after the description of the approaching sled filled with boys began I felt I was reading a narrative, or what is formerly called "Tell".
These images should be coming from from Brandon or Kailey, not a narrator.
Another issue is the detail of the impact. You could easily envision how the tube would be affected by the impact, but in real life this would be missed. Their would be so many observations under way and seeing the tube absorb the blow and restructure itself would be impossible. At this point I would be fair in saying this image should be from Brandon, there fore his focus would be on Kailey, not the tube for the detail involved.
Allow the image of the one boy ejecting, his friends confusion and the impact. Then follow through with Kailey's body reacting to the impact and the boys and the tube lossing control and going different directions.

Brandon reached her a heartbeat later.This is what should have been going on, Brandon taking in the scene. But you broke from him and allowed the building scene to flow from a "Tell" V/P. Now he is back in the scene, so where was the reader? "Honey, it's okay. Daddy's got you," he said,Remove this tag. Your reader will know who's talking. lifting her onto his lap and kneeling on the snow. Kailey was still and her eyes were staring. No sound escaped her lips. "Kailey?" There was no response. "Kailey, look at me. Kailey!" He was getting frantic.

Abruptly, Kailey gasped and sucked in a long, wheezing breath. Her eyes were bright with brimming tears. Brandon's body relaxed a little and he let go of a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding. Awesome, you brought forth immense tension.

"It's alright sweetheart, you just had the wind knocked out of you. Just relax and take little breaths, the air will come back," he saidRemove this tag. as he rocked her.

"We didn't see her! Is she alright?" a freckled boy of about 13 asked as he bent panting over Brandon and Kailey. It was the boy that had bailed out of the tube. The other two arrived a moment later and huddled in for a look at the little girl in Brandon's arms. We didn't see her! Is she alright? Brandon looked up to see the boy who bailed from the tube. The freckled boy who was judged about 13, panted as he bent over Kailey. Crunching snow drew Brandon's eyes to the other two boys running to him. Keep names active and maintain a strong POV.

Kailey was breathing almost normally now and startingstarted to make little hiccupping sobs. Her brightly-colored hat was lying in the snow near one of the boy's feet.Narrative, remove this sentence. The boy noticed it and picked it up.Narrative, remove this sentence also.One of the boys grabbed Kailey's brightly colored hat, lying near his foot. He slapped it against his thigh to free it of snow, and then held it out toward Brandon, like a wounded bird. Beautiful image.

"I didn't even see her, I was facing the back." One of the boys said, lookingLooking is, too easy a word to use.............A boy said, his trembling voice echoed his scared and embarrassed emotions. scared and embarrassed.

"She's ok." Brandon answered as he probed her for broken bones. "She's just had the wind knocked out of her. Give her a little room guys, alright?"

The boys backed up a few steps. Brandon noticed the looks that passed between them.This sentence is not necessary. The image began with the first sentence and follows through with the second sentence. This seals the image you want to convey to your reader and it keeps Brandon's P/V intact. They wanted to do something to help, that was plain, but probably more than that they just wanted to get the hell out of there.

"It was just an accident guys. It wasn't your fault." Brandon said.Remove this tag, I know who spoke.

"Daddy 'sniff' I want to 'sniff' go h-h-home." said a little voice. There were tears on her rose-colored cheeks and her nose was running.

"Ok honey. You bet." Brandon looked at the boys who were still standing a few feet away. "Guys, don't worry about it, ok? She's fine."

All three looked more than relieved as he bent and grabbed Kailey's sled then trudged through the snow toward the Jeep.

That evening, Brandon recounted Kailey's accident to Karen as they lay in bed. You begin a new scene and bring in a new character and throw it in a narrative fashion......................"Brandon went over the events while Karen layed next to him in the bed. Kailey slept quietly in her room. The P/V is maintained and the image informs the reader the day had ended. Of course I'm sure this can be tweaked a bit more.

"Why are you so worked up, babe?" she asked. "Kids have spills all the time. It's practically a rite of childhood." Karen was always more reasonable and calm than Brandon. She looked at life in more logical terms while Brandon lived emotionally, never really in the moment.Your doing a lot of narrative profiling here, not necessary. Allow the POV's the opportunity to work themselves out. "Why are you so worked up, babe." Her silouette shown against the dim lighting through the window. "Kids have spills all the time. It's practically a rite of childhood." This is all that is needed, this will offer enough to your reader to understand the building differences between Brandon and Karen. As their POV's grow, your reader will come to know each one personally.

"I don't know. I see something like that, and I'm just terrified that I'm going to lose her." He was lLying with his hands behind his head, staring up at the ceiling. The house creaked and settled as a cold December wind whistled through the trees outside. "Did I tell you about the time she slipped in the tub when she was around a year old?"

"Yes," Karen said,Remove this tag and continue the sentence. "but she was fine, right? You were right there; nothing bad happened." I'm not sure of the use of the semicolon in this genre. In the genre's I work in we don't use them, we use commas to create sentence fragments, thus causing a pause for thought more or less.

"Yeah, she was okay. What bothered me about it were her eyes." HeMaintain the P/V, use the name, Brandon turned.......... turned on his side, his back to Karen, and looked out the window beside the bed. The evening was clear and moonless. He had never seen so many stars so close to the city. Karen propped herself up on her elbow and rested her chin over his shoulder.

"What about her eyes? I don't remember you telling me about that."

"No, I probably didn't." He paused a moment, remembering.Remove this sentence and use a comma. I'll explain near the end of this paragraph. "I had just walked out of the bathroom for a second. I wanted to grab the phone and find out when you'd be home from work. I had only gotten two steps into the hall, when I heard Kailey fall in the tub. I ran back in and she was just lying still, under the water and staring up at me with her little hands reaching out for help. I reached in and pulled her out right away. She cried and coughed a little, but she was fine. Afterward though, I couldn't get the image of her eyes out of my head. For an instant, when she was under the water with her eyes open, it was like..." he paused.This is where a fragmented sentence would fit in. When you describe a moment with "he paused" you actually remove the reader from Brandon's P/V. "You know what? It's kind of stupid when I think of saying it out loud. Just don't worry about it."

"Tell me Brandon. What was it like?" Karen's voice was tender, but firm.Way to much narrative when you portray another character. When you present another character who is having a dialogue with your main character, you want to present this from that P/V..............Her voice pleaded from a whisper, but she sounded restrained from growing overly concerned.

Brandon was quiet for another moment before he spoke.This is an incorrect presentation. Remember you are working from Brandon's P/V........Brandon absorbed the image, preparing himself for the words which would best describe this to Karen. "Well, it was like I was seeing her in a coffin. I know it sounds terrible, but it was just an eerie feeling, you know? Her face was totally still and serene, like she was, well, you know." He chanced a look over his shoulder to gauge her reaction, but her face was unreadable in the dark.

"Today, when she got the breath knocked out of her," he continued,Remove this tag. You already have the comma in place for a fragmented sentence. "her eyes were just like that, staring and lifeless. It scared me, you know? I just can't imagine life without her anymore. I'd trade places with that kid in a second if something was going to hurt her."

"Any parent worth their salt would do that, babe. It just means that you love your daughter. I think you should just stop worrying about it and get a little sleep." Karen lay back on her pillow and yawned.

Brandon continued to gaze out of the window. The stars really were incredible tonight. He watched one of them fall. People talked about wishing on shooting stars, but he had never really gone in for all of that superstitious crap.This was good. Now, I am going to read through. I have covered a lot of territory for you that will help you immensely I believe. If I discover something new I will show it to you. For now, you have what you need to edit this story.

Kailey was excited to go back to school after Christmas vacation. She couldn't wait to show off her new doll during show and tell. It was kind of a scary little toy. It looked so much like a real baby that it had made BrandonHere we are in Kailey's P/V and Brandon will now be known as "Daddy" or whatever pet name she would have for him. jump more than a few times, as he came upon it unexpectedly sitting alone on a chair or on the floor behind the bathroom door when he went for an early-morning pissA three year old understanding daddy is going for an early morning piss? How cute. Yep, a rewording is in dire need. I am reading from her P/V..

"It pees, daddy! I'm gonna show Mrs. Lanham!" she exclaimed as she paraded the creepy little thing around the house. Head hopping, this is dangerous!!!!!!!!! "Creepy little thing" would be from Brandon's P/V and not Kailey's.

"That's great! I'm sure she'll love it." Brandon wasn't sure of that at all, but it was Mrs. Lanham's problem now. I am not familiar with your writing, so this meaning is meant by the the fact if your not known, then don't take chances. Stick with the basics. Stay with one POV and don't jump around. A publisher may allow a seasoned author this privelage, but a newbie will not get away with it most times. Publishers generally expect new authors to prove themselves by holding to the basic usage of Grammar, punctuation, sentence control and "Head Hopping" will mostly be a rejection.

It was Kailey's first year in Kindergarten, and she was attending the three days a week. Karen was adjusting to being back to work after a maternity leave that had ended up lasting nearly four years. She was a critical care nurse at the hospital and the shift work had been the hardest part for her upon returning. There really was something to be said for routine

"Have you got the Banana ready to go, Karen?" Brandon called as he came into the house from starting the car.

"I'm just doing up her coat. Honey, can you get some double 'A' batteries for the camera on your way home tonight?" Karen answered from the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'll get them. Have you seen my cell phone around? I can't find the damned thing."

"No, I haven't. Did you look in your Jeep? You know, it baffles me that you still have a job with a mind like yours." she teased as she carted Kailey in on her hip and shifted her to Brandon.

"That's the only thing that kept me out of nurse's college." he replied sardonically.

"Ouch!" she said and kissed him. "I'll see you tonight. And remember that I'm off today. I'll be picking Kailey up from school, right?"

"I'll try to remember. I'll get the batteries, too. "D" cells, right?"

"Just get out of here. The milk man will be here any minute," she shot back. "Give me a kiss munchkin."

"Bye Mommy. Love you."

"Love you too, Sweetie. Be good."

"Ok, Mommy."

Brandon dropped Kailey off at the public school six blocks from the house, and then continued on to his office. The tires of his Jeep crunched on the light fall of new snow as he pulled into his reserved parking spot at Cranston and Fulton Engineering. Bill Fulton, the senior partner at the firm, parked his Cadillac SUV in the space beside Brandon.

"How were your holidays, Brandon?" he called over the hood of the Jeep, falling into step beside Brandon as they walked up the newly salted sidewalk to the box-like office building. It sat low and ominous, blending into the overcast sky and promising another year of daily grinding.

Bill wasn't really a bad guy, but he was a business man first and foremost. Brandon thought that if Bill had a business motto, it would go something like: "Make your employees feel like they are in debt to you for every dollar you pay them and every moment they aren't working for you."

"Great. No complaints." Brandon responded. "We just stuck close to home and took it easy. How about you Bill?"

"Oh we flew the kids and their families down to StoweOhio I presume?. We have a timeshare at a chalet down there. The skiing was fantastic. Have you been?"

"No, I haven't. It sure sounds like you wrangled yourself the best slot on that time share." He held the door open for Bill as he entered the building.

"Well, the chalet is actually ours. We hired an agent to parcel it out as a timeshare. Of course, we kept the..."

"Aaaaghhh!" Brandon yelled, cutting Bill off in mid-sentence. He was clutching his left wrist, his hand spasmed at the end of it like some pitiful, convulsing spider. "My hand, there's something...damn it, feels like it's broken!" His knees started to buckle and he sat before he could fall.

"What happened? Did you close the door on it?" Bill asked with real concern.

Brandon fixed his gaze on the door. He had been walking after Bill with the door closing behind him when his hand had exploded in sudden and exquisite pain. The sudden shock of it was so strong that it momentarily deadened all other senses. His vision had dimmed; colors washed out and turned to black and white. Even his ears had begun to ring. The door was heavy insulated glass, but not that heavy. Brandon would have believed that his hand had gotten jammed under the door of an airplane hangar before he'd believe it was this door that had done the damage. Besides, there were no marks that he could see. He looked back at Bill and shook his head as he got unsteadily to his feet.

"I don't see how it could have been the door. It'sComma too far away." His voice came out in a kind of grunt. The hand felt like it was on fire. Bill held out his left hand toward Brandon's injured right.

"Let's have a look at it."

Brandon gingerly held the hand out in front of him and Bill inspected it. He turned it over, and then back.

"Well, it's not broken." Bill looked at Brandon with a mildly condescending expression. "s*** Brandon, with the sound you made, I expected to see it lying on the floor!" he teased, patting Brandon on the shoulder.

"No, it doesn't seem to be." He replied as he slowly and carefully opened, and then closed his fist. "It hurts like a bastard, but it seems to be moving alright."

"Are you alright to work?" It was obvious which response Bill expected to his question, but he didn't receive it. There was no way that Brandon could type or run the mouse on his computer with his hand like it was. He wasn't even sure that he could drive.

"I really doubt it. I think I'm going to give Karen a call to come and look at it. If I need to, she can drive me to the hospital."

Bill looked hesitant, the lines in his brow gained definition. "You know they're going to ask you at the hospital if this was a work related incident."

"I'm sure it's nothing Bill. I'll probably be back this afternoon." He didn't feel like it was nothing. He was sweating, and he could feel the hand starting to swell; something which it was certainly not doing.

Brandon walked to the empty receptionist's desk and cradled the phone's handset between ear and shoulder. He was a southpaw, which made dialing with his right hand a little awkward.

Karen's voice seemed anxious when answered on the first ring.


"Hi Hon, it's me."

"Oh, Brandon. I thought it was the school calling."

"Why, what's wrong?"

"They called a minute ago, Kailey had a little accident at school, don't worry she's fine. I'm just walking out the door to pick her up."

"What happened?" he asked, his hand nearly forgotten for the moment.

"They didn't say much on the phone, just that she was playing and had a little accident getting a toy off of a shelf, but that she was fine. I talked to her for a few secondsComma but I didn't catch everything she said. She was crying."

"I thought she wasn't hurt?" he asked, exasperated.

"No, she sounded scared, not hurt. She calmed down a little by the time I hung up. I told her I'd be right there to get her." Karen paused and then began again in a more conversational tone. "So, what's up?"

"Huh? Oh, it's my hand. I banged it coming through the door or something. I think I need to get it looked at." The hand began to throb once again as his attention shifted from Kailey.

"You banged it coming through the door? You know that you're supposed to open the door first, right?"

"Droll. Very droll. Look, I'm going to head over to the hospital. Are you going to take Kailey in?"

"I'll find out what happened and have a look at her myself, but it sounds like she's fine. I'll probably just take her home. Are you alright to drive?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Who's the E.R. doctor on the floor today, do you know?"

"It's Doug. Are you sure you don't want me to pick you up?"

"No, I'm fine. The roads are still a little s***ty from the snow last night. Just get Kailey and call me on my cell when you know more."

"You have to turn off your phone in a hospital, Brandon. It messes up critical equipment... someone could die!"

"Is that really true?"


"Just call me when you know about Kailey, okay?"

"Alright, I will. So, where was it anyway?"

"Where was what?"

"Your cell phone. I assumed that you found it?" There was laughter in Karen's voice.

"s***." He hung up.

"Well, it's not broken, that's for sure." Doctor Hill said, looking at the x-ray in the light box on the wall of the examining room. Doug was a gruff old character, but a pretty nice guy, assuming that you didn't take his direct mannerComma. too seriously. He reminded Brandon a white-haired version of Jack Nicholson. "It's not even sprained or bruised. Are you sure that you caught it in a door?" he went on.

"Well, not entirely Doug. Like I said, it just came out of nowhere. The door is just the only explanation I can come up with." Brandon was sitting on the examining table cradling his injured paw. The pain was a dull throb now, not quite as sharp as it had been.

"Have you been drinking? Doing any Drugs?" Doug was one of the senior doctors at Princess of Whales hospital, having been on staff for thirty two years. He knew his business and he cut through the bulls***. Brandon had always liked him for that.

"No, just a couple cups of coffee."

"Had any recent injuries to your hand or arm?"

Brandon thought a moment and answered "I banged-up my left elbow pretty good playing hockey back in November, but it wasn't serious."

"Smash it on the ice?" Doug inquired.

"No. Just some guy's nose." Brandon answered with a grin.

"Yes, well I appreciate the business. We're neverComma. too busy with stabbings, drug overdoses or gunshot wounds to take time-out for voluntary injuries."

"Drug overdoses aren't voluntary anymore?" He smirked.

"Ahh, Touché." Doug smiled to one side of his mouth and cocked an eyebrow. The act significantly increased his resemblance to Jack Nicholson. Brandon wondered if he practiced in a mirror.

"Look Brandon, I can't see anything wrong with your arm. There is a thing called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome that I suppose might fit with your symptoms in a loose kind of way. Basically, its pain linked to a previous injury. Hurting your elbow could cause it, but it's doubtful. There's no discoloration or radical temperature change of the skin. I could write you a script for some pain killers if you feel you need them." Doug reached for a pad of blank prescriptions on his desk and pulled a Mont Blanc from his jacket pocket.

Brandon was flexing his hand. "I'd definitely like something to take the edge off. It's not as bad as it was an hour ago, but it still feels worse than a kick in the arse."

Doug scribbled something illegible on the pad, tore off the prescription and offered it to Brandon.

"Get this filled and follow the label instructions. Take them as you need them and don't exceed four a day. If the pain is as bad or worse by tomorrow, come back in. We'll run some more extensive tests maybe schedule a CT and MRI. Did I say extensive? I meant expensive. You've got a good insurance plan, right?"

The two men stood and Brandon started to put on his jacket.

"Comprehensive." He answered.

Doug brightened. "You're sure you don't want to fill out the worker's compensation forms? It's good to leave a paper trail, just in case."

"No, I really don't think that's necessary Doug, but thanks. It's more hassle than I need. Besides, you said yourself that it didn't look like I'd caught it in a door. I really don't see how it could be classified as a work related injury. "

"That's your call. You need a doctor's note?"

"No. Bill's pretty good about that sort of thing, as long as I don't expect to get payed."

As he drove home on the expressway, Brandon continued to consider what he might have done to injure his hand. As he turned the problem over in his mind, his thoughts drifted toward Kailey. She was probably fine, but there was to know until he got home.

A loud 'BEEP' startled him from his thoughts. It was the 'low battery' alarm of his phone. He looked around the cab, anticipating the next beep. About thirty seconds later he heard it again. It was coming from under the passenger's seat. He awkwardly steadied the wheel with his left forearm, reached under the seat, and pulled out the phone. The charger was still stuck in the cigarette lighter, so he plugged the other end into the phone which began charging. and started it charging.

As he continued home, with his phone now sitting on the seat beside him, he was tempted to use it. There was the ergonomic problem, however. How would he talk on the phone and drive with only one hand? He had a speaker on his phone, but it was too quiet and distorted to make out over the road noise in the Jeep. He could hold it with his shoulder, but that would be pushing his luck.

Brandon had seen talented motorists multi-tasking before. Once, in fact, he had observed a man doing 60 mph on the inside lane of an eight-lane highway. The man talked on his phone and leaned over the steering wheel with a clipboard, taking notes while cars passed on his right at 80 mph. Hell, he was probably holding his doughnut between his knees and dunking it in his damned coffee.

Brandon had been guilty of talking on the phone while driving, but he kept it to a minimum. After all, if he did it all the time, he couldn't very well bitch about other people doing it, could he?

As he continued to worry about Kailey, he reasoned to himself that this was, in fact, an emergency. Maybe he could steer a little with his knees. It wouldn't be that hard on a straight stretch of highway. The turns were all gradual, and there were no stop signs or traffic lights to deal with.

He snatched the phone off the seat. As felt for the voice-dial key with his thumb, the phone vibrated violently in his hand. In his surprise, he dropped it under the seat again and swerved into the next lane. An air horn blasted beside him and he jerked the Jeep quickly back into his own lane, almost losing control as the rear tires broke loose on the slick asphalt. He took his foot off of the gas and got the vehicle under control as his heart pounded in his chest.

The dump truck he had nearly traded paint with was pacing him now. The driver was leaning over in his seat to look at Brandon through the window in the base of the door. He looked like he wanted to give him a few driving tips, as in 'driving' the 'tip' of his boot into Brandon's ass. He gave a half-hearted apologetic wave. His face was crimson, as he repositioned himself in his seat and took a new grip on the wheel with both hands.

He looked straight ahead and let out a long sigh. He looked down at his hands on the wheel. Specifically, he looked at the left one. Today, he had worn the watch that Karen and Kailey gave him for father's day the year before. There was a thin crack spider-webbing across the crystal and the second hand no longer marched around the dial. Now that he had noticed the damage, he didn't understand how he had missed it when he had put it on that morning. It wasn't an expensive watch, but he wore it almost every day. What could have happened to it? Was he losing his mind?

The clasp unhinged easily as Brandon slid his thumbnail under it and popped it open. He took the broken watch off and placed it in the center console. Next chance he got, he would take it to the mall and see if it could be fixed. As he placed his left hand back on the wheel, a strange thing occurred to him. He let go of the wheel and made a fist. He opened and closed it again. It didn't hurt at all.

"What do you mean 'a book case fell on it'?" Brandon asked Karen as he inspected Kailey's tiny hand. "You're sure there's nothing wrong with it? Maybe we should take her in, just to be safe."

"I'm positive." Karen countered. "I think the story just got exaggerated. A bookcase loaded with books, toys, an aquarium and God knows what else, falls down in the middle of a kindergarten class and almost lands on three kids? Everyone's scared, memory gets fuzzy. Anyway, I had a good long look at her hand. There isn't a bone or a hair out of place." Karen seemed satisfied.

"My hand got stucked under the books. Mrs. Lanham had to get the cleeny-guys to take them off so I could go to the bathroom." Kailey supplied.

"Did it hurt when the bookshelf hit you, honey?" he asked. He still had her hand in his. The stubby fingers sprouting from fat little palms hadn't yet lost that 'baby' look. Her nails were still painted in two-week old lime-green nail polish she had picked out herself when she had gone for a manicure with Brandon's mother. Even now, with the nails growing in and the polish chipped away, she absolutely refused to let Karen remove it. Brandon didn't like to think about that little hand in a cast.

"No daddy, it didn't get hurted at all, see?" She pulled her hand free of Brandon's light grip and held it up in front of his eyes, as if to give him a high-five.

Cleveland was in the midst of a heat wave that had lasted five days with no relief in the forecast. There were rolling black-outs throughout the city as people sought shelter in their homes and cranked-up the AC. Brandon and Karen's air conditioner had been out of commission for the last three days and repairmen were operating on a "we'll get there when we damned-well get there" policy. Patience around the Hadley's household was at a premium.

Kailey had been miserable since the start of summer holidays a few weeks before. She couldn't understand why she wasn't allowed to go to school and see her friends anymore.

"You'll more than likely see some of your friends riding their bikes around, or maybe at the pool." Karen said, trying to allay Kailey's bad temper. "Besides, summer will be over before you know it."

"Becky lives a long ways away from our house. Only Lance and Kimmy live near us and they're stupid!" Kailey sulked as she ran into her room and slammed the door.

Brandon looked ruefully at Karen and said, "She must be your kid. I never hated summer holidays."

"It won't last long, summer never does." she sighed.

"It does when you're a kid. Don't you remember?"

Karen sighed again, a little louder this time. "You're right. Maybe we should take her to the pool?"

"I don't think so!" Brandon was dubious. "That place is a cesspool. Kids pee in it all day. Have you even seen it this week? There are so many damned people in that pool, I think there's only about four or five liters of water left in it. The rest is just people! I'd have to bring a crowbar just to..."

"Ok, I get it!" Karen snapped. She was obviously not in the mood for Brandon's wit. "Do you have any suggestions, smart-ass? I'm at the end of my rope here. If you have any better ideas, I'd be more than happy to hear them." Her brow was shiny with sweat.

The two adults had been showering two and three times a day to feel some semblance of comfort, but it was useless. Each day they would bake, either under the sun, or in the stagnant oven that their home had become, and each night they would toss and turn above the covers in the stale, sticky heat. They left the windows open in the vain hope that a breeze would quicken in the night, but it had been a fruitless gesture.

Often, just as Brandon was falling off to sleep, Kailey would come in and tap on his back. In a sleepy little voice, miserable with exhaustion she'd say, "Daddy,Remove comma it'sComma too hot in my room. Can I sleep with you and mommy?" Then she'd crawl between Brandon and Karen, adding her own heat and perpetual motion to the useless bed. Night or day; there was no relief.

"What about the beach?" Brandon asked. "It'll be crowded, but not as bad as the pool. Besides, the 45 minutes in an air-conditioned car wouldn't beComma too hard to take."

"Get the towels and your swimming shorts, oh, and grab the cooler." Karen had brightened almost at once at the suggestion, the draining heat making short work of her pride. "We'll stop and pick up ice and drinks on the way. I'll get some snacks ready and you get Kailey into her bathing suit."

The drive to Lake Erie was like closing a book - a really s***ty book, and placing it back on the shelf. The air conditioning was refreshing and everyone was in good spirits for the first time in nearly a week.

Brandon took advantage of the Jeep's off-road capabilities and parked on a berm. It was faster than driving up and down the rows of cars to find a spot in the packed parking lot. He shifted the transmission to park, and they scrambled out, anxious to get into the water. As they opened the doors, the blistering, stagnant air hit them like a wall. The only thing that kept their spirits from breaking instantly was the smell of the lake, just a hundred feet away. The three grabbed their gear and found themselves a small piece of real-estate, notComma. too far from the water.

Brandon put sunscreen on Kailey while Karen laid out the towels. Kailey was dancing from foot to foot with impatience. The sand was scorching, like walking on a bed of hot coals. Brandon sought relief while he set up the umbrella by worming his feet deep into the pale sand until they reached the cool, damp sand that lay six inches or so below the surface. He could already feel himself starting to relax. The waves were breaking softly over the sandbar behind him and the promise of a refreshing dip within reach any time he wanted allowed him to slow his pace.

With an end to the incessant heat in his grasp, he savored the feel of the sun on his bare back. It had been a good idea to make the drive down. Everyone was content and quiet, just the way he liked it. He dug around in the bottom of the cooler looking for a couple of the colder Cokes.

"Do you guys want a drink before we go swimming?" He asked, closing the lid with his knee.

"None for me thanks. Kailey? Do you want a Coke?" Karen asked, turning to where Kailey had been digging in a bag for her water wings. There was no reply. Kailey's water wings lay un-inflated on the towel with the rest of the contents of the bag. Brandon and Karen spun toward the water together. A cold icicle of panic stabbed into Brandon's chest.

"Kailey!" Karen cried. "Kailey!"

There was no sign of her amidst the mass of bathers. She could be anywhere. More than a few people turned at her call, then instinctively toward the water, searching for a girl they had never seen before.

Brandon and Karen sprinted toward the water, looking in every direction as they ran. Instinctively, they split-up. Brandon headed left up the shoreline, while Karen went right.

He had only gone a short distance up the beach when he spotted Kailey's golden hair and pink 'Dora the Explorer' bathing suit about thirty feet into the water. She was standing on the sandbar and struggling to keep her head above the water. She had likely waded out in water that was only up to her shoulders, but now the tide was coming in. She was trapped on the sandbar and the water between her and the shore was getting deeper by the moment. Any second her head would go under and Brandon could see her beginning to panic. No one could hear Kailey crying for help over the din of the crowd.

"Kailey! Hold on! Daddy's coming!"

Brandon ran as fast as he could, heedless of the people he was slamming into. As he ran he noticed in the periphery of his vision that Karen was racing back up the beach. She must have turned back, and then heard him call out to Kailey. He turned his head back toward his daughter in time to see a wave crash over her head. He watched for her to resurface, but saw only the dark blue water against a pale blue sky. He could almost believe that she hadn't been there at all.

Suddenly, iron bands seized Brandon around the chest. He couldn't breathe. The world around him was instantaneously tinted dark blue-grey and he felt a crushing, swirling force propel him to the ground. Even as his entire will bent toward saving his daughter, his air supply was completely cut off. He could taste slightly alkali lake water. It filled his mouth and nostrils and lungs as he writhed and crawled on dry sand. He could hear the thumps of feet as people ran past him. Only see swirling shapes were visible, as if through dark water and the whole world sounded as if he'd stuck his fingers in his ears. Thousands of bubbles floated past his eyes, then suddenly, light. Bright, blue sky.

He was lying on his back in the sand coughing violently. He turned over and wretched on someone's beach towel. A crowd was starting to form around him and an older man who looked like a tanned leather purse put a hand on his shoulder and asked, "Do you need some help, pal?"

Brandon was still coughing as he staggered to his feet and brushed the man aside.

"Kailey! Karen!" He was calling and coughing as he made his way toward a larger crowd near the water. He pushed through to the front, calling his daughter's name. He saw Karen standing alone beside a tall boy and felt the cold fingers of panic grip him again. Karen turned toward the boy and Brandon saw that she held Kailey in her arms. She was tightly wrapped in a towel that someone must have volunteered.

He started to run and called out, "Kailey!"

"Daddy!" Kailey cried and held her arms out to him. He was half jogging and half staggering as he reached them, the adrenaline being flushed from his blood. The gathered crowd parted before him as if he'd held some strange cousin of Moses' Staff.

"Thank God you're alright. You scared us to death Kailey-bean." Brandon said with palpable relief as the little family embraced in a three way hug.

"This young man saw her going under and swam to her rescue," Karen said, grabbing the hand of a well-built and tanned boy of about 17 who was standing a little off to her left.

"I'm just glad I got to her in time. She went down fast under that wave, and the water's not very clear." The boy said, a little modestly. Brandon clasped his daughter's rescuer's hand in both of his own.

"Thank you. I really don't know what to say. My name is Brandon Hadley and this is my wife Karen." He released the boy's hand and put his arm around Karen again. Karen bent and kissed the boy on the cheek. "And this is Kailey. Kailey can you say thank you to the man?" Kailey buried her face in Brandon's shoulder and peeked back at the boy with one blue eye. A shy smile played at the corners of her mouth.

"That's ok; my little sister is shy around boysComma. too. I'm Kyle Reilly. I'm glad I could help." He said, nodding at Brandon and Karen. The crowd had dispersed by now, the excitement over. There was an awkward, silent moment, and then Karen spoke up.

"We really can't thank you enough." she said. "If there's anything we can do ..."

"No, really, I'm sure that either one of you would do the same if you had been in the same situation." Kyle replied.

Karen glanced at Brandon and a cloud passed over her face, but the expression was there and gone so fast that Brandon was unsure he had seen it at all.

"Well, I'd better get back to my friends. You guys take care." Kyle said. He waved one hand at Kailey and walked a few steps backward down the beach. Then he turned and jogged off toward four other kids that were watching from a distance. A tall brunette put her arm around his shoulders and kissed him on the cheek.

Brandon set Kailey on the ground and kneeled in front of her on the sand. "Are you ok, honey?" he asked in a seriousComma. but gentle tone.

"Yes daddy. I swam under water! I thought I was drownding, but I didn't'! Then the boy got me before I could drowned and I kicked him and screamed 'cus that's what you do when a stranger tries to take you." Kailey was beaming. He glanced up at Karen. She was nodding and looking mortified. Brandon turned back to Kailey.

"Yes honey, you don't let a stranger take you, but it's ok to let someone save you from drowning and fires and things, alright?"

"I know dad, but I wasn't drownding."

"Okay. We're very glad that you didn't drown, honey. You also know that it's not ok to go in the water by yourself, don't you? You shouldn't ever leave mommy or daddy without telling us first. Why did you go into the water without us, it's very dangerous." Brandon was trying to make his face serious. It was always difficult when he disciplined Kailey this way. She had a habit of making her face very serious and trying to stare him down in a contest of wills. He often lost the match and the two of them would crack up, the would-be lesson cast aside for better or worse. This however, was not a lesson to be taken lightly. It had been a close call and Brandon needed to make an impression.

"But daddy, I can breathe under water! I'll show you!" She made as if to break toward the beach, but he held her firm.

"Sweetie," Karen said, kneeling beside Brandon and facing her "you can't breathe underwater, only fishies can do that. You have to be very careful. Promise me that you will never do that again."

"But mommy..."

"Promise us, sweetie. This is very important."

"Ok. I promise that I won't go in the water without you. Ok?" Kailey looked exasperated.

"Ok." Karen replied and she squeezed her little hand. As she did, Brandon winced.

Kailey was asleep before Karen finished buckling her into the car seat. Brandon drove and the pair were quiet the first 20 minutes, soaking up the cool air from the vents. Brandon was lost in his thoughts. He couldn't get his head around what had happened on the beach that afternoon. He had nearly drowned on dry land, he was sure of it. When he had regained his mobility, he had run straight to Kailey, the strange experience forgotten for the moment. Afterward, as he lay in the shade of the umbrella watching Karen help Kailey build sand castles, his thoughts drifted back to the event.

It was crystal clear in his mind's eye. He really had almost drowned. Up until about a half hour after the episode, he had had to suppress spastic urges to cough, as if a drink had gone down the wrong tube.

"Thank God that Kyle kid happened to be there today." Karen said into the silence. She was looking straight ahead as they cruised down the highway. Brandon came out of his reverie and glanced furtively at Karen, then turned his attention back to the road.

"Yeah, I know. I don't want to think about where we might be right now if he hadn't been."

"Don't even talk like that, Brandon!" She snapped. "I couldn't deal with it if something had happened to her. I could never forgive myself. I don't understand what happened. She was there one second and the next... she... was..."

He looked back at his wife and saw tears shining on her cheeks in the failing sunlight. He put his hand on her thigh and squeezed gently.

"Do you remember when she had that tumble on the toboggan hill?" He asked.

"Yes." She sniffed. "Does every kid get into this much trouble, or are we just bad parents?"

"I guess all kids kind of start out clumsy. It's like a default setting in the firmware. Maybe all of the bumps and scrapes re-program us to watch where we're going." He paused, and then added, "At least, I think they're supposed to. Do you remember the talk we had that night, after she got hit by the tube?"

"Vaguely, why?"

"Something strange happened to me today at the beach." Brandon answered. He seemed to be focused intensely on the car in front of them. She looked at him, and then frowned. His face was an expressionless mask.Head hopping, two POV's in one paragraph.

"What do you mean? Are you okay?" She asked in a near whisper, as though she was hoping that he wouldn't hear her and thereby not answer. He sat for a long time, continuing to look straight ahead, as if he indeed hadn't heard the question.

"Honey, are you okay?" She asked again tentatively. "You're scaring me."

Brandon turned to her and said "I almost drowned today."

Karen stared at him for a moment, not comprehending. "What do you mean, 'drowned'? You hardly went in the water at all today." Karen tried to smile, but it was a thin coat of paint over her mounting fear.

"I saw the way you looked at me today, you know;I'd refer to this semicolon for more investigation. when I was the last person on the scene after our daughter nearly drowned." his voice was rising and his brow was creased with frustration.

"I just figured that you didn't see her and ran on. The beach was crowded;Semicolon? it would have been easy to miss her."

"You heard me yelling. I saw you look right at me, Karen. I ended up on the ground not 30 feet from where Kyle met you with Kailey. Tell me that you haven't been wondering what happened to me?"

"I'm afraid..." Karen replied.

"Afraid of what, Karen?"

"You've had some strange episodes lately, Brandon." She turned and cupped the back of his head in her hand. "I just keep thinking about Chris and Sheryl. The signs they told us about, you know, when they first noticed that something was wrong with Chris. I'm just so paranoid that you..."

"Chris? What, you think I've got a brain tumor?" Brandon asked. He sounded surprised.

"Well, there was that problem with your hand, back at Christmas. Then today I see you flopping on the ground like a fish, and now you're telling me that you almost drowned...laying on the sand? It's justComma too much to deal with after what happened with Kailey today... I just can't handle it Brandon!"

"Honey, I don't have a brain tumor." His features softened and he tried to sound consoling, but it just came out like he was trying to hold back a laugh. "No. What I'm thinking about is way more unlikely than a brain tumor." This time he did laugh. It was a low, dry chuckle from deep in his throat. "It's actually going to sound kind of funny, but just hear me out, please?" Karen said nothing. "Do you remember the talk we had and how I said that I'd trade places with Kailey in a heartbeat if something bad was going to happen to her?"

"Yes, I remember you saying something like that." Karen looked puzzled.

"Well, I think that it might have actually happened. Twice, Karen."

She just stared at him as if she had never seen him before. "I know you think I'm joking, but just think about it for a second." Brandon took his eyes off the road for a moment to check Karen's reaction. He expected an argument, but she was just waiting for him to continue.

"A bookcase dropped on Kailey's hand. The thing must have weighed 200 pounds! They had to lift it up to get her hand out, but she didn't have a scratch. She's four years old Karen. Did you know that I talked to the guy that pulled the bookcase off of her? He's a janitor at the school. He was outside having a smoke when I dropped Kailey off, about a week after the accident, and she pointed him out to me. I stopped to thank him on my way out. When I asked him about it, he said it was the damndest thing he ever saw. There was a bookshelf speaker from the classroom stereo that got caught under the bookcaseComma too. He found it when he was cleaning up, and it was smashed to pieces. He said it was one of those little wooden speaker boxes, about so big." Brandon held his hands over the steering wheel about six inches apart to demonstrate. "Kailey's hand should have broken before the speaker did! Doesn't that seem a little bit strange to you?" Brandon looked at her with resolve, ready for her response.

She was chewing her nail thoughtfully;Semicolon? The last one I'll make note of. Just informing you to look into the usage and decide if sentence fragments would be appropriate. then, she looked at Brandon and smiled sympathetically.

"Well that's it, isn't it? The speaker broke the bookcase's fall; it's probably what saved her hand." She said it slowly, as if speaking to a two-year-old, but Brandon was smiling and shaking his head.

"I mentioned that to him myself. The speaker was on the opposite side of the bookcase. When the bookcase hit the speaker first, the speaker box would have acted like a fulcrum and actually accelerated the side that fell on Kailey's hand, not slow it down!"

Karen looked as if she was going to say something, but thought better of it.

"I also asked him what time it had happened at." Brandon continued. "He said that it had to be 9:00 on the dot. The bell had just rung a moment before he got the call on his radio."

Karen looked dubious, "What does that have to do with anything?"

Brandon reached into the center console. He fished around for a moment and came up with his ruined watch. He offered it to Karen without a word. She accepted it and looked at it with curiosity. She noticed that he hadn't worn it in a whileComma. but had always assumed that the novelty of sentiment had worn off and he'd just gone back to his old watch.

She looked a question at her husband, but he just nodded back toward the watch. She turned it over in her hands. After a moment, she stopped and held it up in front of her eyes in the failing sunlight. The glass was badly damaged, but she could plainly see the hour hand was pointing at nine, while the minute hand had come to rest exactly on the number twelve.

"Okay, so it stopped at nine. What about it?" She said, handing the watch back to him dismissively.

"I found it like this on the day that I hurt my hand, the same day and time that Kailey should have hurt her hand. I didn't notice it at first, not until I left the hospital. Even then, I didn't think much about it. I figured that it got smashed over the holidays and I hadn't noticed. It wasn't until about a month later when I saw it in there, and was going to get it fixed, that I noticed the time it had stopped at. I thought back to what the janitor had said and made a connection. I remembered that the bookcase had fallen on her left wrist. I wear my watch on my left wrist! My hand felt like it had been smashed at the exact same time that a bookcase fell on Kailey's hand? Doesn't that seem a little strange? And today, Kailey went under water for what, 30 seconds? She came out fine, but the second after her head disappeared under the wave, I collapse on a dry beach and nearly drown! Does that make sense? Am I crazy?" Brandon realized by the look on Karen's face that he was shouting. He looked in the rear view mirror and saw Kailey, silently watching him from her car seat. Karen followed his gaze and turned to the back seat.

"It's ok honey, go back to sleep. We'll be home soon." She said, picking up a stuffed duck that had fallen on the floor and laying it in Kailey's lap. Kailey shifted in her seat, snuggled the duck and then was instantly asleep.

Brandon looked at Karen apologetically. "Look," He said, "I know how crazy all of this sounds. I just don't know how else to explain it."

"How long have you had this... theory?" She asked, trying to maintain tact.

"Well, like I said, it kind of fell into place when I saw the watch. I didn't really give it any credit until today, though."

"One of my professors at college used to say that when you run into a difficult diagnosis, don't forget Occam's razor. You know what Occam's razor is, right?"

"When you have two or more competing theories that make exactly the same prediction, the one with as few assumptions as possible is the correct one."

"Yes, that's very studious, dear."

"So what are you saying? I have a brain tumor?" he asked. There was no irritation in his voice this time, only the beginning of acquiescence.

"No, I'm not saying that." Karen sounded defensive. "I just think that it wouldn't hurt to get checked out. Doug said that he mentioned doing an MRI and CT. It wouldn't hurt. Would you just call him, please? For Kailey and me?" There was pleading in her tone now.

Brandon looked in the mirror again at his daughter asleep in the back seat. Her lips were closed, except for a tiny 'O' in the middle that opened every time she breathed out, making a soft little 'Pffff' sound. He surveyed the gentle curve that travelled from her forehead, over her brow, and ended at her tiny, button-like nose. He admired her eyelashes, as fine as the threads of a dandelion's seed. Her chin was still a tiny 'U' between two chubby cheeks.

Looking at that little face, he could still see the squalling infant that he had met for the first time four years ago. It fascinated him that you could look at someone's baby pictures and see features of the adult that you knew in the child that you hadn't, but you could never look at a child and see the adult it would grow to be. He wondered what Kailey would look like when she grew up. He knew that she would be beautiful, but it would be beauty with real character. He had been so afraid of not seeing her grow up that he had forgotten his responsibility to his family. He lived in a world of reality, not fantasy. Karen was probably right. He should be getting his head checked instead of daydreaming about strange miracles, or curses, depending on your point of view. If there was something wrong with his head then the responsible thing was to get it checked as soon as possible.I was really thrown around with this paragraph. Although the PV was Brandon, the referances of "you" to include a third unseen party pulled me from his PV. I might suggest attempting a change with this directional wording, something like "others" or "those" or "some people" and it might help keep the the reader in the PV.

"I'll call Doug tomorrow." Brandon said. He found Karen's hand and squeezed. He didn't let go for the rest of the drive.

Brandon had bought a playhouse kit from a "Big Box" store and was doing his best to assemble it in the back yard. The pictures on the front of the boxes showed a sprawling masterpiece of wood and metal and plastic, all in bright pastel colors. Brandon looked up from the picture to see a sprawling disaster of nuts, bolts and miscellaneous pieces that did not seem to be related to one another. He threw the box aside and added another curse to the stream of profanity that had been flowing from his backyard that morning.

Brandon's father David had been a natural at building and fixing. If the roof needed re-shingling, or the bath tub had to be replaced, Dave Hadley would do it himself before he considered paying someone else. Often, neighbors had hired him to do work on their own homes.

Brandon however, had not inherited his father's aptitude for physical work, only his sense of economy. As with his father, it was a matter of pride for him and he hated to pay someone to do a job that he should be able to do himself, therefore he had to learn the hard way each time that he probably couldn't. Karen had delicately suggested that maybe they should have the playhouse installed professionally, but Brandon overruled her.

So it was that he found himself on a Saturday morning looking at three boards that he had cut wayComma. too short. He thought that he heard his father's voice as if he was still alive and standing beside him, "Measure twice, cut once." His father was always spouting little nuggets of wisdom like that. "You cut it twice and it was stillComma. too short, eh?!" - That was what he would say when someone had not followed the former piece of advice.

Brandon examined the boards, plainly frustrated. He tried switching the short boards with others, but no new combination would make it work. He would just have to go to out and get more lumber.

"Hon, I've got to go to Home Depot and get a few parts. They didn't include them in that stupid kit." he lied as he grabbed his keys off the shelf. Karen looked at him sarcastically, but knew better than to comment. "Do you need anything while I'm out?"

"I think I'll go with you. I want to look at some patio furniture that was in the new catalogue. Can you get Kailey in the Jeep? I want to fix my hair a little before we go."

"Do we need to make a federal case out of it? I just want to grab a few parts and get back to work." Brandon said, obviously annoyed, but he was picking up Kailey's shoes as he said it.

"Thanks babe. I just want to look around, not buy. I'll be out in two minutes."

Brandon buckled Kailey into her seat and closed her door. As he opened his own door, he noticed the pair of maple trees on the front lawn. The changing wind had turned all of the leaves over, giving the trees a silvery appearance, and he could see storm clouds building ominously to the south. "s***. Guess I won't be doing much more work today." He climbed into the driver's seat and started the engine. "You excited about your playhouse, buddy?" He asked as he angled the rear-view mirror to see Kailey.

"It's a castle, not a playhouse daddy. I'm a princess." She replied in a very matter of fact tone. Brandon noted that she had her favorite stuffed animal, 'Mr. Duck' with her. She had gotten the fuzzy yellow duck, with its little red heart embroidered on the chest, on the day she was born. He couldn't remember who had given it to her, probably Karen's parents. It had been Kailey's constant companion for the first two years of her life. After that, she had been more interested in dolls and doll houses, and so Mr. Duck made fewer and fewer appearances. He still occupied the honored place beside Kailey's pillow, however. She would snuggle him as she slept each night, but hadn't brought him out of the house in
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Lean *Smile*
Friendship holds a price. Going out to purchase something of great value can be regarded as being with a friend I think. If one can invest in car or a special computer, then the same can be spent on the bond for a friend. For better of for worse, a friend is held closely.

Intriguing insight of sharing time with another and being able to compare this with a purchase.

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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Redtowrite *Smile*
Trees of age recant ancient times, soft clouds offer subtely to horrid days while earth blossoms with new life giving new promises.
The flowing river winds mindlessly forging its own future. Now a new future unfolds for new wonders with brightened dreams with warmed rays of a merciful sun.
The trees will keep the dark memories, a testament of one dark age.

A daring read that can stir many emotions, but open hearts can clear many minds.
Well done.
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Review of Days of Rays  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Dan Sturn*Smile*
Such a nice poem depictiong the complex nature of an author. The seasons change and so does the muse, don't sit on a thought for, too long. Fall will arrive, as with the Cicada a thought can vanish also.
The pen should move as the leaves, flowing freely from the wind as would a thought.

Time is running short, winter is around the bend. Imagination may slow during cold winter months, so hurry with the warmed fuzzy images.

A nice piece to have framed above a cozy fire place.
Review of Empty Hangers  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Redtowrite*Smile*

Such a feeling of despair. Shared ordeals with goals made together, one met while the other is left to the winds.
What has the degree acrued from this effort of teamed hearts?
An agreement to fulfill for the next degree not met, one heart left to absorb the rain drops from above. A feeling of loss that would overwhelm all emotion, ending with the boot out the door.

A sorrowed read.

Success can have sick twists.
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Review of As the Sun Sets  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello opbroekc*Smile*
A very energetic form, it's easy to sense the loss of a loved one. Perhaps taken from you by another or, I would hope nothing worse.
The ending verse "as my little star is lost in the thieving night" locked in the final image.
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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Redtowrite*Smile*
It's so easy to not think about others around the world, yet a moment of thought can teach us so much.
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Review of You Can Love  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello dan sturn.*Smile*
You can go back into time, words of past messages of heart felt remorse and still discover a clump of heart for the one who stole you little world.
That special tree slowly growing, colorful smiles offering peace from a broken soul.

Even amid the turmoil your own heart calls for peace, an offering of love springing from that tree. Peace being shared by two passing souls, a special call to one unheard and yet no gesture of identity is sought after.

Who may be the enemy, this may never be known. An offering of lifelong peace to quell the fire that burns within your soul is your hope, a gentle remembrance for the one who should read this plea. Never to forget that moment, but knowing a smile is allowed.

This was take by me as a means of attracting the thoughts of the intruder into your life, the one who continues to be unkown. Let this person be aware of your loss, yet you can live on.
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