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Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello, meg.*Bigsmile*

This was a very good read, for those who've experienced such a dreadful low this is an inspiring piece to have. Perhaps at one time this could have provided the energy I myself could have used some time ago. So true, we grow past such degrading insults.

Very good.


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Review of Tears on the Lake  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, DaniShea.

A broken heart has been laid upon the lake, cries across the vast expanse; to the wind are the cries heard. Desperate pleas for answers of her being continue across the waters while the rain provides cover for her tears.
One voice fills her heart, her gaurdian speaks from the water before her and from above. She should worry no more.

A nice gift for any who should be in need of such delight.


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Review of Oh my!!!!!  
Rated: ASR | (3.5)

*Bigsmile* Hello, KnightressMorgan BeenFloating.*Bigsmile*

This being a short story you apparently did not realize its potential. I selected this because you attempted character flow contrary to the Bus Stop. In here I discovered your attempt and I hope you will see there are many ways to improve. Getting away from the "tell" of a narrative story you did try to produce a "POV", In the line by line you will discover how to break the character flows into their respective paragraphs.*Bigsmile*

You will also see my comments on the story itself, you will also notice spelling errors and my corrections. Take notice of the interactions of your characters, they need to flow with a steady run of a thought process, this will allow images to appear for your reader.*Bigsmile*

You've got a good start, now you only need to fine tune what you understand and be prepared to learn more later on, so far you have a good story.*Bigsmile*

"A massacre at Karnyora High occurred ten years ago. Fifty were found dead and a dozen others wounded. This can be opened up a great deal. First it could be regarded as a anniversary and then allow the re-opening of the case. We bring you the latest in this cold case, reopened after seven years of being ignored. I don't believe a murderous frenzy like this could be ignored, such wording would strike a horrible cord in people. Try something about the eluding effect the perpetraitor or perpetraitors have untylized in getting away for so long. Here's Mary with more.Who was this person who just informed your reader (me) of this event? I need a face, voice and other scenes within the screen, this will come from the "POV" of, David. Mary." *Paragraph* The television reporter's face was joined by another beautiful face.
"Thanks, Kay" The *Paragraph* Her smile staredglared into the viewer in the eye for a minute, before fading into a very serious,; solemn expression. Again more description is needed for this new reporter. *Paragraph* "Those who witnessed the massacre ten years ago are remain haunted by the memorys This is pluristic of the unidentifiable shooter. Local police are finding have discoveredKeeping this in the text the media would be expected to use. new evidence, and hHearing The mention of new evidence is mentioned twice, though in different form they mean the same thing. This is repeated a couple sentences ahead. new testimony from people too scared to come forward before now. This requires more thoughtfull insight. What has drawn these withesses to come forward? What scenerios came into play for their confidence of going public with their knowledge? Your reporter is appealing to the public with incredible news, this has great importance to the community and her voice deserves a lot of detail for inflection. New technology has uncovered more clues and leadsWhich one do you want to use? clues or leads? They basicly mean the same thing and causes a repeat. to involving information on this very scary case. They now believe they have identified the shooter. This is a major anouncement, again her voice demands attention. Then a junior, she would now be 27 years of age." *Paragraph* A picture with a name beneath it flashed onto the screen.
*Paragraph* "No." gasped his voice. "It can't be." Italicise to show the thoughts from his "POV" The grey eyes and delicate bone structure were all too familiar to him. "Not Laurie!"
*Paragraph* "Yes? What is it dear?" A females honeyed voice was coming down the hall.
*Paragraph* "Laurie. Look. At. The. TV."
*Paragraph* The grey eyes looked, staring into themselves. Suddenly, another face flashed onto the screen. Maintain the "POV" and allow the image to materialize.
*Paragraph* "Lauren McFarley is believed to be the shooter. Anyone knowing her whereabouts should contact the local police immediately." Do you see what happened here? Another face appeared and obviously a new voice, don't leave your reader hanging on this thought; inform your reader of every thought.
"Laurie?" David's hazel This image should appear in Laurie's eyes. Your reader cannot see his eyes from the narrative. eyes filled with doubt. "Was it really you?"
*Paragraph* Laurie hung her head, starting to cry. "Yes, I did it. And I've regretted it ever since." She said between fake Don't ruin it yet, keep your reader guessing with mystery. sobs, looking her brown eyes? gazed over her hands and through her curtained hair.
*Paragraph* "Laurie. After knowing you for over 15 years, I'm too much entwined in our friendship to disown you now. I will regret what you did and hate you for that. But I will stay here." This expression of commitment must be accompanied with the emotion it demands, to simply say it with no inflection is so bland, this needs to sound real. *Paragraph* David said this, and yet, a moment later, he was staring down the barrel of a gun. "La..la..lau...au...rie?"
*Paragraph* "You better promise and promise fast. You will tell no one where I am and you will bring everything I need to me. Alright?" A smile slid it's way onto her face, smirking with the knowledge that she had David wrapped around her finger.
*Paragraph* "Alright......." Is this a statement of fear from, David or a demanded statement from Larie? If this is, David the next word will be double spaced.

Keep on writing, you have the imagination to create and you seem to have the desire to continue on, I look forward to reading this later on in the form of a very lengthy story.

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Review of Winter Roots  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello imadreamweaver,

This poem brings to life the story of one tree of love. Though it is left to its prying struggle to survive, its roots bourowing deep underground; it bares the name of two in love. Winter arrived, leaves shed that bare this tree for all to see, roots continue to pry between the rocks.Tested by viscious winter trials, spring arrived while children return within these limbs.

A brutal picture of struggle, survival amid natures trials and is etched with the markings of two people in love. Perhaps it is this mark that offered strength for this tree, to return in spring to keep the pair; their children within her limbs.

Beautiful portrayal, your tree of life well preserved, future mates to make their marks for its delight.

Keep on writing, very good.


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Review of Love The Way You  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Chuck A Luck,

This little poem was quite a gem. A young man resists those who would who would push him on. His girl friend not a mere passing but a passion in his heart.
Who says shivalry is gone.

You wait for her time, whatever her stride you stand at her side.

One letter may need your eye.

Nicely done, you show a passionate heart amid a world with less care.


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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Whome,

What a nice poem with a rch song of ryme. Killdeer are a unique bird, having saved one myself a few years back. You describe them as they are, flighty with an aggressive flair for their young.
They show little fear, teasing all who would dare. Saving their chicks for a flight they would dare.

Very nicely done.


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Review of The Fall - Ch 1  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello Mike,

I read and reviewed as I went along. You do have a very good story, my interest was maintained even though issues arose. I've made my remarks at the end, alarms are first.

(There was a bed in one of the rooms off the main foyer/lobby, a kitchen complete with a beat up refrigerator and stove that both ran off the 500 gallon propane tank that was attached at the side of the house, well water that was filtered enough to drink and had enough pressure to keep running water, and a tank on the roof that he would use to capture the rain on warmer days and that connected to the outdoor shower stall.)...........A few items of interest here Mike..........This is a very large sentence, I have seen larger; one story I read had one period. I tried to put a little humor in there for you, ha,ha, you might say...................There are place in this one sentence where periods can be placed. A few fragmented sentences can be made, you seem to understand what you are doing and I don't see the need to go into detail................another item.

The well is presented with the image of being powered by electicity, pressure maintained. The filter system is most likely electical and I have a question. How does the water pump operate without electricity when Mike needs water? Take for example your own juice goes out, you notice your ability to get water from the well, through the pump, into your lines and out your spiget is greatly depleted and soon stops. It is actually difficult to get much water at all. The generator would have to run if any great volume of water was to be had.

You might have a hand crank pump from a small resevoir where water is filtered, problem solved. Filtration only needs so many hours a week. The outside resevoir for showers is a good add.

In scifi the concept is simple if you don't understand, everything we write in scifi must be explainable. If it weren't if would be fantasy. Yet we scifi writers have a fine line we are not allowed to cross, we are not allowed to explain what does not exist.

If we do, there is a secret group out there that seeks us out. The dreaded physics police. I have not read far enough into your story yet to know if you will enter this threshold, but if you do, they will tear it apart with a fine toothed comb. So just advance warning, I'll be looking too on your behalf. Now on were I left from your chapter.

(The shed was about 30 yards from the house on the opposite side as the propane tank)............."of" would be a great replacement for "as"

(The walls of the cabin were full size logs stacked eight high with mud used to fill the gaps from the outside.)................Let's reword this, shorter detail is desired in scifi, quick and move on........................."Full size logs stacked eight feet, mud for plaster the walls remained solid"........Just my thoughts..........

(The counter between the kitchen and dining room had a bunch of flowers in a smooth vase that helped the cabin to feel a bit more like home. Alexis had always kept flowers in the dining room in the house in Baltimore.)...............These two sentences can become one, the detail wains and scifi is not known for waining.............."A counter ran between the kitchen and dining room, flowers held in a smooth vase and offered a sense of home; Alexis kept flowers in this Baltimore cabin."

(There was over 14 inches of powdery white snow outside.).............Between this and the last sentence "snow" is used twice. Try not to use repeated words, look for replacements or in some cases less words are wonderful..............Over 14 inches of powder piled outside..........All scifi readers relate snow and powder.

("Ya gotta love the law of unintended consequences.")............Very nice hook!

(The French managed to do what terror groups had tried in small groups,)......................Confusing read on the terror groups part, again two words repeated and so closely. Every scifi reader understands the makeup of terror groups and their cells......................."The French managed what terror groups had for so long."

(..........twists of irony that Lady Fate like to throw at the world.)...........Strengthen your past tense..........."liked"

(would now forever be known as the day the world ended.)................Major "no-no"! Never allow your work to be in the "then and now". This must be in the past tense, not well liked to envision this in present time.

You have some problems here........................(And that was if only one long range nuclear was detonated.).................NORAD would have responded, global war engaged if this were to occur and France though it may not be our best friend would never commit to a Stategic Nuclear Launch against any major power. They don't have the land mass to support an army large enough defend against retalatory ground attacks, it wouldn't matter since our nukes would decimate the entire region of Europe.............Another issue is plausible conditions, all major powers are able to detect incoming nuclear threats. The U..S. is in the process of moving from testing to field status of defensive missiles. Long range Nuclear Launch will be less likely, a government with the status similiar to France simply would not do this, not on ther own anyway.

Now onto another issue - This has been all "tell". Scifi reads from the "POV" like most genres, it will take some getting used to and it won't happen overnight but Mike has to be seen from his eyes, not from a standing point next to him. His actions once he left the cabin should have been all visual perspective from his eyes alone.

Short and choppy detail, his thoughts entering along the way. You have way too much narrative dialogue that never brings me into his head, I am on the outside looking in. I'd be happy to work with you later on this detail.

My thoughts - This could be a very interesting story of survival in post nuclear war America, unfortunately another means of delivery needs to be created. Planting of nuclear devices, of course you would need to cover this detail so as to explain the possibility.
You might get away with radar evasive technology, but then the heat plumes at launch will kill that.
Then you may have something hidden in here not read yet, perhaps France did not simply launch an all out first strike at the U.S. but instead a unilateral launch against all those powers that may have had nuc's in your story. Then you would need to bring this in early as your strongest hook. You would also need to explain the plausibility of why France would have such a desire, total world anihalation would be nearly complete.

You nave options and each needs to be thought out quite well, the story of survival will be strong, to support it you must devise a plausible plan of the attack that would be feasible.

A promising start, too much narrative dialogue impedes the vision you wish for your reader. If you are able to bring the "POV" in much stronger with less dialogue and more detail you will have a strong story.

Great idea, you seem to understand the outdoors and may prove a strong writing of outdoor survival.

You also appear to possess a certain understanding of nuclear activity, this can be a great asset to your story, scifi loves gadgets, toys, and things that go boom.

This is a good start and you do possess the ability to see this through, this is quite evident. You only need a small amount of tinkering, bring the "POV" in closer, and lessen the narrative dialogue.

I'd be willing to suggest ideas and support to get you on your way.


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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Redtowrite,

This is truely a powerful display of the family waste disposal system, allowed to fade away slowly as younger lives whisk by. Unrealized by all that this is the domain for nearly all.

The lonely souls who ride their final train ride inside the cage of age.

A emaculate display of mankinds last harah.


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Review of Dreams  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello Ego Narro Veritas.,

I am amazed that so many envisionments could appear from one poem

Tormenting dreams give rise to demons of lust, passion overflows of jealous endeavors. So many demons of the night each dream slips into another. The passion of jealous touch to steal in the night.

One life to live and all to waste away in perpetual sleep.

Even then the demons portray the enemies, all to be foresaken to the night, no rest for the mind as torment sways the sleep.

Line spacing would be a benefit.

Punctuation a desire to have.

great envisionment of ones dreams.


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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Redtowrite,

This little poem rips at the heart, my thoghts of a young woman siezed by the passion of her heart. The travel endured so gaveous to end in pain. My thoughts wander to a shared loss, not of his leaving of will, but of a call of duty. Together you search the graves, your loss eternal; no other able to fill your hearts passion as he.

You're want of him so pure, even his return forbidden you'll want no more. Time must pass for the calender to allow a new warming of the heart, until this day your desire lay amid the graves.

I hope you appreciate my envisionment of your poem, I took this as the soldier who would never return.

Very touching, it tugs at the heart.


Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
Hello Web~Witch,

I browsed your port and found a neat little selection of work available, I chose this one with the suggestion of humor, it was there; along with a real life drama of invasion.

I recalled the story "Anny get the gun" and I soon discovered a very profound difference between this work and "Anny.................."

Perhaps I might recal a quick review that led to this discovery.

Intense exhaustion of moving to an ancient Victorian home has left your "POV" severely famished, a mental drain not to force her end.

A quick meal prepared with ease, the day's checklist gone through.

Peace in bed interrupted by a new sound not heard until now,a quick inventory of all possibilities, the alert issued, guard out on siesta, all alone!

A full scan of the room and home, a full call up of the arsenal available, somone forgot the gun.

It never existed, yet the call of its service was enough to secure the perimeter!

Proof of the need for such weaponry in one's arsenal, proof again of the need for training.

* * * * * *

My thoughts - While I searched and graveled for the humor to appear I realized that a true threat had existed, drawn into the immediate call of alarm I discovered the humor as it appeared. The husband offered the approval to open the window, oh yes this was humorous, it could have been better; I will explain later. Soon the harsh reality returned and I am back into the tension filled room, all alone. Amid the building fear I am thrown into confusion momentarily, who called for the gun?

A quick thinking subconscious mind came to the rescue, intruders immediately egress the property to never return. With no gun to be had one mind became two and saved the night.

End result...........Home is secured, family safe and gun safety and use course obtained.

No alarms to bring to your attention, this short story beautifully portrayed in the first person.

Grammer indated no alarms.

Flow of thought................I encountered a problem, following my teaching in the fantasy forum varying thoughts must be seperated. Your portrayal of thought allowed new thoughts to merge with the past, example...................

(Let us revisit this scene for a moment...old house, creaky wooden floor, and the windows are huge. A Heavy Victorian window layered in paint over the years was crackling under the pressure of one determined intruder. There was a definite struggle ensuing in the outer chamber. The hair on the back of my neck stood straight up, the saliva in my throat flowed frightfully, while jitters danced in the pit of my belly. I turned to tap my husband firmly whispering that someone was opening the window in the living room.).....................

Leaving the narrative of the house action portrayed as an equal. Sounds of struggle are heard.

A new thought in the action form appeared, the "POV" reacted with the nervous system.

A new thought of action appeared, actual mental and physical interaction call to the husband for assistance.

Each should contain there own space, sharing a similarity with fragmented sentences you allowed these to merge and no pause for the reader (me) to reflect on the previous thought or action.

This hurts your story, all thoughts thrown together and while your "POV" begs for assistance I am still metally fumbling with nerous reaction, a struggling sound and a checklist of the structures history.

Separate these thoughts and when your "POV" calls upon the husband my mind is cleared of the previous, clearing the road for the immediate surprize result.

This little story was no doubt very good, it showed just how well an attentive mother can escape the horrid fears of a real nightmare and call upon her instinct to evaluate and conquer.

Very good!


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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Redtowrite,

To envision the days of slavery in this day requires the clear thought of cruel possibilties. This does just that and makes one wonder of the horrors that filled the hearts of so many.

Man can be so cruel, we see the news and know little has changed other than demographics. What will hold in the hearts of those in the next generation?

A daring glimpse into what may have been true and holds true today.

Excellent read.

Keep on writing.


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Review of Tiny Fingers  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello ImpulseZip,

I get the sense you tried to bring forth the image of one who's been forced away, remembering the days of the young heart while time elapsed with constricted tone.
Peace is within the memory and the reality is gone, she is not to be found.

The end result of a humorous gaze of something that could be so real, so what of the gingerbread and candy retreat? No humor to be found while your heart ponders the concern of the one who is lost.

Nice read.

Keep on writing.


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Review of God Is Working  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Rachwrites82,

How strong your word are, my own wife suffered so long. Her agony toiled at my very being and you brought this back to me, I prayed and hoped and tended endlessly to the end. Managed to a resolve of controled pain she remains with me today, many prayers and thought answered.

Nice read, inspiring to one who suffers at the side of a loved one in need.

Keep on writing.


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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Redtowrite,

Exploration within the realm of nature's being, two meld into one moment within a universe filled with wonder. Kind of like the way I felt when I met my wife, all that there was in the universe only the chemistry within this one heavenly body mattered the most.

Nice work, very povoking thoughts of imagery.


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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Rachwrites82,

The one who lives is the one who will experience their own lift or the fall of their heart. This same one will have trust broken and restored to be broken again. Love is in the heart and it can be taken, yet a token exists that promises to restore all and never be taken away.

Nicely done, it show the human emotion, the spirit that lives within.......only if it can be discovered.


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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello CursedFreedom,

If there were to be a wonder of the sensation of being locked away for all days, this little piece sums it all up. That tiny window offering only the light of each day, never to reveal what is beyond the lighted view.
One tiny room that will ultimately feel like a shoe box, past minds of madness leave their history. And now you provide a current visit, how long will this endure?

Very good portrayal of a sight most prefer to not imagine. The hopeless decay of life on the wrong side of the window.

Keep on writing, excellent imagery.


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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Armadillo,

Neo, the church is to die in the land held sacred at birth. The people fear their own intervention and become invaded from within. The system of their design to become their own undoing.

So the words from the moon, one small step for mankind. So the words from Neonism, one more step from faith.

Well done!


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Review of Maury Povich  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Jamdownjenny.

I would like to think someone of Maury's knowing came across this very nice reward and allow his eyes to absorb your credit's to a man well deserving. I have had the privelage of his show's once or twice, yes he is the character you describe on t.v.
I have not heard of any other regard of him in any degree of life, I would have to agree with all that is said here. So very nice of you to offer splendor as this.

Very nice.


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Review of Icicles on Trees  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello fyndorian.

Amid the silent passing of fall to winter, winter to spring; we hear the spirit of life in between. The snap of asparagus, the swish of the silvered fish and the heartbeats of two. The icecicles fall with the arrival of spring, the heavens twinkle above while the maple-d helos prepare for new life.

Though the still of winters freeze will grasp time for a moment, life erupts when the trees finally become freed.

My thoughts regarding yours, hoping this is what you wished to be envisioned.


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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello Armadillo.

For starters this has been very artistic in many ways. It shined with the rehtoric of the past full tenure of office. The news that traveled from the press of the house, to the press of varied sortie and to the eyes and ears of all who could. All covered in one piece and now you show the news that evolved from the eyes and ears that could.

The world came to life in this one piece, the world appears to be the fruit of the business tycoon, poor souls who rest in pine boxes. Black gold borrowed against what may not be able to returned, our children meant to starve.

What a piece to write so well and so short, I love the artistic manner. Earth caught within so much plight.

Great job.


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Rated: E | (4.0)
Hello raines80.

Thank you for your request for me to review this for you, per your request your action is the topic. I will reflect on other issues for you as I did your other story so you can get a better understanding of things. This will be a typical review I do for others, meaning It is my desire for you to advance in your dream as a writer.

Please take into consideration I am far from perfect, in fact I too am learning many things as everyone here is. I will treat your review now as I would one in my Fantasy forum and unto me. You will be able to get a feel of what it is like to have a full blown review done for you.

First I will read the story chapter and then I will add my comments.

Once again I have something to say for your entry at the bottom, remove this!!!!!!!!

I can tell you now you have a story to be told and all you need is time and practice in this art. One thing every author new or seasoned will tell you is you will always be learning and you will stumble. Picking yourself up from the dust is up to you! (This is my quote.)

Now let's begin.

Your chapter is full of life, activity, dreams, passion for gloy and love. What it is missing is simply the basics and I will go over them and show you how to deal with some of them. Your action you are concerned of needs work and to be politely blunt a lot of work. You will see how easy it is to change this around so don't be shy and think it is too much, it'l be worth it in the end.

You offered me an understanding of this world, I now know what it is comprised of and I will show you how to better portray this.

Let's take a look at the first issue.

Line spacing - Simply create a space between paragraphs. Now let's cover the other part, character role and change of thought.
Coming down where "Ian" and "Chase" are talking after the game, seperate where "Ian" begins to speak, keep the characters together.

The sentence above his sentence break off and seperate because this is a seperate thought following the previous thought.

Again do the same when he takes (A jolting shot to his arm) and seperate, different thought. Add the next thought but seperate the following because you are now going into a comparative process of thought.

You see how this works?

Grammer - This is a large area and I will do what I am able. First you need to cover your past / present tense very well. All narration is to be past or simple past tense, never can you use present tense. If you do it must be used in a way that it is directed in a past tense manner. My best advice, don't attempt it until you are familiar with grammer. Every reviewer will nail you on it.

Words that end with "ing" are not your friend in here, present tense. Any group of words that lead to the present tense meaning are no good, always use sentence structure that details the past in the narrative form.

Words to stay away from or use as little as often - was, had, have is present tense, as, as well, is, has, have. This is a small list, it should help.

You seem to have a pretty good understanding of the various nouns and I'll not expand here.

Character flow - I will take some of your work and show you some examples.

( With a sly grin Chase nodded toward his friend's leg and said, "Is that why you seem to have developed a walk that better suites a soldier who has served 40 years for his kingdom?"
Ian looked down at his leg. "My leg? What do you mean my ..... oh, you mean this old injury. It has a tendency to act up every now and then. Besides, I think the young ladies at the feast tonight might need someone to mother a bit.").........

.........(Chase nodded toward Ian's leg, "I see you developed the walk of a retired veteran from the army!"
"This old injury.....? It flares up now and again, perhaps the ladies can nurse me to health durring the feast tonight." He regarded with a quick glance.

* * * * * *

("You look like a noble in that tunic." Ian's mother placed a bowl of the stew in front of him.
"Thank you, it fits perfect. At least I won't be laughed off the stage for my style of dress," Ian put his face in hands and continued," No, I won't be laughed at for that.")...........................(Placing a bowl of stew before him "A noble look with your new tunic"
"Thank you mother, it fits perfecty" Grieved, his head laid within his hand's. "I won't be humiliated for this")
* * * * * * *

Action scenes - Yours -(Ian felt a hand grab his old grey tunic at the shoulder. Making a quick cut to his right, he managed to twist the hand free with his momentum. Ian felt a surge of hope following a much sharper stab of regret as his momentum failed him by plunging him head first into another player's gut. The impact shot the ball from his grasp into a puddle not far from the one he and the other boy fell into where their bodies tangled awkwardly.)..............

Mine - (A quick cut to the right he avoided the grasp at his shoulder, he spun about unable to avoid the head on impact with the gut of another player. His pride ruined the ball shot free from his grip, helplessy the pair became entangled at the legs.)..........Everyone knows how to play football, tag, dodgeball so you don't need the excessive detail.

Yours - (Kingdom Ball was not a hard game to master. You have two teams on opposite sides of a field. The game ball consisted of nothing more than a pig gut filled with sand. It was surrounded by any type of hide that was than pieced together crudely by twine. The ball would be placed in the middle of the field between the two teams. The two team captains rush towards the ball in an effort to recover it. Once recovered, the object was to get the ball to predetermined score markers. It did not matter how the ball ended up at the score markers, as long as one of your team mates possessed it. )...............

Mine - (Not diffficult to master, Kingdom Ball resembled a soccer and football game in one. An open goal at iether end of the field. Two team captains rushed for the siezure of the game piece. No regard in the manner of how the toy past a goal. Possession had to be of a team mate.)........Very closely resembles both games, the same thing is said with less words.

Yours - ( Knowing that grasping the ball too tightly would only cause it to slip from his hold, Ian tucked the ball carefully under his right bicep and plodded forwarded through the muddy terrain.)............

Mine - (Ian knew to tuck the ball beneath his arm and plodded forward along the muddied terrain.).........You already indicated the slippery texture in the narrative.

Whenever you detail action of any kind I tend to look for the similarities of other actions. If it is a common event then I don't need to over write the detail because most people know what is meant.
If you are describing a physical action let the reader know the precise movements of the body in the least amount of words possible. You don't want to go on a wordy marathon describing the first step before the next foot comes down.

Simply - (Terry spun about. Right foot down his left wheeled about and caught the head oft the attacker. Withdrawn to his stance he thrust forward with a full body kick and the assailant retreated after being slammed to the wall.)............... Here you have a full display of activity, ninety nine percent is action and one percent is setting it up.

(His shield raised he fended against the crush of wieght. Scabbord thrust forward the front retreated from the blade. The raised attacker slid along the shield and another thrust felled the surprized combatant.)........Again use as little words as possible to describe your action. When you wonder if everyone will see your vision describe as you see it and nothing more. This will usually work in your favor.

When creating a piece of action avoid commas. They are used for the continuation of a thought. In action every move is different and you want periods. Short and choppy sentences will secure each activity in your reader's mind.

When you describe an event from the character the rule is very similiar, remember when the character speaks this is the only time you may use a present tense phrase.

I have some basic rules for myself when creating an action scene.........Present the image as I see it, how is the body situated? What body part is moving? What is the precise movement of the opponent against mine? Don't count the steps to a location, write the precise action involved in getting there, who or what is in the way, negotiate every obstacle and use the eyes of the character involved.

The less "tell "you have means you have more room for "show" and this is what sells at the bookstores. I have been drilled enough on this one too when I started here.
Narration - Again keep it past tense. Use as few words as possible to "tell" your reader what you want them to know. Too wordy and they will toss it aside. Spend too much time in the narrative and you will lose your reader, their looking for your character/characters, not you. They will see you at the book signing and your picture in the book.

Your narration throughout is too wordy and most often it can be completely changed. You have action in many forms in your chapter, not just the game......

Yours.............(Ian could feel the cold air coming off the White Horse Mountains of the East across the Plains of Rigbar and in through his bedroom window. The chill it brought caressed his face and continued as a shiver all the way down his back.)........

Mine................(The cold air blew from the White Horse Mountain range from the East. His face carressed by the chill, his body rivted by the spine tingling effect......Even though this is action it has an affect to him, the thought can be continued because the relaion is caused by the same.
Your story has potential, it is fresh and only you can make this happen. There are a lot of authors in WDC who will assist you. I suggest joining one of the forums and take in all the guidance you can get. In turn you will be able to assist others who are just starting out.

I definately enjoyed your story, it was fun to read and that is all you need to get started.

Keep on writing and enjoy yourself at it.


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Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Mara McBain.

You seem to be able to cover a lot of territory, the bar scene, the game and all activies durring and after and then the wake up process. Talented is mild for what I can only provide for you.

Emotional portrayal is strong in many fashions, each just as powerful as the other.

I can only hope I will be able to half of ability.

(She vaguely remembered those hitting the floor not far inside the stud's apartment door. )........Confusing word...."those".......did you mean "them".......

..........(He was still sitting on the bed when she returned)......I believe this will work, she returned to see he remained where he was. Past/present tense not an issue this time.

I know I did a review for you before and this chapter apparently isn't the one, the name "Leblanc" rang clear and I do believe it is the next chapter.

So far this has been a real pleasure to read in every aspect.


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Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Mara McBain, loving your work.

Right off the bat I found a small problem, present tense brought in on your first sentence.......(The young, colored woman leaning against the battered van)...."leaned".....Narrative is always past tense.

Well we've passed that by and now I can have a little fun. I loved the way "Gina" straightened the bartender out in his acknowledgement toward her, great idea.

Your sister you portrayed ealier was a great idea and it brought the story close to the world, the detectives are busy on the beat and you do wonders for them.

I don't think the bartender wants to offer the strudel.

"Bryce" has a forcefullness about him, tactfull when needed.

.......( Stern commandeered an office chair and spinning it around,).......Watch the past/present tense - "spinning" - "spun"...................

You've done a wonderful job with "Stern", I am very impressed with your ability to work in this highly varied field of police work. You've put plenty of time in your research and it is paying off. Attention to detail while still able to observe fpr pleasure's sake is a gift for you, you can only get better and I don't know how to aid here at this point. I really don't know if there is any way to improve this aspect, your work flows so well in this area and is captivating.

You are very talented and worth learning from, excellent work.


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Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Mara McBain.

Oh boy did I ever read this wrong, a crazed murderer "Batista" may not be, this is a first for me. I usually get the story straight within a chapter or two, perhaps reading initially from chapter five, then six threw me for a loop.

This is loaded with mystery, why is "Batista" in here, this will drive me crazy now.

With everything I have been through with this guy and now he has a lover! What a way to drive a reader insane. His lover must be stuck in something horrid herself to put up with this, just how many people are caught up in this nightmare? You have a duzzy of a story here that needs to make it to the publisher, I hope I am helping you.

Now a turn of events:

You need to go through this chapter and straighten out who is talking, I became confused with all of the "he" and expecting some "she". Makes it rough to follow when suddenly I wonder - what? who said that? wait a moment, I thought that was "Tay" who said that. I will stay with it and finish this chapter even though it is confusing.

Outside the confusion of who is talking this has been a new twist of delight showing your fantastic ability in writing, I never considered the possibility of seeing his soft side, he even has emotional consideration.

You have something here that is marvelous and I hope you are able to finish it and get it published.


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