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Review of The Home Sampler  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello coast to coast and back RT*Smile*
This was very easy to relate to, there are several in my wife's family who suffer this disorder and quite possibly her, too. One can never tell when the world can fall apart, frustration builds instantly and thought must prevail instantly. This can be so difficult for those on the receiving end, but familiarity is a great tool to have have at our disposal.
This was a great depiction of how this disorder can explode and spiral out of control, well done.
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Review of Trespasses  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Dan Sturn*Smile*
It takes a special soul to wish well to an enemy, a trait I haven't mastered. Your desire of sending your enemy off into the sunset with a happy wish understood as the means for you to have peace, too. Perhaps this is something I should look into.
Very nice and thought provoking.
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Review of Recess Kids  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Dan Sturn *Smile*
Quite an amazing view of personality matching to obstacles on the playground. Fear and hope were so much like events in life, hoping against fear that a situation may resolve itself or improve.

Pleasure and pain are such equals on parallel plains, one can induce enormous sensations at an instant.

Praise and blame were perfectly matched with the monkey bars, here every move exerts strain of each muscle.

Of course, gain and loss were on the spinner. Who could predict the next major turn of events.

Poor fame and disgrace, having been caught with deceptive intentions. Who would have known!

An excellent portrayal that deserves to be in the classroom, easy to follow and understand and fall in love with.
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Review of Below the hill  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello Kåre Enga i Montana*Smile*
I soaked in the grief of a horrid scene, perhaps a flood had devastated her beautiful town. Perhaps this had been her home, where she partied, dated, worked, cared for family and lay her head at night. Now it was no more, washed away by water and muddied soil, every memory buried forever.
Would the tears include anguish for loss of life, no one could know, but the guess would be sure.
Yet the hill remained untouched, safe above the torrents that flowed below, its blooms absorbing the torrential rains.
A painful image while mother nature ensures life would go on.

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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello C.E. Thieroff *Smile*
Once more the story is to be told, money is not the answer to all one's woes. We desire so much, we fantasize what we may do if the riches were there, but we never look into ourselves to evaluate the reward. Perhaps the imagination is a better profit for personal aspiration. If riches should arrive by surprise then the moment for reflection may be lost. If riches arrive by personal triumph, then maybe, just maybe a reflection was made and life would be fullfilling.

Very nice and true to heart.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Basilides *Smile*
My reviewing notes will be made in lieu of your entire read. I hope you find this review helpful and enjoyable.

Is there Scientific Proof of God?

Science and Supernatural - Static item.

My own thoughts:
I don't believe this is a done deal, science is constantly making new discoveries and is slowly creating grounds to dispute the idea of creatinism. One day, God may be proved or disproved. Science is constantly evolving in many every field, and once in a while a discovery is made that requires new insight. The Supernatural world is enormous as its need to be scrutinized continues to be demanded.
Nature is continually bombarded by science in every element and "cause and effect" are normally brought down to the actions of every molecule. While science disects the atom, man may discover the truth as each piece may be identified and finally unlock the mechanizm that drives this universe.
In relation to the unnatural manner of our thinking about ourselves as we do, it really is natural because we are the only beings on Earth who hold the ability of reason. If we were to refer to the Bible, all things alive away from Adam are his to do with as he wished.
Unfortunately this testament has led to unfathomable horrors to the animal world, we allow the torture of so many lives in the search of science and the proof of a God.
So much for us being such a great creature of thought. While we painfully destroy lives who may not be able to rationalise, we are also destroying our world in the same process.
You have provided a delightful read, one with many questions and such material could produce many debates for decades to come. At certain points, you seem to assertain your thoughts as fact, these could produce plenty more debates.
Overall this was an excellent read.

Comments and thoughts:
You referred to your friend as atheist, yet the story is based on science and supernatural, I wonder if your friend would be truly atheist? Perhaps this person holds no religious belief and this would place this person away from the atheist perception.

First paragraph:
Reviewing notes and thoughts:
During a conversation with an atheist friend of mine, he said something like this: No need to to end the sentence as you had, the quotation you provided for the speaking part was nearly proper.

"You say 'God' exists. Yet to date not one shred of scientific evidence proves your claim. If God is present everywhere - as you say - then science ought to be able to find some evidence of Him." Quotation marks placed to begin and end the spoken lines are quite good enough, the word God does not require exceptional marking as the word is capitalized for the being.

To many, my friend’s critique presentsPast tense to the recalling of this instance-hence "presented". an insurmountable obstacle to rationally defending the theistic position. The adverb "defending" should lose the "ing" and keep the act of this meaning to the simple tense of the verb. It nearly sounded like you wanted to imply a constant battle of defending the belief of God, if so then the sentence would need to be reworded. To many, my friend's critique presented the insurmountable obstacle of rationally defending, his unbelieving position.

Second paragraph:
Think of his argument, then, in the following form: Only one comma is required here. The pause you seek is sufficient with the comma provided for the adverb-"following".

A. If God exists, then it must be possible to prove His existence by means of theUnnecessary spacing. scientific method.

Third paragraph:
The first presupposition is that anything that exists must be empirically measurable.Your process of thought will change here, a new line would be required.

The implication that follows from the presumption that empirical proofs can be true is that human reason can produce genuine insights into the way things really are, and not only absurd guesses at existence from a purely subjective standpoint.This being the last note in the paragraph ends the thought properly following the break I mentioned.

Third paragraph:
Since Nature is governed by certain rules which themselves are governed by the underlying principle of ‘cause and effect’, we observe her behaving in an orderly fashion.* The star is not necessary. A note to consider, if God is so real then why is nature involved and why do you allow nature to have seperate rules? I believe if your point were to made you may not want a seperation of two realms when it is suggested God created all beings on Earth.*Smile* By reading onward I discovered this was an intentional allowance relating to the Naturalist, therefore a new line would be needed for this new thought. As you can see, without the new line, I presumed you were continuing with the God-ish sense and caused me to assume you were contradicting yourself. Always create a new line when a new thought will emerge.*Smile*

Fourth paragraph:
The Supernaturalist, on the other hand,The comma following Supernaturalist is not necessary. You seek a pause following "hand" only.

As such, it is necessarily unobservable by our own Nature on Nature’s own terms: namely, the scientific method. This proved a difficult read by any term relating to religion. The preceeding sentence leading to this thought measures in "multidemensionalism", not with any reflection to other forms of nature.

Fifth paragraph:
ButComma if ‘God’ were empirically proven,..........

"...gGod isn't a scientific phenomenon, and hence cannot be evaluated using scientific methods."**The stars are not necessary and by using them especially in this manner you are stating yourself as the sole source for this argument. While trying to sound sympathetic to your beliefs, I don't think any one person may claim to have an absolute against any argument such as this magnitude, many arguments remain and of course I have my own.*Smile*

Sixth paragraph
Suppose you claimedComma-adverb "ending" that ending a sentence in a preposition is grammatically incorrect.

ButComma suppose you claimed that my grandmother never ate chicken and cheese puffs together.

ButComma you would be silly to try to prove your assertion grammatically.

Tenth paragraph:
ButComma the presupposition rests upon the further presupposition – or rather it implies – that human reason..........

ButComma if Naturalism is true (namely, that there is no supernatural nor is there a supernatural God)Spacing , and the interlocking system of cause-and -effectSpacing is responsible.........

He had no choiceComma but to come to that conclusion - the movement of atoms.........

Eleventh paragraph:
Nor can anything my reason may produce would be true...........

Thirteenth paragraph:
.............,but then again thinking itselfSpacing is one of the least natural things you can do.

..........not by the performance of a series of experiments in controlled conditions, but by our confidence in the validity of science itself.Spacing "Can science prove the existence of God?"

A very in depth form of thought, nicely done.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, WhoMe. *Smile*

Presenting a return shower.

Caught in a moment of an unsure state, a stranger produces a moment for innocent laughter.

I found one moment where I questioned the read.

After a long weekend, I was feeling rejuvenated as my first customers approached my register with a heaping basket of groceries. I pride myself on providing fast and efficient service...........Though you separated your previous thoughts by line spacing, you actually have two separate thoughts here also. Ending sentence with groceries, the next sentence steps away momentarily from the subject of the costumers and reflects upon you. This should be set aside or worded before the arrival of the ladies.
My opinion of course and you should never allow another to dictate your style in writing, I simply wished to express to you how these two scenes were viewed by me.

A moment worth enjoying, I laughed with both of you.
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Review of Tree Rings  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, sweatpea

I enjoy looking inside a poem and attempt to decipher its meaning. This poem you created presented plenty of thought and imagination.
The only way I can offer a review fitting for this poem would be in this manner.

The tree grows outward and up. Like taking in the suns rays for nourishment, we take in knowledge to grow within society. From child hood to adult hood, we are constantly absorbing knowledge.

Our skin is so fragile at birth, but as we grow we are defended against the abrasions we will encounter. Whether it be by a physical means or a verbal assault, our minds become only as strong as the shield that separates us from the world. Dreaming is like breathing, removing one from the other, we would falter.

Like the tree whose roots burrow deep, so do our minds. We are aware of those who would produce a proposition, only to hide behind a veil of secrecy. We seek the knowledge to understand what we would not be allowed to hear or see. Like the one who would propose a false message, we learn to hide within our dreams.

I would like to believe my interpretation may fit your view as you looked upon this tree

As you can see, this poem was very thought provoking.

Nice job.


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Review of Golden Letters  
Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Hello, Matty.

I stopped by to offer a review for you, and I hope I may be able to offer something useful for you. You are welcome to discard what you wish.

First thing I noticed immediately, you are writing in the present tense. I work in a forum for Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror, and we critique each other heavily. The use of the tense is paramount, the narrative is always in the past tense. I see you are well schooled, far be it for me to question one who has so much above me, but our publishers, and editors will drop a read in the present tense in a heart beat.
I will offer some reflection during a little line by line for you from your first paragraph.
I will return your gift points for this review, since it will not be a full review if you would like. Already I'm putting more in here than I normally would, but this will give you a strong idea what may need performed by you later.

Golden Letters

Thoughts trip and stumble through John’s mind as he iswas led down the dull grey corridor. The walls arewere an endless series of repetition, numbing and drab. Right, left, through the doors, around the corner, another bloody corridor. John glancesglanced up, the man remainsremained facing forward. Even from the side, it’sit was obvious he’s he'd been carrying the usual stoic expression that John hashad come to loath. They all carrycarried that look, even when conversing with each other. His grip on John’s arm tightens tightened which sendingsent a bolt of pain through John's body. John catches caught an occasional glimpse of the book is in the man's left hand. The golden letters on it's spine appear "appeared" is overused in every day language, and perhaps a change in wording may help. The golden letters on its spine caught little light from the dim lighting in the hall. dull in the poorly lit hall. You will notice, I removed the comma from "it's", you are describing something in its form, not where it was, or is.
In this first paragraph the visual I am offered is a "dull grey corridor" that continue with walls that were repetitious, numbing, and drab. From no where I am informed they were suddenly bloody. Where did this come from? It is easy to lose your reader with such instant visuals that pop from nothing, lead your reader-me to envision each change.

They all carry that look, even when conversing with each other. I was informed of only one man with, John. Now I am informed there are more with him? Try not to lead your reader-me with, too much information. This tends to pull me-the reader out of the story because suddenly I'm/we're looking for these other people.

Your description of what, John was going through was very good, I enjoyed this moment. You did pique my curiosity to return to this read, and offer more later on. You are very good with your word selection for creating the images you want to be visualized, and this is a great start for creating a strong "POV".
Nice job.

Review of Falling  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hello, fyn.*Bigsmile*
What a torturous description of past events, fear, one man who'd be able to instil such painful suffering. I felt a protective shell nearly ready to shatter at a moments passing, so gripping while desperation grasps within thin air.
This shows so well how trauma can last for so long, one persons gain is truely another's loss.

I felt you've done a wonderful job creating the emotion caused by one man, a woman forced into her seclusive shell though it can be shattered so easily.

Nice job, fyn.*Bigsmile*


imagination is only a thought away.

Hello, fyn.*Bigsmile*
What a torturous description of past events, fear, one man who'd be able to instil such painful suffering. I felt a protective shell nearly ready to shatter at a moments passing, so gripping while desperation grasps within thin air.
This shows so well how trauma can last for so long, one persons gain is truely another's loss.

I felt you've done a wonderful job creating the emotion caused by one man, a woman forced into her seclusive shell though it can be shattered so easily.

Nice job, fyn.*Bigsmile*


imagination is only a thought away.

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Review of Quickly  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, DaniShea*Bigsmile* *Bigsmile*

This freestyle poem really delivered a heart wrenching image, the climax to the previous two, a sense of knowing in one's mind had come to pass. Events led to this point, a venture of passion drawn by the light of a flame.
Now the world came to its end, end it quickly and allow the pain to run its course, don't linger around for more abuse; just say those words and leave.

A very poweful trilogy of poems, this one brought forth a desperately needed close.

Very well portrayed with emotion and thought.*Bigsmile*


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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello, DaniShea*Bigsmile*

This poem is powerful, flirting with a certain desire is indeed like fluttering about a flame, being burned holds many meanings. Hang around, too long and one could discover incredible pain, hang around long enough and one could discover a world of ecstacy.

I am taking a daring venture by mentioning one mis-spelled word, "th" which should have been "the".

Nice work, you began with intense emotion and became a little slow toward the end.*Bigsmile*


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Review of Whispers  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, DaniShea.*Bigsmile*

It's amazing how words can be the cause for so much turmoil in one's heat, the dear loved one whispers while a wedge remained. I enjoyed this poem a great deal, I was drawn by the absolute reality of it.
Ones mind known so well, should his words be taken or laid to rest, after all one is told what was wanted to hear; what to do? GO or stay, believe these words to be true or understand she had been manipulated.

Very nice poem of free style, drama portrayed very well.*Bigsmile*


Review of Painted Pink  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, Whome. *Bigsmile**Bigsmile**Bigsmile**Bigsmile**Bigsmile*

Yes, this poem did make me think, I was drawn to another world immediately; my cheeks obviously blushing. My mind went into a spin as I wondered if I was reading this poem correctly.
How embarrassing, getting a suntan could cause so many problems.

Great job.


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Review of So Far Gone  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, Whome.*Bigsmile*

What an amazing story, trials at every turn amid a crisis of health. Good news is the test came back negative, bad news places you where you were anyway. I've got enormous sympathy for you, you're a fighter.

To tell this story took courage and you've done a great job as the first person, I don't believe I would have such strength as you portraying myself in such good spirit. Just as you discover you're one level below having a full blown illness, you take on the challenge of turning your life around. Bam, a broken toe puts you down a bit and then your finished for six weeks following surgery of another issue.

You've obviously done well for yourself since this time, fantastic writing ability and sounding in good spirits, a jolly lady.

No alarms to warn you of, this was an excellent read.

Great job!*Bigsmile*


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Review of A Vile Visitor  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hello, tammy.*Bigsmile*

I can easily relate to this, a fear felt ulike any while in the conscious state. A dream that terrifys me enough, the memory lasts a lifetime. Something so real, the one dream that is not black and white, my heart drums while the memory persists after so many years.
Snakes and lizards don't bother me in my dreams, something else did and occasionally makes it's appearance even to this to this day. That instant state of paralizing fear never loosens its grip, each visit by this monster of the night is full of never ending surprizes.

Your poem is able to cause a recolection of my own dreams, one that may be equally fear-some.

Great poem to chill the blood, the spine tingles while a new visit is sure to be made.


Review of MAIL FROM HOME.  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello, meg.*Bigsmile*

A lot of times I read a poem and my imagination scurries off to a far distant world, your poem didn't do this. I remembered my own time away from home, you honor those who follow their orders that lead them to a lonely place.
The closest friend is the one standing next to the one with a rifle in his/her hand, the dearest friend is the one who sends a letter from home. Home, anywhere that bears the official mark of the homeland, a family to all who stand at the soldiers side.
That neatly packed care package so gingerly packed back home, torn open like a child on Christmas morning, soldiers share a moment of estacy. Horror stained eyes rejoice with tears of joy, trained hands for killing grasp the goods with a delicate embrace.
Thanks for the memories, a poem to be cherished by every soldier far from home, one to mount in a frame above the door of ones home.

Very nicely done.


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Review of Carousel to Hell  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello fyn.*Bigsmile*

This poem did exactly as its name sake, it drove me in a dizzying frenzy. For the want of a depressing mood, I in turn was yanked from a moment of comforted bliss at the very beginning.
As the saga spiraled around a carousel of mental torment, so did my frame of mind; agony wained while desperation pleaded. Not to be allowed to find an end, a bloodied headed vulture waited patiently , mirrors told of my plight.
Stale treats of a passing life only sicken while damp sawdust ruins my throat, images lost amid spiraling despair; a trip to Hell foretold the future ahead.

Once again, you've proven your artistic desire, now I seek some revival from your depressing skill. Very well done, if ever someone could drop my happy plane below the horizon from the start and crash it into a field, it is you.

You are very good, having the ability to characterize so much depression, I need a lift.*Bigsmile*


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Review of Rebirth  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello, fyn.

This brought that fresh feeling I enjoy after a early morning storm. I have a fascination with weather and the wonders it produces, you've done a wonderful job with very flowery words.
I felt the storm as it rumbled through, past the great plumes of clouds morning beams lightened a blanket of rain; lightning strikes became less prominant.
You did good with the morning light, your image brought to me a gift that I usually must wait for, those sparkling fresh colors of new life.

Very good, quite lengthy and this shows me your artistic dream.


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Rated: E | (5.0)
*Bigsmile*Hi, fyn.*Bigsmile*

This is a nice run down memory lane, Granny is the greatest gift any child could have. Her resourcefulness alway creating memories to last a lifetime, at the ripe age of wrinkles one can recal those memories as little ones run about.
Granny can create a treat in a way no other person can, a word alone causing a flood of childish dreams.

Well done, even my own recalections of my grandmother came to life.


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Review of Couch Potato  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Bigsmile*Hello, fyn.*Bigsmile*

My anger did not really grow, but a depressing image did. A body laid upon a couch selected with a nice feminine touch, degrading the mystic view of a couple who should be sitting together. Perhaps the mind who resided upon the daisy couch held a purpose outside the house, inside the onlooker felt no bond to the now turniped brain encased in a muddy shell.

Such moment to envision, all alone yet the figure is there; oblivious to the needy onlooker.

Anger is not always recognised with the same understanding, depressing thoughts can be brought to bare instead. Still the view you reveal is the same, why is he here?

Very good!*Bigsmile*


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Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello, fyn.

You've got a port full of poems for sure, this one came to me after a lengthy browse.

The veils are withdrawn as the work day progress' into the night, the first to go is the cover of the working identity. Upon the slowly passing evening other veils fall away, security in the home allowing the spirit of self to emerge, another to go is the manufactured veils. Once covering the body they fall with little concern and the blankets leave bare the essence of life, the last to remain as two bodies share the night.

Pretty interesting way of describing the many faces we wear as we progress through each day, even our clothing acts as a cover of our pesonalities.

Very nice work.


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Review of The WDC Trip  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
*Bigsmile*Hello, iKïyã§ama.*Bigsmile*

I know I owe you some reviews, I am working in that direction while I attempt to redesign my schedule. At this moment I just happened to visit your port to just poke around and found some inspiration amid a crisis filled week.
I'm dealing with a mess at home, my family being called in for my mother's upcoming surgery, highly depressed to say the least, it's amazing how so many bad feelings can emerge from a moment like this.

Your reacount of your time in Writing.com offered a reprieve for my sorrow filled days, for this moment I felt excitement return to my heart. Yes, people can improve the world we live in even if it is by sitting here among a world of writers, reading of great accomplishments, fantastical great tales of adventure, poems that churn the heart and, that one inspiring journey into Writing.com.

Even as my thoughts are on my mother so deeply, I read your story and I became engulfed in a world I personally came to love, I realize now life is not over. The fact from your adventure tells me of good days ahead, those great moments of a joyous review given to me and those that will teach me to move on, every one a heart flittering account yet to be realised.

Thank you for sharing this moment.


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Review of WHY AM I A NURSE?  
Rated: E | (5.0)
*Bigsmile*Hello, Carlotta-Peace to everyone. *Bigsmile*

This poem has enormous strength in it, detailing the demanding pressures a nurse can be found in, even then a love exists that covers the pain of ill mannered patients. Those special moments when a patient depends on your recourcefull strands of compassion make every day a moment to remember. *Bigsmile*

The job of a nurse is not easy, it is a life of passion for the living and you brought this out so well. *Bigsmile*

Great read. *Bigsmile*


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Review of The K-Rations  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
*Bigsmile*Hello, iKyasama.*Bigsmile*

This has been an exciting read, going back to my days in the army; I can remember awakening once from a Lt. while three of us took an illfated nap. We could have been crushed by tanks and APC's running around in the night as our tank company was ambushed by the mech infantry. What a rude way to be brought into the living.*Bigsmile*

This little story has a lot of energy in it, unfortunately, I disagreed with the construction of the tense state; past versus the present. You attempted, in my opinion of course to create the first person while, I sensed a strong narration. This is very difficult to do in my opinion and even for me it is a challenge to even critique such work heavily, I gave it my best shot.*Bigsmile*

A young soldier is awoken while on guard duty in his fox hole, new to the front line reconasaince intantry, most likely the Marine Corps durring WWll somewhere along the Pacific islands. Even worse for this young fellow is he's new to the military altogether, double jeapordy.
Amid his desperate attempt to regain his composure, sleep still holds to him, his memories kick into gear of his recent past.
A sudden realization brings him to his captors, terror grabs hold of him like never before, in a flash of thought his entire life spins before him. Set as a trap, he soon discovers he was allowed to lure the enemy into his vicinity for slaughter.*Bigsmile*

I felt the past and present tense had the impact that caused me to edit as, I did. Had the narration, first person and his thoughts been portrayed in the manner, I feel, I understand this would have been nearly flawless.*Bigsmile*

My thoughts:
An incredibly difficult story to write let alone attempt to write. There is so much more that could have been added to reflect the detail of war, death, suffering of all involved and the agony. Still, you did a wonderful job and the vision of this desperate soldier came through, the action and portrayal of the enemy fell short of what, I envisioned but, you detailed before and after so well it came together. *Bigsmile*

Job well done! *Bigsmile*

Line Edits:

Chaos ensues.
One minute he's is crouched in the foxhole, his rifle a companion with the jungle silence his serenade. He's d been up for three hours, with barely an hour of much-needed sleep from the previous days manuevers before being kicked awake by the Sarge. His growling voice blasted upon him. "Wake the fuck up shithead, those Japs will slice your worthless neck. You'll be on the next shift if you don't get your ass into gear!" Words of anger plasterd into his mind This would be what would be racing through his mind as he desperately would try to awaken, obvioulsy heard before. He's being the youngest of the men, barely nineteen - still a fucking virgin. He{c;blue} is resents ment being treated as a kid was strong was not usually used is a good choice here; suffers ed all the jokes the older soldiers make just because he was transferred to recon as a rookie to the Pacific. So what if he hasn't seen combat yet? It didn't mean he wasn't as tough as they were. He knew this platoon had fought in the Tanaka campaign and they were almost revered as heroes for seizing the Japanese base down there. He considered it an honor to be called up to replace one whose legs had been blown off by shrapnel. Yet here he lay, wiping the sleep from his eyes and panicked by the cursing sergeant.
And yet tThey got their kicks by teasing him whenever he tried to make conversation. During a card game one night, he was close to winning, but the Sarge - a man only in his early thirties, although the hard suffered I think this would read better, war is such a horrid experience especially this war. lines of war were now etched on his weathered face - had glared coldly at him, forcing him to fake a losing hand and withdraw back into his tent with shame. He had curled up beneath his damp mold-woolenAny one who enjoys a good war story knows the color of the army issue color You could add a touch to the condition of the blanket in regard to the mold. Every soldier who enters a unit is issued his gear, the blanket being one and durring this time period, laundering was not on top priority. If possible it was hung over a line to air out. green blanket, squeezed his eyes shut against the distant sound of flares, tracers and gunfire, and winced as the booming sound would shake the very ground he lay on. How he missed his mother and his girl. Hell, he knew he should have taken her cherry that night at the soldiers' send-off. She was practically begging for it. At least it would have put him on equal footing with the guys here, especially when they began to speak of all the women they had slept around with back home.This is good, it reminds me of my time in the army
He does have a friend though. The goy, Goldstein, who is quiet and likes to write in his diary a lot. Goldstein has a son back home and likes to share the only picture of his wife and kid with him. On evenings when they aren't on patrol, he'll talk in that sonorous voice of his, telling of his plans to open a shop in the Brooklyn area and sell candy for five cents apiece. It's a nice dream, but he thinks Goldstein doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell. I think it would be good to offer insight for his thoughts on his view of, Goldsteins's future aspirations. He does wish him luck though. This entire paragraph is in present tense, I know you are doing first person but, any thoughts should be in italics. This reads more like a first person and narrative. does have, who is, likes to, write, has a son, likes to share, but he thinks, doesn't have, are all present tense wording.
"Anatano te wo secchi shinasai!" "Put up your hands!"

He's jJ erked back to reality at the harsh command, terror seizing his muscles and causing his legs to buckle. He's d soiled his pants, since the events had happened so fast, he barely had time to control himself.
A mistake. It had only been one brief moment of weakness. His lashes growing heavier by the second as weariness took control of his body. The blistering trek through the jungle had taken its toll. His young body was still not used to that level of physical exertion and he could have sworn he had sleepwalked several times through the night. He knew his feet had begun to bleed after a while and had winced as Delaney, the medic, had applied some foot treatment to it. It had helped...but only for a few hours. Fat load of good that did.
He cannot understand what they are saying. Panic fills his insides as he falls to his knees and places his hands behind his head in surrender. Hot tears leak from his eyes and run down his cheeks, snot mingling to slip into his parted and moist lips. He sobs helplessly as the men continue to shout at him. How many are there? Five? Six? Ten? Where are the others in his platoon? Have they abandoned him? How long had the Japs known they were right across the river? How long had they been waiting for the Americans to show their faces? These should be his thought in italics
"Please," he begins to stammer, no longer caring if he's going against the code of his country. {c:blue{ His thoughts in italics*Right*He can't die here. Not tonight. Not now. He's still a young kid. He's still got a lot to live for. Who's gonna take care of his momma when he's gone? He's got to marry his girl. He promised her that much.
"Anatano namae ha nande aruka?! Taha dokoniaruka?!" "What is your name? Where are the others?! "

"I'm just like you!" he suddenly screams ed. Their words are driving{c:blue{ove him crazy, the brick wall of miscommunication threatening to crush him beneath its weight. The onenearest with the gun pointed at his temple barely looksed a year older than himself. He canould see the fright in those narrow black eyes, the strain on that pale flesh and realizes that they are in the same boat. Just two kids stuck in the middle of something they'd rather not be a part of. The concept of war had seemed exciting at first - game boys This is too much of a flash forward, you want to maintain the time period for your characters, "POV" and your reader, by adding the game boy your reader (me) was yanked from this time period and suddenly a conflict of time ensued. War games would be play ed on boards with plastic Plastic was barely an item back then, steel and wood was the norm for toys men and battleships. Reality was a whole other story.
"Taha dokoniaruka?!!" "Where are the others?!"

The click of the trigger and the subsequent press of the cold steel weaponbarrel against his temple break broke his final resolve.
"MY NAME IS PETER BOYD," he screams ed in terror. "I'M AN AMERICAN! I'M AMERICAN!"
A sudden rapport of gunfire sends t his mind reeling into an abyss of despair and quiet resignation. He fe{x{els lt something warm splash upon his face and licks ed his lips to taste the red fluid even as he finds found himself falling to the ground in a faint. There are Amid a mingle of disembodied cries and screams, and he barely feels lt the strong arms of his comrades dragging him back to safety and away from his now dead slaugtered now, I think is an adjective, either way it did not fit and dead was too kind for the image you desired for me to recieve. captors.
"Fucking Japbait," growls ed the Sarge as he spits saliva spat maintain the past tense and create the image of the sargeant, the atmosphere is extremely humid and his own emotions are at their peak out in disgust. "Get him clean Dump his ass in that impact crater so he can clean his fucking ass No soldier is going to play nurse or cleaning maid for another who screws up, he'll be tossed to care for himself. This would also serve as a hard earned experience he would never forget. for chrisssakes and let's get the fuck out of here."

Once again, this has been a tremendous read, it was filled with everything, I enjoy in a story containing the visionary work necessary for a scene of war. *Bigsmile*

These are my thoughts and opinions, you may discard any or all at your leisure.

Great work. *Bigsmile*


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