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Rated: 13+ | N/A (Review only item.)
Hi Mara McBain.

Wow, very impressive forensic work and the "POV" you established with "Bryce" is well done through the eyes of "Gina". A protective instinct carries to several close to him, I believe you portrayed him as an example to be followed.

I am a little confused on an issue that kept coming to me in all of the exams. Not a single exam indicated broken bones as described in your prologue, remember when "Batista" slammed his fist into his victim? The detail you offered indicated broken bones, this is not discovered here at all.

The blood splattered walls in "Batista's" cell showed no indication here. All that was found is bruizes, bite marks and swelling, so where did the blood come from?
Sure her body fluids would escape from any natural opening from the tomented impacts, not enough to cause blood to be splattered so freely.

Her impacts upon the walls will not recieve this in great detail just from her bleeding mouth, even her genital area won't cause this effect to a great deal. Her body would slam against the wall, her face would definately impact hard, her genital area would be coushioned from the surrounding muscle and bone structure.

I have a pretty good imagination though I have never used it in this regard before, so how do we get the volume of blood to appear as you described?

"Batista" is a monster of a man in size and strength, taking into consideration his mental state is severely deranged, a crazed murderer I believe. So this makes him beyond the norm in human stregth. You did well with his ability to toss the woman so easily, his fist drove into her face, let's work with this.

Somehow you want the bloody brutality in the cell to match what is found by the tech's. Remember the high pitched whine she emitted that caused him to release?
This can work in your favor with his excited ferver. Even though she is broken she is not dead, her fight would return and with him satisfied he has no regard for her any longer.
Her face severely impaled, blood seeping from her nasal and mouth openings the impact on the wall only causing more damage, perhaps crushing her entire facial structure, this wil cause blood to flow excessively. When she is slammed against the wall, her blood simply splats like a water baloon against a wall.

This will then be detected in the forensics and will match your scene in the cell, broken bones to match the fist impact and more.

Over all this was definately a new design for you from my previous reviewing and it shows strong talent on your part. Even a dull scene portraying the office is captivating with your style, good work.

You captivate me with every facet of your ability, your grammer appears to be very well in order, my opinion of course.

An incredible mystery as a warden is able to pull this off, he definatley has the location and the means of getting this horrid business done. Fascinating detail in all realms.

I simply hope my limited caliber is actually proving of use to you, your work is very good.


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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hi Dalyon.

I read the first few paragraphs and really enjoyed them. Your envisionment that is relayed to me is very good, exceptionally good. You indicate a strong understanding of unit structure within the command, you even mention specificly a series of platoons by name. This caught my attention when I discovered there is something even greater than the Imperial Guard. An elite group whose talents most likely equal that of our various Special Forces.

Joseph's "POV" is strong, immediately I am drawn to him while his truck manuevers along the road. His time for reflection is given and I feel I confident his thoughts will be easy to follow.

You do an excellent job bringing his world to my understanding, I feel like I know it already from a visitors ' standpoint .

I do have some comments so far and they regard sentence structure. You use sentence fragments extensively, they have their place but I don't believe they need to be in every sentence. The comma allows for a thought to be continued and I already am filled with an endless supply. I want to be able to remember the important pionts of interest when the time comes but your commas are distracting.

You bring the units and the stucture of the interplanetary system into view and I want to be able to understand what is important and what is not. Somethimes it is neccessary to create a choppy series of sentences with periods, this causes the mind to take a bread and smell the roses.

I have one sentence in mind that bothered me all the way to his father giving his 18th birthday present. I had no choice but to go back an visit this sentence in order to understand what was bothering me........

(However, here he was, on one of the Altariun 512th regiment's transport trucks, steadily making his way to a situation and place he never could have even dreamed his life would lead him.).....Ok I brought it in and now I can look it over.

First this sentence is enormous, thirty three words and three commas. You see what I mean about what is important and what is not? If you create something and I read it, what ever is forced enter my mind it is pulled in. If you create this something and it really stands out my mind is saying to keep on file.....even if it means little.

I'm not finished with this one, other issues remain with it.

.......(Making his way to a situation and place)........Too many words especially for those who understand sci/fi and fantasy. We key on many words and a picture forms instantly the same as any other genre. I would replace "situation" and "place"
with one word - "rendevous". This says a lot for me in military language, a place of meeting for intel gathering, a location to assemble a unit for action, a top secret location not to be disclosed to those who have no authority. This one word says many things and depending on the manner of the wording before it we know precisely what is meant.

I already know he is on Altariun Prime, no need mentioning the entire name again when identifying the truck. Plus repeated names and words becomes mundane.

This sentence is very wordy you nearly concealed what you wanted me to notice. It is what's about to happen at the rendevous that's important, this is why I was drawn to this so much. With all of the fragments I missed it and yet my minds eye knew enough to keep yelling at me and come back to that sentence. Now what was so important in that sentence?......(he never could have even dreamed his life would lead him.).......This is what it was and it has a direct reflection to the beginning of this paragraph, he is ordered to kill his best friend I bet.

I would like to take a stab at re-doing this sentence and see what you think......

Yours - (However, here he was, on one of the Altariun 512th regiment's transport trucks, steadily making his way to a situation and place he never could have even dreamed his life would lead him.)

Mine - (steadily the 312th transport carried him to his rendevous. Never in his wildest dreams had he considered such a tormenting mission.).....I'll leave it alone now, I'm happy.

Now I will continue reading, oh yea, line spacing. It makes it easier to follow for reviewing.

( Looking into his eyes, Joseph could tell that it was truly a grave subject his father was attempting to broach.).....Up to this point you have done very well with the past tense issue. This present tense setting suddenly appearing won't do. All narrative must be in simple past or past tense, you can do what you want with the "POV" but the narrative must be past tense. This is called jumping around in time and all it does is tell me to look the other way, for you that is not good.

( Although only six foot tall, Joseph's well-defined muscular build gave him an air of confidence and strength that was constantly at odds with his young face)......I am to believe these are not human, humanoid perhaps. Six feet tall must be short in this world.

Soon I discover Six feet seven inches is very tall. I would try to take a look at the previous and make six feet sound not so small. I spent three years in Korea as an M.P and I knew some tall people in my unit. One of our company commander's was seven feet one inch. A specialist in my platoon was seven feet one and a half inches in hieght. I am five feet eight, imagine he and I as we performed the village patrol at night. Everyone was very cooperative when he was around, too bad we didn't have ready issue clothing for iether man.

Trent is now the short guy, yeah I would rephrase the beginning for Joseph's size, not to make him sound small as you did but something like - (His six foot frame.....)

...........(Hi Dalyon.

I read the first few paragraphs and really enjoyed them. Your envisionment that is relayed to me is very good, exceptionally good. You indicate a strong understanding of unit structure within the command, you even mention specificly a series of platoons by name. This caught my attention when I discovered there is something even greater than the Imperial Guard. An elite group whose talents most likely equal that of our various Special Forces.

Joseph's "POV" is strong, immediately I am drawn to him while his truck manuevers along the road. His time for reflection is given and I feel I confident his thoughts will be easy to follow.

You do an excellent job bringing his world to my understanding, I feel like I know it already from a visitors ' standpoint .

I do have some comments so far and they regard sentence structure. You use sentence fragments extensively, they have their place but I don't believe they need to be in every sentence. The comma allows for a thought to be continued and I already am filled with an endless supply. I want to be able to remember the important pionts of interest when the time comes but your commas are distracting.

You bring the units and the stucture of the interplanetary system into view and I want to be able to understand what is important and what is not. Somethimes it is neccessary to create a choppy series of sentences with periods, this causes the mind to take a bread and smell the roses.

I have one sentence in mind that bothered me all the way to his father giving his 18th birthday present. I had no choice but to go back an visit this sentence in order to understand what was bothering me........

(However, here he was, on one of the Altariun 512th regiment's transport trucks, steadily making his way to a situation and place he never could have even dreamed his life would lead him.).....Ok I brought it in and now I can look it over.

First this sentence is enormous, thirty three words and three commas. You see what I mean about what is important and what is not? If you create something and I read it, what ever is forced enter my mind it is pulled in. If you create this something and it really stands out my mind is saying to keep on file.....even if it means little.

I'm not finished with this one, other issues remain with it.

.......(Making his way to a situation and place)........Too many words especially for those who understand sci/fi and fantasy. We key on many words and a picture forms instantly the same as any other genre. I would replace "situation" and "place"
with one word - "rendevous". This says a lot for me in military language, a place of meeting for intel gathering, a location to assemble a unit for action, a top secret location not to be disclosed to those who have no authority. This one word says many things and depending on the manner of the wording before it we know precisely what is meant.

I already know he is on Altariun Prime, no need mentioning the entire name again when identifying the truck. Plus repeated names and words becomes mundane.

This sentence is very wordy you nearly concealed what you wanted me to notice. It is what's about to happen at the rendevous that's important, this is why I was drawn to this so much. With all of the fragments I missed it and yet my minds eye knew enough to keep yelling at me and come back to that sentence. Now what was so important in that sentence?......(he never could have even dreamed his life would lead him.).......This is what it was and it has a direct reflection to the beginning of this paragraph, he is ordered to kill his best friend I bet.

I would like to take a stab at re-doing this sentence and see what you think......

Yours - (However, here he was, on one of the Altariun 512th regiment's transport trucks, steadily making his way to a situation and place he never could have even dreamed his life would lead him.)

Mine - (steadily the 312th transport carried him to his rendevous. Never in his wildest dreams had he considered such a tormenting mission.).....I'll leave it alone now, I'm happy.

Now I will continue reading, oh yea, line spacing. It makes it easier to follow for reviewing.

( Looking into his eyes, Joseph could tell that it was truly a grave subject his father was attempting to broach.).....Up to this point you have done very well with the past tense issue. This present tense setting suddenly appearing won't do. All narrative must be in simple past or past tense, you can do what you want with the "POV" but the narrative must be past tense. This is called jumping around in time and all it does is tell me to look the other way, for you that is not good.

( Although only six foot tall, Joseph's well-defined muscular build gave him an air of confidence and strength that was constantly at odds with his young face)......I am to believe these are not human, humanoid perhaps. Six feet tall must be short in this world.

Soon I discover Six feet seven inches is very tall. I would try to take a look at the previous and make six feet sound not so small. I spent three years in Korea as an M.P and I knew some tall people in my unit. One of our company commander's was seven feet one inch. A specialist in my platoon was seven feet one and a half inches in hieght. I am five feet eight, imagine he and I as we performed the village patrol at night. Everyone was very cooperative when he was around, too bad we didn't have ready issue clothing for iether man.

.........(Hi Dalyon.

I read the first few paragraphs and really enjoyed them. Your envisionment that is relayed to me is very good, exceptionally good. You indicate a strong understanding of unit structure within the command, you even mention specificly a series of platoons by name. This caught my attention when I discovered there is something even greater than the Imperial Guard. An elite group whose talents most likely equal that of our various Special Forces.

Joseph's "POV" is strong, immediately I am drawn to him while his truck manuevers along the road. His time for reflection is given and I feel I confident his thoughts will be easy to follow.

You do an excellent job bringing his world to my understanding, I feel like I know it already from a visitors ' standpoint .

I do have some comments so far and they regard sentence structure. You use sentence fragments extensively, they have their place but I don't believe they need to be in every sentence. The comma allows for a thought to be continued and I already am filled with an endless supply. I want to be able to remember the important pionts of interest when the time comes but your commas are distracting.

You bring the units and the stucture of the interplanetary system into view and I want to be able to understand what is important and what is not. Somethimes it is neccessary to create a choppy series of sentences with periods, this causes the mind to take a bread and smell the roses.

I have one sentence in mind that bothered me all the way to his father giving his 18th birthday present. I had no choice but to go back an visit this sentence in order to understand what was bothering me........

(However, here he was, on one of the Altariun 512th regiment's transport trucks, steadily making his way to a situation and place he never could have even dreamed his life would lead him.).....Ok I brought it in and now I can look it over.

First this sentence is enormous, thirty three words and three commas. You see what I mean about what is important and what is not? If you create something and I read it, what ever is forced enter my mind it is pulled in. If you create this something and it really stands out my mind is saying to keep on file.....even if it means little.

I'm not finished with this one, other issues remain with it.

.......(Making his way to a situation and place)........Too many words especially for those who understand sci/fi and fantasy. We key on many words and a picture forms instantly the same as any other genre. I would replace "situation" and "place"
with one word - "rendevous". This says a lot for me in military language, a place of meeting for intel gathering, a location to assemble a unit for action, a top secret location not to be disclosed to those who have no authority. This one word says many things and depending on the manner of the wording before it we know precisely what is meant.

I already know he is on Altariun Prime, no need mentioning the entire name again when identifying the truck. Plus repeated names and words becomes mundane.

This sentence is very wordy you nearly concealed what you wanted me to notice. It is what's about to happen at the rendevous that's important, this is why I was drawn to this so much. With all of the fragments I missed it and yet my minds eye knew enough to keep yelling at me and come back to that sentence. Now what was so important in that sentence?......(he never could have even dreamed his life would lead him.).......This is what it was and it has a direct reflection to the beginning of this paragraph, he is ordered to kill his best friend I bet.

I would like to take a stab at re-doing this sentence and see what you think......

Yours - (However, here he was, on one of the Altariun 512th regiment's transport trucks, steadily making his way to a situation and place he never could have even dreamed his life would lead him.)

Mine - (steadily the 312th transport carried him to his rendevous. Never in his wildest dreams had he considered such a tormenting mission.).....I'll leave it alone now, I'm happy.

Now I will continue reading, oh yea, line spacing. It makes it easier to follow for reviewing.

( Looking into his eyes, Joseph could tell that it was truly a grave subject his father was attempting to broach.).....Up to this point you have done very well with the past tense issue. This present tense setting suddenly appearing won't do. All narrative must be in simple past or past tense, you can do what you want with the "POV" but the narrative must be past tense. This is called jumping around in time and all it does is tell me to look the other way, for you that is not good.

( Although only six foot tall, Joseph's well-defined muscular build gave him an air of confidence and strength that was constantly at odds with his young face)......I am to believe these are not human, humanoid perhaps. Six feet tall must be short in this world.

Soon I discover Six feet seven inches is very tall. I would try to take a look at the previous and make six feet sound not so small. I spent three years in Korea as an M.P and I knew some tall people in my unit. One of our company commander's was seven feet one inch. A specialist in my platoon was seven feet one and a half inches in hieght. I am five feet eight, imagine he and I as we performed the village patrol at night. Everyone was very cooperative when he was around, too bad we didn't have ready issue clothing for iether man.

When the private is shot and the hole in his chest appear, later it is his belley that is held. I read on to observe the action as the team gathered on the far side of the doomed truck. What I felt as confliction information may have been a missunderstanding of what you portrayed. I now believe the man's chest and belley took hits, I can see his loss.

I have read to where the team signaled the all clear to Joseph after he stormed the sturcture. I am happy for you, I loved this and found nothing durring this point. You maintained my attention completely and used those short and choppy sentences I mentioned earlier, great job.


My thoughts - I was mezmerised with your actiion packed assault, never once did you cause me to pause and wonder. Joseph moved about with the skill of a seasoned soldier and proved himself a delight to follow.
You kill team is just as enjoyable to read in action, every room and moment of activity flowed effortlessly and full of vision. The moment returns toward the beginning when his rifle is shot away, his father remembered once again and proved to be a nice moment of reflection for what is about to come.
I won't tell everyone what happened but you ended this briliantly, excellent work.

Not much is needed in my opinion to get this where you want it, you have created a fantastic story filled with, drama, mystery, suspense, attitude and top of the line action.

Keep on writing because you have a winner.


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Review of Cataclysm  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
Hi Ox.

I liked the first paragraph of this story so far, upon moving into the second paragraph I arrived with a few issues I feel you may want to look at. I will offer my over all thoughts at the end of this review, until then please bare with me as I go over your story, I do like it so far.

Line spacing would be helpful between paragraphs, it helps those who review your work in WDC.

I can see how you tried to cover a lengthy time period in your second paragraph, the way you did has hurt your work and this can be extended a bit. I don't believe two to three paragraphs would be too much to cover this detail. The reasonig for my thoughts on this issue is the thoughts you present to the reader bounce around too much. I also found contradiction within this paragraph and I will gladly show you what these issues are.............

You indicate you were born into a poor house hold, nothing of value existed for your pleasure. Without bringing your reader up to speed things changed dramiticly and then we see the house hold is loaded with all kinds of goodies. Your father investing stock indicating good returns with your narrative way, he even creates items of intriguing interest.

This happened after your mother left, I am not informed of any ordeals to be dealt with in the change from the poor to the doing fine or well off. This to me is conflicting and it caused me to regard this work as minor effort. I apologize for the blunt note of myself, it is my intention to show you how I percieve this work, the story is good but the manner is rough.

Last but not least I was brought into the realm of friendship, lacking and with no reason for me to feel the passion you seek. The dialogue between you and I is not there and with no dialogue I am not allowed to build a concious thought of how you really feel and who you are.

In all of this fast paced tell I am instantly thrown into your high school years, wow time sure does fly by. Where are the details that cover this time period for better reflection, it is eratic at best in my view. You can easily fill this in by creating a paragraph for each thought and it will help your work a great deal, create the sensationalism needed to cause the mind to hurt and wonder.


( Our meeting was complete accident.)......Missing "a" between "was" and "complete".

You have been holding pretty well with the simple past format until this sentence.......( It was an October morning and we had only been in school for a few months now. ).....The word "now" killed it and immediately I am brought to present tense, not good. Keep your story past tense at all times, watch out for the "ing", and any group of words that would lead to a present tense.

Oh boy this is not good, your next sentence immediately begins with the present tense on the very first word, I decided to read ahead a bit and see if you might be bouncing around. I did not see this, what I saw was you staying in present tense. This will kill your story because most readers do not enjoy reading here and now. Everything must be past tense if this is to be taken seriously, I know because I have been drilled myself too many times so don't feel left out.

It is only in the character flow can you play around with such format, in the narrative past tense is the only way to go.

Oh I'm sorry, you did add one past tense when you "ducked" into the bathroom after the fire alarm was pulled, this is bouncing around in the tense form. Stick with one and past is the only one you can have in the narrative. These are easy fixes and ths story will do very well on its own.

I'm concerned with the metaphores upon your character leaving the hospital in the wheelchair, you really haven't given me a reason to understand what his character really is. Sure his life appears to be a little challenged and then all is fine, just because he his stung by a hot ring is no cause for the immediate turn around in language when I saw no real reason for it.

If you are going to bring me into this type of character I really need to understand him more, so far all I know is what is stated already. I originally felt him to be a soft mannered child who didn't challenge himself very much, you need to work on this.

I am going to strengthen my issue with the past/present tense. Take a look at the paragraph where he returns home and begins to write his will, take a long look. Your entire narrative is past tense and this is the way it should be. Now I am going to present another issue to you, I found it in this paragraph.

The last sentence in this paragraph destroyed your work, you did two things here that would tell me to stop reading for lack of interest.

First you told me he would always dissapear and I already found this to be interesting when he appeared on the bed with the cube. You had me hooked with the boy on his bed and then you killed it with his constant dissapearing. Don't tell me this!
Just let him vanish and drive me and your character crazy as we try to figure out what happened.

The second issue with this is the detail of the kid, the first encounter in the bathroom was understandable for the lack of his appearance, it was too fast.
Now you have the chance to introduce this kid to me with his appearance and you utterly failed. What did he look like? Was there anything unusual about him? What did his voice sound like this time? Did he still have the odor about him as he did in the bathroom?

And now I will address the language issue again, this time I will help you with this.

Allow your first person character to follow as I felt him to be, mild mannered and polite. His new friend would be the one on the opposite side of life and language, this will attract me and force me to wonder what is going on. Right now I feel like they are one in the same and this does nothing for the plot. Who is the villain? Who is going to be hurt? Who is going to learn from the experiences in this story?

Allow the differences to be seen clearly between these two characters.

Oh my, the paragraph beginning where your first person began to hang out together led to many disasters. Not in the way they hung out together but the way it is done. I am now believing the other to be a creation of the first persons mind, so how are all of these things happening?

You are the only one who can clear this up, this area will most like turn into a very large part of your story. This is where the complexities of their relationship will grow and don't give your reader no more than you have now. I don't see the second able to do much physicly but you can create this illusion with the first person.

Slow down when you do this, I would like to see these things happen in the store and see the cars get taped up. I would like to experience the times they get elebriated and stoned. Keep the secong character close at hand, very close!
Give me the sensation that he is real because you will be able to blow my mind later.

Ok now I have a new problem and this is impossible, if someone owns a business and they have a contract that is gauranteed cash, especially a government contract why, why would they allow anyone to borrow a vehicle under contract to pull a prank. The risk is too high for the business owner, he/she would be ruined if caught for allowing such a thing to occur.

How about this group takes the vehicle on their own accord, this way it seems more plausible. I can believe this and be willing to read on.

In the same paragraph I will refer to the second boy again and why I see him as a mental creation. He stared into your first characters eyes upon his awakening, still you offer nothing for his description as a character so I am forced to believe he is an illusion.

Now these two hang out with new found friends, how is this done? What is the interaction between these people like? How do they percieve your first person character and his imaginary friend? Is everyone in this story mentally derainged?

........(Winking and giving here that fake smile)........"her"

In the same paragraph, show the girls added confusion while the first person looks and talks to his friend in the passenger seat. The way I see it he is not really there.

The last paragraph is loaded with difficulties and it will be interesting to see how I get through this, for you and your story I feel I have to go through this ordeal because this is definately a fun story if I don't reflect on the errors.

I am simply going to begin with the first issue - Don't let this story be told in a fantasy world that simply cannot exist, this is too good to let go as a farse. Everthing you created here can be possible and the doctors' masks "MUST BE REAL".

I am going to kill two birds with one stone on this note to make it easier for you and me. The doctors inform your first person he had no chance of missing the vehicle that had been impacted, so later you have him prepared to be put to death. This is full of complications.

One the trial has to resume if he is to be put to death for murder, conflicting since he was informed he had no chance of avoiding the vehicle.

You cleared this matter of confusion, your first person finally has a name - Zeke!

How is it discovered that Zeke has psychosis? Sure his experiences with his friend were noticed by his other friends, this alone cannot form an authorative opinion of the doctors. He needs to be seen, tested, and treated in order to truely discover this. This would be another chapter in your story to twist my mind, the discovery of Nigma.

Now who is talking to Zeke? The doctors or one of his friends. The reason I ask....(You've been suffering from psychosis your whole life. We never thought it was a big deal because the most harmless thing you would do was talk to yourself. This 'Nigma' was never real.)........If the medical field knew of this he would have been treated a long time ago so you need to clear this matter up.

Another point of confliction - Zeke's father will not be told he woke up....why is his father standing in the room at this time?


My thoughts:

You have stumbled onto a truely fantastic story that requires minimul cleanup and enormous detail. If you follow my ideas and the ideas and thoughts of others who have reviewed this work you will hve a real gem of a story. This has enormous potential and I would hate to see you let it sit by the way side, this needs to come out and played in the real fashion of the world we know and understand, everything you created is plausible and I would love to read this when you complete a full scale edit.

The plot is between Zeke and Nigma, the trials they face together as the reader is led to believe the two are very real. Only until the very end do you allow the reader the understanding Nigma is an illusion, you allowed the illusion to become apparent early and this is good as the hook. Without giving the true aspects of Nigma away you kept the story alive, now you have some work ahead of you and I hope you follow through, this can become a real mind bender if you allow your imagination to run free. I am very fond of stories with imagination and I don't mind a bit letting my own run about, let yours go to and see what happens.

Fantastic opportunity you have here, rewrite it!


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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi kccharmedfan.

Oh my, how can I ever forget? I have been there and that is what it feels like. That hound is relentless and what a feeling. You can definatley bring back a horrid memory, excellent writing though.


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Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi Mikita.

First of all I enjoy reading stories that tell of magic. I have read some that do just that. You chapter wrapped me in tightly, I did not need to know the name immediately. Somehow I knew as the sorcerer became locked within the trap of Air that all I wanted to know would reveal itself.

You have done a wonderful job in detailing every aspect of the magical realm. I could feel the collapsing of his lungs as his Magigenesis trapped his body.

The Magistra mistakenly gifting herself to him, learning he is a rare breed of sorcerer as he was able to pull her own water into him.

Now he is full of her power as his own, he is also a devowerer of souls I would suspect, young with great ability.

I loved your ability to transfer his emotional turmoil into me, durring the same upheaval of emotional dispair he discovered a power that evoked a passion he had never known. You are quite talented.

I discovered only a couple of items for you to glean over, I felt they were not what you had wished for.
I hope I am correct.

(Remnants my magic clung to me like wet wool instead of Air.)....."Remnants of"

( I wished I could touch skin.)...."touch her skin.)

Very nice, well done and very captivating. You have enormous imagination that flows effortlessy, I could become one with your character.

I would enjoy the opportunity to read further if you wouldn't mind. Your clever style of forcing me, the reader to examine my thoughts as this is read is incredible. I was constantly envisioning the other sorcerer's as his mate was being cared for. The confusion of who should be in charge versus where safety lies kept me enthralled.

I love a complicated story, this is one of those.


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Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Hello J. A. Buxton.

This has proven a wonderful read. It brought back my own feelings when I would deviate from my own writing.
I never encountered the problem you had, my god, should I jump right in?

I was unable to discover any issues that would cause alarm to you.

I will offer my thoughts.

This shows enormous imagination, to be able to bring to life your character's and bring them against you personally is a difficult manuever.

You did this exceptionally well.

I found it amazing how you could start with a simple matter for discusion and show me your suffering in explicit detail. Your character's proving their will over your own.

Very well done, immensely thorough in thought and imagination.


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Review of Garden of Tears  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi renflower.

This was a very nice read, I felt the sense of sending a love away. What a tender way of departing ones heart, using a withered garden to set the stage.

I felt your comma usage was over done. You had a few thoughts that could have continued on without a splice. Allowing them to pass onto the next line would suffice.

You use the description of "buried in the dirt", I felt this is too real in expression, your poem deserves better than this.

I would try something like this pehaps - (will whither in the soil)....Just my thoughts.

Once again this was a beautiful read, you did a very nice job.

Keep writing.


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Review of Shining Bright  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Ruri-Puri.

I can see why your teacher gave you an (A) for this nice work. You allowed your heart to be exposed.

Now I will show you something that will assist you a great deal.

First you begin with present tense.....(shines).

Soon you throw me into the past, I had thought this was for the night to come.....(needed - pleaded).

Then you bring the present tense back.....(sparkle).

You want to keep me in the same tense of thought. Present, past, futuristic.

You forgot your "r" after you before "silver feathers".

"Feathers" is described as owner ship, hence "feather's".

This was not written in freestyle, commas usage would have assisted you.

This really was a daring piece of heart to reveal in school. You have the potential to become a special writer, you are on the right track.

Keep on writing.


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Review of Tuesdays  
Rated: E | (3.5)
Hello Beloit.

Your poem was quite nice. Your meaning was easily understood as your love belonged to the town, tuesday was yours.

I took this with the idea while duty called upon your hearts desire. For some reason tuesday is your day to shine with your partner.

Unfortunately I did not not get a full sense of flow. You did have a few lines that offered ryme.

If you were going free style, I do not see the poetic ryme neccessary.

More punctuation would have assisted you.

A comma after looking glass,

Perhaps a change of wording in the next line.

(a movie night comes to life.)

You can see I ended it with a period.

You are trying to allow me to see your varied thoughts, allow me the opportunity to absorb these thoughts with periods.

Your next thought will lead me away from the previous one with a period ending it.

With this work everything blended, I was not given the chance to really appreciate your vision.


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Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hello Togofred.

I read through and found this quite fun to read.
I do have some thoughts that might interest you.

This was was huge paragraph for a short story, I imagine you may not have noticed this from your "WORD" program.

I would suggest breaking seperate actions and thoughts into seperated lines.

Your "POV" was pretty good, coming from a continuing story, the "POV" is already established.

This is a very nice piece of "FANTASY" work, I would suggest joining a group, "FANTASY" is a nice place.

You had plenty of detailed action that is easy to follow, again varying actions with spacing.

Overall I felt this is very entertaining. You captivated me with fast detail, never overburdened with too much, plenty to stir the imagination.

A lot of fun.


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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello johnZZZe.

Counting you as a newbie is a difficult thing. This poem is lengthy, and well organised. Your wording creates a powerful need to follow this through.
Punctuation is pretty good. You allowed your envisionment to build, the period securing your deed.

I was enchanted with your pleading heart, following through I learned of the last act. A dying embrace of special love.

I would like to suggest capitalising your "I" as you look into her sweet blue eyes.

Excellent work.
Keep on writing.


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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello RadioShea.

This has done justice for me. Remembering the weekend mornings, no schedule to follow, the day is mine.

Work has demanded my attention of the new day, my day off caused ignoring grunts.

My time of writing began, a desire to start at first alarm burst.

No alarm ignored, my day off is planned. No waisted effort, willing to compete.

This is how a inspired mind works. A dream will carry me through this day.

Grammer appears fine. Punctuation allowing me to grasp each thought. Ohhh those days of wanting to sleep.

Very well done!
Keep on writing.


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Review of Bankruptcy  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Martin Edward Johnson.

Oh my, how true this is. The world of credit is so eager to assist. Blindly we accept.

Small regard to the spending we do. The sacrifice we must make to set it right.

Bankruptsy an option to secure, seven long years of despair to endure.

Ooooh. Those monsters who dwell in the world of credit. They entice us with a lust for more.

Somewhere in the back of the mind, hidden deep within the thoughs of pleasure. Beware the sacrice you will make.

This poem is so accurate in so many lives. This should be a constant reminder for securing a savings plan.

Well done!

Punctation staging my thoughts, wording so well placed.


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Review of The Wind  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello 1leila123.
imagine here for a short spell. I brought with me a Black Case Domination Raid. A look into your port, a peak at your work.

I love the manner you are able to ponder the winds. A blessing to express the ways of nature.

I enjoyed as well, your puntuation. Allowing me to take in the thoughts before the next would appear.

Very well done!


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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Maryann -- Power Weekend, imagine here for a Black Case Domination Raid.

I loved your expression for the stary night, it is difficult to find flowing thought for the splendor of night.

You have done very well!

I would suggest, my opinion of course. Changing the end of first line to a period. You are switching thoughts of a distant view. From distant sparkles you then anounce the various colors.

I did not feel the sensation of gathered thought, imagining the splendor of the night sky. I felt I was rushed to see the colors.

You allowed my thoughts the opportunity to appear in the last three lines. You can understand now with my offering description.

Very nice!
I love to gaze upon the stars as well.

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Review of What If.......  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Martin Edward Johnson.

I just had to think on this one. As I read through I decided you deserve answers from my thoughts.
This I discovered is not so much a poem as I would define, but a sense of reality.
I hope this is what you were after, I am offering my thoughts in various ways of course.

What if dogs were our masters?--We would be a interesting group. I now wonder if I would want to be alive. Sniffing butts to show respect is not very appealing.

Would we be their best friends?----Probably not. Being a carnivore by genetic design, we would probably look for a hole in the ground.

What if guns were never invented?-----For this day in age. A conveniant store holdup would be a violent affair compared to what it is now.

Would all violence come to an end?-----The previous answer pretty well sums it up.

What if cows ate people?----I am glad they cannot climb or burrow into the ground.

Would they get mad people disease?-----No, but I believe "AIDS" would have a severe effect on their desire to chew on our cud.

What if we reversed global warming?-----The investment for a massive scrubbing system has no appeal for politicians. They are too busy packing their wallets from the contaminators.

Would everyone start to freeze?----Recent discoveries show this will be the final result of global warming.

What if the government paid us taxes?------Oh now this sounds nice, what rebate were you talking about?

Would we give them a refund?-----Lets go back to that rebate issue.

What if extraterrestrials did exist?------They do in fact exist. My ex-wife is living proof!

Would the world really be stunned?----Do you have an ex?

What if politicians did as promised?------Back to the rebate again I see.

Would our country be the same?-----First we must see the rebate.

What if wars were fought on computers?------My ex would live a million lives.

Would it be like a video game?----I believe life would have a new meaning.

What if we found a cure for cancer?----If we could get passed the beaurocracy, it may be possible.

Would another disease take its place?-----Yes. The unfortunate thing about time and radioactive particles entering our atmosphere. Our genes are constantly getting sliced. Somewhere in time the wrong sequence will be cut too many times.

What if people were all the same color?-----This would definately create a change.

Would there be a thing called race?------Yes, I don't like your toes.

What if the internet wasn’t connected?----Children would be a lot safer.

Would you be reading this?-----No. Chain mail would be highly advanced I'm sure.

What if cell phones didn’t work?------Again, the children would be safer. Ever see a pervert fight off a beating mob?

Would that be something you miss?-----Correction-(you'd) I think this would fit better. I do hope I am right. Grammer is in school.
Answer to question.-------Not me, can't figure the one my wife has. I seem to have a liking to the chain mail idea though.

What if we had the same dreams?----I suppose this is a trick question. I would assume me and the ex would still be married.

Would we recognize what is real?-----Please----shoot me!

What if all women were like my wife?-----I don't know yours. My ex would ruin mankind. My current wife saved my life. Yeah, not a bad idea. Ten years of happy arguments.

Would we eat frozen dinners every meal?------That would be different. I don't know what that is.

I hope you enjoyed this as well as I have. I did enter some serious answers. I sure found some moments to enjoy myself. I hope you don't mind.

If a reader were to sit and look at this with an open mind. The arena is wide open for many possible answers.
I thank you for sharing this opportunity.
Extemely well done!



Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Serenity.

I will respect your wish. I will make no comments on ability, not that I would have any.

For me, this means a change that is bigger than myself. Events in my life leading to unsure future events. How do I navigate through these uncharted waters?
What will prevail? What will not? My life has changed since a accident took so much from me. My fight ongoing, what won't change?

I figured the best way for you to see what this little piece has to offer, is to show you what it means to me.
I like the wording. Very drawing on the mind.

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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Magoo.

I read this and fell in love with the love of two mothers. As the daugter of the mother in portrayal, the granddaughter revealing the same sparkle of fight.
It must be such a horrible moment to be told your little one is leaving, your heart saying no.
To endure this again has got to be a tremendous ordeal.
Both times your heart prevailed, giving inspiration to those who suffer today.
Magnificent story of a heart of gold.

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Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Becky Simpson.

This feels like a moment of deep reflection. This is something I try to avoid.

You have done very well however, less a thought for me to convey.

I will refer to the third and fourth paragraphs. Your puntuation was lacking, nearly completely. One continuous run of thoughts that intertwined together.
Periods and commas help a great deal. please allow me to gather each thought before I am deluged with many more.

I agree with mans selfish attitude, mine is no better. Even with a mind like mine, I enjoy sharing my time with others in peaceful harmony.
This does instil in me a sense of hope. Man may one day cherish each day.
Well done, keep writing.

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Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello flogamocker.

I found this to be very enlightening. So truthfull of the times we live in. You wrote in such good flavor, the ryme continued through and through.

You seemed to take in the understanding of every aspect. From the malpractice doctor to the cigarette maker, oh don't forget the rough handed proctologist.

Even with the most serious tone, humor was always present. Your periods and punctuation layed so well as each thought appeared so well.

What a great time we live in.


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Review of self destruction  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi French païenne.

First I found one discrepancy.

And I can feel Him trying to get my outta my hole---(replace "my" with "me").

A truly very powerful way to express the way we sin. We have the choice for free direction, in the end we may consider those that we may have made.

A definate way to open someones eyes, to see how we open our own hell.

Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Tim Chiu.

My thoughts as I tell you this was very good. I did find some places for corrective comment, I will get to that.

First I would like to say how true this is in daily life. Life returns what you give, generally. We learn as we go. Luck can be at our side as we watch others make haphazard mistakes.

Where you wrote life's ups and down, I would put the "s" after down.

Ending the same sentence you forgot to add the period.

Well thought out, excellent read.
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Rated: 18+ | (3.5)
Hello Zach Mumford, imagine here for a visit.

Let's see what you have.

I read through to understand what you were after. The ending is so correct, if people would just take a moment to observe honestly. This was a wonderful piece. It offers a serious glimpse into another world, another culture. I have tree years behind me in S. Korea, I understand the meaning you express so well.

Now the bad news. Don't take this the wrong way, learn from it. I have been reviewed many times, a good review is one that doesn't pull any punches.
Reviewing another authors work involves one important rule. Review as you would have unto you.

First you have a variety of missing words. It is easy to fall in love with your work. Then you thow me a cureball and forget to add a word. I stumble, but I recover and continue on.

Next is your sentence structure. I found a lot of sentences that were mixed with several thoughts and actions.
Each sentence should contain only one of each. This allows your reader the ability to reflect on each process of thought or action. I am going to pull your very first sentence up and rewrite it for you. I will show you the correct way to fashion this process for your reader.

I sat with my back against the rented house that I shared with my parents and six

siblings and looked up and down Calle la Libertad, one of the main streets in the

Spanish-colonial style town of Granada, Nicaragua.

(I sat with my back against the rented house that I shared with my parents and six

siblings. looking up and down Calle la Libertad. One of the main streets in the

Spanish-colonial style town of Granada, Nicaragua).

I like your sentence spacing, this makes for easier reading. Now if you take notice of how I did your sentence. You will notice how each sentence focuses on a specific thought or action.
Though genres are varied in the worlds they depict. Sentence structure is quite the same. Only minor differences are prevailant.
In my genre, sci/fi sentence fragments are of not much use. Commas distract the process of thought. In other genres sentence fragments are monitered heavily. Commas may be used, like a scapul they are utilised with precision.
Your work is heavily loaded with sentence fragments, way too much. Break your sentences down so each allows for a specific process of thought for your reader.
Your work here is very enlightening. It is very honest and personal. With a little work this could be very good!
I hope this helps you.

Review of Tree Of Love  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Chris.

I sense the feeling I gain when that longed for moment arrives. Compared to a love story, a story of ones life. I can lose my ground. The spark igniting magnificent thoughts, imagination unraveling itself.
There is indeed a fresh feeling of desire, a person or moment creating the visions I need.
Even in my style of writing, friendship can inspire fantastic thoughts. A friend who understands is a tool for renewal.
I felt this poem touched me as a writer. Reflecting on those many moments in time when I wondered how I could continue. Closeness with those we care about. There support and caring driving my crave.
I believe this is inspiring for any writer. Look beyond yourself. Friendship casting a new play.
Well done.

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Review of Osama the Llama  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hello jesusmussolini imagine here.

I will not say what I feel of the humor of 9/11. I will say from the stand point of writing that this was incredible. The rhyme in poetry followed so well as though a methodic melody played throughout.
I found no flaws that I could detect as I have plenty of learning of my own. A highly intelectual standpointed view on the war this world is in, I offer plenty of acalaids to you.
Though my heart mourns for our nation as well the world. Your work has proven worthy to read with praise, job well done as your characterisation was so serious as humor played within.
Yet a stark reminder of a politics out of control as you show us the truth of the world we live in. The cycle continues whoever the horse is, the lama will always be in the fields.
Job well done respectfully.

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