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Review of Painted Pink  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi ~WhoMe???~ I am reviewing on behave of
House Hightower image for G.o.T. for "King's Landing updating challenge.

"Painted Pink

The title doesn't give anything away, hum, let me think. Is it a bedroom being painted for a new arrival and it is a girl baby? Is it a chair for a child's birthday? Has the pink paint been spilled and someone was coloured unexpectedly?...I read a little further, ah! We are getting somewhere. it could be a couple who are young and just fallen in love. Am I warm?

Lines three, four and five. I am blushing. Do I want to read your poem further. I put my hand on my face and open my fingers to spy on the next lines. It has got to give me clues, this talk and don't say is in full bloom here. I still haven't got the clue.*Smirk*

Is his hand going up her leg? She is blushing, so am I!
Ah, the light has dawned. The sun bather is being flushed with rays of light and her skin is blushed with heat form the rays.

Very clever and such fun to write.
Thank you for a clever write and allowing me into your writer's mind WM.*Smile*
Your poem is short compact and to the point, eventually after getting through the concealment of your clever words.
Well done.

Alexi *Heart*
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Review by Alexi
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi ~WhoMe???~ This is a review for the "King's Landing updating

"I Was So Embarrassed
I was drawn to this piece when I read the title. How many times have we done something or misunderstood what was said and we have been left with a crimson face. The blush speaks for it's self, no need to tell the recipient what we made a mistake on here. A plant versus a bleeding heart.

You were trying to be so efficient in your job and wanted to make no mistakes, get it right, scan and bag. Keep the customer happy, you did all that. The newness of your job meant that you wanted to impress to the highest standard and this task you were fulfilling until the customer told you about her crimson heart bleeding. You were stunned as she looked ok, she wasn't going to faint so you didn't need to get her a chair or give her a drink of water. Would that have helped. Then the penny dropped when you saw the look on the face of the two customers in conversation and their laugh. Aghast, you reddened and felt like a wilted prune.
Something that you won't forget as it is tatooned in your brain. We have all been there WM.
A nice little short and fun to read. It gave me a laugh.
Well done and thank you
Alexi *Heart*
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Review of Something Dark  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Beautiful Tragedy I am Alexi Alexi. I am reviewing your poem as part of "King's Landing updating

"Something Dark

This one has the same theme, darkness, pain and misery. It pulses like a panic button when the adrenalin is at a low ebb and the blood flow is drained from the heart leaving only hopeless hounding gnawing torment.

It speaks of something like a crawling worm that creeps inside the skin eating away the inner magic of creation, the person who was born with a purpose and is yet to fulfil that purpose. The thoughts are corrupt and the enemy wants to abide in the character's mind. He steals reality and infuse a drug into the veins that have little life blood left. Pin in the spine that is scratching at the door of life for this person who needs an emergency infusion of life giving blood mixed with tender love that the angels of mercy have in their makeup.

A timeless enemy who will not win in the end, whatever it thinks. It is destined for defeat and will be defeated. The survivor will be the character who comes to her senses and climbs to the top of a stairway and looks out to see how far she has come and how much she hates the place of the irritating demons that tried to take her to their den.
This is another take on the depression that can kill and take hold of a person who is destined for better.
Thank you BB for allowing me once again to look into your writer's mind and finding not just a poem, not just despair, but a new way to live and new hope.*Heart*

~Alexi~ *Heart*
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Review of I am not crazy  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
Hi Beautiful Tragedy I am {suser:sky1:} Alexi. *Smile*I am reviewing your poem as part of the "King's Landing updating challenge.
I was drawn into your poem "I am not crazy

I found the short sentences like short breathes coming from a tormented soul, no, maybe a soul with no direction. Like being on a carriage pulled by two horses and the Character has no hold on the reigns. The horses are charging ahead with no destination except to crash and hurt the character who is on this carriage of mindless, hopelessness.

People do have a tendency to shy away from a person who is in depression. They don't know how to handle someone who cannot have hope for oneself.

The aching never ending story of a life that has lost or never found the reigns is a hopeless case indeed. tears as deep as an ocean help to drown the character of this poem. The only hope is to start swimming to the top of the depths she has fallen. Swim to the top and fight for her breath, the breath of life. Forget other flaws and find a path that suits the character. A path and a plan that will birth a new hope and a new direction for this person.

Grab hold of the reigns of life and write out a plan that will take the character to new heights and a better life. This person is not crazy, she has just lost her way, or never tried to find it. Perhaps she can find her passion in discipline, in writing and working her way to the dreams that are inside of her. Yes, there are dreams in her soul and she should write them down even if she thinks they are impossible. Then is the start of a journey of faith in her self. her true identity. Her blossoming like a flower that people walked by and never noticed until it bloomed and left a scent that would not be forgotten. Perfume for the soul.

This poem talks of death but in it I found the keys to a better way, a new start, breaking the chains of misery and tears and putting that smile right back where it belongs on the lips of the beholder with head held high and hope that sparkles through eyes that have seen the light of a new life on this planet we call earth. go get your dreams writer.*Heart*

Thank you for allowing me inside your thoughts and finding a treasure of a person who with a little sprinkling of love will blossom.
~Alexi *Heart*
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Review of Heart like Dust  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Beautiful Tragedy I am Alexi Alexi and I am here to review on behalf of "King's Landing updating
I would review "Heart like Dust
Twelve lines in your poem that tell a story. A sad one of a lost love. nothing hurts more than love that has died. It cannot be resurrected, it is never the same and it changes the person or people that have been involved in that love.
The first two lines say it all, like a roller has gone in and pounded the heart till it can be picked up and buried just like a cremation. The writer has gone through the fire of death. She has felt the agony of her loss.

She was betrayed by the other half of this love. The one she sacrificed her soul to and he abused that sacrifice, tore her to shreds and left her to die.

He was a phony and she found out in the nick of time. She is left deflated and angry, then her feelings close and numbness sets in like a body in a morgue.

Hang on a minute. I think this lady should rise above her grief and call back her life, be thankful that he slipped through her fingers and good luck to anyone who gets him next, she is going to need it.

Time is a great healer and teacher and in time she will look back and see that she was the lucky one.

A nice short poem with a story that could expand to a short story.

Thank you for allowing me into your writers mind and welcome to WDC.
Alexi Mason.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
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Review by Alexi
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Just an Ordinary Boo! I am Alexi Alexi. I am reviewing for the "King's Landing updating Surprise reviews.
House Hightower image for G.o.T.
A review of your Children’s short story. "Baby's Milk Bottle
Looks to me likes a humorous and light hearted battle of wills. A child who doesn’t like milk and a mother who only has the child’s welfare and health nourishment in mind. *Laugh*
What I formulate from your Story : Jaya is at the breakfast table and has a glass of milk in front of her and she is concocting ways of delaying the thrust down her throat of this loathsome liquid that comes from a cows udder. Ugh! The child thinks how can my mother, who loves me do this to me. The child thinks of ideas to get out of this torture.
The battle was on. An early rise will do it is the mother’s response and double portion. The child is aghast as she sits before a cross eyed cow staring at her as she puffs smoke from her nostrils like a n angry bull.
The child ropes in the father like a lasso in a rodeo and asks for a lift to avoid the liquid horror. He dad obliges.
The mother is to clever and has her holster ready sending the driver to the school and humiliation follows with a chant of… Baby! In a megaphone sound that pulls the ears of the playground to attention.
The mother has won her battle and the child drinks her milk every day at breakfast to resist the megaphone humiliation. *Laugh*
This is a delightful short story written from the writer’s sense of humour and delightful tale.
Well chosen words of wisdom.*Wink*
Thank you for allowing me into your writer’s mind Jya.
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Review by Alexi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Just an Ordinary Boo! This is a review from Alexi Alexi for the "King's Landing updating Surprise reviews. House Hightower image for G.o.T.
I am reviewing your essay "Doing is Believing
I hope I have done the writer justice.*Heart*
This as I see it is a Doctor who has to work on a holy day. A day when the mass of people will go to worship their God. A day that is set aside for a festival and the Doctor who enters the lift of her apartment building where she lives is on the decent to ground level and off to work at the hospital where she will help to save lives. She has been challenged as an unbeliever, or judged. This is a sin in itself. Do not judge lest you be judged. Is this not God’s word.
She humbles herself in prayer as the lift descends. Fifteen floors and so much to pray about. Perhaps God will encapsulate the time of the lift descent and lend his ear to this humble Doctor as she pours her worship out to her God before the busy day of saving lives begins, she humbles her heart and being to her God.
She recalls some of the people during her prayer time to her God to include a poor family who sleep on the street, who have barely enough to eat. The young woman who missed being with her mother before the machine was stopped. Her organs were to be donated for the gift of others who needed them. The woman who grasped the Doctor’s hand in thanks for being there at a time when she was helpless. Eyes of a soul who a thankful for the medical profession.
Is this not Godliness, being there with a cup of water for a dying soul who is thirsty or going with the mass and… Torn in two, but making a decision.
What is it to be seen with the crowd going to worship or to go to work and do what has been gifted in the person to do… save lives while others are seen doing what man has proclaimed as a festival of prayer.
Her cry is a torn heart, torn by duty and duty, the two being different. She made the right decision to serve in the only way she knew right. She is a humble woman and her actions will reap a reward one day. If not on this earth, but in heaven.
I enjoyed very much deciphering this essay or more a prayer and a struggle between right and wrong in a single heart. Thank you for allowing me into your thoughts Jyo and I am pleased to have come across your works.
I hope my understanding of what you wrote is correct. *Heart* and this is only my interpretation.
~Alexi~ *Heart*
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Review by Alexi
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Carly, Alexi Alexi I have been asked to review your poem "Dark Is The Night That Draws Them Near as part of the "King's Landing updating surprise reviews.

Many stories have originated from the Lantern or pumpkin that became a lantern after it was carved by a sharp knife by humans and a night watchman patrolled the streets looking frightful as he held his hand made lantern in his hand. The face of the lantern became more eerie by placing a lighted candle inside the carved pumpkin and it became famous for Halloween fright stories.

Today the lantern is famous for Halloween tales which brings me to your poem. *Smile*

Ghosts, myths, fears, spooks all culminated here in a fright night, Reversal of images hidden in a mystery and intrigue that scare some and others pretence concealed by giggles and laughter. Trying to hide knocking knees as they pace the streets in mirrored image of the original watchman, now a legend in this mythical world of fantasy.

A scary tale of sculptured horror in darkened streets beware the nights steps. The lowering of musical notes makes noises that are a pianos violence and creeping along the keys to culminate in drama that seizes the breath of the beholders.

A nice poem Carly. The tale holds firm with your selection of words here.*Smile*
Thank you for another look into your writers mind.
~Alexi~ *Heart*
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Review of Spring Awakenings  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Hi Carly, {suer:sky1} Alexi here,I am reviewing "Spring Awakenings as part of the "King's Landing updating surprise reviews.
What I conceive, from the start is Sara, who is walking her dog on a rough ground and she noted the spring roots coming from snow cleared ground that had seen a harsh winter, but weeds, the great survivors were first to recover from the winter gloom.
Combined with her second year of grief for her lost loved Sam, she struggled to push some new life into hers as she thought of the spring vanquishing the winter blues.

Walking along the trail Sara a writer thought of her book and new she had to push for publication. She was stronger now and rejection she could handle, well that was her theory today. More positivity and pushing the past behind her.

So the bubble of silence was interrupted, first by fear that a bear was on the trail, it was not impossible, then a jogger turned the bent and Sara relieved was relaxed again, her dog supporting the good news.

He introduced himself and Sara is startled by her gush of excitement, she laughs. They chat as the walk continues. He knew her husband, they had been friends. The story is getting interesting now, I want to hear more.

He has come back to live in the area after working away and his work enabled that. He is impressed that she writes and they continue to talk. Sara has a flush of excitement flowing through her like the spring rush. Interesting pace.

The conversation turns to a date for the weekend and dinner. He is a quick mover. They certainly made progress as they walked along the trial. Getting to know each other and Sara felt it was time for change the new hope had rose in her just like the dawn of spring weather and her dog approved of this handsome stranger.

I so enjoyed this short story that turned into a romance. Cleverly done and paced well. It could be continued. *Heart*
Thank you for allowing me into your writers mind Carly. A good write and worthy.

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Review of Group Therapy  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Choconut I am Alexi Mason
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.I am a member of Image #2039493 over display limit. -?-
 King's Landing updating   (E)
For GoT scoring
#1157596 by Gaby ~ Finding my way back

Reviewing your poem "Group Therapy It is my pleasure and I hope it encourages you to keep writing.
Being part of a group, whatever the group is in itself an experience and how we become part of the group is up to the participation we input into the such group.

What I read and see in your poem is about a group of people who have been brought together to talk about their feelings, traumas, and try to make sense of what and why they are having to go through this. Instead of giving up they are willing to try to work out heir troubles.

The writer sits in the room, her breathing is intense and she sees faces that hold anticipation and hope. She feels like she is on top of a sky rise and has eyes all around accusing, musing, and wondering what she is here for, Why did she end up in the group. She listens to the others spouting about their life and pouring the trouble out then it is her turn and her mouth becomes dry and her heart races, she can hear her pulse thump and thinks everyone is hearing her fear.

Her head tells her that she can't confide in these people, what good will come of it? How can they help me if I can't help myself? All the idle excuses are throwing themselves at her and then she hears her voice. She begins to tell her group why she has come, what happened to bring her to this room full of fellow sufferers. It is called therapy and it works. fear subsides and hope breaks in.

Thank you for allowing me into your writers mind. I found this a very interesting write and full of material for other pieces.

Well done.
~Alexi~ *Heart*

Review of Almost over  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with The Iron Bank of Braavos  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Good morning Pandora9 I am Alexi Alexi *Heart*
I am reviewing as a member of
 King's Landing updating   (E)
For GoT scoring
#1157596 by Gaby ~ Finding my way back

House Hightower image for G.o.T.
Your words are very few.
To me they speak volumes. Unless a person has travelled the road you have travelled then one does not have the impertinence to judge what you have gone through in this most distressing and traumatic time of your life. Being a paramedic and helping to save lives every day deserves a trophy and you deserve that. *Trophyg* Not the curse of cancer.
My heart goes out to the pain and suffering you must have gone through with the chemotherapy and constant willpower you had to have in order to survive the past months of treatment forced on your body.
The pieces of your soul that were taken during your time in this prison of illness gives me a window into what you have had to endure for your survival. I have lost life long friends from this curse and have a friend going through the same.
Short, to the point and speaking volumes.
My admiration and prayers for your complete recovery to write on and find many stories from those few poignant words you have just written. There must be many stories in your journey. The people you met, the nurses, Doctors and staff. The waiting room, how you felt. The sickness, will power and many other feelings you must have had Pandora is a very appropriate title. You have certainly a Pandora's box of stories and I hope you tell them all as a writer.
Thank you for allowing me into your writer's mind and I look forward to reading more.
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
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Review of Millhouse  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Turtle, I am Alexi and looking at your title
Millhouse  (E)
My retreat
#1767005 by Turtle ~ KanyáthƐko:wa:h
I am drawn to reading this poem creation of yours.
Millhouse. I have my visual of an old mill with it's wooden waterwheel turning on command by the rivers flow. A wheel carved by hands that took pride in what it would look like and how it would behave when finished. it was built to last and has withstood the test of time. Now, hidden and reclusive, the Millhouse stands proud, faithful, functional and worn but still and hidden in a forest of overgrown greenery. It hides away from civilization just like the owner who comes to his sanctuary, his treasure. A place where he can chill from the noise and turmoil of daily life. I feel as though I am being allowed into this quiet place by the writer and shown the beauty of the old building that creaks and tells it's invaders to hush, 'listen' it calls. 1I am worn out by time and abandoned by man but now my companion is finding a new treasure in me. A quiet retreat I am.'

I view the writer as he settles on an old worn rock and breathes in the silence of this unknown beauty spot hidden from mankind and I feel the pleasure of the place. I am intoxicated and relaxed as the writer who let me here to his hideout. Does it matter when I climb back out onto the main road and the hustle of the world that knows not this beauty spot.

I found in your poem Turtle, a silent ragged beauty that although worthless to the world, is one of life's gems hidden from the masses.

Delightful and refreshing and thank you for allowing me to walk down to the millhouse with you and see what others don't. A hidden treasure.

Once again you have written with heart strings. Well done.*Smile*
~Alexi~ *Heart*
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Review of Monday  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Turtle, my name is Alexi and I will attempt to review this piece of poetry that you have written.
 Monday  (E)
My first entry for the Dew Drop Inn
#1766927 by Turtle ~ KanyáthƐko:wa:h

First impressions, it is a poem about Monday, yes. Monday is a first day back at work after the weekend when people relax and make life happen in the way that their will fancies. That is for most as some haven't got this privilege and are forced to keep working, but let's look at Monday after a weekend of free time.

It throws a certain amount of people into some kind of comatose depressed state as if they were being forced against their will to on command go into a work place and spend hours of their time serving someone else in return for a monetary exchange. The money earned goes toward the lifestyle of the recipient or worker.

Each lifestyle is different and payment towards that lifestyle are divided into bills, mortgages, food, clothing etc,. Depending on the persons abilities and the way they manage their monies, is dependent on the life style of the recipient. This can be tough or relaxing and can determine the Monday feeling, either happy or blue.*Smile*

If the person is blue, then that is where the weather comes in and an overcast day will add to the mood of this day.

I like the way you have composed your poem, speaking about the mood of the day, looking to the sky and a blanket shrouding it's expanse blocking out sun and adding to the feelings of the said person who already knows that it will be a day of grey and clouds with rain. Not what one would wish.

Just getting on with it, the writer takes it in his stride and plans to get on with the day regardless of the heaviness of the day.

A nice little poem and well written.
Thank you turtle for allowing me into your writers mind. *Smile*
~Alexi~ *Heart*
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Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Let me introduce myself Turtle ~ KanyáthƐko:wa:h I am Alexi Alexi. I am reviewing your work as part of
 King's Landing updating   (E)
For GoT scoring
#1157596 by Gaby ~ Finding my way back
it is my pleasure to find a talent such as yourself to review.
"Rethinking TechnologyI find this article both interesting and so true Turtle.
Technology! Is it sustainable? If the world continues at the rate it is doing with regard to ever increasing tech and exchanging man's neurons for the wires in a computer, then the consequences will be robotized and inhuman societies without a soul. People with become more estranged with one another as is already happening. It is people like us and the octogenarians who notice this steady change more than the young who are born into this era in time.

As for twitter and face book, I have never and have had no incline to join such groups. I find them so too much personal information, like an open wound that eventually will fester if it hasn't started already.

Man is made of the most intricate and wonderful means and I believe that the biggest dilution to man's progress is some technology.
Take for instance your 1920's Stanley. Some youth would not even know what you were talking about when you mention this plane, this wonderful and useful tool for shaving wood into shapes that can then be polished and finished to become beautiful pieces of furniture and useful items.

My old tumble drier is almost thirty years old and is still going because the technician who came to fix it after having it for two years told me if he removed a certain part then it would work indefinitely. manufacturers apparently put this extra part in machines like washing machines, fridges and others so that we have to replace or repair the items. This is not only cheating the public, but control.
We were made to God's specifications and he gave us all we need to learn skills and pass on to our future children and some of the old skills are already being lost, this will be tragic one day.

Modern tech is good in some part, but as for replacing what man in wired to do, there is no question that man has better equipment and wins hands down.

When as you say, the machines break down, the octogenarians and people like ourselves will be called on to equip and teach the young whiz kids to do mental arithmetic and such like. We shall see.
Thank you Turtle for allowing me into your writing mind and exploring your thoughts on this piece. It has been very interesting.What you say here makes sence*Smile*
~Alexi~ *Heart*
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Review of Can You See Me?  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Lady Scorpio, I am Alexi Alexi. *Smile*
How many times has the writer felt that they were invisible, that whatever they did to get attention they were but a vapour in the land of the living.

See and hear, blind and deaf. It's like being in another dimension. Not knowing where the writer fits in or do they. Ghostly in the world but, not of the world. It is like the Holy ghost. He can be felt, seen and acknowledged but is invisible to the world and ah! Is this where the writer is? In the other dimension.
They live in the same place with loved ones, but something is separating them... something, oh help! I am here. Like a veil has separated the two souls and one does not see because of spiritual blindness.
How can I get through to them Lord. A cry, or is it a prayer. Intriguing. Only those who have surrendered self know the way into the veil. How do we get them to understand Lord. Prayer opens heaven. Fervent prayer will open the gate and they will see what the writer sees. Then they will be like him.
Then they will be able to See and hear what the writer already knows and that is the way to lift the veil form blind eyes and open deaf ears.
Thank you for allowing me into your writer's mind Lady Scorpio.
This is a simple poem with what I believe to be a spiritual tone.
That is my opinion only.*Heart*
~Alexi~ *Heart*
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
Oh yes, the title is so appropriate Elaine. A housewife lamenting. The writer has a howl from the soul cries of despair, imprisonment, discouragement bringing fragmented dreams of what could have been. The housewife could have been famous for composing wonderful music that the world recognises.

She could have been John Waterhouse the famous English painter who came from a parental stock that aroused the London art scene. Dante, Gabriel Rossetti, the housewife screams from her soul as her off spring paints her face with splashes of the spaghetti that she has cooked in her prison of family entrapments.*Painting*

She could have been Ghandi, The guru of wisdom that came from his devotion to God our maker. Ghandi, Mahatma, a great soul, not like the mere soul of the housewife trapped the spoils of motherhood. Ghandi was a rebellious teenager just like her brood. he came from humble beginnings, his mother was a deeply pious woman who spent her time fasting and instilling the ethnics in her son the vegetarianism, religious tolerance, Tolerance! One of the lamenters medals, she has learned to be tolerant in her role as housewife and raising her children, denying her own existence while she teaches her babes to be or not to be the people who will one day rise up and become! The whoever they were born to be.

The housewife in this poem is unaware that she is the pinnacle, the culmination of what they may become. She has been given a beautiful task, to enhance the children in her care, to teach them the way they shall go in life. She is blinded by washing, cooking, diapers. The blood, sweat and tears, the monotony of being a subservient woman in the role that she was born for.

In her despair she tries to end her existence and realises that it was not meant to be, that she did not have the gas to end it. Phew! I wipe my brow, she is saved by an electric oven and goes on to fulfil her roll being resurrected by the miracle of electric forces beyond her understanding and she succeeds in her mission. her children raise up and become the substance of her teaching and strength.

They become the rulers of tomorrow, the ones who will change the world and it all started in a small home somewhere in a small town. A mother who denied herself and became a name that was behind the new rulers of the world. her children of tomorrow.*Stary*

Thank you for giving me insite into your world and for sparking more than a poem but a manuscript of stories from that one desperate housewife's dreams of who she could have been and what she really was... A heroic woman. *Heart*
A review of
 Housewife's Lament  (13+)
Written for Round 12 of Feb. 2004 SLAM. Dark night of the soul sonnet
#822952 by ElaineElaine
by Alexi *Heart*
Well done elaineeliane
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Yes, this is a good plot and could have expansion into a short story Bear. Nice piece of writing.
~Alexi~ *Heart*
Review of Water  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Geralyn, I am Alexi Mason a writer on WDC for four years.

This is an interesting take on water.

Soft as silk and hard as stone. ----- Yes it can with force cut through stone and is as soft as silk *Check5*
I like the next bit especially a bruised sky. *Check4*
It can be treacherous destroying everything in it's path. *Check3*
Water washes away memories
Erases the past. *Check2*
I think this is my favourite. Tears can heal along with time. *Check1*

A good poem and thoughtfully written.
Thank you for allowing me into your writer's mind.
Write on and welcome to WDC, I hope you find your place in the community of writers here and fulfil your dreams.

~Alexi Mason~ Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
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Review of Worker Bees  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Miki, My name is Alexi. I came across your
 Worker Bees  (E)
A passing thought on day to day lives
#2041671 by Miki Xeno
When looking through the review channel.
I found you comments interesting. Many people you describe do live on auto-pilot and one day have a wake up call or just demise and go without warning.
Some I believe float and are directed by a leader how their lives should be or because of circumstances find that they don't know or try to get out of the rut of life.
There are others who plan exactly what they will do and get what they went after, some wish they had taken another road, some die before they can benefit from there honey and there are other who rely on a God that is in heaven and who has set the law of attraction and are successful in what they do, given a few hiccups along the path of lifebut pick themselves up and go after there goals.
Sliding back is easy and planning and fulfilling is not easy and only those who fill their lamps on a daily basis win the prize.
We/you and I are the masters of our own destiny as you said and it is only us that can get to the finish line and look back at the challenges we had and how we fulfilled or ignored them.

Miki, I found your report very interesting and see that you have started your goal as a writer with opinions.
Well done and thank you for allowing me into your writer's mind.
Write on and fulfil your dreams,,, They do come true if you follow the rules of attraction. *Smile*

~Alexi~ *Heart*
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
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for entry "Early Spring Rains
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very well worded and put together poem. It is enjoyable to read and tells of a cold sudden spring storm that vents itself aross the land without mercy or thought for those who have life stuff to take care of.
I love it. Thank you for allowing me into your writer's mind.
So well worded Carlie. *Heart*
Shared Power Group Image
Review of look inside you  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
The machines are a delusion, a distraction from reality. We have so much inside us, so much more than the machine have and we are slowly being taken over. Preparing for a life with out all the gadgets could be interesting. I am old enough to know how people have changed since the introduction of all the so called modernism.
I am from an age when we had to do most every day things with machines. With out cars, fridges, wash machines, micros, When we were/ I still am closer to God and his creation.
I sincerely enjoyed reading what you felt when you put aside the phone and relied on just you and nature.
A good write SK.
Thank you for allowing me into your writers mind and welcome to WDC.
~Alexi~ *Heart*
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Image #1900402 over display limit. -?-
Review by Alexi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Jenny, this is one of the nicest C-note shops I've seen on WDC. It's loverly.*Laugh*
Love it! I will definitely be coming for some.
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
Hilariously funny after a serious start. I was hooked at the beginning and then when Mary's eye fell out I couldn't understand why the boys hung around. my only thoughts were that she must be a heck of a good looking girl. Then came the question at the end. I still had no clue till I read.
Because you are the one that caught my eye.
Thank for a good laugh. Bright Water. I can see that you are one to be watched.

Welcome to WDC and I look forward to reading more and hope that there is also another side to your writing.*Laugh*
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo. *Heart*
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Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
Hello harry, I believe this is our first encounter on WDC. I am Alexi and have been here for almost five years. *Smile*
Your word storoem is your interpretation of a story/poem. With that one word you had me looking up the meaning, ha.

Your storoem is about how we choose light and dark thoughts. The lady in the your poem/prose has heavy thoughts weighing on her heart and mind therefor she sees nothing but irritants and darkness which blanks out the blessings she already has.
The crows are a symbol of what is eating at her mind. The worry and stress of imminent realities. Then... a call from a child. Her grand-daughter so sweetly expresses that she is needed to share a joy that is priceless in life for both of them.

With this news she feels the mood lift and the dark sky clears. The sunshine of thoughts now fill her arena and erase the negativity from her darkened day and she decides that a song in her heart and a positive mind is better than the trivial chippings of other things that can be remedied by careful planning.
Well written Harry and thank you for allowing me into your writers mind.
~Alexi~ *Heart*
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Image #1900402 over display limit. -?-
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This is an interesting poem/prose. Your character, a friend who was similar to you in certain ways.
Your path went in a different direction to Jim's. Life issues stole your time and Jim's family tell of their concern.
You helped Jim with some money because you felt sorry for him and your conscience told you that something was wrong.

It was just as though you innocently handed Jim a knife.
He used the money to feed an addiction and it sadly finished him.

Your intentions were good and this should be remembered and no one is to blame.

A touching experience in life's journey.
Thank you for allowing me into your writers mind Shawn
~Alexi Mason~ *Heart*
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
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