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Review of A Bunny's Tale  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well I just have to review this one little bunny tale. "A Bunny's Tale
The first verse sets the scene and like a song bursts with birds singing and bees buzzing. Even the trees are bursting to reveal the new season.

Sunflowers sunned and the bluebells jingled.
Even the Robins and Sparrows commingled.
The bumblebees bumbled in their own way.
Yes, thought the chick, it’s a perfect spring day!

I felt ten again with my yellow check cotton dress on and my shoulder length hair tied with a candy stipe clasp and my little legs dancing down the lane after the bunny to see what happens next and to my surprise the magic of the basket comes to life even the butterfly is excited to see the white fluffy bundle of spring joy.

What a special time of ear it is. A time when the old covenant is thrown out and the new story begins, a story that has been told from old. A resurrection of perfect love sprinkles the world and it's miracle joy brings all this new birth, born creation and sorrows takes flight. symbols in egg shells tell children the wonderful story of God's own glory.

Your poem is perfectly formed and ozzes the beauty of love.

I applaud your literary genius on this tale. I was sad that the bunny had to depart but in it's place was a lasting memory in my heart.

Hope you win!
Alexi *Heart*
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Shared Power Group Image

Review of A HERO  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good morning Monty from the UK. *CountryUK* I love a hero and one who has had the guts to join the army and defend his country is a hero in my books.*Salute*

Congratulations for your winning third place for your poem "A HERO in Jim's"Invalid Item i didn't know existed and will have a go at that one .*Laugh*

Everyone in their own way wants to be a hero and your poem just echoes that heart felt cry. Just take a look down memories lane. when we are children and read the comic books we see the hero with admiration glasses and dream of one day being the hero. *MedalGold*

There is nothing common about being a married man and being a wonderful husband and three children. this takes guts and many strengths to finish this race, so you deserve a medal, no wait! You have a medal from being a husband, father, gramps, teacher, provuider and all the labels that go with the job. So there is your Memory medal. *MedalGold*

The wounds and memories that unfold as you tell your story in this poem are profoundly wonderful and full of joy, laughter, tears and pain. *MedalGold*

Last but not the least is the necklace of pride that you have from your son as he tells you who his hero is. Oh man, Monty thisa is a treasure of a poem that deserves to be installed for your family to treasure. *MedalGold*

I loved it and you are a well deserved winner in my books.*Salute*
Thak you for sharing.
Alexi *Heart*

Shared Power Group Image

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Tin Can Navy  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
The Tin Can Navy  (13+)
sailing through in a Rondeau poem.
#2184671 by Dave

Just want to say dave that this is a super poem about the war time Navy. My daddy was in the Navy and yes, there were deprivations of luxuries but the comradery and the cause were second to none. I salute all who served for our country.
A winning chance poem here. Alexi *Heart*
Review by Alexi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi my writer friend, I have just read the short of your letter to your Momma."A Birthday Letter to Momma
It is a sad time when a mother passes away and we all have the memories good and not so. Forgiveness for the not so is so important. i had a wonderful mumm and I miss her so much, especialy when we go away on holidays, she loved coming with us but sometimes she got moody and spoiled our fun. I forgive her for that.

It would be nice if we could rewind some of life's events so we could get it right but life is ongoing and no time to rehearse. Missing her watch the grandchildren, yes, that is a part she would have loved.

It was so nice reading snippets from your heart.
Alexi *Heart*
Review by Alexi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Set apart for GOD. *Heart*
Review of the getaway car  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hi Tony, I am reviewing your poem "the getaway car *Laugh*
a delightful flutter at adrenalin punch and suspense. I worked with some young men years ago and as they all laughed at my caution when driving we made up about robbing a bank. (fun) I was to be the get away driver, well, If this was for real, maybe they would have been able to sample my steel nerve and my racetrack driving. Forty six years a driver now. *Laugh*
A fun write and enjoyed reading a sample of your work.
Alexi *PaintBrush*
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Review of All the Time  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with Talk Place Group Forum  
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is one of my favourite sayings. *Angelic* (GOD IS GREAT- ALL THE TIME)
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am reviewing your poem "Two Little Girls One Saturday Morning
A delighful poem that gave me memories of my best freind and I... Pure heartbeats of Joy.

I love With the pendulum sway of their ponytailed hair
I love spontanious verbal ballet
I love arms over shoulders
I love their joy lit the neighborhood

Then the picture of you sipping coffee on your porch swing, thinking of the two who have this childhood innocence.

If I may say the last line ...
Has left behind sparks of pristine happiness.
Has left a heartbeat of pure innocence.
It is a lovely well written poem UB *Smile*

Alexi *Heart*
Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.

Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Good afternoon from the UK Ragnaf, I am reviewing your poem
  My Memories of Rickshaw Pullers  (E)
A poem on the life of Rickshaw Pullers
#2179904 by Raghav R

As I read this powerful poem through tear drenched eyes. I see a picture of a man with great endurance and survival instinct.
His life, so simple but oh so beautiful makes me wonder if he had another fate, would he be the same as his life has made him.

In the world of displaced wealth I often wonder why?
Why is it so unfair for some and so full for others?
His insight and needs are noble and thankful
Others do not have the sight to see how blessed they are

The luxury of a warm duvet and a soft bed
The luxury of meals that some take for granted
But he... the rickshaw man is happy to count his pennies
being thankful for each day and the people whom he pulled around

Yet those same people in their poverty mind set
will not even remember the rickshaw man
This man of honour thinks only of his families needs
While others grab at their polluted souls and thoughtless moments

Thank you for the insight into the world of one man whose heart bleeds.

Alexi *Heart*

Review of Lonely Times  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
Hi Rick, I am reviewing your poem
 Lonely Times  (E)
Poem of Love
#2179359 by Rick Jaxon
yes, your words sum up an outpouring of loss and memories from your heart.

Sometimes it is good to put feeling onto paper. I can understand as my loss of my husband was something I can't get over.

Well done.
Alexi *Thinker*
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hey Pinky, I feel the sad and brokeness you are going through. All I can do is wrap you in love as a friend. It is good to cry when brokeness floods your soul, but it is a washing and cleansing proccess. An aid to recovery and helping you to grow.

God says that this too shall pass and when you come to your senses, you will realise that it was not for you in life and he has better for you.

Your cry to live is a prayer and it will be answered. Life is full of adventures and surprises. Joy will come in the morning.

Your emotions wrote that poem and well done. This is a good write and i encourage you to go further and write from your heart and about what is going on around you.

Alexi *Heart* Officially approved Writing.Com Preferred Author logo.
Review of New Profile Photo  
Review by Alexi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Here's lookin at you kiddo. *Laugh* Jay you shine for our Lord an em... I can see two very large Angels standing behind you. Be blessed and keep being you. PS yes, you do look like your Daddy.
Bit like Billy Grahem's son Franklin, he is his father's image.
Alexi *Heart*
Review of Life's Lighthouse  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Bob, I am reviewing your poem "Life's Lighthouse
The title stands out.

This poem is written from the heart and from knowledge of life experience.

Beautifuly composed and tells of nature and man, compare the raging sea and winds to man and his soul being tossed and torn through life. Reminds me of what I read in the Bible just this morning in Romans 5:

Romans 5 New International Version (NIV)
Peace and Hope
5 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we[a] have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, 2 through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we[b] boast in the hope of the glory of God. 3 Not only so, but we[c] also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4 perseverance, character; and character, hope. 5 And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.

We are tossed and pulled, come up for air, then more trials. Your poem is so justified.

The lighthouse is our hope in the middle of life's storms and the anchor of our faith.

I really enjoyed reading your poem Bob it is a worthy winner and stands out in the crowd.
Well done and keep writing my friend.
Alexi *Heart*
Review by Alexi
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Can you help me? How do Macros work and how can I write in italics, Is that possible?
Thank you,
Alexi *Heart*
Review of Forgive me  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi ~WhoMe???~ I am reviewing your latest poem " Forgive me

*PaintBrush* Your newsfeed gave me the nudge to look further and I'm glad I did.
WOW! That hasn't happened in a long time. I wrote a poem. Not only did I write, but it was a poem. I am in shock. To add to the emotion, it was a contest entry. I can't believe it. This was spontaneous and out of nowhere, as so many of my poetry used to be. I just had to share, I was so excited.

*PaintBrush* 'Forgive Me' A release from the guilt one feels when a part of something is not finalised, You benefit immensely when you choose to forgive, doing so sets you free from the past and enables you to fulfil your true potential. Forgiveness allows you to break free from limiting beliefs and attitudes. It frees up your mental and emotional energies so that you can apply them to creating a better life... moving forward. Otherwise, it can eat one up with guilt.

*PaintBrush* You say you couldn't go, I can relate to that. Your second verse, people were shocked, I say to thine own self be true. You did what you have to do. I am assuming that this is real and you lived through this.

*PaintBrush* Reading the last verses I can feel that there is some underlying reason between you and the deceased that held you back from being with your mother's side.

*PaintBrush* I enjoyed reading your poem, it has deep feeling.

Alexi *PaintBrush*

Review of You are Not There  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I am reviewing your poem "You are Not There This is a beutiful prayer to your Mum.
I love your words

Sing to me now from the great above
Fill my soul like a holy dove

You spill your heart out here. I will always remember your smile and each line on your face.

Think of the good times and that she was a lovely Mum.

Well done. *Heart*
Review of A Far Journey  
Review by Alexi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Well done on being a published author Ruth. "A Far Journey Looks it looks like it has all the ingreedients of a best seller. I hope so.
Alexi *DragonflyV* *Hug*
Review by Alexi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Your Mum is so beautiful. *Heart*
for entry "Gateway
Review by Alexi
Rated: E | (5.0)
"Gateway Hi Sebaca, I love the way you have produced this poem from the prompt today. I share the knowings and not knowings what to do with the metal box. An excellent poem.
Alexi *Heart*
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
I am reviewing "Proof of Grace or Something Else?
Hey Joey, it's great to have you back... I hope you are back? You have been missed and I am hoping that the same woman, the woman with grace of an angel to stay with the woman in that hospital bed and help her through one of the most scary night's of her life. The woman who took on a wonderful man into her life, sealed it with a ring and vows in sickness and in health, till death do us part. I am just thinking after reading past the ten word guidline according to Facebook and any other twiting site that the woman who I am presuming is your funny, curvy woman, with the sweet ever-so-soft voice, the woman whom you adore with every fibre of your being and the one who has looked after you through your worst times and the good ones... your beutiful wife.

I read every well chosen word and so enjoyed the story you told whether true or false, does it matter.

From me tell your lovely wife that she is admirable and worth every hug and silent worship you give her through your eyes when you watch her each day just being the angel she is.

A great read to make your comback Joey... you are a star.

Well done from your writer friend.
Alexi *Heart* *Grasshopper*
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
~~Image ID# 2030460's Content Rating Exceeds Item Content Rating~~ Hey Crow, your poem "LOOKING AT A PLACE I KNEW
I'm looking at a place I knew,
When time was young, and years were few. (touching young memories of things lost in the past. I take a sigh here and this is what drew me in.) I often look back on those times. ~~Image ID# 2030460's Content Rating Exceeds Item Content Rating~~
As I think, it doesn't seem that long,
But the grass is paved, and the fence is gone. (Time changes everything. We and only we have the picture of what it was, but time changes the picture that other eyes see.)

~~Image ID# 2030460's Content Rating Exceeds Item Content Rating~~
It must be that the workmen came, just the other day;
They felled the cherry tree, and the houses went away.(Workmen with an assignment to demolish the past. When we have moved house and the new occupants tear down our world and build their own dreams.)

~~Image ID# 2030460's Content Rating Exceeds Item Content Rating~~
Did they notice anything from when I was there,
A skid mark on the sidewalk, a golf ball lying there?( pictures in the mind again, no one can steal them even if they are gone in reality)
~~Image ID# 2030460's Content Rating Exceeds Item Content Rating~~
I remember things just as they were,
But a mist often causes the image to blur.
Could that blur be a ghost I see,
Looking for its house, or looking for me? (The ghosts of the past, I can visualise them) ~~Image ID# 2030460's Content Rating Exceeds Item Content Rating~~
Maybe it's looking for a place it knew,
When time was young, and years were few.( Just love this from beginning to end. A good write Crow. ~~Image ID# 2030460's Content Rating Exceeds Item Content Rating~~
Alexi *Heart*
Review of Spring  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with The Newbies Academy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
I happened to peak at your poem for Spring Chris and found the presentation a delight. I too have put one up for concideration in this contast and I believe your artistic choice wins for me.
Please remind me how to do the italic letters as I have forgotten.
Thanks Chris
Alexi *Grasshopper* *Grass* *Sun*
Review of NOT ENOUGH  
Review by Alexi
In affiliation with Sisco's Good Deed Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)
I know what your saying Andy. I am a people watcher and do smile and sometimes pass a weather comment of the day. Some answer and chat: some look suspiscious; some completly ignore me.
In my yonger days mostly everyone smiled and made the day brighter. I believe that people are just nervous of strangers or being politically correct. I was on an Island of the coast of England last week and went for a walk to watch the sea. Passing a bench an old lady and her husband made a seat for me and I sat down. We chatted for an hour and it was a lovely memory. The couple had been married for fiftyseven years and like us had seen many changes in the way people connect.
It is a sad day when humans don't know how to interact with each other other than the finger talk as in facebook and blogging.

Oh! the sea was amazing and the fresh air intoxifying. I am home now and have caught up on washing and having a nice hot cuppa. *Smile*

Have a nice day Andy.
Alexi *Heart*
Review of An Ordinary Life  
Review by Alexi
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
It is worth five stars. *Hug*
Review by Alexi
Rated: E | (5.0)
Gabriella, I often come across someone who has been made a rising star and have looked into your home for rising stars. When I joined writing.com it was a year later when I became active due to an email from a member. So I was a year old when i really joined and often wonder why I was not chosen to be a RS. Call me dumb but I see my other writer friends on your list and think that my writing is not good enough to be there.
am I being ridiculously inferior here? Maybe I should not be expressing how I feel but It makes me wonder.
Please ignore this
Alexi *Heart*
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