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Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
So much pain in so few lines. It isn't what is written here, but what is not. The gaps in the lines tell a tale of pain, frustration, loneliness, and mental anguish. It is hard for us to understand just what is expected of us, if no one listens when we talk or ask questions. We hear, "you should know better". But how are we to know if no one tells us?

There are no errors, and you have really put a lot of emotion, heart, and soul into writing this Dani.

Thank you for sharing this little piece of yourself, and always WRITE ON!!!!!

Love & hugs,
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
I saw no errors MCW. You have penned a very good piece in encouraging the lost of this world. If every soul were to heed these and other encouragements, then we would have a very decent world to live in. My heart goes out to those that feel the weight of the world is on them, and not shared by us all.

Thank you for sharing these words of truth and wisdom, and always WRITE ON!!!!!

Love & hugs,
Review of dissimulation  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh yes Violet, for sure. The walls can talk to us and show us that we are very frail in our absorbed self-normality.

I saw no errors. Thank you for sharing and always WRTIE ON!!!!!

Love & hugs,
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
Yes Nightreach. You have only one spelling error in the second last line of the second stanza. You wrote "Contol" and it should be "Control". I didn't see any other errors.

This two piece poem is as wise as a sage, and if you wish to attain the enlightenment of Humbleness, then follow your words here, because they are a very good guideline.

For example: if you are in the supermarket, and a woman asks you to reach something for her that she cannot, that is being helpful, and when she thanks you, and you say it was nothing, that is humbleness. And there are many, many, many more examples of humbleness that we can get involved in. Just look around you, nightreach, and use the second part of this poem as your guide.

Thank you for sharing, and always WRITE ON!!!!!

Love *& hugs,
Review of I Wish  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (4.5)
OMG Leanna, the pain and suffering that really is here, came right from your heart and soul. This is a very good poem of the aches and pains of loneliness. Hey! But cheer up girlfriend, there is a lot out there to be enjoyed, and who knows, the person you are looking for may be just around the corner. :P

Thank you for sharing this piece of your heart and soul with us, Leanna. God bless you.

Love & hugs,
Review of Stormy Morning  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
Yes Memphis Tweed, I hope they nice dry nests too, when the rain comes. This is very beautiful and caring about the wild life we sometimes take for granted. But the rain helps the grass, the flowers, and the trees grow. Even in the rain, we can still appreciate the beauty of nature around us.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece, and always WRITE ON!!!!!

Love & hugs,
Review of To Be a Gypsy  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
A dance in the middle of God's heavenly outpouring. The rain can be very soothing and calming, as we let our sins wash away with the droplets. I love this. It is so calming and refective.

Thank you for sharing, and always WRITE ON!!!!!

Love & hugs,
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (4.5)
Yes Johnathan Tillman, President George (Georgie Girl) W. Bush was elected to two terms as President of the United States. But there still remain questions about the second election, and wheher or not his brother Jeb Bush aided his brother in gaining the presidency. And even tho Jeb Bush said he will not run for President, he will if daddy and big brother tighten the financial screws. A poll was taken with registered Republicans who voted for GWB, and they said if they had to do over, they would not vote for him. Well it is just too late for that, because the people were warned when his daddy was about to leave office, that the Bush dynasty was no good. But the people didn't listen, and the Rich Man's Party, voted him in. Now we are paying the price.

The Bush clan, as I will call it, isn't just a family, it is a dynasty, with riches, power, and everything that goes with it. And they use that power and those riches to further their interests, not the interests of anyone else, let alone a nation. If I could walk like I used to when I was younger, I would circulate a petition, and then send it to the US Congress for Georgie Girl's impeachment. George H. W. Bush, and his son George (Georgie Girl) W. Bush, have been the thorn on the nation's behind, and the worst two presidents since Richard Nixon.

I will just say this tho, I gave you 4½ stars not because of what you wrote, but because of the way it was written. On a scale of 1 to 10, if I were to rate President George (Georgie Girl) W. Bush's performance as President, it would be ZERO. And I am not alone in thinking this way either. Our fighting forces are being killed in Iraq for no other reason than political power in the Middle East. Didn't we learn anything from Goldie Hawn's movie Protocol? Well if you didn't, watch that movie, and then look at what is happening today in real life. You will see a lot of similarities.

I will end this now, as I am really starting to get angry. So before I say something I will definitely regret later, I will say you penned this well, and without error.

Love & hugs,
Review of Cry of Youth  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
Callie, you are so right. We always wanted to be like our parents, and thaked the heavens we're not. We each have to be our own individual, and when the powers that be understand this, the better this world will be.

You have written what every young person has thought, generation after generation, but yet the world is still in turmoil.

I hope and pray Callie, that one day, there will be a group of young people coming of age, that will be able to turn the tide,a nd we can actually live in peace, all over the world.

Thank you for sharing this piece of your heart. OH! And btw, what do you mean you're not a poet? This is a very lovely poem, and speaks so loud the truth of every young generation. WRITE ON!!!!!
Review of BEST FRIENDS...  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (4.5)
Awww Michael, this is so sweet and endearing. Two souls uniting in love, because one's heart said that is what it was.

Our minds can play trick son us, but when the heart says "I love you", then you know it is true love, because even tho the heart is a lonely hunter, it is never false.

Thank you Michael, for sharing this wonderl and beautiful poem of love.

Review of Love  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
OMG I really love this, George. This made my heart very warm, and made me smile. Thank you, and always WRITE ON!!!!!
Review of The best of times  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (4.0)
Allforone, this piece speaks of the hardships we face in everyday life, that gives us learning and experience. But the spelling and Grammar need editing. I am not going to say change any of the wording, because I never believe in changing someone's thoughts. But there are a lot of misspellings throughout the poem it is hard to tell you exactly where they are.

Other than that, this is a very true poem, of life, the hardships we face in life, and how we deal with them. It also tells us that the experience we went through in these hardships were the best of times, because they made us stronger and taught us something about our purpose in life. Thank you for sharing, and always WRITE ON!!!!!

Love & hugs,
Review of Nightmares  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
This is a very heartwrenching poem, Brandon. The reality of life is that we can never forget the past, and we can never erase the tears.

Hi Brandon, This is a heartwrenching poem of the realities of life.

Metre & Rhyme:The poem flows very well, and moves very smoothly.

This poem is about a nightmare from the past, and teh reality of this, is that we cannot ever forget the past, adn we can never erase the tears. Listen to the chorus of Don Williams "Some Broken Hearts Never Mend." Even tho we wish we didn't have such sadness like you write about here, or any sadness, we still can never forget, and when we remember, we cry.

You have written a very heartfelt, soulful, and heartwrenching piece, Brandon. I do hope that your tears can dry.

Love & hugs,

Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
I loved doing this word search, because I just love the things in nature, except for the snakes. LOL.Don't care for spiders either. But everything else in this word search are things we find in nature, and we should never get too far away from the beauty that is mother nature. Thank you for sharing.

Love & hugs,
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
Ms. Kafuffle, if anyone finds fault with this, then they are the ones who haven't experienced how the significant Other, fiance, husband, even wife, has gone out and cheated on the relationship. I can really identify with your feelings and emotions here.

I want you to taste every flower juice,
The sweet, the fun, the loose,
The queer, the peculiar,
Even the poisonous in-secular.

These words show true love for your partner in the relationship. But I have found that over the years, it is in the letting go, that we love our partners even more, because we only wish to see them happy.

Thank you for sharing, and because of the way this is written, I saw no errors. WRITE ON!!!!!

Love & hugs,
Review of The Gypsy  
Review by Barbara
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
OMG Renee, this is really sad, and teh gypsy reading your palm, and telling you what you didn't know she knew. This story is written not only from the heart, but deep in the soul too. The plot of the story is today's realism, the dialogue is real, as is the scenery.

I saw no errors. Thank you for sharing this very poignant piece, and always WRITE ON!!!!!

Love & hugs,
Review of A shared pain  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (4.5)
Dennis I saw only one spelling error. In the 6th line of the third stanza you have "to" and it should be "too".

I saw no other errors, and this piece flows very well.

Heartbreak is shared by millions, Dennis, and if you ever do get her back (I wouldn't hold my breath tho), then you will know the love you have for each other is true.

Thank you for sharing this heartfelt write, Dennis, and always WRITE ON!!!!!

Love & hugs,
Review of Wasting 11:11's  
Review by Barbara
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Kelsey this is a very deep piece, leaving the reader to think things through before doing.

There is only one spelling error that I see in the third line of the third stanza. You have written alchohal, and I feel you meant to write alcohol. The other misspellings I will assume were on purpose.

The magnitude of this piece reaches into the far depths of the human soul, and brings out feelings we just don't deal with.

Thank you for sharing your ethereal mind, and always WRITE ON!!!!!

Love & hugs,
Review of The Tree  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
Oh for sure, Willow. Our trust in the Lord as our light to shine on our branches, is what makes our lives a little easier to deal with, and our burdens aren't so heavy. On the day of final judgement, our Lord will take us home to rest in peaceful bliss and harmony.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful testament of truth, and always WRITE ON!!!!!

Love & hugs,
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (4.5)
Bambam, this is so very true. Have Gun Will Travel, was a very good show for a western, and Richard Boone was both funny and serious in the series. Chuck Connors who starred in Gunsmoke, was a baseball player, before he accepted the role of Lucas McCain.

I saw only one spelling error. In the third line of the last paragrpah, you have "ind" and it should be "in". I saw no other errors.

You have brought back a lot of nostalgia with this write. Thank you for sharing, and always WRITE ON!!!!!

Love & hugs,
Review by Barbara
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Very provaoctive, and so full of real life. There are many men who only marry so they can be seen, with a beautiful woman. I am really steamed when I hear the term "trophy wife".

Thank you for sharing, and always WRITE ON!!!!!

Love & hugs,
Review of Transitions  
Review by Barbara
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
This so precious and wonderful, Precious Dreamer. This piece can apply to a wounded bird being nursed back to health; about a horse that was rescued, and tenderly cared for; about the relationship between a man who cares for his daughter until it is time for her to fly from the coop. This is one of those poems that leaves the reader to interpret their own meaning as to what or whom this poem is about. Very profound.

Thank you for sharing, and always WRTIE ON!!!!!

Love & hugs,
Review of The Badd Spelor  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
I love the humour, and this is really a good piece. Of course I don't think speeling erors are teh worst you can do tho. There are a lot more than that in life, that we make many mistakes on.

Good write Acme, and always WRITE ON!!!!!

Love & hugs,
Review of Bad Carbon Copy  
Review by Barbara
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
This is a very revealing story, and so full of emotion. I saw no errors, and was deeply interested in how Angie was going to handle getting rid of Andrew. You did it with SI, and then became determiend to be you. Great write and always WRITE ON!!!!!

Love & hugs,
Review of Saying Goodbye  
Review by Barbara
Rated: E | (5.0)
Mari, this is a very heartelt write, and oh so true too. I saw no errors of any kind, but I have a little to say on this subject tho.

For decades I looked at and for the flowers of yesterday to come back to me, not understanding why my mother had been so selfish in her life, and wanted her to explain, to answer my questions. Now, with the start of the 21st century, I no longer look at or for the flowers that were, but at the flowers I have - my life, friends, and family.

There is wise advice in the last two lines here, and everyone reading, can actually get something from this.

Thank you for sharing Mari, and always WRITE ON!!!!!

Love & hugs,
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