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Review of Chance  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)

Jan 9, 2010

CHANCE by Let's ... touches on a vampire waking with thoughts of a previous night.

This item simply requires a few fast edits.

Writing caution requires strong predicates on many occasions for reader interest or reader focus. Longer verb combinations (verb sandwiches) can be cut down.

AT: "im realy going to have to move that mirror ...."

im === I am or I'm --- First person pronoun is always written with a capital I. No exceptions.

AT: " ... going to have to move .. This is TEFFOM term for a verb sandwich sporting relish, onion, mustard (e.g.)

THE SUGGESTION --- PLAY with this sentence and decide on lesss action words to "move" the mirror.

Besides if this is a vampire ... doesn't it run their images don't show? An aside.

For g-e-t, writers may reduce a ton of slang which even makes it into the Senate ... since our elected officials insist they "get up early."

So for more on this turn of events where g-e-t relentlessly assualts the English Language ...



For: get up --- try: arise, awaken

Well, Let's, this story simply needs a bit of work. And certainly more than a few corrections for lower case I ... easily fixed via another edit, of course.


Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Jan 5, 2010

Dear Dennis, Just this moment spotted your lyrical poem, VOODOO QUEEN OF NEW ORLEANS in the reviwer item section.

WOW!! This is fantastic. Each line presents even more info which sticks to subject and bio.

When reading history rooted with additional bio information become enthralled via new knowledge gained. Cardiff, you surely show a knack for crafting the three E's of writing well with this fine creation.

"Invalid Item

TEFF says: Don't miss this one, poets, r/r/r-ers.

VOODOO QUEEN OF NEW ORLEANS by Dennis Cardiff is a MUST READ & 'Tis quite grand!
Review of More Snow Melt  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Jan 4, 2010

Rev sent for "More Snow Melt
To: Prosperous Snow celebrating
For: Participation in "Invalid Item

Hi, Prosperous Snow,

It was a real pleasure reading your blogs during the conclusion of DEC and the start of the New Year, 2010. You included much insight and enjoyable poetry during the blog challenge. Hard to forget the "pickles" for the reindeer ate prompt. Liked the Vegas gifts. Your answers to the LIT/ authors prompt and the one on Hawk Mountain were gems. And shall always equate New Years Day with "the new car smell." Thanks again, enjoy the great writing you are doing. See you on FRONTLINERS ...

Cordially, TEFF
"Invalid Item
"Invalid Item
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)


REV sent to: Cobwebs-In-Space Reindeer


For participation in: "Invalid Item

Good morning, dear author, dear blogger,

Thank you very much for making this FRONTLINER blog challenge of 2009 a great success. Reading your words, your blogs which came with startling at hand, locallly original information re: Mountaintop Removal (MTR) left this contest judge in awe.

You show a true ability to speak from the heart. To indicate emotionally thoughts on matters of present environmental concerns to our nation, especially the Appalachias. For this, I humbly thank you.

Your takes on the world of Literature, Virgina Woohull, the stressed economy and holiday options shall stand the test of time, my friend.

Better yet, you pick up the blogging gauntlet for ...

We see another FRONTLINER contest in the works via your current aim at sharing onsite and purporting boosting blogging ventures and educational insight TTT (to the top.)

So, without further adieu, slapping down a five *Star* here for YOUR twenty *Star* collection .. while on the way to sign up @

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1631169 by Not Available.

Where hoping you will enjoy managing FRONTLINERS next innovative ----> blogging, educational-activity spot.

Best to you in the New Year & great good luck.

Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)



Please pardon me for posting this by bitem, for the sake of this very hilarious pen.

 The great outdoors  (E)
entry for 55 word short story contest
#1419436 by Hyperiongate

The last and final quote in this writing exercise contest above is so funny, it serve to remind moi ... there is a kitchen with a bit of brisket intact nearby. So bidding PRC (Public REV Central) farewell since now must seriously start this cold cold day.

Thank you!!
Cordially, TEFF

Like to blog, H? Then please visit:
"Invalid Item
Review of Night Terrors  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)

December 18, 2009
REV sent to: dogwood212
Personally picturing Dogwood trees in bloom ... yet snow is on the way on the East Coast, crossing Maryland befor PA ???

Okay ... Poet-to-poet hint. AT: Attention grab spot ala intro space --- suggest for "the inner thinking ...

Hmm, inner thinking? ... shorten to ... (?) hmmm ... hold on, involvement strikes ... hmmm?

Ahah! Try --- thoughts

As your intro speaks so quietly @ dusk ...

With: ... " ... about the inner thinking as darkness descends."

Poets crave words like dusk & gloaming. Eh, seek a shot ... everyone does.

Nice work overall.

Thanks for posting.
Happy Holidays.
Cordially, TEFF
"Invalid Item

Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (3.0)

REV sent for:

ALONE AT THE TABLE by Dogwood212

Well, Dogwood, can't think of much to add to this one except what it prompts from this desk's think tank. The poetry is fine ... against the overuse of g-e-t in general, since posting same bugaboo last summer.



When "get" controls airways, conversations, writing or poetry or English Language, we lose dictionary vocab gems.

OF: "Pretensions" (used here) might spell a new crowd is optional for the speaker.

Cordially, TEFF RAW!! @ "Invalid Item

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1190255 by Not Available.

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Review of Why I Write  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

December 18, 2009, Friday Night
REV sent to: Matty Zink

Inside this tell all, where the writer cites a source for inspiration .. we encounter a hope of producing memorable works, granishing attention with goals in mind.

What is imperitive is how this author mentions superficial critique via specific reviewer comments.

Personally, find it rather incredible someone has nerve to judge that ... one's works is unpublishable. Are they are is he/she serious to construct such a valuable opinion for the publishing world, which is legion? Numerically speaking.

"Not emotional" is another remark, noted from reviewers.

Yes, totally agree from again, a small sampling we need never disarm ourselves because of the few who indeed may be lacking in understanding.

Yes, agree informing (educating) is a key element for the best writing. However, entertainment is high on this author's list (my list).

Thanks for posting this. And we should recall that some reviewers often admit they review but don't always write at all. Readers of the non-writer caliber should't cross an invisible line with wildness toward writers in daily reviews. Especially if they can honestly say, they haven't enunciated the trials of the craft per se.

And thus, author-to-author (I) salute this piece which answers the title question with steadfastness & true grit.

Cordially, TEFF RAW! On Writing @ "Invalid Item
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)

December 18, 2009

On Auto Rewards Column ... (ARC) ... Found: A FRIEND FOUND A FRIEND LOST, billed as lyrics for a "sad rap song." Somehow one party who does "come home at night" but doesn't spend enough on presents is also critiqued for not sending texts which cost money. Well, back in the day there were wildflowers to pick, notes to write, maybe even mail or hand deliver. And besides refrains ... love expressed, sadness and tears ... a semi meaningful conclusion may be drawn by listeners. However, no beat given ... so totally clueless. But hopefully life explanations shall brighten to a Happy Happy & a Merry Merry, dear poet.

Cordially, TEFF Raw on writing @ "Invalid Item

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Review of Good bye  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)

December 17, 2009
Rev sent to:dogwood212

"GOOD BYE, a brief poem sways differences between writing prolifically (perhaps) and the nemesis (perhaps) of dryness aka writer's block, allowing there is such an entity. Totally savor this one & already repeating the refrain found here. Catchy, appropriate and needs to be said, of course. The cure, of course, perhaps is r-e-a-d-i-n-g aka a time when writers learn our craft's salvation's grace. Perhaps."

REV aloof with interpretation for a fine item read --- sent from the desk of a wintry TEFF.

Come on down, dear poet --->

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

"NANCY'S POETRY REVIEW FORUM appears on FRF, an abbreviation used for Find a Rev Forum. Here, in this bitem rules of engagement set poetry scribes straight. A guest reviewer is also available and credited by the hostess as being a favorable poet." DEC 16/ Rev sent from April Sunday Accepting poetry @ "Invalid Item// Judged since 2006.

Now, my dear, there are several things about this forum intro/ mission statement, which you probably mean as generalizations.

AT: "Poetry is not prose." We may see by visiting the dewey decimal section of libraries, approx at 811. that there is indeed such an entity as prose poetry. Here, open onsite is such a read. Reference: "Invalid Item Well, sure you are probably referring to rhyming via poetry, stanza worthy, of course.

AT: "But we are all readers ..." Yes indeed. Recently entering a 1000 word contest onsite in Nov, a contest judge declared (no name provided, of course not) that there are few professional reviewers on wc. Well, you could 'ave fooled me. However, you hit the nail on the head there. We are primarily all readers. Correct! *Check*

Now, next come across: "Writing is hard work ..." Agree there, due to editing, research, spell check, baiting an audience to read on & on, plot creations, setting, (etc)

AT: second part of sentence: "Writing is hard work and can be frustrating." A counterpoint runs: not always. Writing is a talent, a gift, competion, a hobby, a venue, an outlet for many who desire to communicate via both fiction and poetry. Thus it is not frustrating.

Reviewing review forums on DEC 15, 16 available by Public REV scene is a-okay as well. Found, one review forum presented by a fifteen year old, two by the wc often found age of seventeen. Not a problem either, as these folks can be closer to recalling English classes. And on their way to take more of them at college.

So, enjoy the waves of poetry, posted, containing incoming poetry in your forum. Please cherish these as precious gifts meandering, sometimes inner mental wisps from creative folks. As I know you already do so.


Accepting poetry at both: "Invalid Item and
"Invalid Item

Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

"CRYSTALLINE REVERBERATINGS is a poem from wc, e-poet, Taylor Peppers

Here one finds an open ended, detailed swath of verbiage, peopled with engaging talk, while others via conversation set a fast pace. The title word me: resounding or echoing is well chosen. Lines here spell a final analysis of:

"Whether playing back their points in ploy

Or shouting out their argue's sense ..."

Readers shall like this one, for truth can be in the telling."

Rev sent from April Sunday DEC 16, 2K9

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Sig from Eyz of Wolf
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

DEC 16, 2009

"MADAPPLE SHORT STORY CONTEST #3 offers a traditional short story cut off of three thousand words, accepts new & old stories. Best of all a huge prize pool awaits winners. The contest forum shows writers onsite are already in, aiming high for this Jan 31, deadline." Rev sent from teffom@writing.com ///
"Invalid Item

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

"IN: "A Thanksgiving He Will Never Forget by J. A. Buxton this New England Native reveals a house full of well meaning, inquistive relatives surrounding her beau. From Mum's kitchen "domain" to Dad's masculine conversational den we feel the need to step aside. While "rambunctious" children beeline about the house like "stampeding elephants." Shall the boyfriend, John be accepted by this endearing fam? Will he be a guest each year at this traditional Thanksgiving table? The answer, dear readers ... simply a click away." TEFF rev sent to J A Buxton, one fabulous story teller, Dec 5, 2009// "Invalid Item

This contest: "Invalid Item going dual?

Couple of small ones as all of us, return to the drawing board & re-address the predicate hanger of G-E-T. "Review: Fireworks in her Eyes by Giselle"  

AT: he managed to get out ...
Try managed only --- as John speaks.

AT: got a bit --- turned a bit

AT: to get to --- reach those stairs.
'Those' here, while correct caused a slight mind fuss ... the stairs is better. Thus suggest reworking to the hallway stairs?

*Heart* pandemonium

As an Easterner myself, smile with the so familar: "Everything else they could think of to ask the poor guy." Right there, this is exactly how my family talks. Our radio station personell speak ... thusly rather colloquial, Buxton. THANKS for posting another great read. By the way, foolishly and proudly mentioning once more my addiction to your writing, Miss Judity.

One final query: what kind of car was it?

And also adore: " ... heart pounding 35 mph" driving skills from "Uncle Ray."

Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

"When popular author, J A Buxton sets out on a Christmas morning to sneak soundlessly thru her New England home memories of a specially lit tree ensue. Stockings hung for Santa, dollar bills on a tree ... then ... a wakeful father sets a little girl back to her bed. Endearing pen, an entry for County Mom's Christmas Contest Extravaganza. WELL DONE, Judity. A keeper, fer sure." Nov 30, 2009 ... A dwindling, rare rev sent from TEFF+ April Sunday "Invalid Item
"Invalid Item

PS: Buxton: Actually Giving up reviewing, oh so free ...

Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)

"Author, poet, Dan Sturn uses many opposites to portray a quiet night of star gazing in LOOKING AT THE FIRE. Posting on Auto Rewards Column, we find a pleasant repeat of the refrain in this one. Suddenly, the urge returns and as I do every now, then step outdoors and behold a sliver of a moon. And Dan the world reborn is a tad chilly this time of the year. The poem is also inspirational as it echoes for folks to perhaps step out of regular modes while becoming open to exploring an unknown "now." Rev sent from
TEFF = April Sunday Nov 24, 2009 "Invalid Item
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)

"When writing.com, poet, Dan Sturn posts CHRIST HAS DIED, one may note and appreciate this two line stanza form which comes off as prayerful. Wonder if "create something" in the new onsite headers topic inspired this author to craft words or compose poetry on our Creator. But surely glad he did. Thanks for posting, Mr. Sturn." Poetry accepted at 2009's grand opening of "Invalid Item Rev sent from teffom@writing.com // Nov 8, 2009
Review of Thrifty Times  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

Good afternoon, Prof Moriarity. Note with this item where you list into a folder several trick story formats of less than or one hundred words each, that you note also conquering details. In the intro to this bitem, you also express frustration perhaps?

However, find the story sentences really a bit hard to follow as these came off as non grammatical in THE BURDEN OF TRUTH.

However, you did accept the challengs of not repeating a word. What after all is the sense or purpose of said writing exercise?

I avoid low word counts, even 1,000 words makes me enter into a conniption type fit of pure upset if I must keep subtracting. Well, everyone who reads me, knows I'm a bit over chatty.

Meantime ... whenever you return to traditional short stories you can always take at look at these contests inside this folder

 Invalid Item 
This item number is not valid.
#1391959 by Not Available.

Where, I promise you, your work shall be very well received.

Best in Nov & HAPPY THANKSGIVING, dear author to you and yours.

Cordially, TEFF
Review of Days of Rays  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

October 27, 2009 *Pumpkin*

Dear Dan Sturn, This poem speaks to writers who write. When a poem touches the mind of those hoping to write more, write on, one notes DAYS OF RAYS supplies an incentive between these poetic lines.

Thanks especially for these fine words:

"The message as clear as the breeze
Crisp as it beckons my pen to see."

Cordially, TEFF
"Invalid Item
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

SHOCKTOBER 25, 2009 *Cat*
Greetings, Old Warrior

... <> <> <> Teff here as you can see, revving on & on. I must admit I have enjoyed every one of your contest entries. Now this one, it is terrible in the effect that awfulness is icky, yucky but gooooood at this time of the year. The theme contestants are chosing @ "Invalid Item

Kidding aside, the rhymes are as ever wonderfully readable & nearly addictive. Your poetry remains on point, skills evident.

Of the use of "grocery store" here, I am trying not to think past the term. Please? Well, you see I feed my soil all year 'round and feed birds as well in the leaves & mulch in the garden so fair.

Perhaps, creatures like this ... oh my are viewed on occasion. However, when 500 lbs comes into play well what can one say ... h-h-h-hellppp!

Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Reading & entertaining joy are in progress @ "Invalid Item where a full forum of entries abides.

"In: CIVIL WAR GHOST OF HALLOWEEN, a short story from popular author, Oldwarrior readers might want to check condition of their kitchen lights. When two young fellers spend a night shooting, then a morning looking for evidence --- one best keep in mind the peculiar markings of footprints from a bygone era. Fine tale, scar-eee!!" Review sent from April Sunday // Oct. 25, 2009// "Invalid Item

Review of Samhain  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)


When Writing.com announces an emphasis on horror genre, contest entrants PICK UP THE GAUNTLET on site.

With SAMHAIN from billwilcox a ken for ghost stories predates the above memo.


Dear members, whenever possible, read this well done, thought provoking story. We write all our reviews because of authorship onsite. This very day enjoying stories of merit and worth as an author, hosting "Invalid Item an annual writing contest from "Invalid Item

Now on with the show:

" Blend ghosts, a spunky sea, a yacht and ??? While these remain firmly set in Ireland, you'll be reading /// SAMHAIN from talented author, billwilcox. Like the happenings when an "unholy craft" "cuts across a choppy sea nimbly." Praise for perfect adverb. What's floating inside this whicker seacraft bumping into a yacht? Well, here's five star work with twenty star plot in ghost story genre which might possibly entertain anyone with a ken for Celtic Lore --- posted for a Halloween Contest. Stories like this one can truly curl the toes." Thanks for entering, Bill. WOW!!

PS -- Actually must tell you, your multi entries are surprisingly so great my friend. Here's what you can do, if you haven't in the past. Whether from a small town or city --- contact a local newpaper or magazine. Online: Indiana papers publish fiction. These babies are the right size for filler in Halloween/ Autumn spaces on pages or online publications. And as far as I can see, any editor might welcome them.

*Cat* Well, good old Mary Moffett April Sunday with a word to the wise. Psst --- Wilcox? On next edit, name the yacht. Wink!

*Heart* SAMHAIN's peculiar fog.
Review of Trick-Or-Treat  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)

"What author doesn't cherish the Dialogue only story? This stroy contains the trick for making scenes come into focus. With: TRICK-OR-TREAT from billwilcox the story not only grabs readers start to finish. Yet, as an audience looks even closer, there's a few morals here worth noting for parents. Thanks for entering:

"Invalid Item

Talk backatcha soon.

Signed TEFF

Campfire lit @ "Invalid Item Readers/ writers welcome.
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

October 23, 2009
<> <> <> *Pumpkin*
Rev sent to "Invalid Item contestant: Oldwarrior with thanks for mulit submissions, my friend. *Leaf* One truly wonderful thing about TEFF's seasonal contests is seeing all these submissions spread out like an imploring explosion of great reads.

Now on with the review --

"Writing.com's talented author, Oldwarrior is back again with another scary pen. In this well titled poem, THE WEREWOLF OF HALLOWEEN, the author baits readers with fear of being devoured. While keeping reader interest as plain old trick or treat night fills byways with potential victims. Heed this warning --- to children --- "There's no sense in hiding for you I will find." Also like a werewolf who sharpens his claws on doors. Would love to see that, hee hee. Splendid poem." Cordially from TEFF "Invalid Item
Review of The Granson Place  
Review by April Sunday
In affiliation with WDC Frontliners Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

*Pumpkin* OCTOBER 123, 2009

Reviewing for "Invalid Item

Find multi entries from gifted story creator billwilcox making me very glad. Mr. Willcox also entered sister contest: EVERYONE HAS A CHRISTMAS STORY.

"On a cold October night, enjoyment for horror reads beckons readers. "The Granson Place is one to beat. However, be forewarned if squeamish ... dear audience. For author, Bill Willcox makes fast paced mishmash of a teen prank gone horribly awry with vim, vigor and on scene murder so foul. Look for a haunted house with "human attitude. Be caught up spellbound at: "I tried to imagine a psycho running through the house with a bloody ax killing everybody he could find." And sure this short story goes all out for ghostly." Rev sent from April Sunday Reposting @ "Invalid Item *Cat*

New Campfire seeking readers @ "Invalid Item

THANKS BILL! This one's great!!! A Halloweeny MUST READ!!!
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