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Review of Why Bother???  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

Dear Marie,

Found ... WHY BOTHER in the newsletter.

Yes, intro can be real turn-offs for this reviewer also. Sometimes stuff is already so bad ... you are afraid to rate or review it. People like to say nice things, pop in & out. Limit sarcasm.

Even so-called pros come at one with .... Oh I am confused by this. What does it mean? It's too long ... well. So not everyone is nicey-nice.

O Brother -- Why Bother can also explain how the reviewer feels when nary a by-your-leave comes about from the author.

You piece is great, accurate, to the point and helpful. Thanks, Marie

Brainstorming on paper cures writer's block. A volume of short storied may encourage the juices flowing.

The Muse ?? Talk to the Muse, take him out. Have him listen. The best polite Muse will always ramble with his imagination in full gear after listening to other strangers in a mall, a market buying deli, a voter paradise. See, simple ... try boldness again. That worked for you. Allah be praised.

Well ? from Teff 11-11-4
Review of The Last Page (1)  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

BRIAN PALMER OF "BRIAN BOOK NOW AVAILABLE' is a fine novelist by trade. His work The Last Page is a well written drama that leaves the reader thinking. Sorta Wow! That's great descriptions, I was just in Tacoma, Washngton in the merry month of May.

Setting -- Places one right there and allows Tocoma to shine thru.

Characters: Monica, Mark, Matt, Rachel and red lipsticked Ashley with an eye for Mr. Mark ---- Karen Sanders leading the plot, minor characters emerge as a group of friends who enjoy social engagements

Plot: from The Cove coffee shop, where a fellow is typing always writing .... to Miss Karen Sanders whose traits come thru to us loud and clear, good and bad, seems to lose it with boyfriend Mark talking to Ashley ... and the beat goes on.

Fine lines: Jack Sander's < same powder=blue Chevy ever since the day she was born >

< scouring the bottom of the pool for sea creatures> Karen admits to imaging while relaxing

Good work, Brian! Epic piece that up and coming novelists can learn from.

From T. Teffom Nov 6, 04
Review of Item Statistics  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

ANALYZING YOUR STATISTICS BY STORY MASTER was certainly explanatory for this author.

Re: your < short poem able to read in one sitting , coupled with rating or reading had what to do with what now? Reading comes before rating in my estimation.

Average views came full tilt. If say for eg. ALABAMA TO NEW YORK SEPT 2001 has 1,000 readers, perhaps 500 of them are reading daily this serial ensues?

Okay, math isn't a gift of God that I inherited from the family tree. (Me?) I have the gift of gab.


Thanx .. from Teff Nov. 1, 2000 ,,,, the countdown begins. See ya at the polls, folks.
Review of CRY  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

CRY ... by Angela Marie (nice name BTW) is a sweet poem about sorrow, a little bit. And about forgivness for a mistake that is alluded too.

I found your rhymes spendid, Angela Marie. The tempo was pleasant and the story that is told is ..... No, I will not give the poet's theme away.

I liked this poem. It had expresson.
Good job, Angela Marie.

From T. Teffom author / ALABAMA TO N Y
SEPT 2001 (fiction seral)
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

EVERETT IN THE HAMMOCK from David West, rocked my boat. A guy,a gal, a rooftop hammock in Detroit. Neat, a fast and furious read.

Minute sug. try bulging for burgeoning, unless that's pop in Detroit.

Change to A Hammock, just me, I detest the. But we'd sound oriental without the.
Read it, if you can and prefer toss the, a, and. Could be possible, I guess.

Davd, you have a style! Fixated & enjoyable, story flows, easily read without any stumbles at all.

Love slang ... "on the lamb"

Allusion and twist when I go --- Oh Detroit Mel, sheild that piece. To myself, put up that old gun.

Then try marry for your married, Mr. West.

Read this one everybody. West's end sentence is perfect if we love surprise.

Sincerely, from Tef 10-27-4
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Oct.21/4 from Tef To Not. New. Com

RE: reviews by W D Wilcox

Dearest Lurencia, I found the list of com. memeber thru your post.

WD Wilcox rated my piece a 3 becaue he said ... re length I was loosing readers. And I do't thinkk he read it. At that point in the series, my tiem under 2k words.

Will his opinion effect new writers who post novels, novellas, anything over 1,000 words? He also said, I put first person in my ( ficiton) news article. I did not, I quoted a person who said "I.... etc." I believe my item was unread by him. This Wilcox.

Nor do I even believe the words he used in his horror, the worst words I encountered in reviewing 24 peices (here) are indecently delivered ... but freedom of speech prevails. If I was WD Wilcox, I'd edit Sac. Mt or announce it is a metaphor of Cancer Mt, as he wrote to me
or remove it for bland unsitability. But he never asked me if I had a personal history of his subject, which he says Sacrificial Mt was ... namely breast cancer. I do not but 2 relatives did.

Essayists like Wilcox should be more careful, less pundit and never abuse Lurencia's committee in revenge of a 2 rate. which I gave Wilcox. I had to speak out. Writing.Com has 500 guests online (aprox)

I wish I could say someting nicey-nice just now but I'm too sad.

Thank you Laurencia. From T. Teffom
I hope you understand this message and don't say confused --okay.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKEY by Matt Kelman is a ganster story with an ultimate twist. Joining his gal, Amy a partner in crime Mickey notices in a bar filled with 20 ..."including the wait staff" that Amy has a fair amount of shot glasses already lined up on the table. Ah, but did she drink them? Maybe yes, maybe no.

Kellman takes the reader right along with him as he let's us know, in a fast read .... that he's gonna dump the dame. Using none other than the fateful slip of the Mick. But will Kelman's character take the money & run? Uh-oh! Maybe yes, maybe no.

Readers will never guess what happens next, as poor old Mike bites the bar room floor.

This is very well written fiction. Well worth a look-see. Thanks, Mr. Kelman. You've moxie and potential in your veins.

From Tef ... author of Freak Funeral Rattles Alabama, a serial for 18+
Review of Please Review  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

Review for "The Boob Tube" by Stu.

This is a very funny short-short which reminds us that we are all in the same boat. Cooking with TV background, writing with same. Recently we lost Cable and I hardly know what time it is anymore. Not tiime for Law & Order reruns that's for sure.

Stu, I loved the Religious channel photos' taken by ... "the Almighty himself." Golf channel's ability to let us see the grass grow. And "Y tu madre" made my day.

Lots of laughs here, readers. Enjoy The Boob Tube, I sure did. BTW I don't really miss cable; we're using our VCR and may get the dish for Christmas. Finally ! no-one tells me my political persuasions anymore via national TV.

Stu's ribald treatment of current news will keep you guessing. Good work, Stu ... from Tef
Review of The Review Mixer  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.5)
Review for ++++++

CRAYOLA JUDGEMENT DAY +++ by Alfred Packer

Goodness child. Your best line was: "So knowing Black was in his way ...White forces hi into slavery." That's a good line. You always place Brown in the middle. I liked the piece. I got thru to the end without a snags. I favored the fact you prepped readers with the opening par. It gave me time to expect color from the Home Garden channel. I also liked your discp. reference to "Animal Farm" thus the pecking order. (Here for me, it's been a blindsided affair with white, but I wear bifocal shades with gold rims.) I'd not be fearful to buck the estabishment any day of the week, would you? So without reading your bio, which I will shortly and other funny stuff from you, Mr. Alfred Packer, I hope you'll count this review as a fine one.

Punching in search words: Short Stories on the world wide web, like me, always enhances an author's writing, don't forget.

Crayola Judgement Day is a good story and well worth reading. So onto a blue dress, green heels, and a yellow blouse since you've inspired me today. Thanks ... from Tef
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