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Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

Now listen up folks, boys & girls, ladies & gents ... I think I may have just found the best & funniest lyrics on Writing.Com.

Songwriter, Hooves of Fire presents, copyrite Jan 30 ... the best of the best. Namely: HOTEL COWLIFORNIA (SONG PARODY)

Intro credits Eagles orig. Great!
Many times members forget who they re-poslish.

Favorite lines: "When she flared up her nostrils ..." (Here I laugh loudly at my desk.)

With the lyrics: " ... a lot of pretty pretty bulls ... " == I realize this a beyond 5 star.

Falling off chair, pacing. Now hold on, I'm wiping tears from my face right now typing and this is as great as it gets ... "In the Milkman's Chambers .... Ha ha heee ho hhheee.

Like, WOW! WOW! WOW! Get this one in the recording studio stat Fire, darlin.

This is actually a TEN!
Review of Waiting....  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

WAITING ... a timely romantic poem by Flip go Eagles is a lovely fun read. Especially quoatable for Valentine's day, when we ask the poet's permission. One can see a gift for poetic craft here, copyrite Jan 22.

Like how it (love) kills, pains among other lines.

Going to Helen & John ref. Thanks there, Teff ID's with tie-ins like these. Well done!

Flip, dear: If you are wondering about cupids or contest, this is a winner. Wink.

Best of Luck and do keep rhyming on. One can see you do your homework.

Cordially, from Teff Jan 31, 2005

LIFE TOPICS WELCOME/ posts/writing tips/ a record/crt2005
#924861 by April Sunday
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

THERE GOES MY ANGEL, a poem by Gentlebird found Sunday, Jan 23 on Request Review Page is a mixture of a stimulating vocab, which Gentlebird brings to the round table of Poetry here @ Writing. The website with tons of poetry.

Gentlebird, if this is only your second poem, you have a talent for your craft.

Like: "Reality slowly seeps thru my thoughts disrupting . . ." The word disrupting gives the poem it's umph and there you chose well for sound.

Also like: "Encouraging words ... " sent in last sent. A romantic is Gentlebird.

Good poem, sweetie. Rhyme On!

Cordially, Teff
LIFE TOPICS WELCOME/ posts/writing tips/ a record/crt2005
#924861 by April Sunday
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

Jan 21, 2005

Found in Comedy Newsletter, delivered ea Thursday at the door comes: THE COMEDIC CLERIHEW by Red Wrting Hoppdeedoo. (Wonder if this author drives a hoopdee == creative name BTW) The item is replete with links to find out more re: the Clerihew style, a four line bio type pun poem. These are mini wonders that make one laugh, lift the doldrums like a hot air baloon. So exploring Teffom goes.

Nice job w/ thanks, Red. Ah, yes but who pokes fun at "the Pope" exactly?
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Hello Every- bod-ee!

Check out this groovy list of Review forums. And they say Reviewing is addictive. Really, I hadn't noticed.

Tons of things to do, places to go, people to see & read? Forum descriptions hereon will stop you in your tracks.

Overall well done, links present and accounted for, to be sure.

What are you waiting for? Get all your review needs satisfied before your very eyes. Hope for all genres, styles, mixed bags, er suitcases. Hurry while they still last.

Cordially, Teff
LIFE TOPICS WELCOME/ posts/writing tips/ a record/crt2005
#924861 by April Sunday

Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Rare. tell-all, genres emotional / family ... non-fiction item: OF DREAMS AND NIGHTMARES from author Nada happy to be back is a riveting tale of woe.

First par, good summary of life in the fast lanes with this kid. To Mom's anguish explained with "six years of sobriety."

Shocked discovery in the kitchen a "homeless encampment" with "marching ants" details one can almost see. Visions regale a return to the problem: drugs.

Author, Nada's postcript! Wow! Click & read this emotional piece, readers & guests. What an eye-opener. Good Luck & please write on.

Cordially from Teff. Cheer up, spend a few moments talking Lit @

LIFE TOPICS WELCOME/ posts/writing tips/ a record/crt2005
#924861 by April Sunday

Review of Circus Circuits  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.5)

Jan 6 2005

Good morning Sunflower, Haven't we all wanted to say that from time to time? Especially on a rainy day.

Your poem, CIRCUS CIRCUITS c-rite Aug 2004 is so tough. Me; in old Philly slang, really neat. I digress, sorry. But it just seems to make sense.

If, in fact, you compare your computer with yourself, and I mean anyone, Ms Texas, they really become extensions of ourselves. We dress em up with family photos, wash em with soap and water or windex etc.

Sunflower in Texas's line:
"Kinesiolgy a more physical theology"
centers CIRCUS CIRCUITS, takes it to the bank and brings it home.

Best of 2005 to you, day by day.
Write on!

<> <> <><> <> <> Sincerely, Teff 1/6/2K5
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

<> <> <> <> <> Intro: " A poem dedicated to the memory of my sister, Betty, who died in my arms, Jan 9, 2004" is the loving heartfelt opening for HOLDING HANDS from Ann Ticipations tribute poem.

Close to a year ago, Dear Ann, you wrote this poem. My sympathies for your loss.

Driving home from my dad's sick room this morning, I had occasion to recall this poem which I read last year, for I like your poetry, your style. I know I reviewed your work before, and you write and thank me, wish me happy holidays.

Lines such as these, "Green eyed Betty, beautifully slim and auburned haired" and from the stanza opening "Plymouth ... "We grew, loved, wed, gave birth" tells us of honorable Life which sister's live.

Expressed for all to share and view, Readers, Guests, visit Ann's port and enjoy her talent, weep and become chargrined with these lives we lead, this world we're in.

Thanks, Ann, stay well with best wishes in this new year.

Cordially, Teff
Review of Help Us Help YOU!  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

Jan 4, 2004

Dear Mr Master: Hellos, nice piece, very informative, thanks.

Everyone check this out!
Just cruising around our fantastic website and found the column Story Master posted last Aug, 2004. Which surely applies today and how.

This posting by our leader, guys & gals explains how we can spread the word to other websites of the many opportunities that Writing. Com provides members & guests. Links & suggestions well outlined.

Check this fine synopsis out if you don't believe me.

And Mr. Story Master, thanks from the heart for all you do for us. Happy New Year, Captain. Best to you and yours in 2005!

T. Teffom

Now WHO shall I e-mail first?
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (3.0)

January 2, 2005

Review For: Addiction Comes In Many Forms, the brief poem by poetess Amethyst touches the reader, wheher the reader be he or she.

It is a well rhymed poem and that sound, the beat only adds to the predicament. Namely a snynopis about a woman who apparently is smitten with a player.

The player often leaves to "visit his girl."

Although, the girl, the side-dish: " ... falls deeper in love."

lllllll Dear Amethyst: I like ADDICITON COMES IN MANY FORMS. The last stanza is haunting. Good Luck & Rhyme on! lllllll

Editors, Readers, Guests ... this one comes with editing points for direct feedback which the author welcomes.

Cordially from Teff
Review of Old Pain  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)

From Shamelss Plug Page in the first slot one spies easy enough, a poem by Poetess, Bekah Rae.

I liked OLD PAIN. Opening stanza presents a good summary with "Just a girl // trying to be a woman." (Hold on, what's the rush anyway. Life in the ast lanes, jobs, kids. from Teff)

Love: ref of Her for The World, that's grande.

Intro met. Quote "Personal but honest look @ one's self."

Genres: Emotional --- check
Romance // Love --- a stretch
Spriritual --- tiny bit.

Where's Your MOM?

Write like this and you'll go far.

Best wishes for a HNY, Teff Jan 1, 2K5
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Author Fireexi's THE PHONE WAS STILL DEAD offers up on a silver platter with well written prose, a seasonal tale with an ironic twist. Reminiscient of short story great O'Henry who thralled us with the final ivy leaf painted high up on a brick wall ... we can look to Fireexi for an imaginitive similarity ... not by subject ... but by the seldom used Twist.

Carryng off the twist seems done with ease and is so spontaneously presented, we've not much of a clue.

A dead phone, plans to give the fam a good Christmas, a retiree Naval Life Ins policy. A few nasty nasty pills. Where there's a will there's a way. I have a feeling this author's reasoning borders on impressing his readers with surprise.

Objections vary from me on cutting down seconds and heartbeat count in par that begins "The liquid ...
Merry Merry, Dear Author & Happy New Year

Cordially from Teff
Dec 24, 2K4

PS Intro met. Author Quote: "A story about a man who struggles with ... financial difficulties of life." Overall good job.

PS Sorry I took the last letter of your name to be an L, the other week. My mistake. Weren't you Deployment Poem's author? Well enjoy the holidays.

Like how can she (Miss Teff) write such a great short story of her very own, in her portfolio ... when avg ariel font is a little bewildering?

Eh, I manage. Ten-four
Review of Peacenik Prose  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

PEACENIK PROSE a poem, definetly for all ages, all creeds, all citizens was discoved inside the annuls of Auto Rewards, again page 4. And I am glad to rate it a 4 star.

Dear Poetess, Sunflower In Texas (Hey kid, whaz up?) Your Intro: "When I really think about it, I DON'T want to go to war.
Do you?" One superficial correction. It is I DON'T want to BE at war.

Use of < from here > Yes, Yeah, yup! EXCELLENT! Glad to see a repeated refrain ... IN A POEM. Then I hear the voice of the poem & poet. To me, repetition makes a point, the work benefits almost as if christened, me: I-D-ed. Also then the poem is recalled easier.

Ditto, Sunflower In Texas's second refrain <from Where>

The only objection to the entire poem is that we need be careful re: gov rhetoric. We in the US have a gurantee of Freedom in the US Constitution (supposed to anyways) For factual accuracy: We are not at war in Iraq for US freedom or freedoms. We got that in 1776. One Historic Fact, I dislike seeing distorted.

This is an eye-opener piece and I suggest it be read by members & guests & our poets on Writing.C ... BECAUSE it has a style.

Sunflowere in Texas ... Ma'am this is one of the few poems I reviewed here that came even close to having a style of writing for the poet. Close? honey chile, your style is over the top and came thru with grace and clamor.

Ooops, now these protesting "gray hairs" as you call them. Most baby boomers discovered Clairol years ago & probably keep that Co in business. LOL

Seriously, MERRY MERRY
Dec 24, 2004 from oh no, oh Lordy!

Dear Miss Sunflower. There's a pine tree at the door, a gift from a known culprit, who's re-gifted it. And it is huge! wrapped in ... is this fish net? Scissors ... Don't! Wham, Blam, Slam!!!

Woke up in PA, now I'm in Jersy in intesive care. Wow, my jaw is killing me. Those tree things are just like PEACENIK PROSE, they really pack a wallup.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

by alatariel telemm from Shameless Plug Page is a piece of flash fiction about an unhappy wife. A perhaps lazy, bored wife.

When this nameless wife, written in first person, embarks on a walk to ask outright with no preperation to travel with former high school friends on an unknown destination, readers may wonder if there is a mental breakdown in the works.

Chronol order:

Overall the piece is well written, punc, grammer, spelling firm

Gen mistake of tappping ye old convenient thesaurus button, maybe in only a few places. Or plainly searching for another word other than the norm.
Again E B White's Elements of Style. Follow this work and these common mistakes are alleviated. But we still try to make them. So alatariel, you are NOT alone in that department.

First line, opening sent: Come on now, you'll see this in your next edit. How does one lever themself out of bed? Do you use a Hoyer lift or is this a hospital bed?

Sure, Teff arrives at an eventual answer to those questions but not until ... He (give us a name) <thumps> into the bathroom. Now I think the guy's in a leg cast.

Wifey-poo <sways across the cold, hardwood floor> and I am fearful she's an elderly cripple. Character nameless has no age.

Leave your <droplets of ____> out for Teff

Hand in garbage disposal may attrack masochists. Rethink. Q ...who notices a lost ring in a drain? Ans. A saucer or a cup?

The char <finds them clean> What? Oh, The Dishes dummy girl, Teff. Every moment, every whatever forms a complaint? Worse than Teff tonight. >Finding> the dishes made me think char (she?) was in a woods bottle-hunting.

There comes a day in the days occcupation ... when the same old theme causes a considerable amount of laziness, never apolgized for in this essay about (her) boring marriage.

Sug To Imporve this piece, make it more interesting in the effect that reasons have to be stated for wife's discontent. When the blanks are filled in with the good descriptions this author already supplies here, the road to improvement will be acheived. Not much is needed, perhaps a few basic plot outlines and explanatons for the story's (the house environment) slovenly state of affairs.

Then this author has a better comostition to be sure.

Setting, the house == AOK
Charater sketch == ditto

Genre drama, no way.
Emotional? Eh, not really.

Wow, Scroogie old Teff.
Your improvements are on the way, dear author. Please know that all of the above are merely suggestions for better writing which the item surely does deserve.

Cordially from Teff, Dec 23, 2004
Review of Bonita Fishing  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.5)

BONITA FISHING by author, Snow Lake offers an imaginary tale with a suggested, evident twist.

Flash fiction at its most honorable genre met. Colors offshore come thru loud & clear with an <artist pallete> and a camera. Nice touch, Snow darlin.

Punct & grammer == firm

Favor indents, thanks dear author for taking the extra time there.

Easily read and scene vivid

Very much like <distant steel lace> == for the pier

Trying for a splendid day at the beach, amidst all this cold, brrr? Read BONITA FISHING and you may be warmed inside.

Thanks Snow Lake, Write On!

Merry Merry from Teff needs upgrade, must try harder

Review of End Of The Lines  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

&&&&&&&&& END OF THE LINES BY Lenny 666 is a fast, fun read. Almost a must read for writer's who wonder about the ease of first person narrative, like I often do.

Of Len's first person narrative, flash fiction BTW, there reaches out from the page a realism we all strive to maintain and carry thru the entire piece. Good job, swetheart.


For this monolouge, self help piece == conditions and promises of intro met, tackled and tied together

Like <vending machine technician>

Love <gale conditions> opulent gt choice, exaggerate and you get readers attention. Also one of many grabbers.

Gd explanation details re job change

Hmm, say what? So this overloading works then? How interesting. (Add to Scam Success File.)

Absolutely adore A trip to <Secacus>
with a guy <Named Anthony>

Grammer, punct == AOK

Santa hat's off to you, Lenny 666. You have a style!

Merry Merry from Teff author // HURRICANE WATCH Dec 20, 2K4
Review of Being a mother  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Ah. Toney, what a sweet informative piece.

To have a steady source of fun, with love mixed in comes thru loud & clear from this newbie author.

BEING A MOTHER, by author Toney is decriptive of any busy bee with babies in the house.

Thanks for sharing this with all of us who may have forgotten the time involved, which you leave out, but recall the joy you put right in this pleasant essay about the children.

Happy Holidays,
from Teff 12/18/04

The stars were brightly Shining!
<> <> <> <> <> <> <> <>

Review of The Run  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

Dec 17 2004

Hey Good Morning Everybody! Let the games begin with this one: THE RUN by JoeFC found on Auto Rewards, page 10 is a run for the roses in flash fiction.

Reminds this author of a short story by Steven King, but of course, we all know what happened to the characters in that marathon. Not the same here.

Love of the sport == comes thru loud & clear, Joe.

Sentence structure == AOK

gramar, punctuation == ditto

Like sent starting: "rhythm of my feet ...." to trance" Very nice.

Like also author's sent "... what my eyes saw ..." to ..."my body ... perceived." Another good sentence, descriptive of action molded with the runner's perceptions. Very neat-o.

At "Verge of death ..." I say uh-oh, watch out.

All of this compostion is running well, a pun and moving on ... for your audience.

Dear Readers & Guests, Read & See. Try THE RUN on for size, it may just fill your jogger shoes this cold winter day.

Merry Merrry. Write on Joe, dear.

From Teff / author CH 4 Hell's Kitchen, post 9-1-1
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

<> <> <> &&&&&& <> <> <>

PRIDE AND NECESSITY by Lean, copyrite Jan 2004, buried in the folds of Auto Rewards is a thougt provoking piece.

Bit of a mouthful actually, but if you take it on, you'll see why. Creative writing essay, actually.

Control of the suject == in hands of this author

As we speak, I'm telling myself ... define or redefine necessity, but that's only an option.

Fits genre: philosphy.

Raises the Q has it become popular to include almost every thought into psychology?

Dear Lean: I enjoyed this essay, had no problem with punctuation. Appreciated your ref at the end.

Teffom Reation, following 2 Postscripts:

PS Look at this for a writer, we talk, we entertain, we compose, even when maudlin. Extoverts, sure.

PS Look at this for reasons to bash the environment. No. Not there anyway, seems to be maybe, perhaps ... swimming slightly left of center.

Diplomatically yours,
Happy Holidays from Teff, Dec 16 2K4
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

PICTURE if you will a galaxy far a way. Hmmm? The North Pole, maybe and from a tundra of items frozen in time ... comes ...

LETTERS (THIS MAY NOT BE THE FINAL TITLE) by moodyguy. Discovered in Review Requests Dec 16 with note at the very end asking for "advise" and suggested "improvements."

PICTURE if you will, Teff sitting at her keyboard, rubbing her palms together. Because this is right up my alley for I like to help authors with budding works.

Are you ready, Mr Moody?

Overall punctuation, grammer == firm, okay by me. Not in anyway disruptive.


toss <he's examinng> opening par. We get it. Over the body sufficient.

Re-name Sarah & Jacob. Is this Amishville? Oh Lord, maybe it is, which is an entire published market BTW.

asphyxiation synopsis /par ... good, moodyguy. It picks up speed (still on page one.)

CUT down the purse scene, it's almost as if you could write an essay on pocketbooks with this interruption, sim to a full page add in The New York Times.

Buzzer scene == ditto

Okay ... <bugger all> brings up an interesting question. Are we supposed to guess where we are? Frustation could set in for some readers, who may feel they should take a part like a campfire chat. Yo, I'm in London, now. Or: Cool, Dude, I'm in Kalmazoo.

I'm ready to smack Jacob upside the head. Wrong name, kid.

I like: Office of a bureacrat == sounds good, looks good and fits the description.

Uh oh a character who moved from <down S> better pinpoint a local, MG, hon.

Recall, I mean you no harm.
Detailed review continues. Take a deep breath, we've passed the half-way mark in my handwritten notes & my shorthand's holding up.

Back to chron order ...

In this piece the author needn't recap for this reader, so often. NOT WHILE I am reading the piece.

e.g. W F -- Cucasion female repeated again -- sug indication, Hey detective's read the report already (my words, sorry)

" ... was on about" spells London setting to me. So dear author, a need arises to state where. You have who, what and when. Which is good these Ws are always very important in a mystery.

Watch genre for a draft <psycholgy, thriller nor suspence> are not here yet. Hard to review future directions or intentions for an item. Most reviewers arn't psychic.

Here's you advise:

Everything in a short story, also quite acceptable & sometimes prefered in a novella (which LETTERS isn't, not yet) EVERY SENTENCE, every par is meant to move the story forward. Sure recap at Chapter Two, a dif subject.

Not another buzzer entrance.

A car is a car in a parking lot, any car okay. Unless it's a Lamborghini.

Over all a tad on the overwordy side, hon. I'm positive you'll see that for yourself in upcoming edits. Redundancy == stated.

And, if I were to walk to my PC, open yesterday's Christmas doc. much of what I have written to Mr Moody, will no doubt also appy to my stuff, too. This is WHY we edit.

In effect the plot & story line, I felt, were stable, and ... I WANTED TO READ MORE.

Good luck in all future writing endeavers, Mr. Moody Guy, Mr. Potential author.

Cordially, Happy Holidays,
from Teff

Review of Heaven 10  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (3.0)

HEAVEN 10 by Amore Ombreggiato
<> <> <> <>
is really capble of leaving the taste of sweetness. Seems to linger, as I chase that opposite of sweetness, sugary love around the room with a butterfly net. Not gooey fluff, just something left from this encounter with ah ... the lover ... Theresa. Whom the poet writes about here whether fictitious or not. Seems characteristically a true entity, a person to me.

Intro met. Most poems contain little or no punctuation, dear Amore, so don't put yourself out with a comma, a period or a semicolon. You didn't need it as far as I could see.

Par 1 == Starts with Cold
Par 2 == Switches to Warm
This differention defines for us, dear poet, well done there, guys

Favorite line, "I now know of heaven" gives me the impression of an endless moment, no matter what lines follow. Here's your center line, that seems to hold the timeless love theme up by a thread. The thread that supports a baloon, airy, light, everywhere around us.

I'm sorry, it's an enigma to interpret poetry in gen, for me anyways.

But thanks for making me think, that I like from what I read.

Merry Christmas, Amore, love.

Teff Dec 16 2K4
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.5)

MY OBNOXIOUS CHRISTMAS LETTER by truebeliever is kinda cute. A great idea actually. Surprising we haven't seen this anti-brag letter before now.

Lives up to Intro

Dislike the caps, Single? Male? -- sug the actual meaning to be used will definetly steer the reader. If part of the spoof, I missed it. Sorry

Son's background = oh yes. Can feel him winning by subtrefuge, great

Victoria Secret? = Marvelous / and I like how the kid got the credit card in the first place / shows action on the spot.

An image (from former) of Mom on one's knees came out, like scrubbing the kitchen floor, oh teff has lots of housework to do.

Winding down, you drew your conclusion, end of the letter in a good light, single mom twice divorced, good stab at comedic correspondnce, kiddo.

Hope to read more like this from truebeliever.

Cordially == Teff
Merry Merry Dec 16 2K4
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

DECEMBER BLESSING by Dottie, c-rite Dec 2002. as true today as then. All of Christmas scents come alive. Found on page 9, Award Reward.

Cadence = good

Rhyme = fine

Lives up to intro: Pray for Peace on Earth. oh yes, we should, many do

Explores Hanukah as well as nativity scene

Thank You, Dottie, for this heart warming poem.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Cordially from Teff, Dec 11, 2004

I'm outtah here.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Unratable.)

Dear Sunflower In Texas (neat name BTW)

I read your post and noticed you ask for suggestions Re a draft of a novella I assume Fiction / Genre = Teen (fits there) Melodrama (eh = a stretch maybe) Novella FROM INSIDE THE NUTHOUSE Part 6, Uh okay.

I checked genre while reading the item.

A. Punctuation = firm

B. Grammer, watch verb contention. We tend to over do verbs, had checked = checked
(unless it the 1800's and had taken = took
Sunflowere, you'll surely see any on future edits for yourself

C. A gripe. Title not worthy of what follows. Coffee House, Santa Clause House, Pancake House. Nut House these days means cashews & peanuts. But I saw you meant
mental health facility and sure that's even fancy for me.

Please show no alarm, Ms Sunflower. I just want to suggest a few major clarifications that will send you to a publisher easier. Again, I'm sure you'd pick up on them also, but maybe these will save you time for those hours we spend over a work we already know by heart.

Mrs Sheldon ? First person narrator, is she? Not exposed to other portions of the story, perhaps re-cap and bring that to the start of Part 6.

Now the boys: David, Gabriel, Jay. When they switch houses for the summer, I re-read, almost underlined for clairy. MY MAIN HINT .... use last names. So if say Jay is at David's. Jay's at The Grizwalds (my eg) Hold on sweet cakes, I've a lot of notes here. Thank you, dear author for your patience.

Drop Rockwell ref the way you have it, plainly re-think it.

The Fonz == brings it out for me, leather jacket et all.

<> <> Those were the days, my friend <> <>
In a Perfect Place. Use the slang. I am a big believer in slangy phrases. We all talk in them, no sense acting above good old slang or slang like phrases. Shows realism.

Setting === Please give me some Texas, architecture, anything.

partake of nicotine == smoke. Highfalutin opposite of basic, down to earth

"Beautiful Mind" quote adequate. Never forget to include a source.

more stout = sure "stouter" weird word innit?

Are you okay. Miss Texas Sunflower ? Like birthing a baby, innit? We're almost out of the ballpark, dearier.

This Shelton's age ??? (one telling the story, running her own show) has an affliction, sweaty palms, inability to articulate consistantly sometimes, has a past spent in one of em nut houses, loony bins. (Oh believe it, my items breath jokey terms, from Teff = a given.)

Anyway, any parent who wants to can take offence with, busy-body Shelton.

BECAUSE: Is it not she who incarcerates the 2 boys. BECAUSE of this sentence: "His (Gabe's) parents thought I had taken (took) matters into my own hands and had checked their son into a mental institution."


When in fact it turns out, the protagonist (rt?) thought this was a === "place to chill" Yikes! Holy Toledo, ma'am.

With " (they the boys / teens) Needed?
"To deal with issues about life in this world."

Research added: List of symptoms for SCHIZOPHRENIA.

Action thriller, don't see. Leading somewhere else ... then this is intriguing.

Best of Luck in all your writing, dear Author. Cordially, Teff

Review of Little Bird  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

Nov. 13, 2004

From "Read a Newbie" another splendid poem arises. LITLE BIRD by The Dead rings. It's explanatory, lives up to intro, well written and flows.

The Dead (perhaps you mean Grateful Dead- if so Teffom is not that far out of the mainstream) is fun to read. I believe others will surely think so, dear author.

From Teff /// author
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