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Review of Woman. I Am.  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.5)

&&&&&&&&&& WOMAN. I AM. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&

a poem by Proverbial Enigma is a quest of the sides of a lady with a pen, dreaming about a love, the love, of her life? Right?

Good rhyme, self revealing of narrator in poem.

Teff likes this one.


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SHORT STORY COLLECTION/ adding former bitems ... from 2006 (etc} Edit Feb 3, 2016
#992418 by April Sunday
Review of Smiles  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)


Unsure if we can agree on some poems just hitting us, even read about one waking a poet up here on WC which happens to Teff on rare occasions.

But once I was thinking and waking with the idea that the poem had to make some sense, lost that one slept overtime last week.

Words to the wise above.

Suppose also that fancy worded -- nonsense poems are fine if one enjoys the cadence etc. Not here.

Just wondering perhaps the author / poet here left too much out, too much blank for reader to interpret. While not enough evidence present to go by.

Cute poem about someone smiling, is about all I got.


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Review of Nightmare at Work  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Aug 8, 2K5

Dear Author / Candles,

The one paragraph, draft type story, Nightmare at Work is a fun, fast read.

Yikes, Teff says at the end, no ending?

And, this reviewer did not like that boss man either. Arrogant, pushy, is he?
Chauvinistic? Now, Teff's a thesaurus. Sorry, but nice to have these at our fingertips, innit?

Character achievement met.

Melodrama genre // not exactly.
Oh, well ... unless you're thinking Soap.

Best summer ahead.

Cordially, ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Needs revs ---
#934458 by April Sunday
Review of The Autograph  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

Niv, may wonder how a work posted at 5am manages to be discovered by 7:15. Simple, Niv, dear, THE AUTOGRAPH appears on Read-A-Newbie Column.

So, the story about a writer and a reader is an approach seldom seen, yet handled quite well by this writer.

Compliments for your edits.

HOWEVER: Might be to your advantage to reconsider sev predicates.

In chono order: 2nd par -- had become -- try became

had come --- arrived or came

had induced -- induced

had lauded --lauded

Bugaboos those hads. Sly lil buggers who never leave the other side of the screen door, even with Raid, they still persist to hang about, I guess.

LOVE: The coffee comparison!

But in another place --- "... sipped coffee abstractedly." Sounds too posh, doesn't fit, maybe another adjective.

Glass walls --- for car windows. Original and appropriate.

"His writing being the interface ... " Good, precisely.

Best in all you do while writing on & on.

Welcome to WC.


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SHORT STORY COLLECTION/ adding former bitems ... from 2006 (etc} Edit Feb 3, 2016
#992418 by April Sunday
Review of FireFighters Life  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Dear Shannon,

Your recently posted item, FIREFIGHTER'S LIFE is in fact by content a good read.

However, posting fast, the best thing to do is hit Keep Private Fo My Eyes Only. Thus time needed for your copyrite item, at 11 am can be edited.

Customary to call a prose poem a poem, or other genre.

Not a short story, a story poem.

Use caps and periods and commas, we can handle that.

No objection to n, knew it means and.

A few corrections:

Use: entrance, motions as, I'm, station once, waiting, writing.

Good try, can be saved.

Cordially, ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Latest in Blog Ring 3:
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#952447 by Not Available.
Review of BLOG RING  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Hi Blog Ring!

Good morning to all, bloggers, members, authors, guests for hold on to your hats now, Mr & Mrs America and all the ships at Sea* (*Walter Winchel) For as of July 20, 36 posts tally WC's first blog ring.

And you thought blogging was new, while a blog ring idea at this form is newer.

Now, not sure I uderstand all this but you may want to check it out, then post your blog by genre.

Well mine's helter skelter, but be back soon. Actually its rather posh, if I do say so. Rath-er tip top and hoitytoity all about the writing, listed below.
And darlings this idea is going places, what?

Well have a bloody good day and all that, mates.


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#952447 by Not Available.
Review of Revenge  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Part dreaminess, part dialog, REVENGE by Duskiestar comes our way from Read A Newbie Page.

One thing to watch out for is overuse of the word had. "I had come in from a walk ......." try came.

If pesty had buddies grasp your pen, duskestar just merely chase them away. Teff uses a fly swatter, but still they get on my written pages too.

The Gaurdian Angel bit is a good take.

Story with a moral.

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Most recent winner ---
SHORT STORY COLLECTION/ adding former bitems ... from 2006 (etc} Edit Feb 3, 2016
#992418 by April Sunday
Review of The Stowaway  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Author / poet Phlow's poem THE STOWAWAY is one of man poems on Sponsored items. The poet leaves some cookie crumbs writing about a poem, either not written or this one came insted during the night to the narrator.

Good attempt, overall kinda cute actually.

Included in the item is a synopsis item on the author's reviews received.


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New win ---
SHORT STORY COLLECTION/ adding former bitems ... from 2006 (etc} Edit Feb 3, 2016
#992418 by April Sunday
Review of A Self  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

A SELF by Don Anderson is listed on Sponsored Items.

This poem is brief, elusive, yet seems to want to explain birth and life.

Coming across this seems to give me something to ponder for a few seconds.

Previous to that, having borrowed a DVD player, with a movie due back, Teff was thinking how easy it is these days ... no rewinding.

Maybe --- Don's "from father's loins"
to "mother's womb" is a little like that. But probably not. Just kinda easy for one's self.


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Invalid Merit Badge #106915

2nd place win
SHORT STORY COLLECTION/ adding former bitems ... from 2006 (etc} Edit Feb 3, 2016
#992418 by April Sunday
Review of Summer  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Akina Yei offers a four-line poem, SUMMER on Read-A-Newbie page. Sounds like summer a litle bit, feels like summer without the heat being mentioned.
Good try, brief work. We'll see more poems from this author is a sure bet.

Welcome aboard!
Cordially, Teff

For an explanation of poetry rates, see
LIFE TOPICS WELCOME/ posts/writing tips/ a record/crt2005
#924861 by April Sunday
where a nasty tiff is in progress, unfortunately.
Review of Mind Writer  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

"Writing. Com author, Jack offers MIND WRITER on Auto Rewards, page 8. A click away, ladies and gentleman, reviewers, guests is a treat with a Cally / script writer bent. The narrartor, first person is the one villian who does not ever once drop his verbosity for himself. Replete with I -- I -- I --- Yet, the last vistage at the cabin is the question this reviewer takes from the story. Some stories don't end until we see THE END. So unsure of this take on screen writing and contests in general at this time." Alabama Courier Times // T.Teffom // July 18, 2005

Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

"Green Dragon offers an informative article packed with the ho-hum, no not really, day-to-day adventures of a fellow American transporting dogs via air cargo. Not a piece of advice one see everywhere, BUT it is really spiffy, laden with the nuances of shots, ticket counters and carriers. An article that tells it like it is --- in good writing format. Making one feel challenged to do the right things to accomplish one's goals --- internationally, of course." Alabama Courier Times // T.Teffom // July 18, 2005

Review of Moonlight dancers  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

July 15, 2K5
Dear Layia,

Why oh why did you miss the second cap for your poem, Moonlight dancers?

Seldom, and this is not meant as a stab at other poets, please don't think so.

Seldom ... does a poem recieve above a 3.5 star from Teff.

This wondeful poem with its old world charm & style reminds me of classic poems studied in poetry classes since grade school --- into college. Why?

Because the flight of the owl --- is visual inside the singing rhythm of the poet's craft.

Your opening, Layia, and FYI members, guests, authors, poets, is the mettle that forms the entire poem.

The author sticks with her style to the end. When, it just seems over and one is dissapointed because its gone. But there it is to re-caprture with a second read. A read we want to make for it is that good of a poem.

First Stanza ... "Beneath the pale blue autumn moon
And the branches of dancng trees
On the quiet current of a midnight breeze ..... "

Excellent, excellent work, dear poet.

Contest and publishable material, right here. There's your sign. Maybe out of the simplest concepts comes with proper vocab, scene setting, nature the best of the best. Five star all the way.

Now, listen up, Laylia ... for you certainly MUST rhyme on!


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#952447 by Not Available.
Review of The Ballerina  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

July 15, 2K5
Dear Michael Waye,

Since your poem, THE BALLERINA asks for comments on style and presentation in the intro, Teff clicks on.

Now, Mike the entire concept of a new style may be novel to the poet, yourself, although not always acceptable to all poetry fans.

However, I'm not all poetry fans and I must say, you had me at ....

" ... observation" And "I don't give a damn about the weather."

When this poem evolves from mind to keyboard, let's assume ... you are playing with fire ... by using the parenthesis. However, Teff is still undaunted for she likes new things.

Mostly the i-o-n sound in poetry turns me on, Mike. By using 'predication'


'altercation' you have my complete attent-i-o-n.

Now, here's the deal, Mr Waye. After "spin ....(all the way to) ...in my mind"
one asks, "Why waste the typing time with the side-step stanza?"

Best here to go with the not really uncommon ... line by line single spaced presentation.

Looks better, reads easier.

Try your words in this format for that stanza only.

"Spins life verdue
Will incise
Spin a flush solace ...."

Sure you get the picture. Keep the 4.5 star. Good poem, actually.

Below: this is just me, ah --- lately.

Add a bit of color to the print which is another eye grabber to try. Myself, I'm a tad tired of standard black. So check out Writing.C's extras. Not rainbow world, just a little summer color, man.

Of course, the above paragraph is very superficial and matters not in the least.

This poet has what it takes. So Mike, Rhyme on!

Review of Acid Tongued  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

"ACID TONGUED, the forum comes our way since copyrite date of No, 2003. Here an author may request a review for work that is not the average, everyday run to the mall to shop and cheer up in aisles of the latest fashion imports. Here is not the place for cookie-cutter firm pieces to be discussed. This seems to be a forum with a message, a hidden agenda or hundreds of those, too. Is this a place for social outcasts who actually tell it like it be?
Maybe yes, most definetly. Excellent mission statement from Elisa Stick opens the path to sooth the soul of honest, realists." Alabama Courier Times / T.Teffom / 2K5
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Ever see the sponsored item change right before your eyes? Sure you did.

Wish you'd hit that one from sponsored items? Forgot the title and your fast return evaporated like steam from an overboiled clam. Ans. Yes.

Finally cornering the place to be ---LIAM'S FALLOUT SHELTER (FORUM) readers, guests, poets, authors, reviewers find 279 posts and climbing for an item that crested the waves of Writing.C only since c-rite date, June 12, 2005.

Holy Hannah, Batman! Time to sit back and listen to writers tell it like it is, like it can be, like it will be and like it be.

Great, informative, fun reading for ALL.

Cordially, Teff
Review of The Interview  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

"Nothing short of a high score should survive THE INTERVIEW, a thought provoking piece by talented author, Fyn.


The interview of a polish senior citizen who went to summer camp, then later came to America ... begins in 1944 when Bertha Golanski is a child.

That summer camp was in Austria with special showers, guards and offered free tatoos.

Do yourselef one special favor today, like this author maybe you will also make a few comparisons to today's strife when families are sepearted and wars rage on in various parts of the globe.

A No. 1 --- Excellent work!"

Alabama Courier Times / Literature Section / T Teffom / July 9, 2005

Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

"New member, Lost but Surrounded posts a poem about lost childhood, titled VIEW FROM THE BROKEN GLASS. Innocent by gone days of youth are easily read ... uh and missed. Boo hoo. Only kidding. Rhyme on!"


Dear Lost,

Common usage of "i" is capital I.
Also, start sentences and stanzas with a capital letter. This is not an e-mail to friends it is a copy-rited item. A hint for better rates, easier reads etc.

Cordially, Teff
Review of Who Are They?  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

"A short take on society surrounds "they" in the poem, WHO ARE THEY by Starfire." To answer this questionaire type expose, one needs assume there is positively a THEY in the first place. E.g. === Someone sets a trend, dearheart, which folks follow in Cally but not in Maine. However a very good attempt at defining a few ills that plague social graces? Maybe yes, maybe no." Alabama Courier Times / July 7, 2005 / T Teffom

PS === Who are they might be a list instead of poetry genre.

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#982180 by Not Available.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

Congratulations are in order to Ken1970 for THE MAN WHO FIXES THINGS recieves a five star rate from this humble reviewer.

Few poems attain such status. This poem sings, tells a story and is in the realm of well written. Plus a must read.

Best luck in all you do. Do Write On!

Ken's ready for his porfolio's got lots of new posts for readers & guests as of today, July 6, 2005.

Over and out, Teff
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#960972 by Not Available.

Review of Vision Quest  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

July ---2005! Already!

Because the poem "Vision Quest" has a bit of a story to it, a bear, a sandy beach, a campsite and an apple .... this spells a thought out poem.

Seldom does Teff mention ways to improve a poem. Now this one is listed as a true life episode. Come on now.

Take the dictionary and stick to rhymes throughout. But OK as is, really.

Next is the encounter the real thing or is writing poetry the vision quest?

Only reading this poet's work will provide an answer. Click on here, ladies & gents. For a story poem to knock our socks off from AllciaWithAy.

All day long, Teff will have a humorous vision of a bear washing his face. Cool!

Cordially, Teff
#934458 by April Sunday
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Don Anderson brings to the table an exhilarating ride along "the road of responsibility" .... "run over by obligations." When you get to "a diner on the turnpike to tomorrow" a reader simply blushes, hoping for more poetry from this talented poet. Five star work here, Mr Anderson!" Alabama Courier Times / T Teffom / July 1, 2005

Teff with her forehead in Webster defining "phenomenology" from the intro for ONE STEP AHEAD TO NOWHERE ... something new listed on Auto Rewards. Hmmm.
Review of "Quailty" is King  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

"Once upon a time the term Made In USA meant ..." words most importantly drawn from the gist of this essay by Morganisms. The author goes on to reveal: outsourcing, oil costs, shoddy work spelling shoddy goods.

Even if you, Mr & Mrs America and all the ships at sea **... have nothing to do today BUT read this article ...

Please click here, look away from economic cable news and ???

(open one's eyes.)

Dear Morganisms --- Here Here! Hats off to this author. Research evident.

Include a ref biblio, if you can. The world at large can benefit from honest facts backed up with a source.

** Walter Winchell quote.

Cordially, Teff
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#982180 by Not Available.

Review of The Life Of Me.  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

Author/ writer Kira begins a June 30 Blog with: "I'm often confused, I'm 17 ....
A Plug Page into which notes ..."No one's reading this ... I want to know why."

Eighteen entries. Many blogs get skipped over, many members are not privy to reading them, so the audience is less than for an ordinary genre item.

C-o-n-f-u-s-i-o-n is one bug-a-boo word Teff finds in an overall sense to be TOO randomly overused. A word with synonyms which are more appropriate to the situation or meaning or explanation of a topic.

Reading Kira's May 17 entry ---Confused, dealing with exams, wishes to see b/f (boyfriend.) ...

And May 16 --- Lost. Lost's sum: thoughts on chosing a college ....

Okay here's the deal. Presently reding BLOOD MEMORY by Greg Iles, Teff endures nearly 346 pages of a character with bi-polar symtems, plus! Talk about confusing!

A way to write? Yes, an acceptable theme in modern, popular, bestseller fiction & mystery.

Puzzling ... our lives as teens. At 17 we graduate, admit to a need for a break from school so life can begin. The job, the cars, vacations.

At 17 we drive, date, assert our whims, personalities to parents, teachers, friends, cousins, employers. Now men may need to avoid a possible draft already be at war. Sadly maybe even worse!

Honey -- Chile! Life is a series of ups & downs, lows & highs, cars and more cars, boys and more guys, loves & hates.

And YES! Write about them at every bend in the road, at every chance you have. For your gift is just getting going.

Psst --- wish I was 17 which I am today from reading your work.

Best of all summmers. Write on!

Cordially, Teff {{bitem:982180}
Review of River Spirit  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (3.5)

JUne 30 --- From Plug Page arrives RIVER SPIRIT by Wolfman reads Wheel of Time.

Like line: "Am I strong enough to cross the divide?"

Rhymes well, vocab fine.

"River Spirit" is included in a poetry series from this poet's port. Q. Shall we click and enjoy this one members, readers, guests?

A. Teff says yes, do.

To Wolfamn --- poetry quest on & on!

Cordially, Teff
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#952447 by Not Available.
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