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Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (3.0)

Rain, sky, rain! June 29, 2005

Desiderata for the New Millennium by author/ poet Don Anderson brings to the table some vivid advice.

Reminiscent of Teddy Roosevelt's "Walk softly and carry a big stick" sort of.

Teff's head inside Webster.

"Desideratum: something needed and wanted." Latin origin.

Okay. Now the last line seems to detatch from the entire poem.

Namely "and maybe it will help." Comes off as too cookie-cutter smooth. Or nicey-nice in a way.

Lately poets want to know if I like their poems.

Yes, I like this one. Appropriate to the times.

Cordially, Teff
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#960972 by Not Available.

Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.5)

A June copy-rite poem from Fyndorian has an echo of morning in it.

Like the line: "an argument not quite settled."

With intro dedication to sharing a second cup of coffee with a friend reminds me, the taste of morning is summed up here.
I'm so lucky earlier this Spring to enjoy "the scent of lilacs" like this poem.

Plus Vanilla Maxwell House this morning.

As for arguments, probably find one of those sooner than later.

Nice work!

Cordially, Teff
Review of undr a tree  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Members, authors, poets, guests might enjoy --- "under a tree by dahlia."

Cadence, met.
Rhymes, A-OK.

Sad when narrator waits.

"He wouldn't come back.
Why should I linger on these roads?"

Also offering feel of a woodsy setting.

Suggestion: General advice, merely try some caps in title, please.

Do rhyme on!

Cordially, Teff
#934458 by April Sunday
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Admittedlly ... part lecture, part sermon at the end of this essay -genre. But genre chosen correctly. All rolled into a fascinating comparison between erasers, life and colororful typing which the author suggest portrays are moods.

Oh, really?

Rosey day ahead here, temp dropped. Ground wet, time to dig some holes. Sorry from Mary the gardener.

Yes, thinking about ERASE AND IT WILL SHOW ... under the morning sun.

Love the line: "Buying an eraser is like buying a second chance." Me: at life.

Cordially, Teff
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#952447 by Not Available.
Review of Cat and Mouse  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Lucky today starting the morning with poetry.

CAT AND MOUSE by new member, Sandy gives a blow-by-blow look see into the predator's world. Outside the poem, a "Glasglow Close?"

One supposes tabby is active in Scotland. My, my. Go figure.

Cordially, from Teff

LIFE TOPICS WELCOME/ posts/writing tips/ a record/crt2005
#924861 by April Sunday
Review of Beaten  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

Ranni offers an intro for "Beaten." "This happened a year ago --"
If so, this is a sorry situation for this author.

With articles or the ever-popular compostition story there's leeway to type in non-fiction. Perhaps adding the word to the intro without a genre choice is one suggestion for this poet.

The poem is detailed.

Writing.C welcomes this new writer.

Cordially, from Teff
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#982180 by Not Available.
Review of Just Another Case  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (3.5)

Just Another Case by author Sam Black is set in India. An impoverished India with "a billion strong population."

Kinda sneaking in Adult Plus genre, this eyeopening story follows a boy's life when estranged from his parents.

Suggestion: Re-check 'clutttering teeth.'

Could be chattering.

Modesta Gamble here.
 Reviewing Wisdom 1, 2, 3 GO!  (18+)
Criteria for Cordially from MS TEFFs REVs sent
#945969 by April Sunday
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

Mikel offers THE FLAG and an intro to the poem, copy-rite June, 24, 2005.

Particularly like "I fought in three wars and my flag it was there."

Contents also include the symbols behind Old Glory.

Best wishes in all you do, dear poet.

Cordially, Teff
Review of Deep  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Red. The color of June roses.

Sure my punctuation is off the mark.

Mark this well, member kaway's poem DEEP has adequate punctuation with sad rhymes about "unlove" mentioned in the intro for this item. Yet, a startling read.

Perhaps about a missed relationship gone skiddaling into time and memory.

Best wishes, welcome to this website.

Cordially, Teff

LIFE TOPICS WELCOME/ posts/writing tips/ a record/crt2005
#924861 by April Sunday
Review of Fear the Repo Man  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

"Yeah, yeah, Travis ... but what about the 'Vette?"

FEAR THE REPOT MAN is a tale with a twist. A story with a moving plot line.

Dear Author -- consider not using too much that may not have been in the original ... "walked briskly" and
"delicate hands" for some reason interrupted this reader. But the piece is fine really.

Lisa, Barbara?

Of --- "of-" Give a few dashes which look better, are acceptable, easier to read, please.

Not a single detail on Bobby, Steve (sorry.) See, Trav? Story is realistic. A grabber.

Lisa's eyes go from sky blue to emerald.

However, this is a five star, no doubt about it.

Glad you plugged this one on Plug Page.

Sure to capture readers! Write up a bundle and have fun.

Sincerely, Modesta Gamble (Teff's asleep)

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#982180 by Not Available.

Review of Saga of Fatalisim  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

First of all, HolyKnight, your intro is explantory with a "story rattlng around in my brain ..." Womderful!

The terrible implications for FATALISTIC SAGA is clearly evident in the last line of this current work in progress.

Pssst .. Tiny typo @ "knock on the door."

HolyKnightHamster, please accept this suggestion.

FINISH this one!

And when you do, give me a buzz.
For I want to know where its going and have to be curious all day. Phooey.

From Teffy's sub
Already Interested aka Modesta Gamble

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#952447 by Not Available.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

Sunflower's poem A SEASON FOR INNER GROWTH seems to draw a thin line between winter, spring and one's ability to comprehend with a will for ...

Room for improvement?

Well, here you go, readers, poets, writers, guests. One special poem to click on to enjoy or decipher.

Cordially, from Teff
 TWIN GIRLS / POEMS about Gwin & May  (13+)
Itsby, bitsy spider went up the bedroom wall where two ladies sleep ...
#934432 by April Sunday

Bye for now, I'm outtah here.
Review of Night  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

Nightwriter offers NIGHT on Auto-Rewards. A contest winner about a girl against a tree, in the dark, a storm overhead with an aftermath of a damaged soul. Rather terrifying.

Sometimes, and perhaps Teff is not alone, when sponsors sponsor and writers write we begin with Eng comp. Graduate to the college thesis.

Where in the world OR WHO defines essays and flash fiction?

Night meets criteria of latter, has a beginning yet sad end.

Cordially, Teff
 Reviewing Wisdom 1, 2, 3 GO!  (18+)
Criteria for Cordially from MS TEFFs REVs sent
#945969 by April Sunday

Review of Treasure  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

The author of TREASURE says in the intro, "My last poem, I'm tired of this writing gimmick."

Now, now, Zen, settle down, it's an okay poem about love, its romantic, genre met.

So what can we do for you?

Almost 60% of poems here are brief and about love.

Estimate 10% on depression/ death.

The rest well, pick a theme any theme, Zen, honey child and run with the ball.

The Suggestion: Tired of writing?

Take a break and read, read, read those published works you'll find just about anywhere. Even on your booksehlf, I'm sure.

Cordially, Teff
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#938484 by Not Available.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)


June 14, 2005

The title OLD ROOTS, NEW BRANCHES is a grabber title for this item by Laxman m Basnet.

Like: "The old Kathmundo, all crumpled with cobwebbed, tapered roads." Wow!

Note for numerous setting descriptions of similar ilk to this sentence, one sees potential already, from the top.

Of the wall "to scramble it over." Colloquial?

Please place Nepal in opening (hook) par if that is the proper country.

Re: The Poignant wheel of time. Cap P not needed unless this is a topic or actual proper name. Very good noun & adj combo.

Teff seldom re-writes for author's. However, for "Both of them gave him the same logic."

Maybe try === Both afforded him the same logical conclusion. --- E.g. only. For all writers decide words they pick to tell their stories. Therefore, we are confidently safe when or if we reply with ... "I'll write the way I want to write." Which Teff once said. So no stepping on toes intended, dear Laxman.

Be assured that Teff has made so many mistakes in her writing that these can't even be counted. Thus you are not alone. And particularly for content, I very much approve of your plot line here.

Plot being the absolute essence and backbone of a story. If not we'd ONLY see perfect punctuation and sentence structure repeated from here to Shanghai. Sorry, I digress.

By the way ... what business is Bikal in with his Moscow interests?

Old Roots, New Branches === Foggy conclusion.
Helter-skelter verbs.
With === American connotation of "a kid or two."

Keeping reading ... oops ... rating Four Star. Author's efforts evident.

Cordially, Teff colloquial also AT

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#952447 by Not Available.

Review of Open Circuit  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Perhaps you have noticed that Teff's somedays a four star gal.

But Lordy, I thought my typos and misspellings were badly delivered due to a keyboard from Thomas Edison's heyday.

So sorry to tell you this powerofwhy, but your futuristic article OPEN CIRCUIT still needs a spell check.

Open Circuit provides a look at the future (fu-tur-rrr) of networks via the boob tube (actually around since 1950?.)

Lives up to comedy genre.

Do you refer to Alabamians? What is the fascination? Only kidding, me too.

Cordially, Teff == Viva Alabama!

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#896696 by Not Available.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>

June 10, 2005

Character names here for THE LOSS OF LOVE: CHAPTER 1 are sufficient.

A William appears and is that Jon, also?

Sentences that have subject first, predicate second and object third remind me of forced diagraming with a ruler, a pencil and a sweaty brow, waiting for school to end each June. Just a teeny-tiny bit too tight, sort of.

Loosen that up as much as you can. Verbs are good and not at all disruptive.

Search for creative language anywhere on the net. Or our work falls into a category that is too common.

Remember, you must try to supply some flair, here and there, Unknown Writer.

This will come right up out of a printed page and grab you by the throat and say one day ... Yo, remember me? I am exaggeration! I am creativity for creativity's sake.

Next, setting. Jon one can see. Mel is already standing in the wings.

Good start of a novel, Unknown.

You simply must write on.

Cordially, Teff
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#952447 by Not Available.

Review of Old Friends  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>

June 10, 2005

Dear Demetria:

At the bottom of my screen, gold letters on a black label, there reads,
Writing.Com: OLD FRIENDS.

Your private like poem has no rating and thus the four star.

Of this poem, whose potential (yours) peeks out with every single line. I must say firmly to you, and please heed this earstwhile advise.


Cordially, Teff

PS == Authors, members, guests ... Particularly liked: 'hand made cards.'
Not a thing of the past, I hope. For beating Hallmark to the punch is often very self sufficient.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

Neal Greene's poem, THIS, I BELIEVE, I BELIEVE is a fast read. Filled with day-today things we ponder.

Nice. Do rhyme on!

Cordially, Teff
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Mothermouse's poem about a female baby boomer's past and present is a charm to read. A charm to recite.

When you get to the part comparing a youthful intake of a 'chocolate malt ...' to 'quit the salt.' One just know it's , dang it all, nasty old aging.

But lipstick is still nice, equels fully dressed to kill, after all. No?

Great job!

Cordially, Teff
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

"Susan was beginning to think ..." --- use thought.

Brevity, Miss Texas Sunflower, never harms a piece that opens a novella.

Carry all the words to one side of the page, shake like shake and bake and let the wasteful words fall through a sieve.

Then, when you give me the outside of the animal clinic's door, the roads and byways and blue bonnetts and sunsets of the Lone Star state's setting, we have a deal.

For with your work, Teff always reads on!

Cordially, from Teff

PS == Heard this is closed?

LIFE TOPICS WELCOME/ posts/writing tips/ a record/crt2005
#924861 by April Sunday

Due to brawls. Shameful.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)

From Request Reviews comes jburgesscst's THE BUSINESS OF LIVING, a flash fiction, fast read.

In a car bound for Mexico, a four yr old girl and her father who just murdered his wife.

Dialog == good and accurate grammer evades the piece.

However, just a teeny bit too crisp as the ending becomes the title when the car crosses the border from Cally.

How else to improve the ending?

To tell the truth, when the radio went un-noticed, the sparks coud have flown by having the little girl's mother, alive and the border partrol guy arresting Mark.

Everyone writes and edits their own way, natch. Teff looked for fair play in this one. Character is certainly felt.

Best wishes.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

Dear Reason, Your take in A LITTLE ABOUT PONDER is a delicate morsel of conceptualizing patterns. Logic, thoughts ... all here, members, authors, poets, guests. Readers may enjoy this fresh outlook.

When our author, Reason gets to the sentence about the skunk for some wild unknown reason, Reason, Teff thought to name the next character in my next Southern style lit, Ponder. Or maybe his dog. A dog named Ponder comes to mind.

However, one realizes that when they are plotting ... away from the keyboard,

away from the research files ....

at night dreaming up the next part of a story

playing anything over in the mind really ....

One is pondering.

Yes siree, big thanks for this sweet piece of insight, luv.

Cordially, Teff

Pondering a Ripper Theory lately? Check
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#936894 by Not Available.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

Whatever your compliments are for your "narratives" and the justification of "I know you just read anything you get your grubby hands on" these are assumptions. .... Dear author of What Do You Think, there's not a lick of comedy that throws one, nor any concise points as to why you should write here.

Now in the ms, there may be evidence.
Not shown.

Lots of times a writer must be egotistical but a true story is not just quips of anyone's life. Generally there's plot, setting etc.

If you mature by reading the best you can find then in all probability after about twenty or even thirty years goes by, try it.

Judgement by peers is seldom concrete.

So the gift of the craft ... is it here readers, guests? If so, tap this piece on the shoulder and say, psst you are not alone.
Review of Orange glove  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (4.0)

Snow Lake's intro for ORANGE GLOVE beckons the imagination. "An old hotel on the Isle of Skye." Secrets, gamblers on life itself, a lone gunman all sum up intrigue."

Like: "The island is like a large opal" which adds to hook / grabber in first paragraph.

Like: "The young woman ... in reasonably good shape" the description of the beach walker destined to meet her fate quite suddenly, actually.

Flash fiction worth a look see.

Cordially, Teff

Hey Everyone! Check out the competition at
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#939979 by Not Available.
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