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Review of Wild Bill  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

T L Finch shoots from the hip once more with a vivid story-like poem, WILD BILL. Part history, part fun, and gracious yes, rhyme.

Favorite Line:

"Many men lost to him, no time for a will."

Perhaps it is time that Teff, sorry, Finch --- I digress -- Uh, Teff take a moment to hand out for all poetry items a brief scale of A to E.

5 star (A) to 1 star (E) This is the way I think of it re: poetry.

Poetic form or discussions therof means very little to me as I remain unversed in such matters. So I do not hold one to any certain poetic standards.

If said poem is likeable but so tiny, one barely sees it with a magnifying glass look at a 3 star.

If I love it, as I adore story poems or poems which send me to the moon, Alice ... you may look for a 4 star or a five as Wild Bill deserves.

If Teff senses that a great deal of effort is spent over vocab and rhyme ... 3.5 star or over, depending on content.

Please note, Teff very rarely rates below 3*.

This reviewer stands with a prose poem does not have to rhyme at all. But there must be a marked difference between prose --- poetry and English Comp 101. Nor does Miss Teff feel overly qualified to change or suggest ways to imporve any poem as that is up to the poet -- author.

Dear Finch, did I just tell them I don't know diddley squat about poetry? Maybe yes, maybe no.

Never fear, we can store many items under both creative writing and creative poetry. Now street poetry, that's a wild ride. End of Teff take on poetry in general.

Thanks for listening, hon.

Cordially Teff

This one got a joyful 5 * today .... Made my day, fer sure.

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#938484 by Not Available.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

Anna Fassbender how-to on writing gathers personal writing ploys together in THE LIFE OF THE CHARACTERS.

And yes, Ms Anna people take Derby Derringer to be so real in ALABAMA COURIER that they accused me of plagairism, rated my story a 1 star.

Now the realism of character and setting are what good stories are made of. The background of the operation.

And yes, Ms Anna, once I wrote a novel (3 yrs in the making) and the 12 to 16 characters were down right gabby, day and night. Trick is to not answer them in public. Walks in the woods with the gang are nice.

Nice piece, nice question, glad to see === we are not alone, hey?

Cordially, Teff
Review of Her Face  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

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Emma Pistachi offers HER FACE, a flash fiction short story. Fun to read, odd to decipher. Grammer firm, realign par breaks. Silly but we are warned in the intro about a character, Cecilia who is followed, bade to smile, take a bath and more by a constant presence. Cute." T Teffom / April 6, 2005
Review of broken inside  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
"Loveforbrokenhearts, author, offers a poem, BROKEN INSIDE for Writing.com authors, readers, guests. The poem speaks of a lover's exit, the narrator alone. Brief poetic rendition that explains an individual's broken heart syndrome."

T Teffom / April 6, 2005
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)
"SOUL'S DARK PLIGHT from Tor (David Mc Clain) copy-rite Jan 2005 bespeaks of a tormented soul without just cause mentioned or reason given. Readers leave the scene of the sadness not knowing why the tear falls in the last line. Again, are we to assume because of the illness of depression that that modern day illness may be the culrit. So we do not know, David?"
T Teffom / April 5, 2005
Review of Amran Chapter 1  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)
Author, Ayren offers AMRAN, PROLOGE on Auto-Rewards in April, adolescent Lit. This cool sci-fic begins with a man in closet of a cell. His mind has the ken for telepathy. The intro boasts of a "special ability that causes a world of conflict." T Teffom
/ Alabama Courier Times

Lot's of A's above. Ayren, this sounds like one to capitalize on.

Cordially, Teff April 5, 2005
Review of Masterpiece  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.5)
MASTERPIECE, a poem by The Loon One -- comes together with fine rhyming stanzas. A tale of a secret dream girl. Signed, sealed and delivered for all of us to emulate. Fine work, Loon, dear."
T Teffom
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)
"Sara Averill Wildes is accused of witchcraft in an interesting story recommmended in last week's Drama Newsletter. Author Female Stranger's "Sara Wildes: Red Scarves and Witchcraft" spans over thirty years of turbulant times in Salem, Mass. Play by play here, marriage to a widower then the fateful hanging of an innocent woman." T Teffom/ April 5, 2005
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Alana Mortensen offers a lovely item of "love poetry." Pretty neat actually. Basic, boy misses girl or girl homesick for boy.

Romance! Ah carumba, in all the hearts of humanity. However, well done, happy-go-lucky quick rhyme.

Cordially, Teff
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
[C:ROSE} Mark Short's rant / essay is an absolutley entertaning look back for his character's life of hard work. On shift, bereft of family memories, working life of working stiff.

Wait a sec, is that an asylum light bulb swaying, ringing of acute lonliness ?? ... ah, the pity.

Nice job, realism here. Guys & Gals, Guests, click on the depiciton of regrets in WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE. That you won't regret.

Cordially, Teff
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (4.5)

Dear Pita,

Just flapping in the naked air clouds of Writing. C this morning and found your VERY instructional piece, my friend. On linking. Now that's an explanation. And we thought Greek was impossible to master. Get this guys & gals there's even a gitem.

Pita brings to our attention, how to do it (link) when to use the extras. Bitem, citem, item. Now the thing is in this airless head of mine, without the smart alecky say what, is to learn to use it.

Thanks for
The illustrated guide to linking  (ASR)
Confused about how to link? Exactly what to type? Click here!
#560037 by Writing.Com Support

Cordially from Teff newly revised "MOFFETT FILES TAKE FIVE Testing 1 2 3
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
Captain Colossal offers a fun read, ORACULAR COOKIES on Auto Rewards, page 30.

Honestly! LOL Teff has lost all her past fortunes, those iddy biddy slips which end up costing about ten bucks each.

Follow the method contained in this one to interpret the Chinese fortune cookies daily dilemna. Map fun for your future, your friends and any loud neighbors, kids.

Thanks, Captain. Decent read.

Cordially from Teff
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#952447 by Not Available.
Review of The Right  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Sometimes it's all about the writing and the story, innit?

When Unscarred delivers his many punch lines on the physical and mental exercises behind the craft, behind the desk, at the keyboard. Maybe we see ourselves.

Maybe not when Lewis, the main character in THE RIGHT, goes bonkers when someone else publishes his work. A plagiarist ... No! We say. Lewis! NOH!

Tip top. Great short story.

Cordially from Teff
 Reviewing Wisdom 1, 2, 3 GO!  (18+)
Criteria for Cordially from MS TEFFs REVs sent
#945969 by April Sunday
Review of Unfading Regret  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (3.0)
"UNFADING REGRET, a mini poem by Liza83 once more alludes to sorrow, regret while merely relating to readers the feelings attatched to such strife as: "guilt" and pain etc.

Now readers, such as the hard-headed Teff, the searching for meaning Teff always leave poetry such as this wondering what the heck happened to cause these terrible reactions ... for the "tattered heart" in this one.

The Suggestion

Include why one feels the need to write this synposis, perhaps right inside the very poem, itself.

Good luck.

Cordially from Teff
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#938484 by Not Available.

Review of Golden  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

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"At last a new Powell, copy-rite Mar 20. And yes, it's simple and sweet this time. A man and a woman, married with a terrible sadness that defalls their lives. Can't beat this author at any fiction genre, boys & girls.

Members, guests, click here and enjoy this fine flash fiction. Nice Job, J A." Cordially from Teff

#934458 by April Sunday
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Catchy title, oh Teff so disappointed. Thought this was a spoof on whale subs, or pastrami on rye verb sandwiches. Hold on, is it? Okay, reader may not really care if voice is passive as to be led by author. For that reason? So we may feel exactly how the writer directs. Where's the plot in the meantime? Teff is jumbled & perplexed by this view.

Readers read. Writers write. For once, content does come out slow, overwordy, verbose via dragging on, forever and a day predicates. Yes, er do, son. There's your sign to shorten all. Please, please Read The Elements of STYLE. Then find Steven King On Writing."

Of course, just my opinion.

Cordially Teff now accepting poetry: any style on point @
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#936894 by Not Available.

** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **
Review of Bus Driver  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
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For Bus Driver from E A Powell, a brief scene including a piano, a four yr old and a 16 yr old. In a large house of some kind in an unknown location.

Montana, The Amazon River Basin, Choctaw Ridge? Name your setting; use it wisely.

He? He doesn't like it one bit ...

Okay. Now why will readers want to know why things are going down as they are?

Hmm. Well Chapter Two, the salvation, next in line, the author may hope raises this story off the tarmac.

Not exactly. Always give out your best shot at the start to keep reader interest. Hooks reel em in.

Writing stories is similar to fishing.
Bait with a few well placed plot lines,
then snag your fish by the gills.

Plus what about the Bus Driver?

Cordially from Teff

#934458 by April Sunday
Review of Bank  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)
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"BANK by Bit Phantom outlines a line of hostages during a bank robbery. Customary to use the millimeter and make of gun, not just fluff fill-ins to describe speeding bullets or velvet for SWAT gear. And it's conscience." Alabama Courier /

A-OK but needs re-edit.

Can use a little less tawdiness during sentences. It's a bank robbery, for heaven's sakes not a church picnic.
Review of Martha's World  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (3.0)

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"Author Pen In Hand starts out with a game plan for MARTHA'S WORLD. Namely to boost a char Tim O'Brian left falling by the wayside in published, famous writer's mode. Now the author of GOING AFTER CACCIATO (O'Brien) shares his pages without par breaks so readers must read on and on of themes relevant to Vietnam. Martha, naturally alludes to a dislike of war while in college, when Jimmy her penpal is off killing, which upsets Martha and affects her "journaling. Too bad, huh. Which leaves me to ask ... so things don't change much since the sixties, right? Darn wartime. Now Cacciato, there's a piece of work in a character, a story and a must read." Alabama Courier Times/ T Teffom
Review of Self- Importance  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (2.5)

"From the title Self Importance, a poem by linda which is a mere four lines, we wonder why. Where is the self importance? Why so teeny-weeny a poem? When perhaps there is more behind the hidden message that is not here. Suggest you add to the poem or change this title found on Request Reviews." Alabama Courier / Creosote / T Teffom

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#936894 by Not Available.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

"Debilitating illness, boredom that prompts an "insouciant smile" and, of course, the greedy wolf ready to devour. All here in RED RIDING HOOD --Gran's POV on Plugger Page by Vikrgirth. Fast read worth a look see." Alabama Courier News Sunday Edition/ T Teffom / March 20

Cordially from Teff
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#896696 by Not Available.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)
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"CHILD'S MEMORY OF CHRISTMAS by Aratena is a fine composition that fits all ages. Children's Literature can also be counted in genres. A kind grandfather with a sense of humor, takes his grandchild on a midnight Christmas Eve walk in snowy, cold O-HI-O." Alabama Courier Times / Mar 18 / T. Teffom

While Courier Times is a fictitous rag of a paper, this story lists as non-fiction. An artist's rendition of the scene almost comes alive with the happiness contained in this work.

Talent around every corner on Read A Newbie Page? Absolutely. A CHILD'S MEMORY OF CHRISTMAS prooves that tidbit of info, once more.

Thanks, Aratena. Nice work.

Cordially from Teff

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#896696 by Not Available.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (3.5)

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"ANOTHER SIP OF TEA with a bit of Iish myth by author Sqirrel1979 comes our way, c-rit 3/13/05. A man takes on a guest with "an oil lamp flickering gently." The chat comes on and lives are outlined." Alabama Courier News Times / Mar 17 / T. Teffom.

Decent character anaylsis.

Needs a bit of uumph. Perkier plot or actual events of the two lives.

"All sorts of instruments ..." With an Irish theme, name them. Bagpipes, fiddle, spoons ... what?

Good try, potential always.

Happt St. Paddy's Day!

Cordially, from Teff
 TWIN GIRLS / POEMS about Gwin & May  (13+)
Itsby, bitsy spider went up the bedroom wall where two ladies sleep ...
#934432 by April Sunday

Review of The Pilgrimage  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)

"Author / poet T L Finch brings to our attention, PILGRIMAGE a finely documented piece of a concert trip to Canada to see THE ROLLING STONES! Far out, Finch. Details, here ladies and gentelman that will meet your "Satisfaction." Alabama Courier News / Mar 17, 2005 / T. Teffom

Nice work, Finch. You may want to think poet brevity with this one and shorten verb tenses to present where feasible. When using past tense, stick with plain old -ed and toss been, would have etc. You're sure to see this on future edits, I'm sure.

Wow, the Rolling Stones? Luck o'the Irish to be sure. Happy St. Pats, upstate NY!

Cordially from Teff
Friends cut a tree in the Blue Ridge Mountains, NC
#920697 by April Sunday
Review of Why me ?  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

Is it my Irish luck to find the funny ones this morning? Thank the bloomin fairies, my heavens!

Viber, here's a rev to paste to your brief, entertaining poem.

"Readers, authors, guests ... you will surely enjoy the realism in WHY ME? by poet, Viber. Ride the E Train, have some fun!!"

Now, the squirrel on the head, Yowsa, giggle, giggle, chuckle LOL LOL Alert!

One thing, Viber, dearheart. Take an re-edit look at punctuation. Eg. after a word no space before plain old: See? (:)

Cordially from Teff CLOSED REV 1 2 3 GO!

 TWIN GIRLS / POEMS about Gwin & May  (13+)
Itsby, bitsy spider went up the bedroom wall where two ladies sleep ...
#934432 by April Sunday
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