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Review of About a Girl  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)

<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>
"Together we are firecrackers,
thunder, lightening and children," is a line by new member, Guscommon, in the eye catching prose, poem, ABOUT A GIRL.

Dear Gus, Seldom are reviewers here unaware of the many romantic poems (a trunk load, really) we encounter on WC in a week's time, as readers, as reviewers, as writers.

However, your poem about a dream girl is not only different but has the slice of realism present sometimes in the allusive craft of poetry weaving.

Here, Guscommon weaves a dream girl almost out of thin air. Now, darlin, and members, writers, authors, and guests .... Let me tell you this. Now that's poetry allright!


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Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

Poet/ author, Rizia presents a rough encounter. The actual details of a rough sea come vividly alive. Now, in the end, one really must agree while actually avoiding No. 4 or no. 5 waves. Teff always thought the ocean bed is no real friend to mankind.

However, in MY AUTOBIOGRAPHY IN A WAVE one even sees the useful ability of thinking about things, life from the lofty perch upon a high dune, beside rambunctious tides.

And, hon, don't be afraid of caps. Easy to use & say a lot in the long run of: Will this piece gain respect here at WC?

This poem speaks of reality, also! Presenting the swimmer's nightmare.
Thus the four star rate.

Okay. Cordially, T.Teffom, ocean buff.
Review of charles street  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.5)

Lyrics here scream poetical in nature. Due to the use of Charles Street, can we pinpoint a city? The city which goes unmentioned. Oh, I how wish I knew it's name since Teff's a setting buff.

Hat's off to Charles Street. Try a few caps, dear, can't hurt really.

Charles Street by Rusy Shnelle. Recently read a few tidbits Re: Coco Chanell, Rusti Schnelle makes me smile.

Best weekend to you and yours! Enjoy Fall.


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Review of Dying Day  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

From the pen of author, Silverstein, comes DYING DAY. One can circle the site, WC. Wait for the neat ones with Ye Olde Twist In The Tale. Look no further, boys & girls. A man observed from a diner, a familiar place to the onlooker eating on the run ... in the pouring rain. Click this one, to see art take shape with setting, character while weaving simplicity in the telling. Enjoyable! /// Oct. 4, 2005 // Alabama Courier Times // T.Teffom
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

Maureen O'Loughlin tells it like it is when she details an author's lifestyle, life and life's blood in ANY REVIEW IS A GOOD REVIEW, a brief, worth reading, essay / opinion. ( ( Now how did she know exactly how one feels while composing stories? Gee, Miss Maureen did you visit Teff's house? )) 10/04/05 Alabama Courier Times // T.Teffom

WC Members, guests --- This is a MUST READ!!!!!
Review of September Rain  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

Look here, Fyn. About this poem of your's SEPTEMBER RAIN which you posted August 27, 2005.

Now, naturally, I don't know where you live for autumn to invade your psyche so throughoughly. However, your poem prompts this humble reviewer to take the walk, smell falling leaves at my feet.

Of course, you are perfectly right in your audacious, colorful remarks. By all means "September reigns."

Do Teff a favor; do rhyme on!

One of the best, adding to favorites to re-read and enjoy.

Thank you, Fyn. This is poetry with a capital P.


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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed .
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Author, Prier offers A STORY OF STORY TIME on Auto Rewards. A tale of sharing familiar stories aloud as grandparents and grandkids imaginations's soar.

Nice work, story line held and well organized paragraph by paragraph. Even little David, a mere age 6 comes alive from the pages, as he tires out during his story. Although "David was by far the best listener."

Favorite line: "Their tenure ... approaches obsolescence." (Indeed, no TV, no VCR nor DVD, merely the old fashioned art of story telling.

WOW! The last line, Prier! Eloquent at best.

Hats off to this author for capturing family genre while describing a flair for entertainment.

Cordially, T. Teffom

My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed .
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

Marlean, is that you, again with the Auto Rewards Page already?

Forgive me, but you know I can't resist opening your items whenever I find them.
Thank you for your intellectual patience with me.

The holiday spark of generosity falls easily from this author's pen with EXTRAVAGANT SHARING.

Be assured, readers & guests, with LEAN you may need your dictionary, your philosphic credentials to produce the special smile that says this WC author is a true plesure to read.

Hey, LEAN, see you around, my friend.

Best Autum Days ahead for you and yours.


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My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Go Noticed .
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (5.0)


Michelf presents the best rhyming sequence ever. ADVENTURES UP THE STAIRS reminds one of The Night Before Christmas! Yes, it is that good.

With KABOOM, this poet chose the proper word.

Kiddie Lit Genre and superb.


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Review of Destiny? Doom!!!  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (3.5)

Author/ Poet Rebecca offers DESTINY? DOOM !!!, a sponsored item, copyrite, July 2005.

From this poem comes a hidden message about a "future" of descent according to this poet.

The use of words starting with D only serves to highlight that traverse into this poem's "Hades."

Not a bad poem really. Content merely leaves readers awash in a sea of gloom without a glimmer of hope (I think.)
Which is not entertaining but on topic of the title.

Cordially, Teff

Reporters reflect on 9-1-1 during a hurricane
#915872 by April Sunday
Review of You & Only You  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)


Dear Members, Authors, Guests,

Please not this author's pen registers as Lost Punk.

Dear Author/ Lost: You ask for a title for this poem. So how about trying "Ode to a Feeeling."

The narrative of the poem addresses feelings and an unidentified person or persons.

With "Cuz the inner violence is growing..."

it becomes hard to fathom an exact meaning behind this sonnet.

However, nothing wrong with trying and try you did. Thus a beginning for this item's recent posting.

PS Enjoy the Birthday Celebration. Note contests for poetry etc.

Cordially, Teff

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#960972 by Not Available.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (5.0)

Dear Story Master ---

If Teffy can get her mind of Katrina and New Orleans for a few rev's maybe she'll enter. Wonder where this was during my revving career. Note on feedback being included. Not a stalwart nor a novice there.

Just seems a bad time right now with all in the news and the South. However, may consider another round for this contest sounds enticing.

Good Job! Best to all during --- excuse me, reaching for my tinted shades, wow is that yellow bright brite or what?

Back again. Seems enticing for all reviewers who've been around the block or wish to join the fun.

HEY!!! New members here's your chance to score for that first upgrade.


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#936894 by Not Available.
Review of Manly  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.5)
Aug, 29, 2K5

MANLY by Phlow bespeaks of the pleasure of the day trip to an Australian seaside resort town.

Excellent when it comes down to it as long as the setting rings, as this places Teff there tasting "Oysters Kilpatrick and garlic prawns." Delicious rhymes.

Favorite line: "Your words I devoured by the pound."

Absolutley, a MUST READ POEM!

Don't use the above too often, Phlow.

Poetry On!


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Nothing INVALID about this

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#936894 by Not Available.
Review of Just Describe!  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (5.0)

Aug, 29, 2K5

What a brilliant idea host, Max has for JUST DESCRIBE Contest (Forum.)

View three pictures; describe one for a rather bulky bag of gift points which could easily spill into your winner's port.

Check this one out, ladies and gents, boys & girls, authors, guests, poets.
Most likely in your favor.

 Just Describe!  (13+)
Describe With A Twist!
#999337 by Max

Already 36 posts. Get the binocs, get busy! Describe on!

What bother's Teffy is the artist's name behind the painting's and drawings. Been ten years since History of Art I & II. Now where is that text book?

Cordially, ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

Invalid Merit Badge #108756 Invalid Merit Badge #106915
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)

Couldn't see where this one was going for awhile, due to thinking Edsels and ancient Buicks only got about 8 miles per.

The ending is classic!

And wow ... "My cat gets a billion farts to the can." Is so funny, then too the one about the elephant. Thus this 4.5 star, dear author.

Featured on Comedy Newsletter, so don't miss it. Hah hahh hha ha --- gooood!

Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (5.0)

"Touching! Brevity felt with prose that defines with setting, happiness discovered in the sunrays of diamond backed Kansas. Good job by Kare Enga. Read & enjoy ... FOR JEANETTE WHEN SHE GROWS OLD." T.TEFFOM
Review of Hateful Joy  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: ASR | (3.0)

Well, Gat. Didn't read the other poem, but says alot with the reverse at the end.

Maybe, ID the other work with your bitem no. {bitem: ________} No in the ________
This looks good. Eg.
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#982180 by Not Available.

To keep it the same poem, skip a few lines down and write a subtitle in.


Or not?

Cordially ** Images For Use By Upgraded+ Only **

PS. Do you think blue suits me?

Review of Hypocrite  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Yes, dear poet, you have a good thing going here with HYPOCRITE.

Merely address a spell check.

Wondering how this came my way?

Read- A- Newbie Page, moments after you c-rite. Somehow a tiny little kigga biter gets into your port and sends the message via telepathic rays and whamo, there she be.

If not really ready, choose, Keep Private for My Eyes only. But hey welcome aboard, showing potential is this new member.

Shake em up, kid. May take a few months, but definetely do-able.

Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.0)

Dear Author:

Most often one uses capital I for I.

Poem with short lines, doubled spaced, nice impression overall.

Random take, makes me think of picking a character name in a way.


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Review of Insolence  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

Nice work, Goldendream

Insolence, a poem by Goldendream delivers with Rhyme, cadence, and a similie we seldom think of but sure it's there.

Love the lines:
"That was the way it had always been
In the village called Respect." The pace setter.

Great idea, poets, click here and really enjoy.


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#936894 by Not Available.
Review of Time of Demise  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 18+ | (3.0)

"Umpteen one of thousands, another tried and true mini short, flash fiction here on WC. Time of Demise esits with a scary thought. Death all around, a gas station exploding, yet emphathy for poor John --- either in my mind's eye the killer or just the same type of guy as Coffee in The Green Mile by Stephen King. Only the author may know for sure." Derby Derringer / Alabama Courier Times / Aug 15, 2K5
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (4.0)

SPIDEY PRAYS FOR HER MOM, c-rite Jan, 2K5 is a tale of hospitals & surgeries. Providing the sense of a family waiting in the wings. A very supportive family.

Author, Spidey handles a tough one quite well.

Includes fears, prayers, results and aftermath of a difficult time with a touch of warmth and complete caring.

Great job, here, kiddo.

Best Luck Always!


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PS -- Did you mean Hershey, PA? Just curious. Chocolate town.
Review by April Sunday
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)

"Songwriter, CloverChic lists THIS FADING MASK on Auto Rewards. Lyrics that tell the story of a lady's plight in the limelight. Rhyme and cadence delivered with a beat. As life goes on with the chorus of: Staring, Staring, Staring eyes. Another Four Star to hum along with on WC." Alabama Courier Times / D. Derrringer / Aug 8

Derringer here fillling in for
Teff today.
Review of Cursing Charlie  
Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | (3.5)

"Cursing Charlie" offered on Auto Rewards by author, Nic has the setting of Arizona in the background, while two lover's minds mix in either telpathy or dialog.

In the last paragraph the Nic tells us not to think. Is a content rating now a no-no?

So, where to start, where to stop?
What to say?

While the entire piece builds toward the girl going flying over the side of the cliff.

Which leaves this author without further comment.


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Review by April Sunday
Rated: E | N/A (Unratable.)

Here's a moment of truth, allright. Teff's at her PC editing, so this review's from Derby Derringer.

Miss MimossaBubbles, let's assume we never met. Your piece, "Me! (The Outlook Series) just doesn't seem to have moxie enough for a series opening.

Yes, the house on the cliff, coupled with a dream. Ouch the depression.
Mon Dieu! Suppose at the drawing board of "life" as you outline, this reporter from Alabama Courier better step aside.
Seems you want to render or rant or dream some more, maybe. Make room for more to come from this item's conception to finale.

Will this please your muse's whims?
If so ponder on.

Bubbles, dear: Best corral the imagination and forever write on!

Derby Derringer

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#896696 by Not Available.
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