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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Startiara,

this nonfiction rightly captures your moments of contemplation regarding the "man who lay next to me night after night." This in itself is a colorful way of mentioning your husband.
My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations for turning another leaf at the WDC. Have a wonderful day!

The power outage in the humid season is not very easy to grapple with. Yet, as you say, slowing down makes us think of better things than the immediate day-to-day concerns.

You mentioned responsibility and the way people try to walk around it. That is a common feature in people. Those who are aware of it and do their best to fulfill it are uncommon. Of course, they do not take the centre stage ever. However, though their work goes unsung, they remain in the hearts of many.

The way you have used this period of slowing down to dwell on the conduct of your husband is praiseworthy.

"my mind wandered back to a short feature film ..."
And thus you move further closer to home and him, who merits such warm feelings from you.

Language and style are real winners.

Thank you for sharing.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review of Time Away  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Thaddeus,

this is a wonderful take on the do's and don't's of life. My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations and have lovely day!

Your rhyming verse covers the facts of life, both pros and cons of it in a lyrical way. It appeals thereby.
The tips for a healthy mind are useful any day. People should take time and appreciate the good things of nature for pleasure and profit.
"Take the time to smell the roses.
Take the time to count all the stars."

Many will be saved of disaster if they listen to your advice in the second stanza.
"Stay away from cigarette sticks.'

The skill of listening and the art of contemplation come to me with great effect in the third stanza.
"Take time to listen so you'll learn."

The valuable experiences of observing life from close proximity find expression in the final stanza.
"Make sure to pray and see old friends."

And the crowning glory is my favorite among favorites,
"Make sure to have paper and pens."

Your poem is a short cut to a healthy mind in a healthy body. Those who care to follow will benefit in great measure.

The rhyme and rhythm of the poem offer a bonus delight besides the benefits.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review of Ladybug Beach  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Itchybarn,

this is a pretty good poem for a five year old to write. Appropriate subject for a kid of five. They are mostly interested in the small insects in the garden, like my grandson Pablo is.

I can see that you not only gave the physical description of the ladybugs but did a bit of research into the benefits of having them around.

"Ladybugs like to munch on pests,
So gardeners think they are the best.:

I never knew this fact about them, ladybugs.

The last two stanzas made me feel a bit alarmed. If they crawl all over you, wouldn't you feel allergic to them?

Color imagery in the second stanza is quite visual.

Rhyming is beautifully done with the scheme AA BB.

It flows well with rhythm intact.

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The colorful glory of sunrise.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
The picture of an introvert is painted in all truth.
It is not loneliness, it’s just being alone is a great asset.
I can see you have created a world of your own.

“Immersing in romantic movies….”
You have hobbies and time to enjoy them. Quite enviable.

A world that is happy and contented is what you have created.
Understandably, the sound of the doorbell or the ring of a phone call are not liked .

There are enough reasons for being an introvert. Yes, it’s true that people frown upon your ways. They hardly know of your secret of happiness.

You have a convincing argument against the extroverts.
“Being talkative, socially active, makes you authoritative”

I think we have both sides in all of us, except the balance tilts to one or the other side.
I like this article perhaps because I am reputed to be an introvert. I don’t regret it either.

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Glorious and Joyful

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Review of Holding Hands  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Dale,
this is an appealing account of your love and marriage with your childhood friend. Facing the highs and lows of life together is a great experience to cherish and remember.
I can see that both of you are devoted to one another and life continues to feel like a dream come true.
Holding hands is more than mere a physical gesture. It speaks of support both moral and physical and something else; a sealed companionship for all times. Your interpretation of this actions comes to
me like something of a revelation.
"We help hold each other steady. Whether for balance, emotional support or a romantic stroll we hold hands. While holding hands we are silently, saying, "I'm here."
Holding hands change significance as a couple matures from being young to older and more sympathetic to each other.

I appreciate language and style of this nonfiction.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Kenzie,
this is no tongue-in-the-cheek writing. There’s surely something serious about receiving emails of flippant nature.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on completing another year of creativity at the WDC.

Have wonderful day!

I too have been at the receiving end of such messages of compulsive nature.

Here’s an example. “ You are the winner of national lottery. You need to collect it. Give us your bank account number.”
I was debating whether to send it. I, however, was was warned about the dire outcome. I was saved of cyber robbery.

As you have pointed out, there’s something quite alluring about these invisible presences that draw us into a vicious circle. We begin to believe them. Of course, there’s no denying of role of greed in it.

I was helpless with laughter as I read of your “buttermilk” incident.
The last two paragraphs are hilarious.
What can be more tempting than a new car?*BigSmile*
The use of irony is apt.

Thank you for a delightful article with unique language and style.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review of Cry! Cry! Cry!  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Great job, Norma.
I enjoyed the story woven around the song "Cry cry cry."
A simple theme but right out of life. The ambiance is good too. The feelings touch like the chords in the sentimental song.
It is supposed to be sad, but I can't miss the flash of humor.

"... I’ll just sit here and miss Delia.” He obviously believes in moping around.

Congrats on being the winner of the day.

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Glorious and Joyful

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Review of Abuse  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Everybody ,no matter who, gets abused at some point in life. The irony of the matter is that they don’t even realise it till it hurts. Children at school either by bullies or teachers, by their parents who constantly nag or force them to do class work, suffer from abuse. Physical and mental ways are more suppressing.

Parents abuse each other ; she by sending him on errands, which can wait and husbands who sit around while she does more than her share of house work.
Same thing goes on at work place.
What is necessary is one of them, usually, the abused should become aware of the point at which the abuse starts and she or he must of need, retaliate. I have seen the boss asking a junior to get coffee for her, despite the fact that she could do it herself.

It needs sympathy and a sense of sharing to curb this abuse of power.
It is difficult to do this until one is capable of being in the other’s shoes.

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Glorious and Joyful

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Review of Secrets Revealed  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)

I have just read the story and am duly impressed. The story is different in the sense that the son discovers his own identity and who his father was. You have taken me through interesting lanes of the past of the mother.
She kept her belly dancer costume and other small mementos of her past, which surfaced as the skeletons in the shelf. The way the son fell upon his past is narrated with visual effect.

I sympathize with the mother despite being solely responsible for landing in life long trouble. It is ironic that the son is equally secretive about his correspondence with his father, and thus becoming responsible for the later repercussions in their lives.

I think it teaches us to be honest in our dealings with others and ourselves.

Now, how they come out of this chaos is open to imagination.

An engaging story.

Congratulations on your WDC Account Anniversary. Have a wonderful day.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Chris,
I am a little puzzled by this poem. How to "Tell him you don't feel love anymore." It is a serious matter to tell him. No wonder you are mulling over this issue.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations and have lovely day!

It looks love under pressure doesn't grow. I am guessing so. You gave enough and that you don't have anymore to give. Does love ever stop growing?

Perhaps it does, when wings to fly are cut and that the bird is caged and cabined.
"You want your freedom too,
You feel imprisoned in a can"

Tables turn after a while. You feel as unsure as he was in the beginning.

I can see that if love has no freedom of frank expression or feeling lonely despite him, then love becomes a strife.

This is a candid poem of real feelings.
It flows well and it made me think about this often talked about emotion called love.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review of 'Tis the Season  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Mordie,
Description of a snowy evening is evocative and appealing.
This review is for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on being creatively active for another year. Have a wonderful day.

The snowfall outside and the welcome warmth indoors keeping the bitter cold at bay are visual.
Use of adjectives like evening darkness, amorous displays, childhood slips and snow drifts draw my attention to the scenes you painted.

There is a natural flow and rhythm to the poem.
Imagery is sensory.

Thank you for sharing talent.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Maria Mize,

this is an appealing experience you had with your sister while dealing with a minor crisis. My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations and have a pleasant day.

It is true that many of us would feel as disgruntled as you did when Pan played you foul. You must have been pretty shocked at it. But that is way her nature goes.
Your timely and quite decent acceptance of what happened with a right action to follow, comes to me as a surprise.

You are right when you say that you have got it from the Voice explaining as it did what it means to turn the other cheek. It is not easy to follow. Learning to behave benevolently is truly appealing.

I am impressed and hope to follow the lesson you have learnt.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Mitch,
this lesson from nature is shown well. My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on this occasion. Have a wonderful day.
The rose is lovely but surrounded by thorns. I think we need to be careful touching any part with bare hands.
Despite good intentions, you got to leave them untouched I suppose.

But the lesson you got is for all.
"Some things are meant to be that way."

The way you connected woman to nature is appealing.
Free verse flows well. Its rhythm unmistakable.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie
Imagery visual.

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Review of Journey  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
enjoyed reading this poem, which is all about making the best of life while it lasts.
It is quite exhorting about being a dreamer of good things like,
"The stars shine above
Home to ancestors
Long forgotten"

These lines remind me of my own ancestors without whom I wouldn't be born. So it is with love, the delicate string on which hangs the fate of two lives.
"Face your fears
Before it passes by"

The pleading of the lover has a special appeal.
"Give me passage
To your heart"

Journey together appears so blissful.

A nice poem with a spontaneous flow.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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Review of I reset  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
An inspiring poem, no less.
Early morning climb of the mountain with sun shining and the land blooming around is exhilarating enough to let the stream of thoughts flow fresh and spontaneous.

"Morning sunlight filled the air,
My life's purpose laid honestly bare."

The strength comes from inside, not from others. Will power and willingness help, and a person is pushed forward on to the road of bright future. You are left with no time to think of obliterating things like, ego or shame.
Life is short and art is long they say.
It has been a long time practice to make hay while the sun shines.

Well written rhyming poem with fetching imagery and word choices and line endings.

It flows well.
I enjoyed reading it.

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A new Simply Positive Reviewers Group Signature.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Marti,

this is an appealing verse that shows the value of contentment.
My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations and have a lovely day!

It is quite common to feel small and unnecessarily worried about our own self. Nothing is more depressing than feeling self pity. It happens to me too. Yet, as you did, I tell myself each of us is made unique. Each has his/her own place, view and understanding. That makes me a thinking and feeling individual. I am happy.

"Then people will tell me take a look at your world"

A wonderful take on how to find happiness.
It flows well with great imagery and a spontaneous feelings.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hi Norman,
this is truly enjoyable. You brought both self and society into your poetic focus. Ye indeed. Humor can change the color of life from dark to a pleasant pastel.

It is a great waste of time to think or try to change things that won't budge. You have put this point across in appealing verses.

"You simply have to play along
Or readjust your goal"

We should know when to give up trying too much.

The last stanza captures the secret of happiness.
"I’ll take care of the things I can"

And the rest is in God's hands.

Imagery and flow are awesome.

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The colorful glory of sunrise.

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Ken,
a funny but so true a poem on the coffee habit.
I am no drinker of the "dose of caffeine" and I have nothing against those who depend on it to start their day.
I am glad a cup of coffee has a benign effect on your mood and that it continues to support your "never-killed-anyone streak". Mind is a strange mechanism indeed.

I love the word play displayed in the title and the entire poem and the appeal of your sentiments expressed about coffee.
The use of hyperbole in the last stanza sounds credible albeit hilarious.

"...redemption's found in a coffee pot".
Then the world would lose balance because it tilts only to its good side with no sinners left.

Great poem with an unabated, smooth flow.

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Glorious and Joyful

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
Hello Bryce,
You have got a good conception of what our happiness is and where it comes from. My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on this happy occasion. Have a wonderful day.

Your analysis of stages of life where you start having an idea of what makes you happy is clear and close to truth.

I can't even remember what I was during my infancy or early childhood. But I recall the way I was since age 6. Like any other child, I found the outside world a treasure house of never ending curiosities. People places and things got my attention and I was a keen observer.

In my case the sense of caring for others started right in the family. I had two younger sisters and two younger brothers, each with a difference of two years between them.

Truly caring for others started with my marriage.

Your reflections made me go back to my own past.

I enjoyed your article, written in fluent and easy flow of language and style.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review of Conscience...  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Robin,
this is an impressive poem on the significance of conscience, the possession of which makes us, human beings so special and singular.
My review of this nice poem is for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on completing another creative year at the WDC. Have a wonderful day!

Indeed, conscience is our keeper. we are answerable to it. You have addressed it in several appropriate ways. As thinking and feeling beings we need to keep it clean so we can live free and happy lives. conscience checks us from falling to deplorable lows or unwanted highs in life. It helps us in keeping balance and in being level-headed under all circumstances.

I am able to see your through practical vision of conscience that inspired this excellent poem.

It flows well.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review of For Either Of Us  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (4.5)
This flash shows that any object can make a tremendous theme for a story. I could see your creative juices are alive and that kept the reader deeply engaged.

Happy WDC Anniversary to you, Mark. Congratulations and have wonderful day!

It caught my attention with the opening line, which I heard is an important feature of a good writer.
"I began to tremble! ..."
You had me imagining the person with a gun pointed at him. It proved to be otherwise.
It is true that a fly needs a lot of preparation to be caught and killed.
The narrative showing the operation fly killing delivered with great appeal.

The device of anticlimax is used well.

Thank you for sharing talent.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
Hi vivacious,

this is truly a helpful discussion on character building and first liners of a story. You made me aware that I should keep the reader in my mind along side of myself.
Boring starts if I drag on details, which at that point are not necessary. I should tuck them away for a more appropriate moment as the story progresses.

"But she kept on running, hoping she’d make it out the door before the Count, now dead for over 400 years, caught her and claimed her as his own."

The above sentence is detailed, yet, it unmistakably keeps the reader's curiosity whetted.

Love these clues to a good story.

Thank you for sharing.

Have a wonderful creative WDC Account Anniversary!

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review of Summer  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with Showering Acts of Joy Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
The purpose of the sunny summer holidays is well shown. A time to relax and rejuvenate the elemental juices in the body and mind.
"Anxiety, stress, washing away,
Each day passing on clear sunny days."
There is an obvious absence children which explains the pervasive silence. In silence the mind and spirit recover from the tensions of a working year.

The meticulous choice of words and line endings adheres to a pleasant rhyme and rhythm.

Imagery is visual and taken out of real life.

It flows well.

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Glorious and Joyful

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Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Hello Sarge,
I could see the underlying meaning of the message that Bob left for Jack. This is a message for all those speeding drivers everywhere.

My review is for your WDC Account Anniversary. Congratulations on having completed one more year at the WDC. Have a great day!

The story shows the vital role of a police officer in controlling those who drive recklessly bent on reaching home, which often results in uncalled for accidents.

Bob's own sad story of losing his only daughter is an effective example.

"Once upon a time I had a daughter. She was six when killed by a car."

It is a powerful narrative that cautions people to drive with care so that valuable lives may be saved.

Dialog, setting and theme have a deep appeal.

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Anniversary Reviews email siggie

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Review of Calling  
Review by jaya
In affiliation with SIMPLY POSITIVE GROUP  
Rated: E | (5.0)
Each part of the poem has fantastic word pictures. Feeling the heart and bones is not unrealistic at all. Changed metabolism over the years is a natural occurrence. Ability to voice it takes talent and imagination.
I especially like the appeal in the lines,

"My bones,
I feel,
are near dust."

A time comes when the body starts shutting down its mechanism. This poem has great relevance to human life.

The finishing line makes me think of the person that lost love to death.

It flows well with visual imagery.

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Glorious and Joyful

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