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1,223 Public Reviews Given
1,228 Total Reviews Given
Review Style
I try to give reviews the way I prefer to receive them. Honesty, thoughts for improvement, and identifying strengths are aspects that I prefer from others, so I give these things in return.
I'm good at...
I can pretty much review anything, whether poetry or short stories. My favorite genres to read are horror and the odder side of fiction, but I am open to reading other genres. If I do review a genre that is not one I particularly enjoy reading, then I am most likely going to review it based on the structure, rather than the content.
Favorite Genres
I tend to gravitate toward writings in the dark genres. With short stories and novels, horror is my favorite. With poetry, I prefer writings that display raw emotions. If your writing tackles a subject that people find offensive, I might like it.
Least Favorite Genres
Christian literature, Western, and Children's. I will NOT read or review anything that consists of XGC material between minors and adults or encourages abuse as acceptable behaviors.
Favorite Item Types
Dark poetry, horror, emotional, autobiographical, erotica, psychology
Least Favorite Item Types
Horror is one of my favorites to read and write. Also, poetry that tackles intense subject matter interests me.
I will not review...
I WILL NOT review anything that encourages abuse as acceptable behavior or includes XGC material between a minor and adult. All review requests asking me to read whole novels or later chapters will be rejected. The reason being is that I can not give a fair review of chapter 3 when I have not read the chapters before that and, the time allowance when requests for reviews are made does not allow for enough time to read a whole novel.
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Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.0)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Rebel Poetry Contest.

What I liked
I appreciate that you add a resolution towards the end, sharing that pain is worth it in the end. I also liked how you explain the different types of tears, such as tears of joy.

There is some good consistent rhyme here too.

Adherence to prompt

You don't specify which prompt you used. I'm suspecting you might not have realized this was a prompt based contest.


"They cleanse and they purify, they wash away the pain"- Cleanse, purify, and wash are basically the same thing. So, I'd suggest editing this line, using only one of them.

"A symphony of emotions, they'll guide me the way." This line reads better without the "me"

The suggestions here are only my personal opinions, which may not reflect the opinions of the majority of readers. Overall, I've enjoyed the read. Thank you for sharing your writing. *Heart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Invalid Entry
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | N/A (Review only item.)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Rebel Poetry Contest.

What I liked
I thought your perspective on the prompt was unique. I'm suspecting it was the end of the cartoon, with the multiple women looking the same, which influenced the thoughts expressed.

While reading the poem, there is a feeling of piecemealed memories. We fragments, as we fade in and out to holding up drawings. The pleasing through the drawings almost seems metaphoric for how the speaker in the poem might approach relationships later, especially since later you mention that "the song plays on" and is "recast into shapes like you."

Adherence to prompt
You followed the prompt and the rules of the contest.


You didn't need to put the prompt number in the title. It could have been in the item or in your post in the Rebel Poetry forum. Hopefully you can come up with a good title.

I liked your afterthought. It would be interesting to see them weaved into the poem somehow. I could see how the prompt would encourage thoughts of purgatory.

I'm confused about the "yes,no" at the end of this line:

" I remember you say everything is poetry…yes/no?"

I'm sure the "yes,no" has a significance to you, but I found it confusing.

"Where there’s beauty is song?" Did you mean "Where there's beauty there's song." ?

Overall, I enjoyed reading your writing. Thank you for sharing it with me. *Heart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of A Touch of Evil  
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Rebel Poetry Contest.

What I liked

That first three lines draws the reader in, creating curiosity about what goes on at Smitty's.

I like how you weaved the line "a touch of evil" into the poem. There is a raw truth to the poem, which is relatable. The form used works good with the theme, adding more intensity to the words.

Adherence to prompt

You followed the prompt and all the rules of the contest. *Smile*


No suggestions. The poem is great as is.

Thank you for sharing your writing. I've enjoyed the read. *Heart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Victim of Changes  
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (5.0)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Rebel Poetry Contest.

What I liked
I like that you chose to use multiple prompts. They work perfectly with the theme of the poem.

That last line is cringeworthy because one can't help but read between the lines. The subject of the poem sees the bad father, who abandoned them, in her children. They say eyes are a window into the soul, so one could suspect the children have a bit of a soul dark like the father.

Adherence to prompt
You followed the prompt and adhered to the rules of the contest.

No suggestions. The poem is good as is.

Thanks for sharing your writing. I've enjoyed the read. *Smile*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "~ Turning Circles ~
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.0)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Rebel Poetry Contest.

What I liked
I thought it interesting that you changed the syllables from four to two in the second stanza. It adds a sense of drama, which works with the theme of the writing.

The voice is relatable. We've all been there at one time or another. If I were to guess, the muse for this poem is probably about what you've been talking about in the newsfeed.

Adherence to prompt
You followed the prompt and all the rules of the contest.


The language is very matter of fact. It might be more impactful if there were some metaphor.

Thank you for sharing your writing. I've enjoyed the read. *Heart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Turning Circles  
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 18+ | (4.5)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Rebel Poetry Contest.

What I liked

This is a heartfelt poem of loss. Most of us who have felt the loss of someone who we loved would see ourselves in the emotion of the poem. I thought it was interesting relating to the casket lid as a door that will forever be locked. Also, your use of the word again suggests this is not the first time the subject of the poem has lost someone they loved.

Adherence to prompt
Using the prompt as a pacing of the mind and body was a good use of the prompt. *Smile*


There are some areas which some tightening would enhance the emotion. Below is one example.

Another door closes
Casket lid slams shut
over the face I hold dear.

Of course, the suggestions here are just my personal opinion, so they don't necessarily resemble the opinions of the majority. Overall, I did enjoy reading your writing. Thank you for sharing it with me.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Last Rose of Summer
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Rebel Poetry Contest.

What I liked Although sad, I like the primase of this poem. Using the time expiration of the roses blooming to signify the length of a relationship was creative.

Adherence to prompt
You did well adhering to the prompt. *Smile*


I'm confused by the sarcophagus metaphor. Is it supposed to be a metaphor of what the relationship? You were feeding it roses until they didn't bloom any more? At first I was thinking maybe the lover died, but the wooden sarcophagus is bare, so there couldn't be a body there.

Overall, this was a good read. Thank you for sharing your writing with me. The suggestions are just my personal opinion, which may not match the majority of other readers.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Diamonds and Rust  
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Rebel Poetry Contest.

What I liked

You have some nice dark imagery here. I can picture this deceptive individual, waiting to push the knife into the competitions back. Since the poem begins with a volcanic eruption of lust emptying her heart, I imagined this was over an infatuation with someone connected to her friend. Or maybe it is a lust for revenge because she feels slighted?

Pitted veneer was an interesting choice of metaphor. It made me pause a bit to think. Veneers are usually to cover bad teeth, so they are a sort of mask, but her mask is flawed. Then of course her crown is bloodied because she has stolen it.

Adherence to prompt
You adhered to the prompt. *Smile*


Due to the context, I was confused by the volcanic eruption. When I think of such, I think of hot, raw desire exploding in passion, like a love affair. The rest of the poem seems to signify someone has become unfeeling, caring more about power of things and people than love. So, maybe a transition between the ideas might help clarify this for the reader.

Any suggestions are just the opinion of one person. Whether you choose to use the advice is up to you. This is your art. Thanks for sharing your writing with me. I've enjoyed reading your poem.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Honoring the Dead. Laurie sounds like an unique individual.

What I liked
Laurie's personality and unique sense of humor shines in this story. By your descriptions, I imagine she was someone who made friends easy. I think I too would have liked hanging out with this woman.

I appreciate that you use body language to show us how animated Laurie could be. Because of this, I felt I was getting to know her more fully.

Adherence to prompt
You did well sharing how Laurie influenced your life in a positive way and you added dialogue as requested in the rules.


My suggestion is only to change the formatting for old eyes. Spaces between paragraphs would make it easier to read.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Honoring the Dead. What a beautiful connection you had to your grandmother. *Heart*

What I liked
You do well showing your connection with your Nana. I also saw glimpses of her personality, like when she posed for you.

Adherence to prompt
You did good showing how she affected you in a positive well, though you neglected to use any dialogue, which was part of the rules for short stories.


Other than dialogue, I don't have any suggestions.

Thank you for sharing your Nana with me. She seems like a delightful woman.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Mr. Noć  
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (4.5)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Honoring the Dead. What a sweet kitty cat. From my experience Manx tend to have some interesting personalities. So sad this one lost his life in such a way. Makes me rethink buying those nurf guns for kids.

What I liked
I appreciated that you showed us his personality. It was interesting that he'd hang out with you while you were in the shower. Typically cats seem to fear the shower.

Adherence to prompt
You followed the prompt by sharing how he affected your life in a positive way and why he will always be remembered. You also added some dialogue like was requested in the rules.


I would have liked to have seen more dialogue. Though, it is a little challenging when it is an animal, it could have been accomplished by honing in on a situation when another human was present.

Overall, this was a nice tribute you a sweet manx, who apparently had a lot of personality. Thanks for sharing him with me and the wdc community. *Heart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Samhain Celebrations
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Honoring the Dead. As someone who also ritualizes this season in a similar fashion, I enjoyed reading the poem.

What I liked
I liked that you shared your way of celebrating your ancestors and how you reflect on they give you strength. I especially like the second to last stanza. The symbolism with the year passing with the hardship of snow, yet life passing in parallel with how you survived your own hardships is a good analogy.

Adherence to prompt
The five stars is because I like the poem. Though, you appear to have misunderstood the prompt. The objective was to honor a particular person or animal who have passed with a story or poem.

This was actually a very good poem, hence the five stars. It just did not follow the prompt. Other than that, I have no suggestions for correction.

Thank you for sharing your poetry. *Heart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Pumpkin's Story  
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Honoring the Dead. Pumpkin was a beautiful dog. I love her covering. Sounds like she was a sweet girl too. I too had a big dog I'd say was a lady. When she'd get bathed or brushed she'd walk like a lady swinging her hips.

What I liked
I liked how you shared how she came into your life and the struggle with getting her back to health. It was wonderful that you were there with her at the end. I have a vet friend who has told me just how rare it is for the family to be present at that time. Sadly, many just drop their dog off for the procedure or wait in the waiting room.

Adherence to prompt
You did well balancing adhering to the prompt, balancing showing with telling, while using dialogue to carry your story.


I don't see anything to point out. This is a well written tribute.

Thank you for sharing this sweet pup with me and the wdc community. I enjoyed getting to know her. *Heart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Ted Wright  
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Honoring the Dead. Mr. Wright seems like he was a kind man. Though, I can see where your father's opinion comes from. From what I know (mostly from documentary and second hand) is that farming in that area can be harsh. So, it makes sense your father believed his friend was too soft for such a thing.

What I liked
I enjoyed getting to know Ted Wright. He seems like a likable guy. I got the feeling maybe that bad land was all Ted could afford and he was trying to make the most of it. Sad that it didn't work out for him.

Adherence to prompt
You did well showing us Ted. I get a clear sense of his character and why you appreciated him so much. Though, the prompt requested that you show the person through the use of dialogue as well. One way to do so would be to pinpoint a particular moment which was meaningful to you and show it through imagery and dialogue, taking us to that moment.


Other than the use of dialogue, I can not think of any suggestions.

Thank you for sharing Ted Wright with me and the WdC community. I enjoyed reading about him. I'm sure he'd be pleased you honored with this story.

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
for entry "Remembering Mama
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.5)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Honoring the Dead.

What I liked
I love how you show the similarity between you and your mom both being close to your mothers, by sharing that she also missed her mother. I also get a sense that she was a strong woman because she raised four children on her own with a food servers salary.

Adherence to prompt
You focused on what was wonderful about your mother, rather than just the sadness of her loss.


You could expand on the poem adding in other qualities, or focusing on other examples of her strength. Maybe her character lead to your own resilience in some way? Though this is just an opinion. The poem still stands well as is.

Thank you for sharing your mom with us. *Heart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of Contest Entries  
for entry "Her Honor
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: 13+ | (4.0)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Honoring the Dead. Lilly sounds like a sweet woman and a good friend.

What I liked
You did well showing us how she encouraged you with puzzles and how you both had a love for animals. The short bit about the rescue cat was heart warming.

Adherence to prompt
You adhered to the prompt, showing us how your friend was wonderful, rather than just focusing on her death. Though, I requested that there be dialogue in short stories, so that I can be shown the loved one, rather than just told about them.


I feel you could have added more details. Maybe focus on some scenarios you experienced with her, adding in some dialogue.

Any suggestions are just my personal opinion. This was a sweet tribute that I'm sure your friend would be honored by. *Heart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review of The Last Laugh  
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Honoring the Dead. I enjoyed reading your tribute to your uncle. He sounds like a fun guy.

What I liked
I love how you show his personality in this poem. The transitions shown from ambulatory devices to bed shows his decline in a creative way. Through your imagery, we see your uncle physically and cognately declining, while also getting a glimpse at his upbeat personality through the process.

Adherence to prompt
You did a wonderful job adhering to the prompt by honoring your uncle in verse, allowing the WDC community to also see what was so wonderful about the man.


Your repeated use of "When" at the beginning of stanzas works. The only suggestion I have is to also add more contest to the other "when" stanzas like you did the first three. For example, you loved his eyes, so maybe you could add something associated with his eyes.

Overall, your uncle would be pleased with this tribute. Thank you for sharing this delightful man with me. *Heart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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Thank you for submitting an item to "Honoring the Dead. I enjoyed reading your tribute to Jesse! She sounds like a delightful pup. No wonder you hold so much love in your heart for her.

What I liked
I feel I get a strong image of Jesse in your poem. When I read your words, I get this image of a pudgy pup, who was sweet, smart, loyal and eager to please.

Adherence to prompt
The objective was to honor a loved one or pet who have passed with a poem or story. I feel that you have honored Jesse well.


"A constant companion was she" :Reversal of subject and predicate here makes rhyme feel forced.

Overall, this was a great little poem. Thank you for sharing your sweet Jesse with me and the WDC Community! *Heart*

*Gold* My review has been submitted for consideration in "Good Deeds Get CASH!.
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (3.5)
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I'm reviewing this because you submitted it to the Sept./Aug. 2021 round in Rebel Poetry. Thank you for submitting your poetry to the contest!

This freeform poem is a retelling of the biblical forbidden fruit when Adam and Eve were enticed into eating it, causing them to be cast out of Eden. There isn't anything necessarily wrong with the writing. It just seems more fitting as a short story, rather than a poem. But, that is just my opinion. Others might think differently.

Thank you for sharing your writing! *Heart*
Review of Inner Turmoil  
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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I'm reviewing this because you submitted it to the July/August 2021 round in "Rebel Poetry Contest. Thank you for submitting your story to the contest!

I love how you used the prompt in a unique way. Rather than using ignorance in a negative light, which would be the more obvious and common interpretation, you created a verse which represented smiling into the unknown.

It is a well written poem. There is an eloquence to the writing and metaphor. Thanks for sharing it. *Heart*

Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (4.5)
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I'm reviewing this because you submitted it to the Sept./Oct 2021 round in "Rebel Poetry Contest. Thank you for submitting your story to the contest!

This matches the prompt well. The song is about survival and rising above ones standing in life and I think you presented that aspect in your poem.

I particularly like the last lines in the first stanza, where the subject of the poem states what he/she vows not to be.

Overall a great free form poem. Thanks for sharing it. *Heart*
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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I'm reviewing this because you submitted it to Honoring the Dead. *Smile*

This poem reminds me of a quote by Maya Angelou.

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

We humans might forget a lot of details, or like in your case, they fade with time, but we never forget how people made us feel. It appears your mother left a positive imprint for the most part, well except for the cigarette smell. Not many people associate that smell in a positive light.

Thank you for sharing your tribute with us. *Heart*
Review of Honouring James  
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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I'm finally getting around to reviewing entries for Honoring the Dead. Sorry for the delay. *Smile*

This was a heartwarming story. What a wonderful young man and it appears he made an impact on your life in a positive way. The little details like his disheveled look when he sat down at the piano made this story. Then his words which accompany his performance are heartbreaking, yet they show the character of this young man.

My heart broke in a thousand pieces when I read of this young mans tragic end. So sad.

Thank you for sharing the story of this young man with us. *Heart*
Review of The Fire Tower  
Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: E | (5.0)
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I'm reviewing this because it was submitted to Honoring the Dead. *Smile*

Maybe it is because I relate, I felt emotional after reading this. I too was a young parent. Not so easy when you are not quite an adult yourself. I'm glad you were able to come to terms and understand he did the best he could. Not all of us are as equipped to be parents as others.

Love the analogy in the end. The stars brightening up those dark experiences(or at least that is how I took it) bringing new light, so that you can see the good he did, despite his many mistakes.

Lovely read. Thank you for sharing your poem with us. *Heart*

Review by Warped Sanity
In affiliation with WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group  
Rated: ASR | (5.0)
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Hi there! I'm finally getting to judging the Honoring the Dead contest. *Bigsmile*

This was a lovely tribute to an amazing human. It is well written as well.

She appears to have been a gifted woman with a big heart. I love how you show how she encouraged your success through her advice and expertise.

Sad her life was cut short by Cancer, but from what I gather from your writing, she made the most out of the life she was given, bringing smiles to the faces of others through her puppeteering and mentoring others, such as yourself, in the art.

Wonderful story and thank you for sharing it with us in the contest.

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